A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Luton fire, officially not a hybrid.
We can all be wrong.
I need to hear that this was not a deliberate act of violence. That so little information is being released suggests authorities are concerned about something more than a car fire, regardless of the type of propulsion.
Wait for the $hit to hit the fan when”Range Rover”hears that one of their cars has been fingered as the culprit of the Luton fire.To anyone with any experience of diesel cars,this report is a real laugh.My bet is an EV is the culprit.Another failure by the greens.Fooles one and all.Lol.
Diesel powered vehicle ! Well then, exactly what was it ? Make, age, etc.
Won’t be convinced until exact details are released. Regardless, a pertinent question is: ‘how many of the vehicles in the car park actually were EVs ?’
The Police lie, why not the Fire Brigade, political pressure …
No mystery, extensively covered if you look back at the previous coverage, the only query was whether it was the diesel or the diesel hybrid version.
No mystery there either ,…. if you read the fire dept report in your OP ?
I don’t understand the point of your comment Chad.
The point is,..
The report which you posted the link to, clearly stated it was a diesel vehicle, not a hybrid diesel (MHEV), not a PHEV, , and not a EV. !
If you accept their word that it was a diesel,..why do you doubt their clear clarification of it being a “pure” diesel ?
You , and others have a belief (hybrid diesel) , that you are looking to confirm without any firm evidence.
Mr. Chad: I dunno, if the fire dep’t was explaining the Land Rover battery fire in the same car park a few hours ahead of the structure collapse, I might believe that. They don’t, do they? Instead, a dull press release two weeks on, when the rubble is still inaccessible? What do you see in the fire dep’t report that persuades you it was diesel? You keep noting that the building had no fire suppression system, have you seen any video of the fire dep’t putting water on it? The “collapse” video, do you see streams from fire dep’t hoses?
This smells very bad, like they won’t admit the EV did it.
You have Some very confusing statements there..
The report is quite specific, and clearly states The Luton fire was initiated by a DIESEL. ( non hybrid, non EV).
Many sources have confirmed there was no sire suppression installed….do you think otherwise ?
I have not seen any video of the fire other than those of the burning Range Rover
The fire department were slow to the scene, by which time the fire was well established .
(I suspect they would not enter a burning building if there is no body trapped. ?)
What do you think the Fire dept have to gain by making a false report ?
( other than to satisfy your conspiracy theory !)
Mr. Chad: I don’t like the conspiracy notion, but the video you’ve seen shows a fully engaged battery fire on that Land Rover. The fire dep’t said it was a diesel vehicle initiated-fire so early, then sat on it for two weeks, now announcing that they were right all along. I never questioned the fact that the building had no system, and the fire got well-developed before the dep’t got there, but why aren’t they spraying water on it in the video of the structure collapse? No, I don’t think “protecting EVs” is reason for the local fire dep’t to lie, but I am unfortunately forced to question this bad smell. Enjoy your certainty.
Dont stop there ….
Maybe you would like to know ..
how much diesel was in the tank ?
Where and when was it bought ..?
What brand of diesel ?
What size tyres were on the car?
Where was the owner flying to ?
What flight number ?
Drivers age ?
What brand underware were they wearing ?
Etc etc
…..FFS, was a car fire in a multistory car park with no fire suppression and lots of other cars with melty fuel tanks around…. Perfect recipe for a big fire !
You need to get a sense of reality and get over these conspiracy theorys .
But the hazards were on.
Maybe the owner dropped a cigarette.
Maybe it was remotely hacked.
Maybe it was a terror attack.
Maybe a Li-ion toy caught fire.
Maybe it was just a crappy Range Rover like all the others, coupled with govt cost cutting stupidity, resulting in disaster.
Nothing new then. Case closed.
The prevalence of battery-inspired fires is hardly a conspiracy theory.
In this day and age every vehicle gets photographed entering and exiting every carpark. There’s number plates and databases. The carpark also had security cameras and if there were fire extinguishers on the ground then that means there’s also a photo of whoever was there grabbing those fire extinguishers … and all of the things they did trying to put out the fire at the moment it started.
You are telling me that a major fire investigation is going to find it too difficult to figure out at least the make and model of the vehicle?!? If they can’t achieve that much … they wouldn’t be trying very hard.
You would expect at the very least a long interview with the owner and an interview with whoever serviced it most recently … and detailed copies of all the paperwork. What kind of joke do you think this is?
In Australia they will happily go after the mechanic who serviced the vehicle … and they better be able to prove beyond any doubt that they did a darn good job.
Numerous fires in cars and lithium ion batteries
MSM s starting to really focus on the downsides instead of always parsing anything green.
When has a diesel powered vehicle simply catch fire? Semis catch fire when their brakes catch fire first. The Army adopted diesel as the universal fuel because it was easy to get but also because it was harder/slower to catch on fire. The picture shows the burning vehicle somewhat isolated so maybe arson. Whatever the cause the insurance companies would love to know the facts in order to shift blame and responsibility for claims.
Hot air rises and empty ceiling pipes can conduct heat into concrete. Did the roof pancake downward on to the burning car which subsequently collapsed to the floor below?
If the whole garage pancaked because of a fire below, I’m not surprised they want to keep it quiet until a final report.
Collapsed garage is bad enough. No need to invoke the EV daemon.
Its quite difficult to make diesel fuel catch fire, so this only adds to the mystery.
Your right KP.You just about have to take to diesel with a blow torch to start a fire.And just like that car carrier off the Dutch coast the report was quick to state that it was started by a petrol powered car.I call BS.
Strangest fuel fire I ever saw.
Sorry, but no.
It was a diesel/hybrid fire.
A diesel fire could not have compromised the “metaldeck” structure. But a lithium battery fire could easily have caused “apple core” spalling of concrete over the cast-in-place corrugated steel reinforcement/formwork.
Would sprinklers (absent) have worked? The answer is NO. They would have activated too soon, allowing water to soak into the exposed concrete infil of the “Metaldeck”. When the hybrid lithium battery fire reached its peak, the spalling and loss of compressive strength in the concrete could only have been faster. Over 100C, the expansion ratio of water to steam is 1:1600.
Can the “Metaldeck” system be made safe for the parking of Hybrid and full EV vehicles in the future? I believe it can …
And it’s so boring. Non permeable ablative coating on the upper side of the deck (wait! Just asphalt?!), and spraying vermiculite on the exposed steel below.
You could add increased keying of interior surfaces of the corrugated steel, a chain safety in a catenary curve and of course “Helix” concrete with 316 stainless spirals for 50 year longevity.
But “Metaldeck” doesn’t have anyone capable of sorting their little EV stuff up. Everyone vaguely capable didn’t take the DNA contaminated jabs. And we’ve shifted our butts out of your 15 min digital gulags.
You are just guessing !
Why would the official report specifically say it was NOT a hybrid ?
And it would not have been just a diesel fire once it was established. There would be much petrol, plastic , rubber , synthetic materials, aluminium alloys, etc etc ..all joining together in an incendiary fireball.
A good wind to draft more oxygen into the blaze and a furnace like temperature would be easy.
As for those theories on the temperature and material effects, read the report on the 2017 Liverpool car park fire where 1500 cars went up in a similar manner,.The report on that stated it was a petochemical fire reaching 1500 deg C which also caused the concrete decking to decompose and collapse in places.
The probability of there being many EVs or Hybrids in that fire was very slim.
A photo of the Liverpool fire, a Land Rover×1152/skynews-car-park-fire-echo-arena_4195895.jpg?20180101111133
So it appears Land Rovers are nearly as dangerous as EVs.
Hmmm?.. not one of the most helpful photos i!
But fire/flames in photos and videos are never very realistic. Colour and contrast all get messed up.
Because Chad, the elitist UN, IPCC, WEF,DAVOS BILLIONAIRES, LEFTIST POLITICS can’t have the world see that EVs are ticking timebombs.Because EVs,ruinables are the future, we need to dig up the planet and vacum up the ocean floors to save the world……bwahaha. We’ll have to wait until one of these ticking timebombs EVs dose it’s thing right next to a load bearing pylon under a multi storey apartment block, 1000s of casualties, then they’ll pay attention..bwahaha, goodluck with that kids.
No paranoia there then !!
The official report isn’t even out yet.
What would you consider “official” ?
That report was from a “multi-agency” group !
The link up above says the statement is from “Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue” and they make it clear that more info will be available AFTER the investigation has concluded.
It’s nothing more than a quick press release. Dunno what you were reading. I followed the link on #1 first post in the thread.
For starters, I wouldn’t consider it an “official report” until there is actually a report, which comes at the end of the investigation. Someone needs to sign off on it … and be willing to resign if anything significant is found wrong. That would be the minimum IMHO.
..whilst it may not be the final report, it isa very clear statement from the Fire dept responsible, and SPECIFICALLY CONFIRMS NO HYBRID OR EV involvement in the initial fire source.
Just maybe they have analysed the cctv etc , and identified the car responsible,..maybe even confirmed it with JLR ?
They would be very stupid to make such a statement if there was any possibility they may have to make a correction later.
Would be interesting to know if RAAC – reinforced aerated autoclaved concrete – was used in the construction. This may be unlikely from a purely engineering (load bearing) point of view, but given the recent school closures in the U.K. due to potential roof collapse scenarios, I would think due consideration would be given to investigating that angle.
I’ve seen the picture. It was a bright fire with little sooty smoke. Very different to a diesel fire.
Just goes to show, some people will never change their minds, whatever the evidence.
I thought it was most likely a hybrid, I was wrong.
No you weren’t wrong. Someone just reported something. I’m relying on reported pictures that don’t fit the narrative.
Somebody’s telling porkies but carparks collapsing due to car fires is pretty new.
Yes we all can be wrong!
Or not!
I follow the ozone hole with interest, as many years ago I asked Cambridge University if the ozone hole could always have been there but until the 1950’s we just didn’t have instruments to measure it. They conceded that could be possible, but unlikely.
I note that according to the ESA – “Ozone hole goes large again”
From the link; “Although it may be too early to discuss the reasons behind the current ozone concentrations, some researchers speculate that this year’s unusual ozone patterns could be associated with the eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai in January 2022.”
It may be recalled that this volcano threw up vast amounts of water vapour, a short lived greenhouse gas but one that has a much greater impact overall than CO2. There seems to be few studies as to whether the volcano could have contributed, in part at least, to the high temperatures of the last year and September 2023 in particular.
The left hand side of the ozonewatch web site home page shows the official graphs back to 1979. 2023 appears to be only marginally lower than the previous record from 2006 and is the fourth year in a row of higher readings.
I have asked Nasa whether the volcano could have contributed to recent warming and as to why the ozone hole refuses to shrink.
Greetings, Mr. Tonyb:
I’m not as fluent as you are in ‘ozone hole’, but I do know that well over a decade ago, I read a treatise from the late Marcel Leroux, wherein he hypothesized that most any and all ozone-related matters in Antarctica, were under the control of Mt. Erebus.
We know that chlorine [radicals, ions] are constituents of volcanic emissions, and that Mt. Erebus has been in almost continuous eruption for many decades.
Is he right? I’ve no idea, but it makes a lot more sense to me than the idea that massive chloro/fluoro-compounds, much heavier than the average atmospheric mass, and found mainly in the Norther hemisphere, somehow manage to make their way to Antarctica, and rise many kilometres into the atmosphere, through the tropopause, to cause havoc with O3 molecules.
And apparently, they mainly cause trouble at the geographic poles. Seems that I heard there was an issue with a ‘hole’, of sorts, around or near northern Canada, a few years ago. I could be wrong.
I leave it to you to decide. If I apply Occam’s Razor to the two competing hypotheses, Mt. Erebus is the clear winner.
I think Mt Erebus is as good as any theory. The current thinking by some, is that it is directly related to how cold the Stratosphere is over Antarctica (and the smaller hole over the Arctic)
Now Nasa seem to be talking about winds affecting ozone levels. Chloro/fluoro compounds was the original culprit as we all know and the last time I asked Nasa why the levels weren’t dropping they said it was too early for that to happen consistently
However they-and the media-made a big song and dance about it when levels sharply dropped 5 years ago.
It’s obvious the hole is caused by human activity. This time it’s more than likely the war in Ukraine 🇺🇦 . It’s causing chaos all over the shop!
“Ask” Fred Singer:
I believe the image is fairly self explanatory. The image shows how the ozone reduction over the South Pole is surrounded by an intensification.
Ask NASA why?
Amundsen-Scott Base at the South Pole yesterday, Thursday, was -51C with ‘ice fog’ accompanied by a -72C windchill, so methinks the Hypothesis of Gobull Worming (HOGWASH) has nought to do with the ephemeral ozone ‘hole’.
Mt Everest’s summit was -30C with a -42C windchill, even though it was ‘clear and sunny’ so, again, the Hypothesis of Boiling (HOBNOB) fails on every count.
These ‘carbon scientists’ and Zero Zealots appear to be living on some other planet far, far away from this cloudy, watery, sparkly jewel the rest of us live on.
Ozone “hole”?
There is ONLY an ozone layer because of radiation from the big Nuke in the sky. Its “thickness changes by latifude for a number of reasins, all to ro with angle of incidence of UV from the Sun
One band of UV light FORMS the Ozone, which is unstable, anyway.
What breaks it down? A different band of UV is one answer. “Chlorine” is blamed, and, by extension, Chlorinated fluorocarbons.
There is a catch, however, a couple in fact.
By far the greatest consumption / spillage of BCFs, etc, occurred in the NORTHERN hemisphere. Crossing the equator in bulk is likely to be a “challenge. These molecules are HUGE and HEAVY. In my younger days, I spent quite a bit of time in the electronics biz, much of which involved making and assembling printed circuit boards for Audio equipment. I used a LOT of Freon, (not unlike the stuff used in refrigerators) to CLEAN boards at various stages of the process. It was interesting to watch the shimmering cloud of Freon roll off the workbench in the nice warm workshop and roll across the floor, under the door and outside to the car-park.
I have never been given a believable explanation of how such a heavy molecule could be elevated en masse to over 50 thousand feet in altitude. Nor has anyone demonstrated that Freon / BCF etc molecules which are so robust that the defy the heat of burning magnesium, could have the chlorine ripped from its bonds by the somewhat wan Antarctic sunlight, striking, as it does, at a very low angle. The planet is roughly spherical, for those who have not noticed.
Whence the “free chlorine”? Simple, pedestrian answer, based on ACTUAL science (geology); volcanoes. At least seven active volcanoes on the surface of Antarctica. This includes the Air New Zealand favourite, Mount Erebus. There are also at least a couple active UNDER the ice “shell and, giver the temperatures of the circulating Antarctic current, probably MORE submerged ones.
Agreed Bruce, there is just a region (Antartica) where the ozone layer is thinner. It’s simply because that underside of the earth doesn’t get any sun during the SH winter. Hence no UV to make O3 from O2. It’s probably always been there and varies from year to year, decade to decade. It’s a scientific creation- we only are interested in something because we have the ability to either observe or measure it. In this case the advent of satellites allowed man to study it. Beforehand , no one could give a continental. It’s one of the original scientific scams.
A friend of mine sees mankind’s triumph over the ozone hole as proof positive that we can control the environment and therefore control of man made CO2 will control the climate.
Change your friends… they will drag you down to their level and beat you with their vastly greater experience in stupidity..
AS everyone knows, Britain is a very mild country blessed by lots of sun. Who therefore -other than an enemy of the planet-could possibly disagree with the notion of getting rid of our main source of heating (gas) and the huge expansion of solar power?
If I lived in Blighty, they would have to pry my gas heater from my cold dead hands.
Moving a giant new nuclear submarine by lorry
I notice they’ve wrapped it in plastic. Are they worried the submarine might get wet?
Why would you build major sections of any ocean-going vessel well away from the ocean?
You don’t think engineering, common sense, economics or practicality trumps politics do you?
Sidney Powell has been sentenced to six years of probation for conspiracy to commit intentional interference with performance of election duties. That’s a very soft plea bargain, her testimony against Giuliani and Trump will be very interesting.
That’s sad news. She had every right to question the integrity of the election results and use the court system to do so.
It just goes to prove how corrupt and infiltrated by the Deep State the US legal system has become.
No doubt she pleaded guilty to avoid an even more severe sentence like one of the non-violent J6 demonstrators who was invited into the Capitol building, walked in unimpeded in the presence of guards, and got 22 years jail.
The USA legal system under the Biden regime is at the level of the Third World and laws are simply ignored by Government.
It’s all about stopping Trump. They are even going after his lawyers.
Why do you think they are so obsessed with stopping Trump being elected again, one of the best Presidents ever and the best modern President?
Trump is the only President who questionned the Deep State and the Swamp and threatened their power and wealth.
Sidney Powell is on probation but no doubt that will become six years jail if she refuses to say false things about Trump that the Biden Regime wants her to.
What a terrible state of affairs.
Answer to that : ” I simply do not recall”. Period.
Or, a “slip and fall” followed by “I don’t remember”.
Worked for Clintons and various other testimony. Can’t disprove it.
If only she’d produced some evidence ??
I assume that is the end of her legal career.
>I assume that is the end of her legal career
That is the objective – “Our Democracy” must not be challenged.
>severe sentence like one of the non-violent J6 demonstrators who was invited into the Capitol building, walked in unimpeded in the presence of guards, and got 22 years jail.
Enrique Tarrio. There’s more detail to that at #5.3.2 downthread.
Federal-Democrat USA has descended into tyranny.
>Federal-Democrat USA has descended into tyranny.
1,000 Days Without A Trial: Jan. 6 Prisoner Shares His Story of ‘Endurance, Perseverance, And Hope’
[The Nation] “We all need myths to live by, and some of these stories we tell ourselves are ones we will cling to until the grave. In 1630, on the Arbella as it sailed toward North America, Puritan leader John Winthrop delivered a sermon called “A Modell of Christian Charity” asserting that this new land “shall be as a city upon a hill.” If that sounds familiar, it’s because on several occasions Ronald Reagan spoke of a shining city on a hill, sitting above other nations. Laying out an argument for American exceptionalism, Reagan claimed “that that there was some divine plan that placed this great continent between two oceans to be sought out by those who were possessed of an abiding love of freedom and a special kind of courage,” concluding at the very first Conservative Political Action Conference in 1974 that “we are indeed, and we are today, the last best hope of man on earth.” Of course, this kind of mythmaking requires an imperviousness to facts, a commitment to burying parts of our history, telling lies to ourselves and others to make them believe.”
# # #
Stinking putrid city on a hill now.
>conspiracy to commit intentional interference with performance of election duties.
Leftist-speak for Democrat lawfare.
Yep. She committed a criminal act and admitted it. Not much else to it really.
>She committed a criminal act
Is anything right of Marx/Lenin/Stalin/Hitler/Mao et al not a “criminal act” according to modern Democrats now?
err. What has that to do with anything? Do you do this to other criminal acts like theft and murder?
>other criminal acts
1) No “criminal acts” were committed – all felony charges were dropped.
2) See 1).
>She committed a criminal act and admitted it
Someone else that “committed a criminal act”:
OP-ED By The January 6th ‘SHAMAN’ Jacob Chansley! “J6 WAS A DEEP STATE PSYOP AND I CAN PROVE IT!” Read This Exclusive Article Penned By The Shaman Himself!
22 years imprisonment for refusing to lie at the behest of the US Department of “Justice”.
Let that sink in.
Gee Aye >She committed a criminal act and admitted it
Fact Check: False
See #5.4 downthread.
So no criminal charges and, therefore, she obviously didn’t admit to any.
Techno Fog – “They overcharged and they knew it”
>Fulton County prosecutors drop all 7 felony charges
Only 6 charges that I can see:
Fulton County charges against Powell (dropped)×900
Also known as charge “stacking” – a favourite tactic of Democrat lawfare.
you are seriously confused.
>Only 6 charges that I can see:
Those 6 are the misdemeanors so Simon was, in fact, correct on the face of it.
However, there were 7 felony charges that were dropped (from Techno Fog – see link below):
Those charges were dropped – they had no case.
See link to latest Techno Fog Substack article downthread here:
Prediction: Sidney Powell won’t be cooperating against Trump
Why Powell’s plea deal doesn’t help the RICO case against Trump – Techno Fog
Plea bargains are a powerful tool: Sign it and dob in ya mates or spend years in the slammer with security cameras turned off.
You can’t possibly be that stupid.
Totally untrue. In other words, pure unadulterated crop.
Simon >That’s a very soft plea bargain
Techno Fog responding on X:
Felonies vanish, not criminal, just a “misdemeanor” for questioning “Our Democracy”.
Simon >Sidney Powell has been sentenced to six years of probation for conspiracy to commit intentional interference with performance of election duties.
Fact Check: False
All 6 charges to “commit intentional interference with performance of election duties” were dropped by Fulton County.
Those charges BTW were what is known as charge “stacking” – a favourite tactic of Democrat lawfare.
Fulton County charges against Powell (dropped)×900
Plead to merely a misdemeanor.
As Techno Fog put it – “They overcharged and they knew it”
>Fact Check: False
True in fact. Those 6 are the misdemeanors. The original 7 felonies were dropped.
Techno Fog has elaborated with the original charges that were dropped:
Prediction: Sidney Powell won’t be cooperating against Trump
Why Powell’s plea deal doesn’t help the RICO case against Trump
Techno Fog
Techno Fog (an Attorney) re Powell testifying against Trump:
…there are claims that Powell might have other information that will hurt Trump. Nobody has offered specifics; even The New York Times admitted “it remains unclear what Ms. Powell might say about Mr. Trump if called upon to testify against him.”
What’s about a Friday thread ? 😀
Just jumped over it ?
Makes a short week 😀
There was a disturbance in the space-time continuum.
As its obviously Saturday in Oz but only Thursday here in the UK , can someone give me some horse racing results from Saturday . We can split the winnings.
It’s that damn Proton Nebuliser again.
That reminds me – I need to do an update on that post on time travel I made next month.
It makes sense, I thought it was Friday when the rest of the universe says it is Thursday.
So, as Saturday follows Friday mostly, then my confirmation bias is working as intended.
Then again, I may just need a Bex, a cup of tea and a good lie down.
What about anti-time? 😎
It hardly anti-matters
As for the whole time-shifting issue, I still haven’t adapted to daylight saving.
An old Indian chief says, only a white man would believe that by cutting 6 inches off the bottom of a blanket and sewing it on the top gives you a longer blanket.
Joanne gave the likely explanation yesterday:
[Slight boo boo I’ll look into it and get back to you on Friday!]AD
Daylight saving is so good that our relevant government department has made our clocks go forward a full day instead of one lousy hour.
Own a chinese clock do we? 😁
Yes, it provides instant updates on your social credit score, beyond that it’s timeless.
“Just another day on our selection”
Elton John lyric?
Benny and The Jets takes on a new meaning!
Study finds up to half of all electric-car owners considering a switch back to petrol power
While the majority of Tesla owners would buy another electric vehicle as their next car, customers who own battery-powered models from other brands are more inclined to switch back to petrol power.
I’ve noticed the same thing with the brand of car I presently own…their EV offering is well represented in their secondhand offerings. Must have seemed like a good idea at the time…
Most EV manufacturers won’t survive the decade and I have always believed that some established names will be among the dead. Only those that haven’t drunk the cool-aide will survive. If EVs survive Tesla will dominate there and Toyota will use their strength in the conventional/hybrid market to buy what they want at pennies in the pound.
VW may be first to the wreckers. China’s second biggest has just filed for bankruptcy and BVD makes tofu cars.
I live on an island serviced by a ferry. Lots of FB discussion about car owners not allowed on the car deck anymore while in transit, plus they park the EVs at the rear so they can attempt to dump them overboard in case of emergency (presumably fire).
Says it all about Tesla owners.
Just cannot get away from the nonsense of:- “The summer of 2023 was the hottest on record, …… above pre-industrial levels. This would require carbon emissions to be roughly halved by 2023 and reach net zero by 2050.”
Decarbonization introduces economic prospects for lighting and building industry … WELL I suppose it
does BUT:
The “decarbonization” is intended to include a LOT od “carbon-based” bipedal life-forms.
Go and read the actual goals of these psychopaths IN THEIR OWN WORDS.
China burns about 12,000,000 tonnes of coal a day.
Every day.
So produces about 44,000,000 tonnes of plant-food CO2 a day … just from coal.
Oil, gas, biofuels extra!
If – BIG ‘If’ – CO2 is a problem, logically, ‘Greens’ (watermelons, red inside) should agitate for immediate nuclear attack on China.
Oddly, they don’t.
Scotland Environmental schemes want ‘tenant farmers gone’. What have I been missing , on principle?
This all stinks. ( AGAIN ) Is this happening elsewhere ?
Didn’t that already happen back in the 1830’s, my forebears the Camerons came to OZ because of that.
But, but, but….
It’s only Friday.
In news you may have missed
The UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said in a new report on Thursday that every year, around 2,000 million tonnes of dust enter the atmosphere, “darkening skies and harming air quality in regions that can be thousands of kilometres away”.
This is just getting worse due to AGW
Don’t complain, it’s helping slow global warming, probably mostly space dust.
When reported by WMO more likely bulldust
In the evening it darkens, and me belief was it’s because of sunset, but now you worked that out – it’s the dust 😀
Clever 😀
But I miss the explanation: what’s the role of AGW ?
You live in fear, spend your days looking for the latest scare campaign to keep you awake at night. This is a mental condition, gluing your hands to the road is the only cure.
Tens of millions of tons of dust blow out each year from northern and western Africa, lofted from the Sahara Desert by strong seasonal winds. Dust storms can degrade air quality, but they also play an important role in absorbing and reflecting solar energy to regulate Earth’s climate. Dust also fertilizes ocean and land ecosystems with iron and various minerals that help plants and phytoplankton grow.
Living in fear? This from a guy who thinks that red painted roads will be activated to trap and and enslave him.
Give it 15 minutes.
Withot Sahara dust no Amazonas rain forest.
All this chatter about dust has reminded me to get the vacuum cleaner serviced.
Amazing how a few dust bunnies can cause panic!
‘This is just getting worse due to AGW.’
At the end of the Eemian Interglacial there was 400 years of drought and dust, due to global cooling.
‘ … dust input to the atmosphere and ocean increased exponentially with decreasing temperature and that this enhanced input amplified global cooling and carbon dioxide drawdown during coldest glacial conditions.’ (
But Peter, what they didn’t say was that around 2,000 million tonnes of dust settle out of the atmosphere every day also.
It’s (bull) dust in and (bull) dust out!
So why are we installing solar cells?
So more water can be commandeered to try and keep them clean?
Who checks the fact-checkers? Some of the signatures come as a surprise to me. Even some on the left feel threatened and start to support free speech. It seems.
Late but great !
The vast majority of misinformation already originates from the State, and is amplified by their bought and paid for lackeys.
They just want a monopoly.
>Even some on the left feel threatened and start to support free speech
Surely not.
Saturday on a Friday, cool.
Fake News !!
Will you be saying that when it’s Monday on a Sunday?
News before it happens.
BBC ..
BYD: The top electric car maker that is not Tesla
If the EU doesn’t snap these up then Australians are likely to enjoy driving BYD EVs
Like it or lump it, they will be hard to resist
??….Australians already drive BYD EVs…?
..but “enjoy”..? That is another thing all together. !🤔😁
They don’t sell that Chinese automotive stuff in Canada yet (???)
I can only go by what I read in the NYT or BBC.
Kicked tires on a Lada once, but that was shortly after the days when Austins MGs and Jags were complete crap. Will forever regret not buying a Lotus.
Remember flooded carborators? Nothing like the smell of unleaded gasoline in the morning! .. especially with crappier electric systems
“Will forever regret not buying a Lotus.”
Not if you had bought one… They were still British Govt-supported crap, finest oil leaks, water leaks, cracking bodies, doors that didn’t fit.. I moved to Datsun about then and was saved.
the Datsun 1600 and Mazda 1500 were streets ahead of everything else
Amazing machines for their era
Had a Datsun 180B dark green black trim. Went on honeymoon and left it in care of workmate who had a 120Y so had inkling he would probably drive mine. Workmate met us at airport, with the car, and we piled in and off down the motorway. Felt the car wasn’t handling right and engine didn’t sound right so asked for his thoughts. Totally unexpected reply was “Your still in second gear”. Completed the journey home in guilty embarassed silence.
LoL. Thimb up
Do the sales numbers include some from those acres of EVs parked in fields across China?
Are they better than those MG heaps of poo.
Wasn’t it an MG that was ultra-reliable, a couple or three weeks ago.
In Scotland IIRC …
Ran for ever, until stopped carefully by a poluce van, despite driver trying to slow or stop with the brakes.
Another north bound cyclone off Mexico:
Still a lot of water over the NH that is beginning to manifest as snow in the cooler regions like Himalayas, northern China, Norwegian mountains and Alaska but so far no new records.
Report: Possibly 50 Were Killed at Gaza Hospital, not 500
I wrote yesterday that the Islamic Jihad rocketeer group was a “Hamas off-shoot”.
That was incorrect, actually a Muslim Brotherhood off-shoot.
Meanwhile the US Democrats have an awkward situation – “The Squad” leader Rep. Rashida Tlaib is still insisting Israel bombed the hospital but Sen John Fetterman has attacked: “It’s truly disturbing that Members of Congress rushed to blame Israel for the hospital tragedy in Gaza.”
Biden – Hamas “gotta learn how to shoot straight.”
Curiously unreported previously, today’s Australian tells us of mass looting by Gazan civilians let loose on the farms of recently murdered Israelis to take electrical goods, clothes, furniture, cows, cars…..but honestly, they’re just poor victims. Nice people.
>mass looting by Gazan civilians [electrical goods, clothes, furniture, cows, cars…..]
That started on the day of the initial raid.
Car cams showed that after an armed Hamas raider shot someone there was a squad of unarmed guys following them around to loot from the victims as much as they could carry.
Struck me at the time as kill-and-loot gangsterism.
‘Proportionate response’
It started at 700+ on the BBC I recall with a special mention for dismembered toddlers.
The BBC said the hospital was flattened and destroyed.
The BBC also reported an eyewitness who was able to identify the model of Israeli jet and watch it release 2 missiles (in a pitch black sky).
“The BBC also reported an eyewitness who was able to identify the model of Israeli jet and watch it release 2 missiles (in a pitch black sky).”
Did they run the intercepted telephone conversation between two Hamas soldiers saying “it was one of ours, not the Israelis”? From the same security service that didn’t see a thousand soldiers getting ready to invade Israel, yet a day after would pin-point a telephone conversation to absolve Israel of the hospital bombing. sadly the telephone conversation had the wrong accents, the wrong idiom and the wrong words for Hamas fighters.
maybe the analysis of the flight-path from where the Israelis said it was launched and how that didn’t go near the hospital?
BBC, king of lies and propaganda for 100years.. When you can’t believe either side its best to ignore it all.
Hamas aren’t “soldiers”. They fit the dictionary definition of terrorists.
There is no way you (or anyone) can claim that the monstrous acts of barbarity they committed against Israeli civilian men, women, children and babies was the work of “soldiers”.
FFS, what’s wrong with you?
“FFS, what’s wrong with you?”
I see no difference between them DM, they are both men who kill for someone else when told to. Right through time soldiers have always been like that, win the battle, rape the women, enslave the children and loot the country. Fancy words on documents for Govts doesn’t change that.
A country should be protected by an armed citizenry, anything else is just a gang of thugs for a Govt to wield. Citizens won’t rush off overseas to fight for politicians, but will be happy to defend what is theirs, to the death if needed.
There’s a huge difference between them.
In the case of Israel, they abide by the rules of war, Hague Conventions and any other relevant laws.
They don’t murder, rape, enslave, kidnap, mutilate or torture the enemy or engage civilians.
The Hamas terrorists do. And they deliberately embed themselves among the civilian population to prevent Israel engaging them.
If you are so indoctrinated you don’t see that, there’s very little point trying to explain it.
“A country should be protected by an armed citizenry.”
Fine, we all have a right to self defence, but sending ‘soldiers’ to another country with instructions to kill unarmed civilians INCLUDING INNOCENT BABIES, CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE AT A FESTIVAL does not in any way constitute ‘defence’. It is without question terrorism and barbarity. Those deaths weren’t ‘collateral’ casualties but were deliberately targeted.
I have no doubt you will argue that Israel’s ‘occupation’ justifies these atrocities but any sane person who is aware of the Israelis’ efforts to negotiate peace (such as handing back territory won through wars they didn’t start, in return for peace agreements subsequently ripped up by Arabs), knows that the Arabs and Muslims are to blame for all this.
Sure, anyone with a car driving licence would know how to steer a tank, and it must be much easer to fly a plane where there’s no bend in the road with trees to run into. That’s a real practical idea. Do you want to start a petition?
Mr. KP: You can’t see the difference? Tells me all I need to know about you.
You’ve got a lot of the concepts involved, but you need put it together in a way that makes sense.
See Steve’s comment below.
“Biden – Hamas gotta learn how to shoot straight.”
So Biden’s advice is that the Palestinians who were firing rockets at Israel but hit their own hospital instead should make sure they hit Israel next time.
This stuff is beyond parody.
>Meanwhile the US Democrats have an awkward situation
Ilhan Omar Backtracks on Accusing Israel of Hospital Strike in Gaza, Blames AP Report
Supporters of Hamas and Palestinians will be even more furious at Israel when they discover the Hospital rocket wasn’t from Israel.
How dare Israel not do that. It’s so unfair, as usual.
Do we have any reason to think war reporting will be any better than ‘Pandemic’ reporting?
I’m sure one side or the other is using ‘horse de-wormer’*.
Maybe it’s a ‘War of the Unvaccinated’.
*(But there is this …)
‘Captagon’ … these are challenging times for one’s vocabulary.
The situation is so disheartening in Israel. Israel has only ever wanted peace and is a shining example of democracy in the Middle East. They’ve never antoganised anyone but are constantly attacked by anti-semitic Palestinians. We as a nation must support Israel. They need to annihilate Gaza and the West Bank since these people are hell-bent on killing every Jewish person in the word. Albo, of course, has been a huge disappointment in condemning Hamas. We should be sending our Aussie sons and daughters to fight for Israel instead of wasting our time with a referendum. As a proud Aussie I can say that I will aways support you, Israel to the bitter end. We, as Aussies, must acknowledge our inaction during the WWII atrocities, and let our sons and daughters make up for it.
“a shining example of democracy”
Again … challenging times for our vocabularies.
Please excuse a little rant.
‘Democracy’ is an agitprop term.
It sounds nice.
I’m American, I live in a Republic*.
Here’s Ben Franklin, one of the Founders of America, we were once taught to revere, opining on ‘Democracy’.
*(I actually reside in US Blue State under total control of ‘Democrats’. When I go to vote, there are seldom any opposition candidates to vote for. My Congressperson had a well funded Republican challenger, but won easily without even campaigning. Plus, the wolves have made it virtually illegal for sheep to defend themselves. Simple reality … it is the Democratic Party that threatens ‘Democracy’ and openly despises it.)
POTUS Biden regularly accuses near half his own people of being “threats to Our Democracy”.
Globalists use the term all the time, ‘Global Democracy’ … a true oxymoron rivaled only by ‘Believe in Science’.
I’m sure the Athenians intended to give the Spartans voting rights in the Agora.
Did Australia beat Pakistan last night?
I thought the Aussie team were getting counselling for a week after the No vote won the referendum!
Germany may have had an epiphany:
Germany Starts Border Controls in Its Frontiers With Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland – Open Borders Policy Abandoned Due to Mass Migration Crisis
Herr Merkel van be thanked for the disaster that germany is facing.
Stupid policies lead to the inevitable reality.
The Frau was no work of art but Herr Merkel?
My bald head identifies as “herr”
Probably meant to be “her”.
In the good old days the biggest issue at the Swiss/ German border was whether you had purchased your Swiss motorway sticker so you could legally use the extremely smooth Swiss motorways.
How to smack down a Woke journalist like a Boss:
How To Smack Down a Woke Journalist Like a Boss!!!
Seen DeSantis do a similar job on a journo once it was priceless.
While not munching an onion.
One would think Australia would have cheap energy if it exports 4x primary energy it uses.
A new acronym I came up with.
Climate Loons Against Petroleum Products Exalting Renewables Stupidity or CLAPPERS for short.
I’ll work on one which spells FARQUITS.
Feral Anti Reality Quasi-humans United In Terminal Stupidity ?😆
Dr. Drew Reveals 50% of mRNA Victims Now Have ‘Permanent Heart Damage’
Fifty percent of young men who were told their cases of post-Covid vaccine myocarditis were mild and nothing to worry about now have “permanent heart damage” according to a new study.
“It took my breath away,” said Dr. Drew during an interview on the Megyn Kelly Show. “A major just came out five days ago, a major cardiology journal, an excellent study, it took my breathe away. It showed that approximately half the young males had permanent heart damage. That means we don’t what percentage are going to be disabled by this as they get older, they are going to develop heart failure, and they are going to need heart transplants.”
Maybe a 3D printed one or a pig’s heart?
Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Hundreds of Billions of DNA Molecules Per Dose’ in mRNA Covid Jabs
A new peer-reviewed scientific study has found the “presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose” in both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, directly contradicting the information given to the public by governments and regulators about the contents of the jabs.
A pre-print of the highly-anticipated new study by researchers at the University of Guelph in Canada published on October 18 outlined the investigation into the “exploratory dose response relationship with serious adverse events.”
The study concludes “the data demonstrates the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of 61 DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry, all vaccines exceed the 62 guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188–509-fold.”
What will YOU mutate into?
Advancing evolution one jab at a time.
There – I told you.
Circumstances may shape human behaviour, but character defines its course.
– some smart dude.
Just Stop Oil loons vs bus
I thought it would be illegal to block the Kings Highway.. Not a cop in sight!
You mean men presenting as females trying to sell women’s lingerie turn women off your product?
I’m shocked!
Get woke. Go broke. Every time.
Victoria’s Secret ditches prioritizing wokeness over ‘sexiness’ after sales drop
By Fox Business
Published Oct. 18, 2023, 12:33 p.m. ET
And fat women in skimpy lingerie don’t inspire other women how to look sexy. Surprise!
TBH, seeing those enormous ladies in what I used to thing of as beautiful attire is having an effect they (and others) perhaps didn’t anticipate. I’m starting to associate frilly underwear with obesity. I recognise that we men are similarly guilty of piling on the kilos, but do women find men’s underwear and clothing attractive wehen modeled by a fat bloke? I thought marketing was all about aspiration and delusion?
Go woke etc.
ABC/BOM are getting excited that we might have a cyclone in the Coral Sea, the first one this time of year in 50 years of records! I await Climate Change as being the cause if it does form, and if nothing happens we will hear nothing at all.
Trudeau’s Liberal Party blocks bill that would have prevented Canada from euthanizing the mentally ill: ‘An indelible stain’
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party voted down a bill Wednesday that would have barred the state from euthanizing mentally ill Canadians. There is little now standing in the way of those with mental disorders, including the depressed whose suicidal ideation is likely a symptom, having the state put them down starting March 17, 2024.
Conservative lawmaker Ed Fast’s private members bill C-314 would have amended Canada’s Criminal Code to “provide that a mental disorder is not a grievous and irremediable medical condition for which a person could receive medical assistance in dying.”
Fast stressed in the preamble to his bill that vulnerable citizens should receive suicide prevention counseling rather than be exterminated by the state, adding that “Canada’s medical assistance in dying regime risks normalizing assisted dying as a solution for those suffering from a mental disorder.”
On a historical note, Canada, along with other countries, pushed such measures well before the German nazi regime did.
History isn’t repeating here – it never stopped.
Eugenics is ongoing.
Some interesting articles about EV’s in the Drive Section of the Age:
US electric-car start-up loses half-a-million dollars on each vehicle it builds
Tesla electric cars cost 25 per cent more to repair than petrol, diesel vehicles
Study finds up to half of all electric-car owners considering a switch back to petrol power (except Tesla drivers, who are happy to continue drinking the kool-aid)
In a Huge First, Scientists Transfer Alzheimer’s to Healthy Young Animals
The role of the gut microbiome in causing Alzheimer’s disease has finally been confirmed.
Using gut microbiota transplants, an international team of researchers has shown memory impairments in humans with Alzheimer’s can be passed on to young, healthy rats.
The study also revealed specific bacteria in the gut are directly linked to cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s patients.
This highlights the gut microbiome as a key area of research for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, and that could lead to new ways to treat the disease.
“People with Alzheimer’s are typically diagnosed at or after the onset of cognitive symptoms, which may be too late, at least for current therapeutic approaches,” says neuroscientist Yvonne Nolan from University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland.
“Understanding the role of gut microbes during prodromal – or early stage- dementia – before the potential onset of symptoms may open avenues for new therapy development, or even individualized intervention.”
How long have I highlighted the gut microbiome?
But oldies don’t want to eat, creating the problem.
I have read the paper. A must read for Alzheimer’s research.
Strictly “by the book” research, and most enlightening.
Obviously the “cuppa tea and toast” diet is harmful.
Mrs H is now in her 10th year since diagnosis and every day I cook her a real mixed, nutritious breakfast, which is more like brunch and even includes a little sauerkraut for a little fermented food. I believe she has flatlined this year, not getting noticeably worse. I am wearing out though, I’m ‘twixt and between: Going into a home will break her heart, keeping her at home is breaking me.
She joins the family in the evening meal as well of course.
It’s a emotional storm you’re facing Hanrahan and I hope you can get through it without lasting damage. Dealing with the family’s expectations, society’s expectations, your expectations and the wife’s expectations can be a huge dilemma.
At what point in your life do you want to live your life not the life others want you to live?
Stock market investing has been unrewarding for the last year. The AllOrds is where it started, around 7,000 and our exchange rate is the same, 0.63c.
Gold however is up 19% and silver up 22% in US$ terms. I no longer wish to trade so just sitting on precious metals is both peaceful and rewarding.
Spreading –
“Biden’s Address to Nation: Shameful Hypocrisy a Final Nail in America’s Coffin”
“Economist Thomas Sowell once said, “The road to hell is paved with Ivy League degrees.” I believe him. I’ve always believed that. Now, the rest of the country might believe him too.
A sense of evil has disseminated across elite campuses since October 7, the day Hamas organized a coordinated offensive on southern Israel by massacring 260 civilians at a music festival.”
More at
Via Instapundit
First parliamentary speech anyswhere about excess deaths – UK MP Andrew Bridgen, who was thrown out of the Conservative Party earlier this year after using vigorous rhetoric to question vaccine efficacy.
The speech is a gush of information – much of it quantitative – and it can be perused at a more leisurely pace in written form in Hansard:
What is remarkable is the enormous turnout in the Public Gallery of the House of Commons and the cheering from it of Andrew Bridgen for making this speech.
But so much money was made; check out the Private Eye series Profits of Doom concerning the PPE and testing scams.
Around 1,200 people were killed when Hamas attacked Israel a few days ago and the world – quite rightly – went crazy. However, Bridgen says that 18,000 elderly people in the UK alone have died (in excess of what would be expected), probably due to the vaccines. Excess deaths in the young are perhaps even more outrageous, and yet the same media and governments are silent.
As Mark Steyn said recently, why are our governments acting like everything is normal?
Thumbs up!