No one silences experts because they have a great product
‘People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.’

Photo by Colin Maynard
Right now, internal critics of these agencies are focused on one issue above all: Why did the FDA and the CDC issue strong blanket recommendations for Covid vaccines in children?
The calls and text messages are relentless. On the other end are doctors and scientists at the top levels of the NIH, FDA and CDC. They are variously frustrated, exasperated and alarmed about the direction of the agencies to which they have devoted their careers.
“It’s like a horror movie I’m being forced to watch and I can’t close my eyes,” one senior FDA official lamented. “People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.”
That particular FDA doctor was referring to two recent developments inside the agency. First, how, with no solid clinical data, the agency authorized Covid vaccines for infants and toddlers, including those who already had Covid. And second, the fact that just months before, the FDA bypassed their external experts to authorize booster shots for young children.
Formerly great institutions are being eaten from the inside:

That doctor is hardly alone. At the NIH, doctors and scientists complain to us about low morale and lower staffing: The NIH’s Vaccine Research Center has had many of its senior scientists leave over the last year, including the director, deputy director and chief medical officer. “They have no leadership right now. Suddenly there’s an enormous number of jobs opening up at the highest level positions,” one NIH scientist told us. (The people who spoke to us would only agree to be quoted anonymously, citing fear of professional repercussions.)
The CDC has experienced a similar exodus. “There’s been a large amount of turnover. Morale is low,” one high level official at the CDC told us. “Things have become so political, so what are we there for?” Another CDC scientist told us: “I used to be proud to tell people I work at the CDC. Now I’m embarrassed.”
The data shows a 4% efficacy for Moderna in babies, nothing for Pfizer, and with no long term studies on side effects:
Using a three-dose vaccine in 992 children between the ages of six months and five years, Pfizer found no statistically significant evidence of vaccine efficacy.
Moderna’s results—they conducted a study on 6,388 children with two doses—were not much better. Against asymptomatic infections, they claimed a very weak vaccine efficacy of just 4% in children aged six months to two years. They also claimed an efficacy of 23% in children between two and six years old—but neither result was statistically significant.
Dr. Marty Makary is a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, the author of The Price We Pay, and a medical advisor to Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin. Dr. Tracy Beth Høeg is an epidemiologist affiliated with The Florida Department of Health who has published research on Covid-19 in schools in the CDC’s journal MMWR.
None of this would have got this far, if it weren’t for the failing of the legacy media. The journalists are as scared as the family doctors are. None of them want to publicly disagree with the sacred scientists at the FDA and CDC — the same ones who are also too scared to speak up.
Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash
That would be the FDA, CDC & NIH that all of our Federal & State Politicians & Chief Health Officers all un-questioningly defer too for advice.
With the revolving doors & the tied funding that comes down from BlackRock & Vanguard; nothing will change until “those that shouldn’t be” own everything & the survivors are their indentured slaves.
TV addicted Turkeys who all voted for their Christmas.
With all the experimentation on huge numbers of live specimens,Dr Mengele would have been in his 7th heaven.
This is happening in 21st century democracies. Have we as a species learned nothing??
Well, actually in your quoted example of a more personal Doctor Patient relationship we did learn an awful lot with much of our anatomical knowledge carefully recorded and still used in textbooks. However the opposite may be the case for the current experiment where people are lined up like cattle for their inoculation and the results are buried or burned with what I have experienced is a large degree of deception over the cause.
That is unless you are asking whether qualified health professionals will comply with the findings of the Milgram Experiment and continue to administer a very dangerous substance to patients, friends, families and even themselves. In that instance I would say a horrific yes to confirming Milgram.
“Well, actually in your quoted example of a more personal Doctor Patient relationship we did learn an awful lot ..”
So, you’re a Doctor?
Did anatomy, have extensive experience in many aspects related to this pandemic and was aware of the experiments done by the Nazis.
Anyway Thanks KK. Nice of you to qualify my ability to comment.
I work in the Health Industry and did my best to source the best information and pass it on. Watched this data go straight through to the keeper completely without comment by what I would consider excellent caring doctors.
Zero interest or curiosity after having requested the source for my concerns!
Mengele, as with Pfizer are experimenting without informed consent of the people they’re pushing their poison on. In addition, like Mengele they are immune from prosecution of any sort for possible mistakes! Clever old government are also immune from prosecution.
The AZ vaccine and it’s resultant blood clotting almost killed me. The MRNA recipe is the killer either soon after vaccination or later on in life. That remains to be seen. Maybe that’s why Pfizer & others are guarding their data for the next 50/75 years.
There are none so blind as those that will not seE!!
After the war, Menegele found he was not immune from prosecution for his crimes, and spent the next 35 years evading extradition/arrest.
In the case of Pfizer & others, remember that “fraud is the universal solvent – it dissolves all contracts”.
I am sure that fraud could be proved, if the justice system can be motivated to look for it.
If it saves just one life it will be worth it.
…and “we’re all in this together”
@ of the phrases that I detest since the outbreak of this wufle madness.
It’s not just the CDC, FDA etc that should be [SNIP “held accountable” -J]
Our politicians, senior bureaucrats and the media should also suffer the same fate.
That should read… 2 of the phrases that I detest since the outbreak of this wufle madness.
I must learn to proofread before I post… I must learn to proofread before I post… I must learn to proofread before I post… I must learn to proofread before I post…
The comment by “Mike on the previous thread showed how we should deal with this type of ugly leadership; expose them!
The world needs investigators like Jo to follow back up the path of authorisation to find the initiators of this Evil.
That’s step one. Maybe though it’s already been started; the RFK book exposing the background of the Covid19 VaXXination Progamme doesn’t seem to have slowed the rivers of Vaxxines being pumped into the trusting general public.
Who’s above Mr F?
If our democracies were working they would have intervened long ago but the absence of any reasonable control tells us we are in big trouble.
Up until recently I had seen the antivaxers as misinformed nutters, but in the last few years, beginning with the Annual Flu shot I’ve become very concerned that things are not right.
Judicious application of vaccines to occasionally deal with real diseases is no problem for me, but the recent VaXX “everything that moves” approach of recent years presents two issues, the reliability of the vax and the other issue that it may be overriding our natural immunity, not complementing it.
We seem to be in prison; how do we get out!
Too late Mate!
Whether this is a natural progression in societies as they mature or there is a deliberate plan, the institutions responsible for investigating and punishing this evil have been compromised. Same as in the the Cultural Revolution, it was a big career or life ending mistake to return to your life of power and wealth and report that your friends and families were starving having visited your family in the province for New Year. Our Politicians, Medical Bureaucracy and Legal Profession will and are turning a blind eye. The Doctors I know show absolutely no interest in a healthy Patient dropping with heart injuries after the ‘Clot Shot’.
That is very true. No one questions anything and medical practitioners are welded onto the left AMA and hewalth bureaucracy. Most people here are on guard but we are labelled “conspiracy theorists”.Ha!
That’s the second comment where you’ve taken a Broad splash in response to another post. Did you read either of them, mate?’
I think, and this does not happen often, that you may of misinterpreted Broadies obscure comments.
“The world needs investigators like Jo to follow back up the path of authorisation to find the initiators of this Evil.”
The host needs us to research and drop it on here, even if the blogger does not take it up we will have the opportunity. We don’t suffer from “misinformation” we suffer from Missed information, and we must help ourselves. The stuff that’s come through the comments on this site for the last two and a half years has been excellent. Old Ozzie is more main stream and now JC2 has come back from the future.
They (whomever they maybe) are not doing this to us, we are doing this to ourselves.
The people on here who work live stock will understand, you can put the animals in the race, bail, brand, dehorn, ear tag and needle them, let them back to pasture, a couple of months latter you can call them and they will run straight back into the yards. The odd one’s will go against the system, these you re-educate, if re-education does not work (it has a 99% success rate) then they go up the stairway to heaven, thing is, they are all destined to go up the same stairs. This is what’s being done to us.
Not all stock will toe the line, the rouges won’t come out of the paddock and chose to live their life free. These animals are regarded as feral and good animals will not make bad animals good, but bad animals will make good animals bad, so they have to go. They end up being dragged out of the paddock behind the 4×4. By good animals I mean compliant.
Be the rouge, do not comply, be prepared for what comes next, you will at least die free!
End of sermon
I don’t think it matters who is on the top rung of the ladder, kick the ladder out and they all fall down.
The people on here who work live stock will understand, you can put the animals in the race, bail, brand, dehorn, ear tag and needle them, let them back to pasture, a couple of months latter you can call them and they will run straight back into the yards.
Not the case with my herd of Galloway breeding stock! None of them has ever been hurt or mishandled – although, I grant you, they have seen the male calves “marked” (castrated)! But they habitually approach the race, where they are to be drenched (with pour-on Ivermectin – lucky cows!), with ridiculous suspicion and resistance.
Maybe I have “critical thinking” cows! More likely – just another example of “mass formation” when the lead cow shows hesitation!
Dear KK.
Nice to know my support for your comment and attempt to engage with a point raised is making a broad splash for someone.
My comment clearly relates to the ‘Broad Splash’ of your post. The system is compromised and there is no ‘out’. At the very least we will be the ones in the Gulag who know why we are there and prepared to make the best of it!
Someone is behind these events that are destroying the world we once knew; there is evil afoot and it must be identified and crushed.
You answered your own question really, who is the head of evil!
We should all be grateful for “the science”, Seven news last night stated the “science” is preparing a vaccine to commence trials (be for efficacy only) early next year for, potential strains of the Rona.
QLD’s Palacechook announced that the coming September wave will be a real nose opener.
Science mixed with communism pushed by corporations equals, the brave new reality.
This comment was brought to you by Pfizer.
The shot to end all shots. The ONE shot that governs them all.
And MSM wonder why their readership is declining! Get real, MSM and social media, we are waking up to the subterfuge.
South Aust chief health officer Nicola Spurrier has Covid. Oh the irony, surely this person is quadruple vaccinated. Wouldn’t any thinking person ask “how is this possible”?
As some quadruple vaccinated friends insist, “if we catch it, it will only be mild”. These people completely ignore the fact that if most people catch “it”, it will only be mild.
The venal woman had her 4th jab last week, interesting timing hey?
It’s not what you think, it’s what you’re told. Nicole, go for fifth.
Naughty Nicola has either been playing footy or ordering in pizza. Remember she warned us these are the primary sources of Covid 😂😂😂.
Thankfully most if not all of my grandchildren will not be getting these shots. Their parents are firm in their objection to these experimental vaccines that on the evidence do not work to prevent Covid so one must ask why are they being pushed so aggressively? Are our children being put in danger and are our governments and bureaucrats culpable. It seems that way. There are radio jocks advocating like crazy and calling those who don’t comply as somehow brain dead. I think the converse may be true.
[…] From Jo Nova: […]
The Australian Government are running TV and radio ads at the moment encouraging children ( via their parents ) to get the COVID vaccine. In the radio ad they insist that the TGA have “rigorously reviewed” the evidence for their use. Which is odd that they deliberately stressed this point because you know they have copped some criticism about their lack of independent analysis of all things vaccine. We know our own 3 letter regulatory authority are nothing but rubber stampers. The might actually read what has been presented to them, but have any COVID trials of any sort been completed in Australia and funded by the TGA? When the initial reviews were completed of the present crop of vaccines back in 2021 the TGA had to borrow staff from other regulatory authorities to complete the task. But these staff did not have any medical or indeed vaccine specialist training or knowledge. In effect, they were just looking for typos.
COVID hysteria …
I don’t mean precautions, I mean draconian lockdowns and mandates, the demonizing of skeptics, and the uncalled for vaccination of children …
have direct relationship to climate hysteria.
Purposeful propagandistic fearmongering by government and vested corporate and political interest.
Have powerful interest created the multi-faceted cultural CLICOV religious cult for political gain?
Or has the religion developed naturally as result of runaway Western affluence?
Likely some of both.
This is going somewhere unpleasant.
It feels like Tudor England, discombobulated gluttonous authority has gutted the confidence of the population.
I find myself afraid to express my opinions with friends and family.
Like a Catholic, or supporter of the Crown’s Church, depending on the winds of the day.
You are very wise Honky, don’t let the foolish drag you down. If you can open one set of eyes, its worth it.
It’s normal to have questions about your child’s vaccinations. For more information speak to your mortician or funeral home director.
Looking back almost 50 years I’m more than a bit shocked that I accepted the regulation Vaxxines with so little thought.
They were too early and too many.
Trusting then, but concerned, suspicious and untrusting now.
This was in relation to our children who, in hindsight, seemed to have been VaXXed too early and too often.
In preparation for the next mask mandate
“We propose that immunocompromised people should avoid repeated use of masks to prevent microbial infection.”
“Bacterial and fungal isolation from face masks under the COVID-19 pandemic”
More cruise ships and covid
“CDC Gets pwned, Drops Program”
Covid in poetic description
““Vaxxie, vaxxie, so obsessed,
Wore your mask and took your tests.
Still got covid, every strain,
Spike proteins are in your brain.
Short of breath at 24,
“Dr Fauci, give me more!”.
Proteins tangle and misfold,
Amyloidosis taking hold.
Swollen heart at 25,
“Thank Moderna, I’m alive!”
There’s no cure for microclots,
Getting worse with every shot.
Heart attack at 26.
Prayed to Pfizer for a fix.
Vaxxie, vaxxie, death is lurking.
Doctor says, “That means it’s working.”
Died of SADS at 27.
All good vaxxies go to heaven.
Obituary headline noted:
“Anti-vaxxer dies of COVID.”
His family is quite upset,
But they’re alive, as of yet.
And they say, “it’s better,
Without the vax, he would be deader.” “
Just for fun, I copied this ditty in a comment to the Adelaide Now article mentioning that Ms Spurrier had come down with coved a week after getting her fourth jab. No sign of the comment… Must have offended the official truth keepers.
As one of the thread headings used at Small dead Animals has it
“Mischief is important”
Try The Australian – no chance of getting any comment just slightly anti vax published. Nor any comment about suitable Covid treatments. Nor any comment about low infection and death rates in Uttar Pradesh. The comment watchers are totally meticulous in ensuring that any comment regarding the vaccines or side effects do not get through. This is clearly editorial policy.
Sigh. Thanks for trying though. Feel free to cut and paste your submitted comments that fail and then report them here.
Tis a sad day when the most conservative (centrist) newspaper won’t publish any dissent.
Murdochs own the Fox News network in the US which relies on pharmaceutical advertising for billions in revenue. There’s your answer.
“None of them want to publicly disagree with the sacred scientists at the FDA and CDC”.
Respectfully, I disagree with the above statement. None of them want to publicly disagree with the bureaucrats at the FDA and CDC.
The BBC is broadcasting an important piece of Pfizer Propaganda on Wednesday at 9pm on BBC2.
As I understand, all the emergency authorisation safety trials of the mRNA genetic modification jabs for Covid, are to be kept secret for at least five decades, with the exeption of the Pfizer trials, due to a Texan judge. So the BBC and all the mainstream media are keeping the disclosure of the Pfizer trials under tight censorship.
But the Mensa debating forum reveals just how the jab works. The evidence is emerging that the only protection that the mRNA jab gives you from Covid, is by suppressing your immune system to protect you from the allergic reaction. The same protection children get from having an immature immune system. Something called a cytokine storm which results in rapid deterioration of lung function is in fact an allergic reaction to fragments of spike protein, as the virus is killed off. It occurs on average, on the 8th day after the first onset of symptoms and is unrelated to the severity of the initial infection. Death occurs on average a couple of weeks later. Its why children with an immature immune system are not effected. So this immaturity is replicated by the mRNA jab of adults. There is evidence the mRNA jabbed immune system is degraded by the mRNA jab, making the mRNA jabbed more susceptible to other viruses, but giving them a few weeks protection from death, until their immune system recovers. Then they get a second jab, a third jab and so on, each jab protects them from the cytokine storm, but brings them closer to death from every other cause of death.
It also reports corruption at the Office for National Statistics. People dying up to 16 days after vaccination were classified as unvaccinated and the proportion of unvaccinated is underestimated at 8%, when in fact it is 30%. This follows the report that the head of the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), Ed Humpherson, criticised the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) for providing statements “Unsupported by the data” and demanded much greater transparency on health data. The 8% is unsupported by the data, while the 30% comes from greater transparency on health data.
Now it has been disclosed that the BBC’s ‘independent vaccine expert’ just happens to be in charge of Pfizer’s Vaccine Centre, and the BBC’s ‘vaccine is safe’ for pregnant women ‘expert’ just happens to be the PI of the Pfizer Covid vaccine in pregnancy trial. So Pfizer is behind the BBC’s propaganda:
Good one.
But the Mensa debating forum reveals just how the jab works. The evidence is emerging that the only protection that the mRNA jab gives you from Covid, is by suppressing your immune system to protect you from the allergic reaction. The same protection children get from having an immature immune system. Something called a cytokine storm which results in rapid deterioration of lung function is in fact an allergic reaction to fragments of spike protein, as the virus is killed off. It occurs on average, on the 8th day after the first onset of symptoms and is unrelated to the severity of the initial infection.
Paul, I was not aware of the Mensa forum. But their revelation regarding the the allergic reaction to the spike via the cytokine storm on the 8th day is exactly what Dr. Shankara Chetty found in many patients.
It seems logical that the apparent “protection” of the vaccines from serious development is related to the suppression of this reaction. However, if that is provided at the expense of a diminished immune health in relation to subsequent infections – to hell with that. Shankara & others have found that steroids, aspirin and even anti-histamines can control the allergic reaction of the 8th day.
“None of them [journalists] want to publicly disagree with the sacred scientists at the FDA and CDC”.
Even if they wanted to, the chief editor in charge would not allow them to publish such information.
Latest COVID+Vaxx Mortality bulletin from the Office for National Statistics (UK).
… PLUS accompanying dataset:
It’s funny to see this claim again, the promised “further analysis” of confounding factors like Health Status.
They trot out this claim every two months but NOTHING ever seems to appear.
If you go back to their December bulletin, you can see they made a paltry effort down this track… but nothing since, even though they have this data at their fingertips — it’s called the Public Health Data Asset i.e. the medical records of around 40 million people.
It’s time for independent auditors to review the ONS’ work.
Why not hire some retired actuaries from the Insurance business to do it?
*ASMR = age-standardised mortality rate.
It’s because of the NCVIA – National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act – signed into law by Ronnie Reagan in 1986. This legislation eliminates any potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers for any vaccine-related injury and importantly it applies to ALL recipients of these vaccines even if given to adults. This is why they urgently need to get these Covid jabs approved for the official childhood vaccine schedule. Big Pharma lobbies the authorities to do just that. Fauci is their point man in government. Completely bought by the pharmaceutical industry.
Right now the Covid jabs are only free of liability to the producers because of the EUA – emergency use authorization. If the health ” emergency ” is declared over, they are no longer indemnified against potential lawsuits. So they need to get these Covid ” vaccines ” onto the official childhood schedule to be free of liability forever. Then the government ie. the taxpayers, have to pay out any injury compensation, as determined by a tribunal, not a court of law.
Courts might pay out tens of millions for an injury compensation case, paid by the defendant ie. whoever was responsible for the product causing the injury such as a bad vaccine. Whereas a government committee might allow a payout of say $120k to a victim – paid by the government. Chump change.
It’s a slick deal – for the pharmaceutical industry. They don’t get this protection for selling a bad drug like Vioxx, for example. They are sued and forced by settlements to pay out billions to victims. Their profits easily cover it, however.
Covid vaccine revenues are on a whole different level to most drugs, including blockbusters. They are huge earners.
Get how it works? It’s all about removing liability and making money for Pharma.
Is it true that the “Annual” flu VaXX is to become available Monthly to those who are eligible?
Flu vaxxes are generally useless and seem to prime your system to catch every cold going around. They do make a lot of money for the pharma industry which is why they are endlessly pushed.
Our own TGA is taking lessons from the FDA and CDC in the USA. A local vaccine research/manufacturing company here in Australia was fined some $13k and threatened with much larger fines, for speaking out about TGA delays and stonewalling. Big Pharma gets a rails ride and no one else is allowed it appears. I see Moderna is about to also get a TGA preliminary approval for a Omicron variant vaccine. Moderna’s track record with vaccines makes interesting reading.
This is the same TGA that banned HCQ and Ivermectin.
It must be emphasised that while this post is referring to departments in the USA, the information is entirely relevant to Australia.
When covid-19 emerged, the Australian government threw our own pandemic plan into the bin and followed everything the USA did.
When our PM, State Premiers, CMO’s, and unelected health bureaucrats (all aided by our MSM) stood there in press conferences telling us that everything they were forcing upon us was based on their “expert medical advice”, they were referring to “expert medical advice” from foreign agencies such as the NIH, FDA and CDC – you can also throw in the WHO (UN), although Australia seemed to cherry-pick which advice the wished to take from them.
So we blindly accepted foreign advice. Our health departments are politicised (may as well say comprimised), and every measure taken, such as mass experimental injections forced (by blackmail) onto Australian citizens was based on advice from outside of Australia. Makes you wonder if these actions taken by our government were voluntary or demanded from a higher authority? Might need to ask WEF puppet Greg Hunt.
I blame our government’s obsession with globalisation for this. Australia must become self sufficient again or we’ll have to get used to more of the same (and worse).
The argument for giving children a jab is very week at the moment, especially as the current vaccines are much more ineffective against the BA5 variants. Even if it is someone immunocompromised it would be better to wait for better vaccines
[Your description of the link appears to be deceptive… – ED]
There is a transcript at the link. While the ABC headlines are quite pathetic, the interview itself is relevant. It marks the seachange going on in the medical world. Experts are admitting that the vaccines are not solving the big issues, that there is long term problems coming potentially from cumulative damage through multiple reinfections.
Note that I’ve read these papers they are talking about. It’s a very big topic. It’s a mess. But before people leap to assumptions, the cumulative damage seems to apply to both vacced and unvacced and fairly equally. There are many confounding factors in the large US Veterans study, and it may well be exaggerating the issue, but it’s not a good direction. There is a wake up call going on … There are other papers though with some contradictory info suggesting that natural immunity to omicron (but not earlier variants) is somewhat protective against BA5 (the latest omicron).
That’s your problem Jo, you get too “sciency”. Just be like Fauci and make it up as you go along. In fact, just discredit all previous science and say whatever you like, because no-one will contradict you. Its your blog after all, a bit like the CDC and FDA are just playthings for our dear Anthony.
I was joking. chill.
Fauci Set To Retire
Hopefully, immediately. But no. Only when Biden goes.
“Dr. Anthony Fauci, Mr. COVID himself, announced that he would retire at the end of Joe Biden’s term. Fauci hinted in an interview that he fears an investigation into his personal dealings if the conservatives take back control next year. “They’re going to try and come after me, anyway. I mean, probably less so if I’m not in the job,” Fauci told Politico. We know the vaccination does not work and causes more harm than good. The long-term effects of the vaccines and lockdowns are now coming to light, and Fauci is responsible as the mascot for the entire COVID agenda.”
“Hopefully, immediately. But no. Only when Biden goes.”
That could be tomorrow the way he is going.
“Fauci is the mascot for the entire COVID agenda.”
Good word.
It occurs to me it applies to almost all the political leadership.
Fortunately, their true faces are obscured by the mascot outfit, a countenance that would be too horrible to behold.
Justin Trudeau looks like a cute puppy your daughter brings home from school.
Dan, not so much.
Actually, Dan looks like the thing the puppy turns into a night while your sleeping.
Experts warn against mRNA jabs for toddlers
From a Nation First email doing the rounds –
“Yesterday, Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration approved the Moderna mRNA jab for children under five. That’s despite a plethora of experts cautioning against such a move.
Yesterday, Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) — which is the equivalent of the United States’ Food and Drug Administration — approved the paediatric use of Moderna’s so-called ‘vaccine’ in young children aged six months to five years.
This decision follows the recent approval of this experimental mRNA gene therapy for the same cohort of young children in the USA.
In an eerie coincidence, yesterday’s edition of Nation First focused on known deaths and serious injuries from the jab in toddlers that have come out of the USA… on the same day that the TGA approved the so-called ‘vaccine’ for under fives in Australia.”
The only one who has suffered with covid in our household is my wife who was forced to get the shots to keep her job. For me and the kids, its a very minor cold, if anything. You would have to be insane to inject your kids with this clearly innefective and dangerous serum. The lack of questioning from parents is staggering.
“The lack of questioning from parents is staggering.”
If you question the shots, you get labelled as an ‘antivaxxer’.
G’day Ando,
I think you’re being rather unfair on parents, particularly on those with very young kids. My very long memory is that it was and probably still is a period of little free time with lots of short term demands resulting in little time to research the accuracy of various reports. Then there’s the added difficulty with disagreement when the “consensus”, and your doctor, are against you.
Also, there’s the mental block to first recognise, then accept the size of the evil behind the scheme and of the extent to which previously trusted organisations have become complicit.
My relative rapidity in accepting the existence of the nastiness was based on a recognition of the similarity of the propaganda approach being used with the pandemic/vaxxine roll out. And quite a lot of careful reading, including identifying the holes and falsities in the media releases.
I just hope the kids and their parents aren’t as badly effected as I fear.
Dave Bi
There is some pushback against the ‘experts’ in the FDA and other organisations, not for the drugs they are promoting but for castigating the simpler, cheaper (possible) alternatives.
Vaccinating babies is just another symptom of Good Person Disease.
That’s on the part of the parents, essentially innocent and trusting.
The same can’t be always true for those making and authorising vaccines.
When we went to our medical centre to get our flu shots the nurse offered me my fourth Covid shot. When I demurred, forcibly, she looked at me for a moment, then just nodded. No conversation was entered into, more than her job was worth, I would think.
FDA, CDC, NIH – all American organizations.
Just about every major policy the US has perpetrated from the Vietnam War onwards has been a disaster. War, death and destruction in country after country. Economic ruin for millions. The Great Global Warming scam. (Admittedly, pushed onto the world by a British PM.) And COVID vaccines.
And the idiotic Australian governments follow them every time. So no surprise to see:
There have been 10,000 deaths in Australia alone most if not all have either been unvaxxinated or had additional problems to Covid. I nelieve it is the responsibility of every citizen to help in preventing the spread of Covid by obtaining as many vaccines as they are entitled to. All of my large family are as fully vaccinated as they can be and none has had any problem with the vaccine nor with Covid, in spite of nearly all of them still working in the community including health work as doctors and nurses and other workwithin significant other persons.
G’day J R,
I’m glad you’re all well. May I ask your vitamin D levels, and whether you’re an apple a day family?
Dave B
Medical errors killed more than that.
COVID is 38th COD in Oz.
Have a cheeseburger and a Coke.
And stay in your house so no one ever dies.
No – try a bacon sandwich.
Been observed in UK that with the number of Islamic doctors that it works better than an apple a day
All cause mortality is higher in the jabbed. You and all of your large family are more likely to die than the unjabbed are.
Today I had a visit from a Red Energy rep. trying to sell me a home electricity and gas supply/usage plan. Given that Red Energy is a subsidiary of Snowy Hydro which is owned by the Federal Government I wonder how the other energy retailers feel about having a competitor who is also the ultimate regulator. Further, would it not be possible for Snowy Hydro to supply hydroelectricity to Red Energy at a discount to the price charged to other retailers in order to give Red Energy a competitive edge?
You believe, well you have con-vinced me.
Nobody is fully vaccinated, best you can achieve is “up to date” if you could give me that date it will help me decide how many you can have.
No unvaxxed I know have caught the Rona, all the vaxxed have caught the Rona at least once.
I am glad you are happy with the service and I would encourage you to keep it up, after all it’s for the good of the collective comrade.
10,000 over two and a half years!
What is a “significant other persons?”
Remember the 4th is to ensure the 5th works.
Remember you’re buying the 2020 model, the 2022 model has had five upgrades, so you are not even up to date!
Good luck with your future endeavors comrade, the family that plays together lays together.
Presumably by now everyone’s heard that the WEF is accelerating its 2030 agenda.
Can’t let those pesky peasants upset our multi-decade plans now can we…
Have we also heard about 2 new Covid variants outbreaks in China and a case of Bubonic Plague too?
I said China was suspiciously quiet. 😉
What will the “breaking point” be for the masses?
Doctors afraid to speak up ? John Laws said to his adoring listeners that no that would never happen. This is how naive people are.
I listen to him and their ABCCC while driving and it’s spooky. He is a Vaxxine Tyrant.
200 years ago in the US we were a nation of farmers who did exhausting work from sunup to sundown but still found the time to keep their government and schools in check. Now we are a nation of 40 hour a week mouse pushers who are to busy to even write a letter. Of course they were better informed then. Our agenda driven media is now a propaganda tool of the few. I find it very ironic that today in the “information age” unbiased news is very hard to find.
How much money is in this for Pfizer? For Dr. Fauci?
“Formerly great institutions are being eaten from the inside”
Ophiocordyceps unilateralis
They’ve just worked it out.
Big pharma has pumped huge quantities of “antidepressants” into depressed humans, and guess what, the verification procedures used to get “authorisation” for the use of SSRIs bears a striking similarity to that of the approval for Covid19 VaXXines.
Latest headline from the grauniad;
“Scientists have called into question the widespread use of antidepressants after a major review found “no clear evidence” that low serotonin levels are responsible for depression.”
From a comment at
“I’m still holding out for a fact-based report on the covid panic and all the consequences, true or imagined. My major unease is the lack of concern regarding the massive number of shots that have been used. “66.8% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
12.24 billion doses have been administered globally, and 4.09 million are now administered each day.”
Give or take a couple million, these are huge numbers. Estimates of the number of deaths (world) each day is variable, but maybe 150,000. In the USA, there are about 3,400,000 deaths each year.
I think the sorting-out of deaths by cause and proving the covid shots responsible for various sub-sets, is a herculean task – not yet done.
People are different, so I don’t doubt that some have immediate (or short time) deadly reactions. However, I’m not yet accepting this: “continue running at 40% (or worse, …”
More “Safe and Effective®”
Safe and Effective®
“Recently, The Lancet published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals. According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible. The decrease in immunity can be caused by several factors such as N1-methylpseudouridine, the spike protein, lipid nanoparticles, antibody-dependent enhancement, and the original antigenic stimulus. These clinical alterations may explain the association reported between COVID-19 vaccination and shingles. As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued. In addition, the date of vaccination should be recorded in the medical record of patients. Several practical measures to prevent a decrease in immunity have been reported. These include limiting the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including acetaminophen to maintain deep body temperature, appropriate use of antibiotics, smoking cessation, stress control, and limiting the use of lipid emulsions, including propofol, which may cause perioperative immunosuppression. In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccination is a major risk factor for infections in critically ill patients.”
“Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them”
And in comments there
“UPDATE: ‘One reported severe adverse reaction per 5,000 Covid vaccination doses’ in Germany”
There is no ” vaccine ” where you need 5 shots and can STILL get the disease.
Further to Graham Richards’ comments in #2 on Dr Mengele with the comment “Have we as a species learned nothing??” My answer is: nothing of much use. Like the law abiding citizens of NAZI Germany our ability to reason is swamped by today’s propaganda machine. According to an article in SLATE ( “The Nazi propaganda machine exploited ordinary Germans by encouraging them to be co-producers of a false reality”. and further…
“Hitler’s chief architect, Albert Speer, told the Nuremberg Tribunal “that what distinguished the Third Reich from all previous dictatorships was its use of all the means of communication to sustain itself and to deprive its objects of the power of independent thought.”
These days, sadly, most people have lost that wonderful power of independent thought and have willingly given away their dignity and freedom in order to co-produce a comfortable ‘false reality’ with the globalist elite propaganda machine with its salvation message of vaccines for all. Now babies must be vaxxed so that they too become useful, obedient citizens and future contributers to the common good of the State. No independent thought for them either.
Wake up as many people as you can, while you still can, to the uncomfortable truth of what’s really happening to freedom.
Sweet old Bob gives a link at this post.
It has some very clearly defined detail on the WA VaXX campaign.
” Why did the FDA and the CDC issue strong blanket recommendations for Covid vaccines in children? ”
Comment, in three words:
Just plain criminals.