A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Steve Bannon, FBI Raided Homes of 35 Bannon Affiliated MAGA Allies Yesterday!
“Bannon was arrested under dubious fraud charges in Manhattan Thursday, connected to claims he duped donors who gave money to a We Build The Wall nonprofit organization established by Bannon and his partners. The case seems to hinge on statements made by the founders of the organization that “every penny” of the $15 to $25 million raised would be spent on the wall. However, according to New York prosecutors, several hundred thousand was used by Bannon and team to pay their own salaries and expenses.”
Vid at the Rumble link in the post.
To watch this via the website go here:
“Climate Change is the perfect communist plot. It doesn’t have to be proven to exist, the very threat of it is so overwhelmingly terrifying that its very utterance can make politicians drop billions and billions on the most idiotic plans to create energy. As absurd as this, almost.”
“This post is largely going to be pictures due to the limited intellectual capacity of liberals. Anyone who does not yet, after all of the 20th Century, understand the value of capitalism and individual rights cannot grasp anything close to the nuanced aspects of each.”
Read see and watch the whole thing….
Fuel Filter (12.08am); it’s only “perfect” if someone believes it…
Thus far very little sign that any great number of average citizens anywhere believe CC is a problem: “sign” meaning the citizen is spending their own money combatting it…or maybe changing their behaviour voluntarily…..
Example: Germany is the cutting edge automobile hot-spot, with big population and small distances and huge subsidies for Electric Vehicle purchase, and has about 50 million registered passenger vehicles: 300,000 of which are EVs. This half a percent looking like belief to you? Or….
Where I live there is a second new petrol station being built. 30 ks down the highway there is a new one built last year. In Cannonvale two new ones built two years ago. In Proserpine another two built in the past three years. Whitsunday Coast airport (Proserpine Airport) is jammed with interstate and international visitors arriving in CO2-spewing planes…to take CO2-spewing cruises to the GBR….to take CO2 spewing plane and helicopter joyflights…and on and on and on.
Any of this looking like some kind of “belief” in how naughty CO2 is, to you?
Reality Check: The MSM tells you what their paymasters tell them to tell you. They do not spread the truth about anything!
Presented without comment….
I can’t post the link due to the bad word that’s in it.
All at cluster(you know what)
“Here’s one thing we sort of know: you-all vaxx-happy Wokesters are about to have a new BA-5 bivalent booster laid on you. The Darwin Award season has been extended at least another six months! You’ll be glad to hear it’s been tested in a trial involving eight lab mice, and quickly approved by our FDA. The bad news is that all eight mice got Covid. The worse news is that the booster was wildly inconsistent in producing antibodies among the eight identical mice, meaning the ultimate effect on their immune systems is a crap-shoot — but, hey, they’re only mice.
“Thus, some more good news: humans were so far spared any testing for this new miracle treatment. Pfizer and Moderna didn’t hurt anyone in any cobb-job trials, like they did the first time around (hiding the results). The not-so-good news is: nobody, especially no one in the FDA, has any idea what effect the new booster will have on humans. The best news is that our beneficent government will only make the new vax available to people who are already vaxxed. You have to be “eligible,” in the club, so to speak. Aren’t you special! I never joined that club, so it works for me.”
Testing vaccines is sooo last century. Once you unleash an untested vaccine (in terms of previous vaccines) on the world, change the definition of what a vaccine is and studiously ignore all the damage done; really what is the point of testing a booster versus vs just keep on winging it?
Blood feuds don’t end until one side is out of participants.
If power changes hands in the US, the newly elected will wish
their grievances assuaged. Will they harass, and prosecute,
those currently prosecuting them?
I think not. There will be some light shone on the most egregious sins,
but, as every accuser is a future accused when a feud begins, one should probably
look elsewhere for revenge.
One possibility is the tactic truly underlying what the left is doing, and try to
split the opposition. The real end game of the Democrats is to make sure that either
Mr. Trump’s voters or those moderate Republicans opposed to him are unenthusiastic, & stay home.
If that fails, the left, a coalition of sometime incompatible ideas held together only by a lust for
power, is likely more ripe for being rent asunder than the right, for whom Mr. Trump is a passing fancy and
who can unite on smaller government, lower taxes, closed borders, and a strong defence.
America simultaneously is in a marked shift of who support which party generically; the result should be clear after the
next two elections. The likely loss of green influence due to the obvious failures in the real world will likely
be as much of an accelerant as Covid was; and some may well be alected on a platform no more complex than ‘regaining
Advocates for a better future must accept the inevitability of their opposition.
If President Biden’s Independence Hall address is any indication, the end game is to reverse history and overthrow the Republican state governments in the South using voter intimidation, targeted violence and lawfare.
Europe’s suicide explained
WHere has all the WATER gone? we hear about where has all the heat gone, or is hidden, BUT when Lakes and Reservoirs and Springs run dry, falling water tables, I can understand the basics of exceeding extraction quotas, etc, BUT when Glaciers are receding ( melting ) and falling off a rock shelf , supposedly to raise SEA-Level ( which I don’t see occuring ) and we have so much DROUGHT, then WHERE is all the missing water hiding ? It’s surely not hiding under a few stonies in the Aquafers, is it? No great Atlantic Hurricanes full of rain, Typhoons, yes – probably as much water as usual . We see the floods in Pakistan and in S America and Parts of Malaysia recently ( apologies if I ‘ve got the wrong countries, etc ) Och and in Australia too where you had Snow ( feel like I’m beginning to sound like Dame Edna ). But all those floods have merely returned the Typhoon’s waters back to the Sea, soaking and retuirning some water back to the land. So where is all that water that’s been extracted from Boreholes and reservoirs ? The Books balancing doesn’t add up, does it ? But I feel I may just have a wee idea, us Nigg Farm worker types, sitting all day on the Tractor or chewing Cocksfoot or Timothy over the field gate, have plenty time to watch the world go around us and get their kncikers in a twist! – see !
It is probably in the atmosphere but not yet manifested as rain. Don’t forget the huge rainfall in OZ a decade or so ago was supposed to have affected sea levels, it was so vast. At any one time the amount of water in the atmosphere ranges from 2 to 5 inches spread evenly round the world
It was described as an ‘ atmospheric river’.
Probably, but …. but but… If the planet is in a state of equilibrium ( dynamic not static ) then fair enough, BUT the atmospheric rivers … in what state are they? Running LOW or at danger flood level? So if the Oceans is dynamic – what is it’s steady dynamic state, how does that correlate to the Atmospheric dynamic STATE?
and then some, as a daily browser of weather webcams around the world, I have noticed that THIS year, there have been scenes of a lot of fog around the planet at the same time. – TODAY courtesy of the bbc reports, Fog at Buck Pal. Fog in the Moray Firth, Fog on the Rhine, etc.
Now when we have dynamic equilibrium, what is to be expected ? WHERE did all the Land sourced water go to? the Books haven’t been balanced IMHO. Water accumulated in the Aquifers, Man stored more in reservoirs, Nature ( Weather ? ) stored water in Snow & Ice. and then t here is the dynamic daily weather ( oor Carol’s ) when rain comes n goes and flows BACK in to the Oceans. but still the water tables are very low …. so where did it all go? Are there more or less atmospheric rivers ? Sounds more like ghosts of dead water.! So much Clear ( very clear) sky – ie little moisture. and the heavy cloud usually does release rain. Teecher’s no happy wi’ the repsonses! ‘Could do better’
Australia is the only continent that substantially delays water return to the ocean for years. Other continents cycle water within months. Most snow comes back to oceans within months.
Lake Eyre is currently holding water. None of this finds its way back to the ocean directly as liquid water. It is all evaporated out.
Global ocean mass has declined in the last few months. Australia is a the main contributor to the reduction in mass:
The next El Nino will dry out the surface and the upward trend will continue.
Earth is 500 to 1000 years from the NH glaciers accumulating in a big way again.
I did an analysis of historic sea level and the precession cycle of 23kyr is significant in that record over the last 250kyr.!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhGaXUXNSKzp2wqVs
Teecher says “good effort” …. BUT what’s to do with!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhGaXUXNSKzp2wqVs ? Microsft update terms& condns. …..
Thanks, I’m finding time to read all …. but isn’t this more of a manifestation of thermal & physical state momentum ?
Eating Insects as We Freeze in the Dark
“And just like Smokey Mountain, we will have nuns and their clones offering basic help but not much else for, if they were to challenge these blatant inequities, they would, like so many before them, get a bullet through the head. And so the downward spiral will continue, with new poverty cycles emerging that make the combined wretchedness of Dante’s levels of hell look like a holiday camp.
“And this downward spiral cannot be blamed on Putin’s price hike because there is no such thing. Contrary to what Ireland’s moronic Prime Minister says, he and his government are, like America’s clones elsewhere, primarily responsible for the massive increases in the Consumer Price Index by jacking up their own salaries and expenses, by allowing American multinational companies distort rental prices, by closing down our fertilizer plants and surrendering our food and energy sovereignty. Sure, pock marking the country with Tesco, Aldi, Lidl and other foreign owned supermarkets adds low paying jobs but they and their interminable Trans Pride parades are of no net benefit to either Ireland or the Irish, who Martin and his ramshackle government have brought back to being a ramshackle nation of semi-literate beggars.”
“Just as the old refrain was what is good for General Motors is good for America, so also is it with NATO’s new jingle that substitutes Bill Gates for General Motors. But, though Bill Gates may be good for America, he is not good for Americans, or at least those Americans who do not want to subsist on a mouse’s diet of worms and cockroaches. I don’t know much about Bill Gates, except for the fact that he was so embroiled in Jeffrey Epstein’s Orgy Island escapades that his wife fled in utter revulsion from him.
“Whatever about you, I don’t want any friend of Jeffrey Epstein advising me, or anyone else for that matter, that I should eat cockroaches, slugs and worms. And nor do I want any of the politicians who are in hock to NATO, the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates advising me on what I can subsist on because, to me at least, they, rather than the honest farmers of Belgium, Holland, Germany and flood ravished Pakistan are the problem and not the solution”
Loads of hotlinks in the post. @
I have a question, I’ve not been able to resolve. I understand that contradictions dont exist. So i need help with my premises. But it’s just so obvious.
If the Vax cleans house, or makes people ongoingly immune compromised. The we are left with only non compliant, free thinkers as productive members, and custodians of knowledge in society. How does this fit with a global elite, total control socialist paradigm?
They aren’t stopping with the plandemic. You haven’t noticed the food and fuel shortages around the world?
Just make you easier to identify, by reducing the clutter.
Saw a few potentially interesting articles scanning The Biomedical Scientist recently. Among them:-
A claim that 55%+ hospitalisations at the peak of the covid epidemic were NOT for covid.
Sorry, left out the crucial ‘respiratory’ hospitalisations, otherwise it wouldn’t be that interesting!
If they reclassify them as non-Covid related then it makes the vaccines look more effective. Lies, damn lies etc.
They’re not reclassifying them, it just shows that the reaction to covid was even more over the top and unnecessary than I previously thought.
This might be a morbid thought but after the Queens death I started thinking about who else would affect me.
Whilst not in the same way as the Queen has been present all my life I would feel great sorrow to hear of Sir Paul Macartney dying who has been the soundtrack to my life. Other than family members of course I can’t think of anyone that might affect me in the same way
Typical baby boomer. The Beatles are the most overrated band in history. Funny how the Stones keep getting airplay on mainstream radio but the Beatles are relegated to the old fart stations. Good catchy ditties for advertisements, other than some of their solo works. Have a nice day.
You do realise he never once mentioned the Beatles font you? Nice gratuitous rant though.
Tonyb, I understand your feelings.
Try consoling yourself by recycling, gathering wood for winter heat, learning insect recipes, rethinking your outdated notions of gender …
and thinking about what kind of world we are leaving for Keith Richards.
I am learning insect recipes. They involve the Beetles.
BTW, the WHO is the greatest rock n’ roll band of all time.
I know you’re a history guy tonyb, I’m just helping you the facts of your own time right.
I was recently saddened to hear of the passing of Michael Mishchenko. He was a Russian educated physicists who REALLY understood electricity-magnetic radiation and the electro-magnetic field. He was employed by NASA/GISS to get them on the right path with monitoring the global energy balance.
He was a lone knowledgable voice in a world where the nonsense of “back-radiation” and photons darting about in all directions still prevails. Climate phiisics in fact – the laws of observable physics rewritten by climatologists.
Michael did not finish his work. His list of publications here:
QE 2 was partly responsible for breeding the new king, a rabid CO2 demoniser. Brits might not be so kind to the new king as winter approaches and fond memories of QE 2 fade.
There is a mathematician, Leo Lazauskas, who I hold in high regard for his work on ship/boat resistance. It has enriched my recreational interest in boats. Also Martin Hepperle, aeronautical engineer, for making his foil and propeller models accessible on-line.
These different early treatment protocols against COV-19 may they also help boosted and vaxxed people ?
I have heard of several treatments.
1. Vit D, Vit C, Zinc and Quercetin. The same as I was taking as general prophylaxis.
2. Add N acetyl chlorine to the above.
3. Autophaghy (destruction of damaged cells) is prompted by intermittent fasting,
4. Ivermectin (still banned in Australia)
Peter C – following 1 & 2 for over 2 years, still unvaxxed and still only one in 3 Generation Family not to have had Covid, let alone over 90 Hospital visits in 2 years
My latest (third) hit on the goofy IRA: Free stuff from the Inflation “Reduction” Act discriminates against the poor!
The beginning: “In the name of “inflation reduction” Uncle Sam is giving away four and a half billion dollars worth of rebates on electrical appliances and related juicy stuff. Okay the Federal Government is not actually giving it away; they are just paying for it. The taxpayers are paying the multi-billion dollar bill.
What is truly ironic is that this Act discriminates heavily against the poor. Many relatively low income households are systematically excluded from the rebate program, while much wealthier households qualify simply because their neighbors make more money. I am not making this up.”
Apparently the same sort of give aways have multiple uses /outcomes. The following is a list of subsidised home appliances or improvements that are currently available from the state government of Victoria. These “assistances” are designed to make homes more energy efficient and thereby save the planet from climate change. Alledgedly well rorted by both provider and recipients, but still available if you want.
The program can help you with the cost of purchasing efficient appliances and products including:
chimney dampers and vent covers
clothes dryers
double-glazed windows
fridges and freezers (including help with recycling old fridges)
heating and cooling
hot water systems
pool pumps
standby power controllers
weather-proofing strips.
This program is for electrification, but there is a goofy efficiency program too, also over $4 billion.
See my
I call it rebate roulette because you do not know when you do the project how much the rebate will be, if anything. Supposedly they are going to measure the whole house energy savings, which is impossible. Cheating however will be easy.
Lateral flow covid immunity test, variant adaptable.
From Friday Thread – still worth a Read
September 10, 2022 at 8:19 am · Reply
SEP 9 • 25M
How Joe Biden Lost My Vote
The Democrats have Opted for Corruption over Democracy
Sasha Stone
Very Long but well worth the read
Ten Hidden Costs Of The Ukraine War
As the Ukraine war enters its seventh month, here is a look at the top ten fallouts that most would turn a blind eye to.
Friendly corporate media will never ask the Biden administration tough questions, but as the war on Ukraine is about to grind into the eighth month, the multiple costs of the American-led conflict are, in fact, taking the world back decades.
American-led? Before Russia critics pounce on us, it is worth noting that the United States has not been this involved in a two-party conflict since Vietnam. The Biden mandarins have placed nearly $60 billion in direct support at stake, trotting the globe to pressure other countries to condemn Russia and enact an unprecedented, but thus-far ineffective, sanctions regime.
While it is true that it is Putin’s blatant aggression that has caused this morass, we have maintained that the Biden administration did not exhaust all of its diplomatic options to prevent war. Even after the first shots were fired, the administration doubled down to punish Russia without adequately considering the collateral consequences of its decisions.
Here is our Top-10 list of the war’s hidden costs, many that are irreversible and were unthinkable just a year ago.
Why Did US Torpedo The April Ukraine War Negotiated Settlement?
Most Americans are unaware how close Russia and Ukraine came to ending the current war in April.
Last March 27, Ukraine president Zelensky told his people “Our goal is obvious – peace and the restoration of normal life in our native state as soon as possible.”
He was hinting at what went unsaid: Ukraine and Russia, brokered by NATO member Turkey, reached a tentative fifteen-point peace plan to end the month old war.
Key points were Russia withdraw from all Ukraine except for breakaway Donbas and Crimea. Ukraine would pass on future NATO membership, pledging neutrality between Russia and NATO. Donbas and Crimea would undergo political transition based on self-determination to be recognized by both combatants. Ukraine security would be guaranteed by neighboring countries but no foreign troops would enter Ukraine.
What’s not to like?
For the US weapons makers, the end to a weapons manufacturing boondoggle. That $60 billion in free weaponry to Ukraine fighters has depleted our ammo dumps.
For the US military, the end to a new perpetual war, albeit a proxy one, to relieve the boredom of peace.
For the political class, the end to the new Cold War with Russia to weaken, marginalize, and keep them from economic integration with Europe.
So on April 9, Uncle Sam sent Boris Johnson, the latest version of America’s British Prime Minister poodle, to Kiev, to school Zelensky on who’s running the war. The UK, Johnson advised “was in it for the long run,” would not be party to any Ukraine, Russian agreement since the “collective West” saw a chance to “press” Russia and make the most of it. Johnson cannot be accused of subtlety.
Two weeks later, the US sent Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to Kyiv to reinforce Johnson’s warning and make clear the US and NATO were determined to use the war to “weaken” Russia. NATO ally Turkey has blamed the US and UK for sabotaging a promising chance to end the war early on.
When it comes to provoking, preventing and prolonging senseless war, America always fails the test of peace. Getting back to the question posed: Why did the US torpedo the April Ukraine war negotiated settlement?
Because we can.
That is very depressing news re the UK and US being in the war for the long run. Just incredible.
Yeah, who told Johnson to stick his oar in? … Can it be true, that he scuppered an imminent peace deal?
Of course, Bliar would’ve done it without skipping a beat, but Johnson?… that surprises me.
The chance to destroy the Russian war machine should not be passed. The “peace dividend” will be banked long after the pain is forgotten.
For Australia, if Russia is put back in its box the US can put a second carrier group in the Indian/Pacific Oceans.
I don’t like everything the US does but I want them keeping the peace in Asia.
Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam. Would any of them lasted as long if nobody was making money because of them?
September 10, 2022
News flash: There is no climate change emergency!
There is no climate change emergency, human-caused or otherwise, according to over 1,100 objective, truth-seeking scientists and professionals from over 35 countries. Many of the scientists are climatologists, environmental scientists, pollution meteorologists, and climate researchers who fully support the findings of the Global Climate Emergency Group (GCEG) in its recently released report, entitled “World Climate Declaration: There Is No Climate Emergency.”
The significance of this report cannot be overstated. It directly refutes the climate emergency claims of many of the world’s so-called “elites,” the World Economic Forum, elements of the United Nations, America’s Democrat party, and other promoters of climate change catastrophe. Further, the findings of the report strongly negate efforts to do away with fossil fuels and charge full steam ahead to deploy electric vehicles as quickly as possible and spend many billions of dollars on near-term green energy projects, etc.
Dr. Michael Rectenwald, noted author and former professor at New York University, recently reported that various Democrats are pressuring the Biden administration to declare a climate emergency. These people believe (or knowingly falsely state ) that failure to do so will result in excess carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions killing every living creature on Earth in just a few years. For example, Representative Alan Lowenthal, a California Democrat, is quoted as saying, “We have a few years left, and that’s it. The planet is dying.”
In its report, the GCEG declares the following:
1) “Climate policy relies on inadequate models.
2) “CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth.
3) “Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming.
4) “Warming is far slower than predicted.
5) “Global warming has not increased natural disasters.
Biden’s Department of Justice and FBI are on a roll
September 10, 2022
Unfortunately, they’re not cracking down on actual crime that affects the American people; they’re cracking down on Biden’s political enemies
Still, despite all the blatantly partisan government police attacks in which the FBI was engaging, the raid on Mar-a-Lago marked an escalation in the war against Trump and his supporters. Never in American history has a presidential administration used the DOJ and FBI as his private police force to handicap a potential political opponent. There was a distinct whiff of the KGB about this one.
It turns out, though, that the escalation was just a warm-up. It turns out that the FBI managed to obtain 50 subpoenas and orchestrate as many as 35 raids across America last night, all against people who openly support Trump and his goal of Making America Great Again.
I initially was going to hold off on reporting this because Steve Bannon was the only person talking about these raids, and I wanted more corroboration.
That corroboration came when Tucker Carlson spoke with Harmeet Dhillon. She not only corroborated the report, but she also established (to my satisfaction, as a lawyer) that the subpoenas were overly broad and, worse, explicitly sought constitutionally protected information:
King George III’s agents used to use general warrants (i.e., broad, even open-ended search warrants), and that was one of the liberty-destroying wrongs against which the colonists rebelled. The Fourth Amendment specifically prohibits that kind of search warrant abuse. That’s not stopping the DOJ and FBI, though, both of which are conducting the kind of political purge we associate with totalitarian dictatorships and tin-pot tyrannies.
Summed Up By Cartoon – American Gestapo
The DOJ’s opposition to the special master exposes a nefarious motive
On Thursday, however, the DOJ went one step further and did something that, to my mind, strongly indicates that its raid on Mar-a-Lago was intended to obtain and protect information that would be embarrassing to Obama, Biden, and the Deep State. Instead of complying with the court’s order to submit the names of special masters, it fought back against a special master entirely by filing a motion stating that, unless the trial court reversed its order, it required that the court enter a stay pending an appeal to the 11th Circuit.
The claimed reason is that the order, to the extent it affects allegedly “classified” material compromises national security:
There are two problems with this request. First, it cannot be said often enough that the materials in Trump’s possession by definition are not classified. The President of the United States of America has plenary power regarding document classification, something that overrides completely any bureaucrat’s little rubber stamps and labels. As the Supreme Court said in Navy v. Egan, 484 U.S. 518 (1988),
Thus, the DOJ’s motion signals that, for the Biden administration, the issue isn’t that Trump had allegedly classified documents in his office. Were that the case, as noted, it would be easy enough for a special master with security clearance to review them. The Biden administration’s concern, instead, is that no one outside of the administration looks at those documents. The best explanation for this particular paranoia is that the documents reflect badly on the Biden administration and, by extension, on the Obama administration, and the Deep State itself.
I sure hope that Trump’s lawyers understand what just happened here. The DOJ’s actions can be understood to mean that the real reason behind the raid on Mar-a-Lago was to be a clean-up operation to sweep up all documents that could harm Biden, Obama, or anyone in those men’s administrations.
Funny rulings in the US
Oppose special master overview … something hide much?
Oppose removing dead people, non residents from voting roles … something to hide/rig much?
The later is stunning to me. Why that is not automatic and treated as normal and not even a subject for discussion let alone legal challenge beggars belief in a society that calls itself a democracy.
It’s (Almost) Always the Feds: How the FBI Fabricates Schemes To Entrap Would-Be Radicals
The FBI’s long history of using informants and manufactured plots to prosecute extremists
Here’s a tip: If you have some radical political views and an acquaintance reaches out, encourages you to act on your convictions, and maybe offers to introduce you to a guy who can sell you some bomb parts, don’t take him up on it. That guy’s almost definitely working for the feds.
For the past two decades, the FBI and federal prosecutors have brought case after case against would-be radicals who were ratted out by informants. They have been enormously successful in obtaining convictions in these cases, despite persistent criticisms that the FBI uses unscrupulous informants, conjures up the very plots it disrupts, and entraps defendants who have little to no ability to actually carry out a terror attack.
It looked like the case against the Michigan militia members who allegedly plotted to kidnap Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in October 2020 was going to be another data point in that trend: an extremist group riddled with FBI informants set up to take the fall for all their big talk. An unusual thing happened, though. The jury didn’t buy it. When the verdicts were read a year and a half later in March, two of the militia members were acquitted, and the jury deadlocked on the other two.
‘You Actually Had To Have Articulable Facts’
The sort of informant-led investigation that resulted in the arrests of the Wolverine Watchmen is largely due to the rollback of Watergate-era restrictions on the FBI following 9/11. The Whitmer case wasn’t just a poorly conceived investigation; it was the direct result of a strategic internal policy change that allowed the FBI to begin targeting people who had done nothing illegal in order to prosecute the war on terror.
‘There Are a Lot of People Who Are Understandably Very Concerned About Mr. Epps’
“Exactly how many of those present at the Capitol complex on January 6 were FBI confidential informants, agents, or otherwise, working directly or indirectly with an agency of the United States government?” Donald Trump asked at a January 15 rally in Arizona. “People want to hear this. How about the one guy, ‘Go in, go in, get in there, everybody,’ Epps. ‘Get in there, go, go, go.’ Nothing happens to him. What happened with him? Nothing happens.”
John Pilger: Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda Works
In the 1970s, I met one of Hitler’s leading propagandists, Leni Riefenstahl, whose epic films glorified the N@zis. We happened to be staying at the same lodge in Kenya, where she was on a photography assignment, having escaped the fate of other friends of the F@hrer.
She told me that the ‘patriotic messages’ of her films were dependent not on ‘orders from above’ but on what she called the ‘submissive void’ of the German public.
Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I asked. ‘Yes, especially them,’ she said.
I think of this as I look around at the propaganda now consuming Western societies.
Of course, we are very different from Germany in the 1930s. We live in information societies. We are globalists. We have never been more aware, more in touch, better connected.
Are we? Or do we live in a Media Society where brainwashing is insidious and relentless, and perception is filtered according to the needs and lies of state and corporate power?
The United States dominates the Western world’s media. All but one of the top ten media companies are based in North America. The internet and social media – Google, Twitter, Facebook – are mostly American owned and controlled.
In my lifetime, the United States has overthrown or attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, mostly democracies. It has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries. It has dropped bombs on the people of 30 countries, most of them poor and defenceless. It has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries. It has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries.
The extent and scale of this carnage is largely unreported, unrecognized; and those responsible continue to dominate Anglo-American political life.
Last December, Russia proposed a far-reaching security plan for Europe. This was dismissed, derided or suppressed in the Western media. Who read its step-by-step proposals? On 24 February, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy threatened to develop nuclear weapons unless America armed and protected Ukraine. This was the final straw.
On the same day, Russia invaded – according to the Western media, an unprovoked act of congenital infamy. The history, the lies, the peace proposals, the solemn agreements on Donbass at Minsk counted for nothing.
On 25 April, the US Defence Secretary, General Lloyd Austin, flew into Kyiv and confirmed that America’s aim was to destroy the Russian Federation – the word he used was ‘weaken’. America had got the war it wanted, waged by an American bankrolled and armed proxy and expendable pawn.
Almost none of this was explained to Western audiences.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is wanton and inexcusable. It is a crime to invade a sovereign country. There are no ‘buts’ – except one.
When did the present war in Ukraine begin and who started it? According to the United Nations, between 2014 and this year, some 14,000 people have been killed in the Kyiv regime’s civil war on the Donbass. Many of the attacks were carried out by neo-N@zis.
CDC Admits Post-Vaccine Myocarditis Concerns That Were Labeled Covid Misinformation Are Legit
In context, the CDC’s latest numbers about post-vax myocarditis represent a significant departure from last year’s narrative pushed by health bureaucrats and the media.
Then reports first surfaced in 2021 that some cases of myocarditis — the inflammation of the heart muscle, potentially leading to blood clots and heart attack or stroke — were potentially associated with the Covid-19 vaccine, the corporate media and its fact-checkers were quick to label them as misinformation, saying the benefits of the vaccine far outweigh its small risks.
A year later, though, the media can no longer deny that what they called misinformation actually has data to back it up. As Matt Shapiro detailed in his Substack post on the matter, “Last year’s misinformation on vaccine-associated myocarditis in young men is this year’s well-established fact.”
According to Vaccine Safety Datalink surveillance data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted in 2022, within a week of receiving the “Dose 2 Primary Series” of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, there were 14 verified cases of myocarditis or pericarditis among the 102,091 males aged 16-17 who got the shot. Among the nearly 206,000 12-15-year-old males who received the same series, 31 cases were confirmed within a week.
But as The Federalist reported, the ruling regime was the real purveyor of misinformation. In January 2022, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky finally admitted on CNN that the vaccines can’t “prevent transmission.”
Many pandemic concerns that were once labeled misinformation have since proved to be true, such as learning loss due to school closures, the effectiveness of natural immunity, the ineffectiveness of cloth face coverings, and the social and economic harms of mass lockdowns, just to name a few. The ruling class being wrong about myocarditis risk is just the latest in its long list of misinforming the public about what’s misinformation — to the detriment of free speech, institutional trust, and public health.
14:100000 most people regard as low risk. Those stats are not going to rock the world.
I don’t by the way, it’s just how I believe most people think.
Probably right
If it was presented as an additional life risk, with no significant benefit it might get some people attention, but only some
A new bill is about to be signed into law by Governor Newsom in California. Any doctor in the state who deviates from the official line on Covid and Covid vaccines can be found guilty of “unprofessional conduct” and have their license to practice medicine revoked.
quite bizarre seeing the California position on those topics seems to be complete BS
unsurprising people leave, those that can afford to. I imagine doctors can afford to.
in the 70s I was a frequent visitor to California pursuing a sporting passion that California was a Mecca for. At the time it seemed like paradise and I so wanted to emigrate. I am so grateful the realities of my life prohibited me from even trying. It been depressing on subsequent visits , more work oriented, watching it all fall apart.
Had a look at how significant Australia’s 43% emissions reduction by 2030 would be on the world stage. The first problem was determining what the global emissions were. The two candidates were Statistica, with 2021 emissions at 36.4 GtCO2e, and the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) group, who have a 2021 global emissions figure of about 51 GtCO2e.
According to CAT, the world needs to reduce emissions by 23-27 GtCO2e by 2030 to keep global temps at +1.5°C.
The Albanese Government, with its 43% reduction target by 2030, will contribute about 143 MtCO2e to the reduction, or 0.57% of the total needed.
How confident are we that the other 99.43% of the world emitters will not take the free rider approach. Is Australia the only nation that understands the phrase “this is a global problem which will affect everybody” and is willing do the work and bear the economic and social cost for the rest of the planet for no discernable gain in temperature reduction?
As far back as I can remember Australia has led the charge into the abyss of destroying its own economy, setting an example it’s called, for the good of the entire universe, Lima, Kyoto, and now the contemporary idiocy of the forty-three percent.
EXCLUSIVE: ‘The most extraordinary honor of my life’: Former president Donald J. Trump writes movingly for of his time with the ‘iconic’ Queen – and her riposte when he asked: ‘Who WAS your favorite PM?’
. Former President lauds the late Queen’s ‘grace, charm, nobility… she was an icon to the world and her loss is felt by billions’
. She was beloved by the American People like few others – the Queen was truly special to us,’ he writes
.Gives a heartfelt account of ‘talking the whole evening’ and being with her ‘side-by-side’ during his state visit to the UK…memories he and Melania will ‘cherish for the rest of our lives’
. Says ‘she saw her country through the Blitz of London, the Cold War, the Falklands conflict, the coal miners’ strikes, Brexit, COVID, and so much more – she was always there for her people—resolute and unflappable’
. ‘Her Majesty missed nothing,’ he writes. ‘She always knew exactly what to say…’ revealing her answer to his intriguing question about Britain’s PMs
. As we grieve,’ he writes, ‘we are comforted that King Charles III will be a great and outstanding successor… Melania and I were blessed to get to know him well… he will be an inspiration to the British People’
. His generous tribute concludes: ‘She was Britain at its best. God bless the Queen. God bless her family. God bless the United Kingdom’
Australia: Over 1,000 schools offering cricket based food to our kids!
How did this slip under the wire? 😮😮
Better stock up on MEAT! 😆
People who like my posts are happier, more intelligent, and better looking; according to a study I just made up.
The wait is over – Idiocracy is here.
How many moons does the Earth have?
30 maybe…
What can you say…
that series on videos is amazing, I imagine the result would be much the same here
you dont have to know much to be an apparently functional adult it seems
Some argue there is three .
I’ve seen these before, Watters did some, and I thought “No way, they had to ask a thousand people and edit the hell outta it”. Now I’m not so sure.
Excellent articlle in the Spectator by a Dr Julie Sladden “My govt turned me into an antivaxer” . One of the few who can still think.
I’ll come clean. Like most people defending their position on the Covid jabs, I used to start my apology with, ‘I’m no anti-vaxxer!’
Having probably received more vaccines than most, given I am both a doctor and fairly well travelled, I naively thought this approach might earn credibility with vaccine enthusiasts. I should have saved my breath.
Over the last two years, the government-endorsed segregation and dehumanisation of those who exercised their right to refuse the jab, has forced me to change my identity.
In reply to “Just how bad is it? We don’t know. There is no long-term toxicity, carcinogenicity (cancer-causing), genotoxicity (effect on genes), or fertility studies.” I disagree, the person writing the article does not have the freedom to speak openly. The forced vaccination has created a worldwide health problem which must be addressed.
The first release RNA covid vaccines are dangerous because they force the body to produce first release covid spikes throughout the body. There is no scientific or ethical reason to take a drug that produces first release covid spikes throughout the body. The circulating covid virus is BA.4 and BA.5, not BA.1. Continually vaccinating people using the first release covid vaccines causes immune system failure, inflammation, heart damage, blood clots, neurological damage, and so on.
This is not anti-vaxing talk. The first release covid RNA vaccines have no therapeutic reason to be given.
There appears to be pathological evidence that supports that the assertion that the first release RNA vaccines are causing ‘turbo’ cancer, a new sudden appearance of: Multi-organ and/or multi tumors in an organ, aggressive cancer. This new novel, cancer is appearing in patients that are significantly younger. The appearance of turbo type cancer coincides with the starting of the RNA covid vaccination.
“Dr. Kruger initially thought that these turbo cancers, as she calls them, were due to delayed doctor appointments from Covid lockdowns, but that period is long over, and the tumors are still growing aggressively, and in younger patients. She reported some of these cases to the FDA, and while some higher-ups initially agreed to meet with her, they canceled the meeting with no explanation the next day and sent a phone agent to take her report instead.”
“Six months ago Dr. Kruger appeared at a panel in Germany to present her theory that vaccination is causing aggressive tumors, and she asked for help from the doctors at that summit in collecting data. Unfortunately, few of them have been willing to collect that data and share it with her.”
Group formation – a new theory
..there have always been controllers in power (ready to use major force, when necessary) who form groups. Favored groups. Although this may appear to be an effort to create equal opportunity, these campaigns eventually give way to: form groups that will act as ground troops to increase the power of the controllers.
That’s group formation.
“We’ve got these hungry wolves on the fringe of society (think BLM, ANTIFA, Trans movement. JC II) and they don’t know what to do with themselves. They can’t organize. But we can. We can bring them in out of the cold, tell them they’re special, throw some money their way, help them organize—and then they’ll be OURS.”
Clever governments are always up to those tricks.
There are variations on the theme. For instance, the controllers say, “Let’s create a layer between ourselves and the wolves. A layer of compliant dupes. The dupes will wring their hands and weep for the wolves. They’ll swear allegiance to the wolves. Let’s see, we’ll call that intermediate layer…LIBERALS.”
That’s another group formation.
You coalesce the liberals by convincing them they should feel guilt and shame. About the poor wolves. It’s not hard, because these liberals don’t really know what to think. They’re soft and doughy. They have no spines.
The wolves—to make this clear—pretend they want equality of opportunity, but that’s a con. They want power. They want to win their war and rule.
This is, of course, a pipe dream. The wolves will never rule. One, they wouldn’t know how, and two, the controllers will never let them rule. The controllers are merely using them to advance elite control.
I’m no fan of Rappaport, Icke and their ilk, but I’ll skip the 90% BS and take the 10% reality that they speak.
“If you’re free you’re not equal, and if you’re equal you’re not free”
– Solzhenitsyn
Science Goes Too Slow For The News:
Last year’s misinformation on vaccine-associated myocarditis in young men is this year’s well-established fact
It often takes a week or more before the CDC manages to upload the video of their ACIP meetings.
Absent the video, this meeting was still somewhat astonishing.
There were several shocking charts and statistics within the slides, but a notable one is this chart, which noted that the incidence of myocarditis among young men in response to the vaccine is much higher than previously reported.
This, in and of itself, is astonishing. The rates of dose 2 myocarditis are 3-5 times higher for young men than what the CDC was reporting this time last year.
But what is even more astonishing is that the latest CDC data on myocarditis is almost perfectly in line with the study on vaccine-associated myocarditis first published by Tracy Høeg, Allison Kruf, Josh Stevenson, and John Mandrola almost exactly a year ago.
This study was a canary in the coal mine in the debate about whether or not the COVID vaccine should be recommended for young men. With rates of myocarditis this high and the severity of COVID as low as it is for this age group, the case in favor of the vaccine for this age group is not strong. These results are why countries across Europe suspended the Moderna vaccine for men under 30.
This is a triumph of independent investigation and data analysis. These authors were a full year ahead of the CDC with important, actionable data that we should have been using to inform (among other things) the need for vaccine mandates among college students. The “formal” science moves slowly, but it has fully vindicated this analysis.
It’s all falling apart but the damage is done…
400 Doctors and Professionals Declare International Medical Crisis Due to Covid Vaccine Injuries and Deaths.
Over 400 doctors, scientists and professionals from more than 34 countries this morning declared an international medical crisis due to “diseases and death associated with the ‘COVID-19 vaccines’”.
Launched at a press conference on Saturday, September 10th, the declaration states: “We are currently witnessing an excess in mortality in those countries where the majority of the population has received the so-called ‘COVID-19 vaccines’. To date, this excess mortality has neither been sufficiently investigated nor studied by national and international health institutions.”
It continues:
The large number of sudden deaths in previously healthy young people who were inoculated with these ‘vaccines’ is particularly worrying, as is the high incidence of miscarriages and perinatal deaths which have not been investigated.
A large number of adverse side effects, including hospitalisations, permanent disabilities and deaths related to the so-called ‘COVID-19 vaccines’, have been reported officially.
The registered number has no precedent in world vaccination history.
The declaration, which originates among concerned medics and professionals in India, makes eight “urgent” demands, including an immediate stop to the vaccinations and investigation of all deaths in previously healthy people.
Can the medical profession undo the damage caused by their blind obedience and cowardice though, let alone the inestimable damage to the medical field as a whole? That’s rhetorical btw…
Biden extends 9/11 emergency
US President Joe Biden has renewed the national emergency declared by former president George W. Bush in the days following the events of September 11, 2001 for another year.
The “terrorist threat” behind the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people “continues,” Biden wrote in a Thursday memo published in the Federal Register, adding that the “powers and authorities adopted to deal with” the attacks “must continue in effect beyond September 14, 2022.”
The 9/11 emergency declaration is just one of several Biden has extended this week alone. Also on Thursday, the president prolonged a national emergency he had declared the previous year regarding sectarian violence and human rights abuses in Ethiopia, while on Tuesday he announced the renewal of an emergency declared by his predecessor Donald Trump in 2018 regarding the threat of “foreign interference in or undermining public confidence in” US elections.
Biden has declared at least six national emergencies since taking office in January 2021 and extended several more, including the Covid-19 pandemic emergency. The National Emergencies Act endows the president with over 136 powers, most of which do not require congressional approval to wield. Since its passage in 1976, more than 60 national emergencies have been declared, with only about half of them officially concluded.
The USA is stuck in a state of emergency even though there isn’t one!
Gotta keep control of the masses…
Don’t forget Polio in the NY sewer! That’s an emergency too!
Visa To Categorize Sales At Gun Stores In Win For Gun Control Advocates
Visa announced Saturday that the world’s largest payment processing corporation will begin separately categorizing firearm purchases at gun stores.
Visa’s decision will allow banks to make decisions with enhanced information on whether they will allow purchases at gun shops on their cards. The move could also cause other corporations like Mastercard and American Express to adopt a similar policy, the AP reported. The payment processing company, however, claimed that it will continue to “protect” the legal selling and purchasing of goods on its network.
The two lawmakers authored a letter, which was signed by more than 12 other Democrats, urging credit card companies to more closely track gun sales. “The creation of a new [merchant category code] for gun and ammunition retail stores would be the first step towards facilitating the collection of valuable financial data that could help law enforcement in countering the financing of terrorism efforts,” the letter read.
So…credit card companies will effectively force their political views(left) onto their customers.
What’s next? Meat and alcohol?
“Terrorism”? Somehow I suspect REAL terrorists don’t use credit cards at their local gun shop!
More likely their weapons came from arms deals with the USA like they have for decades or via black market/deep web sales from the Ukraine money laundering op…
yet another reason to use cash if you can
“Elbow’s Theme Song”
“Chuck Mangione ft Esther Satterfield – Land of Make Believe (A&M Records 1973
Western Europe now facing “TOTAL FINANCIAL COLLAPSE” – experts and analysts urgently sound the alarm
Western Europe is facing “total collapse” from catastrophic scarcity and price hikes surrounding food, fertilizer, energy and industry, warns David Dubyne, featured in today’s Situation Update podcast (below). Silver guru David Morgan, also featured in today’s podcast, adds that European banks are facing the possibility of systemic failures (and “bail-ins”) due to exposure to energy markets and the desire of Western European governments to keep printing money to try to address the devastating energy scarcity that is now irreversible.
American banks also have exposure to Europe’s economies, which means a failure of Western European banks, governments and currencies will spread like contagion to the United States and the dollar. With no solutions in sight — and no willingness among Europe’s politicians to even consider reversing their suicidal policies that led to this crisis — it seems that Western Europe is doomed to a simultaneous collapse of food, energy, industry, agriculture and currency.
Yep. The EU is, like I said, effectively a war-time economy and sinking faster by the day.
Dear old globalist Charles 3 won’t save you either.
Europe has signed its own death warrant by being party to the US led anti-Russia nonsense they’ve been spewing for decades.
Now we sit back and watch the money drain out of Europe into the USA…
Good old Charles doing his bit?
Nice place Europe, glad I got to see a reasonable chunk of it between catastrophes.
Montana permanently blocks residents from changing gender on birth certificates
Montana health officials adopted a rule on Friday that permanently prohibits people from changing the gender on their birth certificates.
Before the new rule, transgender people wishing to alter their birth certificate had only been required to provide an affidavit to the state health department.
Now, the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services will no longer record the “gender” section on birth certificates and will replace it with a “sex” category that only offers options for male or female. The “sex” listing can only be changed in rare circumstances.
Do I detect a glimmer of sanity in the darkness?
A mass exodus of gender confused crybabies exiting Montana? 😅
Quebec has a provision such that a new birth certificate can be issued if the parents get married within 6 months of the birth.
The other cute law is that if you cohabit but do not marry, you remain separate as to property. In BC on the other hand, after 3 months of cohabitation you begin acquiring property rights.
The climate cultists are going to hate this!
Thought for the day
If this is how science operates, by silencing those who express opposing views rather than by debating with them, then science is dead and we are in a new era of the Inquisition.
Graham Hancock
Zuckerberg Is Losing: Major Companies Remove Facebook Login Option Over Privacy Concerns
Dell, Twitch, Best Buy, Ford Motor, Pottery Barn, Nike, Patagonia, and Match no longer allow users to sign in with Facebook.
People can still sign in with Google, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
Jen Felch, Dell’s chief digital and chief information officer cited privacy concerns as the reason for the removal.
Facebook? Who are they?
Even the most respectable of Austrian citizens now breaks the law, unless he is prepared to starve for the sake of obeying it … The fact that the future is so uncertain has led to stagnation in industry and public works, and swelling numbers of unemployed supported by the State
When Money Dies: The Nightmare of Deficit Spending, Devaluation, and Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany
Must get a copy!
Oh here it is… 😉
A few things to know before stealing my 914
Dear Thief,
Welcome to my Porsche 914. I imagine that at this point (having found the door unlocked) your intention is to steal my car. Don’t be encouraged by this; the tumblers sheared off in 1978. I would have locked it up if I could, so don’t think you’re too clever or that I’m too lazy. However, now that you’re in the car, there are a few things you’re going to need to know. First, the battery is disconnected, so slide-hammering my ignition switch is not your first step. I leave the battery disconnected, not to foil hoodlums such as yourself, but because there is a mysterious current drain from the 40-year-old German wiring harness that I can’t locate and/or fix. So, connect the battery first. Good luck finding the engine cover release. Or the engine, for that matter.
Now, you can skip your slide hammer. The ignition switch’s tumblers are so worn that any flat-bladed screwdriver or pair of scissors will do. Don’t tell anyone.
Once you’ve figured that out and try to start the car, you’ll run into some trouble.
you would need that in a few languages 🙂
Putting the World Economic Forum out of Business!
Exposed: The vast pro-Ukrainian ‘bot army’ designed to influence Western policy makers
An investigation has exposed a vast coordinated network online
Researchers at the University of Adelaide have published a landmark paper on the activities of bot accounts on Twitter related to the conflict in Ukraine. These Australian findings are truly staggering – of 5.2 million tweets on the social media network from February 23 to March 8, between 60 to 80% were shared by fake accounts. What’s more, 90% of those posts were pro-Ukraine.
In particular, these accounts pushed the hashtags #IStandWithUkraine, #IStandWithZelenskyy, and #ISupportUkraine, and myths like the ‘Ghost of Kiev’, a fictional Ukrainian fighter pilot who is farcically alleged to have taken down 40 Russian jets within hours of the military operation commencing.
Significant spikes in activity were recorded at key points in the initial stages of the fighting, such as Russia’s capture of Kherson on March 2, and the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant on March 4.
The accounts identified were overwhelmingly English language, leading the researchers to conclude these fake users sought to “drive more disruption in English-speaking countries” and “influence a variety of user groups.” Despite the significant focus on English, Ukrainian bots also employed the Russian language to “cause more disruption” in the country.
The accounts were successful in their objective of stimulating discussions and trends around particular topics, kickstarting and increasing online discussion around a number of subjects, including the question of whether Ukrainians should flee the country. The researchers recorded “significant flows” of information from Ukrainian bots to non-bot accounts.
Neil Oliver on climate hypocrisy:
(~17min video)
Disgraceful: Pentagon tells struggling Army soldiers, families to apply for food stamps
The Army’s Financial Readiness Program can help Soldiers fight inflation and manage finances
By Sergeant Major of the Army Michael A. Grinston August 15, 2022
WASHINGTON — With inflation affecting everything from gas prices to groceries to rent, some Soldiers and their families are finding it harder to get by on the budgets they’ve set and used before.
Soldiers of all ranks can seek guidance, assistance, and advice through the Army’s Financial Readiness Program.
The FRP offers a number of online resources, as well as free, credentialed personal financial counselors, to help Soldiers understand the financial landscape and to take ownership of their own personal financial management. Unfortunately, many Soldiers are not aware of these resources.
SNAP is a U.S. government program that provides benefits to eligible low-income individuals and families via an electronic benefits transfer card that can be used like a debit card to purchase eligible food in authorized retail food stores. Service members and their families may be eligible. To determine qualification, visit the SNAP website or call the SNAP information line at 800-221-5689.
Laughing Libertarian
“The guidance points soldiers to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and links them to the federal welfare program’s website.”
–Billions and billions for Biden’s suicidal Green New Deal and Ukraine, no money fo feed our soldiers and families!
Mask mandate on planes finally lifts in Australia and more than 90% on my
flight are unmasked. When you give people the choice, and the data, they go mask-free.
“The Next Prime Minister of Canada”
Interesting comments there which the LNP ought to read
Kharkov: What’s Driving The Latest Military Dynamics & What Might Come Next?
Andrew Korybko 18 hr ago
The reality behind the latest dynamics is more nuanced than Kiev, its Western patrons, and Russia are claiming, which the present analysis will concisely explain. To that end, it’ll identify the lesser-discussed factors driving the most recent on-the-ground developments, prognosticate what might come next, and then share some relevant observations about the Ukrainian Conflict in general.
The US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) is ecstatic about the latest military dynamics around Kharkov after Kiev’s forces reportedly recaptured around 1,000 square kilometers (385 square miles) of territory from Russia and its Donbass Allies. That in turn prompted many of Moscow’s opponents to glorify the advancing army on social media and share predictions about its supposedly imminent victory in the latest US-provoked phase of the Ukrainian Conflict that broke out in late February. The reality is more nuanced, however, as the present analysis will concisely explain.
What follows is a bulleted list of points drawing attention to the lesser-discussed factors behind the latest military dynamics:
* Kiev’s Forces Are Entirely Dependent Upon Foreign Military Support
Ukrainian presidential advisor Alexey Arestovich admitted in late March that Russia has “practically destroyed our defence industry”, which means that Kiev’s forces have only been able to keep the conflict going since then due to foreign (US-NATO) military support.
* The US Already Gave Its Proxies $15.2 Billion In Military Aid Since 2021
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said last week that his country’s latest $2.8 billion in military aid to Kiev brings the grand total to $15.2 billion since the Biden Administration came to power, thus proving that the receiving forces are truly US-NATO proxies, especially when considering the preceding point.
* The Kherson Counteroffensive Covered The Kharkov One
The Kharkov counteroffensive quickly followed the failed Kherson one and was thus able to achieve some on-the-ground success (however potentially transient) after the defenders rightly prioritized their limited forces to protect the much more strategically significant southern front.
* Russia Would Rather Retreat Than Pull A Mariupol (For Now)
Unlike Kiev’s forces that illegally militarize residential areas in order to de facto exploit civilians there as human shields exactly as Amnesty International proved last month, Russia would rather retreat than risk collateral civilian and infrastructure damage, at least per its present calculations (which might change).
* Kharkov Might Be Expendable To Russia From A Strategic Perspective
* Russia Might Fully Complete Its Tactical Pullback From Kharkov Region…
* …Or Russia & Its Donbass Allies Might Push Back Against NATO’s Proxy Army
* The Potential Battle of Kharkov Might Prove To Be A Turning Point In The Conflict
* Russia Might Finally Declare The Official Mobilization Of Its Forces
* Swift Success = Game Changer While Stalemate = More Of The Same
* An Asymmetrical Move By Russia Can’t Be Ruled Out
Some general observations will now conclude the analysis:
* The Kharkov Counteroffensive Is Kiev’s Last Hurrah Of The Year (& Maybe Ever)
* Information Warfare From Both Sides Will Inevitably Intensify
* Wishful Thinking Could Snatch Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory
* Both Parties Probably Expect Peace Talks To Resume By Early Next Year
* Neither Side Will Likely Ever Achieve Their Desired Maximalist Outcomes.
* The Grand Strategic Context Proves That Time Is On Russia’s Side
The global systemic transition to multipolarity that was accelerated by the West’s counterproductive anti-Russian sanctions means that time is on Moscow’s side since the EU is facing major economic-political crises that’ll lead to irreversible strategic changes that ultimately work to the Kremlin’s benefit.
Oops – Link Kharkov: What’s Driving The Latest Military Dynamics & What Might Come Next?
Russia could end this nonsense in 5 minutes with one FOAB and get rid of Zelensky too and I doubt the west would dare retaliate, crazy as they are.
If Putin goes that’s exactly what will happen.
China Creates ‘Digital Twin’ Of Americans: Former DoD Cybersecurity Expert
As reports have emerged that Chinese military-linked firms gather American DNA, these firms are now capable of creating digital replicas of Americans, according to John Mills, former director of cybersecurity policy, strategy, and international affairs at the Department of Defense.
“They have the capacity to create these complex models of each of us. They’re making digital twins of us,” Mills told the “China in Focus” program on NTD News, sister media outlet of The Epoch Times.
He pointed to BGI Group, formerly Beijing Genomics Institute, which is the leader of the CCP’s genome project, as well as a leading producer of COVID-19 tests.
In 2017, the company’s leader boasted that it had reached an industrial level of success in progressing through genetic reform and gene editing, to gene synthesizing, and mass-producing multiple viruses, bacteria, and large yeasts.
“They can do all kinds of nefarious things with no constraint or loss. They have our data.” That data could be used to tailor a follow-up virus to target certain non-Han ethnicities, Mills warned.
Digital replicas eh..
Bear in mind that China, despite popular opinion, is technologically behind the times.
Their tech is predominantly recycled, salvaged and reverse-engineered products from elsewhere. Cutting edge tech is beyond them. Literally.
China couldn’t even make the humble Biro until 2017 as they lacked the precision engineering expertise of countries like Germany.
This is also why they won’t go to war with Taiwan, USA etc. They can’t afford to destroy the tech they want to steal…
Oops, someone didn’t do their homework, choosing the wrong bloke to interview!
That was supposed to be in reply to John Connor ll at #34.
Maybe Jo can spring for the latest blog updates and patches to fix the “reply” bugs?😇
Maybe, if we all spring for more chocolate
That one was my fault John. I had to type in my name and email address and should have started from scratch.
I suspect Jo is using old spaghetti code software. Fix one thing, trip up something else.
Could a massive fund raiser buy a brand new package? HotCopper is a cesspit but their, in house written, platform is excellent.
This blog has multiplied over the years so there must be a way to leverage this popularity, but I’m not Bill from marketing.
Jo uses the latest wordpress software, self hosted, but with a cloudflare delivery when traffic became unmanageable in the weeks after the US election. I’m told the site needs more RAM, and I need to get a quote. We’re just using up too much space. But it will cost I presume. 🙁
Perversely when the site was using 8 year old outdated wordpress it was just slow (far too slow) but commenters didn’t get caught and the reply button worked. Hmm.
We had a few problems here a couple of years ago but I must say in recent years the site has loaded fast and caused no problems other than the occasions when a post will suddenly go into the bin.
[Wee edit. – LVA]
Sorry Jo. Tells self: Stay within my lane.
Massive M7.6 earthquake hits Papua New Guinea, hazardous tsunami waves possible
A very strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.6 hit eastern New Guinea, Papua New Guinea at 23:46 UTC on September 10, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 61.4 km (38 miles). EMSC is reporting M7.6 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).
The epicenter was located 65.6 km (40.8 miles) WNW of Lae (population 76 255) and 90.8 km (56.4 miles) N of Bulolo (population 16 042), Morobe, Papua New Guinea.
Based on the preliminary earthquake parameters, hazardous tsunami waves are possible for coasts within 1 000 km (620 miles) of the earthquake epicenter, PTWC said.
Checking, I see there is a Tsunami alert so people in far nth Qld had best skip the beach.
The people at the AU v NZ cricket in Townsville dont seem overly concerned. Sunburn is probably the biggest risk atm
Actually those games are in Cairns, at Cazalys.
Travellers’ tip: If driving into Cairns from the south you pass Cazalys. Stop and join, you will save your fee on your first meal. Cairns central is expensive touristy dining.
The Adelaide Advertiser keeps on showing a mock-up of Charles’ image on Australia’s coins from next year, but it has him looking to the right when previous kings have looked to the left. I checked my (incomplete) collection of Australian pennies. The Australian Mint had previously mentioned that on coins queens look to the right and kings to the left.
no they just alternate….I think
AFAIK you are correct Yarpos.
Reduce Your Risk of Death by Up to 31%: New Study Examines the Impact of Exercise
A study finds that adults who exercised 150-600 minutes each week had the lowest risk of death.
According to a recent study published in the American Heart Association’s flagship peer-reviewed journal Circulation, individuals who exercise two to four times the currently recommended level of moderate or vigorous physical activity each week had a much lower risk of death. The research analyzed more than 100,000 individuals over a 30-year follow-up period. People who participated in two to four times the recommended amount of vigorous physical activity each week had a decrease of 21-23%, while those who engaged in two to four times the recommended amount of moderate physical activity saw a reduction of 26-31%.
I used to spend 2 hrs/day in brutal HITT gym work. That sure burns fat!!
I had a BP of 90/60 & a RHR of 40 in my late 40’s and my doctor couldn’t believe it.
Naaah.. I’ll just get me one of them “just 14 minutes a day” exercise thingies on TV and I’ll have washboard abs in no time! 😆😆
There’s a sucker born every time ads like that are shown.
7700 kcal/kg fat. 14 mins HITT == 200 cals burned. 7 sessions a week = 1400 cals == 200g fat lost. So it’d take a year to drop 10kg all things being equal, and they typically aren’t.
You lose weight because of the diet plan with every gimmicky product sold.🙄🙄
You burn FAR FAR more fat and improve your health way faster with a good “diet” than from exercise…
weight is just part of it
I recently started a physically demanding part time job at fairly senior years. At first it felt bodily destroying. As time goes by its getting easier.
As well as weight loss , I am feeling much stronger and flexible and have more endurance. I would never downgrade exercise. Many of us settle for sedentary old age but, if you have reasonable basic health, it doesn’t have to be that way.
“Reduce Your Risk of Death by Up to 31%: New Study Examines the Impact of Exercise
A study finds that adults who exercised 150-600 minutes each week had the lowest risk of death.”
And yet, second coming, 100% of people still die! It appears that whatever any individual does about reducing their risk of death is at best just a delay mechanism.
Like you say there is a sucker born every minute and of course the marketeers make money simply because many people choose to be suckers.
yes but they can be healthy , quality years or really $h1tty years in the hands of assorted medical people. Of course we all die (as per the Zerohedge theme: on a long enough timeline , everyone’s chances of survival reduce to zero)
not so much the destination, but how you get there
Concerned Filipinos for Life and Liberty and Constitutionally Compliant Businesses Philippines Published a letter Today, Calling out the President of the Philippines Over the Covid-19 Pandemic!
They ask the Covid-19 State of Emergency not be extended beyond 12 September 2022 its current lapse date, for vaccination to be halted, for investigation into deaths and injuries, for accountability.
I’m sure he’ll be receptive. Not.
Now they’re called updated vaccines, not boosters
Where do the Democrats find this never ending stream of brain-dead people?
I think I prefer Biden dribble-babble…
Keystone Corps. Comedy fleeing russian tank.
Crank in the bloke who shot down a Russian jet with a shotgun and the glorious victory of a while ago with paint guns
I’ll wait and not anticipate
Aw does it offend your narrative, one obviously fake story doesn’t make a true story fake.
“Greenpeace Founder Laments ‘Hijacking’ of Ecology by Alarmists”
Great article at Quadrant on the magical thinking of Albanese/Bowen
Great article at Quadrant on the magical thinking of Albanese/Bowen
Met Office Announces Scale Back Of Weather Forecasts As A Mark Of Respect To The Queen
In a tweet the forecaster said: ‘We are saddened by the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.Our thoughts are with her family and all those affected by this news. As a mark of respect during this time of national mourning we will only be posting daily forecasts and warnings.’
Meh.. I can tell you the outlook for the UK right now…
Piers Corbyn surprising the interviewer. Considering his views are well known, it’s very strange but thank God that the interviewer is an ignorant sod. What a laugh.
If Albo keeps this up Australia will become a Republic.
‘Anthony Albanese has declared it “entirely appropriate” the new King should keep advocating for more action to tackle climate change.’ (Oz)
There was a diabolical brilliance to Biden’s speech