A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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“On Secession and Civil War
Will there be breakup by 2030?”
Couldn’t be that silly. Surely?
Sometimes a diesel mechanic. Wars are won on diesel. He has a CSIRO scientist looking over his shoulder. The mechanic goes to use the gas welder. But for some strange reason the public servant demands he uses electricity. So they get the arc welder out and at the last second the man with true power in his hands sends the apprentice to get the Argon gas tank.
Why you need Argon says the busy body. Even as it comes out of his mouth the mechanic knows he has made a mistake. He should have proposed a chemical outer electron reason. He should have used a phrase like “elemental transmutations” instead of the F-word. But he let it out he said…..
He said if I don’t have an argon shield the electrical pressure will lead to FUSION. The nitrogen will become carbon. The carbon will become carbon monoxide. And I will get sick.
Well of course the woke public servant got sick and they had to create a safe space for him and bring out an oxygen tank as well.
Stop patting yourselves on the back. I think you are woke as well. Or do you get your Fusion science from the same clown show that gave you the Higgs Boson?
“The nitrogen will become carbon. The carbon will become carbon monoxide. ”
Nah- the carbon is from the steel and oxidizes to CO. You need lots of good fusion if the two bits of metal are to stay together.
Join them in discussing the “YES” case for the Voice?
Except I watched as 12 below the line comments appeared 4 days ago, 7 of which specifically used the ‘NO’ word in their response & 2 replies/rebuttals.
Those 9 replies have magically disappeared – leaving mostly pro-voice sentiment, with one exception, which was not an explicit “NO” voice.
Since then only 2 new Pro-voice comments have appeared.
I wonder why all those ‘NO’ voices were silenced.
I also wonder – if they’ll delete your voice on Youtube … What will they do if they can exercise any real power?
When I look, all I see is “yes” comments. Either the channel owner deleted them, or someone has been reporting the comments as “hate speech or graphic violence”, or “promotes terrorism”, or some other (likely) spurious claim.
YouTube also shadow-bans comments. they’re just not visible to anyone else, even if you can see that you’ve posted something.
What is the Covid cult?
Inadequate term.
What do we call a global mass formation crafted and promulgated by a Corporate/ Government/Intelligence/Media Axis Alliance?
We’re gonna need a bigger boat.
Video about statues on Easter Island and how they were moved.
They “walked” but some fell.
The first rock and roll.
Thor Heyerdahl wrote about his adventures in his book.
That was an interesting story. As the commentator said, should serve as a warning to make the wrong conclusions about humans and their environment.
There goes another tradition.
Now it’s same sex “couples” in ballroom dancing.
For 2 guys dancing they need to stand slightly apart to qualify for ballroom dancing.😆
They can stand & dance any whichever & be assured only the minority will be watching!
Sunday funday: Biden special
Dark Brandon:
They call him the wanderer:
Who’s got the Biden remote?
Jeff Dunham with Biden puppet:
Finishing with a Zelensky one:
With the neocons pushing for WW3 this year (before Brandon goes full vegetable) I hope everyone’s done some serious planning.
He has totally lost the plot
He will be “removed” and WW3 will begin, they will say Russia did it.
Another Kennedy event, and Russia will be blamed, only way they can keep power.
Right now there is an interesting error showing in BoM rain radar 24hrs totals for the 128 km Canberra (Captains Flat) 24 hour Rainfalls.
Note the eye catching arc of Red contours(+100mm rain) from between Tarago & Bungendore through Canberra, Tuggeranong, Tharwa, Michelago, Bredbo to Numeralla.
Note on the BoM rain stations map there is no support from rain gauges for that eye catching arc of Red +100m rain contours from the radar.
The Red +100m rain contours from the radar in the Nowra to Clyde region look in tune with rain gauges.
Note Cooma on the 128 km Canberra (Captains Flat) 24 hour Rainfalls map only has rain gauges peak readings ~under half of that indicated by the radar map.
Has anybody ever seen the radar overestimating rain by 100% like this?
I am keeping screensaves and will post more on this overnight or tomorrow.
Well spotted. rain gauge totals nothing like the map they are on. As accurate as the rest of the BOM I think.
I have added links to Canberra radar screensaves at the sixth comment on my blog post.
I have not noticed that feature of the BOM rain radars before.
I too am new to the use of some BoM radars to check on rain in gauges and with help from an old mate I have been doing that maybe a coupla months.
Here is link to info on each radar that has the “rain mapping” capacity.
The stupid is strong in the masses
And they vote.
Sunday WTF: Precision garden watering system
I wonder if that’s a commercial product? Very good.
Wouldn’t it have been just as easy to run a small tube watering system around the plants? Less wastage surely.
Much less fun to build though!
New Drug Successfully Treats Fatty Liver Disease in Primate Model
Millions of people are affected by nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which is a serious liver disease.
A newly discovered amino acid compound has been found to successfully treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in non-human primates, representing a significant step towards the development of the first human treatment for this rapidly spreading health condition.
Scientists at Michigan Medicine have developed DT-109, a glycine-based tripeptide, as a treatment for the severe form of fatty liver disease known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). NASH causes scarring and inflammation in the liver and is estimated to impact as many as 6.5% of people worldwide.
Results reveal that DT-109 reversed fat buildup and prevented scarring in the livers of both mice and primates that had developed NASH. The study, completed in partnership with an international team including the Laboratory Animal Center at Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center and the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences at Peking University Health Science Center, is published in Cell Metabolism.
“For years, scientists have been trying to develop a medication that treats NASH, but many attempts have failed to show an improvement or have raised safety concerns in clinical trials,” said Eugene Chen, M.D., Ph.D., senior author of the study and Frederick G. L. Huetwell Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at University of Michigan Medical School. “NASH is rising at a staggering rate, and successful treatment of non-human primates with our drug candidate, DT-109, brings us closer than ever to treating the millions of people suffering from this condition.”
Any excess body fat is indicative of liver problems as the liver has limited fat storage capacity.
If you’re around 10% body fat you’re ok, so that’s 1 in a thousand.😉
““NASH is rising at a staggering rate, and successful treatment of non-human primates with our drug candidate, DT-109, brings us closer than ever to treating the millions of people suffering from this condition.””
Because having them change their diet & lifestyle and fixing the problem for free is just not good enough!
..and besides, we have three more drugs to treat the side-effects of this one, and another two to treat the side-effects of those three.
That nailed it KP.
So much official “disinformation” now to hide the truth about thingys that can be mobilised into cash through more big Pharma, or control mechanisms.
The Truth about Diabetes type two has been known since the analysis of the Dutch Winter Hunger and the follow on which led to the discovery of the reasons behind the problem of gender irregularities/dysphoria.
But who needs the Truth, let’s discuss NASH and LGBTIQR and hide the issue of greed for diabetes.
The Gender issue is smothered in talk about XX and YY or XXYY when the main issues are any serious abnormalities in lifestyle during pregnancy i.e. stress, and or the use of alcohol during pregnancy.
Hell, we don’t want to have people developing self discipline, they might start to see what governments have been doing with extreme levels of social security over the last fifty years.
“Because having them change their diet & lifestyle and fixing the problem for free is just not good enough!”
Is there a natural source for the glycine-glycine-L-leucine compound they have developed?
There are recognised plant-based therapeutic supports for damaged liver readily available over the counter. Not being a qualified medico, I won’t name them here, but they sell under the category of “liver tonics.” Suffice to say, I had quite serious liver damage requiring hospital care and a radical change of diet and lifestyle a few years ago. I take one of these preparations daily, my liver function is normal in regular testing and my gastroenterologist is happy for me to continue in this way without pharmaceutical drugs.
There is plenty of research material on the net about these plant extracts.
Grad student designs “artificial muscles” to be used in compost bins
Robots are becoming more popular; however, their use has resulted in technological waste and unsustainable disposal practices. In 2019, electronics contributed 53.6 million metric tonnes of unrecycled waste, which is predicted to rise by over 2 million each year.
They are flexible and soft enough to bounce off walls and fit into small areas. When you’re finished with them, place them in a compost container to decompose.
A team of engineers, led by CU Boulder graduate student Ellen Rumley, created a new type of robotic actuator, or “artificial muscles,” that can power robotic arms and legs with life-like movements and disintegrate gradually in soil over a few months. The actuators, which move fluid around in squishy sacs, can power robotic arms and legs with life-like movements and dissolve organically in the soil after a few months, making them far more sustainable than previous models.
Now that’s interesting from an artificial muscle viewpoint.
Joe Biden wants to make data illegal if it’s racist… 21st-century Lysenkoism plot to kill science.
There has been a recent announcement by the Biden admin regarding the use of datasets that they claim are “imbalanced” and incorporate historical bias in the decision-making process. In other words, any data that has a negative repercussions on the slews of people listed as the “protected class” will be deemed illegal and thus, slated for destruction.
The government has stated that they wish to make any data leading to discriminatory outcomes illegal. This unbelievably brazen censorship move is part of the regime’s bigger plans to silence any dissenting voices, even if it means quashing actual facts and important information that can be used to improve and better society as a whole.
Well now, that violence demographics graph is correct!
The FBI and DOJ data went into it, and that’s old news.
Black on black violence is the problem they want to hide.
Science and data are racist and must be stopped! 😜😜
Thanks to that Link, John C, I found this story. Another case of vindictive harassment emanating from the Biden regime:
“Isn’t it curious that it was only after Jeremy Brown came forward as a January 6 whistleblower that the Justice Department decided to bend over backwards in order to criminally prosecute him for a January 6-related trespassing misdemeanor? It gets even better—it turns out that one of the arresting officers who took Brown into custody for the trespassing crime was one of the two agents who originally tried to recruit Brown as an undercover agent back in early December of 2020! That’s right—the agent whom Brown recorded and exposed as trying unsuccessfully to recruit him as an informant for January 6 is the same agent that ends up arresting Brown for misdemeanor trespassing charges for January 6 nearly ten months later. Not only that—we learn from court documents that this agent was involved in interviewing witnesses for Brown’s trial, and played a part in the search warrant enabling the September raid of Brown’s home!”
“Incredibly, the Judge denied the relevance of these recordings to a possible retaliatory motive on the grounds that the conversation in the recordings seemed cordial, and because it can’t be proven that the agents in question were aware that Jeremy Brown went on a publicity spree exposing and humiliating them. The reasoning here has to be read to be believed:”
“Nonetheless, inexplicably and outrageously, the recording Brown took of the JTTF agents trying to recruit him was not admitted in his trial, despite its clear value in helping to support Brown’s claim that there was a motive for government retaliation against him. And retaliate the government did. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, Brown was ultimately sentenced to a whopping seven years and three months in federal prison.”
Biden Regime’s Seven-Year Prison Sentence for Green Beret Jan 6 Whistleblower Re-Opens Festering Wounds of Fedsurrection Lie – Revolver News
Modern justice system; one that runs on Injustice.
There is a push for single pilots on commercial passenger flights.
QANTAS Flight 32 out of Singapore had a crew of Captain, First Officer, Check Captain and a Captain checking the Check Captain.
When their engine exploded, hydraulic lines and electrical cables were cut disabling so many systems that the plane was barely flyable. It needed the combined skills of these four men to get it back on the ground.
I get a lot of accident investigation stuff in my YT feed and watch many of them. Deadly accidents would multiply if only one pilot was flying.
I agree. Just because it is possible to fly these planes with 1 pilot, or even technically, with no pilot, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. There have been enough examples where having more than 1 person in the cockpit has saved lives, that it should be self-evident to anyone who values safety.
However, as I’ve seen in the oil and gas industry, critical decisions and authority is often put in the hands of people without the skills, knowledge, or authority to do anything but go with the cheapest option, no matter how stupid or dangerous that option may be. No real consequences either, for those people when their decisions end up costing much more than the cheapest sensible option.
Again, the result of more people dying is probably a feature, as opposed to a problem.
H, it sounds like you must be aware of the ‘Mayday’ TV show? (AKA ‘Air Crash Investigation’)
Made in Canada. Fascinating viewing — unless perhaps you’re a frequent flyer, in which case it’s probably wiser to remain oblivious to all the small errors that can compound into a ‘systemic failure’.
In fact, I’ve seen so many episodes that I might be a fool but I actually believe I could step into the First Officer’s seat if say, he has a heart attack.
I’d have a go if no one else stuck their hand up.
It all seems a rather toxic combination , at least in the US. In both the airlines and the FAA the competence bar is being steadily lowered and diversity appointments increased. There have been quite a few near misses in the US over the last 12 months that it seems one of them will soon translate into an avoidable disaster.
The airlines believe that long term they can automate and to some extent they are already right with much of current commercial aviation heavily automated and pilots having to make an effort to do significant levels of hand flying. They are then at risk of being deskilled in their core function.
People say automation is good and removes the human factors issues that appear in many incidents. Personally I think they will just be trading one set of issues for another and the airlines dont care as long as costs are lowered.
The airlines concerned could replace the second pilot with a pastor and call the new services prayerlines.
For those interested in antique steam engines, next weekend, 6-7th May 2023, there is the Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally.
The site is about 2 hrs drive from Melbourne, Australia.
For details see:
Here are a couple of my videos of the 1903, 65 ton Bucyrus rail mounted steam shovel. It is the only preserved and working one left in the world.
Part 1
Part 2
I used to attend an annual steam rally back in the UK, near where I lived. It was one of the biggest in the country. Originally just for traction engines, over the years it expanded to include a variety of other steam-powered devices, then expanded further to include non-steam paraphernalia from the steam era. It was always a lovely day out, held in what used to be the grounds of a country estate.
The quality of some of the restorations was just mind-blowing.
I recall one year noticing a young boy inspecting a tractor from every angle. He was maybe nine years old and wearing what looked like the same short pants I wore at that age, back in the early 60s. I got a huge amount of pleasure and a dose of nostalgia watching that young fellow climb all over the exhibits, with genuine interest. It’s really heartening to be reminded that there are kids like that still – they’re not all just glued to their screens. I hope he grows up to own his own steam engine and thus help keep our industrial history alive after the old fellas disappear.
Silencing the Conservatives is not a good idea.
Someone was making a point about the wholesale price of electricity in the NEM proving that “renewables” were lower cost because Victoria had the SA were the lowest; corresponding to the highest penetration of “renewables”.
I pointed out that no one pays the wholesale price and the gap between wholesale and retail widens as “renewable” penetration increases. There are obvious reasons for this. The main ones being the highest cost of transmission to get power from remote regions on poorly utilised lines as well as the government mandated theft from poor to not so poor through the $66/MWH LGC price and $40/MWh STC price added at retail level to the wholesale price. Every additional MWh from a wind or solar farm costs the poor consumer $66. Only $40 if it was produced by rooftop PV.
The other thing to realise is the South Australia and now Victoria have been working hard on eleming heavy industry. Energy intensive industry simply cannot afford the cost of weather dependent electricity. The result of that is that Victoria and South Australia now enjoy leadership in State debt levels:
So eliminating heavy industry and manufacturing in Australia means that the country becomes more reliant on imports.
8.15pm and wind is outperforming solar by miles! Solar, 0%, wind 2%, hydro 16% and 82% is carbon.
This comment repeatedly surfaces in The Oz comments by certain individuals, despite others pointing out that we don’t pay the wholesale cost. A classic case of a lie, if repeated often…
Retail electricity prices in Vic include about $1/day regardless of electricity usage. That covers fixed network costs.
In 2019 that fixed cost was 95 cents, today 109 cents/day.
And then about 22 cents/kWh for electricity usage, or 27/17 peak/off peak, was 22/11 peak/off peak.
A look at the enormous amount of damage that happened to the launch pad at the latest launch of Starship.
surprising, with all the talent around Space X you would think they would have known what was needed and overbuilt it it was supposed to do multiple launches. Its wonder they didnt loose more engines (or worse) with all that debris flying around
Indeed, but after all, so many people call themselves “engineers”
Some people who “identify” as “engineers” are even involved in random energy production as though that was a real engineering solution to anything.
No real engineer would think random energy is a good thing.
Falcon Heavy launch tomorrow, Monday, around 9.30am Sydney time.
I think there will be delays as a result of FAA requirements, whatever the actual repair/refit time.
There’s an interesting summary of a “conference call” on Twitter with Elon Musk here, in which it was commented that 3 engines were offline right from the start, and other engine shutdowns were not caused by debris.
Models see complications in the ENSO outlook.
‘Despite the eastern equatorial Pacific subsurface warming, the bulk of the upper ocean heat remains west of the Dateline as ENSO 2023 is looking more complicated.’ (Climate Impact Company)
Pushing my barrow.
‘A La Niña Modoki cold anomaly near the Dateline is effective in shifting convection westward, causing an autumn rainfall increase over northwestern Australia extending to the northern Murray-Darling Basin, rather than over the east as in a conventional La Niña.’ (Cai and Cowan 2009)
Biden gets the middle finger and peace breaks out.
Brought me a welcome chuckle after this week’s tribulations
I has this small chat chat with chat GPT. Almost got it to argue against limiting co2:
Q: Is there a possibility that lower co2 would lead to lower temperature that would lead co2 to be dissolved in the oceans, that would lead to less co2 in the air that would lead to lower temperature that would lead to more co2 that would dissolve in the oceans until we have less than 150 ppm
A: It is theoretically possible for a negative feedback loop to occur where lower CO2 concentrations lead to cooler temperatures, which in turn lead to more CO2 being dissolved in the oceans, resulting in even lower atmospheric CO2 concentrations. However, it is unlikely that this feedback loop would continue indefinitely and lead to atmospheric CO2 concentrations dropping below 150 ppm.
This is because natural processes such as volcanic activity, wildfires, and the decay of organic matter release CO2 into the atmosphere. Additionally, human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels also release large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. These sources of CO2 would likely continue to release the gas into the atmosphere even if atmospheric CO2 concentrations were to drop significantly.
Furthermore, a drop in atmospheric CO2 concentrations below 150 ppm would have significant consequences for the Earth’s climate and ecosystems, and would likely lead to the extinction of many species. As such, it is important to work towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stabilizing atmospheric CO2 concentrations at a level that is safe for the planet and its inhabitants.
Ask it:
1) What level of atmospheric CO2 is “safe”.
2) What proportion of atmospheric CO2 is from man.
3) Have atmospheric levels of CO2 ever been higher than present and what was wrong with that.
Rise of the machine: Boston Dynamics Spot gets a voice
..’.and what is your battery level’ …. means loads of things to loads of people – all different. Intelligent ? I dunno – like my SmartFone telling me I had no Internet connection to take a Foto. IT’S A FONE with a Camera FFS. BANG = KRUNSCH on the machine edge. PEACE.
Govt commits $4b over next four years to ‘bring forward’ missile manufacture in Australia
No fossil fuels please. Batteries only. World first electric missiles! 😂😂😂
Great idea, you made we on a winner with that one.
Lithium missile’s, burst into flames on impact, sound familiar?
High tech boomerangs?
No they are NOT supposed to return on their own
Before long, we won’t have sufficient electrical energy available to manufacture anything.
Perhaps they mean we will import all the parts from China, and “Ikea” it here. !
I had no idea how intimately involved General Sir John Monash, GCMG, KCB, VD was in the establishment of the Victorian brown coal power generation industry before reading his life written by Grantlee Kieza. Much of the knowledge was sourced from Germany after WW1. He was appointed General Manager of the Vic State Electricity Commission in 1920, and drove its successful development.
I wonder when the “woke” will start getting the “Monash” name removed from society !
Continuing on from my theme in earlier post, ( unwinding after tiring week) watching ( as its RAINING again(still) ) Sat TV whilst researching work stuff: Quo Vadis with our Peter Ustinov ( Our Peter ? ) Well I didna ken a’ that…. in current times – SE African connections etc go back a Loooong time. However: during the film, the punishment / torture cum entertainment hit me as akin to what Adolf did behind dark closed walls, so much later, but / AND which we now, both BEHIND curtains of Care and Warfare: Covid & Ukraine & Ballotbox / Media. …. exerience in the name of wthat is called entertainment? – for some?
Who elects and maintains these idiots? Enough being said too this morning on the independent smaller UK news channels – talking about Charly-boy & Co … the green and woke issues surrounding next week’s event. Sorry Folks, that’s just a foggy moment in my life.
What a weekend indeed – does it ever let up? That Germans, so gullible for Eco punishment.
Fernwärme | Klimaschutz Wuppertal (district heating system) 4Cents increasing to 46 Cents …. the Screenshots say it all from around 38 minutes in.
Huh, and when I see tractors ….”My Rubbish – how our plastic arrives on the land ” is also in that programme. and in the UK, we are being told what to do to prevent our plastic landing in the Sea. OUR Plastic ? No-ohe ! Err, emm. City people maybe do things like that, but not Agri folk ( Corr blimey – what did I write / say: We have L’il Red tractor campaigns, etc ( all about marketing UK Quality food) and then you see some on TV and about our Quality food. I have to ask about the Quality of the products and real care for the environment when you see the unintended consequences of Political actions through Incentives and taxation.. Plastic & Netwrap EVERYWHERE. ) Can you afford to purchase and use it? unlikely – but your Taxes go to the Council to waste on its purchase.
Excellent one minute video from Senator Malcolm Roberts.
Products from China are made using coal, including Australian coal.
According to ClimDiv, the USA has been very cold recently
I assume they will fix it at some stage.
“This is a VERY Big Problem
California votes to ban direct-combustion driven trucking by 2036.”
“Batteries simply do not work and will not work by 2036 for mass material delivery. This is not a controversial statement, nor is it even remotely in question. The electrical grid cannot support the charging of those otherwise non-working batteries either. So with covid, Demofascists have taken a free country and driven it to a delivery economy where people get paid to do half work at home. Now they will stop the ability for materials and goods to get to those same homes.
All in the name of their climate religion. A religion which has failed to manifest either its destructive sin, gaian deity, or in previous incarnations its promised utopia.”
More at
Amazing that the USA are now trying to use batteries to fight China and Russia etc in any new military conflict.
Who needs fossil fuel for our tanks and all of our military vehicles and they should be able to accomplish this by 2030? DUH?
And the Biden donkey is going to run AGAIN in 2024 and hopes to get re-elected? These DEMs loonies are barking mad, but will the voters even notice?
A battery operated military.
What could possibly go wrong?
You have to wonder, do these clowns actually believe their own BS?
Direct Rumble link is at:
And do you know where those batteries will have to come from… China, of course ! 🙂
All China has to do is embed a tiny “shut-down and ignite” chip in the battery somewhere, and the whole US Army becomes an out-of-control lithium fire.
Good news for biology.
Interesting wholesale electricity prices overnight in NSW. Price hit up around $3,000/MWh a few times. It appears to be a financial constraint rather than a grid issue but gas plant in NSW responded.
It may be that they will need to alter constraints in line with Queensland regularly exporting more power south while NSW relies more on wind through Victoria overnight.
This is the notice that appear regularly through the night:
First work day post Liddell and already something overlooked.
“Queensland regularly exporting more power south”
Currently carrying 1020MW, of its max 1200… -$40 in Qld becomes $140 in NSW. I think NSW uses about 9000MW doesn’t it, so Qld can supply about 13% of what we need.
TikTok, owned by the Chicomms, to censor anything that challenges warmist dogma.
And yet the Chicomms are by far the world’s biggest CO2 emitters.
AGAIN does any informed person really think we can rely on their delusional
so called key minerals for a so called renewable future?
Here’s the 2021 price rises for Cobalt +63%, Lithium carbonate +58% and a year later in 2022 they continued to surge.
China must be laughing and must relish the thought of facing the new battery powered enemies’ vehicles ASAP.
This lunacy is madness on steroids and coming to the USA military and perhaps NATO. This is from the BP 2021 review.
Key minerals
The price of cobalt increased 63% in 2021 to average $51,000/tonne. Similarly, lithium carbonate prices rose 58% to average $11,000/tonne. So far in 2022, mineral prices have continued to surge.
Lithium production rose sharply by 27%, Cobalt output was up by only 4%.
“The cost of 1200 nurses that are unfunded from that year is $385 million ”
Hmm, so the cost of 1.2 nurses is $385000. I didn’t realise nurses were worth a third of a million dollars each. This is NSW’s Labor Govt explaining how they can’t keep their election promises of running a tight budget, and of course they blame it all on the financial profligacy of the previous mob.
This seemed such a good idea in 1940..
“Former senior defence officials said Pacific Islanders should be allowed to enlist in the Australian Defence Force and offered an accelerated pathway to Australian citizenship, while others said the offer should be extended to citizens from friendly nations such as New Zealand, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom.”
Is Japan a staunch ally that we will never be at war with again? ..or will they rise up to kick the American occupation out and align themselves with the Chinese against the West?
Will we get Chinese students joining the military here after they graduate? Someone has to handle all that electronic warfare, drones and missiles, and the Chinese are ahead of us by miles.
What goes round comes round
“County Councilman Triggers Woke Liberals and Gets Them to Protest Their Own Ideology by Proclaiming He Is Now a Lesbian “Woman of Color” (VIDEO)”
Thanks a i,
I didn’t get past the first sentence on my first attempt. Too much laughter.
Will have to go back and read the rest of the article.
Dave B
Eric Worrall nails it.
‘None of the legacy fossil fuel power plants have been properly maintained. Australia’s “reliable” energy infrastructure is no longer reliable, all the plants have all been run into the ground, by owners who believe fossil fuel energy has no future in green Australia. The Australian government’s recent introduction of a carbon tax in my opinion just seals their fate.’
“Victor Davis Hanson Gives Big Picture Perspective on Fox News and Tucker Carlson Firing
April 30, 2023 | Sundance | 23 Comments”
Defamation case involving ChatGPT.
““A couple of hours after Liddell [Power Station] Closed, AEMO … Issued a Market Notice” ”
Reckon the crystal ball might be getting a frantic polishing?
World gold production
Why will it snow in the mountains of California and northern Europe in early May?
The easterly wind over the equatorial Pacific is intensifying.