A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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My 55 year old daughter just told me that she was going to get her Covid booster tomorrow!
She has already had Covid so I strongly advised her not to take another mRNA shot. She asked me to send her evidence to prove what I was saying and, thanks to this site, I was able to send her four articles that Jo has presented over the last 12 months, including the Blackrock interview from last week and the article on the injuries to the US forces.
Thanks Jo, hopefully my daughter and three grandsons will take the advice I was able to provide, thanks to your diligence in finding this critical information.
I hope she takes note Peter. It’s so good that we’ve been able to glean information here on Jo’s blog. I get lots from various links too; thanks to all those who supplied them.
You might “just casually” also mention the search for the ability to de-pox. Like thet Dr McCullogh of a few days ago
These three books are free to download from Amazon for a few days – get them while they’re hot..!!
“free to download from Amazon…”
Thanks for the heads up and the links, but I can’t find how to get them for free.
Any clues?
Or get her to read this:
Or this:
Just listen to DR Geert Vanden bossche
Thanks everybody for your suggestions. I am really worried about my three grandsons, late teens, early 20’s
A 13 yo boy in my daughter’s class has not attended school since Xmas. My daughter asked his older sister what was wrong. She replied by saying “he caught a desease and now can’t breath very well if he does anything” thats codespeak for myocarditis and shortness of breath
And I am worried sick about my 2.5 y/o twin grandsons. They got 2 doses when my breastfeeding daughter was injected. They are unbelievably frequently and prolongedly sick.
This video says it all about deaths in Canadian children, including 2 provinces refusing to provide data.
Fran, So sorry to hear that – in the UK we have a great support group on Facebook – UK CV Family. Don’t know if there is a similar in Australia but worth checking or ask to join the UK one. Loads of very useful info and support there.
Go to your search engine and enter something like, vaccination jab detoxification
This is a repeat of the link I put in to answer your original query – the damage to testes is very real and a major cause for concern – probably part of the reason for the significantly lower birth rates now.
If you want to give some context to what is happening in Ukraine read “The arms bazaar” by A Sampson (there is an updated version). Not surprising that one the most corrupt nations on earth is epicentre of the current conflict . I am working at turning my kids into skeptics too but its an uphill battle .
Inspector General of the DOD lays out exactly how SARS-CoV-2 came to be. (Please note: It still could’ve been released deliberately. I think there is plenty of evidence for that, that many people are refusing to examine.)
Over a year ago, Project Veritas broke an enormous story that never quite made it to the state-sponsored “main stream” media. The story and supporting documents can be found on their website: “Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath”
At the core of these documents is a report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow. …
Reading through this report again, I am shocked by the allegations made in this report dated August 13, 2021. This virus has killed millions of people. All indications are that the US government was directly and extensively involved in creating this virus, in cooperation with the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology).
It is time for more than Congressional and 3-letter agency investigations. It is time that criminal charges be brought against those who have created and released this virus upon the world. … [Malone includes the text of the report at the URL.]
Send her this link as well to read – it is the study by The Burkhardt Group (TBG)in Germany which consists of a 10-member international research team of pathologists, coroners, biologists, chemists and physicists.
They carried out research and autopsies on people who had received mRNA vaxes and then died – including SADS. The extent and damage caused by the spike protein is terrifying and the linked article includes multiple slides showing tissue damage and hystology including the vascular system, aorta and testes.
Thanks Roger. If that does not scare the hell out of her and convince her not to take another jab, then nothing will. It has certainly convinced me, not that I needed any more convincing.
Peter, I hope it does the trick – this particular study needs to be seen by medical practioners as well as the general public.
Hi Peter,
I thought this video (link below) of Liz Gunn from New Zealand might be useful (hopefully for others too).
Liz is a former lawyer, journalist and has also been a presenter on TVNZ Breakfast program until she quit live on air. She had undergone an EPIPHANY and then started to research Covid and more importantly Jacinda Adern.
The video is 45 minutes long but is MIND BLOWING.
Anybody who watches this and still gets a jab is a foolish clown.
BTW – exactly the same as Liz says could be said about our tyrants in most advanced western countries such as Australia, USA, England, Israel etc etc.
Thank you!
Your daughter needs to know that the mRNA ‘vaccines’ and subsequent boosters were hastily introduced, without the required rigorous testing, to give ‘immunity’ to the Covid-19 virus. Evidence now shows this virus was deliberately and maliciously confected under laboratory conditions. The main motive for the artificially created disease and its subsequent, mandated, ‘vaccine’ treatment may have been greed induced for reasons of enormous monetary profit. There is now plenty of data which shows that the so called vaccines not only failed to stop the virus but even worse, can possibly lead to a wide spectrum of immune system damage with possible life threatening consequences. As part of your compelling evidence you and your daughter should watch the video shown in the link below:
Thank you!
Melbourne dried out through February. Not particularly unusual but indicative of impending El Nino.
The convective potential is moving eastward from Australia. New Caledonia and Fiji could have exciting weather:,-23.17,462/loc=174.487,-16.793
The high convective potential in the western Pacific now is more localised than the eastward shift observed in 2019:,-23.17,462/loc=-173.616,-9.461
But quite different to last year when the Australian land mass was having a large influence on the convective potential:,-23.17,462/loc=150.152,-20.607
The next few months will show if the ENSO switch has been flipped. Indications are that it could flip once the sun’s zenith shifts to the NH and the Gulf of Mexico starts to warm up.
My expectation is that any impending El Nino will not reach the 2016 level. But Australia will warm up as it dries out.
The coming decade will be full of Modiki, like the first decade of the 21st century.
After having both water tanks spilling over all winter (around 33,000 litres) we are now faced with having to get water trucked in if it doesn’t rain this week .
I can understand your situation. We have resorted to watering the gardens this month to keep some more fragile stuff alive. That is the first time for more than a year.
We may not be in El Nino yet but no longer under the influence of La Nina.
As the NH hemisphere warms up, the eastern Pacific will likely win the convective tug-of-war along the equator than the SH so El Ninos are likely to be more frequent but still centuries before the changes are significant and by then, Southern Australia should not be getting long, oppressive summers.
‘ … the eastern Pacific will likely win the convective tug-of-war along the equator …’
Is that the coming decade or just 2023?
Only in the near future, Say by end of 2023. After April it will be clearer if the switch is on this year but the eastward movement of the warm pool, and therefore most powerful convection, indicates it has started. Ocean temperature off Panama is already close 30C and the sun zenith is not yet north of the equator.
Talking of Panama, let us have a closer look. Is the pale blue fresh water from the canal?,4.17,2120/loc=-75.723,2.733
You should have more storage, just like Australia should have more dams
People thought I was over the top when we built in Wingham, a generally wet place with an average of 1100 mm per year, and I put in 2 x 92,000 litre tanks. During 2019, a very dry year here they were down to a third full before the La Nina kicked in. The more water you can store the better. You may need it for fire control if not for drinking and washing.
Depending on your situation you also realize that 184 000 L is actually not much supply, particularly in Australia when it doesn’t rain for months.
When we were building our place we were standing at the location of the water tanks talking with the plumber about tank sizes and numbers. His reaction was “you’re asking the wrong person, I don’t reckon you can have too many water tanks, do you ever here people grumbling about having access to too much drinking water?
We ended up going larger and also put in 25,000 ltrs just for gardening (can be topped of with a bore , if overflow from the main tanks is absent)
Ah, yes… don’t rely on your reticulated water.. Orange suffered strong restrictions just before Covid, like many country towns, but once the rain started all was forgotten. The Council has a massive house-building program it is overseeing with all the people flooding out of Sydney, yet not a squeak about how they will find water for the extra thousands when the rain stops next.
They seem blind to any downside of a bigger population, and their first priority for the last two years seems to have been getting new lines all over the roads and lots of pedestrian blisters.
Are the majority of the Sheeple now so dumbed-down that it’s impossible for them to understand the dangers of the existing covid “vaccines”; and also the truth about the anthropogenic global warming fraud?
I am inclined to think so.
So many of the sheeple think they’re so clever they dont even need to research the facts. Its intellectual arrogance if anything, especially amongst the university educated. But if things get bad enough, the facts will stare at them in the face so they cant be ignored. Its a bit like a phase transition. The pot is slowly boiling, you dont notice and the next minute it boils over. One just has to keep plugging away trying to spread the truth.
Perhaps they’re just addicted to guvmint flavoured facts.
research often means going to a selected “fact check” site to have your original opinion re-inforced
Pass this on and see the reaction:
Many older people trust authority because in their formative years authorities were trustworthy. Younger people have been progressively taught what to think rather than how to think so accept BS from the powers that be. Then there are those like you and me who believe what they see rather than what they are told. I grew up on a farm and observation is the key to success.
Sunday music:
Yuja Wang plays Flight of the Bumblebee, a very hard piece to play at high tempo, or at all.
There once was a mangled version of that IIRC
Mann! Why did you bring up this topic! 🙂 I’m kinda locked into following the heaps of links from replies and the usual U-tube suggestions thereon. Nothing like STRETCHING the mind. Cheers.
Great performance!
Another amazing performance: flight of the Bumblebees played on the pedals of an organ:
Sunday music 2:
Top 10 most difficult piano pieces.
And for our Scottish friends how about bagpipe swing.
My niece used to play the bagpipes and found this amazing.
THanks for the link.
… . . . … . . . … . . . … . . . … but naw, not quite my cuppa tea. ALtho’ somewhat open minded to “real” music, that one didn’t fit unlike this kind of stuff: or or How about this ?
Ach this afternoon, since I missed it last night, I may be listening to “Take the Floor” with Robbie shepherd’s successor .
Sunday music 3.
Widor Toccata from Fifth Organ Symphony in F minor, Op 42, No. 1 played by Frederick Hohman.
How about some REAL organ music played on a REAL organ by a REAL organist.
Saint Saens Symphony #3 played by Jonathon Scott on the 1895 T.C. Lewis organ of Albion Church, Ashton-under-Lyne, UK.
(Sounds even better played by a full orchestra with organ)
But personally, when it comes to organ music, this is more my style.
Or this –
I used to play this in my uncle’s band in Perth a lifetime ago.
Fun fact, Emerson is playing a GX1 which is the first polyphonic synthesizer/organ – I performed on the GX1 at (then) Hamer Hall Junior Original Concert 1977. There were only two GX1’s in Australia.
Ha I even dug up a performance of my composition (age 11). This was played on a 2014 ELS02X but using GX1 like tones.
Ever seen Werner Herzog’s art docu about Antarctica?
There’s a scene where scientists play recordings of the chattering of seals that live around and under the ice.
Sounds exactly like a Moog synth or an early PF album.
The culmination of Human tech just produces something already here.
Or maybe Gaia dropped acid in Creation Art school.
Hope she/he/them graduated and became Board certified.
I’m having doubts
The film music is composed by Henry Kaiser and David Lindley.
I have also some other preferences f.e.
Nash the Slash, “Wolf”
or with/as FM, Black Noise
and Phasors on Stun
Heldon, from France Bolero
and, of course Klaus Schulze or early Tangerine Dream
Speaking of organ music : .
OK, but I much prefer the full orchestra and that wonderful piano part in that finale. Back in the mid-80’s we travelled to NZ for the first time (to ski at Mt Hutt) and it was part of the music offered on our QANTAS flight to Christchurch. I played it over 3 times; it sort of fitted the excitement of finally travelling to NZ. We came in over Mt Cook and the Rackaia (sp?) River at sunset, with a deep purple cloud covering part of the sky and a deep pink sunset on Mt Cook. Never forgotten…magical.
I love that too.
Annie, you’ll be pleased to know Mt Hutt is, yet again, covered in snow after the latest 2-day snowstorm. Quick, before imaginary ‘vormink’ melts it: and scroll down to the 4 webcam pics.
Looks like your neighbourhood hills are in for a few centimetres of ‘climate denial powder’ midweek. And close on the spelling… Rakaia River. Ra/sky or sun god, kai/food, ie. food of the gods?
Thanks Greg. Nice snow pics of Mt Hutt. We took a helicopter flight around Mt Cook area. Years later (2001?) we took a flight from Franz Josef in a single-engined small fixed wing aircraft, to the disgust of our pilot son! His quote was ‘2 engines good, 4 engines better’, 1 only, not to be trusted. He flies A380s, somewhat larger.
I knew I had the spelling of Rakaia not quite right but it was late and I lacked the energy to look it up. Naughty of me!
By the time we landed I felt sick with excitement at finally being in NZ; years and years after hoping to! It didn’t disappoint.
There are new fire danger levels throughout Australia.
Now there are:
I assume the new ratings are designed to fit with the “climate emergency” narrative.
The narrative seems to start with the message “there is no low risk for fire danger”. If the bar is at the lowest mark that means the risk is unstated- be prepared for the worst.
They need a long drought. When it’s raining, no-one’s going to believe ‘Moderate’.
What happened to ‘Low’? Although we are mostly dried out around here again now, bushfires would have been a pretty low risk last winter and spring, if not nigh-on impossible!
Agree with you, David.
I am a volunteer fireman and I can’t believe these new ratings either.
However, I have seen a ‘No rating’ category though not officially listed. Not sure whether this means that the rating is low or no-one has figured out the category yet (or they’re just covering their white shirts’ backsides.
So, they have redefined heatwaves and cyclone categories and now fire ratings. They are also looking at changing the SOI definitions. When the climate won’t match the meme. just change the parameters.
Oh, another one I found where they can’t do the maths.
‘The national mean temperature for January was exactly equal to the 1961–1990 average.
Area-average mean maximum temperature for January was 0.30 °C below average nationally, while the mean minimum temperature was 0.28 °C above average.’
Um, wouldn’t that work out that the mean was actually below average?
Can’t have a below average month, can we?
They’ve already cancelled the below average mean temps for 2001 and 2011. What next?
Just heard about a new “miracle” cholesterol reducing drug that has great potential to reduce heart disease etc. Apparently this new drug only required FOUR YEARS of trialling before approval was granted for human use. The manufacturers clearly hadn’t been advised that there were new guide lines that allowed drugs to be approved after just a few weeks of testing
In any case, I think the data that high cholesterol is bad is based on junk science isn’t it? Even the fully woke and far Left BMJ allows a non-barrative report to be published.
[Sorry about the delay in moderation. Out today! – Jo]
Didn’t they find that it was the high sugar in the blood that caused the cholesterol to precipitate out on the vessel walls? Cholesterol is fine for you, sugar definitely isn’t. American diet disease..
Or – just maybe – the manufacturer happened to believe in thorough testing and an intact reputation?
Guess the last miracle is facing a market decline.
They statin Gummy Bears didn’t take off.
Statin boosters?
Having become distrusting of the scientific and medical establishment, I find my barely science literate self putting ‘cholesterol’ in the same ignore bin as CO2.
But I’m just conspiracy minded because I only listen to Fox News and Tucker.
I’m thinking of socially distancing from doctors.
Close hospitals for two weeks to flatten the curve?
Just little Pandemic jokes.
Once had a CEO client that bought CEO insurances.
Had two doctors come same day one after the other.
Each took a blood sample.
The two cholesterol results differed by 20 points.
They wanted to Reset something.
They did.
Having had a heart attack, I took statins for many years but suffered the all too common side effect of joint and muscle pain. Since Covid led me to become more cynical toward the pharma and health industries I have decided to wean myself off as many meds as possible by changing my diet and losing weight. I haven’t had my cholesterol checked yet, after four months off the statins, but in the meantime I have lost 10% of my weight, almost totally cut out carbs and taken more exercise. One dramatic change has been my blood pressure, now lowered sufficiently to allow me to drop off the blood pressure meds. I now need to get the cholesterol checked, but I hope to lose more weight so might put that off for a while.
At 90kg I wasn’t enormous but the weight was all around my middle – the worst place of all to have it, apparently. My target is 75kg, so another 5kg to go, but I plan to maintain my current diet and exercise regime and see where I land.
The other noticeable benefit has been my breathing. I have suffered sleep apnea for quite some time and have to use a CPAP machine. Just the weight loss so far has allowed me to reduce the pressure required to prevent obstructive apneas, improving my sleep and reducing the side effects of being inflated all night.
So far, so brilliant!
Having had a heart attack, I took statins for many years but suffered the all too common side effect of joint and muscle pain. Since Covid led me to become more cynical toward the pharma and health industries I have decided to wean myself off as many meds as possible by changing my diet and losing weight. I haven’t had my cholesterol checked yet, after four months off the statins, but in the meantime I have lost 10% of my weight, almost totally cut out carbs and taken more exercise. One dramatic change has been my blood pressure, now lowered sufficiently to allow me to drop off the blood pressure meds. I now need to get the cholesterol checked, but I hope to lose more weight so might put that off for a while.
At 90kg I wasn’t enormous but the weight was all around my middle – the worst place of all to have it, apparently. My target is 75kg, so another 5kg to go, but I plan to maintain my current diet and exercise regime and see where I land.
The other noticeable benefit has been my breathing. I have suffered sleep apnea for quite some time and have to use a CPAP machine. Just the weight loss so far has allowed me to reduce the pressure required to prevent obstructive apneas, improving my sleep and reducing the side effects of being inflated all night.
Go you! 🙂 I hope you can ease into something that you can maintain longer term. Looks like you have everything headed in a good direction.
“children will not know what snow is !”
The Energy Transition is impossible in the time frames being mandated by ‘Pollies’ and Climate Alarmists.
Mark Mills of the Manhattan Institute – A 15 minute Interview –
Tennis Elbow and Blackout Bowen, please take note.
Energy transition is as absurd as that other destructive and impossible phenomenon beloved by the Left, “gender transition” (sic).
Regardless of time lines, it’s impossible with the current technology set, unless we are talking nuclear.
Never mind , we live in an era where facts don’t matter and wishful thinking abounds; so something will come along because “magic happens!” Minister Bowen will fill in the blanks shortly.
Johnny, David, Yarpos,
In case you guys haven’t worked it out yet, the plan isn’t to “transition” to anything.
The “Plan” is to make electrical energy a scarce, rationed commodity as yet another means of controlling the population.
Feasibility for achieving a net zero economy for the U.S. by 2050
Effectively, zero chance. USD 300,000 cost per household for the US alone. USD 1.5 M per household if US assists globally.
This assumes the raw materials exist in sufficient quantity, which isn’t the case.
Would that be called “Map Reading” or “Lost the plot”?
“Compare and Contrast – Biden’s army with Indonesia’s.”
It’s just so hard to believe that ‘The Dark Side Of The Moon’ turns 50 this week.
I have more than 400 Long Play vinyls, and this album was one of only two that I wore flat, and went out and purchased a second copy. That was before I started taping all my LPs to cassette, keeping the LPs just for an occasional run, and using the cassettes for everyday listening.
It sold 50 million copies, arguably the biggest selling album in history.
Almost one thousand weeks on the Billboard Top 200 albums, and that’s almost 19 years, and no album will get close to that let alone break that record.
I bought the album the day after it was released here in Oz, and I have no idea why I wanted to buy it. After hearing it, I went out and got hold of every Floyd album I could, and now I have ALL 15 studio albums ….. on vinyl.
Their next album ‘Wish You Were Here’ is far and away my favourite album of theirs.
Clare Torry was hired for the princely sum of twenty pounds to come into Abbey Road and make up what David and Rick wanted for the ‘funeral’ song. She did that after an hour or so, and to this day, it takes three singers to sing that one song. She later got a cut of the royalties as composer.
The Great Gig In The Sky –
Man, what an album.
The album is being played somewhere right now, and this album has been played constantly, every hour of every day, somewhere around the World since the day of its release in 1973.
David Gilmour lives near me, although I think he’s just sold up after spending a fortune on renovations.
Every kid should be forced to study the lyrics to Time in their last year of school.
Thanks for remembering the “birthweek” of the outstanding Pink Floyd album !
There are nice alternatives:
Gov’t Mule, The Dark side of the Mule !
And, as I mentioned Klaus in an other comment:
Klaus Schulze, The Dark Side of the Moog
Here’s the begining of the Mule:
It features Matt and Warren. Dicky and Greg first crossed paths with Warren in 1980 in Nashvile. Greg said he didn’t remember the encounter. But Dicky did, so when Dicky got tired of doing nothing he called up Warren to put together this band. This band led to the 3rd gen ABB. Then Allen and Warren formed the Mule with Matt in the late 90’s. They couldn’t use Matt in ABB, or course, because they already had Butch and Mo.
To have an idea about Gov’t Mule, not only interpreting Pnk Floyd, take
Cortez the Killer:
As we have it just with guitarplayers,
may I remember Wishbose Ash, and here Lauri Wisefield ? Btw, I like twin guitars 😀
King Will Come
Blowin’ Free
Time Was
I, too, grew up with the Floyd, my older brother buying the LP on its first day of release (1973? whoah!). Bought a 2nd-hand CD of Dark Side last year to play in my van on roadies… oh the places you shall go!
Lyrically I’m a Roger Waters fan, and after reading David Gilmour auctioned ‘that’ guitar of his to donate the $$$ to some ‘save the planet’ nonsense climate outfit, he’s been struck-off my Christmas card list… he’s gone loony-tunes. Sad.
forget Tony Gilmour played a very big role in bringing Kate Bush to the worlds stage……that was his greatest achievement by far.
Sorry , that should read “Dont forget Tony, Gilmour….”
“Is the CDC’s Rochelle Walensky just plain stupid or a liar?”
“The CDC’s changing vaccine story (Vinay Prasad analyzes Walensky statements)”
In a word: yes. Next question? 😃
WUWT today
“Reliable vs. Intermittent Generation: A Primer (Part II)”
“Feasibility for Achieving a Net Zero Economy for the U.S. by 2050”
“Round 2 gets started in the only lawsuit that can derail the Biden EPA’s PM2.5 railroad. Read the opening brief of appellants Stan Young and Tony Cox.”
That’s the PLAN, Stan.
Has been for decades.
Just get on the bus Gus,
No need to discuss much.
Just drop off the key, Lee,
And get yourself free…
“Russell Brand Destroys MSNBC Analyst, Big Pharma Over COVID Vaccines And MSNBC’s Bias (VIDEO)”
“Russell Brand went on Bill Maher’s show and destroyed MSNBC analyst John Heilemann over the COVID lab leak theory and big pharma.”
On the back of the Music thread, I fell over this : amazing what youtube seems to know what you are doing and feeds you this:
Global Ocean Treaty.
Sounds like the global socialist government just got another notch on the rachet to me.
Being ‘protected’ is a shield from climate change!
Heard that world-renowned climate scientist, Jane Fonda, blather on about her ‘brethren fish’ and oxygen or sumpfink™…
The elites are working hard to wreck the food supply for plebs through reducing available farmland, creating artificial fertiliser shortages, making the business of farming uneconomic (red and green tape, fuel prices, etc) and leaving farmers suspiciously vulnerable to the ever more monopolistic supermarkets. In light of this, the open oceans represent a workaround for nations increasingly unable to feed themselves. The oceans must therefore be locked up and put out of bounds so that the destruction of the food production industry can achieve the intended result.
Dr. Marty Makary JHU testifying about CDC and US government COVID lies.
(Notice obscured name plate)
Wonder how his performance review will go?
Whenever governments, WHO/CDC talk about actions against misinformation, my first thought is they should just stop doing it then. In retrospect they have gotten very little right.
The reinforcement of the alleged peril of CO2 is quietly everywhere
In The Australian today
“Seaweed has a far greater impact on carbon reduction than previously known and could play a significant role in reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to new research co-led at Southern Cross University.
Mona Andskog, a PhD candidate at SCU. (Southern Cross University presumably) found that much of the carbon absorbed by brown algae – another name for the seaweed found in temperate and polar regions – is sequestered away from the atmosphere for hundreds or thousands of years.”
Why is this news? And a single PhD candidate on the Gold Coast is a respected seaweed scientist with earth shattering news?
Underneath this the idea that CO2 levels in the atmosphere are determined by the plants of the world. Also that humans could control CO2 by growing seaweed?
CO2 levels are natural, a simple matter of the temperatures of the ocean surfaces, evaporation like H2O. As are phenomena like La Nina and El Nino and the monsoons and all the world’s weather, based on water. And the oceans contain 98% of all the water and 98% of all the CO2. Heat the surface and it boils off.
But implied by these endless articles is that CO2 is controllable by mankind. Which is the nonsense behind Nett Zero and the whole anti CO2 movement which is wrecking Western democracies and now attacking everything from steel to concrete to food production.
It’s not true. But the reinforcement of this lie never stops. And a PhD Candidate has a solution with seaweed?
Who demonstrated 50% higher CO2 over 250 years was a problem anyway? The anti CO2 propaganda never stops. It’s not science.
I hate how they keep talking about “carbon”. It sickens me. They apparently don’t even realise they are talking about carbon dioxide. Nor do they seem to be aware of what which to be taught in schools, the carbon cycle.
It’s tragic that an entire PhD mind and money is being wasted on this. I wonder if the candidate is a quota placement?
Anyone for a 5G Brain tumour ?
Swedish and US research studies the danger to humans from 5G microwave radiation and finds significant risk of brain and other cancers
mmmmm it would be nice to have one of these outside your bedroom window
glad I live in the country
I am sceptical. 5G signals have very low penetration power and don’t even penetrate tree cover. If a 5G link can’t be established it reverts to 4G.
Also very skeptical, as the energy drops off as the square ( or is it the cube?) of the distance. Which means the level drops off very quickly. And as I keep saying, if anybody is really worried, just buy a field strength meter and go around measuring levels yourself. We accuse alarmists of ignoring the data and focusing on beliefs, yet we still see folks doing the same thing with 5G and other emissions.
“Intellectual Froglegs, The Great Reject
March 5, 2023 | Sundance | 99 Comments”
This happened 3 years ago.
On Their ABC RN today it was stated that Australian Aboriginals have been practicing science and the scientific method for the last 60,000 to 100,000 yrs through physics, agriculture, astronomy, medicine, nutrition etc..
This is simply not true and yet another example of how the Left are simply rewriting history as it suits them. Orwell’s “1984” was a warning, not an instruction manual!
Well surely its all in the documentation David, how could you doubt? Clearly 60,000 years of medicine and nutrition is evidenced by the the longevity of indigenous people.
As a friend told me, the aborigines have survived 50,000 years. That is a huge achievement apparently.
My response was that so has everyone else and far more successfully. And thanks to real advances in medicine, agriculture, science and (nearly) stopping them killing each other, in just 200 years there are now ten times as many aborigines as there have been for the last 50,000 years. And they know where they live, Australia.
In 1994 there was a lot of controversy and protests about the building of a bridge from Goolwa to Hindmarsh Island at the Murray Mouth in SA. This was to replace the ferry service which could no longer cope with the rapid increase in population on the island. One of the arguments against the bridge was that it would impinge in the rights/dignity of the Aboriginal women because the river and area were sacred for fertility reasons. The bridge would violate that. A map of the Murray revealed that from about Mannum to Goolwa it *roughly* resembles a very pregnant belly.
Many people bought it until one of the male activists revealed that it was a fabrication which occurred when some of them were looking at a map of the region.
I was always incredulous at the time – how did the aboriginals know that the river curved like that on a large scale? Were they known to be map-makers or were they able to fly higher than commercial airplanes?
The bridge was finally built with no controversy since.
I recall that the Aboriginal women living in the area were puzzled by this “fertility” revelation. They had never heard of it. It would surely have been handed down through the generations. I believe this is what eventually caused the activist to confess the fabrication.
Don’t worry , CSIRO are all over this as well. Apparently, any new major science project will now have input from aboriginal culture. So, all the rainbow serpent stuff, I presume.
“The UK Lockdown Files”
“The release of more than 100,000 WhatsApp messages from the British government cabinet members is the most monumental crack in the dam of silence of any government to date. Those who choose to bury their heads in the sand, dismissing this as a “UK problem”, are beyond naive. The messages are very likely emblematic of what occurred in every government around the world that followed the cruel, non-fact based lockdown, mask, and vaccine policies.
Here are some key links to follow this breaking story:”
More at
TGA on a skewer?
And the UK health secretary had an affair during the lockups. Other people couldn’t even see their legitimate loved ones like elderly parents.
And Neil Ferguson whose misguided interpretation of “the science” (defective modeling) led to lockups in the UK also flouted lockup laws to see his lover.
There is a layer of stupidity in using WhatsApp for government business. Then you get to the content. I guess when you think you are born to rule then you can do and say what you like , wherever you like.
Still waiting on some juicy leaks on the many nefarious happenings inside the Andrews regime and the ALP/VicPol/ABC/ACTU/ cartel, but they’re operating in full stealth mode and the secrecy is thick.
And according to former Vicdanistan Premier, Dennis Napthine, the Andrews regime is likely to be in power for another eight years, maybe twelve.
The “opposition” is useless. In fact, I think they like being out of power. They don’t have to do any hard work.
It is an unbearable thought. Andrews will not only destroy Victoria, but he’ll bring down the whole country with massive debt. Albanese looks like a good economic manager compared to Andrews.
David, remember the bankers always have the mirror perspective- debt is good.
Therefore Dandrews is their darlink. He goes into debt coz he can!
Both the government and the opposition are captured.
Breaking? no, that was 2 or 3 days ago when I first posted!
“Doctors, Scientists Call On Mississippi Officials To Take COVID Vaccines Off The Market”
“Is adverse weather mistaken for climate change? The age of politicized science”
Good read, the climate change consensus is seriously flawed.
I got them from the Australian Amazon site. They are not free on the USA one. It was for a limited period. Tat may have expired!
[This refers to what? – LVA]
Probably the books offered theoretically for free on Amazon mentioned above in the thread. I looked and it was not obvious whether they were free — perhaps only free with the Amazon App, as a sign up enticement?
The Covid 19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) was patented in 2003. Since nature, legally, cannot be patented this means that SARS-CoV-2 was assembled under laboratory conditions.
One approach
“We’ll Soon Find Out”
“The crown of America sits in a gutter begging someone to pick it up before the nation collapses— Auron MacIntyre, The Blaze”*-nation/well-soon-find-out/
Dr Malone
“Over a year ago, Project Veritas broke an enormous story that never quite made it to the state-sponsored “main stream” media. The story and supporting documents can be found on their website: “Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath”
At the core of these documents is a report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.”
More at
A farm machinery roll call
“Timeline of Ag Equipment ‘Firsts’ ”