A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Ben Shapiro interviews the President of Argentina, Javier Milei
Video 55 mins
It is my observation that apocalyptic climate ideology is the foundation of current western government movement towards elite cultural acceptance of, and demand for, authoritarianism.
Western wealth is the problem, so we must put your former materially excessive lifestyle out of reach. (Of course, this only applies to the peasantry.)
Free Speech, once a championed value of the liberal elite, is a modern luxury we must abandon because … Climate Change.
Challenge of Science Consensus can not be tolerated because Climate Change.
Orcas bite Great White Sharks because Climate Change.
Too dry … Climate Change.
Too wet … Climate Change.
UNIPCC was surreptitiously named.
UNIPPC is closer …
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Political Change.
It is this underlying manufactured hysteria that produced fertile social soil for ‘Pandemic’.
IMHO, the ultimate event of modern history.
We’ve barely begun to understand what was perpetrated upon us.
Formerly closed eyes are opening everyday.
The plandemic also allowed the implementation of a lot of tbose authoritarian policies and laws, which have mostly not been removed in the more woke UN/WEF subservient Leftist countries like Australia.
Yes it’s monstrous.
This may be the monster that you are looking for :-
Fascinating reading:
How two people from opposite sides of the pandemic became friends, and realised that division is tyranny’s greatest weapon.
Two indigenous leaders are suing the Australian Government for allegedly failing to protect their ancestral lands from the impacts of climate change.
The Government’s legal counsel has told the court that Australia does not have control over global climate change. Which is an interesting argument by the Government considering it has legislated CO2 emissions reductions to supposedly control global climate change. Has the Govt decided that truth is the best defence while continuing to try and con the public?
Report on Sky News’ Credlin show. 3 min video.
Join me and other concerned citizens and send a strong message to protect our democracy and basic freedoms.
The government introduced and cut short proper scrutiny and debate on the Digital ID bill. A national identification scheme like this is a blow for Australians’ fundamental right to privacy and self determination, and is something many of us don’t want any part of. Yet Labor is pushing ahead in lockstep with other nations in the global digital economic agenda.
Minister Gallagher has stated that this Digital ID won’t be compulsory, however we know how that worked out with the COVID shots!
There’s a provision in this bill to make it compulsory should the government choose to do so. Another risk is the exclusion from society of those who choose not to partake in the scheme. There are serious flaws in this legislation such as the potential for ‘scope creep’ whereby providing your digital credentials will become compulsory. Of concern also is that the government indemnifies all agencies and service providers against liability when something goes wrong with the scheme that results in fraud or systemic failure.
The legislation is for a single government digital identification system, which is accessible to both the public and private sector, goes much further than the MyGov digital ID or any of the other digital identities that have been popping up. It puts all your identity eggs into one digital basket and will place more Australians at risk of being hacked.
Although the bill was passed in the Senate it has not yet been passed through the Lower House, which means that this is the time to push back.
The details for Brisbane’s National Day of Protest are finalised. There are some great speakers attending the rally.
For all other states and territories, visit the One Nation web site: Events Calendar – Pauline Hanson One Nation
Sunday 5th May | 11:00 am
King George Square, Brisbane
North Queenslanders are holding their rally one hour earlier. We’re delighted to support this local initiative:
Sunday 5th May | 10:00 am
Freedom Park @ Cairns Esplanade (North of Muddy’s Playground)
JOIN concerned citizens protecting democracy and basic freedoms that the Uni-party is trying to kill through combining these legislation & systems:
• Identity Verification bill — passed parliament;
• Digital Identity bill — paused in parliament due to strong public opposition;
• Misinformation/Disinformation censorship bill — paused in parliament;
• New Payments Platform — in use & tracking every digital financial transaction;
• Digital global currency — Reserve Bank admits developing this with central banks.
If people allow the Liberal-Labor Uni-party to continue with Digital ID and Mis/Disinformation Bills, the Uni-party will hand globalists the foundation for a Social Credit System that will control every aspect of our lives.
Send a strong message to MPs: NO Digital ID bill, NO censorship bill.
Please consider signing the petition:
There are lots of privacy and moral considerations but there are also practical news
With all your ID eggs in one basket it is difficult to believe that there will not be a concerted attempt at hackng. This could amount to huge numbers of people.
How will that be dealt with?
And so it begins.
Your cashless society, step by step democracy falls.
“Your cashless society, step by step democracy falls.”
Why is a cashless society a threat to democracy. I think you don’t understand what a cashless society is. Here in WA BankWest will go cashless at end 2024. The banks reasons for this is that Bankwest said the decision to close all physical branches follows a “rapid decline” in demand for in-person services. Less than 2% of Bankwest customers regularly visit a branch, while 97% of customer transactions are now digital”.Additionally cash can be withdrawn from many Australian Post Offices. So it ain’t a threat to democracy just banks moving in a direction you seem rathernervous about
And what happens when the grid or internet goes down.
I understand its hard seeing past your own self-importance.
Here in the bush, reality is very different.
My post office has always done small cash transactions, and as I know them and have asked, they cannot handle large cash flows for many reasons, security being only one, and are limited at times to what comes in via deposits, cash transportation being a major as well. The PO’s are privately owned and the cost of upgrading security, insurance for cash is a limit.
We country realists and producers spend many thousands of dollars in one transaction. I have lost count of the power outages so far this year, only short most, a couple of hours, but that’s a couple of hours of lost trade for business.
You can have your city and your tap and go society, as you already have and which I don’t begrudge you for, but it is horses for courses, we are not a collective of likeminded communists.
Bank data, first find an honest bank not run by the criminal cartel.
We are being yarded and fed up the race, if that’s your choice, I am fine with that.
The White House Resident does it again and blames the real or imagined economic woes of China, Japan and India on “xenophobia”.
Unlike his open border policy which he claims is good for the US (at least, it’s good for the DemocRATs – future ‘RAT voters plus state funding and influence is based upon absolute population numbers, both legal and illegal, never mind the crime violence and welfare cost of an open southern border).
What a brilliant act of diplomacy!
“Peter Dutton”
Don’t forget this weekend – a celebration of internal and external combustion engines at the Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally near Beaufort, Victoriastan, about two hours drive from Melbournistan.
As the ultimate insult to science, engineering and reason, the entire surrounding area of the Steam Rally site has been surrounded by a brutally ugly wind subsidy farm owned by the Chicomms and one of Australia’s largest.
Celebrate the time when science and reason ruled the world and there was ongoing progress due to abundant hydrocarbon energy available in Western countries.
The Steam Rally site is like a giant private town in the middle of nowhere, albeit now encroached by the disturbing and ugly invasion of windmills, like the Fighting Machines from War of the Worlds – and with the same purpose – destruction of our Civilisation.
I have some YouTube videos from past visits if you want to get an idea what goes on there. Search YT with the terms “lake goldsmith steam rally maddison” with no quote marks.
Went to the one at Maitland recently. Just outside NovoCastria.
A relaxing couple of hours. The hiss of steam, the rotation of wheels.
Choo choo!
Steam wound down and running easy, I have to admit that I love steam in all its variants, but trains, love it when they are working hard with every exhaust blast across the fire box blowing black smoke and absolutely “puffing”
Rode the footplate of a steam loco for eight hours at night back in the mid-60s, downhill to convey a load of coal, then uphill with wet rails. 20 mph felt like 100 – the loco really rocked. Will always remember the trip.
My sick mind sees the finale of this event, when these beautiful big steam traction engines form a line that then moves over the solar panels, crushing them in a newsworthy and photographic demonstration of the superior might of hydrocarbon fuels. Geoff S
Did China beat the British?
Around 1671CE two turbine steam engined devices were presented by the Jesuit Friar Min-Ming Wo to for the Khang-Hsi emperor.
Joseph Needham and Wang Ling. Mechanical Engineering. In Science and Civilisation in China Vol 4 (Physics and Physical Technology) Book 2. CUP 1965: p225ff.
A “First”
“In great news for Floridians, the Farm Journal ran a story yesterday headlined, “Florida Becomes First State to Ban the Sale of Lab-Grown Meat.” We’ve done it; it’s done. Yesterday, Governor DeSantis signed SB 1084, which boycotts globalism burgers, and the Governor even took the occasion to swipe at the World Economic Forum:”
More at
Wouldn’t it be great to have some leadership who cared, like DeSantis?
An Alfa Male and not a Beta Male (“very hadnsome boy”) who has had the Barbi Doll operation!
Also in that Covid and Coffee issue
On the covid scene
“More good news! The House Covid Committee has formally recommended that odious EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak be debarred (disallowed from future government contracts) and criminally investigated.”
“If there’s any one person liable for creating the pandemic, that person must be Peter Daszak, who helped the NIH skirt Obama-era prohibitions on gain-of-function research, by moving the deadly-virus-developing project to the heart of supposed enemy territory, China.”
More there
Another day, another covid FWIW
“COVID-19 Linked To ‘Alarming Rise’ Of Rare And Highly Lethal Fungal Infection”
Did you know that TO THIS VERY DAY, you still can’t get an organ transplant in Australia unless you take the covid “vaccine”?
The policies related to the following two prohibitions as reported last year are still in place:
Is anyone aware of similar prohibitions in other countries?
Dr John Campbell’s latest vid is a follow-up interview with Mr Kyle Warner who has been fighting for recognition of his inoculation injury for over 2 years. He provides some great insights into the “compensation” system that the yanks are using to further punish and shut people up.
Kyle for example followed the rules and collected as much data and undertook as many doctors and therapists appointments to clearly present the facts/proof of his injury then after a wait of 1 year and 9 months the response was that his claim was rejected because… his application was postmarked one day past the 1 year limit they imposed on applications.
It is heart breaking but worth the watch as it is clear Kyle will Never forget Never forgive which is what we ALL should be doing.
“Since her bone marrow transplant Dazelle has suffered from Graft-versus-host disease, a condition where her body’s immune system is attacking the donor’s blood cells, considering them as foreign … The hospital says being immuno-system compromised could further complicate a transplant procedure. ”
Sounds like she’s HAD the shots.
In 2006 the AMA adopted the World Medical Association’s (WMA) Declaration of Geneva as a contemporary companion to the 2,500-year-old Hippocratic Oath for doctors to declare their commitment to their profession, their patients, and humanity.
The Declaration of Geneva includes the following principles, which surely mean a doctor or hospital can’t or shouldn’t refuse to undertake a transplant on an unvaccinated patient. The below are only what I consider relevant in the declaration. It’s not the full oath. There are many lines that are relevant and each one on its own is sufficient for a doctor to not refuse to treat an unvaccinated patient.
But it seems like it was just a hypocritical oath.
“The health of my bank balance will be my first consideration;”!
This happened to me about six years ago:
So I am in a Nanny State (Victoriastan) of a Super Nanny State (Australia). I am at a bar and purchased a glass of wine dispensed via an automatic dispensing machine. The machine delivered “too much” and went above the calibrated line on the glass. The alcohol serving ‘droid proceeded to pour the “excess” wine down the sink since he said he wasn’t allowed to serve more. I said “don’t waste it”. He said he had to. So again he poured too much out and it went below the line. He again poured out the excess again and went beyond the line so again he poured out the excess. He poured yet again and his time he managed to get about 1.5mm above the line but left it at that…. It’s so frustrating being a thinking person living in a Nanny State.
Automation at its best.
… and each order a beer. As the beers are set down on the table three flies fly into the bar and land in the beer, one in each glass. The Englishman pushes his beer away and orders another. The Irishman blows the foam off the top of his beer along with the fly and drinks the beer. The Scotsman picks up the fly by the wings and says “Alrright ya wee bastarrd, spit it out.”
{Sorry about the ellipses}
Ellipses is the plural form of two different English words:
Ellipse, a type of conic section in geometry
Ellipsis, a three-dot punctuation mark (…)
What China Can’t Censor and is Panicking about this EV Disaster
My son bought a new car recently and had a chat to the car mechanic who has serviced our family cars for the last 30 years. His only suggestion was do not buy a Chinese brand. They appear good value but he has seen some serious quality control issues like bolts not tensioned. Screws just missing. Parts tack welded rather than full well. Faults are inconsistent as if untrained workers are building them.
My son ended up with a Nissan because it was available immediately. So far very pleased with it.
Fifty years ago we we’re rightly wary of Japanese cars. Then the British cars became shockers. Yank tanks were sold by the acreage; moved like jelly over the road and kept oil refineries in business.. Japanese built a solid reputation before the Korean cars arrived and they had serious issues – now mostly resolved. Aussie made cars were reasonable value in their protected niche but could not survive when not protected. In 20 years, Chinese made cars may be worthwhile buying.
“Are Americans Finally Done With the ‘Sustainability’ Scam?”
“ESG was supposed to be the future of smart investing, but the future looks increasingly politically incorrect, according to a new Axios report on the “exodus” of money from “sustainable investment funds.” ”
ESG is out and AI is in.
AI needs lots of electric power and coal iburning coal to build AI capacity is a good idea. Climate Change™ is sooo yesterday.
Govts fighting the new news outlets to pay for the old news outlets are mainly concerned with propping up the propaganda that old news outlets are ‘safe and effective’, giving people true and trustworthy news!
“Canadian researcher Taylor Owen, of McGill University, said Meta’s decision to block news had led to profound changes in how the country’s citizens accessed information.
“The news being talked about in political groups is being replaced by memes,” he told Reuters news agency. “The ambient presence of journalism and true information in our feeds, the signals of reliability that were there, that’s gone.””
..and I see the SMH picked the most flattering picture of Musk they could find.. The Left will do everything they can to demonise him with slanted opinions and images.
The current concern about the increase in both youth crime and domestic violence is well justified. How to address these problems is the real issue.
It seems to me that the root cause of these issues is that we, as a society, have raised the last couple of generations without the upbringing that fosters respect for others or the law or good manners. The civil society that we used to enjoy has long gone.
For at least forty years the children have been raised in an environment that does not include the right amount of discipline in the school system or at home.
Traditionally parents and schools provided nurturing that included respect for others and basic good manners and when required a basic level of discipline to guide children on the right path.
Today the elites have made any mention of discipline unacceptable and wrong. As a result many children have taken advantage of this. We see this in the increasing violent attacks on teachers in the classroom.
The lack of discipline in the formative years results in individuals not taking responsibility for their actions. Growing up in that environment leads to an outright lack of respect for the law, hence crime and domestic violence.
In effect we now have a small but significant proportion of today’s population as thugs and criminals.
The government’s kneejerk reaction to today’s problems (throwing our money at it) will do nothing to solve the problems. What is needed is a complete revamp of the education system, its curriculum and class control including the right of teachers to administer appropriate discipline to those who need it. In addition, parents need to recognise their responsibilities in reinforcing these actions and to actively instill respect and good manners in their children.
The solution has existed for decades.
For six years, Veteran Mentors has been taking in troubled kids across the country, even the world, breaking them down and building them back up again.
Located deep in the Sunshine Coast hinterland, troubled teens are put through a nine-day intensive program run by military veterans who take a no-bull approach.
“When we really get to know what is going on with them, it is like that connection, that rapport is built,” program director Troy Methorst told Today.
Many participants have seen the back of a police car, some the inside of a jail cell, facing the consequences of crimes including car-jackings, armed robberies, break-ins and serious assaults.
When the kids are finally reunited with their families at their marching out parade on completion of the course, parents and carers can see the difference it has made straight away.
And unanimously, the agree that if the government invests money into things like this now, it won’t get to the stage where so much money needs to be thrown into trying to fix the problem later.
Albo & co. aren’t looking for solutions to domestic violence any more than they truly want to improve the lives of indigenous tribes or fix the weather. That latest cash splash, like all other similar money bombs, will mostly be spent on further expansion of the public service and buying favours via various NGOs.
Many of Australia’s issues have been imported.
“PhD “Data/Climate Scientist” Can’t Provide Data on Extreme Weather Events”
“The entire thread should be read to see a variety of take-downs of the alarmist narrative.”
..and this is still ongoing.. Get more shots now!
“COVID variant that now accounts for almost every case in NSW The JN.1 strain now accounts for almost all COVID cases in NSW. Scientists, however, say getting a booster now is a better bet than waiting for a new vaccine.”
SMH also.
“The G7’s Latest Absurdly Ambitious Climate Pronouncements”
And comments
Since COP1 in Berlin in 1995 global CO2 emissions from energy have gone up by over 50%
Since the Paris Accord in 2005 global CO2 emissions from energy have gone up by over 20%
The trend is not a friend of such announcements.
Since 2000 global motor vehicle production has increase for 60 million to 100 million per annum – mostly ICEs
..and gosh, we can’t go to war if its hot! Aircon for all tanks and bushmasters! Coolsuits for the soldiers! Sounds more American every day!
“The security leaders’ group found that with a 2.7-degree average rise in global temperatures, some of Australia’s most important military assets would be subjected to “near unliveable” extreme heat. The United Nations warned in 2021 that the world was on track for a “catastrophic” average 2.7-degree rise by the end of the century if countries did not reduce their carbon emissions. These sites include Royal Australian Air Force bases in Darwin and Katherine, army barracks and a naval base in Darwin, plus the Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt in Exmouth, Western Australia.”
“Darwin and Katherine could experience almost 300 days a year with temperatures above 35 degrees if climate change was not brought under control, the report found. Extreme temperatures would make military training exercises and maintenance operations difficult, if not impossible, it said, raising the question of whether some bases would need to be relocated south to cooler locations.”
So if the tough people invade Darwin or Katherine we couldn’t go to save them.
On the positive side, higher temperaturess should increase the range of EV bushmasters
Tell the “soldiers” to harden the f#ck up.😆
Maybe some icecreams like the cops have?
How things have changed!
A WW2 veteran who started with the 6th Division in North Africa told me that, on the first push westward against the Italians, they were marching 40 miles a day and the water ration was a quart. And that had to cover shaving.
The reference level is that at the end of the Pre-Industrial Era and the development of the Industrial Revolution which began about 1750.
I’m not sure what Australia’s “military assets” might have been at the start of the 2.7-degree rise.
I imagine they involved naked spear throwing and cudgelling.
Nope – Physically impossible on planet Earth with its present atmospheric mass.
Australia’s “warming” is dominated by warmer winters in the region centred on 30S running from the west coast to Adelaide. Kalgoorlie is a good example. August monthly maximum has trended up by about 2C over the last 80 years from 18C to 20C. February temperature flat since 1960 despite upgrading to faster response electronic measurement.
This is 80 years at Darwin Airport for February and includes upgrade to fast response thermocouples during the 1990s, which step the temperature upward:
Any climate model that shows regions of open ocean sustaining moree than 30C are based on junk science. It is physically impossible. Darwin is surrounded by water in the wet season so acts like open ocean once the monsoon sets in.
Survey indicates sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender dysphoria are all primarily caused by vaccination
We are basically causing these effects. 80% of the deviations from traditional norms can be ascribed to vaccination.
Thanks to your help in responding to my last survey, it took less than 3 hours to answer the question as to whether sexual orientation, gender identity and gender dysphoria are influenced by vaccines.
The answer to all three is yes: the greater someone is vaccinated, the more likely they are to exhibit each of these traits.
For all three measures, the odds ratios were 4.8 or higher which means that the attributable fraction is 79.2%.
In other words, vaccines are responsible for nearly 80% of the effect size.
So the mystery is over. We now know the cause.
Extra-strong spore-loaded plastic eats itself when it hits landfill.
Scientists have demonstrated a creative solution to plastic pollution, one of our most pressing environmental problems. Plastic was embedded with spores of plastic-eating bacteria that are activated when dumped in landfill, biodegrading 90% of the material in five months. Weirder still, this actually made the plastic tougher and stronger during use.
At concentrations of up to 1% of the plastic’s weight, the bacteria broke down over 90% of the material within five months of being buried in compost.
It’s easy to assume that giving plastic its own Achille’s heel will only make it weaker during use, but it turns out the opposite is true. Plastic made with the spores was found to be up to 37% tougher and had up to 30% higher tensile strength than regular TPU, with the team hypothesizing that the spores act as a reinforcing filler.
Wait..What? there are plastic-eating bacteria?! But we were told to give up plastics because they never degrade and will poison the world as they accumulate!
Where’s a trust-worthy news source when you need one!
There is also a plastic-eating bacterium in the ocean, Rhodococcus ruber, that digests plastic and excretes CO2. No doubt there will moves to have it banned.
Advanced ‘high-density waterless hydro’ energy plant gets green light
This remarkable project promises to open up zero-carbon energy storage to a broad range of areas without huge hills, delivering 2.5 times the power of water-based hydro. A pilot plant has been greenlit, with full-size, grid-scale projects to follow.
Britain’s RheEnergise is trying to get around this by replacing the water with a fluid that is 2.5 times more dense than water. It doesn’t exactly get rid of the H₂O, but it does mix it with a proprietary mineral powder called R19 that turns the water into a heavy, paste-like fluid.
With this heavier fluid, you can get the same energy storage performance as traditional pumped hydro, using 40% the volume, much smaller tanks, and 40% the height differential between the upper and lower tanks.
RheEnergy also claims the cost comes in less than that of large-scale lithium-ion batteries. And on top of that, this kind of mechanical storage doesn’t have the same leakage and degradation problems as batteries, so reserves can be kept for a matter of hours, days, weeks, months or years, depending on local needs.
Thicker high-density fluids also take more energy to pump than thinner low-density fluids.
But then again it will be easy to get gullible politicians to fund such a development without any pilot scale testing.
Yes,..i can see that fluid frictional losses will be greater as viscosity increases. ( wasnt a “paste” consistency mentioned ?)
So the system would have reduced efficiency
..unless i am mistaken,(possible !) , …the power (MW) output from a hydroturbine is proportional to the Pressure and volume of the media.
So, i can accept that Media density can compensate for pressure created by the head of feed source, ….but wont affect the volume factor ?
An who’s money is going to fund this pilot trial ?
“An who’s money is going to fund this pilot trial ?”
Three guesses.
And if each is a variation of ‘the poor taxpayer’, you’ll be three out of three.
Auto, digging deep for “Britain’s RheEnergise” already.
We need to turn Australia into Florida!
If only…
I’m sure you’ve all seen this?
I can’t see where it says this is caused by man-made CO2.
Yeah, makes me wonder where they measure it. Certainly not around here…
April is the month with the highest increase in solar intensity in the NH. Up 2.5W/m^2 in the last 500 years.. The trend is explained here:
The temperature in the NH will increase up to the point that the permafrost advances down and south. So far only Greenland and few northern slopes near the Arctic Ocean have advancing permafrost:
AI and Jobs for Teenagers
The lefty California government just raised the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 and hour – now watch their jobs disappear.
Same will happen in Ausrralia where wage rates are already high
AI and music creation – Did AI just end Music?
For those who have an interest in music:
One nations latest cartoon.
Immigration Junkies
“I’m the Bloody Prime Minister”!
Penny Wong has beat Sleepy Joe
This will end well
During the Lebanese Civil War many Christian Lebanese fled to Australia to escape persecution.
They begged Malcolm Fraser not to allow Muslims from Lebanon into Australia – This clueless sheep farmer ignored them – the rest is histroy.
“Senator Hanson is not so Far Right, just right so far- “
New Warfare
Furthermore, reports continue to stream out about just how badly Western tech has been degraded by Russia’s progressively improving EW capabilities.
Last time we wrote about the GLSDB debacle, now the vaunted Excalibur GPS-guided 155mm artillery round has been exposed as well:
The effectiveness of Ukraine’s Excalibur GPS-guided rounds decreased from 70% to 6% within six weeks as Russia adapted and employed various EW assets to counter them.
Statement of Dr. Daniel Patt Senior Fellow The Hudson Institute
Before the
House Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Cyber, Information Technologies, and Innovation on
“Too Critical to Fail: Getting Software Right in an Age of Rapid Innovation”
March 13, 2024
Once a conflict begins, adaptability and scaling drive outcomes. We must seize the current moment to prepare. For examples about how conflict drives adaptation, consider that the lifecycle of a radio in Ukraine is only about 3 months before it needs to be reprogrammed or swapped out as the Russians optimize their electronic warfare against it.
The peak efficiency of a new weapon system is only about 2 weeks before countermeasures emerge.
As another example of superior weapons systems handicapped by lack of software adaptability, consider that Excalibur precision artillery rounds initially had a 70% efficiency rate hitting targets when first used in Ukraine.
However, after 6 weeks, efficiency declined to only 6% as the Russians adapted their electronic warfare systems to counter it2.
This shows how quickly adversaries can adapt to new technologies.
This lack of adaptability is not an inherent property of software but rather a consequence of how we choose to manage it.
After all, Ukrainian units with organic programming capability to rapidly adapt their UAV software have about 50% efficiency, while those reliant on companies and longer supply chains to make changes struggle to hit 20% efficiency.
Keeping software in a pliant, fluid state is the only way to maintain tactical innovation.
“Water Vapor Absorbs 84 Times More Radiation Than CO2 … Clouds Drove 89% Of 1982-2018 Warming”:
Clouds consist of water aerosols and droplets and not just water vapour. Clouds reflect a significant fraction of incident insolation and have a greater tendency over most of the Earth to cool the lower atmosphere than to warm it.
A reduction in cloud cover could be an indicator of warming, but water vapour or cloud cover changes would not be a likely cause of the warming.
Clouds which are warmed don’t “heat the atmosphere “.
They expand, become less dense and float up.
Energy balance restored.
The UAH monthly satellite temperatures for April 2024 are out, thanks to Dr Roy Spencer and colleagues.
While the global lower troposphere temperature rose to be among the highest months, if not THE highest month, the lower troposphere over Australia cooled sharply.
The “pause”, Viscount Monckton style, over Australia is 8 years 8 months to now, without a warming trend, but with a small cooling trend.
Children, who do not remember much until they pass 3 years old, need to be older than about 12 to have felt the impact of alleged global warming if they have stayed in one spot in Australia, as discerned from the measurement of atmospheric temperatures by satellite this way.
Yet, by many accounts, they are schooled to think that they have faced an existential crisis from global warming.
It is not hard to make the penny drop for children, but too many adult teachers need to think about this graph, which might disagree with their own education.
Geoff S
When the bank asks you why you’re withdrawing your cash