
8.5 out of 10 based on 15 ratings

136 comments to Thursday

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    Can we now say that Russia won?

    Moving onto another Crisis by the US has really screwed up its credibility.


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      The USA screws up everything it touches, but every screw up enriches the MIC.
      Australia be warned, the MIC is checking its share prices.


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        another ian


        Some share market comments via Covid and Coffee today

        “As the reality of the market’s nearly-complete rejection of the mRNA shots sank in, Moderna’s stock price continued dropping yesterday, now down over 60% so far this year. “


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        David of Cooyal in Oz

        Would I be correct in assuming your MIC is Military Industrial Complex?
        Or is it one of the others in this list?
        Dave B


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        I’m joining David here. I’m tired of unexplained acronyms.


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          Mike Borgelt

          This could be fixed by authors giving the acronym followed by the full name, MIC (Military Industrial Complex), the FIRST time it is used in an article.


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            FWIW IMHO I agree


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              I’m reminded of this Two Ronnies skit. Conversing in letters and numbers.



              FWIW, FWIW isn’t an acronym because it can’t be said or isn’t said as sounding like a word. It’s simply an example of Initialising for abbreviation.
              QANTAS is an acronym because the grouping of the initial letters is pronounced as a word.

              Broadcaster initials ABC & BBC are not an acronym. Just another example of initialising.

              The first aid advice RICE is an acronym because it is pronounced as a word. (Rest Ice Compression Elevation)

              The Jeep car brand is a name derived from trying to make an acronym sound out of GP, being ‘general purpose’ vehicle. I don’t know what words like jeep are called when they’re no longer the actual acronym or initialising.


              Comment not directed at Adellad. Just a comment about true acronyms vs what we all call acronyms (including me).

              (hope I’ve got all that right)


              • #

                Mate – that Two Ronnies skit was great. Haven’t seen that in ages. So very good and decades ahead of its time. At the moment the whole world appears to be an amalgam of Yes Minister, Two Ronnies, Black Adder and Monty Python skits.


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                Gee Aye

                ie left leaning


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                The Two Ronnies were so far ahead of their time.

                They got away with so much, mainly because you had to be paying such close attention, and in the main, the laugh was almost gone before you even realised it.

                They did a sketch parodying Gilbert and Sullivan.

                Now while it was funny, in places, there was one place where you just laughed so spontaneously.

                Whenever I tried to explain it, I was roundly disbelieved, because you just cannot get away with saying that on TV, and this was almost fifty years ago. They didn’t have pause and rewind in those days, so if you missed it on the original broadcast, that was it ….. you missed it.

                No one believed me.

                Anyway, I finally found the clip, not where I had always looked YouTube, but, on of all places facebook, and I just do not even use that site, not enough hours in the day for me to go there.

                Here’s that clip at the link below. Okay, so not many of you can go the full eight minutes, so for the impatient among you, scroll forwards to the time marker at 3.25. This point is the start of this one song in particular, and gives context for what follows. The punch line is one minute later.

                Then perhaps watch to the end. In the Credits you’ll see the writers, and there’s a Goodie, Spike Mullins, no less than three Pythons and Gerald Wiley himself.

                It’s amazing that even the BBC allowed this through, as when you go back and play it again, (as most will probably do) Ronnie Corbett says it so blatantly.


                Link to Two Ronnies Sketch


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                I can pronounce “FWIW” – it’s something to do with the dry air here and lots of flies I think.


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                🙂 I’ve grown up with that phrase but didn’t know its origin. Assumed it was just from the streets.


                I guess the BBC had to let it through because it’s legitimate use of inoffensive words and it comes down to your ear. As opposed the Graham Kennedy’s crow call.


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                ie left leaning

                Sorry Gee Aye. “left leaning” is an example of?

                (that question probably opens the door to a bunch of smart-A remarks)


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                Umm no Strop, there are Acronyms and Abbreviations. They are different. Look up the actual definitions for both.


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                John Connor II

                If there’s one thing the poms are good at, it’s comedy (and fish & chips).

                The 2 Ronnies Encyclopedia salesman:


                If anyone has the late 70’s “Jokers Wild” series let me know!
                Very obscure but very good too.


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                Yes Graeme#4. That’s exactly what I’m saying. Not every Initialising for abbreviation is an acronyn.


          • #

            Standard practice in tech docs is to spell it out first, followed by the acronym/abbreviation in brackets, the first time it’s used. In larger tech docs, a list of acronyms/abbreviations is provided.


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          Gee Aye

          Unfortunately Steve is MIA


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          But they are sooo sophisticated.

          There is the “in” crowd, and there’s us.


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            And then there’s the public service, who seem to delight in generating new acronyms for everything, even if the acronym is only used once or twice in a document.


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      I’m hoping its true- No need for a war of succession, the rest of the World just ignore America and it’s lackeys and gets on with their own development. Like having grumpy old grandad at a family gathering to organise internet cabling and ISPs… full of opinions and noise but everyone understands how irrelevant he is.


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      There is nothing new there. The United States indulges in war in order to keep the military/industrial machine busy just as much that it wants to stick its nose into the affairs of other countries. For all the good the US has done it sure makes a mess in its foreign dealings. Fair dinkum.


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        This Russia/Ukraine conflict will end on terms favourable to Russia. The US will look stupid again in the eyes of many. I truly believe that Donald Trump would have negotiated an outcome in the matter before he was denied re-election by “The Swamp”


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          If President Trump had been re-installed when he should have,it would be doubtful that there would have been a war.Trump would have reined in NATO long be for this war started.NATO and the DemocRATS are the ones who started this.


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            This blog has an empirical evidence ethos where statements must be supported.

            How do you support your claim that NATO started the war?

            How do you support the underlying basis of your claim, that Russia and Putin are more reliable, more honest than the USA?


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              How do you support your claim that NATO started the war?

              I recommend reading history.

              This historian has some good lectures and interviews available on YouTube, good to listen to while driving, mowing, or washing the car.

              Victor Davis Hanson (born September 5, 1953) is an American classicist, military historian, farmer, and political commentator. He has been a commentator on modern and ancient warfare and contemporary politics for The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, National Review, The Washington Times and other media outlets.

              He is a professor emeritus of Classics at California State University, Fresno, the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in classics and military history at the Hoover Institution, and visiting professor at Hillsdale College. Hanson was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush, and was a presidential appointee in 2007–2008 on the American Battle Monuments Commission.

              John Mearsheimer ditto.

              John Joseph Mearsheimer (/ˈmɪərʃaɪmər/; born December 14, 1947) is an American political scientist and international relations scholar, who belongs to the realist school of thought.[3] He is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. He has been described as the most influential realist of his generation.[4]

              Mearsheimer is best known for developing the theory of offensive realism, which describes the interaction between great powers as being primarily driven by the rational desire to achieve regional hegemony in an anarchic international system.

              Colonel Douglas McGregor has given the most accurate and real running commentary on the Ukraine conflict and also the historical circumstances leading up to the war.

              Douglas Abbott Macgregor (born January 4, 1953)[1] is a retired U.S. Army colonel and government official, and an author, consultant, and television commentator.[2] He led an early tank battle in the Gulf War[3] and was a top planner in the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.[4] His 1997 book Breaking the Phalanx argued for radical reforms inside the Army.[5] His thinking contributed to the US strategy in its 2003 invasion of Iraq

              Source: Wikipedia


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                I know VDH well, it is listening to him that made me realise that wars should be concluded, not called for intermission, and I have never heard him blame the West for all the world’s ills.

                Macgregor’s claim to fame is that he was a tank Captain during 73 Easting and narrated a doco on it. He was never a three star General planning a theatre of war. He is now a Russian shill.


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                BTW If you have anything recent from VDH on Ukraine I’d love a link.


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              Honk R Smith


              A the end of WWII Russian (Soviet) forces controlled Eastern Europe.
              And Western (US) forces controlled Western Europe.
              NATO placed US tanks in western Germany.
              Warsaw pact countries placed Russian tanks in east Germany.

              Circa 1990 ‘Soviet’ Russia collapsed.
              Warsaw pact forces dissipated.

              Now there are NATO tanks in Ukraine.
              (Which required easterly travel of about 3,300+ miles.)

              ‘Ukraine’ roughly translates as ‘borderland’. Buried in the text here:

              There are no Warsaw Pact tanks in Mexico.
              (However, there is a new Communist country formerly known as ‘Canada’ to the North.)

              Territorial encroachments have been traditionally been the cause of wars.
              And women traditionally have not had penises.

              Of course we could argue the definition of ‘start’.
              I understand there is a new definition of ‘mandate’ and ‘force’.

              I would note that by law in my Democratically controlled US state, if another citizen threatens to harm me and blocks entrance to my home, and I punch him … I ‘started’ the fight.


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            Jelly the Americans didn’t start these wars, Russia invaded Ukraine and Hamas is being crushed because its a terrorist organisation.

            I’m with Hanrahan on this.


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          Glen your bias is showing, this hatred of the Dems has clouded your judgement.


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          robert rosicka

          GlenM , Russia may end up with a bit of extra land but at what cost both politically and financially to Russia ?


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            Russia won’t survive as it exists today. What it will become is above my pay grade to know.

            I believe the stats that they have lost 300,000 [OK many were not ethnic Russians, but that well is now dry] with a couple of thou in the last week in a failed counter-counter-offensive.

            There is no way back from here.


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          The war wouldn’t have started if Poots didn’t believe he had Europe over a barrel, dependent on his gas/oil.

          Trump did warn them.


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          Gee Aye

          Is it a new thing for troops to be targets?


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          With two carrier groups in the Eastern Med a move against them might be unwise.


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            The Americans are all and wind.

            They’re doing more to help the Arabs of Gaza and their terrorist masters than help Israel and the Jews.

            They forced Israel into delaying its ground action by blackmailing it with threats of withholding the supply of munitions. Bunker busters. Artillery shells. Missiles. What that has achieved is to strengthen Hamas and give it more time to plant mines, set booby-traps, dig fortifications and round up human shields.

            They are trying to force Israel into giving aid to the Gaza Arabs – the very people who either support Hamas, or are Hamas. If Biden wants to provide aid to Hamas then let him back-up some of his ships to the shores of Gaza and unload all the aid he and America wants to supply the terrorists with. No need to put the acid on Egypt, or Israel to strengthen their avowed enemies.

            Biden, and the rest of his Iran licking Democrat Party, will sell Israel down the drain just as quickly as they did Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cuba, and Ukraine and all the rest.


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          I forgot to mention, there is also a Marine Amphibious Ready Group based on USS Bataan (LHD 5) in theatre.


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            They’ll never use them. They’re soy boys. They can’t fight.
            The most unready ready group of marine amphibians. Croak!


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              Jeez. Have you never read history?

              For starters read up on Desert Storm. Saddam had a formidable army and air force that was destroyed, the retreat out of Kuwait was such a bloodbath peacenics called the war off. Had to be completed later.

              Show us YOUR medals.


              • #

                That was Before Woke.
                That was before the Marxists took over the US Army.
                They’re now all about their pronouns; not their medals.


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                Pls make up your mind: Are they woke and couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag, or are they starting wars?


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                The amphibians aren’t starting wars. They’re too woke.
                It’s the reptilians of Gaza and Iran who are doing that.
                And, Biden is making it easier for them to achieve that.


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      The “Global South” think the west is immoral. They’re not going to listen anyway. They enjoy some aid and they respect the threat. Otherwise they don’t care what the west thinks.

      Sure, any inconsistency in application of rules can be thrown in the west’s face. But there’s not really a moral equivalency between attacking another country and not caring about the killing of civilians and destruction of their property, vs responding to an attack and giving civilians a warning to leave before moving in. The attackers can’t be free to attack and then retreat to use their own civilians as a shield. You can say the retaliator is responsible for any civilian harm that occurs in return fire. Or you can say the instigators are responsible for any consequence of their actions.

      Obviously from there you can get into the argument about who is the instigator. There’s a lot of history to unpack there.


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        To “retaliate” implies to react and behave in kind. The IDF is not “retaliating” until it starts carving unborn babies out of wombs, beheading babies, mass raping, taking hostages, killing old and infirm people etc. The IDF is performing self-defence. There may be “territory” to unpack here, but none of that territory convers moral equivalence.


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          Fair enough. I wasn’t aware retaliate carried an equivalency component. I’m discussing the alleged breaking of rules in relation to civilian casualties while responding to breaking of rules in relation to civilian casualties, as a principle. Rather than the specifics of each and every act.


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            What is the appropriate “moral equivalence” that can’t be exceeded for having 200 hostages and threatening unspeakable harm to them?


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              I’m saying there isn’t a moral equivalence between the deliberate targeting of civilians in an attack (such as what Hamas undertook) and the collateral civilian damage occurring when the inevitable response is directed at those who deliberately targeted civilians. Particularly when the responder gives a period of warning to civilians to avoid being caught up in the response and ultimately still not deliberately targeting the civilians that do not or cannot leave.

              The hostages themselves might be collateral damage too.

              How to measure what exceeds a point? Hard to quantify. Personally I think Israel should be given a lot of leeway in their response. The responsibility for the coming collateral damage rests with the initial perpetrators who have retreated to where the civilians are.


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    Paul Cottingham

    Ten Slogans & Disinformation used by BBC Verify Disinformation specialists:

    (1) Climate Deniers: Scientists who disagree with Greta Thunberg
    (2) Antivaxxers: Scientists with informed consent
    (3) Freedom Fighters: Terrorists
    (4) Terrorists: People angry with the BBC
    (5) Balen Report: Secret report detailing anti-Semitism at the BBC
    (6) Nazi Ideology: Nationalism, Anti-Zionism and Islamism
    (7) Flat Earthers: The two elderly Scientists who walked on the Moon but think man-made Climate Change is a Hoax.
    (8) Conspiracy Theory: Scientific evidence, facts and the truth censored by the BBC
    (9) 28 Gate: Secret report that found that 25 of the BBC’s ‘best scientific experts’ were scientifically unqualified ‘Environment Activists’, as were the three scientists.
    (10) Right-Wing: Someone who complains about BBC left-wing bias


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    How to think about what we do.

    Introduction to “issue storms” and “issue trees”
    By David Wojick, Ph.D.

    The beginning: “Like Galileo I have two new sciences, not that I am in his league. His were the statics (structure) and dynamics of physical stuff. Mine are the structure and dynamics of complex issues. This is explained briefly below.

    The dynamics is about a highly nonlinear information flow that I call an issue storm, which I discovered about 40 years ago but never wrote about because I was making lots of money knowing about it. The science involves mapping and measuring issue storms over time. It also includes prediction to the extent feasible. Like physical storms, issue storms tend to be somewhat unpredictable.

    To begin with, we need what I call looping. If A communicates to B and B replies to A, that is a single loop. When a major issue arises in an organization, or community, or country, or globally, there can be a tremendous amount of looping.

    Most importantly, this evolving body of looping will have a specific pattern, which will vary from case to case. Imagine if you could just look down in the dark and see all the email traffic as an issue breaks, grows, and spreads, with each email as a streak of light. You could see the pattern, including how it changes over time.”

    The end: “The deep problem is that while work (and life) has increasingly become issue-driven, we simply do not have the tools to manage the issue storms that buffet us. We do not even have the concepts and language to talk about these things, but I have made a small start. Different issue storms and issue trees have specific natures, consume specific resources, and evolve in specific ways. If we cannot even describe these features, then we certainly cannot manage them. This is a research project in waiting.

    But at least we can understand that issue storms and issue trees are there, and we are in them. There is science here to be done and applied. Take time from engaging in an issue to study the critter itself. Above all, stay calm. Rise above the storm.”

    Lots in between. We are heavily into issue storms, right?

    Please share this article.


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    Greg in NZ

    Australia averages 26 ‘rip current’ drownings per year; more, on average, than bushfires, floods, cyclones & shark attacks combined.

    Dr Rip’s Beach Book, Rob Brander, 2023.

    What?! More existential than *climate change*? Deadlier than *boiling*? Nastier than 1.5 degrees? QUICK – close the beaches, ban swimming, no more surfing, finish fishing – the ocean is a killer! Won’t somebody think of the children…

    Suppose I shouldn’t give the pollies any new ideas – they’re doing well enough taking us back to the 1800s as it is. PS. Take care in the sea this summer and never turn your back on the waves.


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      A rip will not take you far out, so staying afloat rather than getting to safety is the priority. Swim parallel to the beach until you are no longer being pulled out to sea.

      A strong rip will usually be between the waves coming onto the beach. Best to get dumped or wait to be saved than fight a current.


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        ‘Died Suddenly’ is more dangerous than a rip when you are in the water. The radio seems full of news of healthy people drowning in the ocean.


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        Gee Aye

        Rips can take you to rocks with breakers. Also, there are a lot of poor and weak swimmers who can’t just float around.


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          Agree, but normally only if you swim near the rocks.
          Majority of Rips operate in open beach areas.

          Majority of deaths from rip drownings happen on long beaches.
          See below.

          Rips on a beach.

          If you swim near the rocks on a beach, then problems will happen quickly.

          SLSA do not allow that with their flagged areas.


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          Rips don’t take year anywhere laterally.


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          There might be a lot of poor and weak swimmers but concentrating on staying afloat rather than swimming back to shore is even better advice for them. They are not going to survive swimming against a rip if they will not survive floating until safety comes. The latter is a given unless in a very secluded beach. Then, if you were so silly, swim laterally. Until out of the rip. You might literally end up between a rock and a hard place but still your best bet.

          Who gave five thumbs up for advice that could kill someone?


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      Big rip at Bondi in 1938. Hundreds washed off a sandbar by backwash waves.


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        Greg in NZ

        Dr Rip mentioned that 1938 Bondi mass-drowning: not your standard ‘Backpacker Express’ rip dragging tourists southwards past the pools – research showed it *may* have been a small 3-wave tsunami as conditions that day were fairly placid and flat (NZ’s South Island faultline throwing a wobbly again?).

        As a crusty old sea dog, I’m used to jumping into rips to get out-the-back easy as on my board, though many times I’ve had to paddle over to retrieve some swimmer who hadn’t a clue and was bug-eyed and panicking as they drifted toward the horizon…

        Maybe the season’s first troppo forming up by Vanuatu & the Solomons next week? Simultaneously, another Antarctic coldwave pulse is eyeing up Victoria and the south-east hills: El Niño’s on holiday?


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      Rips are formed between headlands. What happens is that the waves hit the first headland (in our case the southern one) and are then directed parallel to the beach (north) and you get off at the next headland. What’s much more dangerous are strong undertows that can very infrequently occur. I understand that if we ban extreme left wing politics they will disappear. 😎


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      I’ve been an ocean dipper for a long time now, throughout childhood and lived 100 metres from the surf for 10 years. Im a weak to average swimmer. Never have I been close to getting into trouble with rips. I dont really understand how people do. It’s extremely easy to avoid. Inexperience and going into rough conditions must be the cause.

      I have been in some extremely dangerous situations with surfing though, as a teenager. Way out of my depths, and waves are extremely dangerous powerful things. I would recommend parents keep their kids away from surfing. The dangers of it are never mentioned and the propaganda of it being harmless fun is the only thing people think of.


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    But he/she/it is a “climate scientist”!

    Trans prof at Chicago university says Israelis are ‘savages’ in unhinged rant


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    As I predicted a few days ago based on our own elites contempt of implementing the Brexit result, it seems that various states of Australia intend to ignore the referendum results and carry on with creating treaties as they had always intended


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    Mike Borgelt

    This could be fixed by authors giving the acronym followed by the full name, MIC (Military Industrial Complex), the FIRST time it is used in an article.


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    Interesting that this tweet is still up and the author has not been charged when a Trump supporter has been given a 7 month sentence for something similar but less sinister.


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      Gee Aye

      Did you look at the context? Posted n 2021 about the 2016 election. and this comment

      1.) this is from 2016
      2.) she’s a political comedian. if people are stupid enough to take this seriously that’s not her fault lol.

      Plus, all those and you claiming it is “exactly the same thing”, are actually exactly wrong.


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        It was originally posted in 2016. It might be just a joke but the one that got a conviction was less likely to mislead because it wasn’t a fake number and people dumb enough to do it got a reply.

        Strange, it can no longer be loaded. Must have been inoccuous.


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        Plus, all those and you claiming it is “exactly the same thing”, are actually exactly wrong.

        I claimed that it was worse, and because the Trump supporter one was more obviously a joke and the number was a real one of the group being parodied who replied that you couldn’t vote that way.

        You just assert as if someone using a screen name is an authority.


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      Your right Rob but the EV’s of today don’t need to run into anything.They are very good at spontaneously combusting on their own.Lol.


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    So, who bombed that damn hospital in Gaza? Coming from the direction of not trusting any MSM and being skeptical of most stuff on social media, (eg X/Twitter) I am none the wiser after several days. Particularly when some people I follow on social media contend that any video can be faked in a couple of hours. We learned this from the Ukraine conflict. Most of the video on social media from Ukraine was probably doctored propaganda. Last week the Israelis warned about that hospital and the fact they suspected ( knew? ) Hamas was using it as a safe haven for their activities. I read reports insisting the Gaza authorities evacuate the hospital. This week, surprise surprise, the hospital gets bombed. But was it the Israelis or did Hamas bomb their own hospital? This is like, did the Russians bomb their own pipeline? Well they could have, to inflame international reaction, which has appeared as riots and protests vs US embassies in many countries. The Israelis insist it was a dud Hamas rocket fired from Gaza, because this has precedence, but the other side are insisting it’s Israeli and maybe a smart bomb. There are photos of the bomb aftermath which appears to be only damage to the carpark. But local authorities insist there has been 100’s of casualties. There are so many scenarios possible for this incident that I’m not sure where the actual truth lies. We live in an information age, but most of the information now appears to be dis or misinformation.


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    John Connor II

    ‘Unusual’ Mystery of Dead Whales Washing Up on US Coast May Be Solved

    Gray whales have been washing up dead on the Pacific coast at an alarming rate since 2019, and scientists think they might finally know why.

    The gray whale strandings from Mexico all the way to Alaska have been declared an “unusual mortality event,” or a significant die-off of a species that is unexplained and requires a quick response.

    Two other mass die-offs of gray whales occurred in the 1980s and 1990s, though those only lasted a couple of years; the latest is still ongoing.

    For years, researchers could only guess what was killing the whales. NOAA has previously noted that emaciation had been observed in some of the dead whales, but not in others.

    But scientists at Oregon State University’s Marine Mammal Institute now say there is strong evidence that the whale deaths are linked directly to sea ice melting in the Arctic, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Science.

    Joshua Stewart, an assistant professor at the Marine Mammal Institute and lead author of the study, said the decrease in sea ice was also causing the gray whales’ food supply to diminish.

    “Feels like this time we’ve got a pretty good ‘smoking gun’,” Stewart told the outlet KTVB of the explanation of what was causing the whale deaths.

    Gray whales make the longest migration of any mammal on Earth, traveling more than 12,000 miles every year from their foraging grounds in the Arctic, where they spend the summers, to their breeding grounds in the warm, shallow lagoons of Mexico’s Baja Peninsula, where they spend the winters.

    While in the Arctic, the gray whales feed on amphipod crustaceans. Amphipods in turn feed on algae, which grows on the underside of sea ice.

    “With less ice, you get less algae, which is worse for the gray whale prey,” Stewart said in a release from Oregon State, adding, “When there are sudden declines in the quality of prey, the population of gray whales is significantly affected.”

    In other words, the melting sea ice disrupts the entire food chain.

    So not the offshore windfarms everyone was quick to blame?


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      Doesn’t really matter, no doubt the Marine Mammal Institute (MMI) and Associate Professor Stewart would love a couple hundred million $’s to further investigate.


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      Ahh !… so its all down to AGW again ?
      Nice response to the wind turbine allegations .🥴🤔


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        John Connor II

        The post was to do 2 things:
        1. Demonstrate the folly of personal narratives based on beliefs alone.
        2. Show “the science” isn’t settled. Ever.


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      I call BS on that one. Plenty of ice up there


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      The problem with this theory is that the Arctic has NOT been melting that fast. That’s why the alarmists are now focusing on the Antarctic. In fact, the Arctic melt has already stopped and the ice is now increasing, as per usual. And the low point didn’t go anywhere near the low of 2012.
      And recently, the so-called “scientists” admitted that there was a 90% chance that they were wrong about the Arctic ice melts, as the rate of ice melt has now slowed significantly.


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        There has been a flurry of recent papers focussed on ice melt in Antarctica, it appears the circumpolar current might change because of AGW.


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          Most of the alarmist papers focused on the recent melt increase, totally ignoring the fact that since 1980 when records were first kept, the ice melt has gone through a number of cycles, and the existing one is no worse than previous ones.


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      A bit like the polar bear scenario except the polar bears are thriving ?


  • #

    Albo’ seems to blame ‘white people’ for Voice defeat – !

    in Parliament on Monday, the PM was asked if he still supported the rest of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, including Makaratta ‘truth-telling’ and a treaty.
    But his response has sparked a political firestorm over what he actually said in reply.

    Television footage appears to show Mr Albanese saying: ‘Regardless of what white people voted…’


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      John Connor II

      I don’t think Schwabby wants Albo any more now that he’s failed in his societal destabilising task.
      Crying booths and whining rooms in short supply by the deluded YES mob.
      See how they turn on their own when they fail?
      Their true nature is exposed, and that nature would have driven policy.
      YES would have been Covid on steroids.


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      Didn’t he try and say he said “the way”people voted? – something like that

      Joe Biden gets a concession Albo, we know his words can mean anything, but you don’t have the disabled can park anywhere sticker yet.


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        October 19, 2023 at 2:35 pm · Reply
        Didn’t he try and say he said “the way”people voted? – something like that

        Yes, he has claimed he said “the way”, ..and even had Hansard change the official record to that version…. But if you listen/ watch the video, it is very clearly “white people”. !
        Even the live ABC coverage sub titles had it as “white people” !
        Albo and his crew have been rapidly backpeddling and “whitewashing”the event .🤫😂😂


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      I think the word “way” fits better than “white” given the message he was conveying. He was suggesting it’s a difficult time for people regardless of what way they voted.

      If he says he said “way” I would believe him. But the “way” certainly was more of a “why” if not a white. Maybe that’s a bit of Aussie drawl.
      And the use of the word “what” before “white” fits better than “what” before “way”. I think more people would say “which way” rather than “what way”. But what way still works. White doesn’t really work given the message.


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    Albo’s ideology war on Australia continues……on multiple fronts

    1. Public submissions into fuel efficiency standards (that will make I.C.E. vehicles more expensive) closed mid this year. Expect 6 monthly import duty increases on all I.C.E. vehicles to be announced early next year.

    2. Public submissions into government censoring of “Misinformation and Disinformation” now closed but is the PM listening to the feedback?

    3. Another step towards a cashless society with submissions closing Nov. 1. 2023 into changes to the Payment Systems Regulation Act.

    When the banks have total control over your digital money and the government has total control over your online speech. Who is going to hear you complain about the government increasing the cost of food, energy, taxes or money that you can no longer easily access?
    These were not pre-election promises, It’s tyranny by stealth.


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    John Connor II

    JC2 tech tip corner – detecting fake thumbdrives

    As most know, there’s a thriving market in fake high capacity drives, and has been for many years.
    Buying off eBay/Amazon and such is a huge risk.
    Until now h2testw has been the weapon of choice in testing drives but it’s old and slow with questionable accuracy with high capacity drives.
    Steve Gibson (yes the GRC one, known for Spinrite) has just released a freeware tool called Validrive which can handle modern high capacity drives and is WAY faster than h2testw.

    Get it here:

    It’s v1.0.1 so it has a few minor quirks…


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    John Connor II

    Atmospheric seeding to block out the sun may be redundant

    Airplane-based research by Purdue scientists detects unprecedented levels of alloy aerosols in the atmosphere.

    The Space Age is leaving fingerprints on one of the most remote parts of the planet — the stratosphere — which has potential implications for climate, the ozone layer, and the continued habitability of Earth.

    Using tools hitched to the nose cone of their research planes and sampling more than 11 miles above the planet’s surface, researchers have discovered significant amounts of metals in aerosols in the atmosphere, likely from increasingly frequent launches and returns of spacecraft and satellites. That mass of metal is changing atmospheric chemistry in ways that may impact Earth’s atmosphere and ozone layer.

    “We are finding this human-made material in what we consider a pristine area of the atmosphere,” said Dan Cziczo, one of a team of scientists who published a study on these results in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “And if something is changing in the stratosphere — this stable region of the atmosphere — that deserves a closer look.” Cziczo, professor and head of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences in Purdue’s College of Science, is an expert in atmospheric science who has spent decades studying this rarefied region.

    Led by Dan Murphy, an adjunct professor in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences and a researcher at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the team detected more than 20 elements in ratios that mirror those used in spacecraft alloys. They found that the mass of lithium, aluminum, copper and lead from spacecraft reentry far exceeded those metals found in natural cosmic dust. Nearly 10% of large sulfuric acid particles — the particles that help protect and buffer the ozone layer — contained aluminum and other spacecraft metals.

    Scientists estimate that as many as 50,000 more satellites may reach orbit by 2030. The team calculates that means that, in the next few decades, up to half of stratospheric sulfuric acid particles would contain metals from reentry. What effect that could have on the atmosphere, the ozone layer and life on Earth is yet to be understood.

    Just Stop Stratospheric Contamination will be the next big thing.


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      Doesn’t have the same “ring” as Just Stop Oil. Plus too many long words – the poor darlings would tire out from lugging those big banners around.


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    John Connor II

    Lloyd’s of London Warns of Worst-Case-Scenario Cyberattack

    Does Lloyd’s of London have a sister named Cassandra?

    Sure, our financial systems are increasingly intertwined with our fragile digital infrastructure. But what’s the worst that could happen? According to a Lloyd’s study published Wednesday, a cyberattack on global payments systems could cause $3.5 trillion of economic damage — if not more.

    In the “hypothetical but plausible” cyberattack modeled by Lloyd’s researchers and partners at the Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies, hackers would insert malicious code into transaction software that could then invade and infect tens of thousands of partner payment networks — giving hackers access to funds while shutting down payments and bank clearing systems entirely.

    That could cause $3.5 trillion of economic damage within five years, with the US suffering roughly a third of the pain, Lloyd’s predicts. It may sound far-fetched, and Lloyd’s, a major hub for cyber-insurance deals, certainly has incentive to gin up interest in cybersecurity. Then again, cyberattack risks are growing so quickly, insurance group Zurich’s CEO recently warned hacks are becoming “uninsurable”:

    Cyber insurance premiums hit $9 billion last year, which will likely rise to $25 billion by 2025, Lloyd’s predicts, making it one of the fastest-growing insurance markets.

    That’s how all currencies will be reset to zero!
    Everything’s digital, centralised and consumer encryption outlawed.
    One piece of code could easily wipe everything virtually instantly, not 5 years…


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    Rishi has landed in Israel which prompts me to ask what’s holding back our australian prime minister? Waiting on permission from those indigenous people who took off for a sorry holiday post No I guess…


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    another ian

    Replies seem to have “gone varnish” so –

    Re Tony at

    I heard a session years ago where the censor that was supposed to keep “The Goon Show” fit for public consumption.

    His sure sign that he’d missed something was the non-scripted howls of laughter that followed.

    Like “Hugh Jampton” – the rhyming slang of the time gives the clue


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      Just today I saw a tweet by a democrat posting not to forget to vote on Super Wednesday [and more]. Sorry, no way I could find it again.


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    Some may consider me wrong, but I consider Australia to be like a business, even possibly one on steroids! Therefore, shouldn’t those who presume to lead us ought to be able to demonstrate their business leadership credentials? Step right up, candidates, whatever your political background! Show us your business management skills! We await with bated breaths, but our bated breaths endurance is limited.


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    another ian

    FWIW – “Trouble at t’mill”

    “Here Is the Image of Strength the People Running U.S. Government Wanted to Project Today
    October 18, 2023 | Sundance | 259 Comments”

    Read it all


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      As long as “humanitarian aid” is flowing, Hamas is safe from attack.

      As long as “humanitarian aid” is flowing, Hamas can refill their war chest and make more rockets.



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    John Connor II

    Thur Bide Senil Upda

    Saving bandwidth. 😁

    Makes more sense than BLM, climate loons , YES voters and TranZzzz combined. 😆


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      Aside from the annoying bad sound, considering most of his ramblings and ‘other team’ idiotic comment on his recent trip, seems remarkably coherent, albeit painfully slow.


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    John Connor II

    Brave woman says NO to the bank

    10/10. 😁

    YOU banks exist because of us. Know your place.


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    John Connor II

    The “died suddenly” vax vs. unvaxxed statistics tell you everything you need to know

    The vaccine advocates claim that people have been dying suddenly throughout history and it’s nothing unusual. But they aren’t telling you that nearly all the “died suddenly” were COVID vaccinated.

    The ratio of COVID unvaxxed to vaxxed in the people who died suddenly since the rollout of the COVID vaccines is estimated to be fewer than 1 in 1,000.

    Yet 25% of Americans are not vaccinated.

    If the COVID vaccine isn’t related to the deaths, then roughly 25% of the people who die suddenly should be unvaccinated.

    This isn’t the case. It’s less than 0.1%.

    This is statistically impossible to occur unless there is a cause.


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    Watch the key words the BBC puts up on the screen in this.
    Then compare it to this reporter.
    The BBC also repeatedly claimed that the hospital had been ‘flattened’ and ‘destroyed’.


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    Fires fires the fired imagination: Wildfire not primary factor in invasive annual grass expansion in Great Basin So what are the green blob going to say about similar issues elsewhere in the world?
    and for those who may want a window into what’s happening back home ( but noticeably NOT around my own Home area ?


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    another ian

    “Is the NYTimes an Agent for Consistent Disinformation?”

    “Megyn Kelly and Dr. Drew Pinsky have a most interesting discussion about rampant disinformation about Covid.”


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    another ian

    “More Price Shocks Coming? British Energy CEO: “The costs of [Renewable] projects have gone up … 40%””
