A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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2023/10/18 Letter to MEP Marcel de Graaff Request
Off Topic but.
Only in the USA
2018 – 2.9 million died of influenza.
2020 – 98% decline in deaths due to influenza.
2020 – 2.8 million died of COVID.
It’s not really that hard to figure out what “THEY” did.
They were full of cheating and it started long before Covid. But it is more complicated.
Influenza cases were vastly exaggerated for years to boost flu vax sales. Every form of pneumonia was wrapped into the guesstimate of the influenza burden.
But the decline in influenza (+ others) was largely real, as were declines in every respiratory infectious disease with an incubation period less than 14 days, and a rate of spread slower than Covid. Influenza cases were 85% down across 17 countries. Everywhere that did restrictions to slow Covid wiped out the other less spreadable things. ‘
If we didn’t do the horrid restrictions the tally would have been higher in influenza and covid, unless of course, we just stopped the flights from China in January which Trump suggested.
Why do I harp on like a micro-nerd obsessed with getting virology details correct? Because there are 36,000 scientists around the world doing risky gain-of-function experiments on viruses and secret warehouses of ebola etc in our suburbs.
Sorry to put a downer on your day. But we need the best scientific understanding we can get at this point in time.
“If we didn’t do the horrid restrictions”, which one’s ? Masks, Social Distancing, Lockdowns, Culling the elderly. All failed measures, recognised as such by the WHO, prior to the ‘pandemic’, and before Gates, Big Pharma and the WEF became involved. Of course the argument that it would have been worse, based solely on modelling, if we hadn’t done these things is based on assumption because we did them anyway, and all the related post ‘pandemic’ data has been massaged to match it to the desired results. Sweden took a more measured approach and they fared fine, and their economy hasn’t been gutted to the same extent as ours.
We’ll probably have to agree to disagree. We were lied to, abused and played and now we have tanking economies and a whole raft of new restrictions on our freedoms. Cui bono ? not us.
Here’s goes. Call me a nerd, (or worse) but the data is clear. There are 100 years of observations showing lockdowns, quarantine and distancing slows or stops transmission in Covid, Ebola, Mers, SARS-1, Influenza and many other diseases. It is simply wrong to say they don’t or can’t. I don’t need a model. It was tested on millions of real people. WEstern Australia, NT, SA, NZ, Taiwan etc all lived for most of 2020-21 as if covid did not exist because closing the borders works when it’s done early and properly. Quarantine also works (it’s just the scientific word for “lockdown”): a few weeks lockdown in WA with hard borders meant there was no influenza here in 2020 in a population of 2.6m people, and Pathwest labs did 400- 700 PCR tests looking for influenza every single week of that period. Follow my link showing restrictions stopped influenza in 17 nations in 2020. Australia has kept out rabies for decades, plus many agricultural diseases (EG 6 months “lockdown” for animals coming from a rabies region). Lockdowns obviously do stop transmission, when done properly. (Eg. Not like the horrid sabotage that was the UK, with heathrow open while 67 million people were told to stay home.)
I put no emotive good/bad judgement on that, I’m simply speaking the facts. Quarantines may or may not be economically or socially worth the cost, that depends on the disease. That is a different debate. But they do slow and can stop transmission. (Eg Victoria did get back to 0 after 800 deaths and four long months of lockdown. If they had not had a border leak, they wouldn’t have needed any lockdown at all.) Before the next bioweapon comes let’s get the microbiology right.
Do these details matter? I think they do.
“Wrong Again – 2023 Edition. Hottest Lying Ever ”
“…the most outrageous climate exaggerations spewed out by the Leftists and their corporate media and government benefactors.”
Seen an “experiment “ that used a heat source with a hand held thermometer fixed about 1 metre from the source of the heat , using 2 plastic zip tie bags one filled with oxygen the other CO2 once filled they were taped to a broom handle . They
They were then passed in front of the heat source to see the difference in temps between the 2 and surprise surprise 100% CO2 filled bag showed a very slight difference, I wonder if one bag was filled with just air from the outside and the other bag was filled with air from the outside but with 96% of the CO2 removed would the result have even been noticeable?
“Evidently, there is a massive disconnect between the rhetoric about interconnectors and the reality. Sadly, it is becoming clear that in many cases, when it comes to pronouncements involving Net Zero, the opposite of what the (UK) Government tells us is true. They are not cleaner – we tend to buy ‘dirty’ electricity and sell ‘clean’ electricity. They are not cheaper – we are being ripped off at every turn. And they are not more secure – we are dependent on our neighbours being willing to sell us electricity at times of scarcity.
The interconnectors are a giant swindle. They are nothing but an expensive sticking plaster over the reckless mismanagement of our dispatchable generation capacity. This can only be solved by investing in new sources of dispatchable supply (like gas and nuclear) so we can regain a position of strength. This investment would increase energy security, make us a price-maker in Europe and turn the interconnectors from an expensive liability into a valuable asset.”
What crazyness:
Neom – The Line
May be it was posted earlier here, but I can’t remember.
Everything you need to know about Saudi mega-project Neom
You just know that anything that starts with “A cognitive city……” is chock full of BS. All good as long as they are spending their own money.
You read the very first sentence of #4 ? 😀
Sure and fully agree
SSW in the north.
Northern Europe Temp anomalies
(Canada) Nova Scotia man charged with igniting massive Barrington Lake wildfire
The name of the man is “Globwarm” 😀
Nearly 160 Scientific Papers Detail The Minuscule Effect CO2 Has On Earth’s Temperature
The simple “Greenhouse gas” theory of Svante Arrhenius was debunked by Knut Ångström over a century ago.
Why was there no visible impact on the Keeling Curve of atmospheric CO2 levels when the was a major reduction in man-made CO2 emisions during the COVID pandemic.
CO2 emissions in aviation fell by 75%, surface transport by 50%, electricity generation by 15%, and industry by 35%.
Why should the $ Trillions now being spent on reducing CO2 emissions produce a different outcome from what was observed during the COVID pandemic?
Svante Arrhenius was debunked by Planck & Einstein as well over a century ago (1915).
He also debunked himself in has later years .
Where are all these “Climate Disasters” that we are told are dooming humanity?
Higher CO2 levelsin the atmoshere keep increasing even when manmade CO2 emissions are reduced as occurred during the COVID pandemic.
However, this has led to the “Greening of the Plant” as plants {CO2 Lovers) respond to more plant food (CO2).
Under elevated CO2 most plant species show higher rates of photosynthesis, increased growth and decreased water use.
New Russian EV.
It looks like something that would have been produced during the Soviet era.
Hertz has become a laughing stock for buying too may Teslas that Hertz are now almost giving away.
Hertz started selling its used Teslas direct to the public for around US$23,000 but even with prices down as low as US$14,000 buyers are scarce.
Could your local mechanic fix an EV and its battery pack? An if you could find one who can – how much would they charge?
CO2 Lover – they wouldn’t charge if it was a very cold day….
Battery cars in Russian winters? Perhaps they ought to take a look at the current situation in Chicago.
Perhaps they did (and also Canada, and the Baltic States with similar climate to Russia) and this car is a way for no customers buying it while thinking they have a free choice.
Or could it be Putin’s cunning scheme to send up politicians obsessed with Net Zero?.
IMO. Anyone and everyone who has an EV is a mentally deficient, certifiable clown. This Russian vehicle is the perfect exemplar of their intellectual capability.
A number of my elderly friends (yes there are still people older than I) have some essential transportation powered by batteries.
And the mobility scooters aka gophers seriously contribute to their sanity.
As for the new Russian design, it seems that engineering and functionality have long since given way to “good looks” and peer pressure.
That puts it in the same class as Teslas. But the Russian car may actually work and keep you alive in arctic temperatures. If you were designing a BEV for cold weather, the first priority would be to reduce heat loss because you trade range for comfort when heating is required.
I once owned a VW. It was an early model Passat. If I had a tail wind driving from Perth to Dampier, the windows would be open and the car heater on full. That was the only way to avoid the engine overheating. The car was not suited to conditions in the northwest of Australia. Teslas are not suited to much anywhere in Australia. There would be many roads and suburban blocks around Melbourne in the last week that you would not want to drive through in a Tesla.
Teslas are a garden ornament that can be put away at night. But do not charge in a garage that is not fire isolated from your home.
I have not come near thinking about owning a modern EV but last night I had a dream about an EV not responding to pedals. The pedals were floppy and did nothing. I was trying to negotiate a car park and doing all sorts of damage.
Freeland tells WEF decarbonization will mean more jobs and more manufacturing
But fewer carbon based people!
They think costs are benefits because somebody gets the money.
Surely the most inappropriately named politician in existence.
More Jobs like these ?
I think those jobs will be hard to find/justify in a 15 minute city.
Why is burning trees to make electricity considered to be OK but burning coal is a terrible sin?
I am lost on this one – can anyone enlighten me?
Biomass is considered carbon neutral by greens because the plant grew by removing CO2 which burning just returns. Coal took the CO2 out millions of years ago so putting that back in is an increase. Silly but you asked.
But plants take CO2 out of the air whether it comes from Coal or Wood. They do not know from where it came even if the Climate Gods do.
If adding CO2 to the air is a problem then burning wood or burning coal have the same outcome.
….You may want to check that !
It is suggested that plants do have a preference for non Fossil source CO2.
Its the C12/C14 isotope thing !
..but could be all just smoke and mirrors !
They certainly have a preference for getting rid of the co2 they do not want with the process call “respiration” or, when it comes to fallen leaves releasing the co2 they contain, decomposition.
As environmental impact statements go, this one is a joke.
Fed’s first multi-site offshore wind EIS is ridiculous
By David Wojick, Ph.D.
The beginning: “After numerous requests going back several years the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has finally published a draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for a combination of coming offshore wind projects. Comments are due by February 27.
In his case the EIS is for a cluster of six big projects in what is called the New York Bight. The Bight is a triangular indentation in the Atlantic coast bounded by New York and New Jersey. Think of it as the underwater mouth of the Hudson River. In principle this PEIS should identify and assess those impacts that arise from the combination of projects, over and above the individual project impacts. In fact it does nothing of the sort. The result is simply ridiculous.
Most of the 800 or so pages are an eye-glazing academic discussion of the general environment and the sorts of impacts that might or might not occur and what might or might not be done about them. There is basically nothing about this specific combination of projects.
The greatest concern is that the combined noise from these six projects will severely harm whales and other protected species. This is especially true for the incredibly loud noise from driving the monster monopiles that hold up the giant wind turbines. Construction of all six projects may occur simultaneously, piling on the noise.
Here the PEIS is simply absurd.”
Lots more in the article.
Beautiful winter in Western Europe.
Shock horror, a bit of frost as we reach the coldest part of winter.
I suppose it’s so warm most winters now, some may consider this cold.
The UK failed to reach the cold predicted for last night, but in the fine tradition of statistical bingo, they still declared it the coldest night of the winter so far ‘for the country as a whole’ even though it wasn’t actually colder in the coldest place!
+12 to +15C by the weekend.
Your comprehensive reading is deficient.
This is extraordinary:
JP Morgan CEO Finally Tells The TRUTH About Trump
(3m 56s video)
Trump turned the big ship but was scuttled by Covid. The USA still enjoys the benefit of deferring the climate fanaticism for four years. It has allowed the US time to look at Europe and the mess that climate fanaticism has done to the German and UK economies.
It is good to see Democrat supporters getting out of their offices to understand the mood.
I wonder how many get the irony with climate fanatics referring to the Bible Belt. Washington has become the Climate Belt™. It should that be updated to the Extreme Weather Belt.
THere’s a thought – register the Church of Extreme Weather Events™. Meet weekly and read from woke news reports. The gospel of the IPCC updated every few years would provide a comprehensive bases for weekly readings. I wonder if such a church could garner support from the federal and state governments.
The Buzz on ‘The Great Honey Bee Die-Off’
Why Trump couldn’t drain the swamp…
“The concept made sense back in 1984, when the Supreme Court held in Chevron v. Nat. Res. Def. Council, that courts should defer to the expertise of administrative agencies in their reasonable interpretations of ambiguous laws. … But did that mean the National Marine Fisheries Service not only got to mandate that its observers be allowed on private fishing vessels to prevent over-fishing, but required boat owners to pay its observers $700 per day for the pleasure? That $700 pretty much ate up the day’s profits, but why was this a cost to be shouldered by the boat rather than the government? Because the bureaucrats at the National Marine Fisheries Service said so.
In the years since Chevron, politicians and activists realized that it was no longer necessary to win a majority in Congress to control the functioning of the American administrative machinery, but rather staff agencies with sympathetic bureaucrats and issue “guidance,” if not rules and regulations, and essentially reinvent the law to serve political ends.”
This is where the administrative control of a nation stands today. We need administrative agencies or the nation will cease to function, but we need agencies run by humble experts rather than radical activists bent on abusing Chevron deference to own an industry.”
The bureaurats trump the politicians every time!
I do not accept that throw-away line.
Self-preservation is a powerful force. Once there is an agency, it will put as much effort into self-preservation as it needs. Every agency created should have a deadline for termination. It is always challenging to close out a big project. There needs to be incentives weighted toward completion otherwise the job never gets done.
A simple deadline for all administrative agencies would be a powerful tool. If the work is deemed to be continuing then there should be a new contract with new terms – nothing lasts forever.
High taxes on smokes is supposed to help pay for the medical costs associated with smoking. But the taxes on tobacco in Australia have overshot. The heavy taxes have created strong incentives to avoid these taxes through criminal activities and those activities are being rewarded.
There are other disincentives for smokers in Australia besides the high taxes. These have had an impact on uptake of smoking. But the public are still required to pay up for smoker’s health issues. If smokers were refused entry to. public health services they would die out quicker and that would be a disincentive.
We have created this crazy nanny state where there needs to be drug testing labs at music events to prevent the kids using “bad” drugs. What sort of people raise kids who are so stupid that they buy drugs from some moron at a music festival and put inside their body? Our governments are trying to regulate away natural selection.
Every government agency needs a use-by date. There should never be a “project” longer than 10 years. For example, rather than changing the reserve banking Governor, put the whole service up for contract. Bring in new brooms.
How well does the BoM serve Australia?
How well does their ABC serve Australia?
How well does the CSIRO serve Australia?
These have become woke money pits that serve political agendas. The whole contrived climate nonsense is proof that these agencies are long past their use-by.
Well Said RickWill.
How well do the BOM, ABC and CSIRO full fill the roles they were created for?
“These have become woke money pits that serve political agendas”.
The low in the NT, 03U, is continuing slowly southward. It is still self-sustaining with central pressure at 994hPa today. Most of Queensland now has atmospheric water above 60mm.
Not much rain down at Alice Springs yet.
Some old farmers have reported January 2024 is already the wettest El Nino induced drought they have experienced.
This is a Sky News report on the low:
Some interesting footage thrown in as well. Not many Tesla owners in these parts of the world because they would not get you far in these conditions.
Chiefio takes a look at the US electrical supply
“Prepare For Grid Down / Disruption Events”
Its been relatively cool on the eastern seaboard, but they are saying its much hotter because of increased humidity. They are getting desperate.
Twiggy Forrest must be paying the media to promote is “Lethal Humidity” scaremongering
China is now making fake women
Turning men into beautiful women, with a pc.
The GULLS (gullibles) are everywhere.
Their fantasy worlds are so much better than reality, which is why they crave them so much.
As Terrences comment above points to, those
New York retirement homes were dangerous places.
Bolt Report on Sky News last night revealed the fate of 47 ADF Taipan helicopters grounded and now being dumped by burial in the ground. No mention of the 22 Tiger attack helicopters also grounded.
Replacement Blackhawks and Apache helicopters are on order, but was grounding really necessary or another example of ADF bureaucratic bungling and cover ups (no pun intended)?
The Albanese Labor Government has turned down a request from the Ukraine for the Taipans.
So I researched last night and found this very informative article;
Transport to Ukraine, see RAN’s two biggest ships;
The same comments regarding the Taipans have been floating around social media as well. There would appear to be no strident conclusion from the post accident report that equipment failure was to blame for the helicopter crash where ADF personnel killed. So, it could have been pilot error or logistics problems. (parts not replaced)
That is correct Ross, as the article details, and also failure to upgrade software and for example resulting in a pilot hot starting a Taipan on exercises that is not recommended procedure, and software designed to stop that from happening was not installed.
“The country’s in the very best of hands, the best of hands”?
Software by the team that did the Qld Health payroll?
Like doctors, they want to bury their mistakes so no-one can check…
They sold a lot of Kiowas a few years ago, complete choppers, parts galore… I don’t know why they wouldn’t do the same with the Taipans, although CASA might block it.
Ok , so the BOM are being either really brave or outrageously daft. Today I heard on FM radio that the bureau is now predicting 2024 to be a likely La Niña. But, apparently the rest of summer will be dry (maybe inside my shed! ). I still think we need a new term for a combination of El Niño / La Niña. What’s Spanish for “ we messed up the first time, but hell, let’s have another stab at it”?
Well I guess that they act like it is a two sided coin so, if it isn’t heads it must be tails?
Drinking Carbon Monoxide infused foam to treat cancer
Cancer patients could one day drink foam infused with carbon monoxide to increase the effectiveness of their treatments, after the novel approach was shown to work in tests on mice and human tissue in the lab.
The experiments emerged from unexpected observations in previous studies: cancer patients who smoked ironically had better outcomes for a treatment aimed at restricting a process of cell death called autophagy.
Hijacked by cancers to promote their own growth, putting the brakes on this form of cellular dismantling and recycling ought to impede tumor growth. Yet attempts to stop cancer via autophagy inhibition have had mixed results so far, except in smokers.
Using a technique for creating Gas-Entrapping Materials (or GEMs), a safe-to-drink foam with added carbon monoxide was created. After successful tests in cancerous human and mouse lab cells, the foam was given to mice with pancreatic and prostate cancers, together with autophagy inhibitors.
The dual-action treatment led to significant reductions in tumor growth and progression, promising results that were also repeated to some extent in human cancer cells that the team cultured in petri dishes.
The old hose to the car exhaust doesn’t get a mention. 😄
A Massive Amount of Water Ice Has Been Found on Mars, Lurking Beneath The Equator
The surface of Mars may appear barren and lifeless, but it seems the red planet is keeping quite a few secrets hidden from prying human eyes.
Luckily, we have technology – and a new radar survey of the Medusae Fossae Formation region on the Martian equator has revealed what appears to be giant layered slabs of buried water ice, several kilometers thick.
It’s the most water ever found around Mars’ middle, and suggests the dry old dustball isn’t quite as devoid of the stuff as we thought.
There’s as much water buried there, scientists say, as can be found in Earth’s Red Sea; if it were brought to the surface and melted, it would cover Mars in a shallow ocean between 1.5 to 2.7 meters (4.9 to 8.9 feet) deep.
Cue Arnie!
Australia cyberattacks – Nissan and Victoria’s court system, cont.
Australian Nissan owners’ personal information published on dark web following hack
The wake of a serious cyberattack on Nissan Australia’s IT systems continues, with customer data released onto the dark web.
Nissan Australia has confirmed the personal information of its customers has been posted on the internet after the company was hacked in early December 2023.
In a post published on the Nissan Australia website, the company announced it was aware data accessed during the cyberattack has now been published online.
“We are working urgently with our global incident response team and cyber forensic experts to understand what information was accessed and the types of information that was posted on the dark web,” Nissan wrote in the statement.
“Where we identify customer data has been accessed in a manner which gives rise to a risk of serious harm, we will contact you in accordance with our legal obligations, including to let you know what information was involved and what support is available to you.”
The post goes on to say Nissan has contacted the Australian Cyber Security Centre and other relevant authorities regarding the matter.
“We are deeply sorry for any concerns this has caused for those who have been impacted,” Nissan Australia wrote.
Nissan? So only 10 people affrcted then. 😄
Extent of Victoria’s Court Cyber Attack Deepens: Hackers Breach Recordings Since 2016
A cyber attack on Victoria’s Court System is feared to be worse than originally thought after it was revealed that recordings dating back as far as 2016 had been breached.
This comes after Court Services Victoria (CSV) was alerted to a cyber attack on Dec. 21, 2023, initially believing the hacking only affected hearings from the Supreme, County, Magistrates, and Coroners courts from Nov. 1.
In a Jan. 18 statement, the Chief Executive of CSV, Louise Anderson, disclosed that “it was possible” that some hearings before Nov. 1 could have been accessed.
“The investigation remains ongoing, but CSV can confirm the recordings of some hearings in the Supreme Court, County Court, and Coroners Court on the audio-visual system were prior to 1 November 2023,” Ms. Anderson said.
The cyber attack targeted matters heard in the Supreme Court in Ballarat in April 2016, in addition to matters heard in Bendigo, Shepparton, and Wodonga during parts of 2023.
FWIW from Chiefio
“chiefio@headless2:~$ cat DNS_ATTACK
There may be some kind of DRDOS (Distributed Denial Of Service) attack on DNS services. ”
More here
More “Safe and Effective tm”
“Adverse Events More Likely With Some COVID-19 Vaccine Batches: Data”
“Severe Cold from Global Warming? NOPE (Doug Lewin in error)”
Climate Alarmists: U.S. and UK Militaries ‘Owe’ $111 Billion in ‘Climate Reparations’
Malcolm Roberts: Our Australian Flag
“Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere”
“He’s a classic example of the guy who can dish it out but can’t take it.”
“‘Michael Mann has never been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize’ – that’s a direct quote from the then Director of the Nobel Institute in Norway, Geir Lundestad… He’s not a Nobel Prize recipient. A decade after he was told to cut it out by the actual winner of the Nobel prize, [Mann] continues to promote one of the most brazen of scientific frauds – that he is of the same rank as Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Francis Crick or my fellow Canadian Sir Frederick Banting, the discoverer of insulin and its use in treating diabetes. How big a fraud do you have to be to keeping putting yourself up there with Einstein and Sir Frederick and Madam Curie when the Nobel Institute itself has told you you’re not?”
“I play the ball, not the man.” (Mark then quoted Eleanor Roosevelt, “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people,” to drive home the point.)