A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Happy fiftieth anniversary to any fellow Time Warpers out there.
After my time Mate.
Or else I was milking cows at the time , and missed it.
Me too, but I remember the younguns dancing their ar$es off to this at office parties. That and Nutbush.
Has been running continuously since April 1973 – 50 years.
Longest continuous running musical of all time.
It’s on in Adelaide right now.
Or you can watch this performance from London’s West End, in 2015.
Since we’re on a theme, a track from the other musical of my era.
The Sixties and Seventies – what a time to be alive and young.
This was a big hit at the office parties at the time.
earlier post in the naughty corner
How about this one. It seems quite appropriate when considering ‘The Impossible Dream’ of this so called ‘Energy Transition’ . LOL.
Saw the original stage play in Chelsea back in 1973. The ushers wore little scary masks. Don’t remember a huge audience.
Daerhtnepoyadsendew – how much CO2 is there?
If you want to save it:×320/hVbogi-uXQusv3vj.mp4?tag=12
Not too long ago CO2 was 350 ppm and while that was not starvation level it was not ideal.
I once read that on a still air day the CO2 levels over broad-acre crops drop to starvation levels in a few hrs after sunrise.
The Dolly Parton marketing branch needs sacking!
Amazing fish blow job!
Amazing skill. Glassy eyed.
Meat and dairy to be banned? Buy shares in cricket food companies.
He can’t even say 6 words without going back to his notes…
Clown show for sure.
He seems to have the mental capacity of a crushed cricket !..
Get some meat into your diet, clown, so your brain at least has a chance.
He is living proof of physical and mental health. I just hope English is a third language.
High school project level stuff
The Asymmetry of Unshared Data:
The evidence of inferences from evidence not shared
If a defendant refuses to disclose their whereabouts during the time of a crime, we have every reason to suspect that the defendant was at the scene of the crime until proven otherwise. In law, this inference is called “adverse inference”. The silence or absence of requested evidence from a concerned party suggests the evidence would be unfavorable to the concerned party.
Most of us learned adverse inference on the playground and parents regularly use adverse inference. If your kids are acting shady, holding something behind their back, say they’re up to “nothing” yet refuse to show you the hand behind their back, then you’re wise to assume they are absolutely up to something, that something is probably something they shouldn’t be doing, and you’ll probably learn what it is by looking at the hand behind their backs.
In the study of COVID origins, we have a lot of evidence. We have evidence of a grant in 2018 proposing to insert a furin cleavage site in a bat SARS-CoV infectious clone in Wuhan. One month after DEFUSE was rejected, the Chinese Academy of Sciences funded DEFUSE-like research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In the fall of 2019, 3 coronavirus researchers in Wuhan were so sick they reported to the hospital for symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (and other influenza-like illnesses). In January 2020, the world saw that SARS-CoV-2 emerged in Wuhan in 2019 looking like a bat SARS-CoV infectious clone with a furin cleavage site, highly unusual among wild coronaviruses and exactly what one would expect of a research product from the proposed work.
The Chinese government initially claimed the virus was zoonotic and originated in the Huanan seafood market (HSM). However, the Chinese CDC sampled the HSM and found zero animals out of 457 testing positive, and animal and wildlife vendors’ stalls were less likely to have SARS-CoV-2 than vegetable stalls and sewage. The outbreak emerged as a singular event in Wuhan, and not a more geographically widespread outbreak consistent with animal trade & food distribution networks. The Chinese government’s claims of a zoonotic origin were unsubstantiated, at best.
Based on the actions of the Chinese government, the evidence not shared seems to be extremely important. Rather than share the evidence with the world, the Chinese government has instead proposed a shifting series of progressively more ridiculous narratives from zoonosis to India to frozen imported goods to Maryland. As the Chinese government desperately tries to deflect attention from the research & research products in its military biodefense labs, the CCP is caught lying about its military surveillance balloons, boorishly sending aircraft carriers to Taiwan, and more, all while refusing to share essential evidence on the origins of COVID-19 that could fit in an email. The world’s largest instance of “that could’ve been an email” would be comical if only it didn’t concern millions of deaths around the entire world.
With the evidence in the possession of the Chinese government, if SARS-CoV-2 did not emerge in a lab in China, then the Chinese government would know. Sharing this evidence would exonerate their labs and perhaps make their shifting narratives marginally less ridiculous. Yet, instead of sharing this evidence in their possession that we are asked to believe would exonerate their labs & government, the Chinese government creates a series of progressively more ridiculous alternative narratives. The narrative shifts in China are not random – they appear to be trying to blame their adversaries, effectively admitting that they know the origin of SARS-CoV-2 is a matter of great geopolitical consequence. The CCP seeks to blame adversaries while withholding evidence that could blame the CCP.
What you don’t say can incriminate you as much as what you do say, buy lying is a national pastime for some…
Well, I would like to hear a lot more about the research programme at Fort Detrick , before it was closed and the research transferred to somewhere else ; and I’m very interested in the mystery illness outbreak in the Maryland retirement home.
What can you tell us?
Australians lost a record $3.1 billion to scams last year
The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) says Australians lost a record $3.1 billion to scams in 2022, an 80% increase over the total losses recorded in 2021.
Most of the losses concern investment scams, which accounted for $1.5 billion, followed by remote access scams that resulted in losses of $229 million, and payment redirection scams that cost victims another $224 million.
These figures are based on data collected by ACCC’s Scamwatch, ReportCyber, the Australian Financial Crimes Exchange (AFCX), IDCARE, and various other government agencies.
According to ACCC, the number of scam reports submitted to Scamwatch last year was just under 240,000, 16.5% lower than in 2021. However, the financial losses per victim rose by 50% to an average of $20,000.
“Hi Mom” and “toll/Linkt” text scams had an explosive growth of 469% in 2022, tricking Australians into losing almost $25 million.
The most significant driver, though, was data breaches, which had a record year in Australia in 2022.
Can you afford to lose what you want to “invest”?
If not, don’t do it.
Check out the person/business thoroughly and forget “celebrity” endorsements.
Have you added in the utter waste from the Climate Scam, or the Covid Scam ?
They obviously don’t count the switch to renewable energy in that $3.1 billion.
The RET robbery, $6Billion. Overcharging on publicly owned freeways. Debt on unused desalination plants. Interest on massive State borrowings and Victoria owes more than NSW and QLD together. Climate Gifts to South Pacific countries because they are drowning. In Chinese cash. Cost of all those government departments to eliminate carbon dioxide emissions by closing all industry and agriculture and travel and finally, breathing.
Why doesn’t the ACCC include in those figures government-sponsored climate change scams?
The losses would be vastly higher than the above-mentioned and every single Australian suffers.
Kenyan Prime Minister
It’s getting harder to ignore the doomsayers, and there are plenty of them.
They are not doomsayers they are just pointing out the reality that the US dollar is on its last legs, the US economy is going to collapse
The US is the best house in a run down street.
The US has the most diverse, self-sufficient economy in the world* and are the least susceptible to the coming collapse of globalism. If they did actually do what they are told [Yankee go home] law and order on the seas and in the air would be in jeopardy.
Do not bet against Uncle Sam. In the land of the blind a one eyed man is king.
* Australia OTOH is a “banana republic”, the correct definition of which is a nation with a single export commodity. We only have minerals, and are too short sighted to invest in any downstream processing or manufacturing. TODAY is a once in a lifetime opportunity to find a niche or two but we are destroying our energy supply and only talking about tax and spend policies, not nation building ones.
Never heard of BRICS? Didn’t see France buying LNG from China in Yuan? Didnt hear about India defying US sanctions and buying Russian oil at market price in roubles? Don’t understand what the demise of the petro dollar means? The US is a broken down 3rd world country.
Let’s see:
Brazil: BRL to USD Chart -59.74% (10Y) Brazilian Real to US Dollar
Russia: Stuffed, will take a generation to rebuild after this war.
India: Will soon be the most populous nation but without real power. Modi will do what’s best for India, as he should. They will be pragmatic, not idealistic.
China: They are today where Japan was 40 yrs ago but their pop. will halve this century.
South Africa: They can’t keep the lights on.
They can take in each others’ washing and barter in whatever takes their fancy but only a gold based international currency made up of a basket of major ones could topple the King: The US$. The death of the petrodollar may be a blessing in disguise by enforcing some discipline onto the Yanks. Heaven knows, they need it. But that is survivable.
Looks like someone watches too much of the Australian Brainwashing Corporation, or as Musk calls it Australian state funded media!
I would rather be in a city in Russia right now than a city in USA with all the crime and rioting going on! I live in the country USA.
Why? If you have any skills Russia would welcome you.
BTW I never watch ABC. Maybe you should broaden your sources. Try Peter Zeihan.
I suspect you’re badly under-estimating the resilience of a free, democratic, individualistic society.
Yes there are drones and the bludgers in that society – Democrats – but they’ve always been there. The thing is, the lefties always want your money: “Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred denarii, and given to the poor?”
The Americans haven’t lost the means to respond rapidly. Most people have no comprehension of just how dynamic the USA economy is when it is unleashed. Trump gave a hint in the short time he was President of just how sharply it can respond when the lead is taken out of the saddlebags.
It’ll be fine. Just get rid of the war-mongering Democrats and then hold on to your hat.
really more like BRICS+ these days , more countries getting on board and spending less time fighting one another. The seem to have come to the realization that the US isnt the boss anymore and de-dollarization of trade is now a real option.
The $ value of the oil on a VLCC could be $120 mil. When such a carrier is loaded and before it can leave port, insured, it must be paid for. That amount of money must be available INSTANTLY without affecting the value of the currency the transfer is agreed upon. Short term this Forex trade is chaotic, so the currency MUST be liquid.
I just looked it up: The value of international trade is approx. $30 tril. Countries with an axe to grind can barter on the side, but busy people handling said millions per transaction will do things the way that won’t get them sacked.
When IBM was king of computers they had an ad “No-one ever got sacked for buying IBM”. It will be a long time before people working where pragmatism rules, get sacked for transacting in USD.
So, how the devil would the BRIC+s fight each other?
Brazil invades India?
India invades Russia?
South Africa invades China?
China invades India? Oops. Yes, it does.
And, which other countries (plural) are getting “on board”?
And what makes you think H that all the things in your little lecture cannot be done in another currency?
Its not magic , just agreement, trust and technonolgy. Your love of the US is not shared by a lot of the world these days. Its easy to see why many just want to step back or move away.
The last straw was when the US stole 300 million USD sitting in the SWIFT banking system from the Russians, thats when everyone realised their USD holdings where not sovereign and they were not safe.
China is dumping US debt (treasury bonds) at 15 cents in the dollar, its all down hill from here.
May as well ignore them, Hanrahan. It’s too late to change anything much now.
The eSafety Commission’s Safe Search went live yesterday.
Federal Labor have forced McGowan to shut down Goldpass.
In October our faux referendum will give Cabinet the power to alter the Constitution.
In February 2024 the power to make us a cashless society with a CBDC will become law.
Sometime after that, probably late 2024 or early 2025 we will become a dictatorship with a form of permanent civilian martial law.
So eat, drink, and be merry (or Mary if you prefer).
For tomorrow we may die – or wish we had.
I’ve been stacking for over twenty years. I’m OK in the short term.
Don’t forget the can opener. You can starve.
dont think he needs a can opener for that
A 1966 round 50c coin has a melt value of $12. I have hundreds. I can buy a few cans of beans and an opener with them.
The other party then has a reliable store of value and will accept the trade.
Do you continue to have supporters of “inside news” provide updates?
“New video from Dr. John Campbell on spike protein pathology:”
Via a comment at Chiefio
Gut feelings can range from feeling sick -(10)- too slight unconscious panic, (1).
The zombie movie planet Z rumbled my Gut, (5)
Dr Campbell’s latest also rated for me a (2).
So you are saying we are all screwed? Will watch it tonight
High Court turns its back on Australian babies in unprecedented decision
The case was brought to the High Court to stop ‘the greatest iatrogenic catastrophe in Australia’s modern history.’
In an unprecedented move, the High Court of Australia has refused to hear a case, without discussion or negotiation. The Australian Babies Case was filed in the High Court on 21 December 2022, with the intention of stopping the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) provisional approval of Moderna for use of its product SPIKEVAX in babies and toddlers aged six months to five years old in Australia.
Instructing solicitors, Peter Fam of Maat’s Method and Katie Ashby-Koppens of PJ O’Brien & Associates, working alongside former barrister and legal consultant for the applicants, Julian Gillespie, were confident in the case, securing almost $500,000 in funding to bring it to the High Court.
It’s “just us” and not justice.
Does it sound like they’re bought and paid for, backing their friends in government, not the people?
Just like in NYC.
PJ O’Brien’s is a chain of bars scattered around Australia. Very hard to get that out of my head…
“Addressing Wind/Solar Instability: Hardwiring the Grid”
And comments
Mmmmmm meanwhile in Germany after having spent billions on wind and solar
Never mind. The boat’s about to come in.
There’ll be dancing and merriment until it all topples over.
“The links between “queer theory” and pedophilia”
Not an easy read, from a tough lady. Some of the realities of what transplant recipients go through
Anyone prepared to claim that Dominion voting machines were rigged?
Fox Will Pay $787.5 Million to Settle Defamation Suit
Proof is harder. Half the price to settle. The truth will out anyway.
Yes, in a civil trial it is only balance of probability. I will have to research more to see what was the most likely reason that Fox caved. It does not prove either way whether the machines can be manipulated. On the balance of probability however, the question of who is responsible for the count would be important. Dominion is the supplier but not the end user. The state or county tallying the votes would be the end user. It is my understanding that Dominion have always claimed they instruct that the machines should not be hooked up to the internet when voting is in progress. Either way Dominion is not responsible for the vote tally in a presidential election. The states are. So any suggestion that Dominion as a company influenced the tally would be enough to reach the balance of probability against any inference or allegation that they were directly involved in the tally process. Civil law is complicated and does not provide a clear cut beyond reasonable doubt outcome like criminal law, which still gets it wrong as well. In my view the decision does not exonerate end users or provide any closure to allegations of inconsistency, misconduct or mismanagement of overall vote counts and that has been seen through proven criminal trials for voter fraud that you can find on the internet. Fox lawyers will likely instruct presenters not to comment on the case or the machines as another case is pending. All the above being said the left wing media will still slap Fox as hard and as often as they can while providing no contact as to the case or the application of civil law.
Agreed. Fox will have made a very hard nosed decision to cut their losses. So much depended on the jurisdiction with potential Federal issues even Federal crimes being heard in a state or city jurisdiction as a civil dispute and the choice of jurisdiction and field of combat has been made de facto and carefully by the applicant to give a considerable advantage on what is intrinsically a political suit. It has little to do with the truth without hard evidence.
Robert Maxwell used to shut down criticism with such massive suits despite the validity of the statements of his critics. I note that Wikipedia now describe him as “media proprietor, member of parliament, suspected spy, and fraudster.” They left out gun runner. The suit against Fox would have been a pile on by Fox’s enemies on the left of politics and the press and that’s just about everyone. 20 months from the next election, this is not a fight Fox needed.
No, but I will strenuously oppose the introduction of voting machines, especially if connected to an internet, into Australian elections at any level.
An out of court settlement doesn’t indicate much. It certainly doesn’t indicate guilt or innocence.
Defamation is notoriously hard to prove beyond reasonable doubt.
I think your breathless rush to defend Dominion is…. typical of someone who does not want to make an effort, or, more likely, is not capable of objective analysis.
Ankapable is the one.
There was no evidence; Powell, Giuliani et. al. were peddling porkies. Fox knew that but ran it anyway because they were losing viewership. Jo and many here believed and promogulated the nonsense and everyone wants to pretend that it never happened.
Pretending there is nothing to see here isnt a very unique event in politics
Rupert was wise to settle, the damage had already been done and could have become really ugly. Beijing is amused.
I read this yesterday, but then, it rapidly became hard to find on the ABC website
Gas power a critical safety net in energy transition set to cost ‘trillions’, study finds
A million windmills in a wind drought is still zero energy. Safety net? You need as much generating capacity again just to cover the required energy needs. So you have two systems, one which works and one which doesn’t. You choose because you don’t need both.
An interesting analogy would be to observe what happens when an airline booking system fails. The staff and counters that were removed to enjoy the efficiencies of a paperless system no longer exist and the flights are cancelled.
Rumour has it the Chest of Gold funding the roof top solar back to grid installations has run out, and soon the only installations will be standalone requiring batteries. Not bad if you are rich enough to install, maintain and regularly replace such an expensive alternative to the good old coal base load power.
As it is many of the back to grid installations have been reduced to a similar game as that to start a soft ball match. You throw up a bat and the last hand to the top wins. Same for back to grid solar, the cowboy installer who cranks up the voltage from the inverter last can choose the highest potential to feed electrons back to the grid. The previous installations are storming around the house yelling at each other over who left the toilet light on when their rebate dwindles.
Batteries, m’boy. Batteries will fix that.
Australia‘s largest wind farm comprising 215 wind-turbines will soon be under construction in the Golden Plains Shire just 60 kms north-west of Geelong.
The 1,300 megawatt project will also feature a 300MW battery storage facility.
That’ll fix it. Don’t you see? They’ll store the wind in the battery and release it when State Parliament rises – and the hot air stops rising. 300MW. That’ll be more than enough.
They’re certifiably insane.
Part of the scam is that people confuse generating capacity like 300MW with storage capacity. This applies to both Snowy II and Adelaide’s $100Million big battery which by my calculation would last less than a minute, perhaps only seconds. And even a 300MW battery means you get 25% of the power you need, but for how long?
And Snowy II runs out of water. Just as Tasmania did when it sold its power to the mainland and the farmers found they had no water in a drought. Even if you can pump all the water back up the mountain, you need time and power to do that in excess of your daily needs which are near constant.
We in Australia are busy shutting down working reliable and adequate zero cost systems and making the whole country dependent on wind. That makes no sense at all. It’s suicidal economically and socially and that is what the communists Bandt and Andrews really want.
When Donald Horne coined the phrase that Australia was the lucky country, he didn’t mean it as a complement.
Australia has gas aplenty but when discovered, the junior oiler has to sell gas on a guaranteed take or pay contract to attract finance. Australians are free to bid. They didn’t, they should not demand the gas company welch on their deals now.
We should be a mini US with all major centres connected by gas pipes. Vic has proven on shore gas but Dan has vetoed drilling.
If you don’t like it, blame your politicians, mainly labor.
the ability to explore for onshore conventional gas in Victoria was quietly reinstated in 2021, in theory anyway.
I thought someone here might have commented on Fox News paying Dominion $US787.5 million for defamation but I guess no one wants to admit that Fox broadcast Trump’s claims in order to not lose Trump’s followers.
Perhaps this will finally put to rest Trump’s claims he won the 2020 election .
The judge in the now concluded trail stated:
“The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true,” he wrote, with his own capitalization”
Too hard to prove to a leftist judge.
You really think this is the FOX fan club? anything else you want to imagine?
Simon Says above.
Weird what you guys, or whatever you are, drop in to say.
Especially given that the automated vote count is not the central issue in the illegitimacy of the installation of Biden as faux POTUS.*
Except among talking heads in the MSM, such as Fox.
Trump is living rent free in your head.
And I’m pretty sure he’s not house trained.
*(Just one being the soft coup attempt, with DHS and FBI collusion, based on known to be false allegations.)
I will also note, having lived and worked in the Swamp, DJT was a gold mine for the Blue creatures. The Orange Devil was the Second Coming, after Reagan, for oppositional fund raising.
Many of them where able to buy lots of expensive and offensive new art works for their palaces off River and Foxhall Road(s).
DJT is essential to your quest for the Precious.
Simon did, an hour earlier.
You seem more concerned with this than anyone else here. It’s an out of court settlement, it doesn’t really indicate guilt or innocence.
Presumably you aren’t American, so why do you feel the need to stridently defend the Biden administration and electronic voting? Don’t you have better things to do with your time?
Ian, there were many, many foxes in the hen house at US election time.
Anyoneremember this?
“Perhaps this will finally put to rest Trump’s claims he won the 2020 election .”
mmmm because
2000 mules stuffing ballot boxes never happened (even if its on video)
Lock outs and after hours processing of votes never happened (even if it on video)
Unavailability of ballots papers in Republican districts never happed (even if its public information)
Ballot harvesting never happened (even though people have been convicted of it)
Electoral roles inflated with dead people and people who have left the State never happed (even though legislation has been passed in some States to clean up their rolls)
Statistically impossible leaps in vote counting numbers favoring Biden occurred in multiple locations
Yes indeedy, some sideshow antics on Fox are proof positive that there is nothing irregular about those elections
its OK, we sold most of it in advance so we can skip that step. Australia! the clever country
What recourse would China have if Kenya told them to whistle dixie? That railway is a true white elephant.
The Arab nations nationalised international oil assets, Egypt seized Suez and somehow I doubt Panama paid 100c in the $ for their canal. The age of gunboat diplomacy is long gone.
Kenya recorded a Government Debt to GDP of 67.30 percent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product in 2022
United States Government debt accounted for 123.4 % of the country’s Nominal GDP in Dec 2022
Maybe the Kenyans should just print up some money and give it to the Chinese. I thought this way of taking over a country was standard practice for the IMF, seems it works for teh Chinese too.
The matter is in hand.
‘In 2014, with $50 billion (around €46 billion) in seed money, the BRICS nations launched the New Development Bank as an alternative to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. In addition, they created a liquidity mechanism called the Contingent Reserve Arrangement to support members struggling with payments.
‘These offers were not only attractive to the BRICS nations themselves, but also to many other developing and emerging economies that had had painful experiences with the IMF’s structural adjustment programs and austerity measures. This is why many countries said they might be interested in joining the BRICS group.’ (DW)
Bud Lite and Get Woke Go Broke
Downhill from tranny fluid
Unsaleable. Completely wrecked’em.
And a number of companies including Nike using male models to sell gym workout outfits and lingerie. It’s the kiss of death to those brands.
It’s one thing to say that the world loves transvestites and shout down anyone who disagrees. It’s another to make it compulsory. Or think it has marketing value.
You can identify as a chipmunk, but to demand people take you seriously is just nuts.
Thats ok, chipmunks love nuts.
Anyone else notice that our TV adds are being filled with ethnic actors, often in incongruous roles.
I totally object to this social engineering, & am compiling a list of companies I will no longer deal with.
Go woke, go broke, hopefully, & we should all help.
Actually wouldn’t be the first Budweiser advertising liberty I’ve seen.
In the early 1970’s in US they were running a series of ads involving a crew in a Jeep storming around our outback drinking Bud.
I had to point out that Jeep was a forgotten name there and Bud was never seen in my experience
RIP Lidell. Thanks for the cheap energy and to the sensible people who commissioned and built it.
Births, deaths and marriages used to be its own section of the newspaper but with each passing day seems to have started becoming a big part of the front page news. News dot com au today has the following scattered through its landing page:
Pregnant mum dies week after unborn baby
Vaccinated Aussie dies after Bali trip
Australian actress Maxine Klibingaitis dies ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’
Seven-month-old dies suddenly in her sleep
Thoughts to all the family and friends affected by each incident.
Lengthy article in the online ABC news two days ago about Jessica Watson, the girl who, at sixteen, sailed single handed around the world.
A year later she crewed on a yacht in the Sydney to Hobart. The skipper was a young bloke named Cam, and Cam and Jessica fell in love, and life was great for ten years. Then, in 2021, the book of Jessica’s memoirs of her voyage came out, and Cam and Jessica were due to go on a world speaking tour.
Then, at 29, and otherwise superbly fit and healthy, Cam had a massive stroke. He was rushed to hospital and survived, but the next day he had another one which killed him, despite him being in the ICU at the time.
Left unsaid in the article was the fact that, given the timing, he would have to have been vaxxinated against Covid to get approval to leave. He and Jessica had already been on the overseas talking circuit, so it is unlikely that they would have required any other shots.
Earl, MV. These stories are awful. 🙁
Colonel MacGregor
MacGregor is an outlier. His claims of Ukrainian losses are absurd, they never had that many aircraft and drones to begin with. If true the war would have been over in a month.
I can’t vouch for what I read but there is a great deal of video evidence to support the claims that Russia has lost thousands of tanks with their crews. There is an independent group who do painstaking research to eliminate multiple “kills”.
Why would MacGregor and Ritter be the only two who know the truth?
The question isn’t who “knows” the truth, Hanrahan.
What matters is who is TELLING the truth.
The choice is simple –
The lying Deep State and its mouthpiece Biden, with their power and control now in the balance, or
Two rather ordinary guys with nothing to gain and a history of being open and honest.
How do you know the truth? You don’t, you are just being sophisticated by not accepting the main stream opinion. I’m just a pleb who believes some of what I see.
All those clips of tank turrets being blown into near earth orbit are real. Russian tanks have automatic gun loaders which means the stuff that goes BANG is in the cockpit with the crew.
EU commissioner let it slip AFU losses over 100,000.
Realistically 250,000 KIA, with 400,000 WIA.
The tactical group think on the ground is like: hey let’s try this, – ok – result bad, response he died a warriors death hip hip hurrah. Sorry but that’s one of the main excuses, why Ukrainian losses are at best 4:1.
Macgregor wised up early on, most fail to realise RU SMO is not total war, there fighting cousins, brothers etc. The final staw was 110,000 AFU set on the Donbas border set for genocide of its people. Putin invaded North towards Kiev drawing off the AFU force, hoping that Elensky would sue for peace.
Another piont, bloodshed from empires clashing is being avoided, thanks to this conflict. America simply cannot continue on its chaotic death spiral, it’s out of ammunition
The problem with McGregor is that he’s been wrong with every one of his assessments of the Ukraine war.
Go back and have a listen to his early statements. On his assessment the Russians should be in their second year of full occupation by now.
Nope. McGregor is increasingly looking like a Russian agent of influence.
Balkmut will be closed by the time you read this, as Elensky is not sending anymore into its death trap.
A whole Ukrainian army has been wiped out, aggressive conscription is occurring all over some months now.
The Duran on YouTube is considered the best.
Brian Berletic, also, and History Legends
Look under the hood of msm.
Maybe, just maybe, Russia is drawing this war out on purpose. Why? To slowly drain the West of military supplies and divert attention away from China’s designs on Taiwan. Putin met with Xi just weeks before invading Ukraine so who knows what was discussed. Already Macron has shrugged his shoulders re Taiwan.
Just surmising.
The alternative assessment is equally valid.
That is that the USA (in particular) is providing just enough support to keep it going.
Why do that?
To create a false hope in the minds of the CCP that Taiwan cannot be defended by the USA because it’s running low on munitions. Or possibly, to encourage the CCP to have a go at Taiwan and get blown to smithereens by the USA war machine.
If CCP and Putin want to win they need to get rid of the Democrat war-mongers in Washington. Trump is a man of peace.
Another plausible strategy.
For Ellie, Wherever She May Be.
These April days were always the darkest for you.
But once, on such a night, I played you this song.
And together we laughed away the darkness.
Wherever you are, I wish you well, Ellie.
The transgender M->F celebrity TikToker, Dylan Mulvaney, the guy who who is the face of Bud Lite and other woke products, tragically has a huge following among young people who will seek to follow his example and sterilise and mutilate themselves in an act caused by this social contagion.
An Mulvaney is making millions from his fame and endorsements.
But how committed is he really?
He seems to have undergone facial feminisation surgery or done a very good hospitalisation and post-surgery dressing and surgical bruising act.
It is not clear whether or not he is taking cross-sex hormones. He may be.
Most importantly, he has not made the ultimate commitment of “bottom surgery” with penectomy and orchiectomy that will fully sterilise and mutilate him and nullify his gender, with the construction of a fake and non-functional female organ.
He can do as he pleases with his body, as ill-advised and sad as that may be. But the real tragedy is all the naive young people who seek to follow his example. What’s even worse, the Leftist social(ist) media platforms routinely censor the huge numbers of stories of transgender regret. Many young people have no idea of the misery they are soon to face from irreversible surgical procedures.
Is it just me, or is there something “off” when people (and organisations) that demonstrably have no respect (and even an active dislike) for Christianity start singing the praises of someone just because they died?
Of course, I’m talking about the late Father Bob Maguire.
The church of the secular has its own saints. The church of the secular creates one of the things they say they despise about the Catholic Church.
what is the quickest temperature hourly rise or fall “rate” on land ? All I get is the reiterated garbage on climate change – I just want to know about weather in the locality: what are the realms of possibilities .
I remember a rise from around 25C to around 42C in half an hour and then dropped back to low 20s in the next half hour. It was a site on the South Coast in NSW a few years ago (near Nowra, I think).
Apparently the cool sea breeze was keeping the temp down and was suddenly hit by a strong NW change. Then a southerly change hit soon after.
Somebody out there may remember.
Oh well, yes – I hadn’t considered air movement back & fore …. was thinking of Solar heat alone, only because my weather station can report rate of temp change. (trend) have seen fall by 1.5C per hour and currently it is +1.9C/hr. so with air movement a rate of 30C per hour ( for 1/2 an hour – can it be maintained for a whole hour or more? ) What was the likely microburst that killed the Jumbo in Siberia whilst eating a mouthful of daisies ?
Point I was also raising , that Google scholar couldn’t give me a direct answer. I would have to digest heaps of records to find Delta T…just a pain for curiosity.
Watched the temp drop 20F in 10 minutes on the Nullarbor, caused by a rolling dust storm being pushed through by a rain front. Right next to an official Stevenson screen with Met guys monitoring. We would have 100F+ days, quickly followed by three-blanket nights.
Originally recorded as natural causes – how many others?
“The Reserve Bank board will be stripped of its power to set interest rates and replaced by a board of monetary policy experts under the biggest shake-up to Australia’s economic policy settings in a generation.”
So, a bigger number of heads to spread the responsibility, or a subtle policy of putting Govt-friendly heads in control? Sure as hell is hot, they will all be Keynesians, not an Austrian economist in there!
FDA Pulls Authorization for Original Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccines
For them it’s grand villas to dine,
On truffles, sweet meats and wine,
For us, not so good,
It’s queueing for ‘food’,
And told proteins in bugs will be fine.