A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Cheer up, everyone.
Things can always get worse.
And they often do…
Think positively…..
I am positive things will get worse
Hopefully somewhere else….
That might be a false hope.
See here:-
On the other hand from my past experiences and observations the political worm can turn very quickly, consider Rudd, Gillard and Rudd, 2007 election victory but many seats won marginal, so GFC excuse to spend $22 billion Howard Government budget surplus 2007/08 and borrow to spend more knowing Australia was in a sound economic and financial position and unlikely to experience more than a mild recession, if any, to prepare the electorates for 2010 election of Labor.
In 2010 the Abbott led Coalition defeated Gillard Labor and forced Labor to form alliances and then a minority Labor government and they continued to borrow and spend targeting electorates and votes for 2013.
The Abbott led Coalition defeated back again Rudd Labor in a landslide defeat in September 2013.
In between times the chaos, dysfunction and incompetence became clearer as Labor struggled to govern effectively, overturned Pacific Solution deterrents targeting people smuggling, etc.
Albo Labor is already Whitlam Labor lite and probably because most of Labor’s MPs are former Rudd-Gillard Labor MPs the decisions are likely to drag them down as the electorate gets angry. ISIS people, anybody?
They can do a lot of damage in the meantime, while they thrash about.
Yep, look at the damage wrought by those behind Biden in only two years.
As one small example we are only one or two bad decisions on the power grid from being in chaos for a decade.
10 years ago Tony Abbott clearly defined the goals of the Liberal party, which was properly conservative and he didn’t accept the leftist rubbish that the Liberals campaign for now. No UN/WEF, woke nonsense or perverted gender idealogy. He had strong morals and stood for something. Plus the Labor party was atrocious, and that added bonus was why he won in landslide.
These days, the Labor party is even more atrocious, but the missing link to get them out of government is the Liberals no longer have a backbone or strong leaders so there will be no strong victory until that changes.
The Liberals lost federally, QLD, WA, Vic, SA, and now likely NSW because they have gone very woke and offer no real substance at all. Especially in WA and Vic.
We can only hope that the Liberal party undergoes some kind of revolution and drastic shift back to the conservative right, or we get a very strong conglomerate of minor conservative parties who don’t keep splitting the vote every election, which unfortunately keeps Labor in power.
Then we got Malcolm, and ever since the Coalition was toast…
Malcolm became effectively a wrecking factor in the Howard Coalition Government and when they lost the 2007 election and selected Dr Brendan Nelson as their new leader (Opposition Leader), according to Brendan Nelson, Malcolm was very upset and gave him hell until he managed to convince Liberal MPs to replace him and Malcolm was the leader from 2008. By 2009 Liberal MPs decided he must be replaced and voted for Tony Abbott to become Opposition Leader.
From 2009 onwards the LINO left disrupted the Abbott Coalition but despite their efforts to get Malcolm back into the leadership role at the 2010 election the Abbott led Coalition defeated Gillard Labor, but PM Gillard managed to form an alliance minority Labor Government. At the 2013 election the Abbott led Coalition defeated Rudd back again Labor in a landslide defeat and Tony Abbott became Prime Minister.
By 2015 Malcolm with LINO support was Prime Minister and in 2016 the Coalition lost all the seats they gained in 2013 but remained in government thanks to a new seat won by the National Party. By 2018 another change resulted in Scott Morrison becoming Prime Minister and he led the Coalition to comfortably win the 2019 election.
The LINO (Liberal In Name Only) left faction remained a disrupting influence and as we know the Coalition lost the 2022 election.
Labor also have factions and factional disagreements even wars as Mark Latham has written about, but they tightly control their factions and rarely tolerate dissent.
When Prime Minister Abbott was removed from the leadership he held a media conference and one point he made was advice to journalists not to accept leaks from Cabinet unless the informant was prepared to be named publicly. Obviously he was referring to LINO leakers, the same group that apparently influenced many Cabinet decisions voted on. They also have State Executive and Parliaments influence, and in my opinion they have undermined the Liberal Party and Coalition in the eyes of voters. And by supporting the woke stupidity of the left side of politics, copying policies particularly climate hoax and warming propaganda based, voters have not much choice unless they are left supporters.
Spot on. The LINOs are still undermining the party credibility with voters – look what just happened in Victoria 😩.
But we are still waiting for John Howard’s mea culpa for inviting Turnbull to the Liberal party.
Some background, Malcolm married the daughter of Tom Hughes QC, a staunch Liberal who became a Liberal MP and Attorney General.
Malcolm is of course a lawyer and business person investor, and useful fund raiser for the Libera Party.
Did John Howard invite Malcolm to join or did he ask him to stay when an unhappy Malcolm threatened to leave?
I’m waiting for Howard’s mea culpa for disarming the nation, and “the greatest EVA treasurer” Costello selling down the gold in our treasury at a long time low. I assume this was to appease the US which was killing the gold price to bankrupt Russia.
I was in small business then. Labor seemed to have rejected Whitlamism and neither had any goodies in their budgets for small business so I found it easy not to vote for Howard.
BTW labor today is Whitlam on steroids and I will never vote for them while I’m on the green side of the grass. Nor will I vote for “you’ll never know it’s not meat” lite right wingers.
You skipped over some minor bits, Dennis.
You left out the bit where Howard lied his face off about the GST being “revenue neutral” then “forget” to cancel half the taxes the GST was supposed to replace. Easy to “pay off the debt” when you’re ripping everybody off blind. By the 2019 Budget GST accounted for a quarter of tax revenue with NO significant reduction in taxes elsewhere.
Then you missed the bit where Abbott got elected on promises, amongst other things, to repeal S18, reduce govt expenditure, and reduce income tax. Once he was elected he reneged on S18, increased expenditure, and introduced a “fairness tax”. He also campaigned against a carbon tax and an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). His final act as PM was to sign into being the ETS. Should I continue with Turnbull and Morrison’s record.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not writing this to defend Labor – they are every bit as bad. It just astounds me that erstwhile intelligent people such as yourself and others here, actually think there is one whit of difference between the two.
Both parties represent Big Business, Big Banks, Big Bureaucracy and Big Unions, and Big Unions no longer represent their members. You and I, and the rest of us 25 million Australians, don’t even figure in the equation.
Or Gillard, after making a donation to a Clinton entity, magically got a certain position she was after…
Politics is a dirty business…
Angry Liberals tend to focus only on the Coalition.
Well you have got that wrong Memoryvault, to begin with the GST (Goods & Services Tax) was offset by abolishing WST (Wholesale Sales Tax), WST of 17.5% t0 27.5% was levied on goods and was Federal revenue, GST that replaced it is collected by the Tax Office but fully distributed to State and Federal governments and the rate is 10%.
At the same time a once-off compensation for the once-off cost of living rise was paid to age pensioners and others. Income Tax Brackets were adjusted downwards and scheduled for yearly adjustment to 1 July 2010 and Labor honoured that Howard commitment from 2008 to 2010.
For accounting purposes the GST revenue is a Federal revenue because the ATO collects that tax, but all of it is redistributed to an agreed formula and Federal Government gets nothing. So what are you alluding to with your inaccurate claim?
Re Abbott: Today in the news is an item about terrrorism threats lowered because the dangers have become fewer, a major reason being the Abbott Government stricter anti-terrrorism legislation in 2014, and they pushed repeal of Section 18C of the Anti Discrimination Act 1975 because it became clear that it would not get passed, and note the Act and S18C were Labor’s legislation. And those opposed to the repeal bill included all churches, human rights groups and others. To proceed was a waste of time and effort, but people who were too busy expressing their anger and criticising the Abbott Government obviously had a very narrow point of view that was not realistic.
And most Australians rejected an Emissions Trading Scheme and Gillard’s Carbon Tax promised not to be introduced, consider the 2010 election result and then 2013 that I woke about above. Carbon tax introduced 10% on electricity bills and Renewable Energy Surcharge 10% as well, plus 10% GST on the bill total, quite a large hit for consumers, and Labor Minister admitted 10% was being remitted to the UN green funds and that later Carbon tax would convert to ETS as part of the EU ETS, our monies sent overseas. And you supported that?
I am unhappy with the LINO and NINO left influence of Liberal and National and how they drag the Coalition into a position not much different to Labor and Greens, but Tony Abbott was not responsible, he too is a victim, ScoMo is a victim too, meaning LINO and NINO Cabinet influence and Executive meaning head offices.
There areso many errors in your post it’s hard to know where to start, Dennis.
Abbott did not renege on repealing S18 because of pressure from any public entity or group. He announced it three days after the election, when it became obvious it was going to be the second biggest landslide election victory ever, and before his Cabinet was even sorn in.
Every time you put $100 worth of petrol in your car, $54 is all the costs and profit involved in producing it and getting to you. the other $46 is various taxes. You then pay $10 GST on the total, $4.60 of which is GST on all the other govt taxes. A tax on a tax. When was that bit made clear by Howard?
In 2010 both Gillard and Abbott ran on introducing an ETS. The only difference was Labor had a floor price of $23, and the Liberals set the floor price at $15. In the 2013 election campaign Abbott again initially ran on an ETS and only dropped it when KRudd did.
I could go but I won’t. Instead, I suggest you read the companion legislation to the Online Safet Act, 2021, passed at the same time (HoR February 2021, Senate, March 2021). It contains provisions to reinstate all the taxes repealed at the time of introduction of the GST, including such things as sales tax. This legislation was introduced by the Morrison LIBERAL government, and supported in parliament by ALL members of Liberal, Labor and National parties, plus Craig Kelly of UAP, plus Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts of PHON.
I’m sorry Dennis, but if you’re looking for heroes, you’re fresh out of luck.
Not correct MV, sorry.
By the way, the taxes promised to be abolished apart from the Federal WST that was abolished were State taxes in return for the GST revenue but all of the States failed to remove all of the State taxes they committed to remove including Sales Tax and Payroll Tax.
Safety Act 2021 MV???
Please supply a link because I cannot find that Act and your claims about Federal reinstatement of those State taxes.
Post at the next Open Thread please.
And the vaxx cull rolls on. This is a paper examining the Israeli situation and noting an upsurge in heart issues associated with the vaxx rollout. Yet the vaxxes are still not banned here.
I have been calling my Federal members office and providing extensive information on this, and asking why we still have these dangerous treatments being offered, but they are being evasive. Time for another phone call today. I am logging all this so if it all hits the fan then he can never say ‘I did not know’.
It won’t be possible to separate the increase in anxiety related heart stress from which even the young aren’t immune syn and post pandemic.
I do like your lobbying approach though. Many of Jo,s army here should take a leaf out.
Not wrong. Rise in anxiety disorders is astronomical. But few talk about it. The medicos see it everyday.
Lockdowns are causing huge anxiety and stress in China, Premier Xi will have to pull a rabbit out of the hat to contain this uprising.
Re China managing mobility under Covid policy. Lockdown really means lock down…
How did my father (Navy) and uncles (Airforce & Army) get through WWII and post war without seeing a psychiatrist. Not to mention the wives and mothers, fearing a knock on the door.
How did they??? They breed them really tough, and followed our late Queens wise philosophy…..”Dont explain, and dont complain”!!
Many suffered in silence or took years to return to some sort of normality.
There is no medical reason to take the bivalent booster that creates and distributes the deadly first release Wuhan-1 covid spike in the body.
Omicron is 20 to 40 times less dangerous than the Wuhan-1 covid strain based on the Italian data. Covid evolved and is no longer dangerous.
Unfortunately, the RNA boosters are just as dangerous as the first RNA vaccines, because they produce and distribute the Wuhan-1 spike which it appears was designed in a lab to hurt people. The ‘chances’ of being hospitalized or dying from Omicron is 97% less than the original Wuhan-1 release of covid.
“20 to 40-fold reductions during the period of dominance of Omicron compared to the initial acute phase.” Italian analysis.
This is a link to the paper.
The decline of COVID-19 severity and lethality over two years of pandemic
Comparison of Excess Deaths in Australia and Other OECD Countries
Every 100 years or so, the sun’s activity, as measured by peak sunspot number, goes quiet. The following link shows current progress:
There is a graphical sunspot number progression dating back to 1750 under the main window. Note the three lows in a row from about 1800, and the next lot starting in about 1870. Each of these periods were generally cooler on this planet. The recent solar cycle 24 had a low sunspot count, and judging by solar cycle 25, it will also be a low one as after a quick start, it has plateaued for now. If solar cycle 25 stays low, together with the following cycle 26 (which would make 3-in-a-row, are we in for a few cooler decades?
More to the point, does anyone have any ideas on why the sunspot counts vary so much, and what controls them?
As far as I know, Leif Svalgaard controls them and I have no idea why he makes them vary so much.
He controls the numbers, but does he also control the sun?
The Greens know it has no effect at all and if it did they will say it must be carbon.
Leif’s main aim seems to be to flatten the sun-spot count….
….. to take it out of account for the solar forcing that has caused the slight but highly beneficial warming since the LIA.
But even after “adjustments”, the 30 year trailing average TSI clearly shows the grand solar maximum from the about 1980 onwards.
A few years ago Leif posted and commented on WUWT and some of us worked through an exercise explaining how sunspots were counted and reported.
You can view his papers and “powerpoint” talks from his research page:
Numbers 2440 and 2270 seem relevant to this thread
Ra controls them apparently, it’s a war with Gaia
Ra must have sent offsider CO2 to earth to spread panic.
Thanks Rowjay
No chance Rowjay. If our current science community thinks that the inert gas CO2 can warm the Earth, they have no hope of understanding much at all, other than what they need to say/do in order to go on receiving their regular salary.
There are pubs all over Australia using steel canisters of CO2 to force beer into their customer’s glasses. Once the pressure gets too low, the canisters are set aside to be recycled. Has anyone ever heard of them gradually getting hotter over time due to the back-radiation of the steel’s heat by the interior CO2 ?
If so, then I better order a few used canisters to heat my lounge room next winter – no expensive electricity bill and reliable 24 hour heating, according to our current CSIRO/BOM.
The earth’s temperature is maintained at about 16C because of greenhouse gases, mainly H2O, CO2, CH4, and N2O. Without them, the earth’s temperature would be about -18C. That 34C warming comes predominantly from H2O.
Sorry Robber,
That is the fake Greenhouse Effect devised by using an inappropriate model of the Earth, namely a perfect flat uniform sheet receiving the same radiation from the Sun everywhere across the surface. Astrophysicist Joseph Postma devised a rational model for the Sun warming the Earth which gave a result of +15.5 degrees Celsius for the average surface
temperature of the Sun-lit side, an acceptable estimate, without invoking a Greenhouse Effect, see:
I guess that there aren’t any sun worshippers tuning in today.
Solar response to the movement of the solar system’s barycenter as various planet’s orbits pull it around inside the sun.
Swan has been CEO of my union super fund, CFMEU.I’m bailing.
Wayne has pledged Cbus Super member’s funds to invest in the Albanese Federal Government public housing dream scheme, ignoring that public housing is State and Local Government responsibility to provide and for land release and development application approvals, building permits, etc. And for the new on steroids transition to unreliable energy plans, in VicGov a new State Electricity Commission – with private sector investors?
My builder son says that the shortage of qualified trades people and builder’s labourers is already a major industry wide problem. Not many Australians know that the Morrison Government was recruiting young apprenticeship recruits overseas to try and ease the shortage, last time I heard the emphasis was on carpenters and diesel mechanics. Once qualified the apprentices have the right to apply for permanent residence in Australia. But because of the pandemic many skilled trades people went home to their foreign countries of origin frightened about getting caught in the lockdowns etc., and not being able to support themselves here. They will not return despite offers of high rates of pay.
So where the people will come from for more housing development, planned to be faster transition and other projects already underway in the public sector and private sector is a mystery and meanwhile Albanese Labor are changing industrial laws to add to the costs of running a business.
It is going to be very hard to get diesel, or any mechanics while their award is less than a hair dresser.
One very good mechanic I know has gone truck driving, rather than mechanicing, the pay is better, the job cleaner & much less heavy on the back.
Why is Australasia taking a beating now ?
This comment makes a suggestion that the globalists may not have much left to plunder in Ukraine , but the West looks fat .
Like UN registered National Parks, for future generations, add “of crony capitalists”?
Is it unrealistic to imagine a future in NZ, where “UN registered” means less than Jack Shirt ?
In OZ ?
Are we to be spared?
There’s no doubt that there’s a larger , fatter prospect in North America.
Ripe for the plucking it appears.
It’s a proxy war. The Bidens have been there. The scandal with Burisma should have had Biden impeached, not Trump. And wherever Biden went on Air Force one, his son went. 24 registered trips on Air Force One. Why? Doing deals for Biden Inc.?
And the Russians are trying not to destroy anything, which has crippled their response.
Remember Afghanistan and the partnership with Osama Bin Laden? Or Vietnam and training Ho Chi Minh? And North Korea is a creation of Russia, China and the US.
The order this year to exit Afghanistan within 24 hours has not even been discussed publicly. It’s as if nothing happened and no one made the decision. Congress had nothing to say about it.
It’s amazing how the Joe Biden and the Biden family are never questioned. Everything is Putin’s fault. Especially war in Ukraine and the Ukrainian Nazis who run the place.
Wow !…. You must be ignoring all media,.. and generating your own views in your head !
“are trying not to destroy anything,”
I think that he means the civilian population.
5.4 million Twitter users’ stolen data leaked online — more shared privately
Over 5.4 million Twitter user records containing non-public information stolen using an API vulnerability fixed in January have been shared for free on a hacker forum.
These records contain either a private email address or phone number, and public scraped data, including the account’s Twitter ID, name, screen name, verified status, location, URL, description, follower count, account creation date, friends count, favorites count, statuses count, and profile image URLs.
While it is concerning that threat actors released the 5.4 million records for free, an even larger data dump was allegedly created using the same vulnerability.
This data dump potentially contains tens of millions of Twitter records consisting of personal phone numbers collected using the same API bug, and public information, including verified status, account names, Twitter ID, bio, and screen name.
We were told that it consists of over 17 million records but could not independently confirm this.
As this data can be potentially used for targeted phishing attacks to gain access to login credentials, it is essential to scrutinize any email that claims to come from Twitter.
WOKE DISNEY Movie Starring First Openly Gay Teen Gets Lowest Rating In Box-Office History For Animated Film
Now, the opening of Disney’s newest animated movie that features the first-ever openly gay teenager, “Strange World,” is possibly the worst flop in Disney’s history.
According to the Gateway Pundit, the movie opened to a disappointing $4.2 million on Wednesday and is expected to make less than $24 million in its first five days in theaters. For a movie with an estimated $180 million in production costs, those are worryingly low returns.
UPDATE: Strange World bombs at the box office and has the lowest CinemaScore in Disney history.
The only way people learn is the hard way…
South Africa grid meltdown looming
ESKOM will go down as the Grinch who stole Christmas this year as South Africa heads into the festive season and load shedding continues unabated.
Despite a boost of 50 million litres of diesel supplied by state-owned entity PetroSA this week, experts warn that it will only last for 10 days and that the situation was unlikely to improve.
“We are certainly moving closer to a Stage 8 total grid meltdown, the chances are more than 70%. And we will see Stage 6 load shedding before the end of the year,” said energy analyst Ted Blom.
On Saturday day afternoon, Eskom tweeted that load shedding would be maintained at Stage 2 continuously until further notice. “There will be no Stage 3 load shedding during the evenings, as had been previously communicated,” it said.
According to Blom, who previously worked at Eskom, load shedding could not be prevented by burning diesel: it would only have an impact on the stage of load shedding implemented.
“The level of load shedding can be two to three times lower if they burn diesel. If there is not enough plant running on the coal side, then the diesel can’t stop load shedding. The question is did that diesel suddenly fall out of the sky? Who is paying for the diesel and is the accounting system so poor at PetroSA that we were not aware of it?” asked Blom.
Earlier this week Eskom warned that load shedding would be more erratic because of diesel shortages as the diesel generation capacity normally provided a buffer when the power utility’s generating units break down.
Blom said there was no guarantee that a total collapse of the grid could be avoided or that the lights would stay on this festive season. He said those taking advantage of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals should look at buying small inverters and solar panels to keep their critical systems going.
“I’m very suspicious of the 50 million litres of diesel that was suddenly found by PetroSA and that they are giving to Eskom for free because Eskom doesn’t have the money to pay. That’s a helluva lot of diesel. They are either lying to the public or playing the public,” said Blom.
For those worried about the big days in December, Blom has warned that the possibility of load shedding on Christmas Day is higher than 50%.
MOAR solar!! 🤣
You cant get hold of an electrician in South Africa. They are working flat out 24/7 installing solar panels.
My son is a sparky on a solar farm, earning the same money he was FIFO.
All sounds pretty desperate. ESKOM appears to be a non stop train wreck. They must be running out of things and other people to blame by now.
Xmas gift idea for the man who has everything.
I’ve been looking around for a half decent bbq gas bottle level monitor as there’s nothing worse than running out of gas mid-bbq.
Most of the products are questionable Chinese cheapies or inaccurate (temperature sensitive) but I just found the Smartsense unit and here in Oz too!
Not cheap at $89 but not too expensive either, and there was a local battery place dealer that had stock.
Easy to configure and I got a 15m range on bluetooth on my smartphone.
A great gift idea for the bbq king (or RV’er) in your life or just for yourself.
I have no affiliation with them but it’s a very good product so I thought I’d share.
Lawyers for Ghislaine Maxwell have just held a press conference and released what they say is a complete list of Epstein Island Lolita Express primary clients.
Pretty much all demonrats. No surprise there.
Scare Fest: Over 70 Percent Of Children Aged 7-12 Afraid Of Climate Change
More than seven in ten children aged 7-12 are now worried about climate change, research conducted by a UK-based start-up has reportedly found.
It comes amid reports from various experts that children and teenagers of various demographics are experiencing high rates of mental health difficulties, with one school counselor earlier this year saying that anxiety rates have hit an all-time high post-lockdown. [emphasis, links added]
According to a report by Euronews, the survey — which polled 1,000 children born between 2010 and 2015 on their views regarding the environment — found that a total of 71 percent of respondents were now worried about environmental changes, including the changing climate.
27 percent of respondents in particular said that the impact changing global temperatures were having on animals is their greatest concern, while just under one in five were most concerned about plastic pollution.
The survey is one of the latest examples of so-called eco-anxiety — extreme worry in relation to the changing climate or dangers to the environment — affecting children at a time when educational systems are focusing more and more on ongoing issues to do with emissions and potential catastrophic rise of sea levels.
Will the climate lies/vaxxes/trans/warmongering nonsense stop before it’s all too late for mankind, and there’s no-one left to bandy it all back and forth?
JetBlue Won’t Hire The Unvaxxed, But Hired Violent Felon To Fly Planes
Some JetBlue pilots are outraged after the airline hired a violent felon to fly planes even as it refuses to hire people who haven’t taken the COVID vaccine, citing safety.
In 2005, The Associated Press reported that Perrys, then an Air Force captain, was charged in Louisiana with burglary and assault with a deadly weapon while wearing a mask, and that he faced up to life in prison. Perrys allegedly entered the home of a judge and beat the judge’s daughter, who was his former fiancée, with a metal baton as she left the shower. Police said that when he was arrested, he was wearing a bulletproof vest and his vehicle contained knives, handcuffs, parachute cord, a shovel, and a mask, according to the AP.
Not the sort of person you want flying any plane! Maybe a job in the Totalitarianstan police force instead..
If I were flying I’d like to be assured that at least one of the pilots was a pure blood. Only last week another died on take off.
French media grooming children to believe the unvaccinated should be jailed
1984 move over, you ain’t got nothing on 2022…
Soros Confessed to Confiscating Holocaust Victims’ Assets Without Remorse
George Soros’ father was a successful lawyer in Budapest during World War II. As Hungarian Jews, the Soros family was able to evade capture by siding with the Nazis. In this 1998 “60 Minutes” interview, Soros proudly admits that he helped to confiscate all the worldly belongings of the Jews and other holocaust victims while pretending to be an adopted Christian boy.
“I had no sense of guilt,” Soros said after admitting he does not believe in God. He repeatedly tells the reporter that he is simply amoral and feels absolutely no remorse for the horrible acts he has committed. Soros coldly described confiscating assets from his fellow Jews as akin to trading the markets. The assets would have been confiscated regardless, he said, and it did not matter if he was the one carrying out orders from the Third Reich.
This is a glimpse into the mind of the people at the top who call for regulations and will gladly sit back and watch the world burn if it benefits them in the slightest.
Yes indeed.
The REAL power behind the WEF and the REAL objective is slowly going public…
Climate thugs glue themselves to conductors stand in Beethoven concert in Germany.
Apex predator?
I thought this was a Biden post! 🤣🤣🤣
Queensland Senator Demands National Security Alert over WEF Global Domination
From Armstrong Economics –
“Klaus Schwab has publicly boasted about infiltrating government cabinets around the world. His plans for the Great Reset are public information that anyone can access. The World Economic Forum (WEF) molds its Young Leaders as they see fit and strategically places them in positions of power throughout every global agency and government. The agenda has never been a mystery, as Schwab states his intentions on his website, in books, and in every interview. His ideas seem so outlandish to the average person that they have been dismissed as merely a conspiracy, with Schwab being seen as an eccentric billionaire who wants to better the world.
Senator Malcolm Roberts from Queensland is now demanding answers. Schwab’s growing infiltration of government should have triggered a National Security Alert, Roberts said. No one voted for Schwab or the WEF to lead them. “Parliament belongs to no one but the Australian people,” Roberts firmly stated.
Roberts has been speaking out against the WEF for some time. If the Great Reset is a conspiracy theory, why are governments following the WEF’s policies? “The Global Identity Project is designed to shift the global economy away from private ownership and into what the WEF calls an “access model” where you own nothing but rent goods and services from the world’s billionaires and billionaire corporations,” Roberts explained earlier in the year. He warned that they are using “sustainability” as a lie to turn the public into slaves who have no power over their government and will create a closed-loop economy.
Schwab and his WEF are indeed a threat to national security across the globe. Who are they paying, and how has he successfully infiltrated governments across the world? Leaders like Trudeau, who blatantly follow Schwab’s advice, are not fit to lead and should be investigated for their part in destroying the world economy to Build [it] Back Better.”
The Australian Government Lied: Doctors are NOT covered by Government’s indemnity for Covid Injections
Last week Elizabeth Hart wrote to Mark Butler, Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care, about the government misleading health practitioners who are administering Covid injections into believing they are covered by a government medical indemnity scheme. “It has now been confirmed by your department that health practitioners are not covered by a specific Covid-19 government medical indemnity scheme,” she wrote.
Elizabeth Hart is an independent researcher investigating the overuse of vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy.
According to a response Hart received on 17 November from Nigel Murray – Assistant Secretary, MBS Policy and Specialist Services Branch – the government did not put in place a medical indemnity scheme for health professionals. Instead, Murray told Hart, “the former [Morrison] Government established the no-fault Scheme, which commenced operations on 13 December 2021.” Later in the same letter, he again confirmed the scheme did not exist:
“While a medical indemnity scheme for health professionals administering the Covid-19 vaccine was not established per se, the creation of the no-fault Scheme was intended to support increased participation by health professionals in the Covid-19 Vaccination roll-out.”
Well now, how much do you want to blindly follow das gubermint’s orders now…
According to the following Australian web site Klaus Schwab, so beloved of socialists around the globe, is worth US$2.7 billion.
I note there are numerous claims that he is worth much less than that, probably to make him not look like an Elite.
I also noticed that Wikipedia removed reference to the value of his home which I think was US$14 million last time I looked.
Wiki kept the reference to the 1 million Swiss Francs (US$1.06 million) he pays himself.
Piddling small change which just goes to show that he isn’t the real power here (nor is Gates); he’s just a front man like Biden…
The [Manchester, as was] Grauniad, I know, but –
“Covid blood-thinner drug treatment dangerous and does not work – study.”
“UK government-backed Heal-Covid trial finds Apixaban can cause dangerous bleeding and does not improve prognosis”
One of the first pebbles ….
A blood thinner can cause dangerous bleeding.
Who’d a thunk it.
Yet again a European country finds out that certain groups of people they welcomed are simmering trouble. But my main reason for posting, don’t say rioting doesn’t move with the times, note all the electric scooters being used to fuel the burning barricades, towards the end a guy rolls up on another and just tosses it on the fire!
UK Government Plots to Ban Private Messaging
UK’s media regulator Ofcom is about to become another department of the Government’s ever increasing spy-network.
The Government plan to give Ofcom the power to surveillance its own citizens under the Online Safety Bill, according to a legal analysis by the Index on Censorship organization.
The legislation would allow Ofcom to read all private messages on apps such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Telegram all under the pretence of ‘safety’. This, the Government claims, will help in the fight against “child abuse” and “terrorist content” by ending the end-to-end encrypted messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram.
Human rights lawyer Matthew Ryder, in a legal opinion commissioned by Index on Censorship, said that the powers that Ofcom would be afforded by the bill allow “allow the state to compel [tech companies] to carry out surveillance of the content of communications on a generalized and widespread basis.”
The regulator would not need prior authorization before making a demand to a tech company to scan messages and there would be no independent oversight over how the regulator uses its powers.
Ryder added: “We are unable to envisage circumstances where such a destructive step in the security of global online communications for billions of users could be justified.”
Communications by journalists, whistleblowers, and victims would no longer be safe. Additionally, it is not clear if Ofcom would make public the demands it issues or whether it would keep them secret.
Yeah, and we totally believe das uk gubermint is scanning all UK IP addresses ( posted recently) to protect their citizens too…
The Online Safety Bill in the UK, and similar legislation in Canada, are merely localised rewrites of our very own Online Safety Act, 2021. We were the test case. This was fully outlined and explained at the last WEF convention in Davos in February, by our very own eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant.
Ms Inman Grant is actually a Microsoft Senior Executive who has been paid tens of millions of dollars in stock options in Microsoft, Amazon and Twitter for setting this up globally. You people have no idea about the juggernaut steamroller that is about to monitor and crush all online dissent including emails.
And ALL your favourite politicians, Liberal, Labor, National, UAP, and PHON, voted for it.
When it happens, don’t say you weren’t warned.
“Who Is in the Best Position to Restore American Greatness in 2024?”
“Should fix the weather”
Germany Sets Windfall Tax At 90%
By Paul Homewood
SaturdayMonday night at the movies.A couple of nights ago the topic was movies. Tonight I watched two, one the “true” story of the gunfight at OK coral. Interesting. There were no good guys.
The other had no credits, no title as happens with pirate YT movies but a search shows it was War Wagon.
Having watched them will score brownie points at the next P&C meeting.
Having watched them will NOT score brownie points at the next P&C meeting.
If I need correct a typo.
Per capita cummulative COVID deaths, UK/AUS ratio:
Jan 1 ’22: 30.6
Mar 1 ’22: 13.9
Jun 1 ’22: 8.9
Sep 1 ’22: 5.7
Nov 27 ’22: 5.1
Mar 1 ’23: ???
Jun 1 ’23: ???
Sep 1 ’23: ???
Jan 1 ’24: ???
Were all the draconian, personal liberty/dignity stifling measures that Australia undertook in its pursuit of achieving “zero COVID” worth it?
Who knows?
A lot of deaths are wrongly attributed one way or another. What usually appears on a death cert. is more fashion and politics and individual assumption than verified fact.
One thing for sure, if we’d had no way to spot covid and none of the mad policies instituted around it, we would have all shrugged our shoulders and thought we’d just had a bad flu season.
“The Argument AGAINST All ‘Vector’ Technologies”
More covid
“CNN Admitted It”
“In simple English:
94% of Americans have had Covid and, assuming they were not vaccinated at the time they got it (ha!) they also have recognition of the “N” protein which is conserved across variants because it is much smaller and cannot mutate much without being destroyed as a working virus.
97% were either infected or vaccinated.
Now think about this for three seconds and what’s obvious is that the jabs only prevented THREE PERCENT of the population from getting the virus. They’re worthless; either they didn’t work at all or their “protection” waned off so fast that for all intents and purposes you took the risk of using them for no benefit because you got infected anyway.
Less than five percent of those who took the jabs were actually protected from getting the disease. Its worthless.”
More at
“Pfizer’s CEO rapped by regulator for making ‘misleading’ statements about children’s vaccine.”
Beware the beast from the east.
Any doubt that our medical profession is taking notice?
“A sickening illustration of the moral collapse of society
Canada’s accelerating fast down the slippery slope to utter nihilism.
In a prestigious medical journal, doctors from Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children have laid out policies and procedures for administering medically assisted death to children, including scenarios where the parents would not be informed until after the child dies.”
Another crypto
“BlockFi files for U.S. bankruptcy protection;”