Exxon was told to jump through circus hoops like a performing seal and report the risks of NetZero to Exxon shareholders. But Exxon pushed back by pointing out that NetZero-by-2050 is so impossible it will never happen, and therefore the risks are not even worth assessing. Furthermore, and rather damningly, Exxon said, society would be unlikely to “accept the degradation in the global standard of living required“. Exxon has taken was was supposed to be another PR win for the narrative and turned it into a media weapon.
This is exactly why the Big-Gov-Corporatist cartel wants to co-opt or destroy independent profitable corporations. In this case, companies that don’t need Big-Gov are free to point out the hypocritical inanity and absurdities which the lap-dog dependent industries like wind power and solar cannot.
Sadly, companies like Exxon still need to be brave because Big-Gov is so big, it is always the largest potential client and holds the sword of mendacious legislation, licensing and regulation as well.
Exxon Crushes Progressive Dreams That “Net Zero” Has Any Chance By 2050: It Would Mean Collapse In “Global Standard Of Living”
By Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
The US supermajor pushed back against investors pressing the company to report on the risks to its business from restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions and potential environmental disasters when in a reply to proxy advisor Glass Lewis, Exxon said the prospect of the world achieving net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 is remote and should not be further evaluated in its financial statements.
A shareholder proposal seeking a report on the cost of having to abandon projects faces a shareholder vote on May 31. Glass Lewis backed the initiative, concluding Exxon could face material financial risks from the net-zero scenario.
Exxon disagreed, and said the world is not on a path to achieve net-zero emissions in 2050 as limiting energy production to levels below consumption demand would lead to a spike in energy prices, as observed in Europe following oil sanctions against Russia over Ukraine.
Exxon, is of course, correct however that won’t stop the green fanatics from beating the drum that somehow the world can transition to “green” energy (at a cost of some $150 trillion mind you) in the next 27 years without an energy cataclysm.

Click to enlarge — Source Exxon (via ZeroHedge)
Moments like this expose why the Government-Corporate cartel doesn’t choose to support any “low emissions” industry that is financially viable in and of itself. They can’t support clean high temperature coal plants, even though it would be a sensible and cost effective way to reduce CO2. These new plants could have independent voices which might say inconvenient things and we can’t have that.
Companies that sell useful products don’t need the government like unreliable, uncompetitive wind and solar plants always will. But companies that depend on government rules, subsidies and largess will always be cheerleaders for the biggest government possible. They will always obey.
h/t to Jim Simpson
Photo by Farragutful
Brave Exxon. I suspect the management will be forced out at the next AGM by the many pension fund holders and activists wanting to display their green credentials.
My favourite film is ‘Its a Wonderful life’ where James Stewart is shown the consequences if he had never been born
Wouldn’t it be interesting for a similar film to be made where oil and all its every day derivatives such as plastics, clothes etc suddenly disappear from the modern world?
Brave? Defending their revenue stream and share price is brave?
Of course it is brave. Opposing a mob of psychotic eco freaks with no concept of physical, economic, or practical reality is brave.
XOM has a fiduciary duty to defend their revenue stream and share price.
That you question their duty and logic is telling.
I don’t question their motives at all. The fact that they made some statements to this effect is banal at best.
You obviously did question their motives. In writing.
But it’s OK. We know you don’t understand the how revenue streams and share prices work anyway. Exxon would be more likely to get gifted contracts and grants and licenses if it pandered to the dominant Gov-Corp Bullies.
Yes, telling the truth, admitting facts, in today’s woke, climate brain-washed anti-fact world… is brave.
When you know the truth, and cower behind virtue-seeking… that is not brave.
Pertinent?Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said: “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
“Through the Looking Glass, chapter five”: Lewis Carrol).
In a world full of lies anyone telling the truth is a brave rebel
Just imagine how much more cotton would have to be grown, & how much water that would need, if synthetic oil derived materials disappeared.
Look at what Trudeau did to some protesting truckers and their supporters.
Western governments are well able and prepared to do the same to non-compliant citizenry.
The pain will get worse, much worse – before it gets any better…
That only leaves one alternative then. I hope you all here are as willing to put your money where your mouths are as am I, and so many that I know.
We might need more than just money, what ACTION can be taken???
Do nothing. Don’t buy an EV. Ignore them. The fact is that they are the power and we are the powerless – an equation that we are having to re-learn now that western cultural dominance is coming to an end.
But we can ignore them. They hate being ignored more than anything.
“But we can ignore them.”
Hardly, I’m afraid. Not very long ago, many people couldn’t ignore the governments’ vaccine mandates because they were forced to have it or lose their livelihood.
No, but you could ignore everything else. We did. Our kids didn’t miss a day of school, we travelled freely, and ignored so-called mask mandates. It wasn’t difficult.
Don A, that’s precisely what I was referring to.
Learn your Constitution. Insist on its compliance. Sack anybody who has distain for the said document. Do all this in a loud and arrogant fashion.
“The pain will get worse, much worse – ” Only if the World Economic Forum is allowed to continue undermining the Nations of the World to be replaced by ‘One World Government’, by them of course.
The UN IPCC was set up by Maurice Strong, Canadian representative to the UN, an avowed Communist, member of the WEF and colleague of the Rockefeller’s, to cause the collapse of capitalism by demonizing CO2, the source of cheap, reliable power that made capitalism a success. Come the year 2000 and it became obvious that something more drastic had to be done. At the time a more recent Australian Health Minister was Director of Strategy at the WEF. His Mother and two Brothers were academics in Pharmacology who would be well versed in viruses and epidemics. Over the next two decades there was a sudden spate of research papers and patents to do with the coronavirus, a common human ailment.
In 2017, Klaus Swab of the WEF boasted of infiltrating the Governments of the World Nations in a video that displayed Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, Trudeau, Macron, Scott Morrison and more. With these leaders in place the Covid virus was released into the World in 2019 and by a remarkable coincidence most of the Nations leaders reacted in the same extreme manner with lock-downs, masks, travel restrictions and more.
The next move will be the implementation of the Pandemic Treaty by the World Health Organization. As the WEF controls the Main Stream media, Labour governments are becoming more numerous making it more likely that the Treaty will be agreed to World wide and that will basically amount to the One World Government as desired by the un-elected WEF.
Expect a big push to get the public’s guns off us. They can’t go too far while there are enough guns in society. Only when the public are incapable of mounting a revolt can they get the last of their control in place.
“Look at what Trudeau did to some protesting truckers and their supporters.”
We’ve just learned today that Bill S-233 is currently waiting for third reading in the Canadian SENATE. If passed it will be made law which means if citizens are not vaccinated they will not receive EI, CPP, OAS, Social Services or Pension that they paid into.
Will the rest of the world allow Trudeau’s government to get away with this?
This coercion is a violation of the Nuremberg code.
It’s the introduction of a universal basic income Canada wide. Once that is in place (and the rest of the economy crashes), then you will be a lazy, fat, obedient slave.
If the oil companies had stood up for their rights,this global warming(climate change)BS would never have got off the ground.When they changed it to climate change,I thought”this ain’t going to fly in a million years”I had no idea just how STUPID people really are.But then they keep proving time and again just how stupid they really are.Just look at the Government that we have know.
There will come a time when more companies and individuals will stand firm, like Exxon, and demand that reality be acknowledged.
The damage done to society worldwide over the last ten years has been carefully hidden, but it IS enormous.
Stand and be counted; demand honest, accurate decisions from our leaders.
Absolutely Keith. Reality is being supressed by so many, but many more are blindly accepting the false utopia of renewables because of their naive belief in climate alarmism. I hope Exxon Mobil is the finger being removed from the dyke of ignorance and sense will start to flood in as the barriers holding back reality collapse.
But there will be pain no matter what happens. We have destroyed too much of our power infrastructure and independence and even if the masses wake up today, there will still be pain as we will have power shortages for years to come while we wait for reliable coal or nuclear to be built. And in the meantime, the socialist Albanese government is flooding the country with new power hungry immigrants, welcoming them to a grid that cannot power the existing population.
The stupidity amazes and terrifies me.
It’s all part of the same deception, who owns Exxon.
Makes their statement even more remarkable.
Indeed. But is this cover for BlackRock so it can pretend it isn’t censoring and coercing directors, or is it a sign that BlackRock has had its wings clipped a bit by 19 US State Attorney Generals?
The very Corporations Blackrock, First State, Vanguard. who are masterminds in this global takeover
Exxon said the prospect of the world achieving net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 is remote and should not be further evaluated in its financial statements.
Brlliant — You can just see the green climate catastrophists heads spinning in utter disbelief!..How dare they!…..speak the truth.
Of course, what a lot of the green fantasists forget to mention is that the ‘official’ definition of net zero excludes the military, air freight and private jets, ie. the biggest polluters and the rich.
You vill have nothing and be happy !
Chances of achieving Net Zero are remote? Closer to Zero chance.
The resources to achieve it don’t exist. The time frame proposed is impossible. The money to do it doesn’t exist.
Once the food chain, supply chain, and energy chain collapse, the ensuing chaos will be something few can conceptualize now, but they will live that reality for sure and for certain, if they live at all.
A good take on it: The challenge: Replacing the supply chain that supports humanity
Exxon’s statement is clearly a lie driven by a cabal of alt-right wing white-supremist anti-vaxxers who hate our freedoms, democracies, and the rule of law. It’s only when the United Nations becomes the sole government of the world, wisely guided by the geniuses of the WEF, and implements a regime of global equality in which our diversity will be our greatest strength that companies that make money like Exxon will be put out of business and we will avoid the climate crisis and usher in world peace.
Signed, A Watermelon.
“Exxon said the prospect of the world achieving net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 is remote…”
I’m sure they were very careful about their wordage, but I do wish they had used “not plausible” rather than “remote”.
Nevertheless this is a great step forward for pushing back.
Or idiotic or laughable or gob-smackingly stupid
Exxon is correct of course, but it will be interesting to see just how far idiots like Chris Bowen are prepared to go before admitting defeat and the political suicide that will come with doing this. Sooner rather than later I hope.
“Sooner rather than later I hope”
Not a chance. Never underestimate the stupidity of the Australian voter.
The Australian green-left voter. AKA Labor and the Greens.
Actually I think Labor are starting to wake up. In many traditional bright red Labor seats Greens are starting to displace Labor in the partnership to defeat the Liberals. Melbourne Ports has historically always been solid Labor, a bastion of the union movement. Now because they swap preferences and push the same Green policies, Labor’s Josh Burns just squeaked into the seat by a few votes against the Greens.
While neither party is viable on their own, Labor will start to see the need to strike some balance as union jobs vanish. Which is why with wall to wall Labor governments and dying unions, they are trying to legislate to force all independent workers to join unions. Which is outrageous.
So while the Teals are blue/green are biting into Liberal strongholds. Expect Labor to change to red/green, ideally a lovely yellow but more likely a kak brown. It’s in the interest of both Liberals and Labor to take a stand on Green Woke science.
These guys at the top know exactly what they’re doing. They make us poor, dumb down the education system, set us at war with each other and viola, the public become mushrooms – kept in the dark and fed a daily ration of BS.
“it will be interesting to see just how far idiots like Chris Bowen are prepared to go before admitting defeat and the political suicide that will come with doing this.”
Never! They have the next step in the plan ready, they know net zero will never happen. When we miss the 2050 target the cry will be for tighter restrictions and a NEW target of 2060! I’d expect the date will move slightly according to the election cycle, but they can keep this old nag going forever.
Govts never end a project, the parasites all stay on with a new departmental name!
[…] By Jo Nova […]
Exxon KNOWS !
Exxon is correct. If you look at the state of the western economies they are all being impacted by energy inflation that has its roots in net zero policies, that shuts down fossil fuel and kills farming. Every time a FF mine or well is closed and a subsequent new mine or well is blocked, it drives up the global price of all energy from the resulting energy scarcity. Ironically, avoiding energy scarcity has been the main goal of the west since the 1970s OPEC oil crisis. The subsequent USA’s wars in the middle east have been aimed at ensuring the flow of oil was maintained to meet global demand, to keep energy prices down and inflation down, for fear of a repeat of the 1970s energy crunch.
Today, we’re basically throwing away 50 years of economic knowledge and hard work and deliberately creating the mother of all energy crunches and subsequent runaway inflation that will never end, because we’re banning the only solution, which is more energy production.
Bad business to talk down the big opportunity of the 21st century. Exxon has made itself a target. They should just come out and say they support NetZero 100% and continue to operate as usual rather than giving up on exploration in North America. Maybe they think they will get a better welcome when the USA is on the mat.
I do not know much about the projects Exxon has locked in. But they are giving up on a lot of exploration assets. Maybe they have good ground in other locations . Maybe they are just being honest with a sense of resignation.
Net Zero is a fantasy globally. However individual countries can achieve isolated reality based on de-industrialising while relying on China’s manufacturing might to make it happen – Australia is heading down that path. If the carbon was not burnt within your borders does it really matter – apparently not.
That’s essentially what the Japanese are doing.
It’s what all countries should do if they don’t have the cajones to totally withdraw from Paris like President Trump did.
Or better still, follow the example of the world’s largest CO2 emitter, China, who simply don’t care.
How much more damage can fake science do? It looks like Exxon is calling time at last. And the other major suppliers will follow suit. They are facing Climate Extinction as is the entire Western world. For no actual reason.
Nett Zero is one of the craziest ideas ever. Almost infantile but with catchy appeal. If we all do nothing and stand very, very still, the crisis will pass.
Based on a ridiculous idea of equilibrium and how gases work, of a fragile ecosystem which cannot handle human output of a perfectly natural gas the oil companies have been hoping that it would all blow over. And the gas which powers all life on earth, carbon dioxide has now been officially labelled as toxic pollution. Something which is beyond belief for any biologist.
Oil companies were hoping that after 35 years of a thousand utterly failed predictions no one would still seriously contemplate shutting down all transport, all heating, all food production because of something which is so obviously not true.
And perhaps some good things have come out of it. LED lights, a massive increase in petrol efficiency for all transport, hybrid cars, awareness of the need for frugality and of course higher prices as the world balances supply and demand.
But Western politicians are serious about shutting everything. They really believe like Chicken Little that there are serious votes in running around squawking ‘the sky is falling’ when even Greta Thunberg must be having second thoughts.
And when the oil/gas/coal companies finally realise they need to fight back, not take it on the chin, they might do what they have been accused of doing, promote their own story of the way oil/gas/coal have created the most prosperous, fairest, successful, mobile, democratic societies in the history of the planet. Ended slavery. Fed the multitude. Ended the drudgery of manual farming. Because if they don’t, their own futures are on the line.
When they do, the first thing they have to do is prove, publicise, document that fossil fuel CO2 is only 3%. That is demonstrable, measurable fact. I would suggest a world internet clock showing CO2 %. Backed by some of the best universities and evidence on the planet. Then it’s all over.
This would immediately end the Chicken Little story which is man made CO2 driven tipping point Armageddon, Global Warming aka Climate Change. The greatest science fraud in human history, a fraud which is only continuing because the energy companies, the people most affected have said nothing. Done nothing.
Chicken Little vs the chickens. They came for coal. We did nothing. Then they came for gasoline, we did nothing. They came for diesel, we did nothing. Now they have come for gas and fracking and want to start a hydrogen industry. Now we have no choice. Start squawking.
And fantasy of fantasies, the Germans are relenting and will not entirely ban internal combustion engines, provided modern engines can run on fuel made by combining hydrogen with carbon dioxide.. Then who needs Exxon?
That is beyond funny. We are not allowed to use hydrocarbon fuels unless we make them ourselves, sustainably. Millions of windmills electrolysing water to make hydrogen and combined with CO2 to make hydrocarbon. Which is identical to what is in the ground for free?
Maybe we can use these new free hydrocarbons to make oil as well for lubrication and other industrial applications?
Maybe we can manufacture our own wood to use in old fireplaces? After all the UK is running on American wood pellets instead of prehistoric coal. Good carbon vs bad carbon.
From the land which invented chemistry, we have come full circle. And the country which lost WWII because it couldn’t manufacture petrol from coal cheaply or quickly enough. Short memories.
And the energy from these new man made oils and gases can be used to make more steel and more windmills? We have as a race created the perpetual motion industry, all wind driven. Science brought to you by Post Modernists. Who needs science or economics when you can make it up?
But we in Australia cannot laugh at this. We have Malcolm Turnbull’s Snowy II which was supposed to be finished by now, cheaply and quickly. And the giant drill is still buried and there is no hope of finishing before 2030 if ever and it likely will come in at $20Billion instead of $2Billion, devastate the National Park. And all this without financial justification. Billions in Green fantasy from Turnbull’s Liberals (R). It helps to be a genius.
The idea that wind energy is infinite, cheap and adequate and can even make fossil fuels sustainably is mind boggling. But the UN thinks it’s all a good idea. After all, carbon credits are big business and starting on July 1, all the biggest polluters in Australia will start to feel the pain. And pass it on to you and your money onto the UN.
“Malcolm Turnbull’s Snowy II which was supposed to be finished by now,”
That tunnel was never intended to get finished; it’s just a gigantic insult, a suppository for Australians to suffer.
Revenge is sweet and MT loves sweets.
He has made a lot of enemas.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Exxon is a classic case of a big oil corporation going green woke and then realising that maybe that’s not such a good idea for an oil company. On this topic, I well remember a few years ago being in a big corporate seminar where a senior BP executive gave a presentation on how the company’s strategic marketing focus was all so wonderfully green and after suffering through a long lefty propaganda slide show on their green credentials, he was forced to admit with much stuttering that the 10 year forecast still had 80% of the companies revenue coming from FF. You really couldn’t make this stuff up, but at least we see one large corporation finally come out of the green closet.
It’s about time big oil spent some of their billions in profits defending their industry, as they have been accused of doing anyway. In fact they have spent nothing, hoping sense would prevail. Only now are they realising that hoping politicians will have the backbone not to shut down society is ridiculous. Ha! Politicians are invertebrates, closer to amoebae. More squid than lobster. And OPEC could help out too. Saudi could save the world.
There are tens of thousands of highly qualified scientists who could put this to bed quickly. And I do not mean Tim Flannery and Al Gore and the swarms of soft science ecologists and frog fanciers. They could start with measuring and publishing how much fossil fuel CO2 is actually in the air. I means if big oil really means business, they could end this quickly, which would save me a lot of typing. I am being selfish here.
” Saudi could save the world.”
They will, but they won’t save The West..
In the light of Germany’s established idea of combining CO2 with Hydrogen to create fuel, we have Dr Twiggy Forrest’s schemes.
Currently hydrogen is made by taking ethane and stripping off the Carbon as CO2 and burying it somehow. So with the German idea you can combine the Hydrogen with CO2 to make ethane. At enormous investment and energy you can end up back where you started.
Now the question is how to get someone to pay for it. The Federal government has already chipped in $2Billion which shows you how clever politicians are.
And even better idea. Use windmill electricity to separate hydrogen from water by hydrolysis. Combine it with CO2 and bury it as ethane in an old empty underground gas storage. You don’t get ethane or fuel but you get carbon credits. And you save all the CO2 and cost with shipping, storage and distribution.
Maybe combine multiple ethane molecules to make oil and bury that for even more carbon credits which you can sell to miners, farmers, manufacturers, trains, ships, truckers, chemical manufacturers who are not allowed use fuel without carbon credits under Albanese’s Safeguard Mechanism.
Plus even more government subsidies.
So, H2 from electrolysis loses 60% of the input energy. 40% efficient.
The Fischer Tropsch process to convert H2 into liquid hydrocarbons is 58% efficient. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.0c05893
The compression or liquifaction, delivery, and storage of H2 is some 40% to 100% inefficient.
So, at best, H2 is 0.4 x 0.58 = 23.2% efficient prior to combustion.
At worst, it is a negative energy sink, costing 173% more energy than it contains.
Only schemers, liars, thieves, ideologues, idiots, and politicians, could purvey H2 as a solution for anything other than graft and perfidy.
Yes. Electrolysis for example produces two gases, hydrogen and oxygen. The more powerful is oxygen but that is free so we throw it away. 60% loss.
Dealing with hydrogen is a nightmare for engineering. Really close to impossible so they are dissolving it in ammonia. All costs and really trick engineering and we used to worry about relatively stable LPG.
But the Greens hate the atom carbon which holds our organic world together. Simply because it is black as hydrocarbon or graphite or coke. And black is filthy. Except when it is transparent as in CO2 or diamond, when it is prized beyond all other atoms.
Of your list of options, I would choose idi*ts. Science fiction writer and founder of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard realised the same thing, that he could baffle people with science even if he had to make it all up. English graduate Tim Flannery seems to have the same idea, that you can get respect as a scientist without knowing any.
XOM share price 2018 $88, 2020 $40, 2023 $108.
Wind is supplying 1.7 MW out of 24.7 MW at 0640 into the East coast grid. Not enough to boil the kettle. It won’t be getting better with Bowen. OR TWIGGY.
At 7%, you’re lucky! WA wind on the SWIS grid dropped below 1.8% around 2pm yesterday, dropped further overnight to almost zero for the entire night, and is now “back up” to 2%. Gas and coal have had to step up to 99%, and it looks like another day when rooftop solar will hardly contribute.
Remember that song Graeme? When will they ever learn when will they ever learn?
The corporate approach has been comply and hope just emboldens the fanatics. The response should always have been 1. To point out that their is no man made global warming and it is a hypothesis that not only has no data to support it and that much of that non supportive data has been fraudulently manipulated by those pushing the narrative. 2. Ditto for climate change data and narrative. 3. There needs to be a total reeducation process starting in the schools and universities. 4. All new renewables investment should be banned for 5 years and then should only be allowed within a free market system with no subsidies.
Whilst nuclear and Hele coal fire plants are solutions going forward for crazy climate policy these are still compromises in that they are motivated by a desire to reduce emissions. CO2 is plant food and something that humans cannot survive without. Demonisation of CO2 has to be reversed.
The mantra going forward has to be that Government climate change policy is a non solution response to a non problem.
In other words, there is zero chance of achieving NetZero is zero. Everybody except our policymakers know that.
Shell and BP have made commitments to be Net Zero by 2050. The climate will continue warming until net greenhouse gas emissions revert to zero (FACT!), so it depends upon our collective preference for adaption over mitigation.
“The climate will continue warming until net greenhouse gas emissions revert to zero”
Any evidence to support that claim?
Repeating a falsehood does not make it a truth.
(FACT!) = zero.
Collective: the use of that word gives away the true intent of its author.
Adaptation: been around for donkey’s years.
Donkey: ass.
While Earth’s climate has changed throughout its history, the current warming is happening at a rate not seen in the past 10,000 years.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “Since systematic scientific assessments began in the 1970s, the influence of human activity on the warming of the climate system has evolved from theory to established fact.” Scientific information taken from natural sources (such as ice cores, rocks, and tree rings) and from modern equipment (like satellites and instruments) all show the signs of a changing climate. From global temperature rise to melting ice sheets, the evidence of a warming planet abounds.
Again, you have presented NOTHING scientific to back up your mantra statement.
” the current warming is happening at a rate not seen in the past 10,000 years.”
WRONG.. By adjustment only.. No warming apart from El Ninos, which have nothing anthropogenic about them.
And it warmed far more and far quicker at the beginning of the Holocene.
Barring fake adjustments… It warmed faster up to 1920s than it has any period since.
The slight warming we have been fortunate enough to have had, has come from the very COLDEST period in those 10,000 years.
Be very thankful for that slight warming.
And CO2 levels.. again.. thank goodness they have climbed to plant usable levels. It allows the planet to support the growing human population
“evolved from theory to established fact”
Again, utter tripe… IPCC is NOT science, it is political… 97% of its comments and projections are based on nothing but baseless un-validated computer games.
Satellite show it has warmed only at El Ninos.. same with Sea level rise…. no human induced global warming anywhere.
The only human warming is from “unfit-for-purpose” urban tainted stations, and by agenda driven adjustments.
Biodata shows very clearly that the world has been significantly warmer for nearly ALL the last 10,000 years.
“melting ice sheets”
Melting glacier uncovering 1500-2500 year old tree stumps, is that what you mean ?
How much warmer must it have been for those trees to grow, where now there are galciers. !
Glaciers that only formed during the Little Ice Age.
Arctic sea ice still in the top 5-10% of the last 10,000 years ?
Sorry… you failed yet again to produce anything of any scientific merit whatsoever.
Baseless mantra propaganda links… are NOT science.
Around 9000 years ago, during the Holocene climatic optimum, the average sea level rise is estimated to have been 15mm a year over more than a thousand years.
The world cannot afford to shutdown! Everyone knows that. Albanese’s Safeguard Mechanism is a massive carbon tax. You have to be amazed how every government tax is called the opposite of what it is.
So everyone will pay the carbon taxes just to live. And these are a self funding racket run by the UN.
The problem with these pan national governments is that they want to rule when the UN was supposed to be a forum to prevent war, like the one in Ukraine. A war which is solidly approved and funded by the EU and UN and G7.
And known incompetent former German minister of Defence Von Der Leyen is on the stage with the other Presidents. And no one is trying to end the war. They all stand to win if Russia can be defeated as in 1812, the Crimean war, WW1, Russian revolution, WW2.
The only one who has said the war must be ended, once again, is Donald Trump. No one else wants it to end, no matter how many lives are lost. It’a all about money and power, as always. Climate Change is fake. Everyone knows it, especially Exxon.
And its about time the former Seven Sisters (now ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Shell, Eni and TotalEnergies, ConocoPhillips) and Opec stepped in to end this farce. They stood back and let it run when it was only their old enemy coal being hammered.
I sometimes wonder whether you actually believe your own BS, Simon.
Then I think, tragically, maybe you really do…
The Big Bad Wolf is coming to get us ! 😉
Just in case you had forgotten.. the ONLY atmospheric warming in the last 50 years has come from El Nino events.
These have absolutely nothing to do with emissions of life-sustaining CO2.
Do you intend to eat insects Simon, or are you already eating them, or a vegan like many Leftists?
Do you know, if you are vegan, you are eating my food’s food? Even if you eat crickets, chickens eat those so you are still eating their food and chickens are among my food.
You should not be eating the food of the animals I eat.
You only need to know one single FACT to know this statement is FARCE:
The difference between fact and farce is that facts can be proven. The 30C sustainable limit can be verified daily with anyone using a computer hooked up to the internet. Bay of Bengal hit 31.1C May 10:
Then down to 28.9C May 14:
Ocean surface temperature ripped down by 2.2C in 4 days. Imbeciles who believe that a delicate radiative balance controls Earth’s energy balance are blind to reality. Convective power flux is three orders of magnitude higher and operates throughout the depth of the troposphere. Radiative fluxes are only significant where they thermalise; mostly near the top of the troposphere for long wave emissions and bottom or surface for short wave heating.
Another fact is that the location and time of most observed warming is the Greenland Plateau in JANUARY. I can make that sound really bad by stating the temperature is up by almost 10C in 70 years. Or I could use actual values and state the temperature has increased from MINUS 30C to MINUIS 20C. Still well below freezing.
The large temperature increases are occurring on land north of 40N in WINTER. The only way that happens is more snowfall. And that is what is being observed.
So we have the big block of ice in the NH warming mostly in winter and gaining in elevation while the big block of ice in the SH continues on its cooling trend. If you know anything about Earth’s orbital precession then you know why this happening. So get your CO2 clown cap off and go look at the precession cycle.
True, we may have “adaption and mitigation”;
But you omitted “correlation”.
Such an abomination when all it leads to is decimation of the sheeple.
The Romans used decimation; so confronting; now politicians just line everybody up and walk behind us with one of those electronic card skimmers.
Quiet and effective.
AGAIN Simon tell us us how to achieve your net zero fantasies and please don’t forget China, India and all the other developing countries and their SOARING co2 emissions since 1990?
But we know you don’t understand the question and can’t provide an answer.
“Shell and BP have made commitments to be Net Zero by 2050”
Simon, the only reason they make these commitments is to virtue signal. They know that net zero is unachievable.
Virtue signalling keeps them under the radar. They know that at some point the whole green revolution fraud will commence destroying modern society and living standards, and that the push for net zero will be exposed (even to the delusional) as the fraudulent destructive ideology that it is.
Shell and BP and Exxon, as well as Saudis’s Aramco, Russia’s Gazprom, and PetroChina will still be there at the end to continue producing cheap dependable energy from oil & gas.
Yes, making those statements keeps XR from throwing paint over their front door.
How much does a “commitment” weigh, value, produce, obligate, or otherwise have any real meaning?
Good to see a corporation fighting back against the woke madness.
However, as a corporation they are being naive, just like most conservatives and fellow rational thinkers.
The covid lockups and economic shutdown was proof that most of the masses are fully prepared to accept totalitarian measures without question and politicians and police are fully prepared to implement them. (Did you see how during the covid lockups Vicdanistan Police sprayed people with capsicum spray as though they were insects. Capsicum is prohibited in warfare under the Chemical Weapons convention. That happened in “egalitarian, free” Australia.)
Incidentally, that also solved a mystery for me. I could never understand why people in a supposedly civilised society could elect thugs like the National Socialists and accept their immoral, inhuman policies and actions, but the covid lockups proved that they would.
And in Vicdanistan, there was only one, maybe two police, who refused to “just follow orders” and who resigned in protest. Most of the others thoroughly enjoyed their newly-provided and never-rescinded National Socialist-like powers. It was an embarrassment on the world stage for thinking Australians, those few who could actually comprehend what was going on.
RE: capsicum .
Take any high capsicum peppers, puree them in alcohol, strain them, add some DMSO, and load it into a water spray device. Very effective.
Chemistry and physics are wonderful things.
Australian “leader” Albanese and The White House Resident just signed a “deal”.
And hydrogen…..? Sick of hearing about it. It is a nightmare fuel even for NASA to use. There’s no way it will be a safe or economic fuel for consumer or industrial use.
And apart from the liquid hydrogen -nightmare-, there is no practical alternative means of storing it such as in metal hydrides or ammonia.
It was tried and failed with the National Socialists, tried in the 1970’s/80’s and is being uselessly tried again now.
Does this sound familiar to you?
Written in the National Socialist newspaper Vőlkischer Beobachter, 1932.
Seriously, has anyone who promotes “hydrogen” ever worked with it or liquified cryogenic gases in general? I didn’t think so.
Twiggy the Rent Seeker was on with Ben Fordham of 2GB a few days ago sprouting his hydrogen-is-the-future rubbish. He also sprouted Bowen’s renewables-are-the-cheapest and nuclear-is-the-dearest CSIRO lies. Twiggy can’t gain subsidies from nuclear but he can reap billions from wind and his mate Chris has the checkbook. As pointed out in #14 today wind and solar have some serious deficiencies and no matter how many turbines you import from China they still don’t work when the wind drops.
Maybe start referring to Elbow’s new bright idea as “The Hindenburg Project”?
So let’s try AGAIN to show what these morons really BELIEVE.
They tell us that they BELIEVE we could shut down all Human co2 emissions today and it wouldn’t make a difference for THOUSANDs of years.
YET they also BELIEVE that we still have to spend endless TRILLIONs $ on UNRELIABLE, TOXIC W & S for a GUARANTEED ZERO return FOREVER.
This doesn’t make any sense at all, unless I’m missing something?
Does any Govt or scientist etc honestly BELIEVE in their stupid fantasy world?
The answer apparently is YES they do.
But alas China, India and the developing countries don’t think their BS and FRAUD can reliably power modern economies at all. And common sense + logic and reason tell us they are correct.
I am guessing that they are worried that people will wake up soon because the next scam is in the works; the great pandemic treaty. No doubt our brilliant communist, Albo, will be flourishing his pen to sign up Australia. I don’t believe he mentioned that at election time. Didn’t want to scare the bunnies. Your medical history will be available for viewing by the WHO and whoever buys the info from them.
“Does any Govt or scientist etc honestly BELIEVE in their stupid fantasy world?
The answer apparently is YES they do.”
True, many of them do, but there are smart ones who don’t. However the “cult” destroys heretics, which ensures the non-believers comply, and hence they must pretend they do believe.
TdeF….on a roll today! Love this thread. Always so on the money. The cabal of censors must surely be looking at ways to shut this site down?
” The cabal of censors must surely be looking at ways to shut this site down?”
’tis a worry!
The Left are terrified of alternative opinions and regard anything that questions the Official Narrative as “disinformation”, forget about the plurality of opinions people should have in a supposedly free society. The truth of any claim questioning the Official Narrative has nothing to do with it.
In particular, they regard any questioning of the Official Narrative in regard to supposed catastrophic anthropogenic global warming or covid vaccine safety as “dangerous”.
Hence, the few remaining free speech sites like this are under threat.
See Australian Government policy on this, which, of course, is in full alignment with the instructions of he UN and WEF.
Thanks for all your efforts and hard work, Jo.
Many more reasons why their so called GREEN energy is a TOXIC disaster and the damage to the environment and why the animals both on the land and offshore will continue to suffer.
Perhaps lawsuits are the answer and the only way to stop these delusional fanatics?
Ya just gotta luv it. 🙂
“Senator George Borrello Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Use of Fossil Fuels in Manufacturing of Renewable Energy Equipment”
Another blatant move to make sure all manufacturing is done in China. It doesn’t even make sense because Wind, Solar, Hydro are only 13% of US energy. So you can only build 13% of a windmill? Someone needs to filter the grid for Green electrons. And not cut steel with oxy acetylene or gas assisted plasma or laser. Or make new steel in a Bessemer furnace.
That’s actually brilliant. If zero fossil fuels may be used in the manufacture of renewable energy equipment, then ZERO renewable energy equipment may legally be produced. Senator Borrello is either a Genius or an Idiot.
The Senator from NY is a Republican and his district is in the sticks. He champions small business and farms so he may be using the ultimate weapon. No fossil fuel to make renewables knowing full well they can’t be made without fossil fuels.
Well, he is not a career politician for a start.
Founded his own hospitality supplies business which he expanded nationally.
Republican and is a strong advocate for small business and downsizing of government.
With statements like this , he is obviously not impressed by the wind/solar unreliability and costs.
ps.. its worth reading his whole statement. as it reflects the reality that most of us here have recognised.
We should always try and understand the co2 data.
During the last full glacial co2 levels fell to just 180 ppm or 0.018 % of the atmosphere and eventually recovered to about 280 ppm or 0.028% after the Earth entered the Holocene warming.
Today the co2 level is about 420 ppm or 0.042% of the atmosphere and the difference since 1800 is an addition of about 140 ppm in 2023.
But the experts (?????) tell us that 350 ppm is okay and we should strive to reduce that difference of 70 ppm and everything would be wonderful again or perhaps a return to the LIA?
But they also tell us that 70 ppm reduction will take THOUSANDs of years and cost hundreds of TRILLIONs of $ FOREVER.
If anyone believes
they really understand any of their MITIGATION fantasies I’d like them to explain it all for us.
But I bet you cannot answer this very simple request?
My perpetual point is that mankind cannot control CO2 levels. Whatever level is preferred.
CO2 existed through all time and the tiny amount we produce is of no consequence and vanishes quickly into the vast reservoir in the ocean.
The tiny bit in the air is from the ocean, like all humanity. And the human embryo shows gills in development. The very idea that we creatures from the swamp now control the planet would be diagnosed as a massive delusion of grandeur. And the fact that we are punishing ourselves for succeeding on land is very medieval, like Monty Python.
Labor cosying up to the Greens is like the whale that depends on the little Remora “cleaner fish” to remove debris from its body. And the Shark that lets tiny fish clean its teeth https://www.earthtouchnews.com/oceans/sharks/say-ah-shark-lets-tiny-fish-clean-its-teeth/
In the end, though the little fish get bigger consuming the detritus of the host!
I like the analogy.
Although I rather think of the Greens as a sort of environmental and social tape worm.
How about “River Blindness”?
Treatable with ivermectin
AGAIN TOXIC W & S are a TOTAL UNRELIABLE disaster for the 1700 + residents on King island AGAIN.
But the Diesel provides nearly all the power AGAIN.
And the delusional Albo and Bowen fanatics etc think we can uses these lunacies to power Australia into the future and even billions around the world?
Can anyone explain to me the “fossil fuel subsidy” slur always thrown into argument. What subsidy is there in what form ?
Less than 100% taxation, or the ability to reinvest. Or to borrow operating capital at less than an absurd usery.
Vanguard, Blackrock and Statestreet between them in their various guises own around 30% of Exxon. I would imagine that stockholding would seriously influence the outcome of the next AGM. Those 3 entities have their fingers in every major company worldwide.
V, B, and S, only have influence if their political control exists in the US.
That’s why the US 2024 election is so important. If they don’t get a puppet, their goals/influence/profitability, turn into crap.
Exxon will be fine. Because no windmill or solar panel can produce pharmaceuticals, plastics, lubricants, or any of 6,000 critical needs.
All of this manipulation is worthless, because it has no value. Only political hype. Hype doesn’t produce anything, feed anyone, or cure anything. Hype does, however, lead to poverty, war, suffering, and destruction.
Aloha! I am biased as an XOM share holder who has urged top execs to push back! I never see any push back from the “climate science” back door though? If as climate zealots agree that extreme weather is caused by humans and if as they claim the solution is green energy like solar and wind then tell us how many solar panels does it take to reduce a cat5 hurricane to a cat2? If we install solar panels all over the top of Dade County Florida does that mean no more hurricanes? Its laughable just like their science is laughable! Climate is the biggest fraud on humanity since Spain brought slavery to the Americas in the 16th century!
I am tired of watching news shows and weather channels automatically agree climate is a crisis. Why is it a crisis? The only crisis is they would lose their jobs and pensions if they said climate was not a crisis on tv. Now we can all see how the Roman Empire collapsed!
There is no crisis. Atmospheric greenhouse CO2 gas has simply done most of its warming. Adding the greenhouse gas CO2 diminishes the flux to space, very rapidly for the first few parts per million of CO2 but as more CO2 is added the greenhouse effect becomes very insensitive to changes in CO2 concentrations – due to the saturation of the gas at 15 micrometers. William Happer explains the phenomenon well by likening the painting of a barn door to red. No matter how many coats of paint you place on it, the colour of the door is still red as it reflects red light, at a wavelength of around 700 nanometers. It is, therefore, said to be saturated whether it is a colour in the visible spectrum or a gas that is invisible.