A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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My expectation regarding Tucker Carlson is that his firing from Fox isn’t the end of the matter, but that his opponents will treat him in much the same way as Trump, and for similar reasons: because he’s effective and powerful, thus a big threat. Talk of him entering politics will only hasten his demise.
And so I expect that he will be assaulted from all sides now, including in law suits such as those in connection with allegations from a female producer that he bullied her. I wouldn’t even be surprised if somebody pops up and accuses him of an affair or sexual assault. The sordid stories and allegations that he is a leader of the KKK, when he’s not setting fire to puppies, will escalate.
He won’t be left alone until he is metaphorically dead, buried, killed again then burnt at the stake by those who want him out of the picture.
There’s a good article in The Oz today, discussing this topic. The article points out that while he can earn a lot of money running his own service, he won’t have the reach that was provided by being part of a large news organisation.
As a Murdoch rag would say.
This wasn’t a shot across the bow of the Trumpists, it was a shell amidships.
It is the opening shots of a billionaire’s chess game with Murdoch backing DeSantis, the rest unsure which dem to support but all united against Trump.
I note that Bezos may not have as much to splurge this time round, Amazon is floundering, off 40% since it’s peak and he won’t be the only one who will have to spend more time running their businesses.
That’s a good summation Steve.
Principal weapon, after the media, is the hyper expensive legal process.
At least in America there are open signs of revolt from several states while here in the land down under all is placid as Dan Andrews spends up biggly and then asks the rest of us to fund his abuse.
Meanwhile the problem of inflation has been fixed; three hundred new full time Federal employees are now on the payroll to hold the chief accountant down and silence him.
Dan Andrews understands very well, as does Anna P, that the debt that they run up must be shared by other states.
We have real reason to fear that this may have been a topic of discussion on his recent visit to China.
Maybe he can borrow off the Chinese… I see no reason at all for NSW to give him a dime.
That’s the problem. If he borrows off the Chinese, Australia must pick up the tab.
TC did an interview on a podcast yesterday ( or maybe day before ) which was mentioned on social media. (sorry about the vagueness, haven’t got time now to search for it). But basically he said he was ashamed of most of his journalistic life, in that, he was just conforming to the narrative like the rest of MSM. I think he had some form of awakening in recent years, which is why all his recent shows were anti-establishment, covid realistic, 2020 election realistic etc etc etc.
This is probably true. As time proceeds and the polity rots and festers, one notes events with increasing distaste. The man, I believe has inner strength and will continue to kick heads. Keep your own powder dry folks!
It was the “full send” podcast. Never listened to it myself, and have just seen what are presumably excerpts from along interview or discussion.
The other thing with Tucker (and I’m no expert so correct me if I’m wrong) could be a response by the establishment to grab back the Jan 6 files. If his employment contract with Fox has the common clause of “any intellectual property or material you contribute towards performing your duties in the company automatically becomes the property of the company” like most employment contracts, then his ouster means those files now belong to Fox and they can collude with the US government to bury them forever. McCarthy looks like a saint because he delivered on his promise, while the deep state laughs all the way and the contents of the files are safe from public view again. Or does the material still belong to Tucker?
Big pharma owning the msm, peddling now demonstrable lies.
The Biden crime family.
Gubermint & pedowood kiddy fiddling.
Organised crime, drug, gun and child trafficking.
Bioweapons labs across the world.
Fauci’s crimes and coverups.
Who wants someone like Tucker talking about any of those coming up to the 2024 sham elections…
He’ll get a lot of leftie subscribers with stuff like this
From your own quote
“I have no doubt there was fraud.”
Thanks, GA. !
If I tossed a hundred heads in a row is my coin rigged? You must be a public servant. Am I right?
Just because elites can hire out the expression of their peculiar obsessions?
It’s like hiring a cleaning service for your id.
(We have to show up in person.)
TDS is a tragic condition.
Try to show some sympathy.
Like for internment camp guards, journalists, and public health employees.
Oh and almost forgot, climate scientists.
Doubtful- Tucker has typecast himself as a voice for the Heartland.
Once a mathematician. Standing in a field looking at the clouds. He figures out that he can see a lakes worth of liquid water floating an average of 3 miles above his head in defiance of gravity.
He then makes two pronouncements. Electricity is NOT flowing through the atmosphere. And suspended liquid water does NOT conduct electricity far better than the gassed surrounding it.
Now is he lying? Is he stupid? Is he playing silly-buggers? And should we really be putting up with this sort of thing in 2023?
Now, now! Unthreaded.
In drought times in still air late in the afternoon when a truck going down a dirt road raises a cloud of dust the dust may hang there for a surprisingly long time.
Why doesn’t it just settle?
In a cultivation paddock there was a patch of abou ten or fifteen acres of sandy oil which should have had better care than it got, but with 3,500 other acres to worry about I never made it to that level of refinement.
When cultivated, it used to raise as dust on the wind.
If you walked there when the dust was blowing, you could see that the finer stuff was blowing on the wind, while the bigger particles were flying around the ground, looking as though they re trying to levitate.
The dust settles. Every time.
How big the dust particle compared to the raindrop? Or the snow flake? In a cloud the drops can be tiny thanks to the voltage buildup. Extra electrons means more repulsion means tinier raindrops. They never rub together by the way so it’s not from friction. No friction to be had. But if some charge is lost the drops can amalgamate and then fall. You are proposing a glider model of clouds but any enthusiast knows he will be landing very soon. Yet the trajectory of clouds is not to Slowly drift downwards.
You are giving me wokeness as applied to science. You are woke.
Dust is not unaffected by electrical flow. And dust will also improve conductivity. That’s why you see the big stuff levitating. By your own admission.
Note that in your anecdote the tiny dust particles never seem to bump into each other. That’s electrical repulsion right there. It’s not a magnificent simultaneous set of coincidences but a reflection of the fact that the wind itself is driven by electricity trying to earth.
WHO Cites “Huge Biological Risk” As Sudan Fighters Seize Lab Containing Deadly Pathogens
The World Health Organization (WHO) says there’s a “huge biological risk” after Sudanese rebels of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) seized the country’s National Public Health Laboratory in the capital Khartoum on Tuesday.
A US-brokered 72-hour truce deal appears to have already collapsed, given war correspondents widely reported hearing gunfire persist into the evening. The top-ranking WHO official in Sudan, Nima Saeed Abid, called the development “extremely dangerous because we have polio isolates in the lab, we have measles isolates in the lab, we have cholera isolates in the lab.”
It’s been dead on the disease news front for months.
Will this one go anywhere?
A lab owned by the deep state no doubt. Malthusians awake and carry forth the seeds of destruction.
Would that be the same Rapid Support Forces administered by the Sudan National Intelligence and Security Service, and whose military operations are commanded by the Sudanese Armed Forces?
“and whose military operations are commanded by the Sudanese Armed Forces?”
…WERE commanded.. The fight is between two Generals, one each from RSF and SAF, Burhan and Dagalo.
mmmm Sudan. Few better places to locate a Lab with “huge biological risks”
Why are Americans getting dumber?
New research from the United States confirms a worrying trend — a long-term decline in IQ scores. In cruder terms, Americans are getting dumber every year.
According to a report in Popular Mechanics, researchers from Northwestern University used “survey responses from 394,378 Americans between 2006 to 2018 to examine if cognitive ability scores changed within the US in those 13 years”. What they found was a general, though not uniform, drop-off in measured ability.
Signs of decline have been picked up in other studies too. For instance, research by psychologist Jean Twenge found that Americans at each education level were less verbally skilled in the 2010s than their 1970s counterparts. And before Europeans get too snooty about the apparent dumbing down of America, there’s evidence of similar trends in France, Finland and German-speaking countries.
What makes this transatlantic trend all the more remarkable is that it follows a long period in which average IQ scores increased across the Western world, a phenomenon known as the Flynn Effect. The evidence is now pointing towards a reverse Flynn Effect, in which the intelligence gains of the 20th century are being wiped out in the 21st.
There’s a lot of scepticism about the real-world relevance of IQ tests, but even if all they do is measure our ability to solve a certain class of abstract problem, we still need to ask why that ability is now in decline.
The clot thickens. 😆😆
A.I. will have an easy job taking over when the time comes.
They don’t read books anymore – just a flashing computer screen. Neurologically, this was always going to be fraught with unforeseen consequences. Neurologist Baroness Susan Greenfield was warning of the consequences years ago.
Interestingly, the decline of use of the pen (& therefore the connection between hand and brain function) was also of concern.
Not just the Americans methinks just looking around my home country quietly.
Regarding the relevance of IQ tests, sure when we dont like the look of the results its always easy to start doubting the tests. They have been around for a long term and have been a pretty good indicator for a long time and looking at outcomes around the world they seem to be roughly predictive in the real world. The tests havent changed but culture and the education system certainly have.
One might say it started with the “no child left behind” nonsense that automatically passes children up to the next grade whether they know the subject matter or not.
It’s in some part a question of the education sytem, the children don’t learn how to learn anymore, they don’t learn the nost easy way to calculate the most simple maths, the ways shown are to complicate compared what we learned earlier, the children are no more able to read correctly, not to speak about writing.
Talking about Germany, here we have to much non German speaking children in basic schools, what makes teaching offen very complicate.
Since our kids lead similar lives and eat similar food no doubt our people are getting dumber too. Of course there are the 4 decades of decay in the school system and the dumbed down curriculum. I was posting off my BAS return last week and using up some 20 and 30 cent stamps ( the ATO is too mean to issue a stamped addressed envelope) and my 7.5 YO grandson said 30,60,90, 110 as he counted off the value. I was very impressed and pleased. So not all kids are dumb. However when 10% vote for Greens and they put the ALP in power one must conclude there are a majority of dummies out there.
Some interesting Biden family information. 8 mins. ToM
Electric vehicles performed WORSE in EPA estimates than gas-powered cars
In case you have not figured it out yet, the entire electric vehicle (EV) industry is a scam built on lies and fraud. And this was just confirmed by SAE International using real-world highway test data provided by Car and Driver.
Testing director Dave VanderWerp showed proof that EVs routinely perform far worse than their claimed EPA highway fuel economy numbers – while gas-powered internal combustion engine vehicles, by comparison, perform equal to or even greater than their advertised EPA highway fuel economy numbers.
The paper compares the EPA fuel economy and range estimates provided by vehicle manufacturers to that of Car and Driver‘s real-world highway tests, this being a gold standard benchmark for measuring true fuel economy.
In its 75-mph highway test, Car and Driver evaluated more than 350 internal combustion vehicles, which averaged 4.0 percent better fuel economy than what was stated on their labels. By comparison, the average range for an EV was 12.5 percent worse than the price sticker numbers.
What this means is that gas-powered vehicles perform equal to or better than their advertised performance while EVs are the opposite. In truth, EVs really are a scam in every sense of the word, and consumers who purchase them are being ripped off while they pretend to help the planet.
According to Car and Driver, the reason why EVs routinely fail to match expectations is because of how their manufacturers manipulatively calculate range.
“While separate city and highway range figures are computed behind closed doors, only a combined number is presented to consumers,” Car and Driver reports. “The combined rating is weighted 55 percent in favor of the city figure, where EVs typically perform better.”
And the elite etc will still be driving petrol luxury cars while the unwashed get electric crapola.
Maybe those sub $1k USD micro Chinese EV’s with a 50 km/h top speed and a 40km range for those 15 minute city dwellers.
They have smaller batteries do they can be extinguished faster.😁
I tried to calculate the cost of refueling an EV and comparing that to the cost of refueling a similar sized ICE car. If they weigh the same and are driven in the same manner they would use the same amount of kWh of either electricity or petrol. I read where a litre of petrol contains the equivalent of 9 kWh of energy. A litre of 91 ULP costs $1.84 where I live and I pay 44 cents/kWh at peak and 38 cents/kWh shoulder or 22 cents/kWH at off peak. If you are travelling a long distance you probably sleep at night so the cheapest electricity is 38 cents/kWh unless there are subsidies interfering with the market of course. Hence a litre of petrol cost about 20 cents/kWh while real electricity is costing 38 cents/kWh. Of course the EV driver does not contribute via fuel tax to the upkeep of the road either.
Now my calculations could be wrong and I would appreciate anybody setting me straight but it seems running costs for EVs are also well under reported.
EU cash restrictions
Wednesday entertainment: That’s some seriously good welding!
That’s not welding; that is art.
Wednesday MSM silliness fail
Scientists Have Found 30,000 New Viruses Hiding in The DNA of Microbes
While analyzing the genomes of single-celled microbes, a team of researchers made a startling discovery: Thousands of previously unknown viruses were “hidden” within the microbes’ DNA.
The researchers found DNA from more than 30,000 viruses built into genomes of various single-celled microbes, they report in a new study. They explain that viral DNA might enable a host cell to replicate complete, functional viruses.
“We were very surprised by how many viruses we found through this analysis,” says lead author Christopher Bellas, an ecologist who studies viruses at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. “In some cases, up to 10 percent of a microbe’s DNA turned out to consist of hidden viruses.”
These viruses don’t seem to sicken their hosts, the researchers say, and they might be beneficial. Some of the new viruses resemble virophages, a type of virus that infects other pathogenic viruses attempting to infect its host cell.
“Why so many viruses are found in the genomes of microbes is not yet clear,” Bellas says. “Our strongest hypothesis is that they protect the cell from infection by dangerous viruses.”
Living on Earth means contending with viruses, the planet’s most abundant biological entities, collectively infecting every type of life form. They’re highly diverse, using many different tactics to exploit their cellular hosts.
Wait until they check human DNA.
Born With It? Dylan Mulvaney Partners With Maybelline, Prompting Calls For New Boycott
And just like the backlash over his ill-fated Bud Light ad, Mulvaney – a biological male whose ditzy female persona is deeply offensive to women – the Maybelline sponsorship has prompted a similar response.
Does that fella ever make anyone money?
I strongly suspect that Mulvaney will, at some point, dump the whole trans act. As far as I know, he isn’t actually transitioning and remains biologically a male, albeit a very camp gay bloke.
He must be making a fortune but of course it will all implode at some point, maybe not that far in the future. Those who took him seriously will look VERY stupid if that indeed is his plan.
How many have looked stupid as this countless “end of the world” CC deadlines pass? Hell will freeze over first.
a classic moment
No, it isn’t April 1st.
Guinea-Bissau has become the first country outside Europe to join an international agreement on environmental democracy that holds governments accountable for environmental and human rights
New Guinea-Bissau definition of democracy: a form of government of the people in which the supreme power is vested in woke environmental and human rights accountants and exercised directly by them or by their unelected UN agents outside a free electoral system.
Jo gets a good mention from the Daily Sceptic
Who Runs the World? – Organized Crime’s Front Groups & Secret Societies
Who Are the World Economic Forum, The Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Freemasonry, Bohemian Club, Skull & Bones and the Bilderberg Group?
Various power factions run the gambit from old-line European royalty to “Big Tech” control-of-perception internet companies to Israel, China, Russia to the Vatican. The dominant US network is eugenics in outlook and goals because that was the belief system of the folks who created and funded the network (David Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Andrew Carnegie). Some of the greatest fortunes in history were left to foundations that continue their work and exercise influence in the network, especially the Rockefeller Foundation, Wellcome Trust, Gates Foundation, Carnegie Foundations and others.
One player not mentioned, the one called [Redacted]
A magnitude 5.9 earthquake in New Zealand’s North Island this morning. The earthquake epicentre was within 5km of Pōrangahau on the east coast and was 22km deep and followed by a M5.4 aftershock.
“The Courage of Tucker Carlson”
The “deep state” need to destroy T.C
So on the Lab Leak ‘conspiracy theory’.
These are DC wonkish journalists (one Blue one Red), that left the inside DC press organization ‘The Hill’ and struck out on there own, given that integrity is a social dysfunction in Washington DC culture.
May be that some parts of the DC Monstrosity has determined IT was a lab leak.
Who knew?
Damn DCM is so big it can’t control all its’ appendages.
Damn First Amendment still allowing free speech to spill the beans.
Congress is working on fixing that.
And Joe Biden is running again to save our freedoms.
Speaking of integrity … Justin Trudeau never forced anyone to get vaccinated.
Good Gawd.
Bless his little heart.
Isn’t he pretty?
And when your pretty … all 87 genders love you.
I hope hope he runs Chinada forever.
Chinadans are so lucky.
Here in America we choose experience over beauty.
‘Experience’ or ‘Senility’???
It’s quite a logical leap from a “Lab” to a “Lab-leak” origin of the pandemic.
The lab-leak is a fallback narrative, reluctantly introduced after the failure of the natural origin narrative.
It’s quite a logical leap from a “Lab” to a “Lab-leak” origin of the pandemic.
The lab-leak is a fallback narrative, reluctantly introduced after the failure of the natural origin narrative.
Oh, you mean it wasn’t an accident?
Your TFH Kung Fu is strong.
Point taken.
Keep forgetting I’m in the Land of Narrative without ruby slippers.
Thank you.
Sean Gabb on why he doesn’t write for Libertarianism as much these days- People have accepted the loss of freedoms and overt Govt bureaucracy now.
“The purpose of downsizing the State must be to wage a short and victorious class war against all those who lie awake at night, asking what more they can do to make others dance as they desire. Take away their jobs, force them to look for work as unskilled labour in the factories, or pushing trolleys in supermarket car parks, and there will be an immediate end to deep greenery and critical race theory. These are not autonomous bodies of ideas, like Physics or Chemistry, that tell truth about the world regardless of whether they are studied. They exist only to legitimise a particular order of things.”
Activist Jose Vega interrupts a two-day journalist talkfest- about the role of a free press in a thriving democracy and its responsibility when a democracy is under assault- and demonstrates the real faultline.
Ready for lab-chicken grown in a vat from chicken cells that reproduce forever? So long as no chemotherapy chemicals get in there she’ll be right!
“As for GOOD Meat, Reuters celebrated the FDA’s decision to make it the second “cultivated meat product” available on the market. “GOOD Meat’s chicken is the second cultivated meat product to receive a ‘no-questions’ letter from the FDA after California-brd [sic] UPSIDE Foods got the regulator’s green light for its cultivated chicken breast last November,” the fake news media outlet reported.
“The letter means the FDA accepts the company’s conclusion that its product is safe for humans to eat.”
Just like it did with Upside Foods, the FDA indicated that it has “no questions at this time” about GOOD Meat’s “conclusion that foods comprised of or containing cultured chicken cell material [are] as safe as comparable foods produced by other methods.”
‘Good as comparable foods’ means it won’t need labeling, like GMOs. How many IQ points will the next generation drop? How may diseases will become widespread when practically unknown now?
Even cultivated cells need to be “fed” wonder what medium will be used to grow the product and where will it come from?
Liddell #2 down and out for the last time. Batten down the hatches; man the pumps and crank up the wind turbines! The ride could get rougher in NSW next week.
But … but …the Minister says it’ll be alright.
‘Ongoing uncertainty about the future of Queensland’s Callide C coal-fired power station and the closure of AGL Energy’s Liddell plant in NSW this week has raised concerns about a shortfall in capacity in the National Electricity Market this winter.’ (AFR)
Great isnt it? all this stuff going on that has lead times of years, and at the end of April THEN they express concerns about winter capacity. Let’s all pretend that its a big shock that our imaginary plans , based on nothing, actually don’t work. If only basic capacity was the only problem.
Bring it on hard, then maybe we can get to the “can we talk about this seriously now?” step.
Would be intetesting to know what the content of minerals and vitamines would be as there is no food these “chickens” will get.
Was thought as answer to #21
The Soylent Green solution would be quite acceptable, I am sure.
Biden Admin Taps Ford’s Top Electric Vehicle Lobbyist as Energy Department Adviser
It is the boiling frog approach. It is hoped we won’t notice until it’s too late.
“IgG4 Antibodies Induced by mRNA Vaccines Generate Immune Tolerance to SARS-CoV-2’spike Protein by Suppressing the Immune System”
Bye bye Liddell power station.
LD1 still delivering 318 MW, but LD4 shutdown 24/4, and LD2 closed 26/4, that’s 600 MW of reliable power gone for good.
It seems Mt Piper 2 has stepped up.
Will be interesting to see what happens to NSW spot prices.
The oldies are not getting vaxxed, to the horror of those who’s lifestyle depends on us taking their poisons. Even the academic commenting says the Health Dept is hiding the figures-
“Julie Leask, from the school of Public Health at the University of Sydney, said …The Department of Health and Aged Care stopped reporting coverage rates for aged care residents at the end of March, which Leask said made it difficult to judge how vaccination rates are tracking in aged care.
“We can’t see what proportion of people have had a fourth or a fifth dose, so it’s more difficult to judge how the program is performing,” she said. “The only percentage they’re giving is the proportion of people in residential aged care who have had a COVID infection or booster in the last six months, and I don’t think that’s good enough. It’s not telling us as much as it used to tell us.”
Too many people seeing those excess death figures?