It’s not now and has never been, about your health
Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London is forcing workers to shell out thousands of pounds to buy new cars or fill his tax coffers with the £12.50 daily fee for driving slightly older models. Some will have to give up their cars altogether — and for many it means a profound change of lifestyle. Yet what’s it all for?
The Mayor’s own team shows it will achieve almost nothing, yet he’s doing it anyway. It’s not now, and has never been about “the science”. The results of research are entirely optional apparently:
SADIQ Khan’s hated ULEZ expansion will add just 13 minutes to the average life expectancy, it emerged today.
Noa Hoffman, The Sun
Research by the Mayor’s own team in collaboration with Transport for London has found the scheme’s impact will be “minor” and “negligible”.
It’s predicted to only cause a 1.3% reduction in the average Londoner’s exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
And it would add just 13 minutes to the life expectancy of a Londoner in 2023, according to the Channel Four News Fact Check service.
A defiant Mr Khan insists the policy is critical to improving air quality.
An extra 13 minutes is “transformative”?
A spokesperson for the Mayor said: “The science is clear – the impact of the ULEZ expansion will be transformative.

Ulez is expected to make almost no difference to air quality in London. Click to enlarge. See Stop for more details.
The ULEZ (Ultra low emission zone) charges are projected to bring in £2.5 million a day to City Hall. That’s a nice bonus for Mr Khan to be used for all kinds of pet projects to “win friends and influence people”. Ulez will also add nearly 3,000 new cameras to the streets of London and get the riff raff off the road and onto buses where they belong.
Apparently there are two convoys protesting Ulez on Sunday in London — the PetrolHeads in vintage cars and hot rods are coming.
People are angry:
UK citizens are furious Sadiq Khan is installing ULEZ (Ultra low emission zones) recognition cameras throughout London…
This is a direct attack on the poor…
Citizens are fighting back by cutting them down as soon as they’re installed
— Pelham (@Resist_05) August 31, 2023
The unintended (?) consequence of this will be people avoiding the zone, and businesses seeking friendlier places. This will happen faster than the supposed benefits.
If the objective is to reduce the overall emissions, has anyone of these numbskulls bothered to calculate the carbon footprint of selling an older car in order to buy a new one, ICE or otherwise?
I think the real reason is to clear the roads so he and his mates can put down their pryer mats with impunity – they can’t if there are cars about.
Proof of the ULEZ lie.
The exempt cars are pre emission control so if anything they should be banned, not given a free pass.
Will that 13 minutes of extra life bs offset the life shortening of 24 YEARS from Fakevax ™?
An extra 2.5 million pounds a day for the London bureaucracy is certainly transformative.
It was Boris Johnson who set this up, why don’t you blame him?
He is against its extension but a stupid idea in any case.
Your man Kahn is in charge now, imposing the Left’s mad dream (nightmare) on people whether they like it or not.
Shows the emptiness of both sides in perfect detail. A stupid idea bought up by Johnson, expanded stupidity by Kahn, and the moment he is not in power with ‘his’ idea Johnson suddenly believes it is stupid. If Kahn got kicked out tomorrow he’d be saying its a stupid Conservative idea…
What can you really say about Boris the buffoon? A marshmallow.
The point is that this piece of legislation has been around for nearly a decade, and now it is a problem. None protested when Boris introduced it, did they
but it is the Left….. you have fired that shot too many times
Uhuh, as you say ” imposing the Left’s mad dream” seed sown by BoJo.
For once PF you have a valid point. Net Zero was also pushed by BoJo. What it reinforces for me is that politicians really are not the arbiters of power we think they are. Within the City of London there was obviously a group of climate alarmist council workers who produced this crazy policy. It was then BOJO’s job to begin implementing, then it just got passed onto Khan. Yes Minister (at council level) strikes again. Have a look at your local council, there’s probably a full time climate change “ officer” doing equally nutty things.
Of course, it depends if you believe that the lying oaf Johnson is a rabid right winger as espoused by the Guardian and BBC, or in truth, a left wing metropolitan liberal.
And to correct you Ross, the City of London had nothing to do with this although I concede that there are plenty of eco-morons there, this is from the Greater London Authority and Transport for London.
Bipartisan civil disobedience against the political class might become a festering sore.
As the UK slips into Recession I can’t see any of these restrictions holding up.
The “true” pollution reduction associated with petrol driven vehicles occurred many decades ago alongside the clean-up of coal fired power generation.
Many oldies could possibly remember the stink of early vehicles which went after the fuels were “de-leadified” to some extent.
Foreign countries using mostly motor bikes were marked by the overpowering stench of chemically polluting petrol until they cleaned up and got rid of the problem.
That’s mostly “it”. To say now that CO2 and H2O currently given off is super dangerous is merely being a control freak.
Having said that; diesel might be another thing.
Control, damage and dominate is their driving force; they don’t care one jot about the ‘vironment.
Oh yes, I can clearly see how the population has become far sharper and more intelligent since we took the lead out of petrol…
🙂 SarChasm rules.
Indeed we have seen a huge uptick in common sense these last 10 years or so didn’t we? 🙂
KP: Populations do become less violent when lead is taken out of petrol. For evidence see
The supposed 13 min reduction in life expectancy is dodgy anyway.
Consider all the extra stress (which has a huge impact on life expectancy) of: not being able to afford a new compliant car, being dependent on public transport, not being able to come and go when you please, total loss of a formerly independent lifestyle, losing independence and personal mobility, becoming a virtual prisoner in your own home, etc..
These changes will particularly affect the poor and elderly.
Welcome to the Left’s utopia, who ultimately don’t want any non-Elites to own affordable personal transport anyway.
It’s like my AUD750.00/annum I’m saving since Liebor took the reins of power…absolutely splendid I tell ya…
Where did all these fact checkers come from?
I don’t remember them before.
“Fact checkers” (sic) are paid Leftist political propagandists in a vast majority of cases.
Excellent article here:
“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.” ~ Mark Twain
Media is not an honest profession. More akin to prostitution than fact.
Think for yourselves. Media is selling an ideology or position. Get smart or get gone. Media are bought and paid for.
The mainstream media [MSM] is totally responsible for this.
At the end of August 1600 international scientists issued a declaration dismissing the existence of a climate crisis and insisting that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth. Many years ago a group of 60,000 scientists declared that Man was not responsible for Global Warming.
What the mainstream media reported was ‘97% of scientists agree Man is responsible for Global Warming’. This was a survey of 72 Climate ‘Scientists’, 70 agreed and 2 didn’t!
This is just one example of the constant barrage of propaganda in the MSM
In the UK it is used to justify ULEZ; 15 minute cities; closing cheap reliable coal-fired power stations, electric cars [there are not enough resources to build them, or electricity to power them]; and crazy ‘green’ schemes. ‘Green’ policies are in the final stages of destroying most Western economies.
Why is the media so biased? One credible suggestion is that oligarchs like George Soros want a global government and need a global calamity to justify it. It is so tedious running one country at a time when you can run the whole lot from a single point. Certainly it suggest there is a powerful force in play [WEF]
[Bill Gates did well with the WHO where it will take over many governments with the next pandemic, which is probably already in the lab!]
[Oh, and of course Big Pharma’s ‘the vaccines are 100 % safe and effective’, and don’t let anyone say otherwise, literally]
Although it was issued very quietly and the time for response is closing quickly, our Canberra overlords have put out an (in name only) consultation paper on “Preparing for, and responding to, future pandemics and other international health emergencies”
This directly addresses the WHO takeover. the ‘Other International Health Emergencies’ is what gets me and is their open door to using climate change for further lockdowns and draconian tactics.
I’m wholeheartedly tired of the agenda that is being pushed supported by rubbish, paid for ‘The ScienceTM’ yet it seems that there is no way to stop being steamrolled.
🙂 🙂
97 papers refuting the Cook Consensus.
Consensus is not science. It is politics. “0.3% climate consensus, not 97.1%”
Only 41 out of the 11,944 published climate papers Cook examined explicitly stated that Man caused most of the warming since 1950.
Poke a sleeping bear long enough and it will react. Good to see Londoners rejecting a government decree not just by word but by deed. I wonder if we will be as physical next time a decree that intrudes is introduced. Our farmers are at least having a go at delaying if not defeating the Madness of Bowen.
Another no-campagne looks set to topple a Labor Leader of no consequence!
I think it was about 1993 that Saab ran a controversial advert where they claimed their car whizzing around London streets was emitting cleaner air from the tailpipe than went in. Maybe not entirely true in all respects, but since then engines have become massively cleaner. The eco fruits are always very careful to quote pollution from all road traffic, haulage, buses and taxis included, because the contribution of private motor cars is tiny.
That 13 minutes reduction is a very dodgy, loony’s wet dream and should be ignored by an anyone who understands and values proper logic and reason.
The stress and interruption to the poor and every old person’s travel plans would far exceed that stupid guess from the Kahn idiots’ parasites and crawlers.
But why would anyone vote for this crazy Malthusian loony in the first place?
I don’t advocate breaking the law in general such as the destruction of these ULEZ cameras, but at what point do people fight back against impending totalitarianism as we increasingly drift toward Fascism, National Socialism or Communism which the Left are rapidly progressing towards?
John Locke saw it as not only a Right, but as a duty for an oppressed people to fight back against an oppressive government. He influenced the US Founding Fathers such as Thomas Jefferson who wrote in the US Declaration of independence (hence the US Second Amendment):
I am impressed that at least some of the UK people still have some fighting spirit left in them. John Locke and Sir Winston Churchill would be proud.
David >”at what point do people fight back against impending totalitarianism”
Newt Gingrich says now:
American Despotism
We are faced with a totalitarian cancer that will have to be confronted and defeated at every level.
by Newt Gingrich, September 6, 2023
Easier reading at Zero Hedge.
American centric but they’re another exemplar i.e. look to those (UK, USA) to see what follows elsewhere.
The Reader’s Disgust condensed version of Hayek’s “Road to Serfdom” is available as a free download from
As is a cartoon version illustrating the concepts.
In fact, Road to Serfdom was the second volume of Hayek’s “The Abuse and Decline of Reason”.
It’s title was inspired by the writings of Alexis Charles Henri Clérel, comte de Tocqueville who wrote “But one also finds in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to want to bring the strong down to their level, and which reduces men to preferring equality in servitude to inequality in freedom”. (Often misquoted, mistranslated and misinterpreted.)
And what ever you do don’t recommend where it’s possible to buy one of these battery driven tools of destruction at any one of 100 DIY stores for only the low low price of 59.99. The cost of which can be dissipated amongst two or four like minded patriots!
13 minutes?
Is that calculated with or without COVID vaccination?
The precipitous rise in excess deaths for UK appears in the graph at 4:16.
We’ve learned that ‘public health’ is not about the public’s health.
Get those petrol driven chainsaws going now and cut down those camera poles. Nice work.
Actually it would appear cordless angle grinders, tree branch loppers and expanda foam are some of the main weapons of choice. Plus, apparently just a ratchet wrench and ladder.
Angle grinders too noisy, a set of pipe cutters looks like 3 or 4 inch required, no noise at all. To buy new expensive keep an eye out at flea markets and old plumbers tools sales ( me be old plumber) you never know when they may come in handy. Remember Cool Hand Luke he was using a set of 2 inch pipe cutters to remove the heads of parking meters.
The lady “cleaning” the car in Cool Hand Luke used more than a pipe cutter to prevail.
As the old Rigid tool company (make heaps of plumbers tools) add used to go “some day you may need a Rigid Tool”.
I like lots of noise to wake up Plod.
Hopefully the UK’s PM is starting to wake up to their so called net ZERO idiocy and not before time.
New North sea oil and gas leases are going ahead and so will new airports across the UK.
Meanwhile the loony Biden donkey’s criminal waste of TRILLIONS of $ on TOXIC W & S will only weaken the USA’s stand against China, Russia and Iran etc.
So give up your car and use things like the London underground to save the planet and your life.
New study reveals high levels of pollution in London Underground
“PM2.5 concentrations in the Underground network were approximately 15 times greater than in the surface and roadside environments in central London.”
“On top of these small particulates, there are also high levels of gaseous pollutants in the air, including ozone, O3, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2.”
If the mayor of London is really worried about our health, I suppose they’ll have to close that down as well.
Yes, been like that for more than 50years. You can smell the ozone and the metallic tang the moment you arrive on a platform. I was wondering recently as I did my common free-hand grinding of steel with a battery grinder, why can you smell the dust coming off? Is it something in the disc, carborundum and epoxy, or the steel dust itself that smells.
I’ve always associated the stink of the underground with metal particles.
Steel wheels on steel rails?
Yes. Particulate emissions from steel wheels has been studied.
More clear science! Thank goodness God died. Everything is so clear now.
Once again Maths guru Nic Lewis checks the so called accuracy of their climate models since 1970. Here’s his conclusions and the link and the BLUE and RED differences at FIG 2 of his article are very interesting.
Never forget that this is one of the reasons we suffer from their so called Net ZERO today.
“In conclusion, Maarten Keulemans’ claim that “a simple check of the models versus observed warming demonstrates that “climate models published since 1973 have generally been quite skillful predicting future warming” is false”.
“Contrary to the impression given by Zeke Hausfather’s rather misleading graph, CMIP5 models have not been at all skillful in predicting future warming; they have matched the illustrated 1970–2020 observed warming (which was past rather than future warming until the late 2000s, when CMIP5 models were still being tuned) due to their over-sensitivity being cancelled out by their use of ERF that increased much less than the IPCC’s latest best estimates of the actual ERF increase”.
“Nic Lewis September” 2023″
>”Zeke Hausfather’s comparison of global surface temperature warming in CMIP5 climate models with observational records”
Zeke Hausfather is a walking talking scientific fraud.
Note the exclusive use of anomalies when comparing obs to models.
Also the conflation of natural aberrations (outliers) with models that have no capacity to model either short-term natural variation or long-term oceanic cycles.
Here’s his most recent example:
Are temperatures this summer hotter than scientists expected?
Posted on July 27, 2023 by Zeke Hausfather
Several egregious graphs but this one is typical:
Monthly global mean surface temperatures across 40 CMIP6 models in the SSP2-4.5 scenario. A baseline period of 1991-2020 is used to calculate anomalies. July 2023 temperatures from ERA5 are shown in black.×542.webp
Hausfather plots one observation anomaly datapoint, July 2023. It is only an anomaly with no accompanying actual absolute for reference. That is blatant scientific fraud.
ERA5 monthly absolute is easily obtainable – where is it Zeke?
Big Climate and the United Nations have to milk the 2023 NH summer (and coincident World peak) for all it’s worth to them. WMO in particular used absolute values for that – so why not present absolute obs vs models?
They know that in 6 months they will have no “hottest day/hottest month/hottest summer” to point to. Even Zeke’s other graphs show 2023 is an outlier, an aberration. Probably coincident El Nino and Volcanism – both natural – not CO2 forced.
Their chances of having similar conditions to point to in 12 months time are zero to slim but in the meantime the likes of Zeke heve to make the most of what they’ve got. Zeke Hausfather:
That statement by Zeke Hausfather is provably false in respect to climate modeling. He does get one crucial element correct though – “There is no evidence that we are passing particular tipping points that are contributing to significant additional warming today”
>”ERA5 monthly absolute is easily obtainable – where is it Zeke?”
Monthly Reanalysis Time Series [ECMWF default]
Defaults except select,
Anomaly: N
Sequential Months: Y (gives all months absolute)
Default is World but now there’s the Region option of plotting Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere separately for all months.
Easy huh ?
This absolute data is now readily obtainable but you will be hard pressed to find climate model output plotted against the absolute obs data above. And you will certainly NOT find that comparison in IPCC Assessment Reports or WMO updates.
>”Nic Lewis checks the so called accuracy of their climate models since 1970″
Two graphs, one 2m-T the other ERF, both have the retroactive inclusion of the massive effects of the Mt Pinatubo eruption (a transient event).
But what now?
Will the climate model temperatures and ERFs be “adjusted” for Hunga-Tonga ?
This latest eruption has completely different properties to Pinatubo. In other words, the models are already veering up too warm but they will have to add in even warmer temps unlike Pinatubo which had a cooling adjustment.
My position is that when comparing to models, all volcanism, ENSO, oceanic cycles etc (natural variation) should be filtered out and ignored. To include is scientific fraud.
That then exposes the climate models to the harsh reality that they’re junk pseudoscience.
In comments at the Nic Lewis post at Judith Curry’s Climate Etc:
>”they add volcanics so that they get a dip in 1990-1994″
They’ve yet to add the most recent volcanics but it’s not a dip.
Silly idea to begin with but now they have to continue it.
We had a Green Mayor here for a while, and forestry had released an impact statement for a logging coupe proposal and Mayor, at a protest outside Forestry HQ said, “well they have their science, and we have our science”.
Most intelligent thing I ever heard him say.
They have their scientists and we have our scientists. Guess whose scientists they listen to?
“I’ll reject your reality and substitute my own”. Adam Savage, Mythbusters.
An excellent – must watch – interview and debate of James Delingpole with John Robson on climate change and whether it’s a plot or stupidity as the main driver of it. I agree with Robson. How about you?
James has in recent years gone completely down the rabbit hole, but he still does a good interview, and his mind works quite well.
In fact: both. The plot precedes stupidity etc.
Delingpole seems to have a rather defeatist attitude in that video. One thing I know for certain – you won’t win the battle if you won’t fight the battle.
I agree and I still listen to him, despite his apparent acceptance that the Moon Landings were faked!
I found his recent podcast with Alex Little quite fascinating.
Alex did a post graduate degree in English Literature focused on TS Eliot. Alex uncovered evidence that TS Eliot’s famous poem, “The Wasteland”, is not the incomprehensible modernist creation that it has been supposed to be. It has been the subject of a massive amount of academic literary criticism.
The poem has been decoded as a love poem to a man. Consequently Eliot is exposed as a closet homosexual, which knowledge Eliot sought to suppress during his lifetime and the conspiracy was continued by his widow and also his publisher, Faber and Faber up to the present day.
The body of academic literary criticism is also exposed as complete nonsense!
Surprisingly (not), Alex has had trouble getting his work published. In fact he said that Delingpole has been the only person to take him seriously.
The moon landing has been proven now India are setting up the first Galactic 7/11 on the moon.
What is the area code for the moon, just so I can ID the scammers!
2001 I bought 2 derelict Triumph TR7s for the vast sum of $1300. I spent the first year of my retirement building one quite nice car from the pair. This became my daily driver for the next decade.
2011 I spent another year leisurely giving it a total mechanical restoration, & having a full high quality bare metal paint job. Since then it has returned to normal duties. I don’t park it in supermarket car parks, but it does most of my motoring work.
The point here is that it emitted most of it’s full life emissions 43 years ago being built. If I were to buy a new battery electric car I would be responsible for more emissions during it’s manufacturing than my 43 year old car has produced in it’s entire life, including the much simpler manufacturing.
With it’s simple mechanical design I will have no trouble maintaining this car for the rest of my life, & it’s emissions in that time are sure to be a very small fraction of those generated by manufacturing a battery electric car.
The truth is obvious. All these efforts to get us out of our ICE cars have nothing to do with emissions, but are wholly because the elites believe owning personal transport has us way above our station in their eyes. It is pure vindictive jealousy on their behalf, trying to reduce the pleasures in our lives.
We need to fight them on these grounds, not on trying to prove their clean air or global warming garbage is wrong. They know that as well as we do.
Right on.
I forgot to mention, my receipt file on the car totals just under $19,000. This gives me a car, in just a little bit better condition than any new car you could buy today, which has already given me over 120,000 kilometers of fun motoring.
Try to beat that with any new car today.
My first car was a second hand 1959 VW. When I got it the mileage was just over 100,000 miles. Went well nevertheless and got me to the top of mount Kosioskco in the days when the road was open.
Did you carry it or push it?
Reminds me of my first car – an Austin 7 “Chummy”.
Saying in the A7 club was:-
There’s movement in a Morris,
There’s movement in a Ford,
There’s movement in an Austin,
If you’ll only push by gawd!
There was a road and not steep. Not very high at all, then just a short walk from the parking lot.
It looks like some are doing the latter.
Anytime you have polis telling you: “Too bad your getting it anyway,” democracy has become dysfunctional.
I do admire the courage of the vandals. I don’t have it myself. I’m Australian.
Vandals ? naww, Just Community workers (Volunteers).
So, it’s around 6,30am this now in London, Dew on the ground, air at its cleanest, Ealing Horn Lane has a surprise “5” in a Sea of “2’s” …. and its generally ALLWAYS “2’s” in London…. as it is in INVERNESS & Kyle of Lochalsh and ……
It appears Horn Lane only measures PM10 and suffers from sudden peaks, it’s located by a bus route/stop and a parade of shops including eateries that emit byproducts of gas combustion and burning (Indian restaurant).
The worst pollution today will be 8 out of 10 on the coast around The Wash, how that is caused by traffic is a mystery!
Mystery? Naw, just badly set up / calibrated instrumentation. As for Horn LAne … is there a LARGE ORIFICE in the ground ( maybe a Stack ) to exhaust U/Ground events ?
My mystery was rhetorical – I know the reason(s)! Much of what is measured as pollution is products of weather/nature, including the sea/beach, and real man-made pollution in the UK is mainly imported from the industrial areas on mainland Europe (again weather dependant).
Sadiq Khan, by dint of his annointed position, is exempt from the pointless, impractical imposts he is unjustly lumbering on Londoners and commuters. Rather than leading by example and being a decent mayor, Sadiq Khan has become the London derriere.
Vandals ? naww, Just Community workers (Volunteers).
Think of it as Democracy in Action.
… and now it’s Cheese ( NOT). Funny how F&M is/was/can be a problem in UK & Europe, but not in India or the great Bison Herds of the US. Just more ways of Controlling. according to our Neil.
An interesting statistic that I remember because it is so neat, is that, regardless of the absolute levels and the pained face of Khan as he lies through his teeth about his faux health concerns,
ONE HOUR’s exposure on the Tube, which is where he wants to shunt even more people, is equal to ONE DAY above ground in London. And he has no plans to address Tube levels.
Now you can miss the point by taking his stated reasons at face value and excusing it as simple hypocrisy or being well-meant but misguided (which is the favoured myth about the Covid scam) or you can understand that it is really one of the bullet points on the agenda of the C40 Mayors, of which he is the current Chair. And all of that is a subset of Agenda 2030 which itself is a subset of Agenda 21.
If further evidence was needed of the scam, Nitrogen Dioxide levels at the most polluted area around Glasgow Central Station have actually gone up by over 12% since enforcement of the city’s LEZ was brought in. And, as if that was not damning enough for the ineffectiveness of the scheme, although they have risen, nitrogen dioxide levels there are still below legal limits. Which begs the question are those legal limits safe levels and if so why all the fuss anyway? But of course we know the answer to that. As Neil Oliver often says: It’s never about what they say it’s about.
This 13 minutes a life won’t make up for the fifty minutes a day extra delay ULEZ causes.
Hard to believe this is the same country that elected Margaret Thatcher. In Australia we have similar delusions and misguided priorities. I blame our education institutions.