A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Mandatory reading: BRICS – the project of the century
The Decline and Fall of Woke Western Civilisation
Is the other side of the coin.
By 2032 (a mere 8 years away now), the USA will be the DISunited States of America and China will hold top spot financially, NOT because China warrants it but because the USA has deliberately committed socio-economic and political suicide.
Before then, there will be major technological and social (health) events that will be the #1 driving concerns for the world.
My target date has always been 2028 and a lot of reputable data and analyses are now falling into line with that date, although they don’t see the big picture.
What is the significance? You’re all seeing the dominoes fall and the pattern slowly revealing itself. The big vaxx experiment is much more than you think.
/Obama gave you a big clue recently. 😉
At least half the world’s population don’t support the climate scam which has been responsible for the weakening of the West along with socialism generally. Of course the BRICs nations are all socialist or communist to some extent apart from India which remains a democracy. Brazil,like the USA, has just had an unpopular president elected thanks to corrupt judiciary and election systems. Like the US it has a large majority who crave justice and a government that puts them first. Eventually the masses will win.
A picture is worth a 1000 words
Why wind and solar power (Reckless Renewables) are insignificant when looking at Australia’s energy flows
Why spend $ Billions of taxpayers money on such insignificant entities?
Because it’s all a scam – Socialists lie, cheat, steal and kill – always, without fail.
You have summed up socialists very well but I’m sure you left out a few of their other significant crimes such as child abuse through education and sex change for example. Socialism is not only wrong but evil because it takes away the God given rights of the individual.
Death by Tesla
Why Tesla’s are one of the most dangerous vehicles on the road.
I covered Tesla’s touchscreen controls in a recent post
These touchscreens are completely mad. Who thought it was a good idea to have to look sideways to touch a screen in order to control a car? They have gone from a small screen to one the size of a modest tv.
On the other hand, it’s primarily only rich virtue signaling Leftists /:wokesters / warmists who buy such cars so it’s removing them from the gene pool.
Only if they have not reproduced before they die.
30% of trans kids given sterilising drugs, 70% of vaxxed
pregnant women can’t carry full term.
Reproduction is on the way out.
Only for Westerners.
I’m sorry?
I hadn’t heard that ‘70%” claim before.
I’m confident I would have if it were true.
Did you by chance make a typo?
What’s your source and what’s their evidence?
Unfortunately they can remove others from the gene pool in the process.
Now, now, David, not everybody with a touch screen is a woke lefty. I had a 2017 Range Rover Evoque, which I loved. No touch screen and all knobs and switches that I could feel for without looking. But I decided if Bowen was going to make things difficult I should buy a new one which, I hope, will die about the same time as me in 15 years or so. It’s a lovely car, but has two touch screens. One has all the info one needs, map, phone, radio etc and it is easy to see as it is at the top of the dash. The other is tucked in front of the gear lever and, amongst other things, has the controls for the air conditioning. In order to change the fan speed (if not on fully auto conditioning) I have to take my eyes off the road, try to find the tiny fan emblem which is hidden in front of the gear lever, touch it (tricky) and then use the passengers temperature control knob to control the fan speed.
Luckily, my wife can now work all that so I don’t need to, but I am going to curse it for the next 15 years.
Instead of spending zillions on playing with mythical climate control thingys, money would be better spent on finding a way to replace the touch & viewing screens in vehicles. Often the glare hides what I want to see — such as what the back-up camera shows.
After about 20,000 miles, some of the buttons I reach from “muscle memory.”
On the other hand: Our betters don’t want us to have personal vehicles, so they don’t care. They get carted around by a hired driver (aka, chauffeur).
Perhaps Musk can organise portals placed on your body that will accept a Tesla neuralink chip.? It could be made to provide access to the computers on board the car and the driving skills of a choice of expert drivers.
Perhaps a chip also accessing cooking skills of master chefs?
Hacking a Tesla neuralink chip ….mmmm
Now that sounds like a great opportunity!
The chip he had implanted into the brain of a quadriplegic seems to be helping that individual achieve functions he had lost. So not a bad thing. He can type a message by thinking about it. If so you could drive and control a car just by thinking about it. What happens when your mind wanders?
Somehow that reminds of the Mr Bean scene where the kids boat remote control takes over the guys wheelchair and he ends up in the lake.
At least self driving cars would be better than the usual brainless human drivers who play with their phones, look at the passenger to talk to them, and of course “Mr. Important” who sits in the overtaking lane, tailgating, everywhere he goes.
Left hand lane? What’s that for?
But only in the world of REAL AI can self driving cars be truly safe.
Someone must have given Blackout Bowen a chip in the head – a soggy potato chip. Which has increased his IQ from 20 to 21. A vast improvement but still not good enough.
Exactly what my husband, who has raced cars throughout his life, says about the touch screens. Certainly high performance facing cars have digital screens & other devices, but the ordinary Joe does not have the skills, and is often already distracted by his phone.
He argues that in previous years a car could not be registered if it had any additions on the windscreen which impeded vision.
We lived a few hundred yards from Kate Middleton (Princess of Wales) and bought things from her mothers Party Pieces business. Sad to hear she has cancer
We were married in the local church which she also attended and to this day sightseers come to this remote village to see the church-presumably because I got married there and nothing to do with Kate and William.
I was born in Windsor within sight of the castle so strongly suspect I am Royal, so might contact the Palace and ask if I can lend a hand whilst so many of the Royal Family are incapacitated. I would quite fancy knighting a few people and attending some royal engagements.
In return Charles and William would have to agree to backpedal on their Climate catastrophe nonsense.
Get well soon Kate.
Let us hope William stays heathy even with his woke ideas
Otherwise it will King Harry and Queen Megan – perish the thought!
South Park and the royal couple
Fortunately for the world, William has three children, so Harry will never ascend the throne.
At least she’ll get all the best private (tax payer funded) care unlike the rest of the ‘riff raff’ in the UK who are on a waiting list for cancer diagnoses and care.
There is much debate in the UK at present about whether to allow assisted suicide. This article reflects Oregon’s experiences.
I am alarmed at the seemingly very low bar in Canada for assisted deaths and wonder if it is a slippery slope? What is the situation in OZ?
Voluntary assisted dying schemes have been in effect in the following states; Victoria since 19 June 2019, Western Australia since 1 July 2021, Tasmania since 23 October 2022, Queensland since 1 January 2023, South Australia since 31 January 2023 and New South Wales since 28 November 2023.
Voluntary euthanasia and assisted dying is currently unlawful in the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory
Australia could really benefit if the ACT got on board with this !👍🤔
Assisted suicide?
Don’t you mean death affirming care?
I for one, see no problem with this.
Since government is all about equity, climate safety, inclusion (except for people that question Science), and public health … noble public servants would never pressure, I mean offer suicide as a means of reducing spending, or controlling work load and capacity in a socialized health system.
Certainly, enlightened western governments would never offer death affirming care to political dissidents in re-education programs.
After all, the tax base is an infinite source for the funding of good intentions.
Like vaccines, ordinance, and re-education.
Pandemic taught us that government is all about public health.
I think we should arrange another, so that we may receive the gift of more public health.
I believe the Government that Jeffrey Epstein’s death in a New York prison was a suicide. I am not sure if it was assisted or not.
I strongly suspect we, as humans, don’t understand the true value of being human and alive.
The ability of only one life form, on the only planet we can find that can support sentient life, to be able to appreciate the warmth and excitement of being in love, the enjoyment of family and friendship, and as the poet Kabir says, understand that “the ocean is in the drop”. And the ability to share these gifts with each other. These are some of our possibilities.
These are available for us when we are humans and alive.
Many of us seem too ready to throw human life into a scrap heap before actually understanding it’s potential.
Humans are living much longer than our forebears, thanks to modern medical science and big pharma.
Euthanasia is a good thing for those who are terminally ill, with diminished quality of life. Wonder where the Catholics stand on this question?
Add civil engineering, and food regulations, to the reasons we live much longer.
Old folk tend to vote conservative. Old folk use up lots of resources especially in aged care homes. Old folk usually don’t do productive jobs and hence do not pay tax. Old folk are a burden on society and can influence children with wrong ideas. Old folk are bad therefore let’s get rid of old folk. Trudeau et al tend to forget that they too will get old one day.
I think in Canada someone just kicked the bar onto the ground.
There is much talk in Europe about the falling birth rate and that migrants are essential to fill the shortfall. This article about the German experience is fairly typical but the AFD are getting it in the neck for wanting to promote family friendly policies.
I note that the abortion numbers in Germany are around 100,000 annually representing some “12% of live births”
I suspect that OZ, as in Britain, is importing vast numbers of migrants to fill the gap, with employers eager to employ them rather than become more efficient, or mechanise, use AI, retrain existing population or take people off benefits.
Encouraging people to proceed with a birth would have a profound effect on population stability, especially after a couple of generations, but that requires family friendly measures including childcare and tax benefits. It seems much easier to import people as far as the govt and big business is concerned
Viktor Orbán has a few ideas
Our past treasurer, Peter Costello, offered a $5000 incentive to have children. His motto was one for mum, one for dad and one for the country. The trouble was teens were having a baby for the $5000. He should have stipulated it was for the third and subsequent child. Orban’s plan seems much more likely to encourage larger families. In the rest of Europe, thanks to slack immigration policies, Muslims will make up the shortfall. I note Tonyb says 70 million is Britain Full. With all its Muslims it will be bloated in quick time. What then?
Of course the quesion is: “what is the optimal population size ?” For the UK I’d say 70 Million tops – we’ll reach that level in a few years, thanks to immigration, then what ?
It doesn’t help that the benefits system operates like a ponzi scheme whereby you need more and more ‘contributors’ to fund the ‘non contributors’. IMO, general living standards seems to decrease as the population increases, so maybe we need a rethink on how benefits and services are funded and who is entitled to access them.
The pie is staying the essentially staying the same size but more people want slices. The slices have to get smaller. And when the people cutting up the slices (eg government) make bigger pieces for their friends, the other pieces of pie get smaller still.
The people baking the pie (the producers) are barely able to keep up with the number and size of slices needed. And have to hide some of their pie so they have some to eat and enjoy and thereby be strong enough to bake more slices.
A vast majority of the imports are unemployable, uneducated and have no commitment to Western values or the country they are being imported into so it hardly seems to be the genuine reason, especially while a lot of indigenous Europeans are unemployed.
And why are most of the imports single, fighting age males and the followers of a certain 7th century warlord? Where are the women and children if they are genuine refugees?
And if it hadn’t been for the Left’s assault on traditional family values, traditional European and Western values, traditional sexual orientations and the promotion of anti-white racism over many decades now, there might not be such an aversion for native Europeans to have children.
And in the EU the “immigrants” say as soon as they are the majority they’ll implement Sharia law.
It was never about sanctuary or humanitarianism, it’s about replacement.
The rate of birth from migrants is declining too:
Birth statistic
Blue = German mother
Red = not German mother
Educating girls is the most effective means of lowering birth rate.
I was told that the reason European countries fine parents if kids do not attend school is to ensure girls of different faiths have the same opportunity to gain an education. It means that the birth rate is not tilted toward a particular religious faith.
Italian women are well educated and it seems education trumps religion when it comes to fertility because Italy is the lowest in the G20 despite their majority faith not supporting easy birth control.
One of the good things about climate zealots is that they are less inclined to breed. That means they are literally a dying breed. Maybe the climate propaganda is about population control. Scare the dills who believe the nonsense about CO2 from breeding.
“The rate of birth from migrants is declining too:”
Western food and lifestyle…
I’ll pay that, this is Australia at the moment.
‘In low-fertility, high-income economies, policies that support parents and open immigration will be vital to maintain population size and economic growth.’ (The Lancet)
About falling birth rates – – –
The Washington Examiner has an excerpt of this new book:
Family Unfriendly: How Our Culture Made Raising Kids Much Harder Than It Needs to Be
by Timothy P Carney
It shows up on Amazon and other places.
Nobody Spotted THIS… (REVEALED)
While imposing fines on businesses for plastic bag use, the City of Toronto is sourcing for city use
More on the CFACT et al whale protection lawsuit.
A lot more coming.
Very interesting video.
“Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things”
Very relevant to the anthropogenic global warming fraud and other frauds of the Left.
Funnily enough this has showed up on my Youtube feed as well!
Mine too. Fascinating video and explains a lot. I keep banging my head against a wall when discussing what to me seems blindingly obvious that otherwise supposedly intelligent people either can’t see or argue against till they’re blue in the face while calling me every trite leftist insult in the book. Frustrating but endlessly amusing at the same time.
Why do people have two nostrils (serious, not humour).
New findings and new interpretation of data of the MH370 disappearance.
Believe it or not, it was ten years ago.
No-one seems to know that the US military has this nice little island housing a nice little tracking system that knows the location of every plane in the air, wherever it is on Earth.
So ask them where it is. 😎
A couple of posts up DM posted “Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things”. Best check it out.
I believe Australian crime rates are rising faster than official statistics suggest, partly because many people, not expecting an adequate, or indeed any, police response don’t bother reporting certain “minor” crimes.
On Friday I was the victim of a crime when I parked my car in the street outside my house to unload groceries and between trips to my car which was unlocked because I was going back and forth taking things inside, my car was rummaged through and things stolen, including a set of keys with garage remote control, necessitating such locks being changed at great expense.
Even though I live in a good neighbourhood in Melbourne, and an expensive one at that, what the previous Andrews / CCP communist government did to increase Labor votes in my area was to build a warehouse or dosshouse (US=flophouse) to house “down and out” types of people. Now, they were given apartments which normal working people would have paid around $1m for or paid $1,000 per week rent. Instead they pay about $30 per week rent if they bother to pay at all.
The build also destroyed a large number of parking places. The local council objected to the facility but were over-ruled in court and by the Government.
These apartments are right in the main street, next to shops, restaurants and transport and would be an idyllic location for hard working younger people.
Obviously these people have to be warehoused somewhere but why in an expensive suburb, there would be better value for the taxpayer if this facility was put in an outlying area. There was no economic or practical reason to put it where it is, other than to increase votes for the Labor/CCP Party.
In objecting to the development when it was first proposed I accurately predicted that the import of a large number of the people proposed to live their would result in a great increase in local crime and I was right.
I too live in Melbourne in what was an outer suburb 30 years ago.
I was invited by my car insurer to apply for house and contents cover to combine home and contents with car insurance to get a discount. I went through the process of seeking an on-line quote using the web link provided. Got to the end expecting to see a quote and it stated that they were not prepared to offer an on-line quote because I did not have dead-locks on all external doors nor a monitored alarm system.
My wife’s tennis club had a monitored alarm for some years and it was quite expensive because it went off if a spider disturbed a sensor. Each call cost money plus an annual fee. They realised it was lower cost to place a few motion activated cameras around and follow up on any suspicious activity by notifying the police.
Sorry to hear of your recent experience David. I’ve just spent a significant amount of $$ on upgrading my household security system, as crime up here in Queensland is now considered a sport of sorts. Police eventually attend and take details after the fact. House next door has been robbed and vandalised, and last Easter an attempt was made to gain access to my garage, presumably to steal the car.
I moved here from Sydney after being robbed twice in one week, 30 plus years ago. Crime has been on the increase here over the years, and the suburb you live in does not seem to make much difference. The present Marxist fools in control seem to careless.
I would recommend you fit one of these to your car – they are popular in South Africa.
I remember that video!
Or get a Trunk Monkey:
Or a guard dog.
Or a gate to park behind.
4k Surveillance cameras.
Surveil your house on approach, noting cars and people in the vicinity.
Be proactive and aware at all times.
As times get tougher, the have-nots will be reproducing rapidly…
The incredibly bold youthful burglars these days don’t seem to care about surveillance cameras and guard dogs have been stabbed.
I haven’t heard of exceptionally loud howling burglar alarms or sprinklers that are movement activated. It is worth a try.
Buy a chihuahua off an old lady on Facebook.
Sprinkle Cornflakes on the driveway.
Sit back and wait. 😆😆😆
Some reading
“Saturday Snippet: Sanctions-busting the hard way“
A great read, some amazing lives have been lived!
More Vitamin I
“FYI: FDA LOST Its Case Over Ivermectin, Confirming Suspicions You Were Never a Horse”
FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees To Remove Controversial ‘Stop It’ Post
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged people to stop taking ivermectin to treat COVID-19, according to a settlement dated March 21.
The FDA has already removed a page that said: “Should I take ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19? No.”
Within 21 days, the FDA will remove another page titled, “why you should not use ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19,” according to the settlement announcement, which was filed with federal court in southern Texas.
“The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals,” the page currently states. It also says that data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19, despite how some studies it cites show ivermectin is effective against the illness.
The FDA in the settlement is also agreeing to delete multiple social media posts that came out strongly against ivermectin, including one that stated: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”
In exchange, doctors who sued the agency are dismissing their claims, the filing states.
“FDA loses its war on ivermectin and agrees to remove all social media posts and consumer directives regarding ivermectin and COVID, including its most popular tweet in FDA history,” Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, one of the doctors, said in a statement. “This landmark case sets an important precedent in limiting FDA overreach into the doctor-patient relationship.”
“We are extremely pleased with the outcome of the settlement as it is a victory for every doctor and patient in the United States,” added Dr. Paul Marik, chief scientific officer of the FLCCC Alliance and another plaintiff. “The FDA interfered in the practice of medicine with their irresponsible language and posts about ivermectin. We will never know how many lives were affected because patients were denied access to a lifesaving treatment because their doctor was ‘just following the FDA.’”
An FDA spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an email that the agency “has chosen to resolve this lawsuit rather than continuing to litigate over statements that are between two and nearly four years old.”
“FDA has not admitted any violation of law or any wrongdoing, disagrees with the plaintiffs’ allegation that the agency exceeded its authority in issuing the statements challenged in the lawsuit, and stands by its authority to communicate with the public regarding the products it regulates,” the spokesperson said. “FDA has not changed its position that currently available clinical trial data do not demonstrate that ivermectin is effective against COVID-19. The agency has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19.”
Ivermectin was approved by the FDA in 1996 to treat several conditions, including onchocerciasis, a tropical disease caused by a parasitic worm.
Here’s an idea. Green Labor have been importing illiterate, unemployable voters for decades. If we had a conservative party they could import educated, employable people in the same manner.
“import educated, employable people in the same manner.”
Nah, you’d never find them these days… I suppose if the Govt was Libertarian enough we would get those people as ‘refugees’ from left-wing Western countries
Plenty available from South Africa, educated, employable, cultural suitability ..
Libertarian immigration policy, disaster, can only work without a welfare state.
Or just train Australians instead or is there a shortage of Aussies needing work?
Look after your own first!
The Hertz Meltdown Reveals Scale Of The EV Debacle
I have been pondering how many people are directly employed by man made CO2 driven Global Warming, Al Gore’s greatest invention?
How many government departments? Including environmental departments created in the 1960s to curb real pollution and now focussed entirely on so called Climate Change.
How many Climate Scientists? Measured in millions. Education departments.
How many people in the sale, manufacture, shipping, installation of windmills and solar panels? Electric cars? Lithium batteries?
And the manufacture, shipping, installation, wiring of millions of kilometers of previously unneeded electric distribution lines?
And all those educationalists teaching Climate Change science.
And businesses with full time Climate Change, DEI, ESG, staff, publicists, experts?
I have read this all costs $1,300,000,000,000 a year, but these people are also voters in a democracy, so they vote for their own survival and the eternal scare which is CO2, the most important threat on the planet, even more than Nuclear War according to Joe Biden.
Then then thought about Henry VIII. As you do. And his Dissolution of the Monasteries. Pictured as terrible slaughter and robbery by the State, we also know who wrote the history. So I always thought him a selfish and evil man who destroyed so much beauty and stole the riches of the Church.
But he was faced with a foreign EU, direct rule from Rome and a vast array of professional and very rich and powerful bureaucrats even in his own country. He was excommunicated by the Pope in Rome, who controlled the after life as well! So Henry performed the first BREXIT and made himself head of the church. And the powerful Catholic church in Europe attacked many times, especially the Spanish Armada in the time of his daughter Elizabeth. So I am thinking much more kindly about Henry now that we are paying carbon indulgences to our own bureaucrats and the cash goes to Brussels and China.
I suspect and hope countries around the world will EXit soon, despite their embedded Climate Change supporters who earn their living from Al Gore’s invention. The alternative world governments including not least the EU and UN, America and China seem to be always planning the downfall of everyone else.
And all because of the story man made CO2, which is not in the air at all. That was proven in 1958. But it’s the old story of Hell Fire and Damnation unless you pay. We have heard it all before.
But in the age of science, of knowing, CO2 is set by laws of nature and that is easily proven. Nothing we do can change CO2, which they know. So they tax ’emissions’
Time for AUExit. And to start the dissolution of the Climate Change Capital, Canberra. Plus all their minions at the state and council level, working out new ways to punish you for your airconditioner, your cars, your life. For the greater good, of course.
How much of the Dutch economy was wasted on tulips in the 17th century? It will be a similar story looking back from the future.
The Tulip Bulb mania is just one of many – Time for a Fourth Volume: “Climate Delusions” for this book.
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds is an early study of crowd psychology by Scottish journalist Charles Mackay, first published in 1841 under the title Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions. The book was published in three volumes: “National Delusions”, “Peculiar Follies”, and “Philosophical Delusions”.
Speaking of the Henry era, CJ Sansom has written a magnificent series of historical novels – The Shardlake Series. If you are into historical novels, I think that’s as good as it gets? The first is a bit bleak, but the series sucks you right back into the first half of the fifteenth century. 7 books, and about 4000 pages all up, so it’s a journey, but they take you back there!
Come on, TdeF, don’t you remember being promised ‘thousands of green jobs’ as we transit towards renewable nirvana?
Wow. I suppose now they’ll have to paint Bill Maher as a MAGA conspiracy theorist?
Yet again, today’s “Conservative conspiracy theory” is tomorrow’s proven truth.
Q: What’s the difference between a “far right conspiracy theory of tin foil hat wearers” and the truth?
A: About three months.
See my post at #22.
Why don’t we have a conference for sceptics of the anthropogenic global warming fraud?
All the money goes to the AGW fraudsters?
Yesterday in Melbournistan there was violence between transgender activists at a protest and counter-protestors.
It was a sad day when homosexuals were given the right to get “married” in Australia
Same sex marriage is constitutionally outlawed in Russia.
One of the reasons Putin is so popular.
So a group who are championing women’s rights are hounded by the usual crowd of alphabet activists.
Imagine the outcry if a group of white men protested against women’s rights!!
Can me a Conspiracy Theorist – but did the Princess of Wales get the Pfizer Jab?
The Pricess was jabbed in 2021.
Well now you have bought this up, QEII died from multiple myeloma which cropped up about Jabby time, King Charles is being treated for Cancer and his 42 year old daughter in law has a surprise cancer diagnosis. The fact check is “mRNA does not CAUSE cancer” is on the face of it plausible except that it may through manufacturing defects contain random DNA and RNA which may jumble the genetic code. What the mRNA jabs do exceptionally well is SUPPRESS the immune system making them an “anti-vaccine” and allow cancer to propagate. It is coming up to the first anniversary of my brother Paul’s death at 60 yo from TWO turbocancers that killed him in 4 months despite maximal therapy.
Out of fairness, I should point out that the UK primarily used the Astra Zenica formulation … based on a modified chimpanzee adenovirus. It’s quite different to the mRNA that Pfizer was using.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t personally know what and of the royals have been taking.
I bet she had all the boosters as well.
Big Pharma has a lot to answer for, throughout its history.
Incredibly Dangerous Drug Once (Fraudulently) Approved for as palliative for advanced cancer – Now Routinely Used for IVF, as puberty blocker, and much more.
Harms include heart attacks, disability, and tens of thousands of deaths. The scam has been going on (and suppressed) for decades. NOW this ultra-profitable drug is BEING GIVEN TO KIDS!
Lupron (and related therapies) are associated with a variety of different heart conditions, as Lupron (when used for prostate cancer), according to one paper, appears to have caused a 10–50% increase in the risks of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, strokes and sudden cardiac death (e.g., this study the paper referenced shows a massive increase in heart attacks). Many other concerning heart conditions have also been linked to Lupron and numerous medical textbooks explicitly warn about them. The FDA in turn eventually issued a warning in 2010 about this increase risk of heart problems (and diabetes) in men and acknowledged that no research existed to assess those risks in women or children.
Nobody has managed to win a Lupron lawsuit despite tens of thousands of deaths caused by the drug. (FDA’s system for reporting drug injuries – which catches 1-10% of those which occur – has received 76,221 Lupron injury reports, of which 41,895 were severe and 11,917 were fatal.)
The C19 vaxx will be the Thalidomide of the future…
COLLUSION COVERUP: Department of Justice Intervenes in Pfizer Fraud Case, in a Corrupt Attempt To Shut the Case Down
The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) is attempting to shut down the Pfizer fraud case scheduled for April 17.
– The lawsuit alleges that Pfizer-BioNTech violated the False Claims Act during their clinical trials and knowingly delivered a defective product to the world.
“This fraud has undoubtedly cost American taxpayers billions of dollars and has led to an untold number of injuries from the COVID-19 countermeasure, including permanent disability and death among my fellow citizens,” Jackson said.
At a March 8 presentation of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, one of the lawyers representing Jackson spoke about the extent of the fraud. “Any and every form of fraud they [Pfizer] could commit, they did,” said Robert Barnes. “[Jackson] discovered it, uncovered it and went through the appropriate internal review protocols and assumed that people would correct the defects,” Barnes said. “And instead of that occurring, she was summarily fired.”
A moderate El Nino contributed to the warmth in 2023 according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service.
Other influences may have been ‘enhanced stratospheric water vapour due to the eruption in January 2022 of the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha?apai volcano and the approach of the current solar cycle to its peak.’ (Weatherzone)
Why do so many people persist in calling the Princess of Wales ‘Kate Middleton’? I don’t remember the last one being called Diana Spencer after her marriage.
Princess Diana was descended from not one, but two illegitimate children of King Charles II of England: Henry Fitzroy and Charles Lennox, via two of her great-grandmothers, Adelaide Seymour and Rosalind Bingham. This means that Diana’s royal family tree stretches back through the ages of both English and Scottish history.
Kate is not a “Blue Blood”
That should have nothing to do with it. She is HRH Catherine Princess of Wales. That is her place in the current hierarchy.
P’raps it’s a way of not allowing a tooth on a cog in the family firm get crushed – any more than can be helped?
They, after all, did not allow her to know her mother in law.
Why Do Men Dominate Chess?
FIDE’s new policy governing who can compete in women’s categories highlights the persistent sex imbalance at the game’s elite levels.
Under a new policy announced by the Switzerland-based International Chess Federation (widely known as FIDE, following on its French name, the Fédération Internationale des Échecs), for now, at least, transwomen will not be permitted to compete in official events reserved for women.
Readers who aren’t serious chess players may be surprised to learn that the game—in which the most demanding physical movements consist of lifting small pieces of carved wood—even reserved a separate category for women in the first place. What could be the justification? And given that such a category exists, some might ask, why wouldn’t transwomen be allowed to identify into it?
On a chess board, the queen is the most powerful piece.
But in the human world, the fair sex accounts for only about two percent of the world’s chess Grandmasters. Even at lower competitive levels, males not only outnumber, but also outrank females by a large margin. The Queen’s Gambit (2020) made for great television, and inspired many girls to pick up the game. But contrary to what some Netflix viewers might have assumed, its world-conquering protagonist, chess prodigy Beth Harmon (actress Anya Taylor-Joy), is a fictional character:
No woman has ever achieved the title of U.S. Chess Champion; let alone World Champion.
Some might take this as clear evidence for the inherent superiority of the male intellect. That was certainly the view of legendary Cold War-era chess champion Bobby Fischer (1943–2008)
Later in life, Fischer became an outspoken conspiracy theorist, so perhaps we shouldn’t put too much stock in his views about women. But the more level-headed Garry Kasparov, who reigned as global chess champion between 1985 and 2000, has also suggested that men have a natural advantage (even if he put things more politely): “Chess is a mixture of sport, psychological warfare, science, and art. When you look at all these components, man dominates. Every single component of chess belongs to the areas of male domination.”
In a game of Scrabble, as most readers will know, two competing players earn points for creating words using one or more of the seven lettered tiles in their inventory, which they place on a grid-spaced board. Like chess, Scrabble uses a version of the Elo rating system. But unlike in the chess world, women dominate the recreational ranks of Scrabble, accounting for about 85 percent of all recreational players. Even at the competitive level, women generally outnumber men (which isn’t that surprising given that Scrabble is all about words, and verbal ability is one area in which women tend to outperform men). So if the participation-rate hypothesis were correct in this context, then women should be dominating the elite Scrabble ranks.
But they’re not. Instead, men dominate Scrabble’s upper tiers, as they do in chess. And the same goes for Bridge, another game that’s dominated at the recreational level by women.
An article by Adam Grant called Differences Between Men And Women Are Vastly Exaggerated is going viral, thanks in part to a share by Facebook exec Sheryl Sandberg. It’s a response to an email by a Google employee saying that he thought Google’s low female representation wasn’t a result of sexism, but a result of men and women having different interests long before either gender thinks about joining Google. Grant says that gender differences are small and irrelevant to the current issue.
I disagree.
[EDIT: Prof. Grant responded to me via email; with his permission I’ve posted his response as a comment below (ie here). My thoughts on his response are in comments below that.]
Wny are there so few women mathematicians and engineers?
Why do women have more problems reading maps?
Why are woman so much more vocal than men?
Why are men physically so much stronger than women?
Why do women live longer than men?
And the list goes on.
But then male and female is just a “social construct”!
Why do women live longer than men?
‘Why are men physically so much stronger than women?’
Men are designed to hunt.
‘Androgens, which men have a lot more of, are responsible for muscle development. The muscles of the upper body tend to respond more to androgens, this is why men have more upper body muscle mass and strength.’
On the other hand females have more muscle in the lower body for child carrying purposes.
Why woman have trouble reading maps and playing chess
Men consistently outperform women on spatial tasks, including mental rotation, which is the ability to identify how a 3-D object would appear if rotated in space. A new study shows a connection between this sex-linked ability and the structure of the parietal lobe, the brain region that controls this type of skill.
Talking about abilities with spatial tasks, rhythmic gymnastics, shows pretty clearly that women can learn them rather well. What some of those teams can do is ridiculous. Years of training can alter the brain?
And actually yesterday I came across the Caitlin Clark controversy in US woman’s basketball, where she has shot more 3 pointers than anyone in US college basketball history, male or female, so she has some pretty special spatial abilities. She is white, straight, very marketable, and about to go into the mainly black, lesbian, pro league. It’s going to hit the fan!
I believe that’s why 2D house plans don’t always work very well, when trying to show folks what the inside of their new home will look like, and why walkthrough videos have become popular.
In the new 2025 chess sets, the Queen will be in rainbow colours and have a moustache and beard. 😆
Is the pawn is gay because he wants to become a queen?
“Later in life, Fischer became an outspoken conspiracy theorist, so perhaps we shouldn’t put too much stock in his views about women.”
..and looking at how many of those theories turned out to be true, I’d take Fischer over a journalist anytime!
Sunday sarcasm
Some people are like an old tv. They need to be slapped a few times to get the picture.
A man buys a lie detecting robot that slaps people when they lie, so he decides to try it out at dinner.
He asks his son, “Did you go to school today?” The son replies, “Yes,” and the robot slaps him. The son says, “Alright, I went to the movies.”
The father asks, “What did you see?” and the son replies, “Toy Story 4.” The robot slaps him again, and the son says, “Okay, okay! It was an adult film.”
His father snorts and says, “When I was your age we didn’t even know what pornography was!” This time the robot slaps the father
The mother sips her coffee and retorts, “Ha! He’s your son, after all,” and the robot slaps her.
Father walking past his son’s bedroom hears him finish his prayers with “…and please give special protection to my dad tomorrow and please don’t take him back too soon”. While pleased with the endearing thought behind the request the father is still a bit rattled by it but decides to keep it to himself.
Next day going to work he is especially careful in the traffic, doesn’t go outside except to go home at the end of the day. Gets safely home and wife asks how his day was and he replies how terrible it was because he was on edge all day. Wife replies “You think your day was bad I only had the milkman drop dead on the door step”
Topher Field resigns from the Aussie Wire!
Which is a strange thing becasue I thought ‘The Aussie Wire” was Topher’s creation. Does anyone know who owns and controls The Aussie Wire?
I thought it was Topher’s too.
The Moscow terrorist attack
“I know nothing. Nothing!”
Pre-warned Americans then deny any knowledge.
Well, I’m convinced! 😆
The CIA really needs to plan their stories better.
Some dude on Telegram offered me money and I agreed.
Well, I’m convinced again! 😆
Its just like Nordstream- ‘We had nothing to do with it, the Russians did it to themselves!’
Videos up now of guys strolling through the Moscow shopping centre with assault rifles shooting people down.. Death toll over 100 now.
Why was no-one else armed? This is what happens when you disarm your subjects.
It wouldn’t happen in Texas!
You’re making something out of nothing.
They had no information on the specific attack, that has always been the US position.
Sunday hilarity: the CO2 emergency
Sunday funny: meanwhile at Boeing…
Mallam Baker on new developments in modular nuclear in the west
“Uncommon common sense.”
The song for that –
According to the Australian Energy flow chart that someone put up earlier, wind and solar in 2018/19 gave us 17% more energy, than we got from burning wood – 117 petajoules compared to 97 petajoules!
Windmills are barely adequate for pumping water, grinding grain or sawing timber but generating electricity for a 21st century electronic world, no way.
Unpermitted documentaries (you can send to friends)
By Jo Nova
Martin Durkin’s work will be studied one day like Thucydides as a record of a bizarre moment in human history. It is so quintessentially British. I thought I’d seen it all in the climate debate, but this is so well done, perfect for a curious, matter-of-fact mind. It pulls you along, with timeless nostalgic footage in a classic English delivery, calmly unravelling mythology. It will resonate with people who remember cities, cars and great documentaries of long ago.
Because it’s not angry or activist it’s a gift you can send to friends who are science nerds, or history buffs, or who remember the sixties. Send it to people with teenagers who have no idea the curriculum hides a half a billion years of history. Send it to green friends, who have no idea a third of the food made in Africa rots before it can be eaten without fossil fuels and plastic to preserve and transport it.
Imagine the effect if this was shown at schools.
It’s the story of how an activist movement became a big industry, they say. But I can’t help thinking it was a big industry that grew an activist movement…
Thanks Jo and I have emailed this to a few people and posted it onto a few other Blogs.
Please keep up the GREAT WORK.
Of course this has been known on this site, and elsewhere, for a while now, but it’s good to see some more of the ‘establishment ‘ organisations waking up.
“The Caveman Challenge”
Stay healthy
“Japanese Preprint Calls For mRNA VaccinesTo Be Suspended Over Blood Bank Contamination Concerns”