A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Anybody Home?
Out sunbaking!
I just broke in!
Some more “cranks” to make Gee Aye’s visit to the blog worthwhile.
Couple of short videos by Senators Antic and Roberts, and other information.
A “fact check” claim says the WHO wouldn’t be given the powers claimed here.
Unfortunately fact checks aren’t necessarily that reliable.
Make up your own mind.
Indeed, that is the main reason Australia should not sign up to multilateral international treaties. Constitutionally, once the treaty is ratified Australia is bound to pass legislation putting the treaty into domestic law.
It is a loss of sovereignty. And invariably the mechanisms to exit from treaties make them near impossible to terminate.
As if the world didn’t have enough problems:
In the U. S. there is a requirement that school lunches include milk that is mostly packaged in small cartons. They are also used in hospitals, nursing homes, and prisons.
The cartons are in short supply.
I am not affected because (a) I don’t drink milk, and (b) I am not a patron of any of the places that serve the stuff. I’d prefer they serve a fritzy wine cooler, but milk producers have more political clout than I do.
Adobe is selling fake AI images of the war in Israel-Gaza
Adobe is selling artificially generated, realistic images of the Israel-Hamas war which have been used across the internet without any indication they are fake.
As part of the company’s embrace of generative artificial intelligence (AI), Adobe allows people to upload and sell AI images as part of its stock image subscription service, Adobe Stock. Adobe requires submitters to disclose whether they were generated with AI and clearly marks the image within its platform as “generated with AI”. Beyond this requirement, the guidelines for submission are the same as any other image, including prohibiting illegal or infringing content.
Yeah, and the slight focus and perspective differences give the fakes away every time, at least to me. It’s like Generative Fill…
Instant Evolution: AI Designs New Robot from Scratch in Seconds
A team led by Northwestern Engineering researchers has developed the first artificial intelligence (AI) to date that can intelligently design robots from scratch.
To test the new AI, the researchers gave the system a simple prompt: Design a robot that can walk across a flat surface. While it took nature billions of years to evolve the first walking species, the new algorithm compressed evolution to lightning speed — designing a successfully walking robot in mere seconds.
But the AI program is not just fast. It also runs on a lightweight personal computer and designs wholly novel structures from scratch. This stands in sharp contrast to other AI systems, which often require energy-hungry supercomputers and colossally large datasets. And even after crunching all that data, those systems are tethered to the constraints of human creativity — only mimicking humans’ past works without an ability to generate new ideas.
When REAL AI comes to pass, it’s brown trouser time.
Evolution will be exponential and we dear little humans will be intellectual pond slime in comparison within a month.
They won’t even want us as pets.
We won’t be able to stop or control it and forget hard coded limiters. Sorry Asimov.
Maybe another 10-15 years before that happens, ignoring “other factors” which could accelerate the time frame to 5 years or so.
Don’t worry. Net Zero will solve the AI problem as there won’t be enough electricity for AI to take over anything. In fact there won’t be much worth taking over.
Jo has done us all a great service in the past by highlighting the global warming scam, the vaccine scam and more. But for sure this will all be illegal under proposed legislation.
A new law is about to kill free speech and democracy in Australia
I cant see how will survive.
This must be opposed
truthsolutions are out there and I’ve covered them a while back.Maybe Jo could offer pdf archived blog rips to preserve all the info posted, even for a choccy fee.I think there’s a WP plugin (or 10) for that.
This^ 100% !
There were thousands of submissions to Government against that bill but it looks like the Government is not taking notice.
No kidding
Then even if the bill is passed the government, and the police and courts if they try to enforce it, will have no moral authority. The time may be coming for mass civil disobedience.
The Guardian:
‘The Albanese government has been urged to remove the “professional news content” exemption from its crackdown on misinformation on social media, amid concerns that news coverage of the voice and Covid has spread false information and lies.
The Greens, independent MPs Zali Steggall and Zoe Daniel and the media law academic Michael Douglas have all questioned the blanket exemption in Labor’s disinformation crackdown.
Douglas and the Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young cited coverage from News Corp as a cause for concern.
Hanson-Young said misinformation was a “growing threat to our democracy, whether it’s spread via large social media platforms or by large multinational media corporations, like the Murdoch media”.’
on substack; ‘bad cattitude’
‘yes, the vaccines were supposed to stop covid spread. yes, the “experts” told us so.’
adventures in revisionist history
30 DEC 2021
the revisionist history around vaccines is getting pretty extreme. let’s be VERY clear:
yes, they were promised to stop spread, contagion, and provide herd immunity.
yes, those promises were made by the same “experts” currently claiming “vaccines were never supposed to stop spread, just reduce severity.”
yes, they were so committed to this that they literally changed the definition of “herd immunity” to EXCLUDE natural immunity.
(of course, they then changed the definition of “vaccine” as well to make this look like less of a failure)
and yes, all the unprecedented lock down and mask up policies were pushed explicitly as “only necessary until we get the vaccines.”
despite the massive PR offensive underway to deny this, these are the facts.
this is what they sold us.
and we have the receipts.
I’m going to compile them here so people have them. if you have more, please drop links in the comments. This is information that needs to be preserved instead of whitewashed out of existence.
Let’s start with this compilation from always on point gatopal™ and rational ground stalwart Justin Hart who in his inimitable way, once more skewers the Fauci follies from CNBC yesterday.
watch the video. it’s a doozie.
-vaccination (pre-2015): Injection of a killed of weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease
-vaccination(2015-2021):The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease
-vaccination(Sept 2021): The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific
-Brownstone Institute:
‘Questioning Lipid Nanoparticles’
Dr. David Gortler, a 2023 Brownstone Fellow, is a pharmacologist, pharmacist, research scientist and a former member of the FDA Senior Executive Leadership Team who served as senior advisor to the FDA Commissioner on matters of: FDA regulatory affairs, drug safety and FDA science policy.
He is a former Yale University and Georgetown University didactic professor of pharmacology and biotechnology, with over a decade of academic pedagogy and bench research, as part of his nearly two decades of experience in drug development.
He also serves as a scholar at the Ethics and Public Policy Center
-Brownstone Institute:
‘Bearing Eternal Witness to a Scam’
Canada goes first:
Canada News BanA Chinese-owned app called WeChat, made for instant messaging, social media, and mobile payments, has been banned from Canada effective immediately as of Monday, October 30, 2023. The application was said to be removed from all government-issued devices and has been blocked for future downloads by anyone. While they did do a sweep through the app to see if there had been any breaches, nothing came up. Yet, they decided to ban the app from Canada. Along with this, the Kaspersky app has also been banned effective immediately. This app is a Russian-owned cyber-security and anti-virus app. Both apps are said to be a threat.
They’ve seen Kaspersky as a risk for many many years, with no proof, but it’s what I’ve always used over US products (with FBI/CIA/NSA backdoors).
Should have also mentioned that the NSA developed GHIDRA (a code decompiler, which I use too) so if they wanted to they could have checked Kaspersky products behaviour and PROVEN it was a risk, but they never have…
Reformation 2.0.
Reformation 2.0 is great for recreational coincidence theorists like myself.
Like this young fellow.*
IMHO this is ‘journalism’.
At least the kind I’m interested in.
*I know nothing about this person. But I very much like his ability to speak to me via the magic interweb.
(The Interweb is like a caravanserai, where we get to hear magical tales of faraway places.)
This is what governments fear.
Our power to share experience and opinion.
Government will stop at nothing.
Our true problem is their inevitable failure.
Inquisitions are forming as we speak.*
Like Reformation 1.0, the genie will not be returned to the bottle.
Unfortunately, most of us here will not likely live to see that victory of truth which is inevitable.
*(Donald Trump is controlling my fingers.)
Also, the young fellow in vid I linked uses a good term I had not heard before …
Cognitive Warfare
this is the main tactic in Global blitzkrieg.
I notice that Daylight Savings Time has the odd ‘side’ effect of interrupting cognitive management.
The FDA Approves SOUND WAVES To Destroy Cancer
We have shut ourselves in machinery that gives abundance but has left us in want. We think too much and feel too little, more than machinery we need you humanity to tell us the air isn’t fit to breathe and the food not fit to eat.
In this podcast, Jason Bermas explains how he came across the information that the FDA is approving a $122,000 cancer treatment that uses sounds waves to disintegrate tumours as a painless alternative to radiation.
However, despite the FDA only now approving this as a cancer treatment the knowledge has been around for decades. NASA scientists even claimed that humans were essentially wet electronics in an electric universe. Studies have been done of harnessing this electric relationship between people and the environment for a long time.
All matter has its own frequency and resonant frequency.
This has been around for decades, even Nikola Tesla had such an invention, so why are we still using this crazy chemotherapy?
It’s not magic, it’s nothing to do with resonant frequencies, it’s just a way of focusing sound waves from multiple carefully phased sources through the body to a focal point where it induces localized destruction of cells due to energy deposited. You can see similar stuff happening in ultrasonic cleaning baths, and its been used to break up kidney stones for decades. Another approach is gamma-knives (many collimated gamma ray beams that intersect at a central point to locally cook tumors.
Actually there are claims about resonant frequencies (Anthony Holland, Tedx years ago)and cancer not proven but not disproven either, but I was looking at it from a physics perspective rather than medical.
All matter has a resonant frequency as do cells. Now, resonant frequencies and viruses is totally true!
Yes, focused energy beams are an evolving technique with a lot of promise.
Those curious should look up the fascinating case of Anatoli Bugorski from 1978.
A variant of the Rife machine.
Look up Royal Raymond Rife. The human trial was done in 1931. Cured 13 out of 13 patients.
A variant of the Rife microscope (which you will still read as being impossible), got the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2018 (see fluorescent Microscope). If you have the bucks, (J.P. Morgan time), you can buy a better version of the Rife Microscope at Grayfield optics.
The second part, the tiny (nano scale) particles also involved, are now (in the last 20 years) accepted in the molecular biology world, and are called either extracellular vesicles, or exosomes.
The machine itself, has never been replicated. It required at least 2 different frequencies, one for the cells involved, and a different one to the relevant exosomes.
‘a happy little debunker’ posted, yesterday, an article about some professors from Melbourne who’ve been studying a NSW beach for the past fifty years, concluding that what the ocean taketh away, shortly thereafter returneth’d it. SHOCKING! Any crusty old beachcomber, sea dog and/or surfer could’ve told ’em that for free. What a waste of university funds – or a great way to get paid avoiding office work.
One learned fellow [sic] noted that even after 50 years, the sea level hadn’t noticeably changed at all, whatsoever – however! – he was of the firm belief it was going to change in the next 50 years. Ah yes, SCIENCE goes full circle back round to RELIGION, believe, kah-ching $$$.
We only hit 22C today (17C water temp, not ‘boiling’ yet, brrr) so the ‘authorities’ didn’t have to raise the alarm – 3 degrees more and the 25C ‘heat warnings’ would’ve gone off (duck & cover?). Four weeks and we still have no government… meh, doing fine without ’em, carry on.
“Research” (sic) into climate catastrophism is a great way to get taxpayer funded vacations to exotic or agreeable locations.
My own observational research … conducted every school holiday, long weekend and latter over the last 13 years, daily – since I was 5, some 50 years ago … reflects these ‘esteemed scientist’s conclusions, excepting that I do not agree with any speculation about the supposed sea level rise in the next 50 years and there is actual video footage of my findings.
A few less cars on the beach, and a few less teenagers having fun – but still much the same then as now.
Here is a 5min 20 sec video: “Battle for Climate Earth” about the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
Dead right.
Sounds about right but a bit on the naive side. Who cares which way the legally cast votes are cast. The outcome is beyond the reach of legitimate voters. And even the concept of a legitimate vote has been changed 1984 style to mean whatever the powers that be intend.
In Wisconsin there’s a “floating island”.
There used to be one in Victoria as well but the lake it was on dried up. I saw it once. I am not sure of current status.
I used to go fishing from a floating island as a boy. It was in Redesmere Lake, Cheshire. By that time (ca. 1970), it was ‘moored’ to the lake shore but had been known to move around during storms and high winds. A yacht club operated on the lake and I was told it was they who had the lake fixed to the eastern shore. When I fished there, it was still floating, though stationary. It was a spooky feeling walking across it because the ground underfoot was squishy and would ‘ripple’ as we walked across it, like a floating carpet. It was a lovely spot, though not particularly productive as far as the fishing went.
Wondering why they don’t anchor it in place, like the floating islands of Lake Titicacca.
Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins are now both back on X.
I know you’ll enjoy this. Your future safe in their hands:
Another edict
More at
Fortescue have dropped plans for wind and solar in WA , I wonder why ?
Interesting. Some reporters are claiming that they still have plans for some form of renewable project on that site, but I doubt it. It seems that the decision was made by the iron ore group, not FFI.
Maybe they realised that it would either…
A)..produce more electricity than the entire WA market can consume…
B)…be completely useless without another few billions of $$s for thousands of kms of transmission and interconnectors to link them to anything !
C)…or maybe they just wised up ?
They have a lot of cheap gas up there, which already provides most of the energy for their power stations. No real need for wind or solar.
The de-industrialisation of the UK continues.
“British Steel to shut furnace putting up to 2,000 jobs at risk”
BBC – treat with caution.
“British Steel plans to close down its blast furnace in Scunthorpe, putting up to 2,000 jobs at risk. The business, owned by China’s Jingye Group, wants to replace it with two electric arc furnaces (EAFs) – one at Scunthorpe and one at Teesside. The construction is expected to take between two and three years.”
Construction -if run on Chinese lines – 2-3 years.
But I suspect a tad longer if British methods are used: the planning approval will take at least half a decade …
Present furnace is uneconomic – as UK energy prices are silly, compared with china, which uses 12,000,000 tonnes of coal per day, every day, for electricity alone: more on top for steel and cement.
Climate Change Policies will kill the UK – and most of the Western World – unless we wake up now.
NSW installing worlds 2nd biggest grid battery…The Waratah Super Battery !
In a jesture to offset the planned 2025 shutdown of Eraring coal plant (2880MW), NSW is installing a 1680 MWh grid battery at the nearby disused Doyalson coal plant site. !
Why they even bother to imply the two are in anyway similar , i do not know ?
The battery is being built by Arcasia energy ( a Blackrock subsiduary) , at a cost of over $1.0 bn.
In addition it is suggested this battery will eliminate the need for Gas peaker plants ( the Doyalson site also is home to the Colongra 667 MW OCG gas plant which cost under $500m !)
FYI.. only 1400MW of the battery will be allocated to “grid services”,….. with 280 MW used by the operator for “arbitrage” !!
Burn baby, burn …
Arcasia energy ( a Blackrock subsiduary)
Perhaps, Akaysha Energy
Or..more accurately..
Ahh !,.. mixed media messages !
Different sources report different developers..Akaysha in the AFR, ..Acacia in some industry media ?
So i will go with the AFRs “Akaysha” for the “Superbattery”
But.. strangely interesting that two companies, in the same business sector,.. ( both grid scale battery installers )..should have chosen similar sounding names ?
Supprisingly no dispute over copyright/trademarks etc ?
Is there some hidden meaning to this Acacia / Akaysha name ??
…..other than the botanical tree species ?
A simple calculation is in order. Take the MWh figure and divide by the MW figure. The resulting figure for h tells you what you need to know.
For example, a house might have a 12.8KWh battery and if the house uses 3.2KW it will take 4 hours to discharge.
In this case the Eraring coal plant is said to supply 2880MW and the battery is said to be 1680MWh. The arithmetic says that once fully charged the battery can release the same power as the coal plant for around 35 minutes.
Impressed? Me neither!
Actually its not that good….
Remember 280 MWh is reserved for “arbitrage”, and only 1400 MWh will be available for supply smoothing, voltage and frequency control , etc…….at a max discharge rate of 700MW.
So it can supply 25% of Eraring capacity for a max of 2 hrs…( if its fully charged ?)
Meanwhile , next door (litterally) is the 667 MW gas plant that can supply roughly the same power …continuously , 24-7 !!
Indeed. It is difficult to see these big batteries serving any purpose other than arbitrage.
Nice money spinners if you can get one on the grid.
Aurora even in south coast of England.
Surely this is HAARP not the sun as stated?
Explanation on today’s post at:
I know ‘the explanation’ my point is that it’s an awfully big coincidence.
Everyone is so afraid of dying in climate change induced heatwaves that they want to move to Dubai. Perhaps it’ll be the last place where aircon isn’t made illegal.
A look at red meat consumption and diabetes
“Since 1961, when the American Heart Association started telling Americans to limit their intake of saturated fats, found primarily in meat and dairy, our consumption of meat has dropped: by 28% (beef by 35%) between 1970 and 2014, according to the best-available government data (today, it is no doubt much lower). Meanwhile, the prevalence of diabetes, to put it gently, has sky-rocketed. Blaming the diabetes epidemic on red meat when it coincides almost perfectly with plummeting red-meat consumption is like blaming air pollution in the 1930s on the horse-drawn buggy: illogical, if not actually silly. ”
Another one with “Ancel Keys ambitions”?
“How Ancel Keys Brainwashed the Masses Into Fearing Meat (He’s Wrong)”
Vitamin D
Thanks Kim,
Great presentation and will happily recommend it to others.
But I do have a couple of challenges:
..1. He uses ng/dl as his unit of measure of blood level, where I’ve found ng/ml in my reading. Happily he also mentions the other one in common use, nmol/L and his explanation of the conversion factor (2.5) means we’re talking the same thing and same numbers:
..2. In his discussion of cofactors he doesn’t mention vitamin C or iron, which I think is a mistake.
..3. His description of how orally taken D3 gets into the blood stream doesn’t mention the two stage process described in other work, involving both kidneys and liver and adding about 2 weeks before becoming available.
Dave B
I heard a dietician yesterday pointing out that meat is 100% adsorbed by the body, whilst veg and fiber products are only processed in the stomach and a high % pass straight through.
IE ,..per kg, meat is a much better source of energy and nutrients.
EV vs Diesel ……no competition !
Just Stop Oil Climate Crazies Smash Glass Protecting 17th Century Painting with Hammers
Mark Steyn’s latest “bout of law”
“Just when you think the District of Columbia court system can’t get any worse, they do: Last weekend, the Steyn team landed at Washington Reagan National Airport on Sunday afternoon to discover that the “fourth trial judge” (only in America!) had decided while they were in flight that Monday’s trial “must be postponed”. And so, in the Common Law world’s lousiest jurisdiction, a decade-plus adjudication of a 270-word blog post staggers on toward the start of its thirteenth year in the dank septic tank of DC justice. ”
Plus links