The beginning: “What was supposed to be a big deal climate treaty negotiation has morphed into an enormous trade fair. Even funnier the focus is on fossil fuel production which the UN treaty is supposed to curb.
COP 28 has an astounding number of attendees, with over 100,000 official registrants, more than twice the previous record. Meanwhile the number of actual climate treaty negotiators is somewhere in the hundreds, so maybe 1% at most. The negotiations area is small and walled of, while the general attendees area is huge. What do the other 99% (or 99,000 people) do as the two week session rolls slowly by? They talk to each other and a lot of that talk is apparently business related because a lot of the attendees are reportedly corporate or trade professionals doing deals.
Several green observers have complained that the COP has turned into a trade show. Fossil fuels is a huge and growing industry, but it is hilarious that the conference supposedly designed to curb that industry is in fact facilitating it big time. After all this is a chance for business types to talk to energy policy and trade officials from most of the countries in the world, especially the energy rich ones. Many government delegations likely include trade teams looking for fossil fuel action. Plus the business people do deals with each other. Fossil fuels are truly international.
For example, oil rich Nigeria lists a whopping 1,411 attendees. Of these 422 are government funded while the other 989 likely include a lot of business types. This is a lot of deal making horsepower. Other energy rich African countries also sent big delegations, including Kenya, Tanzania and Morocco. Same for big energy producers around the world.”
WashPo too. They are trying to blame UAE but I am pretty sure this is nothing new. The opportunity is obvious. But it is now snowballing in the desert.
What would be really funny is those attendees from northern countries being unable to land their private jets due to heavy snow at their home airport.
Bitterly cold weather is gripping regions across Europe this weekend, with travel affected by a winter storm across southern Germany, parts of Austria and Switzerland.
After initially announcing a halt in air traffic until noon on Saturday, Munich airport later announced flights would be cancelled until 6am tomorrow after a heavy snow dump.
“The observed correlation between global temperature and rate of growth in atmospheric CO2 concentration shows that the global warming is not caused by increased CO2 concentration. Rather the increase in CO2 concentration is caused by the global warming. This in turn means that neither the increase in CO2 concentration nor global warming can be stopped by reducing combustion.”
Thanks Krishna, that’s the core issue that can’t be overstated.
There are several directions from which the claims of CAGW can be approached but they all say the same thing: human origin CO2 cannot be responsible for atmospheric “overheating “.
Whether we look at:
quantitative analysis,
atomic/atmospheric physics,
thermodynamics or
orbital mechanics of the solar system
the answer is always the same:
we humans can’t do it and didn’t do it.
The John Kerrys of the world have a lot to answer for.
That’s how I started being a ‘sceptic’. When I first looked at this whole thing about 17 years ago the first thing I realised was that CO2 is soluble in water inversely proportional to temperature and that we have been warming out of the Little Ice Age since around 1850.
“Pfizer must feel like it’s been one damned thing after another these days. In a year packed with horrible news for the jabs (not to mention poor jab recipients), yesterday saw a critical new discovery of jab problems, possibly the worst and most damning yet. How bad was it? It was so bad that, even though I almost never make predictions anymore, I will predict this: The FDA will be forced to withdraw the mRNA covid shots because of this study. (My bold)
I’m not even joking about that.
Our investigation begins with yesterday’s Telegraph article about a new study headlined, “One in four who had Moderna or Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response.”
Yes, it’s been up to an astronomical 29.7 (to 11:00am CST) here with a bit of thunder and a few drops. Quite scary, especially in light of the histrionics from mainstream media panic merchants speaking of all things Biblical except for locusts. Maybe they follow the flood.
It hasn’t stopped snowing in Ottawa for over two days.
Ottawa Weather Records says the city recorded its 59th hour of snow at 8 a.m. on Wednesday morning, making it the longest consecutive snowfall in Ottawa’s history.
Temperatures in parts of Siberia have plummeted to minus 50C while blizzards blanket Moscow in record snowfall and disrupted flights as winter weather swept across Russia.
In the Sakha Republic, located in the northeastern part of Siberia and home to Yakutsk, one of the world’s coldest cities, temperatures fell below minus 50C, according to the region’s weather stations.
It should be clearer to climate prognosticators that record ocean temperature in September leads to record snowfall in November and December.
I just cant get my head around freezing temps causing more snow? Surely if the Artic ocean is suddenly warmer; well warm enough to evaporate moisture, the ice would disappear first, and there has still been plenty of ice. There has been less ice without the record snow.
One degree temp rise potentially gives a 7% increase in water vapour, but what happens when we are in the minus’? 15 to 16 degrees increase by 7%, but take it backwards and soon there is no moisture? OK air somewhere picks up moisture, it moves and gets frozen, and it can be carried as ice. Ice has different qualities to moisture in air? But how is the Artic Ocean warm enough to suddenly evaporate much more water?
So maybe it is northern cold air meets warm moister southern air, causing condensation. How much is world humidity up? I’m flailing.
Thinking thinking- all air can hold an amount of water vapour, potentially. So taking 7% backwards isn’t relevant. It’s just a very delicate balance for record cold, to hold record moisture? Why hasn’t there been record snow in a mild winter?
I just cant get my head around freezing temps causing more snow?
You are not allowing for the time lags involved.
The peak daily solar intensity in the NH occurs close to the summer solstice in late June That has been increasing for 500 years. The peak ocean surface temperature has been going up for at least two hundred years. That occurs around 2 months after the peak solar. So the maximum ocean surface temperature is in late August resulting in maximum atmospheric water in September as it takes up to 25 days for the atmospheric column to equilibrate with the surface. .
It takes a month or more for that moisture over the oceans to get inland. If the inland regions are below 0C, the white stuff comes down. Warmer land gets more rain but that just means more moisture is available when the land eventually gets below 0C to form the snow.
Once snow is on the ground, it is very difficult to get rid of without peak hourly solar getting above 500W/m^2 – sun at least 30 degrees above the horizon.. So the snow is persistent and that means the surface never gets to warm much above 0C. More atmospheric moisture coming in from the oceans ends up as snow.
What we are now observing, last happened 120,000 years ago. Warmer ocean surface in the NH terminating the last interglacial. Just like now.
The cold land eventually occurs during the glacial period because it ends up carrying ice. The ice raises the “land” surface level while the ocean elevation is dropping. So the temperature lapse rate from ocean surface to elevated land causes the land temperature to be lower. As does the permanent ice that is difficult to warm above 0C.
Globally, land ice is still retreating except on Greenland where both permanent extent and elevation are increasing.
Ventusky stops predicting from next Friday, after 11.00. It has Jasper sitting off Cairns at 968, winds gusting to 200kph+, then poff, it is gone!!?? It might take the Middle East off the front page?
I saw that, too. Thanks for posting. I found the V site very useful in following the North Atlantic/Caribbean season this year. Highly recommend it.
I also use it daily for predicting high altitude balloon tracks; part of my amateur radio hobby. See:
Old news now Friday: Citizens Should Have Candles, Battery Radio in Case of Global Instability or Cyber Attack Says Deputy UK PM
Security threats are “more numerous, more complex, and are evolving” and people accustomed to a digital world should be prepared to survive in an analogue one, including by building personal resilience stashes, the UK has said.
The British Government has established a Resilience Directorate and will shortly be establishing a “resilience website” to inform the public how they can improve their chances of surviving global events, a direct attack on the digital devices that run our world, or even the electricity network that powers them. Warning that “it could be tomorrow that one of these things hits”, the British government minister with responsibility for resilience and Deputy UK Prime Minister, Oliver Dowden warned that “because society has so massively digitised,” it may be less resilient than previous generations.
I was going to do a post on pc root certificates framed against MITM (man in the middle) cyberattacks but decided against it due to the complexity for non tech people.
Rob Braxman has just put out a video (in layperson terms) though that people should watch just get an understanding of the level of (EU in particular) government infiltration of pc’s. It explains why encryption is useless and why supercomputers aren’t needed to break into pc’s.
Skip the 2nd half of the video unless you’re into Linux and Apache.
Kevin McKernan Loses Entire Database of Research After NZ Health Service Obtains an Injunction To Prevent Sharing of Leaked COVID-19 Vaccine Health Data”
US-based genomics scientist Kevin McKernan says he has lost an estimated US$200, 000 worth of research data after his account on file hosting service MEGA was deleted overnight.
It appears that McKernan’s account was deleted by MEGA in response to an urgent injunction granted to New Zealand’s (NZ) Ministry of Health (MOH) to prevent the sharing of anonymised data leaked by whistleblower Barry Young.
Young, a 56 year old database administrator and former employee of the MOH, leaked data from a ‘pay per dose’ Covid vaccine database to NZ journalist Liz Gunn and US tech millionaire and Substacker Steve Kirsch.
*** Don’t store your data in the cloud.
*** Don’t backup to the cloud.
McKernan’s MEGA account restored, minus NZ Covid vax data
After nuking US-based scientist Kevin McKernan’s account following an injunction order from the New Zealand (NZ) Ministry of Health (MOH) earlier this week, file storage service MEGA has walked back its initially heavy-handed response.
On Wednesday evening 6 December, Boston time, McKernan received an email advising that his account had been restored, minus a data file containing anonymised NZ public health data, which was targeted under the injunction.
There would be wild cries if anyone accused New Zealand of going full Nutzi. But what other word aptly describes a government that has turned on its own citizens for releasing damning government produced statistics.
First Ebola “vaccines” injected into patients in Colorado
The first “live” Ebola vaccines for preventative measures were given to patients at Denver Health in Colorado this past week, marking what Becker’s Hospital Review described as a “milestone movement.”
Back in 2015, the Department of Health and Human Services designated Denver Health as one of 13 Regional Emerging Special Pathogens Treatment Centers in the United States. Denver Health functions as an infectious disease training and care hub for six states in the region.
Even though Ebola is exceptionally rare in the U.S., Big Pharma has been dead set on “vaccinating” the entire country for it. The disease is said to have a mortality rate of between 70 percent and 90 percent when left untreated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
“Importation of Ebola disease to the United States by an infected traveler from an outbreak area is a recognized risk with the potential for spread to other people,” the CDC says. “During the 2014-2016 Ebola disease outbreak in West Africa, 11 people were treated for [Ebola] in the U.S., and two of them died. Nine of these cases were imported into the U.S.”
Politician admits he used CHATGPT to generate new law
Despite ChatGPT infamously not being able to tell truth from fiction — let alone solve simple math problems — a city in southern Brazil just enacted the country’s first legislation entirely written by the chatbot.
As the Associated Press reports, Porto Alegre city councilman Ramiro Rosário admitted to prompting ChatGPT to craft a proposal aimed at preventing the city from forcing locals to pay for replacing stolen water consumption meters.
According to the report, he didn’t make a single change to what the chatbot spat out — and didn’t even tell the council it was AI-generated in the first place.
But that was very much part of his intention, it seems.
“If I had revealed it before, the proposal certainly wouldn’t even have been taken to a vote,” Rosarío told the AP. “It would be unfair to the population to run the risk of the project not being approved simply because it was written by artificial intelligence.”
“The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by the force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre—the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.
The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
Old news Friday: WHO Proposes Global Tax Increase on Unhealthy Beverages
The World Health Organization is advising the government to use taxes to take your freedoms away.
In a Tuesday news release, WHO called for huge global tax increases on alcohol and sugary drinks, suggesting that increasing the price of these beverages by a whopping 50 percent would create healthier societies.
Sounds just ducky, right?
Citing a 2017 study, WHO claimed that its recommended tax increases would “help avert over 21 million deaths over 50 years and generate nearly US$17 trillion in additional revenues. This is equivalent to the total government revenue of eight of the world’s largest economies in one year.”
And there you have the real concern — $17 trillion in new revenue.
As far as WHO is concerned, people are merely statistical pawns who can be manipulated to generate tax dollars. With this in mind, they won’t stop with alcohol and soda.
They’ll weaponize the concept of health to give governments more money and power and individuals less freedom.
But of course this only applies to the masses.
50% hike on beer in Oz? Elections next month!
How many people know that during the US’s 1920-30’s prohibition era, the pollies had their own secret supply chain of alcohol?
One rule for thee and another for me.
You vill eat ze unhealthy bugs viz recycled vater.
You didn’t read that paper did you? Maybe, like me you struggled with the grammar and syntax of the abstract and wondered how it got past review. Then I read further.
Something fun to look at – try to work out what these papers are TF about
Looking at the first study I wonder on the chances of any of those populations not having been wiped out, two or three times, over the past century, without modern ‘horse power’? Even food miles often aren’t such a bad thing. King Canute’s delusion was he could stop the tide, is stopping weather any easier? Was 100 years ago a golden age for life on the planet? Is weather denial rampant?
The Chinese car maker GWM (Great Wall Motors until recently) has apparently added a new reason to avoid EVs. That said, it’s an issue I’m surprised hasn’t raised its head before now, given the amperages flying to and fro which would, in an industrial setting, require operatives have special training and that all sorts of safety measures are implemented.
Strangely, what presents a significant hazard in a factory with a trained staff suddenly becomes entirely benign if it’s in your nearsighted grandma’s garage …
Anyway, they have recalled a bunch of their cars due to the fact that owners might get electrocuted when plugging the thing in to recharge. It’s not all bad though, because at least you won’t be around to see your house burn down.
The End Of Days Death Cult, commonly known as the Extinction Rebellion is out of control and their traffic disruptions have the full blessing of the Victorian Labor government.
Tomorrow they have threatened a massive disruption in the heart of Melbourne.
It’s nice when you have been given special kid glove care by the Victorian Police.
One person arrested today, Friday 8th Dec. was advised by the arresting office “are you happy to leave?”
Another person who said “no” was told you are under arrest,“we’ll be very gentle.”
This End of Days Cult’s intention is to lower your standard of living, take your car, your heater, your free speech, restrict your movement with travel zones and ban meat, replacing meat with bugs and insects.
Note the difference in protest management for different groups of protestors. During Victoria’s longest lockdown in the world, if you marched in protest about being enclosed for months, locked up in your own home (which actually made Covid transmission to family members easier) lost your job or business or thought that the vaccine was untested and didn’t stop the spread of Covid, you were baton charged, capsicum sprayed and shot with rubber bullets.
The world’s scores in PISA tests of 15yr-olds confirms intelligence is dropping- The OECD are far more concerned with the spread of Socialist ideology and finding something like covid to blame for it…
Hilarious unintended consequences!
COP 28 is a really big fossil fuel trade show
By David Wojick
The beginning: “What was supposed to be a big deal climate treaty negotiation has morphed into an enormous trade fair. Even funnier the focus is on fossil fuel production which the UN treaty is supposed to curb.
COP 28 has an astounding number of attendees, with over 100,000 official registrants, more than twice the previous record. Meanwhile the number of actual climate treaty negotiators is somewhere in the hundreds, so maybe 1% at most. The negotiations area is small and walled of, while the general attendees area is huge. What do the other 99% (or 99,000 people) do as the two week session rolls slowly by? They talk to each other and a lot of that talk is apparently business related because a lot of the attendees are reportedly corporate or trade professionals doing deals.
Several green observers have complained that the COP has turned into a trade show. Fossil fuels is a huge and growing industry, but it is hilarious that the conference supposedly designed to curb that industry is in fact facilitating it big time. After all this is a chance for business types to talk to energy policy and trade officials from most of the countries in the world, especially the energy rich ones. Many government delegations likely include trade teams looking for fossil fuel action. Plus the business people do deals with each other. Fossil fuels are truly international.
For example, oil rich Nigeria lists a whopping 1,411 attendees. Of these 422 are government funded while the other 989 likely include a lot of business types. This is a lot of deal making horsepower. Other energy rich African countries also sent big delegations, including Kenya, Tanzania and Morocco. Same for big energy producers around the world.”
More fun stuff in the article. Please share it.
Mr. W.: I saw a headline that indicated NPR (!) is reporting the same thing, it’s a fossil fuel trade fair. How rich.
WashPo too. They are trying to blame UAE but I am pretty sure this is nothing new. The opportunity is obvious. But it is now snowballing in the desert.
What would be really funny is those attendees from northern countries being unable to land their private jets due to heavy snow at their home airport.
The kids still know what snow is.
A number of comments on recent threads lamented the absence of “open” threads this week.
It’s going to be interesting to see what pops up.
No doubt the temperature will ‘pop up’, closely followed by a ‘plunge down’, but never fear, IT’S ALL OUR FAULT.
This New World religion is the same as the Old World religion: fire, the original sin.
Hooray for Fridays!
Hottest year on record declared as heatwave intensifies on Australia’s east coast
Sydneysiders are being warned about scorching temperatures as extreme heatwave conditions sweep through the city.
The concerning spike comes as 2023 is declared the hottest year on global record, according to the European Union’s Climate Change Service.
The last time the record was broken was in 2016.
Western Sydney residents could experience temperatures of 38C on Friday, while the inner-city hits 30C.
Another msm beatup to stress over.
Well, I’m not.
As the actress said to the bishop…
As the intern said to the radio host
Another Day, Another Scientific Paper Insists ‘Global Warming Is Not Caused By Increased CO2’
Thanks Krishna, that’s the core issue that can’t be overstated.
There are several directions from which the claims of CAGW can be approached but they all say the same thing: human origin CO2 cannot be responsible for atmospheric “overheating “.
Whether we look at:
quantitative analysis,
atomic/atmospheric physics,
thermodynamics or
orbital mechanics of the solar system
the answer is always the same:
we humans can’t do it and didn’t do it.
The John Kerrys of the world have a lot to answer for.
That’s how I started being a ‘sceptic’. When I first looked at this whole thing about 17 years ago the first thing I realised was that CO2 is soluble in water inversely proportional to temperature and that we have been warming out of the Little Ice Age since around 1850.
A very strong tropical cyclone is already in the Coral Sea. Corals will definitely be affected.
Mr. P: Oh, the coralmanity!
That was awful, gotta try harder.
The GBR might be impacted, but the cool waters in the Coral Sea will undoubtedly reduce intensity.,-11.68,1060/loc=157.234,-22.942
From today’s Covid and Coffee – starts here
“Pfizer must feel like it’s been one damned thing after another these days. In a year packed with horrible news for the jabs (not to mention poor jab recipients), yesterday saw a critical new discovery of jab problems, possibly the worst and most damning yet. How bad was it? It was so bad that, even though I almost never make predictions anymore, I will predict this: The FDA will be forced to withdraw the mRNA covid shots because of this study. (My bold)
I’m not even joking about that.
Our investigation begins with yesterday’s Telegraph article about a new study headlined, “One in four who had Moderna or Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response.”
And more
Russian roulette…..
The Twenty-first Century version is “Pfizer Roulette”.
A suggested spelling correction
And I guess all but one chambers are loaded?
“Had You Known, Would You Have Taken the Jab?”
More on the Texas case against Pfizzer
I’m guessing that if Texas wins then that opens the legal floodgates?
After thinking about that –
After all that has leaked out so far I guess that I am astounded but not suprised
Another gift card scam
“Massive gift card fraud exposed – just in time for Christmas”
“All 80,000+ Delegates at COP28 Climate Summit Take Day off from ‘Exhausting’ Talks ”
Skydiving, swimming, waveparks, shopping… oh so many ways to save the Earth. If only they’d all stop breathing out pollution…
IIRC there was a dodger published a couple of days ago that listed 15 way
TC Jasper confounds the ‘settled science’ – could, possibly, may, might, then again, yes no…
Melbourne and Adelaide get a taste of old-time heat today before whoah! Like the ‘market’, up/down up/down repeat ad nauseum.
South Island NZ: Saturday snow to 1,700m … Monday snow to 900m. Some things never change
Yes, it’s been up to an astronomical 29.7 (to 11:00am CST) here with a bit of thunder and a few drops. Quite scary, especially in light of the histrionics from mainstream media panic merchants speaking of all things Biblical except for locusts. Maybe they follow the flood.
Unsettled science.
‘BOM said there was a risk of re-intensification and the potential for severe impacts as the system approached the coast.’ (ABC)
Jasper will cool down before it reaches the coast and not re-intensify, unless it wanders over the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Predictably, The Rush To Electric Cars Is Imploding
“A Detailed Look at the ‘Proximal Origin’ Paper Which Was Used to Dismiss the Lab Leak Theory”
I love it when a conspiracy theory turns out to be true and the Govt ‘true story’ is a conspiracy!
Anther day and another record. Or dozens of new snowfall records. Here are a few:
It should be clearer to climate prognosticators that record ocean temperature in September leads to record snowfall in November and December.
Now what if I told you that the northern oceans are only 500 years into a 10,000 year warming cycle. The last time that Earth was in an interglacial and the NH started to get more sunlight, the NH descended into glaciation. This link has the summer solstice solar intensity at 44N:
The warming of the NH oceans has only just started. The land will warm until the ice on land moves down and south.
That’s right.
I just cant get my head around freezing temps causing more snow? Surely if the Artic ocean is suddenly warmer; well warm enough to evaporate moisture, the ice would disappear first, and there has still been plenty of ice. There has been less ice without the record snow.
One degree temp rise potentially gives a 7% increase in water vapour, but what happens when we are in the minus’? 15 to 16 degrees increase by 7%, but take it backwards and soon there is no moisture? OK air somewhere picks up moisture, it moves and gets frozen, and it can be carried as ice. Ice has different qualities to moisture in air? But how is the Artic Ocean warm enough to suddenly evaporate much more water?
So maybe it is northern cold air meets warm moister southern air, causing condensation. How much is world humidity up? I’m flailing.
Thinking thinking- all air can hold an amount of water vapour, potentially. So taking 7% backwards isn’t relevant. It’s just a very delicate balance for record cold, to hold record moisture? Why hasn’t there been record snow in a mild winter?
You are not allowing for the time lags involved.
The peak daily solar intensity in the NH occurs close to the summer solstice in late June That has been increasing for 500 years. The peak ocean surface temperature has been going up for at least two hundred years. That occurs around 2 months after the peak solar. So the maximum ocean surface temperature is in late August resulting in maximum atmospheric water in September as it takes up to 25 days for the atmospheric column to equilibrate with the surface. .
It takes a month or more for that moisture over the oceans to get inland. If the inland regions are below 0C, the white stuff comes down. Warmer land gets more rain but that just means more moisture is available when the land eventually gets below 0C to form the snow.
NH autumn snowfall is increasing rapidly:
Once snow is on the ground, it is very difficult to get rid of without peak hourly solar getting above 500W/m^2 – sun at least 30 degrees above the horizon.. So the snow is persistent and that means the surface never gets to warm much above 0C. More atmospheric moisture coming in from the oceans ends up as snow.
What we are now observing, last happened 120,000 years ago. Warmer ocean surface in the NH terminating the last interglacial. Just like now.
The cold land eventually occurs during the glacial period because it ends up carrying ice. The ice raises the “land” surface level while the ocean elevation is dropping. So the temperature lapse rate from ocean surface to elevated land causes the land temperature to be lower. As does the permanent ice that is difficult to warm above 0C.
Globally, land ice is still retreating except on Greenland where both permanent extent and elevation are increasing.
Saved for the reappearance of “Days”
“FULL: Rex Murphy delivers speech to Israel supporters at Parliament Hill rally – YouTube”
“Why Won’t those Troglodytes Trust Us and How, How, How! Can We Finally Get Through to THEM?!!! Number Eleventy Zillion”
A colder high in the south is driving Jasper west along the 15 S.
Ventusky stops predicting from next Friday, after 11.00. It has Jasper sitting off Cairns at 968, winds gusting to 200kph+, then poff, it is gone!!?? It might take the Middle East off the front page?
What if Jasper becomes a rain depression, then finds its way across Cape York and reactivates in the Gulf?
I saw that, too. Thanks for posting. I found the V site very useful in following the North Atlantic/Caribbean season this year. Highly recommend it.
I also use it daily for predicting high altitude balloon tracks; part of my amateur radio hobby. See:!mt=Terrain&mz=5&qm=3h&mc=40.56389,-78.79395
Old news now Friday: Citizens Should Have Candles, Battery Radio in Case of Global Instability or Cyber Attack Says Deputy UK PM
Security threats are “more numerous, more complex, and are evolving” and people accustomed to a digital world should be prepared to survive in an analogue one, including by building personal resilience stashes, the UK has said.
The British Government has established a Resilience Directorate and will shortly be establishing a “resilience website” to inform the public how they can improve their chances of surviving global events, a direct attack on the digital devices that run our world, or even the electricity network that powers them. Warning that “it could be tomorrow that one of these things hits”, the British government minister with responsibility for resilience and Deputy UK Prime Minister, Oliver Dowden warned that “because society has so massively digitised,” it may be less resilient than previous generations.
I was going to do a post on pc root certificates framed against MITM (man in the middle) cyberattacks but decided against it due to the complexity for non tech people.
Rob Braxman has just put out a video (in layperson terms) though that people should watch just get an understanding of the level of (EU in particular) government infiltration of pc’s. It explains why encryption is useless and why supercomputers aren’t needed to break into pc’s.
Skip the 2nd half of the video unless you’re into Linux and Apache.
The NZ data dashboard tool
A picture says a thousand words.
Is it my old device or has that page been disappeared – all I’m seeing is blank.
Govt Radio reports ‘special diagnostic squad’ has been called in to sort out the bilges after Mr Smith whistled a tune
Kevin McKernan Loses Entire Database of Research After NZ Health Service Obtains an Injunction To Prevent Sharing of Leaked COVID-19 Vaccine Health Data”
US-based genomics scientist Kevin McKernan says he has lost an estimated US$200, 000 worth of research data after his account on file hosting service MEGA was deleted overnight.
It appears that McKernan’s account was deleted by MEGA in response to an urgent injunction granted to New Zealand’s (NZ) Ministry of Health (MOH) to prevent the sharing of anonymised data leaked by whistleblower Barry Young.
Young, a 56 year old database administrator and former employee of the MOH, leaked data from a ‘pay per dose’ Covid vaccine database to NZ journalist Liz Gunn and US tech millionaire and Substacker Steve Kirsch.
*** Don’t store your data in the cloud.

*** Don’t backup to the cloud.
McKernan’s MEGA account restored, minus NZ Covid vax data
After nuking US-based scientist Kevin McKernan’s account following an injunction order from the New Zealand (NZ) Ministry of Health (MOH) earlier this week, file storage service MEGA has walked back its initially heavy-handed response.
On Wednesday evening 6 December, Boston time, McKernan received an email advising that his account had been restored, minus a data file containing anonymised NZ public health data, which was targeted under the injunction.
Exposing government crimes is illegal.
There would be wild cries if anyone accused New Zealand of going full Nutzi. But what other word aptly describes a government that has turned on its own citizens for releasing damning government produced statistics.
Half price at Coles this week.
What do you call a Woolies supermarket after a big fire?
Did you know if you buy carrots and mayonnaise together at a Coles supermarket you are made to also buy a cabbage……… its the new Coles Law.
Even sorrier.
Hee hee.
Will remember that one.
Neil Oliver: Establishment Blames You For The World Wide Immigration Crisis!
First Ebola “vaccines” injected into patients in Colorado
The first “live” Ebola vaccines for preventative measures were given to patients at Denver Health in Colorado this past week, marking what Becker’s Hospital Review described as a “milestone movement.”
Back in 2015, the Department of Health and Human Services designated Denver Health as one of 13 Regional Emerging Special Pathogens Treatment Centers in the United States. Denver Health functions as an infectious disease training and care hub for six states in the region.
Even though Ebola is exceptionally rare in the U.S., Big Pharma has been dead set on “vaccinating” the entire country for it. The disease is said to have a mortality rate of between 70 percent and 90 percent when left untreated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
“Importation of Ebola disease to the United States by an infected traveler from an outbreak area is a recognized risk with the potential for spread to other people,” the CDC says. “During the 2014-2016 Ebola disease outbreak in West Africa, 11 people were treated for [Ebola] in the U.S., and two of them died. Nine of these cases were imported into the U.S.”
That’s 70%+ mortality for people with functioning immune systems.
More “let’s inject everyone for something that’s not a threat” nonsense.
Politician admits he used CHATGPT to generate new law
Despite ChatGPT infamously not being able to tell truth from fiction — let alone solve simple math problems — a city in southern Brazil just enacted the country’s first legislation entirely written by the chatbot.
As the Associated Press reports, Porto Alegre city councilman Ramiro Rosário admitted to prompting ChatGPT to craft a proposal aimed at preventing the city from forcing locals to pay for replacing stolen water consumption meters.
According to the report, he didn’t make a single change to what the chatbot spat out — and didn’t even tell the council it was AI-generated in the first place.
But that was very much part of his intention, it seems.
“If I had revealed it before, the proposal certainly wouldn’t even have been taken to a vote,” Rosarío told the AP. “It would be unfair to the population to run the risk of the project not being approved simply because it was written by artificial intelligence.”
Now, if we can just tweak CHATGPT a bit…
A Friday “observation”:
“The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by the force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre—the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.
The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
H. L. Mencken: 26 July 1920
One picture sums up most pollies.
At election time, you see the flower from the top, but after they get elected you see the side view.
/bad JC2, bad.
Old news Friday: WHO Proposes Global Tax Increase on Unhealthy Beverages
The World Health Organization is advising the government to use taxes to take your freedoms away.
In a Tuesday news release, WHO called for huge global tax increases on alcohol and sugary drinks, suggesting that increasing the price of these beverages by a whopping 50 percent would create healthier societies.
Sounds just ducky, right?
Citing a 2017 study, WHO claimed that its recommended tax increases would “help avert over 21 million deaths over 50 years and generate nearly US$17 trillion in additional revenues. This is equivalent to the total government revenue of eight of the world’s largest economies in one year.”
And there you have the real concern — $17 trillion in new revenue.
As far as WHO is concerned, people are merely statistical pawns who can be manipulated to generate tax dollars. With this in mind, they won’t stop with alcohol and soda.
They’ll weaponize the concept of health to give governments more money and power and individuals less freedom.
But of course this only applies to the masses.
50% hike on beer in Oz? Elections next month!
How many people know that during the US’s 1920-30’s prohibition era, the pollies had their own secret supply chain of alcohol?
One rule for thee and another for me.
You vill eat ze unhealthy bugs viz recycled vater.
Memo to Leaf.
You didn’t read that paper did you? Maybe, like me you struggled with the grammar and syntax of the abstract and wondered how it got past review. Then I read further.
Something fun to look at – try to work out what these papers are TF about
Looking at the first study I wonder on the chances of any of those populations not having been wiped out, two or three times, over the past century, without modern ‘horse power’? Even food miles often aren’t such a bad thing. King Canute’s delusion was he could stop the tide, is stopping weather any easier? Was 100 years ago a golden age for life on the planet? Is weather denial rampant?
King Canute wasn’t deluded, he was being ironic?, sarcastic even.
In a sense, being modest.
Risk assessment is big business, especially with all the dire warnings going around.
The climate is always changing, so anyone who can forecast through this chaotic haze deserves a medal.
Potential for medals around that area –
In WW2 the airforce was short of most things. So there was a special decoration awarded and worn for cock-ups causing loss –
“The Most High Derogatory Order of the Irremovable Finger”
Multiple transgressions were acknowledged with “Knuckles”
Russia did this in Aleppo, Syria, popn 2 mill. No one cried for the children. No one gave a rats.
Hang on- Isn’t that Fallujah after the Americans liberated it?
Dubious to post without a clean real source these days I’d have thought
Coffee drinkers relax!
“Brewing Truth: Climate Doomsayers’ Cooked up Coffee Crisis”
“So, sit back and drink that morning cup of Joe. Climate is not going to steal your coffee and thank CO2 for keeping the plantations productive.”
The Chinese car maker GWM (Great Wall Motors until recently) has apparently added a new reason to avoid EVs. That said, it’s an issue I’m surprised hasn’t raised its head before now, given the amperages flying to and fro which would, in an industrial setting, require operatives have special training and that all sorts of safety measures are implemented.
Strangely, what presents a significant hazard in a factory with a trained staff suddenly becomes entirely benign if it’s in your nearsighted grandma’s garage …
Anyway, they have recalled a bunch of their cars due to the fact that owners might get electrocuted when plugging the thing in to recharge. It’s not all bad though, because at least you won’t be around to see your house burn down.
woeful cars. I’d rather drive a 1967 Corona then those things. Their handling is just abysmal. I don’t understand how they can make a car so bad.
BoM forecast for January to April, El Nino will still be around, while the IOD should weaken its grip.
There will be no shortage of rain in Australia, both north and south.
Wanna bet?
The End Of Days Death Cult, commonly known as the Extinction Rebellion is out of control and their traffic disruptions have the full blessing of the Victorian Labor government.
Tomorrow they have threatened a massive disruption in the heart of Melbourne.
It’s nice when you have been given special kid glove care by the Victorian Police.
One person arrested today, Friday 8th Dec. was advised by the arresting office “are you happy to leave?”
Another person who said “no” was told you are under arrest,“we’ll be very gentle.”
This End of Days Cult’s intention is to lower your standard of living, take your car, your heater, your free speech, restrict your movement with travel zones and ban meat, replacing meat with bugs and insects.
Note the difference in protest management for different groups of protestors. During Victoria’s longest lockdown in the world, if you marched in protest about being enclosed for months, locked up in your own home (which actually made Covid transmission to family members easier) lost your job or business or thought that the vaccine was untested and didn’t stop the spread of Covid, you were baton charged, capsicum sprayed and shot with rubber bullets.
Jasper turns more to the south.
“Hamas fighters surrender in droves, and their photos tell an interesting story”
Why is there so little logic and curiosity at large.
The world’s scores in PISA tests of 15yr-olds confirms intelligence is dropping- The OECD are far more concerned with the spread of Socialist ideology and finding something like covid to blame for it…