A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Bumped from “late Friday”
“Inside the Bureau of Meteorology’s forecast failings”
“Most Significant Scientific Retraction Ever?”
“The paper helped create and sustain the theory that amyloid protein buildups caused the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease and was one of a number of apparently fraudulent papers written by Sylvain Lesné, a professor at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.”
More at
“Industrial Wind Power: A Depleting Resource?”
UK Met Office also being doubted –
“The Met Office is Gaslighting Us With its Claim that Our Damp and Chilly May Was “Warmest on Record” ”
What to do, what to do???
With all our politicians committees they seem to fail to understand materials.
Using plastics in subzero temperatures seem to fracture as the Main Water Line in Calgary, Alberta, Canada is proving.
What does a sheriff do in Ontario, Canada?
Job duties
Locate property and make seizures and removals under various acts of Parliament. Provide courthouse security for judges and perimeter security for the courthouse. Escort prisoners to and from courts and correctional institutions. Prepare comprehensive reports and affidavits and maintain records.
Looks like a busy season and business is booming.
Liberation from Climate Hysteria (video)
Australian DNA CONTAMINATION Confirmed .. in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna .. NOT safe for Humans
A part of the GMO proceedings is the allegation the Pfizer and Moderna products contain excessive synthetic DNA contamination, which contamination forms another much more insidious form of GMO.
After many Australian labs refused to conduct testing, we organised for Australian vials to be tested in Canada, by David Speicher PhD, the first author on the paper confirming excessive DNA contamination of Canadian vials (509 x above limits).
Dr Speicher has provided an initial report to us which is attachment 6 for your consideration. Dr Speicher has confirmed excessive synthetic DNA contamination in Pfizer was over 350 times above per dose limits set by the TGA (34,900% above), and over 200 times above per dose limits for Moderna (19,900% above).
We distinguish old TGA limits because the TGA limits for DNA did not contemplate synthetic DNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) which is the vehicle that efficiently delivers the synthetic DNA within cells for transit to the nucleus, to in turn affect natural human DNA.
A lot of sudden resignations on the horizon?
‘Safe and Effective’. Yeah, right.
Jordan Peterson finally cracked the code: We now know the exact ‘types’ who easily fall for ‘wokeism’
Take the gender confusion debate—it’s just a tangled mess of words that skirts around actual science and refuses to take any real responsibility. A person of modest intelligence simply doesn’t have the brainpower to discern that these word salads have no real meaning; they are easily bamboozled. The left-wing thought leaders are word artists who spin their words in the worst possible way, which ultimately hampers the ability of many of the simpler leftists to think clearly and critically.
This is where Jordan Peterson’s research comes into play. Peterson says his research into “wokeness” found that the biggest indicator is low verbal intelligence.
Professor Peterson isn’t the only one who’s unraveled the “woke” movement. Tucker delivered one of the best takes ever. He suggests that the “woke” are talentless hacks who destroy everything in their path because they’re incapable of creativity and beauty.
It’s satisfying to read authoritative confirmation of what we were already painfully and tediously well aware of.
Incorporating carbon nano-tubes into Lead Acid Batteries will increase performance 4x
An Israeli startup has developed a way to make lead acid batteries last four times longer, disrupting a multi-billion-dollar industry and potentially making them the rechargeable – and recyclable – energy storage method of choice around the world.
Salvation Battery discovered that placing carbon nanotubes – tiny, super strong and highly conductive tubular cylinders of carbon atoms – at one end of the lead acid battery makes it last four times longer.
Salvation believes that its battery can even replace lithium-ion batteries in the electric vehicle (EV) market, becoming the first choice for EV manufacturers.
The company claims that they can run an EV for the same amount of time on a battery one quarter of the size of the batteries used in the vehicles today, saving a huge amount of space and making the car safer in the event of a collision that cracks the battery and exposes the dangerous materials within.
What’s old is new again…
Thanks, John. Something on my watchlist now. We’ll see how it progresses.
When the AU car company GMH was experimenting with building the E-Commodore, they accidently discovered that the supercapacitors in series with the batteries extended their capacity and service life considerably.
It may increase the working life of the Battery, but it cannot overcome the fundamental chemical limitations of the Pb cell.
Energy density ( watt hours per kg) is a fraction (15-20%), of a lithium is the watthours per liter volumetric energy density.
Storage efficiency , energy released vs energy used to charge is also much lower at 50-70% compare to Lithium at 95%. These are factors inherent in the chemical processes .
These and several other factors (cycle life ?) have made Pb batteries totally unsuitable for EVs and similar mobile storage systems.
This article looks like another classic bait drop looking for investors money !
Hottest May on record in the UK?
This announcement was startling in the UK. People thought they were lying. So the UK Met office was forced to explain.
Now we have the story. It seems it was the highest on record because the AVERAGE includes the entire day. So it was the warmest series of nights ever. The days were cold. Who would have thought that would make it the warmest May on record. And the culprit was NOT CO2 but clouds.
Now we know that when the UK Met office talks about warming, they might mean the nights are warmer, not the days.
Does that mean the alleged 1.4C in warming is possibly that the place is warmer when it is coldest? And how is that a threat to civilization? And why weren’t they clear about this all along, that the Warmest Month on record was due to cloud cover at night when people were sleeping?
But then we can use coal power or nuclear to drive the windmills and blow the clouds away and cool the place at night. You know it makes sense.
And this is my point. That if you want to talk about the maximum daily temperature increasing, you have to be clear that it is what you are measuring. But they are talking about the AVERAGE, pole to pole, night and day, summer and winter, across a planet. And is that even meaningful? Especially when 3/4 of the planet is ocean.
I cannot get over the difference between real temperatures measured with thermometers (not proxies) in six cities in Europe in the last 250 years and this world average. When in science you choose something to represent your theory, it has to have a rationale, some idea of a model. Averaging across such different areas has no such rationale. After all the industrial revolution starts ONLY in Europe, not the South Pole at night in winter. So adding in proxies for the rest of the planet can hide the very effect you want related to CO2. And you are left with meaningless nonsense of no specific significance and nothing to do with higher CO2 in Europe. The two datasets are incompatible earlier than 1860.
And now we know the graphs of this pointless ‘world temperature’ could be telling us that the colder night times are a tiny bit warmer. So what?
And when you look at the world graphs, you can see they start in 1860/70. Perhaps the European graph shows why. The big drop in temperature up to 1860 is comparable to the rise since. Likely they have the same origin as proposed by Prof Weiss and certainly not a drop in CO2 prior to 1860.
It all looks cooked for impact, not science. It’s as if they have chosen data set and range to support their theory by mixing in quite unrelated regions for a meaningless temperature which occurs nowhere. And how do we know there is any difference in maximum temperatures? That is not what the world average is about. And the planet is not a homogenous monochrome static surface billiard ball but 72% covered by a vast dynamic sometimes chaotic heat sink 3.5km deep which contains 99.9% of all surface heat. Documented Europe for the period is a far better model for man made CO2 driven effects. And they are perfectly explained by two natural cycles to incredible accuracy.
If May can be the hottest month in the UK in recorded history, the ordinary person cannot trust what they read from the promoters of this story of CO2 driven warming.
And it raises questions about the proxies used for the Southern Hemisphere, half the planet and mainly water, prior to 1860. You can hardly use tree rings for open oceans. And what accuracy do they claim? Even today only 2% of humans live south of the Tropic of Capricorn, the bottom 1/3rd of the planet. The whole business of a single (atmospheric, ground/ocean level temperature) for the planet is ridiculous. What confidence does anyone have with the temperature of the South pole in 1750? Or even the Southern Ocean or Australia?
Where the records are good, the measurements direct, by Occam’s razor we have a perfect explanation in the Weiss fit. The CO2 story has no hope by comparison. And the CO2 increase is not man made anyway.
Still everyone is buying Chinese windmills and solar panels and governments are shutting down power and pushing up energy prices. “The Science” is nonsense. Western societies are being crippled by their own politicians. Why? Is this all driven by friends of China? Like Daniel Andrews? In a nuclear age, is China waging war, one politician at a time?
FWIW – Have a listen to “I was born 10,000 years ago”
Then remember all the things Joe Biden says he’s been to and done and even an uncle eaten by cannibals
Which suggests that song is ripe for a set of new words in tribute.
And this might be material for another verse of the re-write (IMO)
“Biden Claims He Knew Putin As A Young KGB Agent”
Found! – This is the song I was thinking of –
“The Great Historical Bum”
So, either he has no grasp with reality, Or he has been a Komrade for decades.
Dave i.t.S. –
“either he has no grasp with reality, Or he has been a Komrade for decades.”
Do also consider the possibility that BOTH are true.
It’s quite true. He did know Putin well.
He even mentioned he dated Vlad’s sister & she was quite a spirited peasant!
I sure hope there was no off spring!