A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Cold and wet, very wet where I live, however not cold enough to snow. This is a pity because this long weekend is considered the opening of the snow ski season in Australia.
What to do? Man made snow is the way to keep everyone happy. So global warming is the cause of less snow,solution use fossil fuel power to pump water into the snow cannons to make snow that can’t lay there because the temps are to warm. This is called a “lawn mowing exercise” no matter how often you do it you just have to do it more often!
Just peroused NSW’s webcams and there’s hundreds, if not thousands, of folk wrapped up in winter gear playing in the snow at Perisher and Thredbo, despite Dr Viner’s expert predictions from 23 years ago.
Mt Hutt, NZ opened today, on its 50th birthday. The carpark and chairlifts were full, albeit only groomed piste runs rideable (bit sketchy off-piste but hey, it’s early June and still autumn, astronomically speaking).
Rain and snow forecast for parts of Canada so all those GAs (Green Arsonists) will be running for cover, inclement weather den!ers that they are.
And yet the Official Narrative is that Australia has a lack of snow for the start of the season.
“so all those GAs (Green Arsonists) “
Seems they have scheduled “burn-offs” in Canada, as well! 😉
Sunday update: THOUSANDS of ‘cl!mate den!ers’ enjoying the SNOW at Perisher Valley’s Front Slope today. Looks like the chairlift isn’t running, it’s foot-access only, but the place is CROWDED with useless eaters as Ki666inger would say.
Snow Cams > Australia > Perisher then scroll…
Interesting, its frosty and sunny a little further North. Lovely weather for winter, a few days like this make up for the cloudy cold days when the cold gets locked in all day.
Garrett Ziegler is interviewed about the Biden laptop by Sky’s Maddie Hale.
A remarkable insight into the dysfunctional and weird Biden family.
22 mins.
90% of Americans will never actually see that video because the MSM will ignore it.
Meanwhile, there are multiple photos of allegedly confidential documents, discovered in the course of FBI raids of Trump properties, all over the very same media.
The real problem, guessing not just here in America, is that facts no longer matter.
Us climate nerds have had a front row seat watching this mass formation form.
This has the potential to make the French Revolution and witch burnings look quaint.
If the MSM were simply omitting information, that would be one thing, but they are actively creating hysterias.
Funded and facilitated by an alliance between global corporate actors and the, now super national, Western intelligence complex.
Now it’s flying saucers.
Being a mid-wit, I can identity the problem, but lack the software for a solution.
Calling Carl Jung.
We keep countering* insanity with sanity, and it doesn’t seem to be working.
*( I first typed the word ‘fighting’, but then replaced it with ‘countering’. Indicative of the logic ‘words/ideas are violence’ corner we are being backed into.)
Love that!
There’s one thing that counters insanity, and that’s reality. When the grid sh**s itself, reality WILL intrude. And it will be quite an intrusion, sans lubricant.
It’s a bit different here in ‘Merica.
We may not make it to grid failure.
An example of our current political climate*
*(Offered for scientific research purposes only.)
We will Build Back Better.
But the question is who will do the building.
I’ve noticed the neo progs never quite think through their little ideas.
Say hi to cousin Chesterfield.
Reality cannot intrude while the media exclude all such intrusions. Look how the European energy disaster, so long in the making, was blamed on the Russian war in Ukraine. The next disaster will no doubt have excuses based on documents supposedly found at Mar-a-Lago, or some such confection.
Meanwhile, Daniel Andrews is negotiating a price for the sale of Victoria to China and the media is ignoring it.
There’s a reason why the Left has spent the last few decades wrecking the government education system. A smarter populace wouldn’t fall for their lies.
The sooner it is accepted that there truly is a grand plan, in progress since WW2, the sooner a pushback can be organised.
Tell that to Bud Light, Target etc.
10’s of billions in losses SO FAR.
Joe Rogan:
*language warning for “the sensitive” and small kittens 😆
Rainfall in Germany has been falling for two decades.
20 years of rainfall? It’s worserer than in Noah’s time – we’re doomed!
When the flood comes, where are we going to get one let alone two unicorns? And it’s going to limit the species dramatically. The whole world has become a Chicken Little parody with “the sky is falling.” It isn’t.
If this rain keeps up it wont come down.
Just as easily fitted with a horizontal straight line! After all the drop is small and rainfall has dropped further previously and recovered. You would be foolish to conclude a permanent drop in rainfall from this graph.
Given these excellent records of rainfall going up and down, it is remarkably constant compared to Australia and the West coast of the Americas bordering the huge Pacific ocean which covers half the planet. Rainfall can drop to drought conditions, especially in the windy 40 degree latitudes. Germany like Britain is 47-55 latitude.
And so unlike the graph of CO2, at least they have left the zero value on the graph. So you can see the variation is quite trivial. Like ice at the North Pole over a long period.
What it also confirms indirectly is that at the very least evaporation is close to constant and so world temperature has not changed.
The construction of a notional ‘world temperature’ from North Pole to South Pole, across a whole year and night and day is purely theoretical and has no actual value in predicting anything. You cannot say what a change means except that there is a change. But recently the ‘world temperature’ has stopped changing at all. We may be in one of the most weather stable periods in hundreds of years. So why not blow up all the power stations?
Consider this problem for constructing an ‘average’ world temperature.
North Pole Summer 0C Winter -40C
South Pole Winter -60C Summer -28C
So add them all up and you get -32C, which is meaningless.
The North Pole is 60C warmer and 12C colder across the year. A movement of 72C! Even Colorado has annual movement of 80C in just one place.
And world temperature is measured to 0.001C? And movements of 1C this number are considered significant, even end of days lethal? Why?
A world temperature is construct, not a real measure. At best an artificial construct which exists nowhere on the planet. And drawing end of world conclusions from a movement as small as 1C is absurd.
As average anything is usually one of the least accurate statistical indices. But journalists and media love it, because they don’t understand basic maths, let alone science.
Depends where you draw the line for basic is I guess. For most people, average is about as complex as you are going to get and there will be little or no knowledge of other statistical methods let alone an understanding of what they mean. The general lack of numeracy is a big factor in getting away climate and “renewables” BS speak. Mostly they dont even bother to go there these days, with things expressed in alleged equivalents like “powering 50,000 houselholds” or “the same capacity as eleventy thousand olympic swimming pools”
“For most people, average is about as complex as you are going to get” – so true. Talk about the median and they ask whether you mean the ABC.
You might be interested in reading the link.
‘the IPCC and its followers stubbornly insist on pretending that CO2 and the other “non-condensing greenhouse gases” – mainly methane and N2O – are the only relevant “forcers” of climate change.’
If CO2 is tiny, CH4 and N2O are tinier. The real greenhouse gas which stops the world turning into a block of ice is the third most common gas in the air, H2O at 1%-4%. Argon is also 1% but not the dramatic effect of H2O, far greater than CO2.
However the game being played is that H2O is a constant and does not vary. No one who has lived on planet earth would think H2O or humidity was a constant. It’s variation is vastly greater than CO2 and of course from 15x to 120x the concentration.
A minuscule trace gas could not be responsible for expanding high pressure, which has made Germany warmer with below average rainfall, yet they claim its happening because of climate change.
This leaves us with the opportunity to prove its not unprecedented.
There should be historical signs of this blocking phenomenon and then there is paleo climate history for the adventurous.
So less moisture in the atmosphere. That means reduced advection from ocean to land. I wonder what could be reducing onshore airflow in Germany. Maybe explained here:
The year 1524 was full of predicted disaster. Belief in this date was very strong throughout Europe. Astrologers (as climate scientists were then called) found that a coming conjunction of major planets would occur in Pisces (a water sign) that year, and this strengthened the general belief in a universal final deluge. A “giant flood” was prophesied for February 1524 by astrologer Johannes Stoeffler, who employed his skill to establish that date in 1499. Such was the belief in his ability that more than one hundred pamphlets were written and published on his prediction.
Astrologers in London predicted that The End would begin in London with a deluge. Some 20,000 persons left their homes for higher ground, and the Prior of St. Bartholomew’s built a fortress in which he stocked enough food and water for a two-month wait. When the dreaded date failed to provide even a rain shower in a city where precipitation is very much to be expected, the astrologers recalculated and discovered they’d been a mere one hundred years off.
In response to the 1524 prophecies, in Germany, people set about building boats, while one Count von Iggleheim, obviously a devout believer in Stoeffler’s ability, built a three-story ark. In Toulouse, French President Aurial also built himself a huge ark. In some European port cities, the populace took refuge on boats at anchor. When it only rained lightly on the predicted date where von Iggleheim had his ark, the crowd awaiting the deluge ran amok and, with little better to do, stoned the count to death.
Oddly enough much of Europe experienced a dry year in 1524.
Randi, James. An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural (p. 738). Kindle Edition.
The sky was falling. Chicken Little/Henny Penny across the ages. Who would have thought people would believe it in the 21st century?
A Optimist!
Look to Hanrahan:
Yes, a wonderful poem and a step up from Dorothea McKellar’s My Country as Said Hanrahan uses bush fires as part of the cycle of drought, rain, bushfire, repeat. But where we have to respect aboriginal science and weather advice, our own oral and lived history is ignored by the BOM.
Since the climate scam is a hoax it hardly surprises that prognostications seem to fail. Still, there are other demons to scare a witless population witless. Imminent fire season with the ghouls of green arson on the march.
I wonder how much of that is due to wind turbines sucking energy out of the atmosphere !
How unexpected. PV power cut by half due to smoke from wildfires. How reliable. / sarc
“For the sake of solar power, let’s hope Canada can bring its rampaging arsonists to heel. That’s because the shroud of smoke that covered much of the Eastern US seaboard, has sent solar power generation in parts of the eastern US plummeting by more than 50% as wildfires rage in Canada.”
Perth exceeds June rain in first 10 days
you heard it first here
I can verify this- so sit back with good headphones and Listen
It’s a ghost metropolis.
Greta graduates!
Now for the school of (real) life…
“Now for the school of (real) life…”
No chance! A fat Govt job as ambassador for some crap, she’ll be a parasite all her life!
Hi fellow Jonovas! I have been speaking to the ATO – at least 8 different operators
over the last few days to disentangle me from $47000 debt “Owed” from identity thieves.
They took advantage of me not being at my general practice and set up an ABN then went
to town defrauding the NAB, ATO and others with fuel excise, job keeper incentives and the like.
Anyhow, I think I might have persuaded them to write the bogus debt off as no money was paid to the criminals. Meantime, I discovered a life hack. Calling the 13 numbers and waiting in line listening to atrocious muzak may be Optional! I could not find a 13 number for a particular issue so I called the ATO SWITCHBOARD. And was put straight through to a delightful lady who helped me by letting me know “Shared Information” so I could link ATO to Mygov (which had been reset).
I doubt ID thieves will have much success in the future as my accounts are flagged.
It must be ten years ago that the ATO voiceprinted me because the three short validation questions I had programmed into the myGov machine were not fit for utterance by its call centre operators; I remain somewhat perplexed by the effrontery (my permission was not requested) but suppose I am robustly protected from identity theft over the phone at that venue.
WEF demands 75% global reduction of cars by 2050
What comes first, the 75% reduction of humanity or the 75% reduction of their cars?
The World Economic Forum (WEF) Great Reset agenda was on full blast recently after the organization published a blueprint to drastically cut the number of personal vehicles globally from 1.45 billion to 500 million by the year 2050.
Why do we need personal vehicles if we’re all confined to our WEF-mandated 15-minute cities anyways, right?
The white paper titled The Urban Mobility Scorecard Tool: Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility was co-authored with Visa and demands that municipalities put limits on the use of private cars.
Maybe the masses should ask why they are being told to switch to EV’s when 75% of those EV’s will be canned.
2050 is irrelevant. The WEF and all its crackpot members won’t exist well before then. Between now and 2028 is the only timeframe you need to be concerned with.
The general population doesn’t know what’s happening and doesn’t even know that they don’t know…
WEF messaging implies conjoined programs.
I doubt they’ll be prepared to wait until 2050.
But if they state their true schedule they might scare the masses.
Only a 75% reduction? Why not 100%? Are they bad for the environment, or not? If the planet can cope with that remaining 25%, who gets to keep their cars?
Let me guess …
I’ll be 98 then and will be driving on the wrong side of the road. My grandfather went for his driving test when 100 and passed. He promptly returned it.
It is the younger generations that most support this woke/climate/NetZero BS…
It is the younger generations that will suffer most because of it. !
They are not aware and therefore not thinking about what they are creating for themselves.
Fraser Island in Queensland has been renamed.
I’d be willing to bet that the survey this change was based upon was not statistically valid and probably not even honest.
You’re right – no -on ever questions the Aboriginal cultural stuff. If you did you would be accused of being racist. We even have CSIRO considering aboriginal input into science projects. It’s just anti- science because our original” inhabitants” never wrote anything down or barely recorded any natural observations. I have often thought the aboriginals were here for 60k years, just imagine if only one tribe had recorded the high point of a river every year or some other basic observation. Just a mark on the rock or something, anything. We would have a lovely record of climate in this country and probably find trends. But nap, nothing, just rainbow serpent stuff. End of rant.
Clearly Ross you will have to watch the upcoming show on SBS. “The First Inventors” at least part of the adverts I have seen declare “We stood where no man had set before, and we survived” . how this is seen as anything special is beyond me. As any humans pushed into ANY new territory they all “survived”. I’ll bet that anyone travelling near the sea was aware of the marine resources. So travelling along the coasts of an island chain from Asia into Melanesia then Terra Nullis with almost identical seafood resources was in fact a no brainer, not brain surgery or rocket science.
I love the bit where they’ve “domesticated a whole waterway”. Basically, they’ve dammed a creek in the same way a family of beavers would.
I reckon when they arrived they had to endure a ” welcome to country” by the Barrineans.
Yeah, wasn’t that raiding the neighbouring tribe and stealing their women?
Most other peoples did that as well.
Yes DM, they invented so much complicated stuff but never figured out the standard steps of development like permanent dwellings, clothing, the bow and arrow, agriculture, a political system, a counting system etc, etc, etc,.
New a bloke once who claimed that he went from a dependent new born to an olympic runner without learning to crawl stand or walk
The wheel?
If you go to some resorts or holiday spots you can go on an Aboriginal heritage tour. I was having a birthday lunch at one in Central Victoria 2 years ago. A tour came into the big dining room /function hall and I was able to overhear the guide (local tribe member) give a talk to the group. Basically he just talked about aboriginal culture and fire for about 1/2 hour. That was it – fire. It was hardly awe-inspiring but there was the group of largely foreign tourists hanging on every word. If you go to Portland, Victoria you can do a similar tour. But it’s a journey back into the “aquaculture technology” practiced by the local aborigines for 6k years. What is it? With taxpayers money they’ve built an elevated walkway over part of a lake and you get to walk on it. Then a guide tells you how they’ve caught fish in a lake for the last 6k years. That’s it.
CSIRO has a whole page devoted to “indigenous science”.
And the woke is strong with this:
There were boomerangs discovered in Egypt, Europe, North America and southern India as well so they were not a unique invention, but clever enough. There were four boomerangs in Tutankhamun’s tomb.
So boomerangs made a comeback?
Yes, Boomerangs were the original YoYo!
What use is a stick that you cannot throw away?
Egypt, eh? That’s a hell of a long way to throw a boomerang, let alone 4 of them.
stone the crows!
Taiho, my bro. Indigenous Polynesians with English surnames, having discovered Antarctica then sailing to Aegypt – parting the Red Sea on the way – built the pyramids, unlocked the secrets of the Pleiades and the music of the spheres and the circumference of the globe, kindly left one of their kid’s (called Rangi) toy paddles behind for future generations to remember them by (King Tut’s dad was the original Boomer) before completing the first-ever round-the-world (and back again) sailing trip, arriving on the Shaky Isles circa 1,300 AD just in time for the Little Ice Age to begin. Kai Kapai!
Produced and fat-chequed by the Aotearoa Disinformation History Department (ADHD). True that bro.
Wasn’t the bow and arrow invented downunder?
But I appreciate your satire.
Geoff S
Next you will be saying that the 2018 poll on whether to change the name of the Lady Cilento hospital was rigged. I mean what are the chances that a majority of the supposed 6000 replies in this Fraser Island survey would be generated from just 74 IP addresses could happen twice under the same Labor government? You conspiracy theorist you.
The article citing some 18,000votes/74 IP addresses is a couriermail paywall but if you already a subscriber here’s the link.
No harm in changing to the original name if it is fair dinkum.
It has long cheesed me off that our great cities are named after Poms who never set foot in Australia.
I wrote to our local MP (Federal, because post codes are federal business) recommending that the post code boundary for Sydney be moved from Sir John Young Crescent to Macquarie St. That would make Wooloomooloo the capital city of New South wales, by enclosing both Government House and the Parliament.
Authentiic. Much better than Sydney.
A significant number of towns and cities already use their traditional aboriginal names in Australia because “we” have always been respectful of their culture. Get a map out and have a look- my local city name means “good resting place” in local aboriginal dialect. There are literally dozens of towns and place names close by all using aboriginal names.
As far as I can see, the latest indictment of Trump is for (essentially) mishandling confidential communications. Now I don’t know if the charges have any real merit, though of course past experience of the Democrats lawfare against the former president suggests they don’t, but it seems to me that Clinton and Biden have committed the exact same ‘crime’ yet they are not being investigated. Surprise!
It’s really hard to understand how even the most welded-on supporter of the Democrats isn’t troubled by this but, then again, I have long held that lefties don’t care about principles, only winning.
Trump will be prosecuted on the basis of documents that the jury will not be allowed to see, that the FBI ‘allege’ was in his possession and taken from Mar-a-Lago whilst Trump’s Lawyer was denied access to Mar-a-Lago to witness this ‘appropriation’.
Other problems with these alleged crimes is the FBI’s own behavior in extracting the original subpoena which clearly violates Trump’s civil rights by being overly broad.
The FBI was trying to coerce testimony by suggesting they could influence a witness’s lawyer over upcoming judgeships.
The FBI repeated attempts at eliciting testimony in violation of the attorney-client privilege.
Special Counsel Jack Smith tells us that ‘nobody is above the law’, whilst ignoring the past and current misdeeds of the FBI under his supervision, whilst Wray tells us that ‘lessons were learned’ after the false and disproved Trump-Russia scandal.
FWIW – re the latest “case” against Trump –
“Breaking Exclusive – Right Wing Website, The Conservative Treehouse, Admits to Holding Identical Classified Documents Which Led to FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago
June 10, 2023 | Sundance | 35 Comments
Yes, it’s true, according to the information contained in the Jack Smith indictment of President Donald John Trump, The Conservative Treehouse likely holds similar “classified documents” as outlined in the case by the special prosecutor.”
Hell! I could even have some in a bookmark somewhere!
Some of what Jack Smith is arguing is that Trump “possessed” documents “with classification markings”. Let’s look at that.
A document marked “Unclassified” has “classification markings” because Unclassified is a classification marking. A historical document from 1945 in the public view has historical “classified markings”.
Every document produced by any government employee at any time has “classified markings”, marked or not, whether they be Unclassified, Secret, TS, TS SCI, or Letter Clearance. Whether or not they are 1 , 10 , or 100 yrs old. A document with “no markings” is still classified as “agency sensitive, unclassified” , whether it is a request for pencils or nuclear weapons. Jack Smith is trying to create crimes, not investigate them.
This is nothing but propaganda and an attempt to influence the 2024 elections.
I’ve been thinking [OK, don’t laugh]. The dems could never win the presidency honestly because there is absolutely nothing this administration has done that has popular support. Even his student debt forgiveness has limited appeal and even those who stood to gain will be hissed that it didn’t happen.
Any change now would be too little, too late and an admission of error.
Their only chances are MASSIVE voter fraud and/or having the election 100% Trump: Do you want a criminal as President? Yes/No. I don’t think MAGA are the majority.
But I’m on the other side of the world.
I’m not.
You’re assessment from distance is correct.
They make ZERO effort to win votes from the other side.
And in fact , label them ‘“threats to OUR Democracy”.
This indicates an unusual and suspicious ‘confidence’.
I have been thinking about the photos of all the boxes. Who actually prints important documents these days. The original will be a computer file somewhere with revision control. The boxes contain one point in time applicability and are probably well dated by now. All the document files would fit on a single USB memory stick. But a photo of a memory stick stating that it had the entire US war plans would not be quite as visually condemning as a series of photos showing hundreds of document boxes.
They would have needed a team to go through those boxes to find anything of national security. I wonder what all that cost?
To me it appears Trump cleared his office in a hurry and no one knew what to do with the boxes so the transport firm littered them around his mansion. They could have just shredded it all but that takes time.
There was no indicting Hillary Clinton for using unprotected email service. Hacking email would make searching electronic files a lot easier than riffling through boxes of documents.
To suggest this is anything but a witch hunt requires us to believe that the USA government is three decades behind modern office practice. Can you imagine the Chinese sending in a team of special forces into Trumps’ mansion to collect all those boxes then take them to a secure warehouse to riffle though them for State secrets. Literally easier to just do a query using the search engines the Chinese have embedded in the Pentagon computers and routers.
The Chinese may be ramping up their efforts to monitorl the US lawmakers activities and discussions:
What better way to monitor their emergency talks than using satellite surveillance.
There is not much used in modern society these days that has not been dependent on Chinese manufacturing. Who would know if China has embedded hardware that can take control of every smartphone with a single control.
Who would know if every wind turbine inverter, solar inverter, HVDC transmission lnverter and substation switch has a single kill switch that responds to Chines command signal.
Here’s a bunch of CCCC which is believable: Cab Calloway at Cab’s Club –
1930s ‘Calloway Boogie’ – who would’ve thought people could have so much fun dancing during the not so-great Depression.
Even in Wartime in Brisbane
Even Australians were allowed in!
Greg in NZ, Thank you! SO GREAT!
Everyone MUST see this.
The greatest performance American culture has ever produced.
You must watch thru to see the Nicholas brothers dance and the incredible split sequence at the end
I think Cab’s small group was during and after the war, oddly it was Big Bands during the Depression.
Watch and behold the greatest.
The pleasure is mine, Mr Honk 🎶
Ouch, those splits! You can see where Little Richard, Michael Jackson, Prince, etc got their moves from… still, not as cool cat jazz man as Cab & crew.
My parents were born into The Depression and, before WWII was over, were made to leave school and go earn money to help their working-class parents make ends meet. When they had the 3 of us kids, they tried to instil a love of big bands & jazz & opera but, that was old stuff, no way… until my late teens (1970s) when Albert Collins and The Icebreakers played in the Town Hall and this antipodean white-boy finally got the Black Blues Big Band Boogie buzz.
Pop/punk/disco were dead: long live the Blues! Ten years after, I was sitting on the floor of Preservation Hall in Naw’leans (the doorman said they were full, but when I said I’d come all the way from New Zealand on pilgrimage he said: Noo Zealand? I LOVE that country! Y’all can sneak in and sit on the floor in front of the band, if y’all don mind…). Boogie on, chillin’!
Greg, for about 10 years I scratched out a living as a guitar player.
I was a rocker but ended up working in two Big Bands.
Banged a 1947 Gibson L7 Freddie Green Style and a Gibson tenor banjo for the early Cab and Duke Ellington stuff.
(Thick heavy strings, a bass string for low E and a wound B string.)
I remember asking my father if he liked Big Band music.
He said he never heard of Benny Goodman until he went in the Army.
He said Bill and Charlie Monroe played his high school prom … probably about 1938.
You mean this Benny Goodman? With Gene Krupa and Harry James? 1937.
Perhaps, Stompin at the Savoy, 1936.
Yes that Benny Goodman.
Southern rural US, they probably had one radio station, think ‘O Brother. Where Art Thou’.
My parents did not use the term ‘Bluegrass’.
They called it ‘string band music’.
Rita Hayworth gets my vote. Stunning, talented , a full throttle woman.
People are getting dementia from the COVID shots and maybe from COVID itself.
I suspect that ‘Long Covid’ is real, but just a re-branding of what used to be called ‘post-viral syndrome’, something I reckon I have had since catching a flu-like illness (possibly tick-borne) in 2010, while hiking in the Grand Canyon area.
But there seems to me to be a growing possibility that ‘long Covid’ is more prevalent among the vaccinated, either due to the MO of the vaccine itself, or because it isn’t really a vaccine because it doesn’t prevent infection. It might also affect the ‘vaccinated’ more because their immune system is degraded and so they are more vulnerable to viral infections.
Hard to say, because very little credible research is being done to answer these questions.
It’ll be those IgG4 loser antibodies the experimental gene therapy promotes.
And there won’t be much research because the Official Narrative defines the covid vaccines as being fully tested and perfectly safe. Just ask a “fact checker” (sic)…
Anyone who dares question the safety or efficacy of these substances will be censored, defunded, cancelled, defamed, sacked/fired etc..
Long COVID occurred because the population was not furnished with early anti-virals and nasal sprays which would have prevented the infection moving from the nasal passages etc to the lungs and body. The population was not even supplied with good preventative medical advice which has long been a hallmark of other modern medicine. So the advantage of good Vitamin D levels, Zinc. I remember – it was if you are sick go home and isolate, if you get really sick go to the hospital. After 200 years of modern medicine that was the best the “experts” could trot out. When I say early anti-virals, I mean the good ones like HCQ/IVM and the dozen others.
Irish farmers REVOLT over WEF plans to kill their cattle
It seems that to save the planet, anything is justified. No one bothers to question ‘The’ science. Science is now decided by politicians.
In Australia from Senator Gerard Rennick
“Labor’s Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek is about to sign off on the bulldozing of 1,000ha of native vegetation to build 200+ metre-high wind turbines on the Atherton Tableland.
The biodiverse region was chosen because it is windy and close to the north Queensland coastal circuit high-voltage transmission line. It is also abutting a world heritage area and is teaming with biodiversity and bird life that will run afoul of the spinning blades.
Korean-owned Ark Energy will have to level the mountain tops to erect the 85 turbines proposed for the Chalumbin windfarm. Wind farms don’t have to go through the same level of approvals as coal mines do, which require intense due diligence and environmental modelling. Furthermore, the wind farms are not subject to the same environmental standards that our farmers are because of the Great Barrier Reef management plan imposed on them by the State Labor Government.
This whole area will be wired up with transmission lines and the roads will have to be redone to cope with the trucks carrying the 400-kilogram blades. Wind farms need 700 times more land than natural gas wells, to produce the same amount of energy.”
When you are saving the planet, any travesty is acceptable. And ‘natural’ gas is forbidden. Only Chinese windmills are acceptable.
My view of real science not climate science is that man made CO2 is only 3% of total CO2, so man made CO2 is no problem at all. And 98% of CO2 in Australia is from overseas, 30% from China.
But we are wrecking Australia in the name of saving the world. And farmers are the alleged villains. It’s mass insanity and massive environmental and social vandalism, not science driven in the slightest. The environmentally most friendly fuel is old natural rotted plant matter. Science has been utterly perverted to stop us using our own coal and gas, our major exports. As for cow farts, the ones in parliament are by far the most dangerous for our environment.
“Labor’s Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek is about to sign off on the bulldozing of 1,000ha of native vegetation to build 200+ metre-high wind turbines on the Atherton Tableland.
Where are the traditional owners in all of this? In Western Australia they are talking about cockies not even allowed to drive a fence post into the ground without permission, Mount Warning closed to non indigenous walkers. Where I live there are rumours that a bridge damaged in last years floods cannot be rebuilt because of potential significant area. The inconsistencies just keep adding up.
My first thought would be to follow the money
“follow the money” ?
My first thought would be: I wouldn’t mind just a LITTLE bit of that money – it’s not like I’m greedy or anyfink – unlike your/our so-called ‘leaders’.
A bit of perspective, Ireland has a 1,000,000 (beef) head breeder herd with an 85% calving rate, so 850,000 new cattle per year. Their slaughter rate is about 750,000 head per year.
This is beef only and not dairy, though the slaughter numbers would include dairy, which does not make sense, as they state they have had a declining national herd over the past 5 years (5%) and decling slaughter numbers.
Ireland slaughters 360,000 cows a year, most would be replacement/end of usefull life. A 10% decline in breeders would be 100,000 head, Farmer selection covers that plus change.
The national herd numbers in Aus are by survey, we lie and the Irish are very good at telling a yarn.
Any reduction would have to be driven by reducing the Tally at the meatworks and dairy processing, ensuring the farmer has nowhere to sell. Who owns those industries in Ireland is the question.
QLD alone slaughters 3,000,000 head a year
Circulation in the central South Pacific remains consistent with La Niña, and SOI is again positive.
The Nino34 region ihas warmed up but the warmer zone has not advanced very far off Panama. Westward currents certainly much weaker than in 2015. So I think more a whimper than a deep El Nino.
The press releases are coming thick, fast and hard from the BoM and their ABC advising people tp prepare for the coming El Nino:
This is what confronts someone looking at their ABC report on the alert being declared:
Full story:
Look at what’s happening in the Philippine Sea.
The stratospheric polar vortex in the south is strong, but ripples.
Are preferred pronouns in the nominative or accusative case?
Whatever you prefer
Last night at 6pm across the AEMO grid, solar delivered 10 MW, wind 2,350 MW, big batteries 212 MW.
And in the renewable pin up State of SA, solar, wind and batteries 50 MW, gas 960 MW, and imports from Victoria 700 MW.
Come on Minister Bowen, build more solar panels, windmills, networks, batteries to meet the demand of 26,800 MW and reduce our electricity bills by the promised $275.
Fortunately that “nasty” coal delivered 17,300 MW gas 3,300 MW and hydro 3,600 MW to keep the lights on.
Arabian Sea currently experiencing a major cooling event:,22.46,792/loc=66.852,16.706
This convective storm has already pulled 3C off the surface temperature at 10N.
Western Pacific off Phillippines is already undergoing its second major cooling event of 2023:,19.05,792/loc=132.431,22.143
Convective potential now building in the Glif of Mexico:,4.58,792/loc=-74.053,14.646
And the El Nino is now established across the central Pacific:,-3.48,635/loc=-74.053,14.646
But not particularly strong yet. Still lots of cool water off California.
When Australia establishes its apartheid parliament, I wonder which of the two parliaments, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal will be the most anti-energy?
According to Newtonian gravitation the force of gravity propagates instantaneously.
According to Einstein gravity and gravitational waves propagate at the speed of light.
Einstein was proven correct during the GW 170817 gravitational wave event when any difference between the speed of light and speed of gravity would have been less than 1 part in about 10^15.
Just sayin’…
Any comment on torsional space-time oh learned one?
In a hundred years current laws of physics will be looked back on and laughed at for their fundamental flaws.
We are but apes gazing up at the black monolith that is knowledge.
Perhaps there might be value in waiting to see if the postulated torsion theories have merit beyond simply being theoretical concepts. That they might exist, does not mean that they do exist.
Have either of you come across Arclein?
Claim 2 The first creation of the particle pair fp described herein is sufficient to create the cosmos and all of time and space or the space time manifold and thereby unites Particle Physics and General Relativity.
Conjecture: A review of the empirical data is sufficient to suggest that the foundational fp described in this paper is the neutral neutrino and is a sufficient explanation for the content of the cosmos and of Dark Matter in particular. It may also be necessary and unique and in fact subject to mathematical proof. The lack of perfect packing for tetrahedrons strongly suggests just that.
Conjecture: The creation of a neutral neutrino is offset by the simultaneous creation of an anti neutral neutrino formed as a twist and counter twist. From that point they break apart and cannot cancel each other out unless they are able to realign. This is extremely unlikely unless tight packing is achieved. This framework produces our cosmological content without a net input of effort beyond initiation……..
This research paper was gaining a bit of traction on social media in the last few days. “World Atmospheric CO2, Its 14C Specific Activity, Non-fossil Component, Anthropogenic Fossil Component, and Emissions (1750–2018)
Skrable, Kenneth; Chabot, George; French, Clayton1. Health Physics 122(2):p 291-305, February 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001485”. A paper also highlighted by either TdeF of JCII. Basically finds that only 12 % of current CO2 levels (430 ppm) can be attributed to AGW emissions. It’s all a #climatescam folks.
Consistent with your argument, you should only claim to folks that it’s 88% a #climatescam.
How about an unprecedented scam? The scammers love that word.
But also according to Einstein, waves propagating where the carrier has no mass should diminish in strength with distance according to an inverse square law.
Must remember to update page before making a reply. My comment should have appeared under #20 as a reply to David Maddison.