A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Dr. John Campbell muses on the Nuremburg Code.
Couldn’t guess why.
And then there’s possible leaking about leaking.
Something C than ends in A was upset about someone working for C that ends in A, determining that something leaked when it obviously was totally proximal. And might receive compensation for developing a new opinion.
He is so good! If I ever need a lawyer I reckon I’ll ask him, he can state the obvious in a way that completely avoids sanctions. We need the Nuremburg code for ‘things that have happened over the last few years’
And here is someone not answering the questions we all want answered. He works for a big U S department.
I wonder how much compensation we are due for their reckless disregard for our lives and the ruination of our economies?
As a result of several intercolonial meetings the pre federation heads of Meteorology in Australia agreed to standardise the recording of temperatures in Stevenson screens. The BoM often gets credit for this but the plan existed decades before the BoM did. Stevenson screens offered the most reliable shade but were not perfect. They documented back then that they knew it had accuracy problems to do with the long thermal lag of wood. They decided to do it anyway even though using zinc to make the boxes would have had less of the thermal delay problem. Zinc was expensive and they wanted to be compatible with the British royal society.
A plan was hatched to compare screen types in all capital cities and many comparisons in places like Darwin and Adelaide were done between types. However they soon found a better method. Swinging a thermometer in a sling got rid of the delay via very rapid airflow past the thermometer. So comparisons were done between sling thermometers and assorted wooden screen types. Sir Charles Todd documented the monthly averages from the comparisons he did in Adelaide in his year books. The first head of the bureau of meteorology describes the sling thermometer here.
This means that many ACORN trend adjustments can actually be checked and replaced by reality right now.
With new types of screens and data loggers the swinging sling can offer a real comparison to the past to replace ACORN errors. The BoM are bringing in new plastic screens, new thermometers and new data loggers right now to replace the decades old electronic data loggers, wooded Stevenson screens and may also upgrade the type of platinum resistance thermometer which is connected via underground cable from the Stevenson screen to the electronics in the data logger.
This video from the BoM had no views at all until i found it. They describe the comparison plan underway right now but it seems to lack the connection to the distant past.
“011615 Jane Warne Virginia Mazzini When is an observation not an observation”
Presentation material document that goes with that video.
Why would the BOM want to do that when they have a perfectly good system for adjusting the records right now!
I notice it is referred to as “Blairs ACORN-Sat” @ 13 minutes 48 in that video.
Charles Todd explains the sling thermometer and other comparisons here from 1898.
Important also in his 1899 book he adds a second Stevenson in a more open location and notices it produce higher readings than the Glaisher Greenwich stand often at 3PM.
More info. on Libya disaster.
The map the BBC shows to support claims of 400mm of rain in 24 hours appears to show less than that in 3 days in the vast majority of places, most of it is over the sea?
Regardless, this area had a history of such catastrophic floods with similar claimed rainfalls (300mm), so the dams were built many many years ago but were inferior – embankments of soil and stone, which seems to have ‘solved’ the issue until now when the upper dam failed, taking out the lower one too.
This was a man-made disaster from a predictable weather event, indeed, a report a year ago warned of the danger as the BBC admits.
“A research paper published last year on the hydrology of the Wadi Derna Basin highlighted that the area has a high potential for flood risk, on the basis of likely historical flood volumes, and that the dams needed periodic maintenance.”
The BBC could have looked harder and further.
Correct link.
The state of Germany’s Politics : Elections soon, but can anyone explain this thingy apparently since 2002? will it be coming to a Station near you, soon. Saw it on their NEWS Prog tonight …. looked / sounded like it was their MSM pointing you in certain direction to vote. Wahl-O-Mat and Woke-O-Mat: guiding German voters ! Wow!!
They offer a large spectrum of the poltcal parties in form of questions you answer out of the lot of proposals and finally offer the party you should elect following your answers. as help for the coming elections.
They got the idea from Elbow’s power savings marketing!
“Trudeau Pricing”
“NOAA USCRN August Temperature Anomaly for Contiguous U.S. Released – Where’s the “Climate Emergency” ”
“Blow Your Nose, Peasant: FDA Drops Ineffective Decongestant They Forced On Us After Restricting One That Worked”
“Big government is so comprehensively useless and needlessly intrusive that even when it does something that seems on the surface to be a good and needed measure, it all too often turns out to be just making matters worse. That was the case on Tuesday, when the FDA declared that phenylephrine, a decongestant found in popular brands including Sudafed PE and DayQuil, doesn’t work. It has actually been public knowledge for years that phenylephrine didn’t work, but the government previously forced it upon us by restricting the sale of pseudoephedrine, which does work but can be used to make meth. Penalizing law-abiding citizens in order to take ineffective measures against the manufacture of illicit drugs? That’s Washington all over.”
I find pholcodine useful for my dry cough [gave up smoking 50 yrs ago] but they’ve banned that too. No alternative suggested.
Absolute stupidity from Von der Leyen, or arrogant cynicism? The head of the Govt-subsidies Champion of the World!
“EU accuses China of flooding electric vehicle market-
Europe, a global powerhouse in manufacturing combustible engine cars, has been gradually losing the race in producing electric vehicles in the Chinese market to domestic players. “Their price is kept artificially low by huge state subsidies … this is distorting our market.”
So she starts a trade war with China using the following words-
““Europe is open for competition. Not for a race to the bottom.””
and of course taxing Chinese imports will just start a race to the bottom, and both economies will be worse off.
And as expert immediately proposes subsidies for European manufacturers to combat Chinese subsidies..
On Monday I posed the question “Is the Reserve Bank privately owned or does it belong to the Government?” I thank all of the respondents for helping to develop my understanding of the answer and the major issues arising from it.
It is clear to me now that the RBA is definitely owned by the Commonwealth Government but that it has a hands-off relationship with the RBA by giving it total independence. This leads to further questions in my mind as to whose interests are then really being served by the RBA.
For the record, John Connor II gave the best explanation on Monday in his post #1.6. His link addressed the ownership question very well and his second link gives important information about money and other things that are the prerogative of the bank. The thing that interests me most is how money is created. Before I delve into this subject, I want to look briefly at both the FED in the USA and the Bank of England.
The FED is definitely a 100% privately owned institution. The US Federal Reserve is not owned by the US, is not Federal, and has no reserves. A very detailed coverage of banking history going way back in time can be found at this link . The obfuscation, conflation, confabulation, and ignorance concerning who owns the FED is staggering. I won’t try to go into it , but it may be even more involved than Memoryvault suggests about the WEF and the so-called Deep State on Wednesday in post #1.3.2.
It may interest readers that the Bank of England is also not owned by the UK government, but is in fact owned by private entities. The history of how this came to be is also covered in the link above and is most interesting. The BoE is considered to be the model on which most of the world’s central banks are based. The role of the British Pilgrim Society is also pivotal.
What is it that ties all this together? It seems to be the creation of money. In particular the practise of Reserve Factional Banking and the charging of compound interest on monies loaned. This leads to imaginative schemes whereby the issue of unlimited amounts of money can be created at will for governments of all persuasions and so enslave their people to the bankers. Not real money, since the gold standard was scrapped by Richard Nixon, but fiat money that ends up being worthless due to inflation. In other words, we will all be debt slaves and “own nothing and be happy” (Schwab, WEF) in the long term.
The RBA is no exception and is, like the FED and the BoE, leading us all down the garden path.
Further reading: The Road to Serfdom by Hayak.
This is a good read about the formation of the fed.
Doco format
Look into the the Bankers bank, the bank of international settlements. (BIS)
Certainly explains the wars since the formation of the Fed… Join us and be raped or try to use gold and be murdered!
This is why BRICS exists, large enough to stand up to America and they realise how the Yanks enslave the world. It will be interesting to see if they can come up with a better system.
Sorry, wrong. It is the Brits that enslave the world. The yanks are merely their proxies. Research the British Pilgrim Society.
The correct technical term is Fractional Reserve Banking.
Flat White
Planning for power failure
Rafe Champion
In south-eastern Australia, the capacity of conventional power has run down to the point where there is just enough to meet the peak of demand at dinner times in summer and winter. Occasionally, it falls short and a bit of invisible load shedding with the, in my view, Orwellian-sounding Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT) scheme keeping the problem out of sight of the plebs. Essentially, big users power down (with compensation) to prevent blackouts.
When the supply fell seriously short in June last year, we had to burn gas at crippling expense. Despite this warning, the latest AEMO Statement of Opportunities projects that 60 per cent of our surviving coal capacity will close by 2030.
How will this work? When Hazelton closed in 2017, the market operator warned that we were travelling without enough spare capacity to be comfortable. The closure of Liddell brought us closer to the brink.
States and nations around the world, from Britain and Germany to Saskatchewan and Texas, are reaching the critical point stage where subsidised and mandated wind and solar power have displaced enough conventional power to cause blackouts when the wind fails. This is because unreliable energy can displace coal and gas from the energy market, but not replace them.
What will fill the gap when we lose 60 per cent of the current 20GW of coal capacity? That is 12GW which admittedly needs to be adjusted downwards because the coal plants mostly run well short of 100 per cent capacity, but it is a ballpark figure to get the discussion started. Besides, we expect to need a great deal more power by 2030.
More wind and solar capacity?
The official plans call for as much as nine times the current provision. Can anyone seriously envisage the people in the country allowing that to happen?
And there are serious wind droughts lasting whole days and nights, sometimes several in a row, when there is little or no wind across the whole NEM. To be sustainable the system has to maintain supply through several days when the windmills deliver less than 10 per cent of their installed capacity. No affordable or feasible amount of overbuilding will compensate for the lack of wind.
Three strategies, known as the ‘Holy Trinity’, are advanced to overcome wind droughts. The first is interstate connectors to carry spare power across the country, but these do not work when the drought extends across the whole of the NEM and there is no spare wind anywhere. The other two suggestions are pumped hydro storage and batteries.
Pump hydro is not a serious contender because no significant scheme in the world is powered by unreliable energy. Snowy 2.0 will probably never be built, and if it ever runs, modelling for The Energy Realists of Australia suggests that the output will be a great deal less than the amount claimed in the business case and the cost will be much higher. That was before the cost explosion!
All the batteries that are installed and in the pipeline will only provide a fraction of the power required to get through the 12-14 hours when the sun is off duty on a windless night.
Suicidal Power Planning
Has AEMO lost the plot?
How this situation has been allowed to proceed this far is an astounding failure of political leadership and, quite frankly, common sense.
Furthermore, it is a plan to transition our country from a safe, independent, cost effective and reliable NEM to one that exposes us to almost complete dependency on China for equipment supply and the risk of cyber attack. One cannot imagine a worse outcome.
The competency of AEMO and CSIRO’s complicity in this fraud needs urgent investigation. An independent royal commission composed of technical and economic experts is needed to impose accountability. The scale of economic damage already being imposed on all Australians is immense and growing.
The Integrated System Plan produced by the Australian Energy Market Operator is supposed to show the way to the green energy transition. In 2022 a team of independent experts convened by James Taylor, supported by The Energy Realists of Australia, subjected the ISP to forensic analysis. In August this year Claire Lehman reported some serious shortcomings in the plan in The Australian newspaper.
James Taylor has provided a commentary to summarise key points in the reliablity assessment of his team and also Lehmann’s contribution.
Both the commentary and Claire Lehmann’s article are essential (and accessible) reading!
It is hard to find the words to do justice to this situation, surely the worst public policy blunder in our peacetime history. James has done his best:)
Something else to bear in mind. Since 2020 The Energy Realists of Australia sent a series of notes to 800+ state and federal MPs and over a hundred journalists to warn them about the problems and pitfalls with net zero.
These were written in layman’s language, backed by fully professional modeling of Snowy2.0 and othe parts of the plan. If you get the opportunity, ask them why they ignored the warnings.
Farmer Gez
Sep 9, 2023 8:50 AM
I was forced by a transmission line proposal to get to know AEMO.
This quickly led to disgust at their behaviour and a lack of practical knowledge of anything outside the big bubble of transmission planning and an improper focus on big company investment in the ISP.
They are an unabashed player and proponent in the renewable sector when they should be energy source agnostic as an operator and planner working on behalf of the power user.
The CEO Daniel Westerman comes across as an overexcited telemarketer for the renewable product. How is it appropriate that he calls for renewable investment in the system at the exclusion of any other generation source?
The entire organisation is in urgent need of review and should be stripped back to a regulatory role alone.
The conflicts involved with a private not for profit company (60% government owned) being so involved in the corporate/investment sphere were always inappropriate and have directly led to the huge backlash to AEMO’s ‘Big Build’ from landholders and municipalities, who have been quite deliberately locked out of the planning and decision process until the last moment.
AEMO, in their insular arrogance’ decided that a Gerry McGuire “You had me at hello” strategy was best for the common folk on whose land they intent to plant the forest of towers that the renewable corporate sector will harvest through your power bills.
They fortunately have a minister in BlackoutBowen, whose rational intellectual skills are minimal, driving a steamroller of government mandatory regulation, hooked up to a gravy train fully loaded with keen corporates hoping to enjoy a taxpayer funded, subsidy driven, free ride with lots of buffet style profits along the journey to 2030.
With a few exceptions, it’s been left to farmers to fight this network of vested interest driven by political desperation.
Fight we will.
OldOzzie mentions this:
When you read ‘media’ articles about how pumped hydro is one of our future ‘saviours’ when it comes to power generation, be very very skeptical.
Besides the fact that it is actually a net power consumer, it has been around for ages now, and is used so rarely as to be almost non existent.
Consider this.
Tumut Three in ‘The Snowies’ came on line in 1973, so it’s been in operation for 50 years now ….. and keep that 50 years in mind here.
It operates at a Capacity Factor (CF) of around 4.2%. (and no, that is not a misprint)
Now, the thing about CF is that it can also be used over time. In other words, CF can be used to equate to Nameplate. So, if ALL wind operates at a CF of 30%, then that means it delivers on average 3083MW.
OR ….. OR
The equivalent is that it delivers its total Nameplate for 30% of the time, so over a whole year, that’s the equivalent of 110 days. (and that is a ‘theoretical’ equivalence because wind NEVER reaches its maximum, NEVER)
So, getting back to Tumut Three pumped hydro plant, that 4.2% CF means it delivers its full power for around ….. 15.33 days a year, so for just 368 hours in total of operation per year.
So, see how little that ALREADY EXISTING asset is being utilised.
Okay, remember I mentioned to keep in mind that 50 years of operation.
Over its 50 years of life, Tumut Three pumped Hydro has delivered generated power (for grid power consumption) around the same power as Bayswater coal fired plant has delivered in ….. TWO YEARS.
And here, also keep in mind what I mentioned right at the top, about pumped hydro being a nett power consumer.
Across those 50 years of operation of Tumut Three, it has consumed more power than it has delivered.
So, if pumped hydro is considered to be one of the future answers for power delivery, umm, then someone is asking the wrong d@mned question.
That hardly matters. Having some water to pump back uphill provides a market for cheap coal generators to keep their turbines running when, otherwise, they would need to vent steam or cool their boilers, inefficient ways to run a power station.
When I explained to a warmy that pumped hydro works for coal, not renewables, his head exploded.
…. Did anyone watch the SBS , 3 part documentary on “Building the Snowy” , last week ?
There was much of interest with old film of construction of the original Snowy Hydro scheme from 1940s up to 1970+. With background to the reasoning and politics involved.
Unfortunately, italso contained much propaganda for the Snowy 2 project, including an admission that the Turdbull anounced $2 bn cost was never realistic, with $6+ bn being openly known at the start. ,!
Also touted was the planned capacity of being able to support “ maximum output” for a period of 175 hours (1 week+)….with the implication it could backup a whole week of cloudy, windless, power to the grid !!…..but..failing to mention that its actual maximum output will only actuaally be 2.0 GW !
Whilst i actually believe PH is a good thing in any grid to improve overall efficiency of thermal plants, it is very obvious thet SN2 is a poor value option and that those in authority do not understand its actual capabilities and limitations.
Victor Davis Hanson: Is America Destined to Fall Like Rome?
This Is How Republics End
The western world once more in lockstep as USA expands “Native Sovereignty” at same time as the Voice.
‘ … historic investments in the Indian Health Service, Tribal public safety, affordable housing, education, and more.’
Fair enough, they are not changing the Constitution.
Dreyfus admits Voice will address Treaty. Start around the 6:30min mark.
And Laura T doesn’t even ask the obvious question and lets it slide.
Just heard Mitt Romney is not running for re-election of his senate seat. He knows he has stepped in it with conseratives, and will be primaried out.
I just got say: Don’t let the door hit you in the ….
Sales Of Apple’s iPhone 12 Banned In France After Watchdog Finds Excessive Radiation Levels
The ANFR, the French agency that regulates radio frequencies, said that following testing it ‘ordered Apple to remove the iPhone 12 from the French market from September 12 because the model exceeded the limit’ for electromagnetic absorption by the body.
The ANFR said accredited labs had found absorption of electromagnetic energy by the body at 5.74 watts per kilogram during tests simulating when the phone was being held in the hand or kept in a pocket.
The European standard is a specific absorption rate of 4.0 watts per kilogram in such tests.
The ANFR said its agents would verify that iPhone 12 models were no longer being offered for sale in France, starting Wednesday.
An article from 2021 indicates that COVID-19 can effectively be treated using antibiotics
The article entitled: “Increase of SARS-CoV-2 RNA load in faecal samples prompts for rethinking of SARS-CoV-2 biology and COVID-19 epidemiology”1 was published in F1000Res in May 2021 by an Italian group with no COIs.
Our results indicate that SARS-CoV-2 replicates in vitro in bacterial growth medium, that the viral replication follows bacterial growth and it is influenced by the administration of specific antibiotics.
Could the people who died ‘from’ ‘COVID-19’ have been saved if they’d simply been treated with a course of antibiotics
If the pandemic was real then why wasn't every worthwhile treatment used?
Why aren't all those illegal immigrants flooding the EU and USA required to be vaxxed?
Any genuine health crisis, and they would be.
Imagine it was Ebola instead of flu-pneumonia-Covid.
Things are not as they seem, but slowly the big picture emerges.
The “Ziverdo” protocol includes Doxycycline as one of it’s three components. This is an antibiotic and operates by means of temporarily jamming ribosome operation.
Since all life on Earth depends on proteins, and those proteins are built by ribosomes … Doxycycline effectively prevents creation of new life … or in low doses at least slows it down. This includes everything from small to large, although the exact shape of ribosomes varies and the jamming effect is not the same for all species. As you would expect, some bacteria have already started routing around this, by mutating differently shaped ribosomes which are more difficult to jam.
Humans, being large and slow to reproduce, can tolerate higher doses than bacteria with their short lifespans and fast reproduction. A virus can only reproduce by means of taking control of the host ribosomes, therefore the jamming effect also slows down virus reproduction.
Matrix, 1970 version by Douglas Mason
Looks like AI monitored, 15 min cities to me.😎
Ahead of its time, and 30 years ahead of “The Matrix”.
People who dump on miners as exploiters [OK some might be in Africa] should watch this vid to see what it takes to start up a modern mine. The rest can simply be amazed.
I believe Biden loves miners!
Oops, that should be minors.😆
2024 in one picture
Fursday funny: oldies and dog owners can relate
I can relate…
In QT today, I asked Labor’s Environment Minister if she’d stop approving new coal and gas mines.
She said ‘No’.
In a climate crisis, Labor backs *more* coal and gas mines.”
now, if it was a real ‘climate emergency’ don’t, you think they would stop approving gas and coal?
but of course they won’t, because (1) it’s not a real emergency; and (2) they just do what they’re told.
1000-year-old ‘non-human’ alien corpses shown to Mexico government
The alleged bodies of two “non-human” beings were presented during a congressional hearing in Mexico, generating a mixture of surprise, disbelief and ridicule on social media on Wednesday.
The purported mummified remains were exhibited in two small display cases — the first time the Mexican Congress has officially addressed the issue of possible extraterrestrial life.
The alleged corpses, which had a greyish colour and a human-like body form, were brought by Jaime Maussan, a controversial Mexican journalist and researcher who reported finding them in Peru in 2017.
Maussan cited carbon dating analysis by the National Autonomous University of Mexico that he said showed “these beings are around 1000 years old”.
About as convincing as tomorrow’s BOM forecast…
I don’t get it. If these beings are able to traverse the vastness of space, how come they crash when they get here?
Senator Price is an outstanding politician.
“Marcia cautioned me prior to the address, saying that I should not draw a link between the high rates of Indigenous community violence and the acceptance of violence within traditional culture,” she said.
“Her suggestion is that there is no correlation. My experience screamed otherwise.” (Senator Nampijinpa Price)
Interesting snippet from their ABC
Karvelas, and ABC journalist and radio announcers says that she calls out falsehoods when she sees it. She then calls out Dutton, leader of the conservative opposition, for claiming the academic Prof Langton sympathises with Labor. She claims that its demonstrably not true.
This is what Langton said in an interview 6 years ago.
The two are conservative (if you’re not rabidly left, you are conservative) MPs.
Something written by Bess Price
Gold star to R.B for consuming the ABC-” he dares go, where a lot fear to tread”. 🙂
Thanks Ross but I was put on to it. Can’t afford a new tele every week.
Scientists create robot with fungus for skin. Living tissue over metal endoskeleton
A pair of researchers have created a living skin made of fungus, directly inspired by the 1984 film “The Terminator.”
The goal is to develop a coating that could act as a biodegradable and multifunctional sensor for electronics, as New Scientist reports. Conventional electronic sensors made of silicone tend to be difficult to manufacture and often are limited in how many things they can detect at once.
“There’s this scene in ‘The Terminator’ in which they implant the skin on the robot,” Antoni Gandia at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain, co-author of a recent paper, which is currently under review, told New Scientist.
“The skin is external to him, yet it reports data to the robot and auto-repairs,” he added. “We wanted to show that we can already do things like that.”
In their paper, the researchers call it a “living, self-regenerating, and reactive Ganoderma sessile mycelium” that turned a “model cyborg figurine” into a “bio-cybernetic entity.”
Can’t wait for real AI!
South Africa & China to Build Base on the Moon. (Not Babylon Bee)
The South African National Space Agency (Sansa) announced that a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Cen Xiaodong on behalf of the China National Space Administration (CNSA), the Ambassador of Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of South Africa, and Humbulani Mudau, the CEO of Sansa, marking SA’s formal entry into China’s International Lunar Research Station program.
The research base is expected to be completed by 2030.
They can’t keep the lights on – with 8+ hours a day “load shedding” i.e. rolling blackouts – but they going to build a base on the moon by 2030. That’s 7 years for the maff challenged. Because moon-bases is the priority for a country with 40% unemployment, housing crisis, power crisis, water crisis, infrastructure crisis, political incompetence, collapsing currency, and rampant corruption.
Maybe they’ll build it on the permanent dark side of the Moon.😆
Have just come to a realisation of how fundamental the left’s lack of borders \ barriers effects their attitudes and approaches. What the left are doing is extending their internal policing to the external sphere. That’s why they are going after anyone who deviates from their orthodoxy. They don’t have borders so they regard everyone and everything to be within their jurisdiction. It is also why they attack anyone who disagrees with them in any way as they see that as them being ostracised from their own kind. And it’s why they are so fanatical into totalitarian control, censorship etc.
Borders requires strength of moral character. Something that the left eschews and attacks. It also requires respect. Likewise they don’t give basic human respect.
“Ultra Right Beer vows to ‘fight the communists’ in Georgia with limited-edition can featuring Trump mugshot”
“The CDC Pushing COVID Vaccines for Those as Young as 6 Months for Cold Season”
But then this “vote of confidence” (/s)
“Florida Advises Against New Covid Boosters For Most Age Groups, Citing No ‘Sufficient Clinical Evidence’ ”
How about doing this yourself first, to set an example of what you demand out of everybody else?
(London, UK) Mayors’ initiative calls for car, dairy and meat ban by 2030
A climate change initiative, spearheaded by London Mayor Sadiq Khan, is recommending against buying more than three items of clothing a year, privately owning a car and flying more than once every three years. The C40 Climate Leadership group comprises, in its own words, “a network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis”, and has commissioned a report making suggestions for how cities can halve their greenhouse gas emissions by 2030…
Yes, introducing our very own C40 cities. Fill in the blanks – Sydn_y, M_lb__rn_. Follow the leader as usual.
(Canadian Environment Minister) Guilbeault’s China Council backed by an organization that funded eco-terrorists
The China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development receives funding from an organization founded by a British hedge fund manager who has previously bankrolled the radical Extinction Rebellion group…