A new Covid wave is upon us, but the endless vaccine rush is over. The dog isn’t barking. As of last week, almost no one in Australia is eligible for the fifth dose. Even the old and vulnerable are not being told to get another dose. This is the end of two years of non-stop push. “Access to antivirals is more important” say the experts for the first time, and it appears people practically need to be a transplant patient or on chemo to be able to get jab number five.
Health department says fifth COVID-19 vaccine doses not being recommended for most people amid rising cases
The Department of Health says fifth doses of a COVID-19 vaccine are not currently being recommended for most people.
Health authorities have warned a new wave of COVID-19 is beginning to make its way through the community and currently, only adults with a severely compromised immune system are eligible for a fifth dose.
So they’re finally catching up with what the deplorable bloggers like I have been saying since March 2020, antivirals were always less risky, easier to test, and cheaper to make. Though, of course, our government health bodies are still profit machines for large pharmaceutical corporations. They’re not promoting the cheapest, safest antivirals — only the Big-Pharma-friendly kind that are still under patents, and which siphon vast funds from our taxpayer pharmaceutical scheme.
They are effectively saying that the boosters are useless, or even worse than useless, without having the honesty to say so.
They must be a bit worried. Finally they’re going to stop the under 30s from getting the fourth jab because of “side effects”:
But Professor Allen Cheng, former co-chair and current member of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI), told The Sydney Morning Herald on Saturday that it was likely the current vaccine schedule would remain as is, given the heightened risk of heart inflammation in young people.
“A 30-year-old with … three doses will be optimally protected.”
He added, “Vaccinations are beneficial and protective even for younger people but the more doses you get, the less benefit you derive from them and then we start to worry about causing side effects.”
It’s a weasel grade Psy-Op
Everything about the PR language is packaged with a dose of literary Valium.
The mantra lines are all the same, they’ve just swapped the word vaccine for antiviral. Now we’re bragging that “Australians have one of the best antiviral uptakes in the world”. (As if the hapless punters in the streets have much say in their prescriptions, were racing to get there, and even knew there was a race?). Are we proud of our druggieness now, or our obedience?
At no point do they say ATAGI have decided the fourth dose is dangerous to young adults, instead someone who used to work there has conveniently leaked out that the “under 30s are unlikely to get approval”. It’s as if the under thirties are champing at the bit to get more doses and ATAGI is just being restrained and sensible, eh?
The mantras of the last two years are still there:
“At the moment ATAGI’s firm statement remains that people should remain up to date with their vaccination.
“And based on the advice we have an older person who has stayed up to date and has had the fourth dose still has great protection against severe disease.
And vaccinees have such great protection, that they apparently need antivirals too…
High uptake in antivirals important, says health secretary
Health Department secretary Professor Brendan Murphy said access to antivirals for the elderly is likely more important than getting a fifth vaccine dose.
“We are seeing a very significant uptake now that this wave’s started in antiviral use,” he said.
“If you’ve had four doses and you’re an old person who is vulnerable, it is probably a more important thing to get access to antivirals than to consider another dose for which the evidence is not very strong.
“We have one of the best antiviral uptakes in the world.
“It’s one of the best markers we have of the pandemic, once cases go up antiviral use goes up.”
And the illusion of our personal control of our health continues. Talk of an “uptake” of antivirals implies the minions have a say over their own healthcare when they still can’t go to their doctor and ask for the treatments they want, and they were never allowed to buy an Australian designed less risky protein vaccine.
- Ivermectin reduces deaths by 92% for 10 cents a week
- Indonesia cut Covid by 98% with Ivermectin while Australia grew cases 500% with Lock-n-Vax
Tunnel photo by Jo Nova
The antiviral, and proven successful, Ivermectin is still not allowed to be prescribed by doctors. Instead we have to have Pharma supplied, and expensive (so they make lots of $$$$) versions.
The Pharma hoodwink and ripoff continues, to the detriment of Australians.
What Antivirals do they advocate for COVID?
Does anyone know?
Vitamin D supplements enables the cells to produce evolution developed antivirals. Vit D supplements, 2000 IU/day for children and 5000 IU/day for adults is sufficient to reach close to saturation. That supplementation reduces the incidence of cancer (breast, colon, prostate, lung and so on) by more than 60%, reduces the death rate from covid by more than a factor of ten, and reduces the onset of type 2 diabetes by more than 50%. The cells when attacked produce a zinc ionophore that enables a tiny amount of zinc to enter the cell. The Zinc ion makes the ACE-2 connector slightly positive which stops the all any virus (including) covid from attaching to the ACE-2 connector and replicating.
The virus cannot evolve around the evolutionary method to stop replication.
Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths
COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations ≥40 ng/ml Are Associated with >65% Lower Cancer Risk:
Incidence rate of type 2 diabetes is >50% lower ….vitamin D of 41 ng/ml than in NHANES cohort with median of 22 ng/ml
Vitamin C, D and Zinc, together with something like quecertin to improve cell uptake, is extremely effective, both as a treatment and preventative. But it’s very hard to find anything about it in the mainstream media.
Yes – they are now pushing Paxlovid, having seemingly given up on Molnupiravir. Alternative opinion suggests Paxlovid can have problems & is probably not that effective.
I take Zstack – contains Vitamins C and D, Quercetin and Zinc
The virus adapts and the response to the virus needs to adapt accordingly. Populations exposed to the virus prior to the advent of vaccines were hit much harder than ourselves.
Why did ATAGI, TGA, AHPRA and AMA browbeat ALL Australians into taking drugs which they knew didn’t stop infection and transmission, then if they are supremely qualified to respond to the changing nature of a virus? Why did they demand, on threat of losing employment, to be continually stabbed FOUR times with the SAME drug from the original for subsequent variants if they are supremely qualified to respond to the changing nature of a virus?
They are political organisations, not medical or scientific and need to be culled from the top down!
They are bureaucratic thugs for political hire.
Because Medical malpractice, crimes against humanity, and the like.
#noamnesty #neverforgetwhattheydid #nuremberg2
SimonB. I can see why those who pushed the fake vaccines should be held to account, but on the other hand I’ve always held the opinion that those messing with experimental / unknown substances get what they deserve. Something like being assured that those poisonous fish can be safely eaten after proper preparation…
Or like those dills trying home-made tablets at music festivals etc. Yeah, the drug-dealers at local festivals, and running Big Pharma and Big Govt, are bad people, but how stupid would you need to be to be ‘a user” of any of their snake oils and potions?
BTW: If the ‘excuse” is that they preferred to harm themselves and families, rather than forfeit a little loot (= lose wages etc) I have even less sympathy for tehm!
There are many in the medical, scientific and aged care industries who agonised over risking not taking the crap because they knew mandates were political, but with threats by “authorised officers’ of compliance or shutting down private medical, aged care and dental practices without vaccine registers many were between losing livelihoods and businesses and the defiance that these critical thinkers wanted to employ!
We had ‘authorised officers’ enter our dental practice and blithely announce that ‘we should get used to it as it will eventually become part of the industry OH&S framework for regular compliance and inspection”.
So there are definitely useful idiots more than willing to take booster 26, but there are people who have been destroyed and those who did the bare minimum.
There must be a Royal Commission to find out all the answers.
Ted1, Straight to the courts and make sure that the correct
instrument for Treasonous people has been built and is ready for use.
Simon, you believe in “science by consensus”, which is not in accord with the scientific method and, of course, is not science. Obviously, treatments need to adapt as necessary.
But your consensus-driven “science” ended up killing millions due to the bans on safe antivirals like HCQ and IVM plus vaccine injuries and deaths. The people behind those bans and behind the forced administration of defective vaccines were following the “consensus” and not the science.
“But your consensus-driven “science” ended up killing millions”
The same will end up happening with consensus “climate action” if we are not careful !
Famine due to crop reduction, deaths from cold and illness due to no heating.
Lack of energy to allow us to cope with natural disasters etc etc
And lack of fertiliser to grow crops due to the Left’s war against “nitrogen” (sic).
It’s like they just discovered the periodic table, and decided it must be witchcraft because they don’t like the big words and the numbers.
It reminds me of the time, about 1987, when the scientists “discovered”
coral bleaching and spawning on The Great Barrier Reef.
The people of Far North Queensland knew of these happenings for
yonks. They were actually using the ground up dead coral in cement
and you could buy painted coral in Cairns.
Already on the cards!
‘The virus adapts and the response to the virus needs to adapt accordingly.’
Its over done, influenza also adapts, so we need to treat Covid in the same way. Antivirals are the future.
Rather than regurgitate Pharma propaganda and falsehoods we can compare Portugal and South Africa.
Excessively vaxxed to 30% vaxxed.
Basically Omicron was a complete non event in South Africa with little hospitalisation or deaths. Case nos were low. In Portugal case numbers absolutely skyrocketed and a far higher proportion ended up in hospital and died.
Here the dead hand of AHPRA silencing prevents doctors from speaking out. My uncle was killed by the booster but his doctor did not want to know and would not report it. My own doctor is absolutely livid. Our death rate is grossly under reported as we have a per capita level of reported deaths 1/3 of VAERS. Same jabs, higher levels of jab, but due to silencing, less reported deaths. The deaths are still there, its just a convenient fiction that we are doing better. We can see this with the excess death rate through the roof.
Conn-cen-suss driven,…compliance driven…
not evidence driven. It’s political!
“Populations exposed to the vaccines are being hit much harder than others..”
There fixed it for you..
Or perhaps you meant to say that those populations that used regular ivermectin were barely hit at all !!
And that’s why GeertvandenBosch said don’t vaccinate during a pandemic. But what would he know?
Sorry bad link https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/616004c52e87ed08692f5692/61f409508dc1069610242e5a_2022%20detailed%20CV-%20G.%20VANDEN%20BOSSCHE.pdf
Simon – that is simply not true. Equatorial Africa, and Uttah Pradesh – for example – had very few deaths given their populations. This, of course, was almost certainly due to the uptake of Ivermectin.
The rats at ATAGI are in a tight spot. The evidence is building against them and now the narrative needs to change, but not too quickly or we might notice.
Jo spotted it almost immediately.
Three months ago the Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS), wrote to all the Health Department heads, all the Health ministers and all the medical colleges and societies warning of the dangers of the vaccines, the untested nature of the vaccines and the mounting evidence of harm. To date they have not received a single reply.
However everyone has been put on notice.
A GP in Queensland has launched a class action on behalf of people who have been injured by the vaccines. She has Over 100 respondents so far and there will be many many more. Unfortunately the action must be against the Government and the taxpayer and not those who are truely responsible.
Now we want justice.
Peter C – please can you give details about the QLD GP so that I can contact her and hopefully join the class action.
Likewise here. My mother in law had a severe adverse reaction to the first and only jab. Then a month later was in hospital with massive clots removed.
This is too late for my uncle who was killed by his booster, but its great to see somebody actually caring for patients and others, rather than following the herd, over the cliff…
Hopefully I can reply to both of you tomorrow with the details.
Here is a link to the class action for vaccine injured persons.
There is a contact email.
I can contact Dr Mel if there are unanswered questions.
I will put this up again at the next unthreaded.
I recently joined AMPS as an act of support in their fight against the dark side.
I wear my “Let doctors be doctors” tee- shirt with pride.
Prof Murphy, who could not give a definition of “woman”, and now, when again questioned by Alex Antic, cannot say if a man can give birth.
Our “top doctor”, as the MSM refer to him.
But what of the ten doses of the original defective “vaccine” for every man, woman and child that the Australian Government purchased or committed to purchase at huge and secret expense?
The Australian pharmaceutical benefits scheme obtains supplies based on bulk purchasing that results in Australians generally paying a lot less than US citizens, for example.
When the Free Trade Agreement was negotiated US companies wanted Australia to stop government purchasing and allow the manufacturers to deal directly with the market here, obviously to increase profits.
I don’t know but guess that the secrecy you mention is on a commercial basis, in confidence.
As I remember, when the rollout started, we were told that the first jab affectively provided some 90% of the immunity, and that the second jab was just a top up!
Surely this would suggest that providing for 2 doses for each citizen would be more than ample. Are you suggesting that buying 10 doses per intended recipient would be cheaper than buying only 2 per recipient? That must be the deal of the century!
I think you are ascribing logic and consistency where there is naught considered except the profit margin.
I think that little factoid was released to counter all the “slow vax rollout” criticisms. Greg Hunt wanted to appear virtuous. Gee, he retired at the right time, didnt he?
I want to see all politicians, medical “authorities” and fellow citizens who were “true believers” who forced (or supported) defective covid vaccines being injected into people have their fifth, sixth, seventh, …. injections.
Only the people, who are the victims of this madness should be exempt.
For those behind the misery, get injected, and keep getting injected. Proudly shout out to the world how many “jabs” you’ve had and make sure to update your social(ist) media profile filter.
Your query at No.4 was answered by yourself (No.5). Anyway a lot of those doses will reach their shelf life and not be usable. I am sure that the Drug Companies would replace those doses – for more money.
Murrumbidgee Health District paid TV commercials are still running this morning recommending 5 to 11 year olds get a booster. They must be trying to get rid of the stuff before the use by date?
Maybe another shot will protect them from floods… heatwaves… snakes… I don’t know, it’s ‘magic’ isn’t it?
Bit like the Japanese soldiers who didn’t know the war was over
Incidentally, I think the Australian Government approved $1000 per dose antivirals are mostly ineffective and not completely safe.
Jo quotes the Government:
That junk is even more profitable than the defective vaccines.
And in Australiastan the ultrasafe, effective and inexpensive antivirals HCQ and IVM are still banned except HCQ is unbanned in Queenslandistan.
Of course you can still get Ivermectin & the Ziverdo kits, which the Indian province of Uttar Pradesh [population 220 million] gave out free to all with covid, or associated with covid, from a number of outlets in India. Just be careful of your financial details.
The Ziverdo kits stopped the pandemic dead there, & would here if allowed. I’ve had my supply in the cupboard for over a year now & have helped a few with them. Not had a problem myself, or with the greater family. All un-jabbed, but supplementing with Quercetin, zinc & D as recommended by real medicos.
With Omikron and no jab at all I was not far from fine during 4 days.
I had not the impression to need a special protection regarding a severe disease.
What I needed were handkerchiefs, not more, not less.
This “soft” approach of not forcing any more jabs into people is hinting at the recognition that huge frauds, medical errors, medical malpractice and violations of human rights have occurred.
It is why certain elements of the Left are now starting to beg for a “pandemic amnesty”, e.g. see link below.
Of course, it’s not because they care. They don’t. It’s because they don’t want to be personally prosecuted for their crimes.
Don’t forgive.
Don’t forget.
Ref: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/10/covid-response-forgiveness/671879/
“It’s because they don’t want to be personally prosecuted for their crimes.”
No hope of individual responsibility ever being taken. It will be the same answers to the questions already asked of the Andrews government.
“I can’t recall, I believe it was a joint decision, it sort of just morphed in that direction, I cant recall a specific decision, I was out at the toilet when it was decided” etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Then when liabiity is acknowledged just fine a government dept and think that no one will notice that this is not justice for those injured or lives destroyed. The accountants can then go to the ledger and take X dollars from the dept of health and put them next to the ledger column that says revenue received.
All covered by the mug tax payer. Heads will NOT roll, careers will NOT be destroyed and many of those responsible will just be moved to less public positions on possibly greater stipends.
P.S. Anyone notice that failed ex police commissioner on a government sponsored advert on the telly, I don’t know what it was about as I was to busy throwing my dinner down the dunny as soon as she appeared.
Just about to reach age 70 years so I think that I will just keep on drinking alcohol, keep on walking, keep on kayaking, keep on laughing and keep on ignoring the Guv’ment, the alleged Health Eggspurts, the MSM and all Wowsers as per normal. Seems to be the right medicine for me…………………………..
You sound like a neighbour.
Own a Subee by chance?
Just retired, as of next week.
I agree with you whole-heartedly
I “retired” years early as I didn’t (and still don’t) expect to reach retirement age for various reasons, or want to live as an old codger in what’s coming. May as well enjoy it all now.
Must admit my post-job stress levels have plummeted though…
Willis Eschenbach (who posts occasionally on WUWT) has a philosophy of
“Retire early and retire often”
What are these “anti-virals” Big Pharma is trying to push on the population now…
The highly destructive Remdesivir ? or the ineffective one, molnupiravir ?
Bet they cost either the victim or the taxpayer big dollars. ! !!
My reply is below. It got posted as a new comment but was meant to be a reply to you, b.nice.
This WP bug’s irritating.
Try hard refreshing tbe page before replying to a specific post.
That’s them, b.nice. Plus paxlovid.
All three are just repackaged, failed, HIV antivirals from about ten years ago.
Paxlovid is the latest “in” anti-viral. I understand that it is thought that it is responsible for a good deal of Covid “rebound” – ironically.
These cost $1000 per dose (for the taxpayer). SEE later on linked article. It says both cost $1000 For non-eligible people.
“the Pfizer oral antiviral that is very, very effective at preventing severe disease, hospitalisation and even death among vulnerable Australians.”
That’s strange….. that is almost exactly what they said about the jabbs !
That didn’t work out too well for them, either.
Actually b.nice, for the Big Pharma companies it did.
To the tune of billions of dollars.
All that most of us need to do is to boost our immune system with vitamin D, exercise, sunshine and a sensible diet, that is, healthy living not the endless stream of pills and vaccines being produced by Big Pharma for their profit, not your health.
Spot on Bevan – although I had had a booster in January – wen I got Covid in June – it was a non-event even though I am in a “vulnerable age group” – because I had been taking regular Vitamin D (based on UK statistics on people with severe covid being also deficient in Vitamin D) and also zinc as an immune system booster. yes, IVM and HCQ are a cheap alternative that should be available to those that want them. I wont be getting another booster.
Plus Zinc.
Aussie soils are chronically deficient in it.
Yes they are deficient in zinc and when a farmer adds zinc to improve his crops he is technically polluting the land.
Maybe all the hard work, protesting and data presented here and elsewhere has achieved something worthwhile in exposing the scam.
Maybe the damage is done too and the consequences are manifesting and growing fast, so they’re backing off. Look at what’s happening now in the US hospitals.
“Well, no-one made you take the vaxx” is no doubt what we’ll be hearing next.
I see Dr. Peter McCullough has started his own “parallel” health care system (twc.health) focussing on natural health care.
Maybe an alternate system here in Oz not bound by the TGA & big pharma?
The TGA is a disaster area. I know..dream on..
A lot of those ” non compliant” doctors in the US have started something similar. Pierre Kory doing the same, writing a book and authoring lots of on-line articles on social media and blogs. He referred to an article today ( Twitter ) discussing Alzheimer’s Disease where there’s lots of crossover to COVID and post vaccine adverse events. Mostly all due to circulation problems and blood clotting. All makes beautiful sense.
Indonesia cut Covid by 98% with Ivermectin while Australia grew cases 500% with Lock-n-Vax
did they?, why was there a second spike then?
Your link goes nowhere… like most of your comments…
Any second wave in Australia was because we banned Ivermectin…
… instead of supplying this cheap, safe and very effective drug to any vulnerable person.
I liked the way people like Fitzroy once stated that anti vaxxers should be turned away from the hospitals and should die from covid in a ditch somewhere. Ok thats fine but if am refused hospital care then allow me to have access to the medication i want (IVM) etc.
The good thing is people like Fitzroy are all jabbed up to the kazoo and are walking myocarditis victums
Yes. And if I am refused hospital care (for refusing the experimental covid injections), I’d like my medicare contributions back too.
I think what happened to the Indonesian health authorities as well as the Indian and even the Japanese authorities was they got monstered by the pharma companies. They were most likely threatened with non supply of vaccines if they further promoted the likes of IVM and HCQ. I have no doubt the same happened here in Australia. But we will never know because all the vaccine supply contracts will remain confidential. These pharma companies are ruthless.
“given the heightened risk of heart inflammation in young people.”
Are those the same young people that faced negligible risk in the first place.
Sorry, but five minutes ago, weren’t we all called conspiracy minded anti-vaxxers for mentioning that this might be a problem?
Funny how myocarditis is word few of us had heard before.
Haven’t some real doctors with actual integrity lost their jobs for sounding the alarm on this very ‘side effect’.
And they just mention it almost in passing.
The best thing about being a conspiracy theorist is you cant get myocarditis
Those at risk of medical malpractice claims on the basis of negligence in not seeking basic information on the safety of the ‘vaccines’ , or failing to check the legitimacy of claims made for those ‘vaccines’, or for passing on false ‘official’ information to those they injected, must involve huge numbers of individuals including those at the very top of the management apparatus to those that ‘innocently’ simply injected the stuff. Individuals are responsible for all they do and all advice they give, in medicine. In the USA I understand indemnity was given by Government in order to get the ‘vaccines’ available asap without doing the decade of hard grind proving up the case for the drugs. Did the Australian government similarly provide such indemnity cover. Then there are those that lost jobs, businesses and savings at the hands of the laws made to enforce the actions on the community against its wishes. The misuse of the police forces around the nation as enforcement agencies for politicians and their decrees is one of the most shameful and dangerous abuse of the people we have ever seen in Australia. Those governments deserve to be treated with contempt, but we see many people thinking they have been saved and are forgiving of it all. That also is scary!
We know TGA( and ATAGI) do not conduct their own independent research or even attempt to check research findings in other countries etc. They will issue directives only as they receive them from the applicants. The applicants in this case are the vaccine manufacturers. Their re-evalation of under 30’s has only come about because Pfizer have notified them of that modification. The Australian TGA ( and to a certain extent the US FDA ) are just “rubber stampers”. Paul Kelly/ Brendan Murphy are basically just salespeople for big pharma. They were pushing vaccines , now they’re pushing terrible early anti-virals like Paxlovid. Paxlovid has poor efficacy and incredible complications with other pharmaceuticals – most notable statins. There’s a list of early anti-virals ( re- purposed off patent ) drugs as long as your arm. but we all know they will never by prescribed or recommended by any of the major health authorities worldwide. No one makes any money from them!!!
More than just Rubber Stampers, the real job of the TGA apparently is to crush the competition — to enforce the monopoly.
True, but for the sake of optics they do pretend their supposed “independent” supposed “experts” review the “evidence” and would never allow any harmful substance to be approved.
Me mom got the covid recently. She is 83. They gave her those antivirals, eventually. She was fine. Complained about aches but that’s all. She’d been jabbed of course, but that was ages ago, not sure it would have done anything. Possibly.
We all recently got a good dose of Salmonella poisoning though, and OMG, it was way way worse than Covid (mum’s words not mine). Didn’t get too much media coverage though. I would have accepted death if it had been offered. 9 solid hours of violent vomiting and two days of headaches and nausea. That was two weeks ago now, and I still don’t like eating much and cant stomach the smell of cooking fats like sausage and those horrid fish fingers the kids eat.
The culprit? We all ate the prawns. Tasted fine, but they were peeled (with heads left on, never seen that before), so I assume someone with raw chicken juice on their hands peeled the prawns. We contacted the restaurant, and the manager just went into denial, said there’s a stomach bug going around. We know of 5 other people who got the same thing after eating there.
And what sort of recompense will there be for us, those unclean lepers who dared to do their own due diligence and research, research, research everything they could lay their hands on to make sure that they could make an “informed choice” about the “vaccine”, and having done that research decided that NOT having it was the far safer option, but then being victimised, vilified, cast out, ostracised, called a pariah, had what few freedoms there were left taken away, no jab no job, accused of being unutterably selfish because we were risking the health of our loved ones, and could potentially be murderers, all to hear a Pfizer spokeswoman this week when asked if tests had been run on the “vaccine” to establish whether the virus could still be transmitted, laughingly answer “no we didn’t do that test”. So in order to give “informed consent” as they repeated ad nauseum and becoming more informed it seems than ANY of the so-called “experts” and Health Officers, we became public enemy No. 1. They should get down on their knees and beg our forgiveness for making our lives so uncomfortable, for dividing families, for damaging precious friendships, for stifling our freedoms, all because we did the responsible thing and learnt all about it. Shame on them all. ToM
i get the feeling Jo is being really careful with the comments with this one.
Jo and the Mods just hate me is all.
It’s been going on for a decade now – I’m getting used to it.
” the more doses you get, the less benefit you derive from them and then we start to worry about causing side effects.”
Yes they are worried that control may get out of their hands and that the day of reckoning may be coming. But do they really think that weasel words like that will cover their @ss’s.