A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Hear, hear, hear:
Former Federal German Minister Under Merkel Warns: Germany Heading To A Climate Tyranny
(The link doesn’t work.)
But were they really saying that as a genuine warning or as a celebration of what is coming? It’s difficult to believe that someone who worked under Frau Kommandant Merkel would have changed their view so much.
That should work, was my try to correct the link from https to http.
Enjoy it while it’s worth something.
/https that is.
The Eu is starting to implement a digital euro combined with Digital health and ID details. It is expected 80% of EU citizens will have them by 2030
In separate stories Germany is demanding that people should fly no more than 4 times in their lifetime and a carbon budget of 2 tons per person per year needs to be an EU aim. America citizens currently use around 15 tons and the UK 11.
Personally I look forward to living in an unheated mud hut and I will be bringing out an attractive range of hair shirts shortly.
Schellnhuber, the well known climate clown, opts for 3 tons while actual we Germans too have 11 tons, see linked articel above, where it’s just mentioned.
Just 13% of Aussie transactions are now carried out in cash brining digital currency ever closer.
It was interesting that during my recent trip to Austria I had difficulty in using my cards. They are very firmly wedded to cash.
I think there has been a bit of a resurgence in cash over here in the UK. We still have 3 ATM’s in our small town although the banks are trying to shut them-and the bank branches themselves- down
That’s due to sheer laziness more than anything.
Tap and go is less effort than removing your wallet and counting out the right amount or close to it.
I have a zip lock bag of coins in my car accumulated from change from transactions. Last time I counted them it was $130 and the weight was affecting fuel economy. 😁
Next years Easter* cyber attack will make cash popular again.
/*Easter subject to WEF planning. 😎
The headline says it all.
On the plane back from Austria on Sunday only 2 people-an Asian couple-wore masks. They sat in front if us and carefully wiped down the window ledges, the windows, the table surrounds, the air vents and lighting.
I sneezed and they looked round and immediately moved to the spare row of seats in front of them. They proceeded to repeat their wiping and extended it to the empty row in front. Paranoid people.
I wish that I had another sneeze in me because I suspect they would have vacated to the wings…..
The communist-run New York City had now approved a “congestion” tax so people will be penalised for using a means of personal mobility (and freedom).
Herr Kommandant Klaus Schwab would be most pleased with this latest deprivation of liberty of non-Elites. Of course, Elites will be able to afford the charges.
It makes NYC so much closer to the next phase of implementing the free-range prison system advocated by the Left known as the “15 min city”.
Maybe instead of this they could have focused on cleaning up the city and reducing crime as was once done when Mayor Rudy Giuliani ran the place.
We’re well into restrictions on travel in London with a congestion charge and an Ultra Low Emmission Zone (ULEZ) that covers the whole Greater London area.
More reading of the fine print on food coming up
“SPRINGDALE, Ark. – Oct. 17, 2023 – Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE: TSN), one of the world’s largest food companies, has reached an agreement for a two-fold investment with Protix, the leading global insect ingredients company. The strategic investment will support the growth of the emerging insect ingredient industry and expand the use of insect ingredient solutions to create more efficient sustainable proteins and lipids for use in the global food system. The agreement combines Tyson Foods’ global scale, experience and network with Protix’s te”
And Chiefio’s reply
“I, for one, have No Problem with Tyson growing insects and using them for food…
for their chickens…
BUT the only insects I will choose to eat are those that have converted into chicken or turkey “by the natural process”… i.e. digestion.
OK, so NOW we have to find all the dozen and one ways they will try to hide “BUGS” in the ingredient list of any packaged foods; so we know what to avoid… Or maybe I’ll just not buy anything from Tyson (or anything in a processed form…).”
Leads to
“Hopefully this dies the same rapid death as the Fake Meat Burgers did…
Like the old Trix commercial, but “Bugs are for Birds!” and maybe fish farms ;-)”
Australia, being among the most woke and most dumbed-down of countries, already has “school” kids being indoctrinated into eating insects.
It’s what the Left wants for non-Elites.
I certainly won’t be eating this poverty food.
How many of those delegates at the Cop Flop ate insects I wonder?
I’ll take mine processed through chickens. On Christmas Day I’ll be celebrating by eating insect-gobbling turkey…yum!
DM’s farm? 😁
When it snowed on Mt Cook on my birthday back in February – traditionally high summer – I commenced a little science project as I was sure the UN’s pointy heads were going to claim 2023 as ‘the hottest year ever’.
With yesterday’s snowfall (and bitterly cold storm-force sou’westers) my project was completed: everyone in my family – brother, sister, 4 nieces, 4 great-nieces, and of course yours truly – had the pleasure of enjoying a snowy ‘white birthday’: February, May, October, November and now December. Note that 40% of those snowy months are in our ‘summer’ – not that it’s arrived here yet, with MORE snow expected this weekend.
With a 100% success rate, my conclusion is that pointy heads haven’t got a clue what they’re talking about, and they should be sent to the coal mines to do a decent day’s work releasing carbon [sic] into the atmosphere so Earth will become ‘too hot for it to ever snow again… ever!’
Who do I apply to for my cheque?
Intuition has been good to me over the years. Somewhere in the head there is a computer which just quietly runs the numbers and keeps you on track.
I haven’t researched it at all, but intuition tells me that the numbers that they run past us daily already add up to a lot more than their touted 1.5 deg since 2010.
Just this month the average max is 4.9 above their stated long term, since 1990, and forecast to stay there for another week at least. And that without a real heatwave. Just no cool weather.
Where are the honest numbers and what do they say?
“The Doctor Will Kill You Now”
“Last night I was watching a lecture when the physician said “We’re seeing residents who couldn’t tell you which end is the head and which the tail [pancreas]. I’m hoping these remedial programs work.”
“What?!”, said I …
“Remedial medical education for a med school grad who’s been accepted into a respected residency program?!” So I looked into it for you.”
This has links to that –
“Why Education Is NEVER To Set Policy”
And remember, if you die while waiting to see a doctor, please cancel your appointment.
Meanwhile in China, scalpers are selling tickets to move you up the hospital queues…
Not long now before all the western vaxxed doctors and nurses start dropping from Fakevax ™.
Imagine the crisis that’ll cause.
I watched Is there life after death discourse narrated by John Cleese the other day and one statement was that science will have to adjust to the overwhelming evidence of their research.
Reality is far more than we know, and science is in its infancy.
Friends of Science Newsletter #400
Topics include:
Irrefutable Evidence of Alarmists’ Ocean Acidification Misinformation
Green Hydrogen Needs Vast Subsidies
NETZERO Is Impeding Progress on UN Sustainable Development Goals
Michael Mann’s Other Nature Trick
Levelized Full System Costs of Electricity
COP28 Will Ignore Net-zero’s Atrocious Waste of Money
2023 Hurricane Season: Only 1 Landfalling US Hurricane
Wow !…
That Levelised Full System Cost of Electricity really paints a different picture to LCOE.
However, there are a few errors still, most notably all systems from wind, solar, coal , and Nuclear ,…and storage batteriies….are costed on a working life of 30 years !
Thats is obviously way over any realistic working life for wind or solar , let alone batteries .
Whilst we know coal and Nuclear can easily have double that life.
I am not convinced they have reaalistically allowed for the costs of additional transmission infrastructure for wind and solar.
Observation suggests that there will be fewer hurricanes and tropical cyclones in the future and those that do come ashore will be weaker. Jasper is a classic.
“Disease X – Resistance Is Futile”
Disease X in a nutshell is the next deadly outbreak expected to rampage throughout the world. And it’s not necessarily just an extension of COVID, though that’s a possibility. ”
More at
Pepe Escobar: Gaza Changes Everything as Russia, China Confront Neocon Agenda for Middle East
Today the Reserve Bank of Australia boss says “Australians may need to pay to keep using cash.”
IMHO this is just excuse for another tax while at the same time push forward the total removal of cash from society.
We have Australia’s four big banks making billions of dollars profit ever Quarter. We are taxed on what we earn, taxed on what we spend, then taxed on what we own……….. those items purchased from cash that we have already paid tax on when we earned it and paid tax on when we spent it.
They will have to change the printing first , says on the banknote legal tender in Oz and its territory’s.
Public submissions for the Federal government Covid inquiry closes on the 15 Dec 2023.
It’s bound to be a cover up similar to the UK Covid Inquiry but still worth letting them know your thoughts.
Why bother it’s a nothing sandwich.
Official ‘inquiry’ is a traditional step in the cover-up process.
It will produce a report.
I wonder if we can subscribe them to Covid and Coffee mewsletter?
One item from today’s edition –
” Um, no thanks! Nature ran a dreadful story this week headlined, “Self-copying RNA vaccine wins first full approval: what’s next?”
“The gist is, some mad scientists in San Diego created a whole ‘new generation’ of new and improved mRNA drugs, which were promptly approved for use in Japan this week. Good luck, Japan.
To create what might be called a “turbo-charged” version of a covid mRNA vaccine, the delirious scientists took a deadly virus — mosquito-borne Venezuelan equine encephalitis, to be specific — and cut out its heart, the biological engine responsible for rapidly replicating the highly-contagious, deadly pathogen.
The scientists — and now the Japanese Ministry of Health — say there’s nothing to worry about, it’s perfectly safe.”
More at
They Profiled Citizens According to Their Degree of Compliance
here has been an unexpected validation of the title of Our Enemy, the Government (Brownstone, 2023). In a stunning indictment of the state of governance in the Australian state of Victoria, an unidentified senior bureaucrat classified citizens according to their compliance with the government’s Covid diktats. This is the state whose capital Melbourne suffered through the world’s longest lockdown (267 days!).
Yet, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Victoria had the worst overall Covid mortality outcome between March 2020 and the end of September 2023, with a standardised death rate of 16.1 per 100,000 people compared to the national average of 12.4. New South Wales was the second worst with a rate of 13.5 and Western Australia the best with 7.7 deaths per 100,000 people. But rather than concern about mismanagement of the pandemic, peoples’ compliance score was of more interest to the government than investigating the scientific validity, factual basis, collateral harms, and the net cost-benefit equation of their Covid interventions.
The Australian reported on 12 December that those most critical of and strongly opposed to the volley of pandemic-triggered restrictions on individual and commercial activities and personal freedoms, who had the critical faculty and temerity to believe that the threat of Covid was exaggerated, ‘tyrannical government is the enemy,’ prioritised individual over collective rights, didn’t accept the authority of the government to ‘tell them what to do,’ believed the restrictions to be ‘illegitimate’ and to be followed only under coercion, and were all too likely to embrace ‘fantastical conspiracy theories.’
Unfortunately, Premier Dan Andrews’ shadowy political intelligence and strategy from QDOS Research conceded, this small share of the total population still covered a ‘lot of people.’ The report was sent to the government on 6 April 2022. It was only recently released to the Australian under a Freedom of Information request…
‘The Australian reported on 12 December that those most critical of and strongly opposed to the volley of pandemic-triggered restrictions on individual and commercial activities and personal freedoms, who had the critical faculty and temerity to believe that the threat of Covid was exaggerated, ‘tyrannical government is the enemy,’ prioritised individual over collective rights, didn’t accept the authority of the government to ‘tell them what to do,’ believed the restrictions to be ‘illegitimate’ and to be followed only under coercion, and were all too likely to embrace ‘fantastical conspiracy theories.’
Hi there!
I guess that I probably “made a little list” then!
Snowy 2 (pumped hydro) Australia.. Breaking news today..
It has just been reported at 1400 hrs AEST 13th Dec, that after 14 months of holiday and rest, Florence “the recalcitrant” TBM has begun operations and is moving very slowly forward.
The report is unconfirmed officially at this moment.
I believe they want to test that the grouting and ground stabilisation at the head of the TBM is secure for boring operations.
When they are confident in that, you will see the media releases’ flood in from Snowy 2 and the Gov.
Also on the pumped Hydro front..
New Zealands’ $16b Lake Onslow pumped hydro scheme has just been cancelled.
Story here:
It begins: No recharging your EV in China if your social credit score isn’t good enough
This is a good doco on the chicken industry, safety & infections and more, put out by PBS 2 years ago.
A great deal of rain will fall in northern Australia.
Allah has spoken”
More at