Perhaps the audience doesn’t like being told how deplorable they are?
Good to see CNN and MSNBC getting what they deserve.
Fox News Makes Gains In 1Q Cable News Ratings While CNN, MSNBC Suffer Steep Declines
Fox News Channel was the only cable news network to make year-over-year ratings gains in the first quarter of 2022, finishing the quarter in first place and marking 81 consecutive quarters as the most-watched network in all of basic cable. FNC’s competitors, CNN and MSNBC, both suffered steep ratings declines compared to the same period one year ago.
In prime time, Fox News finished the quarter with an average total audience of 2.554 million viewers, up 3% from 2021, according to ratings data compiled by Nielsen. MSNBC finished the quarter in second place with an average total audience of 1.205 million viewers—down 46%, while CNN finished third with an average total audience of less than a million viewers: 857,000 viewers, down a staggering 56% from 2021.
Thank the Federal Reserve for mostly useless media. Easy money and big loans means the little media fish were swallowed by giant corporate conglomerates and then all the incentives change. Theoretically, Big owners of media outlets could afford to throw away money on them, while using their media influence to make even more money in all their other ventures. A bit like the way Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post for $250 million and ran anti-Trump-news non-stop. He’s just protecting the main asset worth $1.7 Trillion.
Hands-up who wants to persuade the punters to vote for pagan weather gods, and inefficient, unreliable generators? How about burying lost laptops and high-risk health programs? It only took CNN 532 days to report that Hunter’s Laptop was real. Or maybe owning a media megaphone is just the thing to earn points with Klaus Schwab, who can return the favor some other way? Well, don’t buy adverts on a TV station; buy the station and put your adverts in their news instead.
The only problem is lies, propaganda and lectures are boring, and they can’t make us watch it (yet).
UPDATE: Why this matters in climate science (or any science) and in Australia too.
The Media was always a central pin in the problem in the science “debate”. Skeptics could win the observational evidence war (and have for twenty years) but no one knew it, and the media are the main reason that situation exists.
Australian climate policy is set more by the outcome of US elections than it is by Australian elections. We voted for No net Zero and got it anyway. If Trump had won, arguably, we wouldn’t have Net Zero targets now.
Australian politicians and journalists need to know how irrelevant outlets like CNN and MSNBC have become. Australian media management need to know how unpopular that messaging is. There is value in raising awareness to the decline of Woke Mainstream media. Even the ABC must be a little bit afraid of losing their audience, even though it won’t cost them money. It costs them influence. People become less afraid of “bad press”.
The role of this blog:
It’s been 18 months since the Hunter Biden Laptop, and US election irregularities were outrageously suppressed, even by formerly good Australian newspapers. At that point this blog became one of the rare spaces left simply for forwarding news on. Just a cog in a rapidly disappearing network. If the mainstream media here had been covering it, I wouldn’t.
We Deplorables (or as GA calls us, “lamentable people”) are the silent majority.
However, woke companies like CNN and their owners are completely happy to ultimately go broke in pursuit of their liberal/progressive (as the Americans call it) Utopia rather than align themselves with more rational conservative values of most viewers.
How much do you think people can tolerate being told that Biden is a great President, or that there are more than two genders other than male and female or it is possible for a man to become a woman or vice versa, or altering the traditional characters of super heroes, or that we have an “existential crisis” due to supposed anthropogenic global warming, or that the only valid opinions are those from the liberal/progressive Left and that all other opinions must be silenced, including those of leading popular politicians like Donald Trump and popular commentators, or in the US there must be unlimited, uncontrolled, inverted illegal immigration etc., etc., etc..there are many more such examples!
Regular people are sick of this nonsense shoved down their throats 24/7.
Get woke, go broke!
Unauthorised spelling checker change, unvetted, not inverted.
Conservative YouTuber Mark Dice has pointed out that he gets gets nearly as many views as one person working from his kitchen as CNN does.
The idea that “gender” is a “social construct” is entirely new and goes to show how the Left are continually taking control of the language to suit their own malicious objectives.
The idea had to be created because previously sex and gender were the same thing but not even the Left have managed to rewrite all of biology yet (just selected parts in relation to covid) and they just couldn’t get away with suggesting that karotypes are a social construct. People are not that dumb – yet.
Therefore they kept biological fact (for the moment) and extricated gender from biological fact and made it a “social construct”.
And please spare me the red herrings of known chromosomal abnormalities. We know about those but that is not what this is about.
Also the Left keep telling us there is no difference between men and women so why would it be necessary for one to “become” another?
I can imagine why, CNN is mentioned .0023% of the time.
DM takes the credit for the assist.
I don’t want to get pinged for being off topic but DM if you have a look at the link you will see the discussion re sex and gender is neither new or confined to either Left or Right
It’s a 2005 article. Not that old. The woke agenda was thoroughly set in by then.
Show me something from last century that makes the distinction, well, say pre-1990.
Nietzsche 1880’s
What did he die of?
Loved his book but 1880 was a long time ago and things have changed a lot since then.
Maybe in this new world he would reframe that comment if given the chance.
Seems like personal freedom being inhibited by the rule of law is your stance.
Fearful people created laws a long time ago to force a binary system upon people.
wiki… read the citations and come back to us.
People can dress as they please or adopt whatever traditional gender roles they wish.
But gender (I.e. male or fenale) is real, not a social construct.
You are confusing identification with and adoption of traditional gender roles by the opposite gender as actual genders.
Anyway, Leftists claim males and females are all the same anyway so why would one want to become the other?
Thus spake Gee Aye.
You are wrong.
Back when I was learning English — which was more than 50 years ago — I was taught:
– gender is for words, ie: words have gender, as in masculine, feminine, and neuter. all of which are properties of words.
– animals are assigned a single biological sex, either male, or female. (some don’t but I’m not going to dwell on rare exceptions.)
The substitution of gender for sex was by those who were trying to reform the English language over the ’70s and ’80’s last century, “because too many people got it wrong.” It has never had my approval.
I am on Ian’s side.
From Fowler’s Modern English Usage*:
…Since the 14C, the word has been primarily a grammatical term, applied to groups of nouns designated as masculine, feminine and neuter.
-*Revised third edition 1998
Please provide a citation for leftists saying they are the same. You are in denial (or confused by?) about the suppression of this by the elite for hundreds of years.
Leftists constantly force women, via quotas, into traditional male roles requiring strength and aggression such as combat soldiering, police on patrol responsible for arresting violent criminals, female officers in men’s prisons etc. as though there were no difference. You put men into women’s sport as though there were no differene and claim that is fair.
It’s not conservatives promoting this nonsense.
What do you mean Leftists don’t claim men and women are the same?
So, no evidence for your little rant then.
In the real world people would identify with the attributes that they were born with, but because of the presence of physical irregularities induced during pregnancy this can, at times be very confusing for the subject.
The self serving behaviour of senior medical wizards who have engaged in offering to “realign” sex by the use of hormone therapy, snip and tuck and breast enlargement or manufacture is not well founded.
The patients have a few weeks of false hope and the doctors get rich and admired for their godlike skills.
If only we could live in the real world.
seemed pretty clear who you were taking about , it seems some are seeking to be affronted
It’s a pity no-one slipped some Viagra into the sports drinks of the swimming team an hour before the event.
When the “trans” winner Lia Thomas took the podium it would be clear to all who’s who and what’s what.
No degree in biology needed 😉
I think the premise from these outlets was that if they all banded together then the truth would never raise its head and no one would be the wiser. Fox News was the problem child and exposed their fake news and then stole their “truth seeking” audience.
I was replying to this off topic statement “(or as GA calls us, “lamentable people”)” which was misrepresenting my meaning.
It is near the top so the off topic nature of it is a good reason to remove it – it would be nice of other people also showed restraint
Trump – ‘CNN and MSNBC are secretly hoping I win in 2020. If I lose, they will have nothing to talk about and their networks will crash’. Oh how they laughed at Trump’s comment.
Trump proven correct, yet again.
Donald has intuitive intellect and is media savvy.
America is a big place and a puzzle from the outside looking in. It is not Australia.
In Australia people really love the news and National news and International News are blended. Most viewers watch the nightly weather with a passion bordering religion. So it is hard to understand that neither is such a big part of the daily American experience. So if you add all these viewing numbers for the big national broadcasters together, you get a very small number anyway, under 5%.
Then there is language. The US is still subject to massive migration. In California which was Spanish as New Spain, 44% of families speak a language other than English at home, 3/4 of those speaking Spanish. So they don’t watch any of the above and that’s a bigger population than Australia.
I remember being asked why I even bothered with a delivered newspaper and that was decades ago, in the dark ages before the internet. My suspicion is that a lot of Americans are far less interested. And these days news filters through many channels where for others there is a loyalty to broadcast news in conjunction with newspapers. The equivalent group in the US read newspapers, say Washington or Baltimore or Boston, but not the bulk of the population.
Then there is regional news. A lot of Americans are more interested in local news because of the population and the population distribution. Australia is just over half of California and only the population of Texas, so we see international news and national news as closely related. And we see International news as part of our news. But when US soldiers are deployed overseas, I suspect few know where they are going let alone why.
Our view of the news is the English view, a single country. And what the Royal Family did yesterday. I would suggest America is closer to being another Europe, a set of United States, as you can tell partly from the accents.
Agree with the US comments from my limited time there but think you have the rose coloured glasses on re OZ. We have become far more parochial and divided than we ever were.
The Wuhan Flu certainly exposed the fact that here and in the US, we are Federation with most domestic power vested in State Governments. This has been blurred because the income tax is Federal, but the Federal government really only has control over international issues, like the US government. But Canberra is always plotting to control the lot and energy/climate change is the major lever. The country never needed a National Grid let alone a Clean Energy approach.
So in matters of health, education, policing, laws, council level matters we have always been a set of States with quite different interests. And Wuhan Flu turned State Premiers into totalitarians. Even so I have a view that we act as one country and we are well informed of local matters in the other states and most people have close relatives in other states. It still acts as one country. The biggest and wealthiest state in the US, California with oil, aviation, Hollywood, electronics and Silicon Valley, is another world.
I appreciate the outside viewpoint TdeF.
Having lived in the US all my life (and that is getting into uncomfortable numbers) I will say that the National “news” has had a substantial decline in reputation for at least the last 30 years. Undoubtedly this has turned people off and why not? I haven’t subscribed to a newspaper, local or otherwise, for at least that long. I’m not alone. Most newspapers are fighting for their lives. They have instant competition via the web and they have failed to be editorially connected with their readers. They are dead soon. Television and CNN are rapidly going to meet the same end IMHO. Too much alternative from YouTube to Netflix. That and they carry readily provable Fake News. Why would I spend a moment watching?
Radio oddly is still viable working folk travel and radio works with that.
The US is pretty easy to understand once you look at the demographics of cable news viewership. Nobody under 55 watches that stuff. Their ratings in the 18-54 demographic are pathetic. Three-quarters of FOX’s viewers are 55+, and they are the ‘youngest’ of the three networks. Nearly 90% of MSNBC’s viewers are 55+. Network news (NBC/CBS/ABC/FOX) is also largely watched by old people. Most people who watch local news aren’t watching it for national/international coverage. They’re watching it for local traffic/weather reports, local sports coverage, amd other local events.
Americans under 55 get their news from their phones, either through social media feeds, podcasts, Youtube, or subscription services (MSM outlets like NYT or WaPo, or alternative outlets like Substack).
All very true, and I’d add that young Americans don’t search for news – on their phones, televisions, anywhere – it’s more that they encounter some news as they play on their phones. So, they can be presented with the most one-sided fluff, and they don’t make any effort to find countervailing information because they weren’t searching for information to begin with. But they do end up absorbing that fluff.
The most-connected generations are turning out to be the least-informed generations because of this trend.
Having lived in the US and Australia I believe I can make some comment.
The local aspect is far greater in the US than here. The local school and all its activities, plus the fact that 90% of the population sends their kids to local rather than private schools helps enormously, and is a huge influence. Here I count 10 or more different uniforms for kids in our street all heading to private schools, diff govt schools etc – this actually fragments the community. Here I have to drive my kids to see friends, whereas in the US they could, within 15 mins walk, have dozens of kids who were their friends. V easy to build a community like that.
The local church, due to much higher attendance is also a big thing and similar. And people get far more involved in the local community – too many Australians have no community or other involvements.
All of this fuels a huge amount of local interest and local news. I quickly found my wife and I only picked up national news that came through on the local channels, there was some but not lots. The big issues came through but here in AU we get more US national news fed through.
Similarly the State figured highly, and surprisingly , there were many i ran into who had only rarely ever travelled outside the state. Australians travel far more widely and hence their interest goes wider. Most US citizens don’t have a passport, whereas most here do.
Anyway, food for thought.
That certainly conforms to my perception of US and the peoples’s news consumption. Also, in contrast, in Australia there really is very little real news, which is why we then lean towards overseas stuff. We don’t like to admit it, but life in Oz is pretty cruisy. Perhaps too laid back. It’s why, when there are natural adverse weather events it quickly takes over the news cycle. Also, why sport is so big.
There has been a shift in local news during the last ten years. There is now more propaganda and a reiteration of the national and international narratives of the left presented, especially during the first ten minutes. There is always a segment on climate crises in every local news broadcast now. This includes the local Fox stations. There will be a short 30 second segment on weather but to get any detail you will need to stay tuned and wait until after the advertising break. After the break they won’t start right in with the weather but they will usually throw in some propaganda before getting to the weather. If your still awake or haven’t changed channels you catch the sports at the end. But the sports is all politicalized now, too.
Americans must watch the Shopping Channel or binge watch netflix movies, they sure don’t know much about the outside world.
I had to laugh when CNN was called the Clinton News Network. Looks like things are going from bad to worse. These people never report the news. They make the “news” up………………..
Back in the 80 or 90’s ( cant remember) it was always referred to as “Chicken Noodle News”. You could brew it up pretty quickly but mostly the results were tasteless. The only decent program that CNN ever did was Anthony Bourdain’s Travel/cooking show.
CNN ‘journos’ graduated from MSU.
Sh** Up.
CNN new streaming service CNN+ offered a month long 50% off lifetime subscription just hours after opening. Looks like the punters weren’t flooding through the door. Paying real money to watch CNN seems a bizarre idea.
You miss the joke, yarpos1
These networks do not require advertisers or even an audience. They are funded by the taxpayer and the war chest stashed away to ‘Save the Polar bears’, Stop children starving, Cure cancer, etc. That is the purpose of the scares and natural disaster announcements, they fund the propaganda machine from our own pockets.
One such announcement masquerading as concern for Schools.
Queensland’s Palaschuk (pronounced ‘Palace Chook’ in Polish for those who cannot sign) has just announced an upgrade with the national carrier of the fibre network. This is for the kiddies in the schools of course and does not really have anything to do with policing a social credit score for the general population to assist a bunch of tyrants to look after you.
I think they they were already down to two figures viewing. Losing 56% could bring viewership into the single digits.
It could get as bad as a Biden Rally, where the audio/visual tech crew out numbers the actual viewers
That explains why I hear so much mumbling during a Biden speech maybe?
I wonder if they have much at all if you subtract the force feeding in airports and hotel cable bundles.
Have they still got that?
I dont know, I hope not. I am just scarred from corporate travel.
perhaps they could get (or may already be using) advice from our ABC. Government funded but operate in their own left wing world.
Their audience figures (publicised by the competition) show a severe decline especially the Flagship Political ones (about one seventh of the audience split between 4 channels, and ignoring those who don’t watch TV at all).
Their response when suggestions are made about reducing their annual handout is that Peppa Pig would go. Peppa Pig is a cartoon program aimed (as far as I can judge) for pre-schooler or possibly 5-7 year olds (DISCLAIMER have never watch it for more than 2 seconds while switching channels) which would seem to indicate what the mental age of the majority of their remaining viewers is.
“…perhaps they could get (or may already be using) advice from our ABC. Government funded but operate in their own left wing world.”
Here in the US, PBS (Public Broadcasting Service – TV) and NPR (National Public Radio – Radio) already have the “Government funded but operate in their own left wing world” base covered, so it would be redundant for CNN to go there also.
I know it not. I stopped listening to the ABC re-broadcast of ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR well over 20 years ago when I realised that only Left Matters were ever mentioned. If I hear it while changing stations for the news I switch the radio off immediately. Typical of the ABC that they choose to repeat this as USA news, as well as stuff from the BBC and Deutche Vella as a view of the world.
Did I see that the latest Spend, Spend, Spend act through Congress included more money for PBS and/or NPR.
LOL Actually, a kids program aimed at 7 year old’s may be the best thing on.
There’s a cartoon series aimed at 7 year old kids called Mighty Mike (a lovable dog) over here that sure beats the PBS programming.
Does Brandon watch it?
It’s too quick paced for him.
Wait… CNN still had an audience to lose? I thought their “audience”, who were all hard of hearing anyway, all died during the plandemic.
Oh wait, how do you manipulate Nielsen ratings? Put CNN on in waiting rooms?
Good point. Those Communist News Network ratings are likely to be manipulated and exaggerated to make higher. Just like they manipulate Biden / DemocRAT popularity to be higher than reality and Donald Trump to be lower.
Ya’ll have heard that Nielson Group (the large company that rates radio and TV) was just sold to a consortium of “investors”.
Look for CNN ratings to improve post-haste. https://radioink.com/2022/03/29/nielsen-sold-for-16-billion/
Another means of controlling public perception. Owning the Fact Checkers / Ratings Reporters, will influence many weak minds.
“Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see” comes to mind.
It is amazing how few people think critically, but believe they are well informed.
That was my mantra for years to my kids. It has changed to, “believe nothing of what you hear, nothing of what you see. “ for my grand children.
“Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see” comes to mind.
Or as an old Irish chap I knew useful to say
” you can’t even believe half the lies they tell you”
Pity we couldn’t see that being publicised in Beebland. Current news and program content causing deep divisions in household over payment aka support of their agenda, etc.
Fox is owned by Murdoch and Sky is in the same stable, its also doing well.
Whatever is left of their audience, they are mostly gone anyway; in the mind.
I possibly misunderstand these figures, for some reason, but these veiwer numbers seem to be incredibly low for a country of 300+ million people. The US population either takes very little interest in the news or they get their news primarily from other sources, like radio. I have seen figures for some of the top syndicated radio people and they really dwarf these figures. They are in a totally different league.
Obviously the internet is increasingly another source.
If these figures are a national figure and do not take into account regional figures (eg. Fox News for the Chicago region) then they are a little misleading, but if it is as presented, total from all sources then why would any advertiser spend money on such a small audience?
As I said, I have to be missing something
Those number are for Cable news only, they don’t include the broadcast news channels (NBC, [USA’s] ABC, CBS or Fox-Broadcast (different from Fox-Cable) nor any of the local news broadcast channels which, in total, generally have far more viewers than the cable channels.
Absolutely Ric. CNN used to stand for: Cable News Network.
The US is a large space and cable TV is not available in much of it (by square mile). Interesting to speculate but the areas that don’t have cable TV correlate well with non-left leaning.
In town, where cable is available, there is too much competition for such a lame source of fake news. They will only survive if there is a continued injection of non advertiser cash.
“CNN used to stand for: Cable News Network”
When Ted Turner first started the network, it was said that CNN stood for Chicken News Network. Later, during the 1990’s, that was changed to Clinton News Network. It has since become the Crappy News Network. Other notable names for CNN are Certainly Not News and Constantly Negative News.
Other interpretations of media acronyms:
CNN – Communist News Network / Clinton News Network, Certainly Not News
CBS – Communist Broadcast Service
ABC – All But Communist
MSNBC – Mostly Socialist Network Basically Communist
PBS – Public Brainwashing Service
NYT – Nothing You Trust
Wash. Post = Washington Compost
Chicago Tribune – Communist Tribute
are also popular.
You aren’t missing anything. Most Americans get their news elsewhere. Cable news is widely ridiculed for chasing ratings over news value, for spinning the news to fit preferred narratives, and for flat-out making stuff up. Broadcast news has a better reputation, though it is also guilty of narrative spinning. Americans seem to prefer alternative media that wears it’s bias on it’s sleeve and doesn’t pretend to be non-partisan. They don’t mind spinning as long as you are honest about doing it.
Those time-worn but true aphorisms “what goes around comes around” and “you reap what you sow” apply to CNN’s plight. Their poor choices, made with nefarious intent are, inevitably, reaping crud.
‘Jesse Watters Primetime’ host explains how America is being brainwashed by the Left.
Jesse Watters: This is the Left’s warped perception of reality
The following compilation was posted three years ago so you may have seen it but if you haven’t, it’s worth a look.
Multiple US news shows all say exactly the same words. They are all reading from the same script.
Length, 1 min 39 sec.
“CNN lost half its audience in the last year”
Well here’s to the muppets losing the other half by years end.
Go woke… go broke.
“Well here’s to the muppets losing the other half by years end.”
And speaking of The Muppets, Disney’s wokeness pretty much drove that franchise into the ground.
I remember when CNN was established in 1989. It was the first 24 hr all news channel and back in the day, their coverage was relatively free of political bias and they weren’t promoting Leftist social agendas.
Founder Ted Turner was once a Republican but he took a turn to the Left.
However, like many children of Leftists who have had enough of wokeness, his son, ran as a Republican in 2013.
I think he ran again in 2019.
That would be Hanoi Jane. Search it out if you are too young to know the treachery that is Jane.
Birds of a feather…
“That would be Hanoi Jane.”
Ted Turner and Jane Fonda got an early (1991) version of cancel-culture for doing the “Tomahawk Chop” during an Atlanta Braves baseball game.
My typo, 9 should have been 0. CNN was founded 1980.
‘Hanoi Jane’, enough said.
so fox reaches 6.6% of the population while CNN + MSNBC are at around 5.5%. doing the sums, 88% could not give a stuff about cable news (although it more like cable opinion as opinion shows are the staple of all 3)
But well done fox, you have the larger iceberg in a warming sea of indifference to your shouty, inaccurate point of view.
Nice try. Let’s see what Forbes has to say:
CNN has lost over 68% of its viewers. MSNBC has lost 62% of its prime slot viewers and 47% of viewers overall.
Fox news is up 6% for prime slot viewers and 2% overall.
“But well done fox, you have the larger iceberg in a warming sea of indifference to your shouty, inaccurate point of view.”
That might be your opinion, but reality has the last laugh. Viewers are abandoning CNN and MSNBC because of credibility issues.
That’s hardly an inaccurate point of view. The bias, lies, spin, deceit and condescending arrogance of Progressive/Liberal news media have driven viewers away. That is what is happening in the real world. Fantasists hang onto their illusions, nonetheless.
I looked at the actual viewers, Fox as a prime time of 2.2 million, out of a pop of 340 million
you are quoting percentages which look great, but without the hard underlying numbers they mean little
I expect you to correct your post, or if not, I will take that as an admission that maths is beyond you
There are not 340 million viewers, it is population.
i said that! – are you asserting that the audience is only 5 million out of that larger population?
Apparently, Reality is not your strong suit.
The “hard underlying numbers” at present day, state clearly that progressive liberal fantasies have always failed, currently fail, and will always fail, because they are disconnected from reality and fact.
Reality Rules, peter. Not imaginary superiority or fantasy “science” , “economics”, or “sociology”. Get over yourself.
The manifest failures of progressive idiocy are merging into world war, famine, hyperinflation, and global instability.
It is the builders/creators/makers in the world that count. Not the phony takers and fakers who want power and control.
I don’t need your wisdom. My world was/is/will be much better off without your interference in my liberty. I don’t need your protection. I need protection from you.
Well said Lance. I especially liked:
so maths is not something you understand, I will remember that
From what I have seen in the short time I’ve been here, a three toed sloth would have more understand of maths that Peter has shown.
What don’t you comprehend abut a 68% or 62% drop in viewers while Fox is gaining viewers !
Percentages are junior high stuff… try harder next year.
All I did was put those percentages into context, like Lance, you have no idea about maths
/ps the only reason that I don’t respond to your trolling is that I do not need to drop to your level
Oh dear.. simple maths comprehension really beyond you, isn’t it.
Stop digging deeper… its too embarrassing to watch.
Let’s see if PF can do some basic adding up.
Q1. Which had more viewers in prime time? Fox News, or combine CNN and MSNBC ?
340 million isn’t really a valid denominator. TV ratings capture households, not individuals. There are 125-130 million households in the USA. But you are still correct that cable news only captures a tiny slice of the overall viewing public.
However, even though it is a tiny slice of the total, it’s still a significant number in light of the massive variety of entertainment options available. The days of Walter Cronkite bringing in tens of millions of viewers are long gone. Viewership for EVERYTHING is down relative to the ratings of broadcast era, the cable era, and even the pre-smartphone era. We used to have three viewing options, now we have hundreds. It makes sense that no one captures more than a single-digit percentage slice of the pie.
Peter’s desperation at the collapsing leftist fakery is hilarious. ! 🙂
Dig deeper and quicker please PF !.
My comment under a thread above is in moderation; Not sure why but two guesses would cover it.
Another chip off the facade that is the Misledia
Stories You Won’t Find At The CBC”
And on losing audiences
“SMH: “Disruptive action on climate only preaches to the converted” ”
Where “SMH” = “shaking my head” probably also appropriate
Good post by Worrall.
Now that we have the workers on side, all we have to do is prove CO2 doesn’t cause global warming.
Again I am aghast at something you wrote, viz. “all we have to do is prove CO2 doesn’t cause global warming”.
Global warming is a fatuity beyond analysis and nominating carbon dioxide as its primum mobile heaps a further absurdity upon the unviable notion.
You never own up to it and I’ve suggested this before but surely it is the case that your posts of this type are tongue-in-cheek, mischievous cocking a snook being irresistible to you apparently…
A comment from the first link reads”
“Trudeau flew to Vancouver to introduce a new climate change plan and lecture us on the “climate emergency”. He did so on a jet that burns roughly 340 gallons of jet fuel/hour. It’s a 5+ hour flight each way. 3,400 gallons of jet fuel burned. The irony is no doubt lost on him”
Assuming it’s Jet A-1 fuel powering that jet, the CO2 emissions from this trip are equal to 32.9 tonnes of CO2, in 2020 the per capita emissions of a canadian per year was 14.2 tons, therefore Justin emitted the equivalent of 2.3 canadian’s annual emissions for this one trip…”
Perhaps not all CO2 is created equal. CO2 emitted by cars driving, people breathing, even coal being burned to create electricity, is available almost immediately for plants to use as food and convert into carbon and oxygen. However, CO2 emitted from a jet a few thousand metres up in the atmosphere is not available until it reaches a level where it is accessible to plants.
I’m completely in agreement with your main point, but I just want to point out the basic fallacy of the “he flew his jet” thinking.
If, by burning 3400 gallons of fuel, he can combine with others leaders and force millions of people to go without heat, he truly has lessened overall fuel usage.
And I doubt you’ll see this on our Misledia either – video linked here
“Must Watch, Three Minutes of Truth Bombs Delivered in the Australian Senate
March 30, 2022 | Sundance | 56 Comments”
Broadcasting in American has changed. I am tempted to write a lot, but there is little to say.
I was in the field for many years. The “serious” news audience is small. Media covers people, things, and ideas.
People: sex, celebrity, & scandal rule. Things: if it bleeds, it leads. Local news, the most expensive spots are sold on the weathercast, next on the sports. For many years, there were three networks, “1/2 hour” of “nightly news” (23 minutes of content)
with at least one ‘human interest story. 70% of the nation watched. The “content” shows Sunday morning drew like the cable shows.
Fox is trifurcated; they have a good legitimate news operation (probably the best in cable as they aren’t secondary to a on-air news op),a quite good business network that plays it pretty much down the middle, and a pretty conservative polemicists collection for commentary. The FOX cable operations are profitable business operations, which engenders a certain discipline absent from their competition on cable (the economics of over-the-air are very different). Profit means that you serve your audience and they reward you with eyeballs, to retain audience there are guardrails of trust (and consistency, still )to be maintained that CNN and NBC, and NPR haven’t managed. Fox has been more graceful than the others at not retaining folks who violate this trust. Many people confuse the “trust” with something they call “truth”. It is not.
Example torn from the headlines!: The Disney “trust” has always been “the Magic Kingdom” a sugar-coated view of life. Now politicized and caught in the act, watch the reaction from an audience whose expectations have been violated.
Must be nice to loose half your customers due to poor performance.
Many of us lost ours due to government decree.
Why is an Australian climate blog that formerly concentrated on hard science now wasting electrons to tell us that a crappy American TV news company is going donw the drain?
l’m more interested in knowing “why it would bother you enough to ask?”
because the owner can probably see its part of a bigger picture and doesn’t feel topic constrained?
The “Australian climate blog” was always a discussion on the political machinations that hid and distorted the atmospheric physics that repudiated the money making/control scheme of Catastrophic Anthropometric CO2 induced global warming.
The real science was never in doubt.
Now we are wondering how much of the COVID19 drama is real and trying to sort that out.
Because if you have too steady a diet of beer you must occasionally sip some whiskey!
Sticking pins in wax models of the ABC?
Editorial focussed on climate change before the US elections and the pandemic intervened. WUWT is still robust on climate change science., but around here posts on the subject are practically extinct.
RoHa, the Media was always a major part of the problem in the science “debate”. I’ve always blogged on the media, as their role was largely to enforce a consensus through “framing the narrative” with lies by omission, plain old namecalling and petty bullying.
Australian climate policy is set more by the outcome of US elections than it is by Australian ones. Australians voted for No net Zero, and if Trump had won, arguably, we wouldn’t have Net Zero targets now.
Apologies if I am forgetting to draw the connection in the post. It’s been 18 months since the Hunter Biden Laptop, and US election irregularities were outrageously suppressed, even by formerly good Australian newspapers. At that point I started to see the blog as one of the rare spaces left for forwarding news on. Just a cog in a rapidly disappearing network.
If the mainstream media here had been covering it, I wouldn’t.
Australian politicians need to know how irrelevant outlets like CNN have become. Australian media management need to know how unpopular that messaging is. There is value in raising awareness to the decline of Woke Mainstream media. Even the ABC must be a little bit afraid of losing their audience, even though it will cost them no money.
I shall add an update to the post.
Re El Gordo: Climate science is hardly extinct here. But what is really “new” in the topic? I can’t be bothered repeating the same old same old climate stories. I post new and original work instead — like the role of Tongan Volcanic Dust in causing floods in Australia. I also discuss scientific research on coronavirus / biochemistry / health. Perhaps that doesn’t interest you, but judging from the comments, more people want to talk about vaccines and viruses in the last two years.
Thanks for the update, Jo. That makes your reasons clear.
Jennifer Marohasy’s March email goes behind what the media didn’t tell you about the latest east coast rainfalls
And what a great blog!
Go Jo!
Here ! Here !! 🙂
Thanks for your work on the blog.
The link was meant to highlight the “snipped” comment of b.nice and the context of it being snipped.
Sorry, the reds were here.
Another CNN venture
“CNN+ Already Set to Fail”
“Brian Stelter called it “the biggest bet any company has made in the news streaming world,” but just one day after “facts first” CNN launched its streaming CNN+ platform, it seems the bet is already proving to be a bad one.
Heralded as “a historic day” for CNN, Tuesday’s launch of the nascent streaming service has apparently not gone well. As Fox Business’ Charlie Gasparino reported, “lackluster” sales projections had led employees to brace for layoffs as soon as May.”
How many subs does Joe Rogan have again?
Thank you Joanne for your time and effort in persuit of the truth?
Over here in blighty we are lacking an outlet like yours.
We do have some, like The Daily Sceptic, the Conservative Woman (see we know what a woman is!)
And of course some good scientific ones like Bishop Hill, Paul Homewood etc, but none to compare with you.
Curious how 9 went after another Trump hit piece – Wonder if they mentioned the 70 patriots still in prison with no charge…
I think the laptop was sat upon to get Trump put of office, and now it’s going to be used to get Biden out of office, in a Watergate-type coup: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Watergate_coup
I think there’s going to be a landslide in the midterm election for Republicans and both Hunter and Dad Joe will be investigated hugely. Maybe Anthony Fauci, too, if we’re lucky. But, hopefully, someone like DeSantis will be supported by the PTB and Trump will be gotten out of the way somehow, going forward from there.
I think the Pentagon is actually freaked that Biden and Nuland pushed Putin to invade Ukraine and that they keep doing/saying things to escalate the whole situation. I think they’re freaked about how close we are to teetering on the edge of another full-blown global hot war, while the media twitters on stupidly about a new Cold War. Rampant inflation, energy prices going through the roof, potentially very real food shortages… a giant tinder box if there ever was one. Joe Biden has broken everything in very short order. Of course, he didn’t need to do much after all the breaking that the pandemic architects did (think Fauci, BARDA, DARPA, & Moderna, not Wuhan).
I agree with your prognosis but I think we will have to read Jo or Gateway Pundit to get the story. That is the problem. To inform ourselves we must look elsewhere from the MSM. It must be hurting them here as well. I sometimes see a morning show and see the same talking heads talking drivel but it obviously sells washing powder and underwear so someone is watching.
BTW I gave a copy of Ian Plimer’s book “Green Murder” to my grandson’s Catholic school this morning. I actually gave it to one of the teachers I trust and I think she might read it. So thanks Ian and it one you signed as well.
The Truth is out there…somewhere