By Jo Nova
The Pandemic woke up a lot of people
Thanks to Pierre Gosselin at NoTricksZone who lets us know that Kristina Schröder — a minister in the Angela Merkel government for four years, has written in Der Pragmaticus, of her fear that the German government is copying the dark pattern of the pandemic to create a nation where the government controls what people eat and wear, and whether they can travel.
It would have helped if she had seen this coming ten years ago, when she was a Minister, but she says, she did not believe Germans would accept drastic restrictions for the “collective good” until the pandemic hit. Now she asks why there is a blindness to the costs of climate action, and why there is indifference to the losses of freedom. (Obviously, the German media and industrial censorship complex is just like the rest of the West, and there is no outrage allowed, no node for protests to gather on, and a constant stream of gaslighting — “renewables are cheap”, the “world is hotter than ever” and “climate change makes goldfish alcoholic”, that sort of thing).
The good news is that word is spreading…
Kristina Schröder: (Google translated)
Fundamental rights in crisis mode
Corona is now over, now it’s about climate change . And again, the two argumentation patterns that predominate during the pandemic can be observed: refusal to weigh things up and an end-justifies-the-means way of thinking.
Against the background of the experience of the pandemic, it is easy to imagine these future measures to contain the infection, pardon, CO 2 occurrence: There is a threat of requirements that affect our most private lifestyle. How we live, heat, move, travel and what we eat could soon no longer be an individual decision, but increasingly dictated by the state.
The long-time director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, who is considered in some circles to be Germany’s most important climate protector, has already made a corresponding suggestion: You could provide every citizen with a CO 2 budget of three tons annually. Anyone who knows that Germans are currently responsible for an average of eleven tons of CO 2 emissions per capita per year can appreciate what that would mean.
As Gosselin observes Schröder “…so far many Germans have been acting complacently about such drastic proposals”. Schröder asks the 64 trillion dollar question of our times — why are Germans (like so much of the West) willing to accept these losses of basic rights so easily?
Schröder, who contributes regularly to Welt, also wonders why in Germany there’s such a “blindness to the costs” of reducing CO2. “Why this indifference to the loss of freedom and prosperity?” And: “Why this longing for bans, renunciation and penance?”
Schröder is now aware (belatedly) that the activists don’t care about the environment but are using climate change to fight the evil capitalist system.
Fight against the system
I am convinced that large parts of the climate protection movement also fight our way of living and doing business at least as much as they fight climate change. They adhere to the narrative, which has been very powerful in left-wing movements in the Western world since the 1970s, that free and market-economy societies are structurally exploitative and destructive. Also, of course, structurally discriminatory and racist; This is what the members of the wokeness movement deal with.
Clear empirical findings that the more capitalist a country is, the cleaner the water and air and the more diverse the flora and fauna are, are robustly ignored in these circles. With climate protection, activists have found a powerful lever to push back the hated capitalist system.
It is the crisis for the sake of having a crisis — and by definition it must never be solved:
I am sure that if a technical solution were to be found tomorrow that would allow us to make CO2 harmless overall, large parts of the radical climate protection movement would not be relieved, but rather disappointed.
Perhaps Pierre can mention nuclear energy to her?

Photo by Leonhard Lenz
Kristina Schröder’s full commentary is in Der Pragmaticus
Image adapted by Jo from work by and Presentsquare
Good news.
An extremely rare case of a Leftist reforming and actually advocating for the pro-freedom side.
Now watch her get cancelled.
Schroeder is a conservative, being a member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
Indeed. The CDU is “technically” listed as a center right party, but is easily confused for a Big-Government lovin’, environmental pro-diversity organization, because it favoured the growth of the EU, allowed mass immigration, shut down coal and nuclear reactors, and pandered to the climate religion.
The most dangerous governments I suspect are those that call themselves conservative but act in the opposite way.
Being conservative/ libertarian ( amongst numerous other labels) I find myself in much disagreement mostly. I detest the Australian Liberal Party almost as much as Labor. Detestable fence sitters.
Before Merkel, the CDU was a half-assed Conservative Party, stuffed with empty suits who sucked up to big business. They played ball with the SPD, the.socialists, and were supported by the FDP, a 5% party, which sold itself as the party of small business people.
Merkel, a former Stasi apparatchik, joined the CDU after the wall came down 1989. 13 years later, heaven knows how and why, she became chancellor of the united Germany. From then on, the CDU became the hard left, red & green uniparty it is today.
You said it well:
The CDU supports “the growth of the EU, allowed mass immigration, shut down coal and nuclear reactors, and pandered to the climate religion.”
The most dangerous governments are indeed those that call themselves conservative but act in the opposite way..
Gramsci’s “long march through the institutions” has become a runaway train.
She isn’t involved in policy anymore, she is member and co-founder of the conservative thinktank “Republik21”, or “R21”.
Unfortunately no English text found about.
Does she have a cat?
There is nothing wrong with nuclear energy of course, but I think advocacy for it might backfire on the rational-thinking community because it reinforces the falsehood that there is a CO2 problem.
And besides, most climate alarmists are against nuclear energy, and indeed all inexpensive, reliable, manufactured energy in all its forms hence their support of wind and solar. They don’t actually want us to continue with our present standard of living but want the standard of living of non-Elites to be lowered to subsistence levels.
“Net Zero” is simply a re-badging 0f Pol Pots “Year Zero” by the socialist left.
Year Zero (Khmer: ឆ្នាំសូន្យ,) is an idea put into practice by Pol Pot in Democratic Kampuchea that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and that a new revolutionary culture must replace it starting from scratch.
That’s exactly what we are seeing now. But the Left learned their lesson from Pol Pot. He tried to achieve Year Zero/Net Zero too quickly. The Left are implementing it much more slowly although at an accelerating pace.
However slowly you start, the end result is the same – large numbers of dead unbelievers. Some want 99% of the world’s population to disappear.
My point about nuclear was that there was already a way to “end the crisis”, if anyone cared about CO2. But the Greens hate it (because the last thing they want to do is solve climate change). Schroder was already proven right but didn’t seem to realize.
Exactly, the solution is there if you have to walk away from coal and gas. And you can build on the site of the coal station you’re replacing (in most cases) and utilise the existing transmission line infrastructure thereby making huge savings. But that is for some reason not included in the cherry-picked “cost comparisons” that are used to prove that the “free energy sources” (LOL) like wind and solar are more economical.
After many years of effort, I have failed to find the main players in the post WWII era who so firmly planted opposition to nuclear electricity in Australia. This is likely related to global opposition.
Given the lucid arguments largely accepted when the “Nuclear Knights” Titterton and Baxter spoke, there must have been a powerful hub against nuclear even in the 1950-60 era.
One guess that might explain is that a senior Australian politician, maybe a PM, was compromised, blackmailed and forced to act. Even today a scandal would erupt if this happened and became public.
In the 1970-80 times after we discovered uranium at Ranger, I personally encountered more and more powerful people emerging from the darkness into new bureaucratic positions with enormous powers from new acts and treaties. Nothing democratic, just power plays by people with much more money and elite friends than any of us. Even the top judiciary and legal people had been infiltrated by then.
Geoff S
‘large numbers of dead unbelievers. Some want 99% of the world’s population to disappear’
The tolerance of the Hamas Oct7th savagery and the expose of the Harvard management support of, or lack of condemnation of Jewish genocide, shows just how little these leftist, wokist, activists value human life anymore. It also shows in their attempt to destroy agriculture as we know it, now feeding 8b people and note how little reaction was to the Sri Lankan starvation after just 1 year’s ban on the use of manufactured fertilisers. Try that on the world!
It’s beyond time the people of Western nations were told their lives are valueless in the eyes of the climate activists. That shows just how little the the effect of climate change warming on peoples lives, in a 100years really worries them. Their raison d’etre about climate is bs and always has been. That’s why they had to destroy acceptance of the scientific method and replace it with ‘opinion science’. Nobody alive today will be around to put THEM to the torch for lying, in 100years time!
Well said DOC. Spot on.
The humanists versus a Malthusian globalist restricting everything movement.
Per Irma Bonbeck:
“Well may the grass be greener over the septic tank; but it is greenest over the mass graves”.
The KR abomination was the “purest” flowering of socialism in history, thus far……….
The eco-nazis are determined to give Pol Pot a run for his money, and then some.
Socialism is a DEATH CULT, be it International or National “socialism”.
“There is nothing wrong with nuclear energy of course”
Isn’t there? Ask Nuscale why it found the cost of nuclear energy to be so wrong that it scrapped America’s first expected commercial small modular reactor.
That’s an economic argument, not a technology argument.
Which specific type of power plant to use in a particular situation, whether it be coal, gas, nuclear or real hydro (not SH2) depends on individual circumstances. It would be silly to build a nuclear power station right next to a coal mine, for example.
Obviously, of those four choices, one will be more economical than the others and that will be chosen.
And why is it assumed that small modular reactors are the only nuclear option? They might be fine for a small remote town but full scale ones are needed to serve a large city.
“They might be fine for a small remote town but full scale ones are needed to serve a large city.”
Speaking of a “small remote town” the Russians have the solution.
The floating nuclear power station is a non-self propelled vessel. It has length of 144.4 metres (474 ft), width of 30 metres (98 ft), height of 10 metres (33 ft), and draught of 5.6 metres (18 ft). The vessel has a displacement of 21,500 tonnes and a crew of 69 people.
Each vessel of this type has two modified KLT-40 naval propulsion reactors together providing up to 70 MW of electricity or 300 MW of heat, or cogeneration of electricity and heat for district heating, enough for a city with a population of 200,000 people. Because of its ability to float and be assembled in extreme weather conditions, it can provide heat and power to areas that do not have easy access to these amenities because of their geographic location. It could also be modified as a desalination plant producing 240,000 cubic meters of fresh water a day. Smaller modification of the plant can be fitted with two ABV-6M reactors with the electrical power around 18 MWe (megawatts of electricity).
Akademik Lomonosov was launched on 1 July 2010, at an estimated cost of 6 billion rubles (232 mUS$). In 2015 construction of a second vessel starting in 2019 was announced by Russia’s state nuclear corporation Rosatom.
The Chinese have a put a small 200 MW plant into commercial operation.
I wrote an article on Small Modular Reactors including the Russian floating nuclear power station at:
When Australia starts to get regular grid outages we might have to borrow the Russian power station. On the other hand, perhaps not. It would never get approval to land in Australia.
But what about the nuclear subs were are buying???
Do you think we’ll ever actually get them? And if so, will it be before we really badly need them?
But I’m not sure what you are asking.
Yep, they’ll be real handy permanently moored and connected to the grid to prevent the coming blackouts. Of course they wont be able to put out to sea due to them being needed for electricity supply.
CO2 lover,
Thank you for the summary of specs for the Russian nuke ships.
Did you leave out the requirement that they sink to the bottom within minutes of a small accident, as seen with other Russian naval advances? Geoff S
Yep! You may have “issues” trying to run an Alumina smelter off a reactor you can fit in your bathroom.
NuScale were trying to sell their product directly, without voluminous govt subsidies, and the business case didn’t stack up this time. But it will.
No different to why Boeing gave up on their supersonic passenger airliner in the ‘60s,..leaving only the UK & France to continue to develop the only commercially viable version.. Concorde !
I wonder how many of these supposed ‘elites’ would survive any better than we plebs after they cease to be useful idiots for whatever evil incarnation is behind it all.
They will probably the first against the wall.
This entire so called dangerous C C BS and FRAUD has been so infantile over the last 30 years that the OECD pollies, MSM and so called scientists should hang their heads in shame.
They could’ve just spent a few minutes online to understand that we’ve seen incredible improvement for Humans since 1950 and since 1990 and yet these liars and con merchants have somehow fooled a majority of the population in the OECD countries for three decades.
Yet Aussies have the blackout Bowen idiot plus stupid Albo and the Greens + the Teals currently running our Canberra circus.
It is critical that we don’t close down any more Coal plants and stop building UNRELIABLE, TOXIC W & S ASAP.
I think you were taking things too far in your first sentence.
I would have chopped off a few words at the end of it.
[Hang their heads in shame just means to look down in embarrassment. – Jo]
Well heads should roll in any case.
IMO almost all “movements” begin with good people and intentions but are eventually commandeered by zealots and grifters who are not dedicated to the cause but to their own power and aggrandizement.
Climate is one of so many examples
am I correct Mann? Kerry?
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.”
H. L. Mencken
When I read
H. L. Mencken’s hobgoblins came immediately to mind.
In my life we’ve had a series of hobgoblins. The notable ones (i.e. those I can remember off the top of my head): global nuclear war, the hole in the ozone layer, acid rain, mad cow disease and the new ice age. So when global warming stuck it’s ugly head up I expected it to last a few years, before it petered out and was replaced by something else. Instead it spawned a huge, well funded industry, mostly paid for by government (i.e. taxpayers) and it’s going to hold on to those government (i.e. taxpayers) monies for as long as it can.
Just + Thinkin, I’m tempted to agree and certainly a lot of people over the centuries have been strung up and suffered the rope dance for a lot less.
On the contrary I think it’s the last sentence that’s the critical message.
Even though the Goolag translation added an inappropriate space, I was moderately impressed that she used the term “CO2” which is uncommon among climate alarmists or people who have been among them as she was.
They normally talk about “carbon” (sic) “pollution” (sic) which for someone with training in science, irritates me enormously.
She wrote based on what the German Court wrote down:
As I can see and remember, she was not involved in climate questions during her job. And left ?? No idea
i don’t think this needs any further explanation apart from the glaring question that EVERYBODY declines to ask let alone answer.
What are we going to do with the other 97% of CO2 that’s NOT generated by humans. I can never get an answer to this question.
“Blackout Bowen” wouldn’t even be able to comprehend the context of the question but that’s what happens when you hire clowns from the local circus.
Most politicians and climate alarmists have absolutely no clue of the proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere.
See this alarming video of US Representative Doug LaMalfa, a rare case of a politician who has a clue, as he interrogated witnesses of the US House Transportation Committee.
And how dare Goolag/YouTube append their insulting advisory that humans cause climate change.
They alsao have no clue that the oceans contain 50 times more CO2 than the atmosphere as dissolved CO2 which is subject to Henry’s Law.
If the Oceans warm then CO2 is released and if the Oceans cool, then more CO2 is dissolved.
Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have alsways been a lagging indicator of changing global temperatures and not a leading indicator.
True David and our (???) Tania Plibersek wouldn’t even attempt an answer when asked for the level of co2 in the atmosphere.
I don’t know whether that makes her more stupid or less stupid than that clueless group of US dummies?
“Climate Change” and the demonisation of coal has all the hallmarks of a secualar religion.
As with any religion the fact do not matter. It is a fight of “good” vs “evil”.
Those who question the “science” are labelled as “deniers”.
There are “Apostles” like John Kerry who spread the gospel and the faithful who assemble at churches such as COP to re-enforce their faith with the like (simple) minded.
Self-flagelation (economic ruin) is a sign of conviction.
Coal is seen as the work of the devil and should remain untouched in the domain of the devil.
Salvation will come through the worship of nature itself (ie wind and solar energy).
Furious Al Gore Blasts COP28 “On Verge Of Complete Failure” 😁️
The only problem with COP28 and all the others failing is that Leftists usually replace their crazy failed ideas with even worse ones, at taxpayer expense of course.
Quiet for so long. Suddenly they wake up. Why’s that ?
Nothing to do with the political situation, or the gravy train being derailed I’m sure !
Hi Jo,not seen ?
Sorry Krishna, I didn’t see it, I was already writing the post at that time. Thanks for the tip though, great minds, eh?
We’re getting a repeat of these climate protests worldwide. Not doubt to coincide with COP28 which means there is some central organisation or funding going on. If you’re in Melbourne, Victoria and being inconvenienced by the protestors then you’ve had a gutful. But protests of the “leftie” nature are very common here. There’s a leftie rent a crowd that turns up to all these type of protests in Melbourne, but probably never attended any of the freedom protests against COVID restrictions. in other words they are totally on board with “free and market-economy societies are structurally exploitative and destructive. Also, of course, structurally discriminatory and racist.” The same faces can be seen at the following protests :-
– Occupy Wall Street
– Opposition to East West link freeway
– Black Lives Matter
– Aboriginal rights/ treaty
– Union/ workers rights
– Climate
– Gaza
It’s how they roll. They love to disrupt traffic with sit downs at intersections etc and it would appear VicPol have ideologues within their ranks as well, particularly in the command structure. You wont see any rubber bullets fired at this lot.
It’s not the first time either. A large number of violent organisations appeared in the sixties. After waiting a century for their expected revolution, that never came, the “left” had become impatient.
There was the: Weathermen (USA), United Red Army (Japan), Black Panthers (USA), SWAPO (South West Africa), ALN (Brazil), Tupamaros (Uruguay), FLQ (Canada), PLO (Middle East), Montoneros (Argentina), ERP (Argentina), Red Brigade (Italy), PFLP (Middle East), DPFLP (Middle East), Red Army Faction or Baader-Meinhof (Germany), Black September (Middle East), SLA (USA).
Every one of them violent and left-wing. Right now, they are on the verge of victory – they can smell it – and so they’re “ramping-up” again.
A timely reminder.
Have you created a person favourite explanation for what motivated these driven people, especially the leaders?
Geoff S
This nicely sums up the attitude of the Left/Elites who want non-Elites to live as serfs/slaves in “15 min cities” and eat insects and who spend taxpayer money traveling the world doing the Klimate Krisis Kult party scene.
I think the tyranny has already been created.
They’re just working on the full implementation.
It’s more implemented than most of us know.
Most TFHs don’t have enough tin.
China has got a great asset and bargain with Chris Bowen. Aussies pay generously to keep him in his sinecure but the Chinese economy thrives off his green sycophant policy with our coal from which Aussies are not allowed to benefit.
The Chicomms have many more Australian political assets than just Bowen. Virtually the entire ALP, Greens and most of the pretend conservative Liberal Party, especially the extreme Left, so-called “moderate” faction of the Libs who are as lunatic green as the worst of the Greens.
And Dan Andrews was, and likely still is, as valuable to the Chicomms as Bowen is. Dictators like that don’t just voluntarily leave power unless they have something far worse planned.
‘ … but the Chinese economy thrives …’
Not at the moment, its in the grip of deflation.
Just shows how far from reality our current Climate and Energy Minister is.
He obviously is oblivious to what is happening in the energy world outside Australia. If the Germans who started the Energiewende now realise they were on the wrong path then what more information does he need – he is a zealot by name and nature.
PS I see Siemens Gamesa are now installing recyclable wind turbine blades. This of course is good from an environmental point of view however given the huge number of blades in dumps and in current operation the problem will be present for years to come. I can’t find any info on expected lifetime of the new blades. In any case now the lifecycle costs can be calculated more accurately since the process for recycling will be easier to financially determine rather than just dumping. Siemens claim now only 4-7% of the wind turbine cannot be recycled whereas it was 15% previously. This of course only refers to the tower and turbine itself and not to the huge steel reinforced concrete base which remains in the ground along with all the infrastructure.
I think the best use of discarded windmills is to write on either the tower or the blades (or both), “monument to folly” so that future generations can learn, at least until the structures fall down. Then they can be scraped up and recycled, at least the recyclable parts.
85% recyclable??? Technically maybe, but not economically. So that 85% is going into landfill just like the 15% non-recyclable content.
“Internationally, the turbines have been recycled for several useful products, but it has only been done at a small-scale level.
Glass fibres from the blades can be extracted so it can be recycled into cement.
Energy companies in Denmark have used old turbines to construct bus stop shelters and playground equipment.
“You can only build so many bus shelters and we have thousands of wind turbines coming to waste in the next 10 to 20 years,” Professor Majewski said.
“One blade is roughly the size of an airplane wing, and they just can’t be left in landfills.”
Professor Majewski suggested another solution would be to send the old turbines back to the manufacturers.”
So many wonderful recycling ideas – stick the stuff into cement along with everything else that is useless and say that you have recycled it, but don’t mention what it does to the cost of the cement. Or send it back to the manufacturer – does that count as recycling? Why not grind it into a powder and make kitchen benchtops from it, to replace that stuff that’s just been banned because when it is ground up it kills people. Ground up turbines couldn’t kill people, could they, they are ‘green’.
“Clear empirical findings that the more capitalist a country is, the cleaner the water and air and the more diverse the flora and fauna are“. A link to that would be very handy.
Mike I think everything about our climate and deaths from extreme weather events etc have vastly improved over the last 123 years.
Willis Eschenbach checks out their BS and FRAUD point by point and easily proves the case.
And the environment is much healthier in the 38 wealthy OECD countries compared to the developing NON OECD. And the clincher is the fact that life expectancy was just 32 years in 1900 and population just 1.6 billion, but today our life expectancy is about 72 years and our population is over 8 billion.
Even our poorest continent ( 53 countries) has seen incredible improvement over the last 73 years.
African life expectancy was just 36 years in 1950 and population 227 million, but today the population has soared to 1460 million and life expectancy is about 64 years.
Hi Neville – I wasn’t being cynical, it seems extremely likely that Capitalism is greener than Green. I really did mean that a link would be handy.
For me, the best distinction between a socialist/communist system where governments decree what is good and free markets systems is the Trabant of East Germany and the BMW 323E21 of West Germany both from the early 1980s before the wall came down.
And always remember that the heated rear window on the Lada Niva (Russian made) is not for demisting. Rather, it is there to keep your hands warm when pushing.
The only reason “climate change” is supported by China and Russia is to subvert western free market economies so they self destruct. The free market economies have succumbed to external forces from the UN. The UN has become an extremely dangerous cancer on the western world. Russia and China are only there to support their own agenda. They make no effort to comply with the various treaties.
The Netherlands is a prime example of how bad it gets. If the locals do not protest, they will be overrun with immigrants from failed countries unwilling to embrace the ideals that made the Dutch who they are. The religious fanatics bring their fanaticism that erodes the values that make The Netherland the place they want to live in without realising their ideals are inconsistent with Dutch ideals.
I never would push a car using the rear window, beside, a car that needs to be pushed doesn’t heat the window as the engine is off.
If you really want compare the Trabant with a BMW, why not with that ?
The words of a confused moron. This moron is inferring that the gas of life is in some way harmful. Where is there any proof that CO2 at trace levels is anything but hugely beneficial to life on Earth.
Everyone needs to know that Earth’s energy balance is not altered by trace amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere. It would need to increase to become a significant portion of the mass to make any difference.
All stems from Barack Obama. Barry via his EPA classed Carbon dioxide as a pollutant back in 2000’s. But there was no howls of protest from any biologists etc. It’s like classifying water as a poison because some people drown from it. Makes no bloody sense whatsoever, but here we are.
Her judgement about the climate protection mouvement in my eyes is absolutely correct.
It’s not the climate they make believe to protect, but to fight against free living, talking, choices etc.
Well it has started to happen – we were warned – but it will be disguised as all sorts of other things – but just before 7pm last night we had our first load shedding experience until 1am this morning. An unexplained outage by Ausnet – but very obvious that as people came home on the first really hot and humid day in central Victoria – everyone turned on their air-conditioners at once – and the result was – Load Shedding! Morning peninsular was also out this morning – due to “thunder storms”? Go figure – there will be more!
I have already bought a home power generator.
Everyone should do the same.
Which one do you recommend?
well, for convenience, an ELECTRIC one = so you can just plug it in anywhere !! ( that’s how they think )
It’s also a support for COMMUNISM in economy. Communism means a government owns means of production. Carbon taxes, carbon permissions make manufacturing unviable for private corporations. But a govnermnet can still do it because if it manufactures things (including electricity) then it PAYS CARBON TAXES TO ITSELF. So the overall net costs of carbon taxes for government as the owner of the means of production is ZERO.
and then there’s communism
Strictly in theory.
Now come back down to earth and look at reality.
Yep. You choose whatever version fits with what you want to say.
‘Strictly in theory.’
Democratic socialism is a reality, neither them or the Greens have any connection to communism.
Jason Wood MP just posted on Farcebook:
The Left just love their private jets, especially when taxpayers are paying!
They also love their private limousines – just ask Sally Capp, Mayor of Melbourne. (but I’m sure you already know this DM). The lefties have no shame.
Whenever I see that name in print, my eyes mistake it for Salary Caps.
Geoff S
So she was prepared to push all of this claptrap from governments’ side as “she did not believe Germans would accept drastic restrictions for the “collective good” until the pandemic hit”. So they are prepared to virtue signal out of self interest and put measures in place THAT ENABLE GOVERNMENTS to implement these measures because they believe the people will push back when push comes to shove, but then they also have the ENFORCEMENT MEASURES in place (e.g. Dan’s brown shirts, riot squads and rubber bullet shooting thugs) that render the people powerless.
Tells you a lot about politicians in general doesn’t it? Despicable scum…
“Burn Borders, mot coal”???
Makes less sense than:
“Nuke them ’til they glow.
Shoot them in the dark”.
Well, that was fantastic! The German really put it succinctly and has analysed it perfectly. That’s exactly what it is.
another GINO, perhaps ?
… and this is what the farmers think translated ” Union: Özdemir is “the wrong man” as agriculture minister
Cem Özdemir fails in the CDU/CSU parliamentary group after two years in office. The opposition party sees little success from the Green politician, but a lot of announcements and “hot air”.
Then again we could look at thorium based nuclear reactors. 100 to 10,000 times less nuclear waste problem, can’t go into thermal melt down! Of course there is a steep learning curve to get to a commercial reactor. Pity we can’t copy the working unit the USA had in the 1960’s. Then again if we wait a few more years we will be able to buy the technology from China. They started commissioning their first thorium reactor last year (October) with a view to selling the technology world wide. Of course there will certainly be strings attached but then our governments don’t care about things like that.
Oh, by the way, the Chinese reactor is apparently sited in the Gobi desert because it is a molten salt reactor which does not need access to lots of water unlike existing uranium reactors. Supposedly it can be built and operated more or less anywhere.
Hanford Nuclear Reservation near Tri-Cities Washington has a partially built reactor sitting there which might be viable to convert to Thorium.