By Jo Nova
Here we go again. It’s another round of the climate wars in Australia. It’s the issue that never dies, because global weather control is a stupid idea levitating on righteous indignation and a hundred billion dollars. As long as it floats, it’s the Hindenburg of National Energy Policy. It will only end when there’s nothing left to burn.
This time, the opposition leader, Peter Dutton, has said what all the grown ups already know — that the 82% renewables target by 2030 that Labor legislated is doomed and we should delay it. Two years after ignition, everyone knows the NetZero rocket is impossible. Renewable investment has ground to a halt, people are not buying EV’s, farmers don’t want the transmission lines, coastal towns don’t want the wind towers, project costs are doubling and tripling, and Florence the borer is still stuck in a short hole that is meant to be a long one. Worse, we’ve already got more solar power than the grid can handle and extra solar power is so useless we’re about to start charging people who carelessly add to the glut at lunchtime.
Peter Dutton is sadly still saying we should do “Net Zero by 2050” — which will stop him mocking the whole pagan religion of weather control, but he is offering a real alternative — we can stop banging our heads on the wall for a few years.
The government meanwhile is fighting back with their best missives of scorn and damnation. Apparently this will lead to the awful affliction called “pariah status”. The world won’t want to dance with Australia, or something. Or, more likely, Sydney Harbour might drop a few spots on the Green Backpacker Holiday Guide. Like we care.
The media leapt to declare hyperbolically that “Dutton is pulling out of the Paris Agreement” because, being globalist junkies themselves, they thought this would be an insult. But instead of being a shocking misstep those headlines may have earned him fans. The EcoWorriers seemed to have forgotten that at the drop of a hat, back in 2018 48% of Australians said they’d be happy to pull out of “Paris”. That was without any discussion at all. Half the country didn’t care less. Imagine if we had a debate now with the cost-of-living-dog chewing on voters ankles?
Paris is a sacred totem for believers to dance around. But its almost all theater — China agreed to do nothing, and most nations will miss their targets. Now even the UN admits the world will crash through Paris Agreement goals by a factor of two for 2030.
The pimps for Paris can hardly threaten Australians with twice as many cyclones next year, or 20% more floods by 2025. They know, and we know, that the benefits of “Net Zero” are just social approval points on a Leftist dance card. There is no productivity growth, no cheaper electricity, no nicer weather coming our way — at least not for a hundred years (even in theory). So when someone pops the bubble, all they can fire back with are social credit costs not real ones. Dutton will make us “the Global Laughing Stock” they say, lamely. He will risk our membership of the Paris Agreement — the club which we pay for, and which includes practically every nation on Earth — (as if the UN would want to take its claws out of any wealthy donor).
As Graham Lloyd remarked: “Peer pressure is the only tool at the UN’s disposal. “
The non-binding compromise at the heart of the Paris Agreement that allowed US president Barack Obama to sign it without seeking the approval of congress makes the Paris Agreement a voluntary affair. .. Put bluntly, if countries were excised from the Paris Agreement for not meeting high expectations, it would be a gathering of none.
The Labor Party will find in the next election, like the last “climate election” in 2013, that they have very little material benefit to offer the voters. But no one will believe the “cheaper electricity bill” lie.
Labors target is a 43% emissions reduction of our 2005 emissions by 2030. Most of the reduction will come (in their dreams) from being 82% “renewable” for electricity (up from 32% renewable now).
Just to put that in perspective, here’s the graph of Australia’s total energy consumption which at the end of 2022 was 85% fossil fueled.
To reach this frivolous quest, Australia is supposedly going to install 22,000 solar panels every day and a new wind tower every night, somehow we’ll install 10,000 kilometers of high voltage power lines, and we will find $1.5 trillion spare dollars to pay for it all.
The actual “Paris Agreement” Australia signed was to reduce 2005 emissions by 26 to 28% by 2030. It was Labor in 2022 that raised the stakes and legislated the 43% cut, just to impress their friends at Davos or something.
So many political careers have died on “climate change” and yet few political commentators seem to realize why.
Image by Roy Snyder from Pixabay
“I’d rather have questions that cannot be answered, than answers that cannot be questioned”. Richard Feynman.
Agriculture removed from emissions scheme NZ
things are happening in NZ but the rhetoric is still CO2 bad
About 15 years ago in Oz they put Ag in the too hard basket to avoid a debate on the Methane madness.
They always intended to bring it back. And they are getting away with it.
Dutton really needs to get the whole coalition behind him united and committed and then take Albo and the greens on and go at them HARD.
He won’t get anywhere by pussy footing around, who knows, he might get over excited, slip up, and actually question the religion!
[Off topic]AD
Dutton has to contend with the Nationals, they’ll have to resurrect Barnaby to take the reins.
Perhaps not – Littleproud today confirmed that nuclear plants will be in National electorates, outside the ”green” cities. He claims that they will be sited where existing coal plants are now.
Thanks, Barnaby has changed his mind on Paris and hardened his position.
‘Former Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce and Morrison cabinet colleague Keith Pitt this week called for the Coalition to abandon the Paris agreement. But Littleproud said Joyce was “being verballed”, because “he was the leader who signed the National party up to the Paris accord by 2050”. (Guardian)
And what was his alternative?
It’s called democracy.
Jo, you’re waxing lyrical this morning
Excuse my ad lib paraphrasing:
Nutty Zero Zealots Dance Around Paris Pimp Pole
Could it be true that Paris might leave the Agreement (albeit non-binding)? Viva la France!
Indeed she is! I have just finished saying to my wife what an incredible ability Jo has to deal with really serious subjects in such an ironic way that it brings a smile to one’s face, despite the importance of the subject. She is a literary magician!
Kicked into the long grass for 26 years? and hopefully forgotten!
11 years ago The Australian electorate thought they had buried it, only for Clive Palmer, and his PUP to thwart their mandate in the senate.
It would be very foolish to make policy on the basis of fear of being a pariah. Right now the scene is shaking on its foundations.
I would rather say it’s time to rock the boat.
One thing is for sure: you can only put so many solar panels on a high-rise apartment building.
Greens, like all socialists, love putting people into high density housing (if ‘housing’ is even the right word). But they also like rooftop solar. Alas, Greens are also progressives, and progressivism is inconsistent and self-contradictory.
There’s nothing progressive about greens. It repressive all the way down.
Greens, like all Leftists are both repressive and regressive.
They want to forcibly return us to the time before the Enlightenment (Age of Reason), the Scientific Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, and to be ruled over by powerful Elites whilst maintaining ordinary people as fedual subsistence serfs.
They idolise life roughly as it was in Europe prior to the 15th century.
Liberty, self-determination, reason, freedom of speech, freedom from unreasonable government interference in your life, etc. are meaningless to them. They want to destroy it all.
mmmmm that’s why they cover productive farmland with solar and wind plants , and probably longer term complain about price and availability of produce. Pass the crickets , please.
While the current density of new suburban housing builds will ensure increased roof space for solar panels, the size of the lots will also ensure that the urban heat effect will also be maximized. There is no space for vegetable based “greenery”.
Magnifying the UHI effect is the only way they can make the temperatures “rise”.
Thanks again Jo for trying to make us think. But here’s an interesting check of China’s development over the last few decades.
China’s per capita generation of electricity is now higher than the UK and the world’s per capita is not that much difference to the UK.
Do we really want Australia to follow the UK’s example?
And never forget that most of China’s electricity generation now comes from real reliable BASE-LOAD energy not lunacy like toxic, unreliable W & S.
A few more countries to think about like Germany, Canada, NZ etc.
Per capita Germany is still higher than the UK and Canada has the highest per capita electricity use because of Hydro.
The countries’ names are active at the link and easy to isolate.
Again do we really want Australia to follow the UK, Germany etc and suffer because of unreliable electricity? China, Russia, Iran, Nth Korea etc must be laughing as the OECD countries continue to strangle themselves.
According to that graph, China’s nearly caught up to NZ: could that be why their premier (or second-in-charge?) is visiting our shores this week – before flying to W.A.?
The per capita idea is silly, we are supposed to be saving the planet for future generations, so China wilfully ignores it.
What the graph shows us is China’s falling birthrate and increasing death rate.
what do you mean?
It isn’t their best argument. It’s their only argument.
Interesting how the electricity demand keeps climbing at the same rate, then the introduction of renewables taxes/targets kills it dead as manufacturing flees the high prices.
Also interesting how little renewables penetration impacts the price so significantly.
Net zero non-reporting and political obfuscation will mask these downsides and will continue to occur and magnify for our lifetime and beyond!
Miss information will die an old maid!
And to think that this Drama is based on the totally untrue scientific belief that CO2 is a dangerous “heat trapping ” gas.
CO2 is The Gas of Life.
Got an idea for a bumper sticker: We’ll Never Have Paris.
I love Paris:
Mr Dutton, can you please go nuclear on these Global Warming nut jobs.
Politically this is a bit tricky, the states and territories have their own restrictions on nuclear power and mining.
I can say without fear of contradiction that most of us would prefer new Hele coal fired power plants, but there are a few hurdles to jump before we get there.
In the meantime new gas fired plants will most likely be built to prop up renewables, this is the safest course if the conservatives want to get back into power.
Most non-tech folk I speak with, have little concept of the problems of power generation. Combined Cycle gas/thermal units are such an obvious solution to a variable power supply cos they can be brought on line from zero to full power inside an hour. They are appropriate partners for a solar/wind system which is hard to accurately forecast beyond the next couple of hours. They are also quick to construct, take up little space and can be designed in a modular shippable format.
The Kurri Kurri construction had cost over runs, teething troubles, nevertheless it will open later this year.
From the start it will be run on diesel, but they can also switch over to gas or hydrogen depending on supply and demand.
The interesting thing about this, the private sector didn’t want a bar of it, so Morrison used Snowy 2 monies to build the plant.
Seems a bargain compared to paying Florence?
Get rid of States and Territories I say – they are nuttin but trouble. Try getting the renewables projects through Councils / funding priorities….
“They know, and we know, that the benefits of “Net Zero” are just social approval points on a Leftist dance card. ”
Absolutely true! Once Govt money is handed out in salaries, its all about building your empire and increasing your influence. ..and being Govt, new Depts never die, even when discredited and useless those public serpents just get absorbed into some new useless department.
I don’t trust the LNP to get really active in these “wars”. In fact a whole bunch of them will be conscientious objectors and refuse to fight. Or, if they are the bed- wetters brigade, be almost useless in battle. Because there is still a significant proportion of the LNP who were Turnbull supporters or believe in the whole climate fantasy. Their advisors are really not much better, because their strategy would appear to be Labor Lite or even worse, Green Lite. When I say LNP, that includes both the Liberals and the Nationals. The Nationals are almost as bad as the Libs when it comes to fighting culture or climate wars.
The Libs and Nats are just the slightly less bad faction of the Uniparty.
We need to vote for conservative-oriented parties like:
United Australia Party
Libertarian Party
One Nation
With Lib/Nats it’s just more of the same BS.
And don’t forget it was mostly Lib/Nat policies that got us started into the present mess.
Do we really need an Australian Policy? I’m happy for Tassie to go largely hydro and gas. If Qld wants to be mostly gas with a big solar input that’s okay by me so long as they don’t want my taxes to set it up. If Victoria want bicycle peddle-power let them do it. NSW could build a SMR next to the Mt Piper coal unit and connect it in to the existing steam turbine and electricity distribution network without reference to Canberra.
I want a DC 24Volt freezer that runs on a mere 80 Watts from my batteries but entirely at my own expense.
I reckon we’re looking at the issue from the wrong perspective and accidentally over-looking Australia’s real problems. We’ll get a lot further if we ban the pollies from the field of power supply technicalities.
Well it is a NATIONAL Grid !…so it needs some level of Federal control.
After all everyone ends up paying for the resulting costs.
However,.. each state currently seems to dictate its own direction on generation.
EG,….. SA has eliminated all coal and committed to Wind and solar (with gas backup)
WA, is heavily into gas as primary generation..
….QLD and NSW, whilst toying with Wind and Solar, are still mainly Coal fueled
Some might expect there would be a consensus on the best solution ?
Well it is a NATIONAL Grid
Only in the minds of the eastern states main stream media, the eastern states politicians and a few in the Federal Parliament.
West Oz and the SWIS network is not imaginary.
A national grid would ensure that the Nullarbor rail crossing was electrified and the general power lines were parallel.
The very last thing WA wants is their grids interconnected to the National grid.
Imaginary, no !… but hardly significant scale compared to the E coast grid.
And WA is well organised with cheap gas and wind generation.
It is certainly not financially viable to connect WA (or the NT) to the East grid
NATIONAL grid?? Not quite, NEM is all eastern states plus SA, NT and WA are their own island systems. Unfortunately the WA WEM (South West Integrated System) is run by the same AEMO clowns as the eastern grid who are implementing the same ridiculous ideological ideas.
Not exactly. While the AEMO is involved, I believe that Synergy does most of the work running the grid.
Fair points Chad.
Perhaps I’m suggesting more of a general directive for all Australians to be supplied with as much power as they need and at a rate they can plan around. The system is full of issues.
A 96 year old in cognitive decline just pays the invoice for 47¢/unit power. I recently found she’s entitled to some BS Govt rebate but no-one told her.
A colleague has recently scaled-back his excellent joinery shop with 4 employees to just himself. Heavy 3-phase machines fair poorly with under voltage grid power and the dollar cost was huge.
Many local businesses are complaining about soaring costs yet income has decreased since 2019 in many cases. Businesses are surrendering to mounting hardships.
Govt policy should first and foremost guarantee smooth, stable affordable 240 Volt power. Electrical engineers know how best to carry that out and in Australia of all places, that should be a simple task.
‘NSW could build a SMR next to the Mt Piper …’
Not on my watch, I live up the road, there is a pod space available so gas would be a better option.
I’d prefer a gas/thermal too but the bed-wetter just don’t like it.
“bed wetter(s)” = the collective group of idealists who refuse to understand the enormity of the task of not burning our coal and gas to support our life-style.
I wasn’t pointing the finger at any one person in person in particular.
(Pauline Hanson once turned “I just don’t like it” into bit of a classic Australian phrase. There are plenty who make statements based upon “just don’t like it” rather than upon reasoned positions)
If the current politicians were on the telly with graphs and numbers explaining how they proposed to halve coal use I might listen to the end of their rants. We all know it is not possible so Mr Dutton has at least pushed the date out beyond the political lives of the current mob.
Gas conversion for coal plants is an attractive idea.. but Australia would have to make gas supply much cheaper and consistent befor it can reduce generation costs compared to coal HELE
Thermal gas generation is also inefficient and expensive compared to CCGT , generation.
Coal to gas conversion is a proven option at about $ 350-400million per GW (EIA costs)
Just keep pressing the issue every election cycle. Make every election about the astronomical cost per no benefit of “climate action.”
I’m thinking that every citizen that got scorned into an injection, is now a burgeoning climate skeptic.
At school I was warned not to slag the opposition in a debate because I’d be labelled a “useless idiot”. Instead I was to adhere to concise, well-structured factual statements of my position. We see many useless idiots in Parliament, on TV Q&A shows etc, and everyone just yawns once they take off on a rant.
You must come from an era when “debate” was encouraged, as I do. I was the presenter in our debating team and we were told, very firmly, that both support and opposition on the debate subject must be based on facts and firm opinion or belief. Slagging the other team was not only forbidden it was made clear that personal criticism meant that you were marked down and had lost the argument. Albo clearly had never been a member of a Uni debating team and he has totally lost the argument now..
All this chasing a mythical goal has already started to destroy our industry.
When the LNG market cannibalised our natural gas network and hiked domestic prices, the spike was felt by our plastics industry. QENOS, also hit by the ALLOWED shutdown of EXXON-MOBIL refinery in Altona is leaving Australia. QENOS makes critical resins required for myriad uses down stream. Indeed, part of the touted circular economy is recycling plastics in order to reduce co2 emissions by 80%, without QENOS this falls in a very big, expensive hole!
Australia is one of two jurisdictions in the world that can recycle plastics and recovery the hydrocarbons cheap and in large quantity because of the resins produced by QENOS. If QENOS goes, puts pressure on Orica. Ironically, the Feds spent big bucks helping Viva keep the Lara facility, (one of the last two including Ampol in Brisbane), which also produces precursor resins. Governments picking winners again.
Incitec have pulled out of making ammonia and fertiliser. THIS WILL NEVER COME BACK BECAUSE INCITEC HAS SOLD OFF ALL ITS STORAGE INFRASTRUCTURE AROUND THE FARMING COMMUNITY IN NORTHERN NSW AND SOUTHERN QLD. So many industries pulling out means we will be left with the parasites who do not actually create wealth. The question is, how bloody close are we to the REAL tipping point of a major and final collapse of our industrial base?
It’s time that France exited from the silly Paris Agreement.
France may be be changing their direction soon as Marine Le Pen’s views gain traction with the French people. That aside, the irony is that the most feasible way to attain net zero is to go nuclear. France gets two thirds of its power from 56 operating nuclear reactors (plus it can afford to sell power to neighboring countries).
“This heavy reliance on nuclear energy allows France to have one of the lowest carbon dioxide emissions per unit of electricity in the world at 85 grams of CO2 per kilowatt-hour, compared to the global average of 438 grams”
This fact seems to be totally lost on climate cultists…
Add this
“Political Earthquake: French Centre-Right Leader Backs Alliance with Le Pen’s Populists Against Macron”
I reckon that might have shifted bookie’s odds on “Paris out of Paris agreement”
50 years of failed predictions. 5 years ago.
Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions
OK.. now things have turned serious,..time for the people to revolt !
Just the latest in a long line of basic industries being forced out by rising costs
Wont be long before imported beers are ackshually imported
Wikipedia has capacity factors for Solar and wind energy. And Solar C F average is 14% for the world and 15% for Australia. See C F in last column.
And Wind capacity factor average for the World is 27% and 34% (?) for Australia. But I’m not sure Tony from OZ would agree with that C F percentage for Australia.
Tony’s figures, last time I checked, were a tad under 30% for wind and 16.26% for large-scale solar. I would believe Tony’s figures over any dredged up by Wikipedia.
We can hope that Peter Dutton saying “Net Zero by 2050” is just the first step in a Dutton plan to get Australia to a stance of No Net Zero. Maybe just keep the climate zealots slightly appeased with the 2050 stance (and have a chance of getting their votes next election) and then move to a No Net Zero stance once LNP have power.
We hope.
Avoch, Hold their feet to the fire: It’ll take a whilie with the DocMartens, but once it gets hot….. make them all accountable for their actions … Like what is expected of our UK PO Horizon enquiry. Too many goons in seats of power dreaming up legislation which impacts more than intended with unintended consequences
85% fossil fuelled? Oil, Coal, Gas add up to 85.5%
But I consider hydro and biofuels (say wood) should be included so 88.3%
Biofuels are based on a three shell argument about old CO2 and new CO2. It’s all CO2.
All food is also CO2 for that matter and now Australia has 26 Million people where in 1900 we had 3.7 million
and those extra 20 million people output CO2 as well.
This ’emissions’ story is a diversion. The problem is CO2 NOT ’emissions’
What change has there been after spending $1,500,000,000,000 a year not least on half a million giant Chinese windmills to reduce or stop growth in total CO2? Absolutely zero.
Forget emissions. They are irrelevant.
Emissions have gone up 3500% since 1900. CO2 has gone up 40%. And people cannot see the total disconnect? Humans cannot change CO2. It is the almost constant vapour pressure of a dissolved gas on a water planet. And CO2 has climbed very slowly over 250 year with very slight warming. Big deal. Where’s the problem?
I am puzzled that on such plain statements I get a red thumb first. What is wrong with these statements of fact?
And who is actually experiencing significant warming? It’s one thing to read of stories of hottest ever, another to see any significant change in lifestyle or sea level or storms. In my world, the place is significantly colder than any time in my lifetime.
Who is actually experiencing this significant universal planetary warming? And not the hottest May ever announced by the British which was that May had the warmest nights on record caused by unusual cloud cover at night, but otherwise a very cold May. That’s not warming.
Yes, I know India missed most of their annual monsoon, which happens.
But really, where is it warmer? Dubai now has 5 million people, mainly ex-pats living in totally airconditioned comfort in one of the hottest cities on earth and they are fine. You can go ice skating or skiing indoors in 50C.
Apart from the UN stories of boiling oceans, what is the problem? Why is anyone trying to solve a problem which does not exist? The sky is not falling!
Our governments are collectively throwing trillions at a problem which does not exist. And no one says the obvious. There is no problem!
Obviously you weren’t supposed to say that?
Take it as a badge of honor.
And now they have time travel – “the disappointing start to July isn’t going to last forever”
Slightly off topic Jo, but I do enjoy the images you select for your articles.
Thanks Yarpos. Sometimes it takes quite a lot of work. Though today’s great creation was thanks to Roy Synder and Pixabay. I try to put the attribution at the bottom right. Amazing what creations are out there.
Some of your introductory images have had your own name in the corner as being the author.
Have you used generative AI tools to make those images? If so, which tool?
Some of them have been really good, as Yarpos says.
The whole electricity matter should never have been political. However now that it is Mr Dutton has no alternative but to play the “game”. To gain government he is absolutely right to garner / retain votes by embracing net zero BUT pushing implementation back to 2050. Why? Because in 26 years multiple nuclear (CO2 & NO2 free) power stations could mean Australia no longer needs coal or oil fired power stations. The grid will be stable and power available 24/7 365. Power lines shorter. Keep going Mr Dutton.
At a fraction of the cost and without building a km of transmission lines, he could help all coal power plants to switch to HE boilers and half emissions, 50% by 2030. And why not? There is no need for nuclear to reach the Paris targets at less than the cost and time anand risk in finishing Snowy II. And buy time for the insanity to pass.

I have been wondering why this has never been proposed.
Just converting the thermal part of existing coal plants to HELE would dramatically reduce the cost of generation compared to new Wind, Solar, or Nuclear, whilst at the same time embracing the reuse/utilisation of existing assets and infrastructure as well as employment in established communities.
Ultimately, this would be done usung SMRs to passify all those anti Fossil fuel/ CO2 zelots,.. but then you have to take on the anti Nuclear brigade !
No, HELE conversions of existing plants, is the next logical step.
The East coast grid currently has approx 18 GW of coal generation, which would require at least 50 GW (nameplate) of wind and solar + an undetermined ammount of storage ( 500++ GWh ?) potentially replace it.
By anyones numbers that would be $100s billions !
Anybody know the estimated cost of a HELE conversion ? ($1.0 bn per unit ?)
It is ignored that at the 2021 Glasgow Climate Conference Prime Minister Morrison was pressured by the IPCC, US, UK and others to sign up for net zero emissions but he instead said Australia would have an aspirational goal subject to new technology and without damaging the economy.
Climate Wars? I am still amazed at the British MET announcing the warmest May in history. Until a huge outcry required them to explain that the nights were warmer than usual due to cloud cover. What were they thinking?
The announcement that May had the warmest nights in history due to cloud cover was not exciting and certainly would not fit the CO2 driven highway to hell story. So they twisted it and sexed it up. And what they announced is very close to a blatant lie. It was not the hottest May on record.
This shows how authorities paid to do a simple job of reporting are prepared to deceive and argue that it is warranted. Like the Hurricane upgrade in Queensland about three years ago which saw thousands evacuated for no reason. It was finally admitted to be wrong but the BOM PR officer involved saw it as his job to make the weather more exciting.
These people should not lie to the public to make their jobs more exciting or support the Global Warming story.
And the prediction to government in 2023 of the longest driest summer on record in SE Australia saw billions in stock losses for what was possibly the wettest summer on record. It was based on a hunch on El Nino. RmWho was fired? Anyone?
Remove the lot and replace them with computers and transponders. If that has not already in fact been done. Don’t buy a billion dollar super computer. They can get the weather completely wrong without one.
But Mr Partridge clarified that such patterns are “not unusual”.
He said: “On average we get an air frost – which is when the temperatures reach zero – every two to three Junes. So it’s not that unusual. It’s just not the norm for June to be this cool.”
“Britons will have to wait until July for warmer weather because of cold winds blowing in from the Arctic, the Met Office has said.
The UK has been experiencing temperatures three to five degrees below the season average over the past week, forecasters said.”
It’s hard to maintain the rage against coal and gas and oil when you are cold. Especially in June.
My superficial take on world weather is that the world is cooling rapidly, as predicted with the decline of the De Vries cycle and the AMO/PDO. I would love Prof Weiss and Friends to update their graph. It is the best and most accurate and perhaps the only proven explanation I have seen. Proven in that it fits the graph at 12 inflexion points.
It also shows that European weather is very accurately predictable. And at the same time that it is uncorrelated with Pacific Weather or Southern Hemisphere weather. Which makes nonsense of this HADCRUT world temperature, a fabricated average for the entire surface of the planet and with no data for most of the planetary surface prior to satellites.
There is no expectation that the world’s weather is so homogenous that it can be represented by a single predictable number! It’s borderline outrageous.
How it is done: – first phase, replace the staff at the State-Owned electricity board with climate-PPI zealots then plan to upgrade the entire grid to accept solar and wind
– Zambia is a pretty unelectrified population, outside the ‘line of rail’ (mines and big towns). Power to households in towns is unreliable – ‘load-shedding’ 8 hours or more a day is now the norm
– Already over 80% renewable power supply (hydro) to the grid (another, separate big hoo-ha is getting people to stop using charcoal for cooking….)
– Kariba Dam is old and under lack of maintenance strain (geo-politics of donor funding to Zimbabwe gets in the way). If it goes ‘pop’ estimates are the 4 million will be lost in the initial flooding, with supply chain cutting causing much starvation in the months afterwards
the dam breaking could be blamed on climate change.
Yup – I reckon many who grapple with the dam maintenance will say ‘sure, blame whatever you want, just help us shore this thing up!!!’
I read about Kariba and think ‘good on Sen. Bob Brown’ then also see: – there are no pics of the windfarms but pics of the Hydro …. the MW numbers just seem to be good for hydro – why wind farm all over as well? (why not just wind-use – get some wind-hammer mills doing expensive bread for mainland tourists, just don’t worry about gridding it?
And why grid ‘last mile’ in Tassie?
“Britons will have to wait until July for warmer weather because of cold winds blowing in from the Arctic, the Met Office has said.
The UK has been experiencing temperatures three to five degrees below the season average over the past week, forecasters said.”
It’s hard to maintain the rage against coal and gas and oil when you are cold. Especially in June.
My superficial take on world weather is that the world is cooling rapidly, as predicted with the decline of the De Vries cycle and the AMO/PDO. I would love Prof Weiss and Friends to update their graph. It is the best and most accurate and perhaps the only proven explanation I have seen. Proven in that it fits the graph at 12 inflexion points.
It also shows that European weather is very accurately predictable. And at the same time that it is uncorrelated with Pacific Weather or Southern Hemisphere weather. Which makes nonsense of this HADCRUT world temperature, a fabricated average for the entire surface of the planet and with no data for most of the planetary surface prior to satellites.
There is no expectation that the world’s weather is so homogenous that it can be represented by a single predictable number! It’s borderline outrageous.
“Britons will have to wait until July for warmer weather because of cold winds blowing in from the Arctic, the Met Office has said.
The UK has been experiencing temperatures three to five degrees below the season average over the past week, forecasters said.”
It’s hard to maintain the rage against coal and gas and oil when you are cold. Especially in June.
My superficial take on world weather is that the (European) world is cooling rapidly, as predicted with the simultaneous decline of the De Vries cycle and the AMO/PDO. I would love Prof Weiss and Friends to update their graph. It is the best and most accurate and perhaps the only proven explanation I have seen. Proven in that it fits the graph at 12 inflexion points. The super air models on super computers can hardly get a simple upwards curve right.
It also shows that European weather is very accurately predictable with an ultra simple model not involving CO2. And at the same time that it is uncorrelated with Pacific Weather or Southern Hemisphere weather. Which makes nonsense of this HADCRUT world temperature, a fabricated average for the entire surface of the planet at all times of the day and year and with no historic direct data for most of the planetary surface for most of human history prior to satellites.
There is no expectation that the world’s weather is so homogenous that it can be represented by a single predictable number! It’s almost outrageous.
I have to disagree with you, TdeF, on this one. No it is not almost outrageous, it is outrageous.
I take your point. Such a number was worth calculating and tracking. Once. Just to see if it was meaningful, that it gave special insights or correlated with known events like CO2 growth. But all it seems to do is turn locally meaningful numbers like European thermometer temperatures and turn them into meaningless mush. It does raise serious questions about the temperature proxies used for places like the Southern Hemisphere.
This is not what a scientist or any analyst is looking for numbers, graphs which have character and detail and which can be related to events even perhaps CO2 increase. But 36 years of computer modelling has shown that HADCRUT is just meaningless mush.
But the graph determined by Weiss and friends from real thermometers over a continent where the industrial revolution started is very elaborate and so dramatic and precisely duplicated. That is what I could call real science and by Occam’s razor, the right analysis and meaningful data. In a complex even chaotic weather system, it is breathtaking analysis. But now I doubt anyone really wants the right answer. Too many people have hung their credentials and careers on man made CO2 driven Global Warming to back down now.
No difference in Germany, cold up to at least end of the month.
More than 3.60m snow on Zugspitze in German Alpes.
Don’t forget HYDROGEN! – Renewable Energy Superpower! —And HUGE increases in energy costs, and destruction of industry and businesses. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie oi,oi,oi!!
All going perfectly to plan.
I’m convinced Bowen looked at the basket case that is Germany and said to himself — That’s nothing – I can f!@k Australia from here to the next decade, way better than you could ever do to your own country.
If this was really a crisis, real scientists and engineers would be put in charge, finding a way out. Think Robert Oppenheimer and the Manhattan project. The fact that only unqualified politicians are directing traffic for an alleged technology problem means no one is serious.
“He began his education at Smithfield Public School, and later attended St Johns Park High School before going on to the University of Sydney, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Economics in 1994. ”
A councillor at 22 of Fairfield City Council at 25 he has never had job outside politics. So perfect for directing a scientific and engineering assault on the problems of carbon dioxide produced alleged dangerous warming by capture of infra red.
And the Infra Reds he knows best are Trot Albanese and Leninist Bandt. He would be out of his depth in a puddle.
What about the fact that they are Ultra-Reds.
Indeed. Bowen or more appropriately B1 needs to go back to manage rubbish and waste at the local council. But he’d make a mess of that as well. At least then his incomprehensible idiocy would be confined to a local municipality.
Really, the alleged problem of man made CO2 driven Global Warming aka Climate Change is not that there was a problem in 1988.
It was the prediction of a very serious climate/sea level problem tomorrow or some time very soon based on computer models and theories. And after 36 years of runaway tipping point global warming rapid sea level rise, the future in 1988 is now the past and where is the problem? Bowen is 51 and he was 15 years old, a schoolboy when Al Gore announced rapid Global Warming.
We have now suffered expensive even ruinous decision for decades with this prediction and still the politicians pretend the problem is real and urgent. A climate emergency! Highway to climate hell! Boiling oceans! Really?
Now in Europe without saying it, the implicit revolt is against the serious costs and deprivations which come and are coming from what are transparently wrong predictions. My contention is that it is fake science but even wrong will do.
The grandchildren who were going to suffer so terribly from rapid Climate Change have been born. Where is the problem or even the start of a problem? Specifically in Europe, in Australia, in the US. At home. Not in China or India or Zimbabwe.
Now I am not so much denying anything. I am saying it didn’t happen. Past tense. And the costs of preventing it, the 500,000 giant votive windmills, wishful thinking, have been a complete waste of money. Past tense.
Meanwhile politicians like Bowen are still 89% from achieving their goals, their transition, their dreams. Not ours. We said no carbon taxes. And there still isn’t a demonstrable problem on our horizon. Stop it now! Stop pretending there is a problem. The 1988 computer models and theories were wrong. It has been an incredible waste of money and lives.
There is however a real problem. How are we going to reeducate those millions of Climate Scientists and find them real jobs? There are not enough jobs for meteorologists! So windmill service people?
And those Climate Change ministers and Clean energy and Clean energy finance and Green certificate management and transmission line building employees. Then there is Snowy II, the single most unnecessary and expensive and useless major project in the history of Australia, a politicians dream. Is Florence stuck again? No problem. There is no urgency. 2032 will do.
Geologist Ian Plimer has the answer for Dutton. Natural Sequestration in Australia absorbs five times as much emissions as produced. So Australia is already at minus 4% below Net Zero.Net Zero by 2030 or 2050 is irrelevant.
[…] From JoNova […]
I think that in terms of commitment Dutton could argue that it’s futile to make commitments that are out of step with the rest of the world whether that be rest of the world by emissions or population . As half the world lives in India and China and almost half global emissions are from those two countries to replicate their Paris agreement targets of nothing to 2030 and nett zero by 2060 and 2070 we would in fact not being pariahs but doing what close to 50% of the worlds population is subjected to. If the election results for rest of 2024 go as per early indications there could be quite a few countries removing or reducing their climate commitments. Rather than being a pariah we may become a trendsetter.
There appears to be a taxpayer subsidized lunatic AGW climate change brain washing doomsday cult operating on Queenslands Sunshine Coast.
It’s called “ Australia Zoo “.
Inflation is a threat to public safety.
True believers in AGW climate change aren’t just annoying; thier idiotic lobbying is causing prices of energy, and therefore everything else, to rise .
Inflation is a threat to public safety.
When there are threats to public safety, the standard procedure , is to write to, or telephone the police , and make a complaint.
So in any rational universe, the police should be asking anyone who received climate change carbon credit money one simple question: “ Can you explain how you came to be in possession of this money .”
Probably a very specific kind of policeman or policewoman, a forensic pathologist with a background in astrophysics or geophysics, ie someone with enough science knowledge to be able to see through this AGW snow job, should be heading the investigation.