UN Human Rights commissioner turns into a hellfire prophet
Volker Turk has looked into his crystal bowl and sees five or ten plagues coming — there will be famine, flood, and fire, and the Earth is melting — it may cease to exist or perhaps even evaporate? Luckily, the UN knows how to save the world, we just have to do what they say and be nice to their friends at BlackRock, Microsoft and the Chinese Communist Party. That means buying lots of windmills and solar panels because climate change is a human rights issue, but slave labor camps in Xingjiang are not.
And who cares about child cobalt miners in the Congo?
U.N. Rights Czar — ‘Truly Terrifying’ Famines, Floods, Fires, Ahead Unless ‘Climate Change’ Addressed
Simon Kent Breitbart
Volker Turk, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, declared Monday the planet is “[…] burning. It’s melting. It’s flooding. It’s depleting. It’s drying. It’s dying,” as he evoked a “dystopian future” for all unless “climate change” is addressed.
The Austrian lawyer turned U.N. official said the time has come for everyone to heed the unelected body and address the long list of concerns it sees as threatening the very existence of the planet.
Essentially, some lawyer appointed to a UN committee says extreme, preposterous, provably wrong things about climate science, global food, makes some end-of-world prophesies and some newspapers think it’s worth reporting.
Turk says crops have been wiped out and 80 million more people will starve
Turk told a UN Human Rights Council debate on the right to food that extreme weather events were wiping out crops, herds and ecosystems, making it impossible for communities to rebuild and support themselves.
“More than 828 million people faced hunger in 2021. And climate change is projected to place up to 80 million more people at risk of hunger by the middle of this century,” said Turk.
This is the catastrophe that climate change inflicts on global agriculture. Far from being wiped out, there has never been more food on Earth.
The dystopia he warns about is here, but it’s where career bureaucrats can work 30 years at the UN, and get taken seriously when they are 100% wrong.
The UN is the dystopia Orwell warned us about. Time to end it and give us our money back.
Hannah Ritchie, Pablo Rosado and Max Roser (2023) – “Agricultural Production“. Published online at OurWorldInData.org.
Earth image by Bela Geletneky
Wizard Artwork: pendleburyannette
He’s about 200 years out of date peddling the fire and brimstone BS. Go and watch Lord of the Rings with a bag of popcorn and leave us alone. We (the populace} are well capable of taking care of our own destiny
Here is another bad it is gonna get really really HOT report based on the RCP 4.5 modeling scenario that is all dishonest and misleading.
Quarter of U.S. Could Be in ‘Extreme Heat Belt’ by 2053, According to Climate Crisis Research
The report is in the link.
The Heat cult in full baloney press as this one was in People Magazine….. LOL
The disruption caused by the invasion of Ukraine has probably had more effect than climate change.
What is needed is stable conditions globally so people can get on with their lives doing constructive things. Good governance!
I was not a great fan of John Howard, but one thing he was clear on. People want certainty if at all possible.
And at present there is precious little . Those power bill increases are not finished yet – my contact tells me more rises in November…. We have a racist voice that if passed will clog the courts and almost certainly cause major economic disasters as those behind the Voice use it to their own ends. Our federal govt is the worst since Whitlam, and incapable of focussing on the main priorities…
What year during the entire history of earth hasn’t there been extreme weather. These guys are shameless, playing on the vulnerable, history illiterates?
Anyone keeping count ? This is end of World phrophesy number….and to add insult to injury, by a know it all lawyer.
Not really but here are some past predictions so you can see how accurate that worked out.
1988: UN — world will be 4℃ warmer and Antarctica 5.5℃ by 2030
1989: Rising seas to ‘obliterate’ nations by 2000 If nothing is done within 10 years Quoting UN Officials
1989 The director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program (UNEP) says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. As global warming melts polar icecaps, ocean levels will rise by up to three feet,
1989: 10 Years to solve Climate Crisis — San Jose Mercury News June 30, 1989 (see 1982)
A senior environmental official at the United Nations says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels. Crop failures would create a flood of “eco-refugees”.
2005 Janos Bogardi, director of the Institute for Environment and Human Security at the United Nations University in Bonn and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) warned that there could be up to 50 million environmental refugees by the end of the decade.
2007 U.N. Scientists say only eight years left to avoid worst effects
2008 UN Deputy secretary-general Srgjan Kerim, tells the UN General Assembly, that it had been estimated that there would be between 50 million and 200 million environmental migrants by 2010.
Hey Graeme, any chance you can give us your citation source? I would absolutely love to have them. Thanks!
[Try this: https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/50-years-of-failed-doomsday-eco-pocalyptic-predictions-the-so-called-experts-are-0-50/ – LVA]
120 years of climate scaremongering and failed climate predictions
Lawyers…. experts at convincing black is white.
Complete with a degree in b*llsh*t.
Graduated from MSU……. Making S*** Up.
And in typical plaintiff/defendant law suits, losing half the time, on average.
Geoff S
This might help
The supposed “terrifying” future due to supposed “climate change” will be used as an excuse to impose even more draconian rules, restrictions and totalitarian policies.
Making “climate change” a human rights issue gives those who wish to crush us under dictatorial rule even more excuses and more power.
Our few remaining human rights must be eliminated for the sake of….human rights….
The only ‘terrifying’ thing about the future, is the power these people have.
They don’t ‘get’ power, we give it to them, by listening to their ranting, by believing their lies.
When are these clowns going to be charged with Coercive Control and Gaslighting.
King Charles Spaniel 111 has declared another 3 years until the end of days. Double or nothing yer Royal nobs,
Maybe 6. Come what may.
Following closely in Al Gore’s footsteps.
The religion is easier to sell when you put the fear of god in people’s hearts through climate evangelism. Perhaps Mr. Turk can hope to increase his net worth to $100 million as Al Gore has done selling fear.
The Turks have finally breached the walls of Vienna.
And that ultimately led to the end of Ottoman expansion into Europe.
Similarly, hopefully we will soon see the end of the expansion of warmist ideology as well.
When will these c%$ts give up the must know by now the game is up.
The world is on the brink of both civil and international war caused by there crazy politics. (the UN the CCP, power hungry bankers, and the insane green movement are to blame )
CO2 is beneficial warmth is beneficial, the greenhouse effect is saturated, it makes crops grow better
Time to hold these commies accountable.
Interestingly, Türk is relatively unknown with very little of consequence written about him, including, importantly, his net worth (very important to know for any high UN or political job*).
He is however a close associate of the Marxist Secretary-General of the UN, António Guterres who was President of the Socialist International 1999–2005.
As an unknown who was put into a position of power, who has clearly been emplaced for a reason, Türk is rather reminiscent of Damien Thorn from Omen III: The Final Conflict.
Article about some of the few things known about Türk: https://www.devex.com/news/who-is-volker-turk-guterres-picks-confidante-for-human-rights-chief-103965
*You might be able to trust a millionaire who becomes a politician but not a politician who becomes a millionaire.
So to support his “on the Highway to Climate Hell” Guterres has sent in his friend. Which raised a very important question.
“What is the difference between a minion and henchman?
In the 14th century, a “henchman” was a highly ranked attendant who waited on royalty or noblemen on ceremonial occasions.
And in the 15th, a “minion” was the esteemed favorite of a monarch or other powerful patron.”
I think that we should ask the clueless Turk to read Eschenbach’s “Where’s the Emergency” article from WUWT and then take a BEX and a rest.
Willis is still updating his very comprehensive data analysis of their so called emergency and still finds SFA to worry about.
But according to this ignorant Turk yobbo we should wreck our country’s future and electricity grids FOREVER by installing endless billions of $ of UNRELIABLE, TOXIC W & S and just wait for China and Russia to invade.
Know or caring about the subject is beyond his job description. Firstly he is a lawyer so he only defends. Then he is the Human Rights head and controlling the planetary surface temperature is a human right. And it is a medical emergency as well, according to Tedros Adhonem, the non medical African head of Chinese viruses won’t hurt you.
More Willis
Excellent chart! You can see Nett Zero just over the horizon. Nett zero just means no carbon fuels. They should ban wood as well. In fact why not ban energy. If the government wants the world to be warmer, just legislate it.
You guys better stop being so smug. You present the above graphs time and time again to easily counter the doom and gloomers. But what happens when they destroy enough agriculture like they are doing now in the Netherlands so that your graphs actually show a drop in world food production? They will be able to smack you in the face with your own graphs and say “Now it is happening.” You think the average person will be able to see through that? Remember the average I.Q. is 100 and that means that half the people are even dumber than that.
I expect it’s the mean. The average would be lower. Which explains a lot.
It’s not just the Netherlands slashing food production. That disease will spread across Europe as other countries ban fertilisers.
The war in Ukraine and Russia will surely see food production there slashed, and it has already disrupted food distribution. Is it the blockade on Ukrainian grain that triggered the war in Sudan?
Here in Australia Nett Zero will see food producing land switched over to growing trees for “carbon credits”, which will in another 30 to 50 years go up in smoke in another fire season.
That will be any time after 2050.
AGAIN this Turk donkey could just watch Dr Rosling’s 200 countries over 200 years video from the BBC and then start to WAKE UP.
This costs NOTHING but uses 120,000 UN DATA points to show the world’s 200 countries from 1810 to 2010 and only takes about 4 minutes and even these other UN loonies should be able to understand the DATA.
So what’s their excuse?
But that is the point of this chap and ’tis to disassemble this structure and replace it with a commitee of global proportions. People who cannot see what is coming are in serious denial. Welcome to your Brave New World( or any other dystopian scenario you may choose).
More Chineese communist party bashing Jo. Misses the real issues.
Playing into the hands of all those US who want war with China.
The real problems are right here in Aus with our own governments.
But the greens and the left here in Aus are in control . .
A real problem in Australia and America and Canada and the UK is that often the people at the top of the Conservative parties are to the left of Pol Pot. It is certainly true of most companies and merchant banks and superannuation companies. Even heads of most scientific bodies. And I have often wondered if they are doing the bidding of the CCP?
Which could explain Malcolm Turnbull and Paul Ryan and Boris Johnson and Erin O’Toole in Canada. Paul Ryan doesn’t want Trump to get the Republican nomination because ‘he might win’. And he calls himself a Republican and fought every move by Trump until the Democrats took his job. As for Joe Biden, he has always been a crook. How else could he afford anything and how could his family be rich given his only job was Senator on no more than $140K a year? And his son doesn’t have a job.
But they are being replaced slowly by what the journalists call ‘populist’ leaders like Meloni, Pierre Polievre, as if being popular or populist means unscrupulous right wing violent exploiters as allegedly personified in Donald Trump. I do not include Rishi Sunak who is openly labelled Red Rishi.
Political leaders who disregard the polls do far better. Polls seem to be a way of convincing career politicians to go left and please the pollsters. Perhaps the best example is Victorian John Persutto who ejected a top performing MP for declaring she was a woman and by inference that men are not women. According to the press, the idea that women even exist is provocative and hate speech. The Victorian Liberals seem less conservative than the Teals.
Even for Australians, the “real problems” are not here. We are a bit of oceanic detritus pulled this way and that by currents over which we have virtually no control. CCP OTOH is different – it is one of Earth’s prime movers pushing us all towards dystopia.
Had there not been a coup d’état against President Trump, he would likely have greatly reduced the power, influence and funding of the corrupt, communist-oriented UN by now. He had already started the process with the UN agency, the World Homicide Organisation. He had also withdrawn from the Paris Agreement.
The lesson from the Regressives/Elites: don’t question the Official Narrative.
And what are “human rights”?
Libertarians and classical liberals such as David Hume, Immanuel Kant, John Locke and Adam Smith would call these “natural rights” or God-given rights.
Libertarians greatly value individual freedoms as long as a person harms no other. Thus there are also strong protections against coercion, either from the state or other individuals.
The state exists primarily to enforce this non-coercion principle.
John Locke influenced the US Founding Fathers to write such principles into the US Declaration of Independence.
Locke made the statement that all men have the right to “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Property.”
Thomas Jefferson altered this in the Declaration of independence to read that all men have the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Or when we were younger, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Skirt”
Carefull of what’s under that skirt . .
Then you should be able to tell you looking !
Of course the UN and Turk climate donkeys could just try to answer the Co2 Coalition’s FACTs test and see how they score?
Again this costs NOTHING and they’d obviously have a miserable low score and wonder why. But then would they demand a new test with fake data and answers?
“Volker Turk has looked into his crystal bowl and sees five or ten plagues coming — there will be famine, flood, and fire, and the Earth is melting — it may cease to exist or perhaps even evaporate? ”
I wonder what Al-Gore-Rythm he used to come up with that prediction.
Too bad Al’s mum didn’t practice rhythm.
Ronin, I don’t think he used an Al-Gore-Rythm to make those predictions, I think he just used a thesaurus. Any word for catastrophe will do…
” sees five or ten plagues coming ” Give me plagues of locusts, frogs or boils etc. anytime over the present pestilence that is afflicting us. The present plague of Leftists in all of our institutions is by far the most destructive plague that we will ever know.
Would a multitude of Cadiddlehoppers constitute a plague?
Never heard of Volker Turk and I suspect 99.999% of population hasn’t either. Let’s hope it stays that way.
I agree Ross and like Gore etc he is a clueless fool, but unfortunately he probably has a lot of power and influence.
I know it doesn’t make any sense but these are the type of loonies that most of our Pollies and MSM etc follow. Just unbelievable but true.
True, probably less than 99.999% but no better than the number of people who have never heard about anyone on this blog or the truths they claim to espouse.
BTW here’s a long list of the Scientists who have joined the Co2 Coalition. I’m sure most of us will know some of them and good to see Prof Peter Ridd as part of the group.
Where can I join this Cobalt coalition?
A younger age distribution would be nice.
Of climate-change prophets beware,
With their constant doom-laden scare,
Blamed on man’s bad behaviour,
With the U.N. as saviour,
When the U.N. is the nightmare.
So millions to starve due to climate change!Yeh climate change policy.Slashing farming,reducing fertiliser.That will do it.The bloody hide of this mob is frightening.
Turk looks like a James Bond villain . Perhaps he is in training for that role….
Klaus is starting to look a little long in the tooth. What is wrong with a little early posturing by this Young Turk to promote oneself as a viable successor to the throne of WEF supremo?
The UN has not yet established its much sought after steady income stream free from meddling by elected governments. Its clout to rule the world will be amplified many times once it has power to tax.
Australia should stop funding the UN. Australia should stop funding their ABC, CSIRO and BoM that have so corrupted science. There is a new avenue in Australia to address corruption. The greens are already using the new Federal corruption commission to get PWC:
So here is a thought – why not use the NACC to address the corruption surrounding global warming saga and the huge waste of resources on trying to fix the weather.
I am going to prepare a report on the corruption on global warming and in the institutions that are peddling the nonsense that CO2 can impact on Earth’s energy balance.
My planned attack is on the BoM/CSIRO ACCESS climate model that produces rubbish. The CSIRO know their model produces rubbish but still use them to underpin policy.
The BoM, via the ABC, have just admitted parts of WA last month were the coldest and wettest on [their brief] record. That must’ve hurt them having to admit ‘cold’ still exists in 2023…
Good luck will you have right on your side.
But beware commissioner Paul Brereton has said will ‘call out’ those attempting to weaponise the commission whatever that means, sounds like a threat. Like to hear how go keep us updated . .
Don’t listen to Volker Turk
Climate zealot Pete Buttigieg 19th US secretary of transportation
Hi Jo,
How about blog hosting a competition to outdo the exaggerations of the UN by examples of the hyperventilating prose with superlatives?
Give the UN a more entertaining benchmark for florid words and phrases.
When promulgating your esoteric cogitations or articulating your superficial sentimentalities and amicable, philosophical, or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosity. Let your conversational communications demonstrate a clarified conciseness, a compact comprehensibleness, no coalescent conglomerations of precious garrulity, jejune bafflement and asinine affectations.
Let your extemporaneous verbal evaporations and expatiations have lucidity, intelligibility and veracious vivacity without rodomontade or Thespian Bombast.
Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, pompous propensity, psittaceous vacuity, ventriloquial verbosity and vaniloquent vapidity. Shun double-entendre, obnoxious jocosity and pestiferous profanity, observable or apparent.
It is the insuperable desire for the feeling of mental and linguistic aptitude that best stands in the way of communication. We laboriously elucidate, elaborate , and illuminate, in indecipherable phrases that merely serve to vex, perplex or flummox our interlocutors. In the process, the kernel of the message becomes intricately intertwined in the ludicrous livery in which we couch it. Therefore, despite the gratuitous gratification of pompous verbosity, the only constructive conclusion is that simplicity is key.
I win!

Why should we listen to a Lawyer who knows ‘Sweet Fanny Adams’ about Science and who says the Planet will be melting. The middle of this Century being some sort of target date for his ‘scientific informed’ concerns.
And not only that, we already have King Charles the Turd/Lord Mayor of London and their Climate Clock which says we only have 6 years to go before…………….The End when the Planet Melts (or something similar). LOL
Who to believe? Ho Hum…………
Considering that June 2023 ERA5 came out at 1.46C above the typical temperatures we saw in June in the preindustrial era (1850-1899), he just might be right.
C’mon Simon. You know that UAH is the only true measure.
More cherry picking of a time frame to fit the BS narrative. AND BTW, the pre-industrial era starts around 1750 and not 1850 when the Industrial Revolution was already powering (no pun intended) along. How about a time frame of at least 10,000 years and then look at the variations in climate temps and CO2 levels.
If that figure is accurate, we are already fried according to the soothsayers at the ewe N. (They really are sheep).
And a Hot Climate did not fry the Dinosaurs. And populations already living in Hot Climate areas on Planet Earth appear to be increasing in number. Ho Hum…………………
So what, even the most hardened climate realist will tell you the earth has warmed since the 1850’s or the end of the LIA. The earth has warmed about 1.5˚C (max) in about 170 years, big deal !!!
And where’s the bad Simon.
All the bad seems to be coming from you [snip]
Useless Nutjobs.
Neil Oliver says there are about 8000 of these idiots.
The ones who must rule over us all.
Nice racket they got there,would be a real shame if something happened too …them.
The natural affairs of men,will always lead to the rise of a parasitic class,whenever there is collective wealth enough to allow them.
We naturally put wealth aside for emergencies..
Parasites find a way to access that wealth.
They swell until they burst.
And then comes the cull.
faster harder.
Those who will not leave the rest of us alone..
Those who Know,know without doubt,that they shall run our lives for our own good…
Need to feel some pain..For they have no empathy or sense..
Only there pain and their suffering will teach them anything.
Sorry but what?
Here is but one example of “climate change” being promoted as a “human rights” issue by a major corporation.
Also see this garbage from the Australian Government. It’s obscene that they can get away with writing such obvious lies:
John Connor II
July 4, 2023 at 1:22 pm ·
But – here in the UK, we really only have one variety of ‘moron’ [smart enough to have all four appendages in the trough], albeit they come in slightly different flavours.
No sign here of anyone vaguely right of centre, vaguely sensible, vaguely in favour of small [modestly efficient] government, low, simple taxes, and fossil fuels [until nuclear can be approved and built].
“The UN is the dystopia Orwell warned us about. Time to end it and give us our money back.”
Which is exactly what Donald Trump has been saying. Which is why the whole Marxist world fears his return. They only had Paul Ryan to stop him and then Nancy Pelosi and the RINOS. And two impeachments later he is still standing. Soon they will have to sue him for wilful Climate Change by breathing.
They have already tried to sue Trump over “climate change”.
…and it shall rain frogs from the sky.
…and there shall be plagues of locusts.
…and the poles shall tilt and people fall of the Earth.
…and the sun will burn everything to black.
The rest of the day will be mostly fine, with light winds and a maximum of about 20C.
The interesting part about the global warming fiasco is that a global effort to arrest it can’t work. Every locality on earth has a different climate depending on many different geographical features, as said here. There is no “one size fits all” tactic to arrest climate change everywhere.
Some believe [it’s a religion, of course] that ‘listening to Doctor Greta’ works.
You and I know differently.
The only reductions in agricultural output (apart from regional droughts that have been happening since the earliest of times) are due to UN/WEF enforced agricultural restrictions to combat “emissions” and/or other government restrictions like the the new law in WA. Everywhere these agencies stay out of the way of the market, people innovate and find ways to prosper.
Volker Turk says there will be FAMINE.He’ll be disappointed if there isn’t,the UN has worked hard enough to ensure there is huge famine.
That cereal production graph doesn’t look good for Dave Duboyn of Adapt 2030 youtube fame. Anyone know him? He was one of the first climate skeptics I began listening to when youtube became a thing, but he believes we are in for climate change, just a cold one. And with that, food supply – namely grain production – is going to plummet.
He’s been banging this drum for a long time, but it never seems to happen. He’s a part of the Grand Solar Minimum crowd. He made some good content, I learned quite a lot, but I tired of him once I realised he is pretty much a doomsayer himself of another breed.
Also another big hint was he is into concepts such as indoor food growing and selling those survival packs. I mean, really? Anyone who tells you to grow food indoors or turn to permaculture, run. It’s a sign of something not quite right up top.
What IZZIT (is it ) about the UN and other NGO’s that they are centred around the German speaking part of Europe? and then have Austro- folk as their main “agent-provocateurs”. Seems like what I see on Sat-TV, that their progs on various matters / armchair travel, etc can be quite interesting yet nearly ALWAYS throw in the Climate Change bomb and then quickly cut n thrust to add injury.
Willis Eschenbach has included this graph from OWI Data and is headed” Share of global primary energy consumption by source”. And this clearly shows that in 2021 Solar is just 0.65% and Wind is just 1.17%. Or under 2% combined after wasting TRILLIONs of $ for decades.
If this data is correct then this proves conclusively that W & S will never replace Fossil Fuels EVER.
Here’s Willis Eschenbach’s full article and can Jo or David or Tony or anyone else check it out.
Are Wind and Solar a MYTH or not?
But they’re right about the Earth being immolated. They’re just about a billion and a half years too early, though, so rushing it a bit.
Reminds me of Paul Ehrlich, circa 1970, who predicted that over-population was going to kill a large chunk of the planet and destroy civilization as we knew it, starting tomorrow. No gray area. He was a real darling of the talk-show circuit for a time until everyone realized he was barking mad. Not too long ago Ehrlich tweeted that he may have gotten the prediction wrong, he had made no mistakes. Breathtaking lack of self-awareness, a trait common among the doom is nigh crowd.
He’s mad this bloke. You reckon he REALLY believes this stuff?