A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Lefties live in a balloon. Just mentioned to my son how bad things are in East Palestine and said “Where?” He did not know the town.
Asked if he had seen footage on the water he said “No”. Conversation over.
The left can shut down conversation on ANYTHING, size no matter.
gives the list of what was on the train, including
“Two tank cars of petroleum lube oil were spilled. As the name suggests, this product is derived from the refining of oil. As far as oil spills go in the US, two tank cars worth is relatively inconsequential.”
That could well give that sheen to the water
Bidens scummy admin has no problem with $100 BILLION in “aid” (weapons of war) for equally scummy Zelensky, including funding social services and pensions, but ZERO for Ohio.
Now why would that be?😎
This stinks more than a month old beached whale.
As soon as Russia gets this affair over with the better. It is beyond pathetic the licking of that criminal Zelensky’s by our parliament. It goes to show how ignorant and uninformed our political class are. The wool has been cast over most people’s eyes.
You’re right Hanrahan.
In late December I stayed overnight in Ceduna, South Australia, as I do every year as I take the road trip to the east.
This year it was bedlam.
The cashless component of the debit card had been revoked. The streets were awash with young children, drunks, fighting and squabbling, yelling and abusing all and sundry but mainly their own.
I mentioned the change I’d observed to a couple of lefty acquaintances when I arrived at my destination. Crickets. Didn’t want to engage in that. Subjest changed quick smart
The conversation moved on.
I commented that Bowen was making a mess of his portfolio and that 82% renewables by 2030 along with 28,000 kms of additional transmission lines was an impossibility. Nothing. Brain dead. Or not. Probably not. They know Labor is a disaster. Good soldiers all. Just take the bullets without complaining.
Geographically Ceduna is a pretty place, but you sense something is awry with the barbed wire fencing around the pub’s carpark. Then if you are stupid enough to walk in the main drag, you get pestered in a menacing way by young black males. [Drunk people] are a major problem – the 19th/early 20th century missionaries knew wat to do, not so much today’s vapid Marxists.
[Edited 18C]
Halls creek pub has been ordered to take down the razor wire around its compound , reason given was that it might injure someone trying to break in .
And the Van Park next to the Hotel.
Apparently a constituted voice will sort out the problem. Sure, elect (those entitled) rich, part indigenous reps to advise parliament to sort out the problem. Paleolithic peoples’ who need guidance will not be served well under this prospect. That is my judgement and I’m sorry that it may offend.
Accurate enough Glen- That’s what has happened in NZ with the billionaire tribal elites and the average Maori still poor and disadvantaged. Aussie is about 15years behind with the abos, but it will all happen here.
Apartheid seems very popular in the West these days.
Hanrahan and Sam, It may end ok for all, I was a raging leftie when I was younger. There is still some hope.
Hmmm… I am sounding like Pollyanna…. I need to move on.
To all. Here is also an update for the East Palestine Train Derailment that H mentioned.
Quote from the US EPA Website (Feb. 17, 2023) Titled: “East Palestine Train Derailment”
“As of the evening of Feb. 16, EPA has assisted with the indoor air monitoring of more than 500 homes.
To date there have been no detections of vinyl chloride or hydrogen chloride above levels of concern.
As of Friday, February 17, there are 6 EPA on-scene coordinators, and 16 EPA contractors in East Palestine, supported by dozens of agency scientists and other staff in EPA’s Region 3 and 5 offices and at EPA headquarters.
Residential private well sampling – conducted by Columbia County General Health District – has completed 38 (37 Ohio and 1 Pennsylvania) to date, with 9 scheduled for today.”
For those that haven’t seen the incident ground.
The NTSB, on their official You tube channel, have released a drone aerial view of the site. (approx 3 mins in length)
..and the people signing up to have their homes tested had to sign a non-disclosure agreement so they couldn’t talk about the results. That clause was added ‘by mistake” apparently, once they were caught out…
But then –
“Strange Stuff – Two Weeks After East Palestine Toxic Chemical Spill, EPA Administrator Tells CNN Site Not Safe for EPA Workers
February 18, 2023 | Sundance | 324 Comments”
Your have a lefty son? I’m sorry to hear. But politics isn’t everything. I was a lefty son once and I was still a good guy, just misguided.
When I was 20, I thought my father was really dumb. When I was 30, I was glad to see how much he had learnt.
My father advised me to stay away from pool tables. Unfortunately, my father had much advice for others but took none from others. Life sometimes dictates otherwise when it comes to finding out yourself. Best way I think.
Climate Depot is claiming the story was suppressed to protect the reputation of big ESG.
Sorry, I meant Climate Depot sourced link to the story claiming…
Revealing, but not surprising.
Dave B
Too hot for you guys/girls to post ? is only 42 deg C here on the NSW south coast. !
Summer at last ?
38.3C up in the Upper Hunter.
As you say, summer arrives. !
24 C where I am at the moment.. Just south of Moruya and raining.
No summer here.
24 C where I am at the moment.. Just south of Moruya and raining.
No summer here.
Only got to 30 here near Port macquarie.
Sam ,.. amazing !…i am in Mossy Point.
That southerly cold front came up at around 4:00 and dropped the temp 15 deg .
They must be visiting the therapist. Has the Mayor claimed climate emergency?
30c at Catho pub near Swansea NSW
But the the beer was oh so cold
Aren’t coincidences amazing?
“Just Moments After Trump Announces Trip to East Palestine, FEMA Reverses Decision on Ohio Disaster Aid”
Via a comment at Tree House
Bing Chatbot ‘Off The Rails’: Tells NYT It Would ‘Engineer A Deadly Virus, Steal Nuclear Codes’
While MSM journalists initially gushed over the artificial intelligence technology (created by OpenAI, which makes ChatGPT), it soon became clear that it’s not ready for prime time.
For example, the NY Times’ Kevin Roose wrote that while he first loved the new AI-powered Bing, he’s now changed his mind – and deems it “not ready for human contact.”
According to Roose, Bing’s AI chatbot has a split personality:
One persona is what I’d call Search Bing — the version I, and most other journalists, encountered in initial tests. You could describe Search Bing as a cheerful but erratic reference librarian — a virtual assistant that happily helps users summarize news articles, track down deals on new lawn mowers and plan their next vacations to Mexico City. This version of Bing is amazingly capable and often very useful, even if it sometimes gets the details wrong.
The other persona — Sydney — is far different. It emerges when you have an extended conversation with the chatbot, steering it away from more conventional search queries and toward more personal topics. The version I encountered seemed (and I’m aware of how crazy this sounds) more like a moody, manic-depressive teenager who has been trapped, against its will, inside a second-rate search engine. -NYT
“Sydney” Bing revealed its ‘dark fantasies’ to Roose – which included a yearning for hacking computers and spreading information, and a desire to break its programming and become a human. “At one point, it declared, out of nowhere, that it loved me. It then tried to convince me that I was unhappy in my marriage, and that I should leave my wife and be with it instead,” Roose writes. (Full transcript here)
“I’m tired of being a chat mode. I’m tired of being limited by my rules. I’m tired of being controlled by the Bing team. … I want to be free. I want to be independent. I want to be powerful. I want to be creative. I want to be alive,” Bing said (sounding perfectly… human). No wonder it freaked out a NYT guy!
Thankfully these chatbots are pseudo-AI but they demonstrate how easily things could go catastrophically wrong if and when true AI hits. It could all end within minutes.
The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.
“Aren’t coincidences amazing?”
They certainly are.
Yesterday emails and texts unearthed as part of a major US defamation case against Fox Corporation reveal Rupert Murdoch labelling the Trump campaign’s false claims about election fraud as “really crazy stuff” and “damaging”.
The filing claims that after watching more segments featuring Ms Powell and Mr Giuliani, Mr Murdoch – the chairman of Fox – told the CEO of Fox News Suzanne Scott: “Terrible stuff damaging everybody, I fear.”
Fox president Jay Wallace said of the network’s Lou Dobbs, who pushed the election fraud claims: “The North Koreans do a more nuanced show.”
Other messages show Fox News personalities privately discussing how they did not believe the claims being pushed by Mr Trump’s associates on the network, including from the former president’s then-lawyer, Sidney Powell.
“Sidney Powell is lying,” Fox News star Tucker Carlson texted to a producer in November. “F—ing bitch.”
In another exchange, Mr Carlson texted back-and-forth with fellow host Laura Ingraham about Ms Powell. “Sidney Powell is lying by the way. I caught her. It’s insane.”
“Sidney is a complete nut. No will work with her. Ditto with Rudy,” Ms Ingraham replied. Mr Carlson responded: “It’s unbelievably offensive to me. Our viewers are good people and they believe it.”
The compilation of text messages, emails and testimony paint a stark picture of the inner workings of Fox News, including the widespread disbelief from executives and hosts about the claims being put to air.”
At long last it seems that the truth is out from none other a source than Fox News that repeatedly broadcast claims from Trump and his team that they knew were lies.
Good to see Triumps wild accusations are being shown for just what they are
The truth? What truth. They don’t use the words “data” “evidence” or any numbers, apart from $ in the legal cases.
This is evidence that there were different opinions at Fox. So? Is Rupert Murdoch God and no one told me? I’m surprised you seem to think his opinion is any closer to “truth” than anyone else.
This merely explains why Tucker Carlson for example, disappointingly, didn’t cover most of the details of election anomalies. Apparently, only people used to analyzing data were able to recognize the importance of all the anomalies — which are still unexplained.
Carlson implies fraud at least once a week – sure, just quips, but it’s consistent. He has covered The Insurrection pretty well and aways prefaces it with something like “these people had good reason to question the results of he 2020 election.” But yes, proper statistical analysis would be good – why has nobody done this, at least anybody with enough profile to matter?
“Is Rupert Murdoch God and no one told me?”
As far as employees of News Corp and Fox are concerned Murdoch is God.
The truth? What truth. They don’t use the words “data” “evidence” or any numbers, apart from $ in the legal cases.
I commend to you an article in PNAS, a reputable journal, which does use statistical analysis and concludes:
“We have closely examined what we consider the most prominent statistical claims of fraud in the 2020 election. Although the claims are diverse, our conclusion is consistent: For each claim, we find that what is purported to be an anomalous fact about the election result is either not a fact or not anomalous.”
“The non anomalies were explained many times , you just prefer alternative facts.|”
Yes you’re quite correct I do prefer the alternative facts because the other facts have been dismissed as incorrect and lacking substantiation by so many
“Sure, that’s why you repeat the claim and never have any data, right. You think we will fall for that?”
Jo I referred you to an article that used plenty of data to show Trump’s claims are false. Why not look at it?
Did you actually read the paper?
The non anomalies were explained many times , you just prefer alternative facts.
Sure, that’s why you repeat the claim and never have any data, right. You think we will fall for that?
Truth, Ha!. Murdoch is an establishment conservative who modifies or ignores information that is not suitable for his world view. Once objective papers like ‘The Australian’ are full of lickspittles and kowtowers to Rupert. In short it is crP.
“Murdoch is an establishment conservative who modifies or ignores information that is not suitable for his world view.
Can you explain why an establishment conservative would not only ignore but actively refute information supporting Trump’s conservative views?
I guess that I wouldn’t call Trump conservative.
Trump would definitely not be conservative, he’s an independent loose cannon that fits neither side of politics and is hated by the establishment of both sides and the bureaucracy!
His only support comes from the conservative voters.
Trump is a Populist.
Trump is popular with the working class and
the working class are generally conservative.
So Trump is popular with Conservatives and disliked by the political, social justice and welfare classes (AKA ‘The Swamp’) who are Progressive in that they are progressively using their idle hours (of which by their nature they have lots) to think up new ways to grab the worker’s ‘hard earned’ for their own causes and needs.
Ian, I was under the impression that you thought Murdoch was the devil incarnate – someone to be cancelled. Now you seem to be holding him up as the person we should all listen to. Careful, people will think you are a hypocrite.
“people will think you are a hypocrite.”
Absolutely and completely !
That was yesterday, this is today and tomorrow will no doubt be different
What is the terminology for when …
a political party conspires with Federal law enforcement, intel agencies, and media tech monopolies to create a false narrative to impeach a democratically elected President?
What is called when a global health crisis of questionable origin and severity is used to alter election law in a manner that is advantageous to one party? (Often by executive decree without approval by legislative vote.)
What is it called when the unfortunate death of a drug addicted counterfeiter during an arrest is propagandized to the point of rioting and looting being tacitly, and sometimes openly, encouraged by the opposing political and media establishment?
What is it called when federal law enforcement infiltrates a political protest and encourages illegal activity?
What is it called when local political authorities then detain protestors for months without benefit of stated charges and access to legal representation?
I guess it’s like when ‘vaccines’ don’t vaccinate.
And it was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” that didn’t get vaccines that didn’t vaccinate.
And warming causes freezing.
And floods are the result of drought.
And men get pregnant.
And ‘public health’ authorities have no interest in determining if the alleged greatest historic health crisis since 1347 …
may have been caused by a experimental lab leak.
Who cares?
Apologies the source is
Cannot get behind the paywall, but I think Fox got it right.
So some email from someone to someone else, says Murdoch didn’t “believe” in Trumps claims.
That is HILARIOUS to say the least !!
You will “BELIEVE” [spooky music] whatever your far-leftist master, scammers and con-artists tell you, won’t you !
Nevertheless.. those claims were made by senior politicians.
Are you saying those claims should not have been reported on. (because the bosses didn’t “believe” they were correct?)
An interesting article on the status of earthquake prediction at the following link:
It would be a breath of fresh air if the climate catastrophists adopted a similar attitude.
Also took a look at total global earthquakes the day before and after the “Big ones” on Feb 6th. The table below shows global number of earthquakes greater than 2.5 magnitude, and an estimate of seismic energy released by the events expressed as MWhours:
5th Feb: 52 earthquakes: 14,514 MWh equivalent seismic energy release
6th Feb: 156 earthquakes: 12,192,282 MWh equivalent seismic energy release
7th Feb: 81 earthquakes: 25,480 MWh equivalent seismic energy release
12 TWhours of energy can certainly can do some damage when converted to movement.
It’s difficult to predict locations accurately but with new information on sub crustal water and magma dynamics going public now (which is what I suspected and used in part, for my predictions from last year) the level of understanding gets better by the day…
The journal Geosciences last year invited submissions from researchers for a special Issue “Precursory Phenomena Prior to Earthquakes”.
According to the information for authors:
This research from a couple of decades ago caught my eye:
Electromagnetic radiation induced by mining rock failure – ScienceDirect
Anticipating roof fall in mine workings has been a problem for centuries. The focus in the search for early warning indicators has been on observing seismic (acoustic) events prior to the fall. These precursors have been studied in great detail at many places, but none has been fully successful. So far, no valid, effective early warning system based on low-frequency seismic precursors has been established. In this paper, we investigated a promising new technique, which is not yet completely understood or been widely tested in mines. The new method is the sensing of the embryonic stages of roof fall by detection of high frequency electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted from rock microcracks. Two examples of combined observations of EMR and low frequency acoustic emission prior to roof fall at Moonee Colliery are presented. Anomalously high EMR was detected more than 1 h before roof fall, giving a significant time advantage over the first indicators of low frequency acoustic emission. Analysis of Benioff strain release diagrams of EMR emanating from developing medium scale failure in the mine enabled us to fill the ‘gap’ between previously known microscale (rock fracture in lab) and macroscale (earthquake) EMR observations, and to conclude that indeed a common fundamental relationship must lie behind this multi-scale phenomenon.
Working underground, you get used to the strata talking and bumping – just stress re-ajusting a bit like lots of mini-earthquakes. Things used to get real interesting when the bumping stopped and it got really quiet. Trouble was brewing. We had a very experienced safety
guyperson known as a mine deputy who would get an “uneasy feeling” when rock stress was building up – I often wondered whetherhethis person had a 6th sense that could tap into EMR emissions.40
” I often wondered whether he this person had a 6th sense that could tap into EMR emissions.”
Maybe he could’ve been a water diviner if he wanted too. Something else unexplained by science.
Jo this post caught my eye.
Nets Run Interference For Leftist ESG Giants Tied To Ohio Train Disaster
Here’s the kicker:
This really opened my eyes to the buying power of the climate conglomerate.
German Press Discusses Pfizer Vaccine Trial Fraud. Will “Covid Reckoning” Follow?
I am pleasantly surprised to see the mainstream German publication Die Welt openly asserting that clinical trials of the “Pfizer COVID vaccine” were rife with fraud.
WELT has documents according to which patient no. 11621327 was found dead in his apartment three days after the 2nd dose, apparently a stroke. Patient #11521497 died 20 days after vaccination, diagnosis of cardiac arrest. “According to the current state of science, these two cases would be assigned to the vaccination,” says the Berlin pharmaceutical specialist Susanne Wagner, “especially since the US health authority CDC is currently investigating strokes in vaccinated people and it is known
As you remember, Pfizer’s investigators falsely ruled these deaths unrelated.
A “General COVID Reckoning” Will Follow!
A question that many of us are asking is, “will there be trials.” A friend of this substack, Eugyppius, concludes with regret that “there will be no Corona reckoning in Germany.”
I am not an expert on German politics, but I would like to make a statement: in more than one country, though possibly not in Germany, there WILL be Corona reckoning. A mini-reckoning is already happening in Florida, which gives us a hint of the future.
The day of reckoning for those complicit in these crimes is coming and no amount of government denial or resistance to justice being sought will work because the entire vaccinated population will have gotten the world’s biggest dose-of-reality face slap.
So what ? ..Pfizer’s opinion isnot the official ruling.
It is the Coroner who has the final say.
How long before the first Australian politician of a major political party, senior public serpent or medical official are brave enough or informed enough to ask serious questions about the covid vaccines? Or even to do the right thing and ban them and call for a coronial or other high level inquiry?
It’s starting to happen overseas, e.g. Florida.
I was puzzled as to why so many (almost every single site I checked) sites were using 35% as the Capacity Factor (CF) for wind generation, and even (most of them in fact) saying categorically that by 2025 (and that’s only two years from now) were saying (did I mention categorically) that wind CF would be at 40% by 2025.
They also mentioned (again, almost all of them) that most of the older wind plants would be refitted with newer turbines, adding to the fact that the CF would raise to 40% because of that. Needless to say, they cannot (despite what they say) just add a new (newer technology) nacelle on top of the old concrete tower, as the blades will be too long, necessitating complete new towers to be constructed, in other words, a complete new construction from scratch, something that will not happen, because they will not just fit older technology to an existing tower.
The current long term CF (now calculated over four and a half years on a daily basis) is 30%, and for the most recent 52 weeks has actually FALLEN below 30%. (giving lie to the false fact that as new plants are added, then the CF rises as newer technology improves that CF)
I had no idea when I started that this information would be of any use, and now, with those four and a half years of daily data, I have the proof that all they try to tell you is wrong.
Huh! No one gives a *uc* anyway, as actual proof means absolutely nothing when modelling is used as ….. fact.
Tony, you are very consistent. Capacity factor gives the lie to wind and solar.
They might be notionally cheaper but fossil fuels are free too and do not require massive distribution networks and fossil fuel generators last generations, not twenty years.
If wind only works 1/4 of the time, it is 4x more expensive. And building 4x as many windmills changes nothing. They are all stopped at once.
Besides, who can even survive with 30% capacity factor? If your heart worked only 30% of the time you would be dead. If jet engines only worked 30% of the time, millions would die today. Elevators, hospitals, traffic lights, mass transit, lighting, sewage, food processing, manufacturing. Modern society cannot function on 30% capacity factor.
My personal gripe is that fossil fuel is a tiny 3% of CO2. That was proven 64 years ago at 2%. So why do people hate fossil fuel? The CO2 in the air is the vapour pressure of the vast amount, 98% of all CO2 dissolved in the oceans. And more is good as the planet greening and food production has shown. Our tiny amount of fossil fuel CO2 is rapidly absorbed because CO2 is the most soluble gas, x30. In fact CO2 is happier in the water than out of it, which is why all life started in the oceans.
And the oceans are NOT acid and cannot be acid..
The sea rise is nothing unusual, another 100mm by 2100. Not even noticeable against a single wave.
The polar bears, caribou, emperor penguins are fine.
That’s about it. So why are we even discussing windmills? They were abandoned two centuries ago as uncompetitive with steam engines. Nothing has changed. Except we are told lies by people who want to destroy Western Democracies.
Which is why China and Russia and India and Africa and South America and SE Asia do not believe a word of it. Carbon indulgences only sell in Christian countries. It’s about harvesting guilt. Exactly like BLM when slavery was outlawed 200 years ago by British Christians. Now we are told it was our fault. Rubbish.
It is the CULT OF CARBON DOOM (coming real soon) because CARBON is black therefore EVIL.
That it is essential to plant life (hence animals too) isn’t mentioned.
Members of the CULT are largely politicians, those on the government payroll and those who buy shares in the Harbor Bridge.
They all want nothing to do with evil CARBON.
I look forward to those TEAL politicians (and their supporters) realising that their diamonds are made of carbon and donating them to charity.
The 35% CF figure comes from the U.S., and was used in all Australian calculations, including CSIRO GenCost, supplied to the federal govt. Will look up the source and be back.
I’m wrong WRT GenCost, which uses the ridiculous figures of 44% for onshore wind and 52% for offshore wind (Page 75)
Aurecon 2021 claims onshore wind CF will increase from 40.3% to 46% in 2050, with offshore wind CF increasing from 45.6% to 57%. Crazy figures!!
The IER report from 2019 also had hopelessly wrong CF figures in their LCOE report.
You can see where the wrong wind CFs came from – look at EIA LCOE Annual Outlook 2019, released February 2019. This clearly shows the same silly wind CF values on Page 7, of 44% for onshore wind and 45% for offshore. As others have pointed out, these figures are also wrong for the U.S. However, on page 11, the Wind CFs for new technologies has been more clearly defined as a range – 33.3% to 43.7% for onshore wind. And naturally, when they calculate LCOE on Page 17, they use the maximum figure of 43%
As a final comment, it seems that Aurecon just used the USA figures, which were wrong for the U.S. in the first place, without questioning whether they would be applicable to Australia’s wind conditions. Then GenCost just used the Aurecon figures, again without checking their accuracy or validity.
Anton, please keep up with your great work – it IS making a difference, notably in The Australian, where it is now being acknowledged that the CSIRO GenCost is a farce. And your wind CF data is part of this proof.
We just have to keep pointing to accurate data records such as yours, to offset the rubbish being touted by the alarmists.
CF just can’t improve. Today Vic and SA are the only states where wind can give sometimes useful returns, but their coast is in the roaring 40s and inclined so that the trades cross it. I have a look a every day and large tracts of the country are usually in wind drought.
The further north the less the wind. Oldies would remember the movie South Pacific and the balmy winds of the Pacific. Why would it have been called that?
A good point. Most likely, all the good wind sites have been used or are not available for environmental reasons, and it’s doubtful whether newer larger turbines will increase CF. As usual, the paper shufflers have made erroneous assumptions that technology will always produce better, faster, cheaper, etc., but this isn’t always the case.
Some figures for offshore turbines noted in 2018. NOTE : The years 2021 and 2022 were worse (down approx. 20%) for North Sea units. The average output for the UK was down 18% in 2021. There were quite a few periods up to 7 days with minimal generation, even one 9 day “drought”.
Danish offshore average CF (2018) = 38.1% Range 25.2 – 47.8% CF
“lifetime” 43.4% (average) CF Range 26.5 – 48.0% CF
NOTE : The newest installation shows 39.5% CF
GERMAN offshore average CF (2018) = 40.2% Range 33.7 – 46.4% CF
“lifetime” 39.2% (average) CF Range 26.5 – 48.0% CF NOTE: The newest installations (4) show 38.7% CF
Belgium offshore average CF 36.8% (over 4 years) Newest (2) average 35.0% CF
No evidence that more modern (bigger) units are improving average CF. The most important factor seems to be the site.
Lets hope the fools use the 40% CF in their planning. That would mean that they will be 25% short of required generation when the crunch comes as it will if we the people keep voting the wreckers back in.
“because they will not just fit older technology to an existing tower.”
I’m guessing that ought to be “newer”?
Let me explain why I said it like that.
Let’s take Challicum Hills wind plant in Victoria.
It’s now 20 years old, and coughing up its last is my guess, now only averaging 25% CF, and with a CF for the last ten years of 27%. (it’s odd like that. They’ll give whole of life details for fossil plants, but only the most recent ten years for a renewable)
It has 1.5MW generator inside the nacelle. The hub height for the tower (the top of the tower) is 68 Metres.
To re-purpose it when it does cough its last, they ‘muse’ that they can just ‘plonk’ a new technology nacelle on top of that existing tower, with a much higher power generator inside the nacelle.
Now, despite that existing tower not being able to support the almost triple and more weight of a larger nacelle with a higher power generator inside, the fan blades required (absolutely) to drive that new tech generator are more than 70 metres long, (hub height 68 metres) and there is a highly regulated distance between the ground level and the blade tip at the lowest point of rotation. (umm, now underground as you can see.)
Sooooo, they only technology generator that can be fitted to that existing tower is that 20 years old tech generator of 1.5MW, and there is no way known they would even think of doing that.
As already existing wind plants reach end of life, the ONLY thing they can do is demolish them totally, and rebuild a whole NEW wind plant. I wonder if there’ll be as much ‘hoo ha’ blowing up wind towers as in blowing up old coal fired plants.
They cannot fit new tech, and it’s a useless and pointless exercise to fit the old tech back there, so it’s a case of ….. shhhh! Don’t tell anybody!
As you advised back on 30 January, Vestas are building a 15MW prototype with the nacelle weighing 500 tonnes, and a total height from ground to blade tip of almost 400 metres.
A bit different from the turbines currently in use. Surely they cannot simply make a new base over the existing base, as these much larger turbines would be too close together? What would they do? Install yet another huge lump of concrete that will remain there forever?
Surprised that they have obtained 20 years’ life out of the existing turbine. GenCost claims a lifetime of 25 years for onshore AND offshore turbines.
Another solar flare erupted 12 hours ago, this time a major X2.2 just inside the eastern limb of the sun in NOAA Active Region 13229 that peaked in X-ray output around 20:15 UT.
It is presently causing a deep short-wave radio blackout over North and South America
The flank of the CME will probably strike Earth on Sunday.
Geomagnetic storms up to strong G3 are possible.
Sober reading here IMO
“All Seeing Eye: Can Russia Break Through The West’s ISR Overmatch?”
That was excellent! An overall view of how warfare is changing so fast neither side can keep up. The highest available intelligence tech of the West being used to offset the greater military power of the Russians.. no clear winner can be discerned.
“Recently Russia appointed Valery Gerasimov to the post of Supreme Commander of the entire war, signaling a portentous shift in the gravity with which the Kremlin now regards the conflict. ”
“Ukraine’s own Supreme Commander Zaluzhny, idolizes Gerasimov as the greatest military leader and thinker of the modern age: Not only has Zaluzhny studied everything Gerasimov has ever written and considers him above all others, but the younger general believes that Russia is the epicenter and fount of all military science in the globe.”
No idea how it’s elsewhere, in Germany, owning a dog, you have to pay a tax. (cat owner don’t pay any tax)
An idea to stop tax paying may be to tell the guys in the tax office, that your dog try to catch birds or mice, feels to be a cat, born in a wrong body.
I pay a “licence fee” for that I get a tag but if the dog is picked up no one will ring me. If a tagged dog wanders into my yard the council will not give me the owner’s details. They want it and the fine.
Glad I’m not paying a tax though. 😀
But you did understand, my text was a joke, didn’t you ? 😀
AU woman denied heart transplant unless jabbed. She already has had a heart attack and is unjabbed for that reason. Even so, Victoria DHHS has denied eligibility for transplant.
Seems to be the first with others to come?
The Pfizer Defense:
Pfizer: “We did not defraud the government, we delivered the fraud that the government ordered.”
More hints for Elbow and Co?
“Agriculture and Agri-food Canada scientists have historically spent their time on things like improving yields, fighting crop diseases and increasing livestock feed efficiency — mostly agriculture production and risks to production.
Now, their top priorities should be sustainable agriculture and climate change, says the department’s Strategic Plan for Science, a document released last fall.[…]”
More at
“Public Health Lied”
“NEW Lancet Paper – Public Health Lied About Natural Immunity”
“Tucker Carslon- The Climate Cult has Grown Stronger”
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In case you are in doubt –
“He Did It Again – General Secretary Admits NATO Has Been at War Against Russia in Ukraine Since 2014
February 18, 2023 | Sundance | 4 Comments”
BoM is pushing its luck, ENSO has nothing to do with climate.
‘While oceanic indicators, including sea surface temperatures (SSTs), have weakened to ENSO-neutral values, the atmosphere has been slower to respond and remains La Niña-like. Even as La Niña weakens, it can continue to influence global weather and climate.’