A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Vaccination against COVID-19 causes a marked decrease in immunity to heterologous pathogens
A study titled, BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous pathogens and Toll-like receptor agonists, set out to measure the quality of immune responses in children vaccinated with the Pfizer COVID vaccine.
Also, the US CDC admits that the vaxxed are more susceptible to getting the latest covid variant, BA.2.86.
It was discussed by Dr Philip McMillan:
SEE paper at:
Also, Dr John Campbell talks about how the covid vaxxed are more susceptible to getting BA.2.86 :
Fancy that, a “vaccine” that makes you more susceptible to the disease it’s supposedly meant to protect you against.
The CDC also says that if you have previously had covid, it also makes you more susceptible but Dr John doesn’t accept that, and it doesn’t seem plausible in any case.
Note to covid vaccine pushers: Time for your 13th dose. Go and get it.
CDC announcement:
The psychology behind this is fascinating. The public health Kommissars promised a “Safe and effective” vaccine and as time has gone on it is obvious that “Safe” means the companies producing this poison can’t be sued, and “effective” means Billionz of dollars flow to the company.
Now there is a “Sunk cost fallacy” at play. The govt can not admit to have been sold a false bill of goods. So they ramp up the rate of jabs till they get a “desensitisation” effect which facilitates viral transmission and pathology. Meanwhile they steadfastly ignore the 2-3 orders of magnitude adverse effects from the jabs and things like 11 sigma fatality events. I live to see the day when the hive mind wakes up to the “Problem Reaction solution” subversion this represents.
They weren’t deceived. They KNEW all along about the problems.
With the overwhelming evidence now in the public arena (and some doozies to come) to continue pushing these vaxxes is a CRIMINAL ACT, and now being premeditated, constitutes murder rather than manslaughter.
From the time the decision was made, supported by a declaration of 94% efficacy, to use these vaccines, the declared objective was to vaccinate the entire population.
This was always reckless at best. The objective should not have gone past half of the population until incoming information had confirmed the safety and efficacy of these vaccines.
AS things turned out on the efficacy front there is no justification whatever for mandating these “vaccines”.
None whatever!
Trouble is, those initial reports of ” 94%” efficacy were based on mathematical manipulation of the trial data. 94% is based on a RRR (relative rate reduction). When you look at the original trial data this calculation warps the actual results. ARR ( absolute rate reduction) should be the determinant for efficacy. For all 3 COVID jabs the ARR was no more than 1% (0.84 to 1.3%) reduction in the risk of being COVID infected. Which means if you’re getting 4000 cases of COVID per day, jabbing everyone would reduce that figure by only 40. Which means essentially the jabs were virtually useless in stopping transmission and infection.
Dr. Peter McCullough: “I have now published the largest autopsy study ever in that circumstance where someone dies suddenly after Vaccination. And the answer is – 73.9% of the time, it’s directly due to the Vaccine if they’ve taken it.”
“Unnatural evolution”: indisputable evidence for deliberate and systematic creation of circulating covid variants
On August 5th 2023 a Japanese research team published a pre-print that appears to contain the most important and shocking revelations of the covid era.
Atsuki Tanaka and Takayuki Miyazawa, of Osaka Medical University and Kyoto University, wanted to trace the historical evolution of the omicron variant of SARS-CoV2 by studying viral sequences found “in the wild” and deposited in public databases.
The authors also found exact matches to omicron variants in sequences originating from Puerto Rico which were deposited in databases in 2020 – over a year before the announcement of the discovery of omicron in South Africa.
Coupled with observations of implausibly low numbers of “silent” mutations in SARS-CoV2 variants, Tanaka and Miyazawa argue that all variants emerging since the original Wuhan outbreak are unnatural, and speculate that they represent an experimental program to test determinants of the infectivity and pathogenicity of SARS-CoV2 in the global population.
Preprint linky:
I’ve saved everything. 😁
Covid and flu jab autumn rollouts brought forward: Vaccines to be deployed in less than a fortnight over fears Pirola variant will overwhelm NHS
England’s annual flu and Covid vaccine drive is being brought forward due to fears the heavily-mutated Pirola variant will trigger a fresh wave and overwhelm the NHS.
The Department of Health and Social Care announced vaccinations for care home residents and vulnerable adults will now start earlier than scheduled.
GPs and pharmacies will begin dishing out the jabs from September 11, a full month earlier than originally planned.
The ‘precautionary’ move comes amid fears over the spread of the mutated Pirola variant of Covid, technically called BA.2.86. Health chiefs today confirmed a second Brit has been infected with the strain.
Ministers said they had made the decision to reduce pressure on the health service while scientists rush to learn more about Pirola, described as a ‘real deal’ and the ‘most striking’ that the world has seen since Omicron first emerged.
Biggest surge in Covid deaths this year: Number dying due to virus jumps 57% in a week – with experts already calling call for return of masks
More than 70 coronavirus deaths were recorded across England and Wales in just a week, official figures show.
Data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that 74 people died due to the virus in the seven days to August 11.
It marks a 57.4 per cent increase on the previous week when just 47 Covid deaths were logged — signalling the biggest surge in virus fatalities this year.
Scientists today warned that the uptick in deaths could signal that a new variant is spreading.
They also called for a return of pandemic mitigation measures, including mask wearing, and increased ventilation because of the virus’ resurgence.
Is their orchestrated pandemic getting a bit out of control then?
P.S. except for the unvaxxed…
When they say “up to six months”, reading the actual methods indicates they did not test any further.
Interestingly, the decrease in heterologous immune response was from AFTER the first dose to after the second. So there is no data for what happens to those with a single vaccine.
It seems that my twin grandsons who got the vaccine via breast milk in the first 2 months are getting sick a bit less now that they are 3.
Tribal Rangers Break Up Burning Man Climate Protest Roadblock
Essay by Eric Worrall
Apparently its not OK for climate protestors to stop America’s elites from attending important events.
Watch: Native American Tribal Police Bust Up Climate Change Activists Blocking Road to Burning Man
Nevada Tribal Rangers on Sunday plowed through a climate change protest that caused a miles-long backup blocking traffic to the annual Burning Man festival.
Video footage from Sunday showed the Nevada Tribal Rangers successfully breaking up the demonstration by driving a truck through the blockade. Close to 150 cars were reportedly halted on the only road to Burning Man due to the protesters.
But isn’t Burning Man fundamentally an activists “party” anyway .?
..and why didnt those truck and car drivers just do a simple off road diversion arounf the dumb ass road blockers ? ..looks like flat dry ground !
That would be too easy. How about of the Indians – ‘Get off of our Land’. Maybe the Aborigines here are taking note.
How likely is it that the government denied extra flights to Qatar Airways because:
– Alan Joyce (allegedly) did some favours for various MPs and their relatives?
– Albo and other ministers involved in the decision are looking forward to seats on the QANTAS board?
– Sheer incompetence by multiple people?
– revenge by some petty bureaucrats for alleged poor treatment of female passengers in Qatar?
– Albo is really taking a stand against slave labour in the Middle East?
– add your own reason!
Pre-pandemic, Qatar were very good value for money when travelling between France and Australia. Now, not so much, but then many airlines are still ridiculously expensive by comparison to then.
It’s a stitch up on the Australian Public. Does Australia buy Arab Oil?
So much for Tennis Elbow leading a Feral Guv’ment that promises to be transparent.
Two former competition watchdog bosses slam the decision to block Qatar Airlines – ABC News banner headline on TV this morning.
Richard Marles $3.6million RAAF VIP flight bill: 2GB host Ray Hadley lashes deputy prime minister in Uber dig
. Defence minister ran up $3.6million bill for VIP RAAF flights
. Data reveals 70 VIP flights via Avalon airport near his home
. Deputy Prime Minister says trip data is riddled with errors
Former Speaker of the House Bronwyn Bishop has criticised Defence Minister Richard Marles’ use of private flights urging him to pay up.
“One rule for socialists and one rule for everybody else and it gets worse if you’re an elitist socialist which is Mr Marles,”
She told Sky News host Paul Murray.
“We are talking about Geelong same area and … he’s using it like an uber.
“I think you should be doing some repaying.”
Bronnie criticizing other peoples travel expenses? I guess she would know
I think Government prohibited Qatar competing with Qantas as a reward for Qantas telling its customers to vote YES in the referendum to turn Australia into an apartheid state. Soon after the deal was done, Albanese was seen with Joyce on the “news” with one of the planes painted in “YES” livery.
See video of Albanese with Joyce;
And of course, Joyce give Albanese’s 22 year old son Chaiman’s Lounge membership had NOTHING to do with it, NOTHING:
Give the kid a break – he has to live his whole life knowing that Albo is his Dad. Tragic, really.
I shouldn’t do this. It’s against my principles, but it has been weighing on me.
I saw a quiz lately. One question was: “What was the last line in Gone with the Wind?”
No, it wasn’t Rhett saying: Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn!
It was Scarlett, saying: Tomorrow is another day.
I had not long ago (i. e. probably less than 5 years. Funny, that.) sat down and watched Gone with the Wind and I remembered that. And it is a good movie.
Now. Who remembers the last line of Arsenic and Old Lace?
Caption contest – the freeloader and the …
The freeloader and the grifter.
From Martin Armstrong on Hurricane Idalia –
“Thank you for all the emails concerned about the storm and my survivability. If I listened to the news, I surely must be dead, so I am writing this from upstairs. I hunkered down this time. I have had enough of the news for all they do is go to the worst place they can find and stay their. The last storm, I went to Orlando so I could be in the middle of it. Then, I did not know if it was safe to drive home, for the news never says anything about the places that are fine. I had to ask a worker in the hotel who said he drives to work each day, and there was no problem on I4.
Mainstream Media is just FAKE news on every subject. All they care about is ratings. They provide no actual public service. This time, I refused to leave, and everything was fine. The water barely reached my wall, and there was no flooding. I have been in far worse storms, even in New Jersey.
My home is a fortress. It is all block – not wood, and all the ground is covered in concrete. It would be nice to have a real news agency that would tell the truth without all the hype. I could not believe a girl on Fox News standing on a road in Tampa talking about seeing the storm surge 0 OMG. It was, at best 3 inches on the road.
Honestly, they offer no public service whatsoever.”
Meanwhile in Maui, the cover ups continue.
The purpose of the fence is obvious – they do not want people seeing body recoveries.
Dear Jo,
Re: Carbon dioxide cools.
This is thoroughly off the subject and any other posted recently. I apologize but don’t see a “contact us” button, so I’ll just get it out.
An opinion website, “American Thinker” recently published a brief article, “Button Up Your Overcoat,” on how, in detail, carbon dioxide is a cooling gas.
CO2 interacts radiantly in the troposphere overwhelmingly (99.83%) at about 15 microns wavelength which, by Wien’s Displacement Law (ca. 1890) is at 193K, or -80°C (-112°F). The paper notes every other cooling mechanism of the gas, and of fossil-fuel combustion, that turn popular fears about CAGWH on their head. Freeman Dyson, a brilliant theoretical physicist at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton University, claimed repeatedly that carbon dioxide is a cooling gas but did not explain why. The paper the product of about 8 years’ research, attempts to lay it out.
At least it has been published and word is out, more or less. Nobody seems to grasp its significance. I think we are talking Gordian knots.
If skeptics use the knowledge and oppose the warming conjecture with this knowledge, all of these draconian legislative proposals and onerous personal demands become meaningless and far more vulnerable.
I apologize for taking up all this space.
Tom Anderson, Eureka, CA, USA
Actually, I believe posting that kind of stuff are one the purposes of open threads like this.
I believe there is a lot about that whole purported mechanism that does not have an adequate explanation.
Energy is transferred by collision between molecules far faster than re-radiating.
So we know the short wave radiation gets past this effect in the first place. Is this because of the force the sun sends it?
So we know convection and the second law of thermodynamics sends the long wave radiation up. We know this is a far weaker source than the sun.
As previous measurements and experiments have shown, that convection is a far greater force than any back radiation at ground level.
so the lower atmosphere simply operates as an upside down Jenga set with convection lifting heat away from the surface, the more molecules to collide with, the slower the rise (humid versus a dry atmosphere is the effect we all feel and can measure)
so the only effect adding CO2 to the lower atmosphere can do is add is meagre 400 ppm to the far greater number of water molecules in the same column of air.
we also know that heat will slide sideways to find an easier path up though the atmospheric column. and that these less dense columns give off far more radiation at the top of atmosphere than those that are less dense.
CO2 may have a slight effect but its not in the way it is described and it is miniscule compared to water.
So what causes convection?
I know its not CO2 Rick
I thought it was CO2 and water vapour.
The ground warms the adjacent air which then rises (convection).
The radiative molecules close to the ground (ie the lowest 30 ft or so) absorb the Long Wave heat from the ground and warm the adjacent air by collisions.
Talking of convection, the world’s heat engine gets the chills.,0.96,1051/loc=166.671,-1.030
Tom Anderson:
If CO2 absorbs heat near ground level, it loses that energy by kinetic exchange with other gas molecules as these collisions and about 1,000 more frequently than the time of radiation of the CO2. Plank and Einstein in the 1910’s.
The net effect is that all the molecules in the air are about the same energy – you don’t get stung by hot molecules every so often. Of course the CO2 can also get energy by kinetic energy exchange.
The big effect of the greenhouse effect is from water vapour, which is anything from 25 to 100 times the concentration of CO2. But water vapour gets less with height (atmospheric lapse rate) and was well known in 1860’s by John Tyndall who discovered 20+ gases that absorbed infra-red as well as CO2. (He was also a mountaineer.) At the top of the atmosphere (Troposphere) there is less air molecules so CO2 can radiate a bit more than below. Some of the radiation goes downward (at 193K) and some goes outwards towards space. The net effect of increasing CO2 is a tiny amount of extra heat (infra-red) cooling the Earth. As we know from thermodynamics a warmer earth will cause more heat to radiate, except among a few believers who radiate excessively due to their inborn fears of losing credibility.
The lower atmosphere is warming, supposedly because of increasing CO2, while the upper atmosphere is cooling.
This is from one month ago but in case you didn’t see it, it is from Dr John Campbell and is about reducing risk of Alzheimer’s by correcting Vitamin D deficiency.
I’m surprised YouTube hasn’t censored it.
The Australian Government has a very cautious attitude against Vitamin D supplementation warning of its dangers of overdosing, which of course only happens at ridiculously high levels of intake. Best not to upset Big Pharma.
But contradicting itself they say:
What are the symptoms of Vit. D toxicity?
G’day Dave,
I can’t answer your question directly as I approached the problem from a different angle, looking for both a safe intake rate and a safe but high blood level. But that gave a re-assuring general answer: the side effects are minor and reversible merely by reducing your intake.
I started out carefully on 1000IU per day and upped it to 10,000 IU per day until I reached just under 200 nmols/L (80 ng/ml). No side effects.
When our state was re-opened I again increased my intake to 12,000 IU per day, again without side effects, but my blood level went up to over 280 nmol/L which was above my target level of 200. So I’ve now cut back to 8,000 IU per day, expecting my blood level to reduce towards my target.
Hope that helps.
Dave B
“Australians tend to meet their vitamin D needs from the sun”
I suspect this is not true. Many people are not out much in a state of undress. I am not in AU, but I wear a hat, long sleeves, and long pants just so I will not get lots of sun.
There is an outdated wiki page for AU:
Vitamin D deficiency in Australia
It’s a big country but up here in the tropics I get more of the sunshine vitamin in winter than summer. It’s just too hot in summer to be in direct sun.
That’s right unfortunately.
Just face and forearm exposure isn’t enough.
Being overweight seriously decreases vit D synthesis too.
A bit of “high amount of skin exposure” sunbaking, out of peak uv times is the way to go.
There are other benefits, in the IR spectrum (a topic for another day) and from early and late in the day exposure than can’t be obtained from a pill.
So get those shirts off and shorts on and get outside!
“So get those shirts off and shorts on and get outside!”
This could rival or even outdo the aesthetic horrors of massive pylons and cables across our wide brown (and if your advice is followed, pink/hairy) land.
In the 90’s when we spent a year in Oz, the schools were totally paranoid about sun exposure. Kids who forgot the hat with the skirt around it were kept inside for recess and lunch.
Some of my thoughts on Australia’s future, or lack thereof.
Where does Australia’s future lie?
*Agriculture is being shut down because the government prefers to empty irrigation water into the sea. And Greens and other leftards want to shut down animal production. Dams are close to impossible to get built. No vision for large scale irrigation.
*Industry is being shut down due to expensive gas, electricity and feral unions plus unreasonable regulations.
*One of the world’s most fanatical beliefs in anthropogenic global warming and fanatical commitment to unreliable and expensive weather-dependent electricity production.
*Rocks (minerals) can be sourced cheaper in Africa from the numerous Chinese colonies there. And Greens want to shut down the coal industry. Why would the Chinese keep buying from Australia?
*Tourism for overseas visitors is very expensive as it is for locals. It is cheaper for locals to holiday overseas.
*Tertiary education is currently a good export earner but comes at the cost of extremely dumbed down degrees which are impossible to fail thus damaging Australia’s reputation long term.
*Commercial fishing has been made difficult or impossible by excessive regulations hence large fisheries imports, many from disgusting fish farms in Third World countries or polluted waters.
*There are severe restrictions on exploring for oil and gas.
* Nuclear electricity production is prohibited.
*We have some of the most expensive real estate prices in the world due to lack of policies conducive to decentralisation.
*The welfare system is unsustainable and many choose a life on welfare, especially some new immigrants who will never work as they have no employable skill.
*High levels of immigration from some people who will never assimilate or work and contribute nothing but trouble.
*Foreign borrowings by government are massive and it’s difficult to see how they can be repaid.
*There are more and more regulations affecting every aspect of economic and other activity and Nanny Statism is out of control.
*The government has a fanatical commitment to implementing virtually every decree from a corrupt and incompetent and Third World oriented UN which actively works to destroy Western Civilisation.
*Mismanagement of C-19 during the plandemic plus refusal to allow treatments such as HCQ and IVM. Economic destruction as a result of massive government spending and forced shutdowns.
*A public service which is afraid to give independent advice but merely state what the government wants to hear. All appointments at a senior level given to government sycophants.
*Australia has no worthy leader like Trump and we have little hope but to become a third rate Western-style country such as Venezuela.
*The government, even supposedly conservative ones, spend without constraint.
*I’m sure I have missed many issues in this short list…
But there is hope. Conservatives- stop being silent about this! Don’t let the Left totally destroy the country.
Sounds like you are all suffing from a case of Kalifornia Syndrome
If Australians want to save themselves they must stop voting for Leftists and their self destructive Leftist policies. Stop voting for so called ‘conservative’ parties because they can easily turn hard Left, support conservative policies. Stop voting for the Left, folks.
Prosperity is the enemy of the Left.
Leftists like Turnbull, with his virtue signalling causes … or squander spenders like Morrison blowing the budget?
The Liberal Party came to the conclusion that what they should do is out spend the Left and leave nothing behind for the next government.
Morrison blowing the budget?
That is fair comment, because he capitulated wholesale to the circumstances that he found himself in. He made no effort to change them.
But those circumstances arose from the peculiar election of 2013, where fabulously wealthy Clive Palmer funded The Palmer United Party to campaign to the “right” of the liberals, i.e.more conservative, and win a seat in the lower house for himself and four seats in the upper house, which gave the PUP the “balance of power” in the upper house, to be taken up on July 1 2014.
A large portion of Clive Palmer’s wealth was tied up at the time in a court case against Chinese interests which he eventually won.
To the amazement of all, when it came time for the PUP to take their place in the Senate Clive Palmer announced, standing on the steps of OUR Parliament House with Al Gore at his elbow, that, among other things, the PUP would “protect” the RET. With the central plank of the election campaign being the abolition of the Carbon Tax, everybody had forgotten that the RET was also a carbon tax.
So the PUP, having been elected campaigning to the right of the Liberals, on taking up their seats supported the left. They switched sides.
This, surely, was one of the most momentous events in Australia’s political history, and none of the commentariat noticed.
That was the “tipping point” for the AGW scam all around the world.
So how did Al Gore persuade the PUP to switch?
I never understood that business with Clive Palmer and Al Gore … possibly there might be some common vibe frequency that will tune in all grifters simultaneously.
The Australian Commonwealth debt to GDP has been trending upwards since 2008, but it briefly looked like it might get under control around 2017 or 2018 and then blew out completely in 2020. Pretty sure the Liberal Party did some of that … not all.
Clive’s legal issues “went away” a few months after he had dinner with Gore and agreed to allow the secret CO2 tax to go through parliament. He was suddenly awash with royalty payments that had been stopped.
I’m sure that was just a coincidence.
Agreed Dave.
And our politicians are mostly so evil and so stupid, I bet they could even teach Kaliforniastani politicians a stupid or evil thing or two!
I’ve seen the attitudes that begat this being around for more that 50 years. Difficult to turn that sort of ship around without a massive collapse. Far better to organise in the background – a movement that is largely disconnected and independent and self supporting and self financing. I have these visions of The Squire of Gothos and the like (visited a number of times in SF) – an oasis that survives.
Look into an organisation named My Place, many branches in all Australian states. I have attended several meetings – very informative and encouraging.
Yes, but that kingdom was an artificial construct devoid of real substance and incapable of existing in the real world surrounding it, and it was destroyed almost as quickly as it was created.
Much like the WEF and their fanciful plans and schemes, driven by illusion and delusion, that will implode as well, never to be seen again.
No trump? Maybe. But give One Nation a chance their policies address every item you mention. If you don’t vote for what you want you will never get it. Keep voting the Uniparty in for Australias demise.
Here ya go DM. An alternative view of the “1984” scenario.
I’m sure you’ll find it interesting.
A scene from the 1981 movie My Dinner with Andre laid it all out for us, our future human condition under a coming beast system, in terms that everyone could understand.
In that movie one of the characters provides a chilling perspective on the world from his vantage point in 1981 and where he saw it going. As it turns out, we can say with confidence, 42 years later, that whoever wrote this script was spot on. It’s so accurate, in fact, that one has to wonder if the CIA fed this part of the script to Hollywood.
3 minute clip.
Full movie:
Here’s an idea!
There are too many trees in the world so why not chop them down and sequester them and harvest the carbon credits?
This is not a joke.
This company wants to thin out forests which they say are overgrown, and store unmerchantable timber in geological vaults to harvest carbon credits.
Bill Gates’ Climate Fund has invested in it.
Styxhexenhammer comments in the following video and also suggests that if it must be done, at least carbonise the trees and use the charcoal for soil improvement to make terra preta (a soil enrichment technique once utilised by natives in the Amazon).
“carbonise the trees”
This reminds me of the old hot dog electric cookers.
Except we will need bigger ones.
Here’s another idea: Harvest the big ones and sequester the carbon by building homes with them. Timber homes last a century if painted and hardwood even longer.
I’m in a timer framed home [couldn’t afford timber floors and walls] and it is ideal for the climate.
“Harvest the big ones and sequester the carbon by building homes with them.”
The double effect is that it reduces the demand for bricks & concrete slabs, which are high-energy, high-CO2 products. Gets rid of floor tiles too, timber bearers & tongue & groove floors, so saving more CO2 there.
Makes far too sense, so it won’t happen!
So you are agreeing that CO2 is a major problem and that concrete is a major contributor to that problem.
Building with timber in a termite infested country, is the only solution to a nonexistent problem.
You sure you’re on the right blog?
You don’t appear to realise, you are agreeing with the communists, or do you?
There is no give in this debate, any loss for us is a win for them. That’s how I see it, and that is how they see it.
Sell the wood for BBQ and home heating and here’s the trick … claim carbon credits for the coal-powered electricity that people were going to use for heating and cooking but didn’t because they switched over to the wood fired economy instead.
Hey … up here for thinking!!!
“Rolling blackouts again threaten Alberta and Texas on Tuesday”
That fickle wind – again blowing somewhere else!
EPA v. The Grid
A week after FERC commissioners warned about a looming “catastrophic reliability failure,” the EPA issued rules that could devastate the Mother Network.
On May 4, members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission delivered stark warnings to the members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The agency’s acting chairman, Willie Phillips, told the senators, “We face unprecedented challenges to the reliability of our nation’s electric system.”
FERC Commissioner Mark Christie echoed Phillips’ warning, saying the U.S. electric grid is “heading for a very catastrophic situation in terms of reliability.” His colleague, Commissioner James Danly, averred that there is a “looming reliability crisis in our electricity markets.”
Danly continued: “The subsidies available to renewable generators are so lucrative that, when participating in procurement auctions, they are able to offer at a price of zero instead of their actual cost. The market signal thereby created is that these new resources can be built for free, and thus the cost of power is also free. This, of course, is untrue, and the inevitable consequence is market-wide price suppression. The price suppression deprives other market participants of much-needed revenue, leading to the premature retirement of the dispatchable generators which have to offer into the market at their true costs in order to remain viable.”
It’s not about renewable power, it’s about control.
It’s not about renewable power, it’s about control.
It’s not about renewable power, it’s about control.
It’s not about renewable power, it’s about control.
It’s not about renewable power, it’s about control.
It’s not about renewable power, it’s about control.
“Major Media Plans a Massive Collusion-fest to “Get their Stories Straight” on Climate Change”
Carefully timed for the 2024 US Presidential election so they can coordinate their propaganda against the likely candidate, Trump.
At least now everyone can see they are just a lock-step propaganda arm and not an investigative news media at all.
The Left are at War against the food supply of non-Elites, e.g. the promotion of insect eating in schools and elsewhere, restrictions on farming practises such as fertiliser use, irrigation, land clearing, expensive energy etc. which will become FAR worse when/if Australia passes a Constitutional amendment to become an apartheid state.
Just look at what happened in Western Australiastan with the “Aboriginal Cultural Heritage” laws that required farmers and land owners to get permission from indigenous people (at a huge “consultancy fee”) to dig/plow deeper than 50cm into their land, fortunately now rescinded. (As the Apartheid laws will be in the Australian Constitution, only Activist Judges on the High Court would have power to rescind an interpretation like that which of course they wouldn’t.)
Anyway, the latest target of the Left seems to be one of the cheapest and most nutritous and healthy foods there is, the humble chicken egg.
Law changes in Australia will ban cage eggs causing a dramatic price increase as has happened in New Zimbabwe.
I personally decide to buy free range eggs but the cage option should be available for people who can’t afford them. Notice that the Left don’t care less about the plight of the poor?
Also, even though living in a cage doesn’t seem so pleasant by human standards, as most Australians will know from the world’s most severe covid lockups, if the chickens were truly distressed by such circumstances, they wouldn’t let eggs.
Ref: Insects in schools.
“Let” should be “lay”.
An unauthorised alteration by software.
“1,600 Scientists Humiliate the Climate Ghouls Once and for All”
“Fact checkers et al”
“Here’s This Month’s Trove of Censored COVID Articles”
“‘Complete Nonsense’: Americans Mobilizing to Fight Surging Wave of COVID Hysteria 2.0”
“Lefties losing it”
“A Dangerous Escalation In The Russia-Ukraine War”
The big threat NATO has to counter is nuclear war. Pskov is a strategic nuclear bomber base. That would explain the attacks.
“From the Baltic region, either the maritime region or the states of Estonia and Latvia, at least 21 drones took off and hit the Pskov air base 50 km from the border with Estonia. Turkish sources even provide details of the NATO operation. The Russians are talking about a coordinated NATO attack. Yesterday, besides Pskov, six other areas were hit. A total of seven. This is the most massive and coordinated attack against Russia.”
Who do you blame for drone warfare? The British SAS and the Yanks? Estonia? Its a long way from Ukraine. This will lead to the most intensive developments in battlefield robotics.
The push from NATO and Yanks for some noticeable gains before European autumn freezes the battlefield (and Biden’s election) means Ukraine has thirty thousand troops in and around the narrow corridor they have driven into the Rabotino front, their best and most experienced brigades. Now there are calls for Russia to use nuclear artillery shells and destroy the Ukrainian army all at once.
“The village of Rabotino in the Zaporizhia region is an ideal place for the use of nuclear weapons. This was stated by the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, General Andrey Gurulev.”
Ukraine to review all draft exemptions – Zelensky
Kiev wishes to expand conscription as casualties mount on the battlefield
US headed for ‘hot war’ with Russia – Tucker Carlson
Washington is angling for open conflict for political reasons, the former Fox News host has said
The US proxy war against Russia is likely to become an open war within the next year, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson said on Wednesday. The ruling Democrats need the war to keep power and too many Republicans are willing to go along, he added.
“They will do anything to win,” Carlson said in an hour-long interview with radio host Adam Carrolla. He argued that another coronavirus lockdown is unlikely, as too many people would refuse to comply, so “they’re going to go to war with Russia, that’s what they’re going to do.”
“There will be a hot war between the US and Russia in the next year,” Carlson said. “I don’t think we’ll win it.”
“We’re already at war with Russia, of course, we’re funding their enemies,” he added. The US has allocated over $130 billion for Kiev over the past 18 months for weapons, military equipment, ammunition, and the salaries of government officials.
Tucker Carlson
Ep. 20 Hungary shares a border with Ukraine. We traveled to Budapest to speak with the country’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán.
30 Mins 26 Secs – as always Excellent
And if Putin is allowed to have Ukraine, where do you expect him to stop? Belarus? Poland? Hungary? Germany? Turkey? Alaska? Canada?
Russia started a war of liberation, Ukraine is starting WWIII.
Have I got it right?
Yep, there is a first time for everything.
War of liberation?
Where do you fit The Holodomor into that?
“We Have Turned Away Inventory”: US EV Market Struggles As Cars Pile Up On Dealer Lots
Millions Of Brits Told Not To Heat Homes At Night As Part Of ‘Net Zero’ Climate Goals
If it helps as spring and summer approach I will help fight the warm weather by cooling my home at night.
Of course all that will happen is that the heat pump will move heat from inside the house to outside but I’m always happy to help!
Friends of Science Newsletter #394 30/8/2023
Topics include:
Oceans Retain Methane: Very Little Danger of Methane Reaching Surface
Climate Modelling in Australia
Flood Volumes Decline with Global Warming
Offshore Wind Farms are Altering Marine Ecosystems
Climate Models Don’t Conserve Mass or Energy
21st Century Global Disasters
The World Is burning Ever Less, Fire Is Ever More in the News
Interesting who is blocking access to ?
So, they were practicing Pandemic a lot.
I hadn’t heard of this one.
“SPARS 2025-2028 a Johns Hopkins 2017 detailed outline scripting a worldwide pandemic scenario, how governments can better impose control over citizens and merge cooperative efforts into a permanent global body into technocracy”
(Quote from the JHU site, first link.)
Jeez, this appears real.
Apparently they LARPed what to say if the vaccine for the LARP Pandemic ‘harms’ people.
You’ve made heroic sacrifice for ‘science’.
Almost as heroic as the heroic communicators and heroic ‘creators’ of the vax … but not quite.
Many incisive posts recently and this has inspired a mini-ping.
Thanks Jo.
This lady explains it for those that need visual explanations.
Our friends the fact checkers admit the document is real.
But, once again that Alex Jones trouble making conspiracy theorist is irresponsibly implying that it was a ‘plan’ …
as opposed to an innocent hypothetical academic exercise that co-incidentally just accidentally by chance happened to mirror actual events.
Does JHU’s massive endowment come from lottery winnings?
Thousands of kids missing in Maui as walls go up to hide the truth
Fire breaks out in overhead locker on plane after phone battery catches fire …
Germany: Record amount of shrinkflation and deceptive packaging helps hide inflation from consumers.
There fell this 25th day (after a drought of near four months) so violent a tempest of hail, rain, wind, thunder and lightning, as no man alive had seen the like in this age: the hail being in some places four and five inches about, broke all the glass about Lond
March 7th 1658: This had been the severest winter, that man alive had known in England. The crows’ feet were frozen to their prey: islands of ice enclosed both fish and fowl frozen, and some persons in their boats.
June 2nd: An extraordinary storm of hail and rain, cold season as winter, wind northerly near six months.
Horror of horrors, the winter of 1661-2 was exceptionally warm! Obviously global warming started before any of us realised. Luckily, the Charles II’s Government had a knee-jerk magic response up its sleeve:
January 15th 1662: Was indicted a general fast through the whole nation, and now celebrated at London to avert God’s heavy judgement on this land, there having fallen so great rain without any frost or seasonable cold: and not only in England, but in Sweden and the most northern parts, it being here near as warm as at midsummer some years. The wind also against our fleet which lay at great expenses, for a gale to carry it to Portugal for the new Queen [Catherine of Braganza]; and also to land the garrison we were sending with the Earl of Peterborough at Tangier, now to be put into our hands, as part of the Queen’s portion [her dowry]. This solemn fast was held for the House of Commons, at St Margaret’s: … The effect of this fast appeared, in an immediate change of wind, and season: so as our fleet set sail this very afternoon, having lain wind-bound a month.
Today’s MSM – “EVER” ! 😆😆
Not unusual when you change your diet
More yoghurt
l would just like to point out for those who dont know that Jo is doing a great job on The Aussie Wire
“Joanne Nova joins us with perhaps some good news… it seems that the realities of the ‘Net Zero’ madness are starting to hit home, at least in the UK, and politicians are fast waking up to the fact that opposing ‘Ultra Low Emissions Zones’, ‘Net Zero’, and other anti-human policies is actually good politics. Perhaps there’s hope for the ‘Motherland’ after all…”
Just watched it, now there is a site nobody watches.
Cattle Australia are urging the Meat and Livestock Authority (MLA) to review CN30 and further adhere to it. CN30 is carbon neutral footprint by 2030 which probably some dimwit politician or bureaucrat has signed us up to. So here you have supposed leaders of an agricultural industry wanting to reduce the competitiveness of their industry by feeding Australia’s cattle seaweed. All that to reduce methane- which you measure in ppb, oxidises to CO2 in the atmosphere anyway and overlaps its radiative absorption with water vapour. Plus, any methane production by cows/ sheep etc ( burps/farts) is exceeded by natural causes such as termites. It seems the higher up you go in any industry the more likely you are to be brainwashed by the climate scam. Direct quote by a Cattle Australia rep -“International efforts are focussed on limiting warming – we should be doing the same.”
The NAtional Farmers’ Federation is the greatest enemy of regional Australia. They are a bunch of elitist nerds.
And what is a nerd? I haven’t been able to find a definition that fits my observation that the term first came into use on Wall St in the early 1980s referring to the “thunderin’ ‘erds” that with their investing follow the bloke they think is in front.
New Apple AirPods patent can monitor the wearer’s brainwaves and other biosignals-
According to the latest list published by the United States Trademark and Patent Office (USPTO), Apple has obtained an AirPods related design patent, which can monitor electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyography (EMG), Electrooculogram (EOG) and other biological signals. Apple also stated in the patent that AirPods can be used to monitor … electrocardiogram (ECG), galvanic skin response (GSR), blood volume pulse (BVP) and other biological signals.
Well, what could go wrong? I mean, if it can receive brainwaves I’m sure it can transmit them as well…
Rishi Sunak, PM of the UK [I know, we change them like you do your socks], has had a brainwave … and has appointed Clare Coutinho to the ‘Energy Security and Climate Change and Nut Zero’ portfolio in HM Cabinet.
She replace Grant Shapps, who is now on his Fifth Cabinet job in a year.
Coutinho has an Oxbridge degree in Mathematics and Philosophy.
I’m sure she won’t go native – she may even be able to tell the difference between GW and GWh …
[As I write, per, the UK is getting – ta-dah – 1.56 GW from wind.
And 4.55 GW from solar.]
Demand is 32 GW; you do the sum.
What I’m seeing on a general across the board level is an issue of intention versus action. The left \ greenies \ warmies \ wokies think that morality is all about intentions whereas the right are very much conscious of actions (ie reality) and their consequencies. We see it with all the climate nonsense. And we see it with The Voice.
Legislating the Voice has become an ‘unhealthy obsession’ for the PM
There has been a “mysterious” outbreak of airline pilot deaths from cardiac arrest as Dr Philip McMillan comments.
What could it be….?
The airline industry is obsessive about safety and the health of commercial and military pilots, even if a pilot has hypertension, but are not worried about the one thing known that they are forced to take with a 1 in 35 chance of cardiac complications?