A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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FDA Admits it Had No Authority to Ban Ivermectin
“They laughed in the faces of those who wanted to take Ivermectin to treat COVID-19. They deemed it as simply a medication for horses with no real value. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) immediately jumped into action to prevent pharmacies from selling the drug. They threatened doctors not to prescribe the medicine and ran an effective smear campaign against Ivermectin.
A team of doctors recently sued the FDA for preventing them from treating their patients with Ivermectin, which was approved as a medication for humans in 1986. “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said on Tuesday during the oral arguments in the case. As you may remember, people were trying to buy this medication on the black market because no pharmacy would keep it in stock. The FDA effectively prevented the public from using a medication that may have been effective in treating the coronavirus.
Why? There is no money to be made on Ivermectin as it is a cheap generic drug. Fauci would not have been getting his extra royalties from Big Pharma if there were no vaccines. They could not have imposed vaccine mandates or prolonged the fear-mongering if the public knew that there was an effective treatment available. The Emergency Use Act ushered in the experimental mRNA vaccine. The act cannot be approved if there are other available medications. Once again, the FDA acted illegally to protect those in power and keep the status quo.
Ivermectin is so effective as treating various diseases that the founders won the Nobel Prize in 2015. “Diseases caused by parasites have plagued humankind for millennia and constitute a major global health problem,” the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute stated. “In particular, parasitic diseases affect the world’s poorest populations and represent a huge barrier to improving human health and well-being.”
“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it,” the FDA wrote on X (formerly Twitter) in August 2021 amid its smear propaganda campaign. People DIED because they wanted us to believe there were no available treatments for the vaccine. The lockdowns, masking, vaccine mandates, business failures, supply chain issues, and every other aspect of COVID that destroyed life as we knew it could have been prevented if the “science” permitted us to use a generic drug that has proven to be effective.”
Our TGA did exactly the same.
They banned doctors from using Ivermectin to treat Covid. That ban has recently been lifted.
They are quite up front about their reasons. They don’t even apologise!
Will anything happen now? We know who the culprits are. One of them has just been made Victorian of the Year.!
Reference here:
There was never a genuine issue of shortage of supply for Ivermectin, it is one of the world’s most common medicines and would be easy to ramp up production. They lied.
And it was never about safety either, it is one of the world’s safest drugs, and in any case, could only be obtained within Australia with a prescription under medical advice. They lied.
Dr Pierre Kory has written a book about Ivermectin.
The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic
By Jenna McCarthy and Pierre Kory
How I long to see the TGA and state premiers in the dock, with full disclosure and the fraudulent studies exposed for what they are. Dr Pierre Kory as a witness.
“Ivermectin is so effective as treating various diseases …”
About 2 years ago I tried to find how Ivermectin (and several other compounds) could help with a virus. After getting past the “head lice” use, I tentatively concluded that a lot of people have issues they did not know about and, so, their systems were compromised. By knocking out the parasites a person is stronger.
Parasites use receptor cells in our bodies to gain access. Many viruses use the same receptor cells. I understand that Ivermectin has several mechanisms by which it works, and blocking those receptor cells is one of them.
Jo wrote a very lengthy article on the many modes of action of IVM versus viruses, in particular COVID. All referenced. Just do a quick search of the subject on this blog. I think the article was posted during 2022.
Thanks Ross:
How many mechanisms do you need? Ivermectin works against Covid in 20 ways
Dr Mobeen Syad has an excellent 36 min video about this case and goes into the court transcripts in great detail.
It appears that the FDA is playing silly word games with the judge as to whether they really did prohibit its use or not. Prohibition is certainly how most people in the US intepreted it and even their lap dogs in Australia’s TGA.
I guess they are squirming now because of the real possibility someone is going to get personally sued for banning an effective anti-covid drug for no good reason and its banning caused people to die.
He is also being extremely careful because YouTube removed 60 of his Ivermectin videos and discussion on Google/YouTube about any positive benefit of IVM is still verboten. It will get far worse if Australia’s new censorship laws are passed.
Fauci might be able to claim immunity from prosecution as he is a public serpent and presumably can claim “sovereign immunity” which is also what the FDA is trying to claim.
However, in a bizarre arrangement, Fauci gets royalty payments from various products, possibly also covid vaccines in a personal capacity so just as he pushed harmful covid vaccines, he may have profited from them. A smart lawyer might be able to sue him personally.
Sorry I don’t have links handy (if they still exist) but the Japanese allowed IVM as a treatment option and there’s some pretty compelling data that it helped greatly.
If I remember correctly, Jo covered this at the time.
My personal experience with IVM:
I was sick as a dog in March 2020. I don’t know if it was Covid or not because I was never tested at that time. However, 18 months later I did test positive for covid exposure but had no symptoms. Back in March 2020 I self adminitered IVM and with in hours it was like a miricle.
My father in his 90’s tested positive for covid. He was real sick. He couldn’t get out of bed. He couldn’t lift his head. I didn’t think he would make it through the night. I made him take IVM and zinc. The next morning he was up and walking around.
I had a mare that was real sick. It was later confirmed to be West Nile Virus. I noticed that West Nile was listed as one of the virus’ indicated to be treated with IVM. It fixed her right up.
b-but the government said it, so it must be true.
then when the government says it’s not true, that is also true.
living in a totalitarian regime can be so confusing!
Adam Pankratz: Steven Guiltbeault’s net-zero plan is laughably impossible
…from the article..
..So Why is it a laudable goal ?
People keep forgetting the fundamental flaw in all these proposals…they are pointless !
Australia has almost never been blessed with good governments, state or federal, but today, all governments are our worst ever, and all are actively destroying Australia. If conservatives don’t start spreading the message of rationality, freedom and common sense, Australia is poised to become a Third World country, to be run as a prison colony by prison warders, just as Australia started.
In the US they also have their worst Federal Government ever, a continuation of the Obama regime, although they do have some good state governments like that of DeSantis in Florida or Abbott in Texas, the two states where the hopefully peaceful Second American Revolution might start to retake America. However, in extremis, a hostile takeover of the US Government is actually the type of scenario the US Second Amendment is intended to address.
John Locke, the most influential moral philosopher for the US Founding Fathers and whose ideas greatly influenced the writing of the US Constitution supported the right of The People to remove a corrupt government that no longer worked for the interests of The People. He wrote in Two Treatises of Government:
And in Concerning Civil Government he supported the right to remove such a government by force if necessary:
Let’s hope it doesn’t become necessary and it won’t if Trump wins the Presidency if he manages to overcome the illegal vexatious persecution and election interference against him.
It was an interesting and active thread yesterday about Australia’s proposed censorship laws.
It was disturbing, although not surprising, that the resident Leftists fully supported such laws.
It highlighted the fundamental difference between the Left and Conservatives and fellow rational thinkers whereby Leftists want complete control over everything including people’s thoughts and opinions; and conservatives believe in a diversity of thought and opinions. Strange, huh, considering it is the Left that pretend to believe in “diversity”.
Dr John Campbell presents his latest video about an actuarial analysis of excess deaths in the US.
Yesterday’s stories of totally unexpected deaths which, at this stage of reporting, came totally unexpectantly.
38 year old Brisbane cricketer
British swimmer
Pilot dies mid flight
The other side already have it covered, the Covid virus causes increased excess deaths, the fact that everyone is vaccinated is pure coincidence, everyone has had or been exposed to COVID and that is the reason for these sudden deaths.
JP talks about a US children’s indoctrination centre (school) where the children are being heavily propagandised with the rainbow agenda.
A great story of hypocrisy and virtue signalling resulting in a nice faceplant; from Eugyppius on substack.
One of the biggest tragedies happening today is when woke Leftist parents tell their children that they are in the wrong bodies and embark on a course of social, followed by hormonal and then surgical “transitioning”.
What they won’t tell you, and honest people will likely be banned from saying under Australia’s proposed censorship laws, is the huge amount of transgender regret plus the permanent mutilation and sterilisation of such children.
You have to wonder why the Left are so heavily pushing this cruel agenda, utterly based on junk science and junk sociology.
My niece “transitioned” her second son when he was 3. She home schools both of them and protects them from getting any viruses from other children. I am hoping puberty blockers get banned before the now 8 year old shows any signs of puberty.
Sir Michael Parkinson passed away.
I remember in the UK before he started his Chat Show in July 1971, that he did a late night TV programme where he did cinema film reviews called Cinema for Granada Television. It was good.
He did a great deal promoting the best of Australia in the UK with his Dame Edna and Sir Leslie Patterson interviews.
Over the last 50 years or so the changes introduced by the Left have been slow and incremental but relentless.
Now the Left have reached a critical mass in “elected” governments throughout the West and have infiltrated / infested all institutions public and private.
They are now implementing their dystopian, totalitarian changes at a furious pace, far faster than conservatives and fellow rational thinkers are presently able to fight them.
On the Ground in Maui: A Reporter’s First-Hand Experience of the Disaster and the Unanswered Questions
Woke Hawaiian Official Stalled Release Of ‘Revered Water’ Until It Was Too Late To Save Maui
Did their firefighters suffer the same restrictions as woke Australia and weren’t allowed to work as paid professionals or volunteers unless they had the vax? Mandates still apply TODAY.
Or is no one else as woke or as stupid as Australia?
Or is no one else as woke or as stupid as Australia?
How about BC Canada. Health care personnel who refused the vaccine still not able to work.
When Australia officially becomes an apartheid state with The Voice, I expect to see more of the second story with public water resources prohibited from use for firefighting or any other purpose due to claimed ownership by the hunter-gatherers.
While the war on religion has been obvious for some time it has manifested as isolated guerilla skirmishes which have been generally localised and not waged on a national front.
This blatant veneration of pagan worship toward water, to me, is a clear signal that the left believe they can now start the global war against western religion.
Close behind this Hawaiian example would be the voice where one of the Trojan Horse contents is the heavy leaning toward the spirit of the country with its Aboriginal symbolism of the rainbow serpent/snake…..
Man’s first run in with a snake didn’t end so well.
I suspect it’s the same snake.
For those interested there is the CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) conference in Sydney this weekend.
Everyone is welcome although warning for Leftists, there will be people there with alternate ideas to you that don’t conform to the Official Narrative and you will be badly triggered and go into meltdown and violence from you will not be tolerated.
Vax Facts – Truth or Misinformatoin
The ABC contribution here;
I would particularly like to keep a record of the embedded video,
which includes many gems such as Dr Karl saying:
I am concerned that the video will be taken down and disappear. Does anyone know how to copy the video?
There is a site here that should let you download YT videos without a Premium account. I haven’t tried it myself, however.
JC II also archives videos, perhaps he also wants to archive thst one?
If one uses Firefox browser, there is an add-on called Video Download Helper that will download and/or convert videos to other formats.
Unsure if it has geographic limitations , but for NH it seems to work all the time at least on a Linux platform. It doesn’t seem to matter where the source video is. The program downloads and converts them regardless.
Your mileage may vary.
I use FF too for “difficult” cases but you don’t need a plugin.
The act of saving videos is almost an art these days and I’ve spent a fair bit of time and effort finding ways and methods.
A thread in its own right…
Peter C,
I find yt-dlp works well. I use Linux, but there’s a Windows version at that website if you’re so afflicted. Command line only (at least on Linux), but that amounts to pasting the URL onto the command line.
I have no idea! 😆😆😆
On Android grab the .apk for the Newpipe app.
On Windows there are a few methods…
I have used a number of the screenshot apps on Apple Macs quite successfully. Get one with video function and just record off the screen. Save to your own files.
Ashampoo Snap includes a video grab function. Have used it a few times to snaffle short YT videos.
A nice list of people to prosecute in the future.
This is precisely how Governments lie and cheat with impunity! We are swimming in a sewer of deceit against a “1984 regime” with no way out! It is the sole reason for Mis/Dis Information Laws that will be enshrined in Law under:-(((
Please don’t let your last chance to object slip by. Spread the word or be dammed!
Don’t give up hope yet.
It’s not over until it’s over and they have killed we Untermenschen.
Also, see yesterday’s thread on the topic.
Various things here, including a comparison between Russia Today and our YSM.
Plus the spread of “North Richmond”
“Explaining Albanese’s YES case.”
“Uluru Statement from the wallet”
In regard to making Australia an Apartheid state, I am still yet to see a single advertisement for the “no” vote, I have only seen adverts for the “yes” vote.
I saw an ad on tv days ago with aborigines advocating the no vote.
Didn’t catch the website url though.
No is quite popular.
they don’t need to waste money, the yes adverts are doing the work for them by showing everyone why we should vote no.
It’s all happening now.
Nineteen Eighty Four, here we come.
Naturally, this legacy media piece presents it as a positive thing and a “done deal”.
Considering the ability of hackers to get into Government databases is this a good idea?
A digital ID future is unavoidable, and anything created by man can also be hacked by man.
Nothing is perfect, everything is flawed.
Programmers egos don’t equate to real world security.
I wonder what they imagine “…if implemented properly” actually means.
The Yanks have been busted again for interfering with another country’s democracy, just as they love to accuse the Russians of doing.
They threatened Pakistan with a tough time if they didn’t get rid of Imran Khan, as he refused to condemn Russia hard enough, but all would be lovely if they did. Of course they denied doing it, on several occasions, but the Pakistanis admit it happened. Not that it will help their local hero, who sits in jail and is banned from running in politics.
As of May last he…
“…..confronts a total of 121 cases nationwide. The charges against him include allegations of treason, blasphemy, incitement of violence, and involvement in terrorism.”
Sounds like the ‘get Trump’ playbook.
Good catch.
Its alright for India to be neutral but not Pakistan.
‘ … the US and its European allies didn’t like the prime minister’s “aggressively neutral position” on the Ukraine war.’
The Yanks are still adventurous, destroying democracies when ever they see fit.
Uniting Church recruiting?
“Police raid whistleblower who exposed flaws childcare abuse case”
Taxpayers should fund $300,000 UTERUS transplants to help transgender women get pregnant
The American Medical Association (AMA) has suggested that taxpayers should subsidize uterus transplants worth up to $300,000 to help transgender women get pregnant.
Arguments were made to reduce the cost of the surgery in its Journal of Ethics issue in June titled Patient-Centered Transgender Surgical Care.
But the AMA has been criticized for floating the idea and has been accused of holding an ‘activist position’.
It argued that trans women’s inability to bear children may cause them to experience ‘psychological dissonance’ which undermines their health and well-being.
It comes as doctors pioneering uterus transplants believe they are on the verge of allowing transgender women to give birth to their own children.
Then they can be called egg producers?
That’s the trouble with DIY – bits missing and left over.
Just add a womb and instant reproductive ability, forget the thousands of essential chemical processes needed.
Spend the money on the trans peoples mental health which is the real problem.
The medical profession has less credibility and more risk than the world’s oldest profession.
Of course – where’s it going to gestate? In a box?
They can have my shrivelled up one, after I cark it.
There’s a mental image I could have done without. 😁
Re “the world’s oldest profession.”
According to Louis Bromfield – writer and conservationist
in a reply to a WW2 letter –
“Agriculture is the world’s oldest profession – even older than the one you are thinking of”.
(Quoted in the introduction to a Geology course way back in BC.)
The real problem is all this climate BS is gobbling up the worlds supply of lithium, an essential medication for crazy people, that’s why we get all the gender dysphoria and whatever else.
“Stunningly Low Prices – A Visit to an Average Russian Supermarket
August 17, 2023 | Sundance | 61 Comments”
so easy to find out what is true now in Australia:
if the government says it, it’s true.
so, e.g. 2+2=4 is true if the government says it.
but if the government says 2+2=5,
then saying 2+2=4 is disinformation/misinformation.
‘Weight of evidence against Biden is growing by the day.’
‘Mounting evidence of corruption by the Biden family suggests Donald Trump’s phone call to Zelensky in 2019 was a far lesser crime that what Biden may have presided over.’ (Oz)
‘Per a new study, people who are less knowledgeable about the climate and environment are more likely to experience climate change anxiety (e.g., “I find myself crying because of climate change”) and distress compared to those more climatically, environmentally knowledgeable.
‘Conversely, people who are more knowledgeable about the climate and environment experience less anxiety and distress about climate change.’ (Notrickszone)
‘Per a new study, people who are less knowledgeable about the climate and environment are more likely to… be naive!
Educated but dumb, so many middle-class, vaguely normal-seeming people just believe completely in what some ‘trusted source’ tells them, with no thought for any alternative explanation or any inkling of research to check. “Oh, its hot today, must be global warming”
I figure they deserve all they will get, I should feel sorry for them but I’m a bit nasty that way.
The trouble is: we get it too.
A great story of hypocrisy and virtue signalling resulting in a nice Green faceplant; from Eugyppius on substack.
Is that what her greenie followers voted for: returning bits of stick? Ah, but it’s the smile and her bare bock that did it!
Oh noes! ( forget my geography – for effect ) maybe it was the jettisoned (?) fuel that fed the fires ……. (sarc)
Dr John Campbell – “Life insurers confirm excess young deaths”
Via Chiefio
In other words…. when you hear the phrase “Build back Better” is a covert meaning to DESTROY first ( in whatever form is necessary). Well, why this, and now?
UK TalkTV this morning topic – a Green MOD ? Well surely by the actions this now in Ukraine, and around the world, ANY Military action generally results in destruction with more direct Carbon release. … Green?
and then on my Gurgled wanderings: from a newsletter, Halligleben in der Klimakrise. nearest in ENglish: Living with North Sea floods – DW – 01/03/2020 . No the Link took me to Maui fires and “the user claims that he sees a connection between the wildfires, which caused a lot of destruction but did leave some infrastructure like roads intact, and a “smart city conference,” which took place in January.”
POINT is : how often have we heard such claims? Go back to COvid “Plandemics” .. even now Scottish Indep.TV is promoting the using of masks again for another “visitation”. SO we have Biowarfare and directed energy.
I put it to you all: How does a Bug come from nowhere and land on a specific target all by itself and cause Biological Lockdowns ? eg Birdflu in Turkeys on an East Anglian Farm at Xmas, the Nearest STRAIN of that Flu was in Hungary .. Planted ? Beginning of the Century, Foot N Mouth in UK. Late 1990’s TeaBliar’s Millenium Bug… It’s still on the go!
Friday Trump hater special: saying the quiet part out loud
Says it all…
Just watching Credlin on Sky showing clips from the Labor Conference and our PM advised the nation that we would get nuclear submarines and they would be operated by the Australian ARMY. God help us.
In the middle of my Parcel Courier Deliveries ( NON or Short supply now on a FRIDAY ) I get this email Attending work-based learning events will count towards school attendance.
CPD and all that, …..but delivery of the final goods / getting the ( notjob ) WORK DONE is summat else.
Some of my parts arrived – Like laces without 1 shoe – what can you do?
Anyway, Anyroad? This’ll make you smile: When urban folk meet the country…. L@@k , & Read. ( May need to Free register / sign in )