I’m rating this a full instant BINGO on the climate change propaganda card.
Climate change just isn’t scary enough. The Merchants of Panic want to find the climate change equivalent of the Nuclear winter Bomb Scare “to compel” people:
Climate change: More studies needed on possibility of human extinction

Climate change just isn’t scary enough
The BBC (thinks this is news)
Catastrophic climate change outcomes, including human extinction, are not being taken seriously enough by scientists, a new study says.
We know if they set up a committee to find “human extinction events” they will find them. We get what we pay for:
The authors say that the consequences of more extreme warming – still on the cards if no action is taken – are “dangerously underexplored”. They argue that the world needs to start preparing for the possibility of what they term the “climate endgame”.
We need these doomer studies apparently — because people have written pop science books predicting doom:
According to this new analysis, the closest attempts to directly understand or address how climate change could lead to global catastrophe have come from popular science books such as The Uninhabitable Earth and not from mainstream science research.
Essentially they are telling us we need to panic because there are no scientific papers telling us to panic
See how this works? Peer reviewed science is the only thing that counts except when it isn’t. They’ve done a peer reviewed study on the lack of peer reviewed studies. Whatever you do, worry a lot, call it science, and send us your money.
Feeling cheeky, I could point out here that people have also written pop science books about how climate models are skillless monstrosities — and maybe we should study that first? You know “More studies needed on how climate models threaten Western Civilization, helps totalitarians, wastes billions and contribute to wars?”
But that would defeat the purpose, which is to help some bureaucrats get more funding. Wait for the call:
To properly assess all these risks, the authors are calling on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to carry out a special report on catastrophic climate change.
The threat may or may not exist, that’s irrelevant. It’s all a public relations quest:
Focussing on the worst-case scenarios could also help inform the public – and might actually make the outcomes less likely. “Understanding these plausible but grim scenarios is something that could galvanise both political and civil opinion,” said Dr Kemp. “We saw this when it came to the identification of the idea of a nuclear winter that helped compel a lot of the public efforts as well as the disarmament movement throughout the 1970s and ’80s.”
This is a case of wild headlines seeking to scare money up, to fund wild studies that will “find” more wild headlines.
The study, such as it claims to be, has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Let us never forget this is the same group that published a blacklist of scientists, which I parodied in 2010 (was it that long ago?)
Photo: Castle Romeo, 1954, Bikini Atoll
So how come humans survived in the Roman warm period and the Medieval warm period? And they had no air conditioning. And how come humans have continued to survive in the hotter regions of the Planet? The Middle East, the Sahara and anywhere close to the Equator.
The Alarmists never seem to have any answers and just like the ‘Pollies’, avoid answering the question(s).
The alarmists do not do history or facts. They only go back to when they were teenagers for history.
Logic and proper science have been superseded by agitprop and media/political perfidy. We are headed for the precipice, nothing can stop this juggernaut of lies and deception. Old Commie Guterrez has just exceeded his job description again by calling for super taxes on all oil and gas companies, who he says are making obscene profits.
This is western civilisation going down the slippery slope.
Simple – they didn’t wear ties?
“But we may go further than this; for, as new forms are produced, unless we admit that specific forms can go on indefinitely increasing in number, many old forms must become extinct.”
“Authors of the highest eminence seem to be fully satisfied with the view that each species has been independently created. To my mind it accords better with what we know of the laws impressed on matter by the Creator, that the production and extinction of the past and present inhabitants of the world should have been due to secondary causes, like those determining the birth and death of the individual. When I view all beings not as special creations, but
as the lineal descendants of some few beings which lived long before the first bed of the Cambrian system was deposited, they seem to me to become ennobled.”
Mr Darwin, of course (Origin…, chap. IV and Conclusion)
It seems that the anti-human-suprematists think that the humans are not like the other living beings… As the great Master wrote, there is nobility in being an extinguishable species.
I agree completely. Just have to go back very few years to the impacts of the Shoemaker-Levy 7 comet on Jupiter to see how easily extinction of current life on Earth could occur.
“But we may go further than this; for, as new forms are produced, unless we admit that specific forms can go on indefinitely increasing in number, many old forms must become extinct.”
Way back when Jerry Pournelle used to look at the amount of money being spent by business on small computers and the lack of any obvious gain in productivity.
One of his speculations was that each small computer allowed its operator to become a designer of forms.
Incidentally, horseshoe crabs have been around for 480 million years.
Just saying.
Yes, but the Purple Cloud will get them eventually.
Avoid the peculiar peach like odour at all costs.
A remarkable feature of horseshoe crabs is that they have three red thumbs. Goodness knows how that evolved.
There is supposed to be a difference between “science fiction” and “fantasy”. In the former there should be nothing that contradicts the known laws of physics, chemistry, mathematics, and so forth. In fantasy, the reader agrees to a suspension of belief, that is, to accept the writer’s proposition that something is possible even knowing that it isn’t.
I’m not sure what “global catastrophe” means although I suppose if Venus left its orbit and crashed into Earth there would be a double catastrophe. Spending other people’s money (OPM) on wind towers and solar panels to prevent a Venus-Earth collision is fantasy, but something the climate cult could support.
I’m not sure what global catastrophe means although I suppose if Venus left its orbit and crashed into Earth ” ……
There was a global cataclysm 65 million years ago caused by a comet or asteroid collision …Another 74 000 BP when the Toba eruption drastically reduced the world human population and the last was the Younger Dryas event 12 900 BP that you commented on here on Joannes blog two years
previously …Of course these global catastrophes were much older than 4004 BC and any ‘ wayward
Venus ‘ allusion to Velikovskian charlatanism and pseudoscience doesnt change the geological and paleo – climatic record
The peer review failure started with feedback analysis where insufficient peer review by Mike MacCracken and Fred Luther led to Schlesinger’s ignorant application of Bode to the climate becoming ‘settled’ science by sneaking it into an appendix of a DOD report they prepared and then referred to in the first AR, along with Hansen’s erroneous 1984 paper, as the sole theoretical basis for amplification by positive feedback.
In applying Bode to the climate, both preconditions for its application were ignored. First is the requirement for strict linearity, where the claim of approximate incremental linearity around the mean is far from sufficient as any continuous non linear relationship is approximately linear at any point and independent of any mean, thus there would be no need for Bode to explicitly require linearity as one of only two preconditions. The second is the requirement for an implicit source of Joules powering the gain, where the average not accounted for by an incremental analysis can’t be the presumptive source of the ‘amplified’ Joules as all of these Joules are already doing the work maintaining the average temperature which is also not accounted for by an incremental analysis.
This is eerily similar to the peer-reviewed crap about the bleaching of the GBR that Dr Peter Ridd fact-checked and was sacked for.
We all know and recognize the failures of many science disciplines. We need to keep faith in science, but it is difficult when compromised and corrupted by power and lucre. Follow the money as wide-eyed kids flock to save the GBR and the planet. Do not question anything or anyone.
There’s an interesting 2 Aug BBC report “Scientists discover cause of catastrophic mangrove destruction in Gulf of Carpentaria”
which finds that the cause of 40 million mangroves being wiped out was a “sudden 40-centimetre drop in sea level that lasted for about six months”. The sea level fall was caused by a “severe El Niño event”. They also say “The 1982 dieback also coincided with an unusually extreme drop in sea level during another very severe El Niño event. We know from satellite data that the mangroves took at least 15 years to recover from that dieback,”.
OK, that’s all well and good, but here’s the killer question: Where was the El Nino’s sea level fall mentioned when bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef was being hyped? Not at the BBC, that’s for sure. How can a sea level fall that kills 40 million mangroves not cause coral bleaching just across Cape York in the Great Barrier Reef. And yes, the sea level fall would have been similar in the two places and it was known to have occurred at the time. I covered it in https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/09/26/some-notes-on-coral-and-the-great-barrier-reef/ (see “2016-7 Bleaching”) as did many others.
Send them Chris Bowen and the Minister for fake medicine both of whom made impassioned appeals to madness yesterday in our Parliament. The crazies really are in charge of the madhouse. However help is on the way. Another generator down at Liddell for repairs so another third gone for a few weeks. Now for a wind drought (prays hard). Looks like good wind for the moment unfortunately. I still don’t understand Bowen’s Maths when he says nuclear is dearer than hundreds of ten-year batteries and 80 billions worth of wire and towers. Forget the batteries how many proper power plants can be built for 80 billion and the wires are already in place. The man is an idiot and well qualified to write a scary paper about his nightmare.
Seeing him and all his party sitting in parliament in masks tells you all you need to know about the quality of government we are now saddled with.
No link for this from an email so descriptive –
The caption is
“Masks stop viruses.
And here is a device for carrying sand”
Over a picture of a shopping trolley on a beach background
Found it
Where I live in North Queensland, the coldest it reached last night was 17. For the next 3 days it will reach 32 degrees during the day. This in the middle of winter. What is not to like. When travelling through Europe a few years back, they had 3 days at 32 in the middle of summer and were all crying. What is so wrong with a bit of warmth.
Reminds me of a time in Bad Tölz Bavaria (Bayern) back in the early ’80s where we sat around beer gardens in 30 to 35 temperatures. Ein bier bitte! Gee, what is there not to like with splendid cobblestone streets with the Alps as backdrop and sweet girls in their dirndl.
Or in Brasil
“Um lata ceveja geledera” (IIRC the spelling)
(One bottle of beer icy cold)
Often came out with frost on the bottle. I only saw one threaten to ice up. The waiter just rubbed his hand up and down the outside of the bottle and kept pouring.
The most popular beer brand in Brazil is called Antarctica.
Climate catastrophism is certainly part of the propaganda and the norm, just like any other cult designed to appeal to the feeble-minded.
However, sometimes alternative narratives are needed to affirm the policies of a new Leftoid Government.
Look at this, for example!
It looks like the new Australian Labor Government’s (Leftoid) “climate change” policies are already working.
Even Their ABC admits it, LoL.
Or maybe, somebody was lying about the extent of coral bleaching in the first place…(as Jo has previously reported).
Great Barrier Reef coral cover at record levels after mass-bleaching events, report shows
Manta Tow analysis is highly subjective as it totally depends on the observational bias of the divers being towed (as shown in ABC first picture). They’re not even using pattern recognition software that at least might incorporate AI to make consistent judgements.
They probably get a discount labour rate from climate activists when they seek divers to be towed.
Hint for Climate Doomers who want to prepare the disaster case for human extinction because of a global hot house: What killed the dinosaurs?
“The Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event was a sudden mass extinction of three-quarters of the plant and animal species on Earth, approximately 66 million years ago. With the exception of some ectothermic species such as sea turtles and crocodilians, no tetrapods weighing more than 25 kilograms survived.” Wikipedia
Will they identify with Turtles or Crocs?
“sudden”. Is that over 1 million years, or 5 million years, or …….
Climate doomers are already a devolved level of human chicken littles who’s non-thinking is heading us back to the Stone Age of weather worshippers – all hail the sun when it shines and the wind when it blows.
Think The Time Machine when the Elites of the day (the Morlocks) feasted on the sheep (the Eli) by sounding an air raid siren to herd them to their death. The UN and compliant governments are the elites and we mere mortals are to be feasted upon. Hopefully common sense will rescue us . . . . .
That must have been a different “The Time Machine”.
The Eloi were the aristocracy, frolicking in a seemingly Utopian countryside without a care in the world (during daylight).
The Morlocks were the working class, toiling away in their dingy subterranean caverns, but coming up to the surface at night to wreak havoc.
H.G. Wells was a Victorian-era socialist, but being upper middle class was somewhat conflicted.
The world has had numerous prehistoric and historic climate catastrophies.
Presumably Leftoids have never heard of mass extinction events (another of which we just narrowly avoided had the CO2 level continued to drop below 150ppm).
Or the Little Ice Age.
Warming, if it happens, is always a good thing, not a catastrophe as shown by the flourishing of civilisation during the Minoan, Egyptian, Roman or Medieval Warm periods. But there is a reason they no longer teach real history.
China is acutely aware of the disasters upon their society caused by cooling episodes but not warming, hence them releasing CO2 without concern and without limit. They know it doesn’t matter either way but they DO KNOW that to survive the next cooling period they need LOTS of cheap reliable coal, gas, hydro and nuclear energy. It’s also why they are colonising warmer places like Africa. For food production and slaves.
See what happens to China during cooling events.
We are perhaps heading for a climate catastrophe but it will be the cooling kind, warming will only be a good thing if it happens.
The West has already killed itself by the destruction (ongoing) of their cheap, reliable energy supplies. Western Civilisation won’t survive the next cooling without access to energy (not solar and wind).
‘We are perhaps heading for a climate catastrophe but it will be the cooling kind …’
Totally agree, we are at the end of the Holocene Interglacial and our future looks bleak
At some point in the not too distant future it’ll be rough going, but humanity can survive 100,000 years of cooler conditions.
Modern humans are now living in the most benign climate EVER, just look up the DATA.
And the critical FOSSIL trigger was pressed in the UK about 250 years ago. We know it as the Industrial REV.
The first billion humans living on Earth occurred in 1800 and the average life expectancy then was under 40 and for the previous 200,000 years. But today life expectancy is about 73 and we are much wealthier and deaths from extreme weather events have dropped by over 95% since 1920.
Why is this so difficult for our religious fanatics and extremists to understand? And why is ignorance of the DATA since 1800 approved and promoted by the MSM, Pollies, so called scientists or our so called Tertiary educators etc?
Why have I ended up in moderation so often in the last week?
I’ve stopped commenting for a few days, but alas my first comment today is ditto again.
If there’s a problem I can link to the data every time if I have to prove what I’m saying.
Neville, may I suggest you have a little more patience? Don’t expect your comment to be posted immediately, this is not social media with legions of workers. It’s basically just Jo, sitting in her basement somewhere in Perth desperately trying to read every comment coming in. Some of those comments are extremely long winded as well. Then also, we only see the “nice” comments. I would hate to see the comments that get really rejected.
Fear Pron on an international, industrial scale?
Who ‘da thunk it?
Scaring the punters into bovine submission has been a popular sport for the “intelligentsia” for a LONG time. The twentieth century was littered with examples, especially in the latter half. It has exponentially accelerated in the last two decades.
There IS a timetable, though I am not privy to it, there IS a calculated “body count” required to achieve the desired “result”.
There is also an interesting little discussion over here:
Yes, the Left have always hated private cars and the personal freedom they provide to non-Elites.
It was never going to stop at just petrol/gasoline cars. EV’s are now on the Agenda as well.
As per Agenda 2030 the Left want us all to “live” in “compact cities”, in extremely high density dwelling….where WE WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY as per Herr Klaus Scwabb’s GREAT RESET.
Testing. My comments keep vanishing. This is supposed to be attached to 13.1
I can see it.
A friend says there are other tractors with similar problems.
I didn’t ask if that includes different brands
Sadly , it was ever thus….
It’s a sign that Global Warming has peaked, the world is rapidly cooling and covering it up is getting difficult. There is not enough fossil fuel to pretend any more, a victim of its own success. Even Germany is firing up old coal and the ongoing shortage of gas will drive coal and nuclear back to the top of the energy demands. Voters know that doubling the number of windmills does not help in winter at night with no wind.
So the hunt is on for another barely plausible extinction scenario because climate extinction is starting to look voluntary. And freezing to death is clearly an own goal.
Not an own goal.
That IS the objective.
From TdeF….. “Voters know that doubling the number of windmills does not help in winter at night with no wind.”
I’m sorry but not many voters know or understand what you’ve said, but I wish it was true.
In Australia we’ve just elected a group of ignorant Teals, Greens etc from some of the highest tertiary educated and wealthiest areas of our country.
And they TRULY BELIEVE the ignorant fanatical claims of the MSM, most pollies, so called scientists, business leaders etc.
I agree Neville.
The level of scientific and technical ignorance among typical voters is profound.
Including in those Australian Parliamentary seats with high levels of “highly educated” voters where rational thinking politicians were replaced by Teals, Greens or Labor (not that the Libs, pretend conservatives, are much better).
It is an extremely disturbing phenomenon. Ignorant people can and do commit atrocities or can be easily induced to do so.
And how else do complete fools like Daniel Andrews or various other Labor leaders get elected in Australia or Biden in the US? Not withstanding the fact that Biden was elected due to fraud, it is remarkable that more than a small percentage of people actually voted for him.
Sure. Ignorant elites,but that is not my point. Nor science.
It’s becoming self evident. On the very cold, much colder than Australia, winter nights with no wind in the coming winter in Europe, Canada, America even the most stubborn, the most ignorant and most self indulgent Green will be freezing. It’s no fun when the air temperature is -20C and you have no heating and have to hide in the subway or shopping centres or public spaces which will not be much warmer. Railing against Global Warming will quickly stop.
I know from personal experience that the subway trains and subway stations in Toronto, Canada are exceptionally cold when it is -20C surface temperature.
Conversely, New York subways and trains always seem warm in winter although I have never been in NY during -20C weather which is rare. -3C to 6C temps are more usual.
Stop spreading doom! There’s a climate emergency on, don’t you know?
Conservatives and fellow rational thinkers continue to make the mistake that their opponents believe in science and reason.
This is obviously not true.
The core philosophy of the modern Left is post-modernism.
Post modernists simply do not believe in objective reality. Reality is whatever you want it to be.
Hence the belief in and practice of post-modernism is essential for dispersing the narrative of ongoing or imminent climate catastrophe as per the topic of this thread.
It’s a symptom of a wealthy Western society in which everything comes easy to the feeble-minded, especially if it’s being paid for with someone else’s money.
Many postmodernists hold one or more of the following views: (1) there is no objective reality; (2) there is no scientific or historical truth (objective truth); (3) science and technology (and even reason and logic) are not vehicles of human progress but suspect instruments of established power;….
David I fully understand what you’re saying, but how do you change anything?
Jo Nova has been plugging away for years using proper data and yet we’ve just elected even more ignorant Teals and Greens, who couldn’t care less about the relevant data and history of our planet.
I’m watching and waiting for some new sign from the EU countries and if they don’t wake up now they never will.
I don’t know Neville.
The US and the world had the answer in President Trump.
His second term would have likely seen the whole West abandon belief in the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
But that couldn’t be allowed to happen.
And they (the Elites and the useful idiots of the Left) destroyed him and denied him a second term via voter fraud and are still trying to keep him from running in the next election.
We need generational change in that area that is loosely called “climate science”. Which is not really science, but a mish mash of theories and modelling without any empirical studies to prove the link between CO2 and earth temperatures. Sooner or later even the most ardent supporters of AGW will notice the earth’s temperature has flat lined for the last 20 years and all the models are running way too hot. That all those adverse weather events are, well, just adverse weather events. We need a bunch of young “scientists”, somehow unaffected by funding brave enough to point this out.
“Claim: “AI Can’t Fix Climate Change, But It’s Great for Preparation” ”
From that
“How do we eliminate anthropogenic CO2 emissions? AI says “Easy – kill all the people”? “
Climate “AI”….
Totally artificial.. ZERO intelligence.
Here are some of the pre-industrial climate nirvanas experienced in Australia that the likes of Peter F and Simon would like us to return to. These extracts are taken from The Weather Watchers – 100 Years of the Bureau of Meteorology by David Day (my copy thanks to Lifeline Book Fairs).
After 1788…
Mid-late 1800’s…
1890 – The transition from daily weather forecasts to seasonal and an encounter with a journalist….
And my personal favourite and topical for this post:
Queenslander Clement Wragge was an active participant in weather forecasting during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s when most states had their own meteorologists. A notable part of his activity was the naming of southern depressions, ‘seeming to invest them with added malevolence’.
I don’t really know what that was about but it was fun to read; thanks.
A couple of the participants on Jo’s blog would like to reduce our CO₂ emissions presumably to enjoy the pre-industrialisation, less-extreme climate. I was just giving them a glimpse of what the climate was like in Australia back then – not that much different to now.
Fantastic. Thanks for the compilation
I agree, the last one is my favorite. Seems it is a human condition we are dealing with. And the flood and drought cycle of the 1800s. Oh, how hilarious. When the climate was perfect. But as the Captain of the Wodonga noticed, fear is an easy sell.
The problem with this is that if you have a mild interest in “climate change”, these sort of things interest you and you feel the need to be concerned. So, you write a comment on a blog like this or perhaps to your subscribed newspaper. Maybe write a tweet. The average person in the street couldn’t give a rats about things like this. Or haven’t up to now, but very soon their winter energy bills will start to arrive. There will be less money left over at the end of month. Fuel prices up, food up, rising inflation. Then suddenly it will dawn on them- hang on, what’s all this climate change policy those politicians have been blathering about, and how much is it going to cost me and my family? I thought if I signed up to carbon neutral electricity plan, voted for the Greens and put my milk cartons in the recycle bin it would be Ok. Now I’m being told the earth is near extinction unless I do more.
And snake eats tail.
The only way to stop human extinction form human caused climate change is human extinction.
Their most recent rhetoric and actions seem headed in that direction.
Here’s global GDP since 1820 from OWI DATA site and don’t forget these numbers have been adjusted for inflation etc.
Certainly a big jump after World war 2 and global population has increased by nearly 6 billion since 1927 and over 4 billion since 1970.
THINK about it.
Sorry I’ll just have to link to the global GDP data for last 2000 years, but you’ll notice the near vertical rise since the Industrial Revolution.
You can adjust the toggle since 1825 but apparently that link doesn’t work? At least for me anyway.
Warning, the Earth is spinning faster, by a full 1.59 milliseconds over 24 hrs, oh dear, we are all doomed.
Yes I saw that.
Some “scientists” are even blaming “climate change”.
But the variation in spin period has been known for decades. And is almost completely natural. It is due to wobble in earth’s core, seasonal redistribution of mass, e.g. ice and water, winds and even artificial causes such as redistribution of water mass due to dams.
Could this be something tied to our wandering magnetic poles ? If the interior mix of elements is changing (especially the iron) this could change the earths magnetic field and affect rotation .
Well said Jo,
“how climate models threaten Western Civilization”
With their lyes, the money draining, the flagrant misdirection, the systemic corruption of a once great system, and on and on.
If we each had a dollar refund from their ABCCC for every time the word “Model” was misappropriated by them, we would be rich.
Oprah, Harry and Meaghan are the true “models” in today’s world.
It is the response of the western governments to the ridiculous anti-science and propaganda of the FARCICAL AGW meme/cult..
.. That is what is causing by far the most damage to western societies and civilisations.
So, 43% reduction by 2030. As energy use and prosperity are 100% correlated, we can expect a raging, unstoppable economic collapse over the next 7 years.
Poor fellow my country.
“Climate change: More studies needed on possibility of human extinction.”
Are the ‘studies’ intended to help it along or to find out how to prevent it ??
I would love to know.
“Are the ‘studies’ intended to help it along or to find out how to prevent it ??”
Doesn’t matter – the money is in pontification
The studies are intended to show that more studies are needed.
Human Extinction ;
No 1 has to be from our own making and the potential for Nuclear War. This is very real possibility and if it should happen may well be the end civilization as we know it. (nuclear winter scenario)
No 2 is natural climate change of the cooling kind where we find ourselves heading into another ice age. Survival will be possible for some because of our technical knowledge. But again the end of civilization as we know it.
There are of course many other scenarios for potential extinction including pandemics, natural catastrophes such as massive volcanic activity and also of course impact from large asteroids.
The world has to address the nuclear issue seriously and also the population vs resources issue.
Its the Pollies ought worry about their own extinction by means of People fed up with incompetence and ignominy.
Stupid is only a lifestyle for the elite, disconnected, ambivalent, clueless, clown, parasites, who pretend to represent the People.
The rest of us lot, we got to live with the stupid. And it ain’t working out at all.
The current clowns in Power have forgotten the People they supposedly represent. What’s coming by way of their actions isn’t sustainable.
Look at the ramifications of a simple statement like…. “Let Them Eat Cake”.
“Nuclear Winter” my size14 left foot!
Disarmament was driven by the knowledge that the inhabitants of most of the world’s modern cities would not live ling enough to see winter – nuclear or otherwise.
Imminent death trumps potential future death for anyone faced with a very real prospect of their own mortality. This is very much why the majority of the Third world are more concerned about poverty and starvation now, than potential warming long after they are dead.
Jo’s scenario a while back about EMP weapons is a likely scenario if the conflict in Ukraine escalates . If you take out the satellites and power grid almost everything grinds to a halt . It may not be an extinction event but the following chaos will be epic . It will also take down most the internet and communications in short order . Under these circumstances food , fuel and weapons will become the new currency . This is only one of the scenario’s outlined in the book “Over the cliff ” by Yougo First.
The only thing we are doomed to experience is higher electricity and gas bills. Back to those whacky Germans. German media reports that from August 2021 to August 2022, the average gas bill for an ordinary German family increased by 184%.
It was – 1300 euros per year. It became – 3500 euros per year. Anyone care to forecast what Australian bills might increase by?
Here’s a scenario with a more likely possibilty of occuring:
They obviously haven’t heard of Guy McPherson, whose latest doom prediction is 2026 (hes had failures before that, but 2026 hes still in with a shot). Guy is a real life Professor of Science (ecology I assume) who became a bit cult like 7 or so years ago. Because he is a “real” scientist and predicted a quick doom, people, mainly women, who belonged to a deep green cult, took him very seriously and grieved. So guy became a ticketed grief counsel to help them out, which of course led to sexual harassment claims.
None the less, Guy has all the science you need if looking for a nuclear winter outcome.
By the way, if you ever hear those deep green extinction people mention “200 species die per day and soon enough that will be us”, they got that from Guy McPherson.
‘Climate change’ is SO local.
I live in SE Vermont and it’s been a lovely summer here. We had a very short blip of July weather at the end of July and we’re about to get a blip of August heat. For those of you who live Down Under, my whole life growing up in New England, if any time was likely to be disgusting in the summertime, it was the last week or two of July and the first week or two of August. That was the time that my Dad always took the family on vacation to a lake.
I always pray for lots of June weather in June (blue sky, puffy white clouds, moderate temps, no humidity), and this year we had quite a lot of it both in June and through July. It’s been quite dry though. We could definitely use some more rain. But, it’s also not at all unusual to see small stream beds bone dry at this time of year. That said, my totally overgrown gardens have remained quite green and full of flowers. And I was completely surprised to find a pile of Black Trumpets in the woods last weekend at the beginning of mushrooming season. So, I don’t know what’s going on in the rest of the U.S. But, it ain’t happening here.
If anyone wants to read some fun science writing, search out former accelerator physicist Kirsten Hacker’s science writing at her wordpress site. She eviscerates a lot of current science there. (Although lately, reinventing herself as a novelist after throwing in the towel on the physics that she came to see as a complete and utter waste of time, she’s become unfortunately obsessed with what she sees as AI-fabricated plagiarism.)
“When I was younger, I was dutifully concerned about man-made global warming and I believed that the scientists knew what they were doing. Then I became a scientist and realized how much nonsense gets called ‘science’ these days.”
—Kirsten Hacker, former accelerator physicist
[…] Study Human extinction? Climate doomers want to find a nuclear-winter-level scare to motivate people […]