We’ve reached a point of Maximal Bureaucratic Psychopathy in Science
That’s where committees of committees aim to improve your health by giving one human the ability to kill a billion.
In 2015 a scientist at Anthony Fauci’s agency thought it would be neat to mix two Monkeypox strains together to make a nastier one. For no reason anyone can explain, the National Institutes of Health’s Institutional Review Board thought it would be neat too, and approved it.
A normal person might worry that doddery Joe Biden has the nuclear codes, but all along, unnamed, unaccountable countless others might have their fingers on equivalent bombs, and they won’t need to input any codes to set off the bombs, just have a bad day.
The idea was to mix a deadly but slow strain of monkey pox with a tamer monkey pox strain that spread quickly. This could have created a virus with the “best of both” — an agent with a 15% fatality rate and a reproduction rate of 2.4, which would make it very much “pandemic potential”. (With one infected person infecting 2.4 others, this was a similar rate of spread to the original Wu-Flu, but so much deadlier).
So any normal human would know this was a stupid risk to take, but the NIH did it anyway. Worse, they knew it was bad, and they hid the approval for nine years. Even when the investigators from a House Committee came knocking, they concealed the project approval. They now say the experiment was never done, but they can’t point to a single email or memo to show it was stopped. The original approval has only recently been reversed.
As long as the festering mess that gave us Covid is not dealt with — it’s just a matter of time before we get the next one.
Four years on and no one has been sacked for the lab leak that infected the world, or the cover up that hid the origin.
Fauci swears that a biosecurity breach in Wuhan could not possibly have anything to do with his former agency NIAID, but since they hid the monkeypox approval, and told journalists it never happened, then stonewalled and denied it to a congressional committee, Fauci’s assurances are worth about as much as nine years of active deception suggest.
Reckless Gain-of-Function experiments with viruses is like letting the local university make nuclear bombs in basements of skyscrapers. Except it’s more dangerous.
Is there any reason the NIH should not be razed to the ground?
Thanks to David Archibald for sending the story:
Fauci’s institute hid mpox gain-of-function plans from Congress and the media
For nearly nine years Anthony Fauci’s institute concealed plans to engineer a pandemic capable mpox virus with a case fatality rate of up to 15 percent, congressional investigators revealed in a new report Tuesday.
In June 2015, a scientist at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases received formal approval from the National Institutes of Health’s Institutional Review Board for experiments expected to engineer an mpox virus with high transmissibility and moderate mortality.
NIAID — the institute Fauci oversaw for nearly four decades and which underwrites most federally funded gain-of-function research — concealed the project’s approval from investigators with the House Committee on Energy and Commerce over the course of a 17 month-long investigation.
It’s getting hard to tell the difference between an enemy threat and a normal government operation:
Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, caused a public health emergency in the U.S. from August 2022 to February 2023. It is endemic in Africa. The more deadly clade circulates in Central Africa (clade I) while the more transmissible clade circulates in West Africa (clade II). Mpox has infected more than 20,000 people and caused more than 1,000 deaths in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where clade I predominates, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — though some experts believe that is an undercount of true cases. A strain of the clade II virus drove the American outbreak.
The mpox experiment first came to light in a September 2022 article in Science.
The gain-of-function project proposed by NIAID virologist Bernard Moss would splice genes conferring high pathogenicity from the clade I virus into the more transmissible clade II virus. The new “chimeric” (combined) virus could have retained up to a 15 percent fatality rate and a 2.4 reproductive number, a measure of transmissibility indicating every sick person could infect up to 2.4 people on average, giving it pandemic potential.
When it’s a matter of life and death, why not put a lying agency in charge of checking its own funding? This is what the experts do:
“The new [Office of Science and Technology Policy] continues to give funding agencies, like NIAID, primary responsibility for oversight of GOFROC [Gain of Function Research of Concern] and DURC [Dual Use Research of Concern] experiments involving potentially dangerous pathogens,” the committee’s report reads. “In almost any other scientific field or industry, this arrangement would be immediately recognized as a conflict of interest, necessitating independent review and oversight.”
They are talking about some of the nastiest plans known to man. DURC or “Dual Use Research of Concern” is the polite way to label a discovery that has a dual purpose, meaning it could be a cure for cancer or a weapon of war. They could just as easily have called it Potential Bioweapons of War, but they don’t want to scare the funders (us).
What if researchers were high on the thrill of the discovery-of-a-lifetime and most of the costs and risks (global pandemics) are externalized, and the committees that approved them worked as well as “peer review” does in the rest of government strangled science?
What if some of those committees were infiltrated by foreign adversaries? That might actually improve things. The Russians might leak the news of what’s going on in Western labs to the media…
The one “good” thing about this story is knowing that the last pandemic could have been so much worse.
Mad scientist image by Lisa Yount from Pixabay
It seems that our real threats are not our enemies but our supposed friends. What sane person would think that developing an extremely dangerous disease is a good idea? Someone who thinks he is God. Someone like Fauci. Seeing those photos of the children with the disease should ensure researchers would be looking for a cure not to make it worse. They are mad and the enablers are committing a crime against humanity. Would they like their children to look like that?
They think it as a way of eliminating those pesky humans who have overpopulated our blue sphere. Disgusting types like Fauci think that should get away with it.
I thought gain-of-function research was banned in the USA by Barack Obama. Indeed, it always seemed to me that this explained the otherwise improbable financial support by the US research organisation EcoHealth Alliance for the bat flu research in the lab in Wuhan.
Exactly right Vicki,
Gain of function research was banned in the USA under the Obama administration.
Fauci funded Covid virus research in Wuhan under the direction of Dr Ralph Baric.
Dr Peter McCullough has explained it all on his podcasts.
Why Dr Fauci has not been put in jail already is beyond me.
Fauci is protected just like Joe Biden and the Biden Mafia Family.
Imprecisely not right. There has never been a blanket ban on gain of function research, just tight restrictions and specific bans regarding pathogens. GoF is as old as microbiology as an area of study. I’ve made bacteria gain function myself and such GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are routine lab tools with only modest reportage and containment requirements (some can be used in PC2 labs in Australia).
GoF GM viruses have been injected into humans since mid-20C as vaccines though noting that such viruses have also been modified with loss of function.
“just tight restrictions and specific bans regarding pathogens”
Where those ‘restrictions’ and ‘bans’ ignored?
Guess we’ll never know since the great minds in ‘Public Health’ seem suspiciously uninterested in the origin of the virus.
Deliberately or accidentally?
That’s what happens when you act
“imprecisely “
ASIO watchlist.

It is actually easy and done in undergrad courses. Wait until you hear that making them antibiotic resistant is an everyday tool for genetic studies that has been used since the 60’s.
And, in case Jo enters this thread – I realise that the modern gain of function is a whole new level over what we did in the past. You can manipulate the expression timing and amount and what is expressed to the finest level. A supercomputer, using terra bytes of data, can generate presumptive changes (confirmed or rejected by the gain of function study) to genetic codes that have multiple levels of predicted action and interaction (e.g. with a host). It is as though Moore’s law jumped ahead at warp speed.
“The one “good” thing about this story is knowing that the last pandemic could have been so much worse.”
Modern GOF experiments are really quite insane. So why try to normalize it. AFAIK, we do not know the results of their years of experiments, or if they are sitting in a lab somewhere, or if some military is looking at them.
Yes, I understand the “claim”, create a likely natural GOF, and create the cure. So far this insane approcach is not working out well at all.
Have you had your mRNA dose lately?
Do people still say that?
FYI, everything I ate today contained mRNA. What on earth are you eating?
I eat fresh food and am healthy at age 71 years. How about you?
And I drink non mRNA wine………..lol
*your wine has mRNA in it
Gee Aye
June 14, 2024 at 11:25 am
*your wine has mRNA in
What a load of rubbish. You need your head read.
Johnny, if it lives, it has mRNA. This is GeeAye’s field. Ask him questions.
We are in a Biotech War. I urge everyone to learn the basics. And it’s fascinating.
Despite his qualifications, maybe GeeAye needs to educate himself about facts before baiting people with misinformation. GeeAye clearly believes the mRNA in the jabs was the same as the RNA in nature – it wasn’t.
Johnny Rotten, what your wine doesn’t have in it is Methyl1-pseudo-uridinated mRNA in it. Pseudo-uridine is the substitute for uracil, one of the four nucleobases (that is, the letters that make up the RNA code) that was in the jabs, and among other things, causes frame shifting (code misread, making proteins that potentially can’t fold properly, perhaps, prions ), lingers for months (normal mRNA dissipates after a few days) etc etc
Or GeeAye are you claiming that it is safe to substitute 1 out of the 4 nucleotides with pseudo-uridine? Show me the studies that prove it.
Gee Aye,
True, everyone consumes genetic material when they eat previously living things. But that material goes through the gut with its acids and enzymes.
On the other hand mRNA “vaccines” are injected, hopefully inter muscularly but with the mass jab campaign, who’s to say what fraction ended up inter venous.
And as Andrew P. says, the psuedo uridine in the mRNA of the vax is a wild card.
It’s pretty clear that Fauci believes he’s a power unto himself. You could blame the acronym organisations that have all been mentioned with SARS COV2/ COVID but in the end it always comes back to Fauci. The major problem is , the bloke has US Department of Defence backing because GoF projects were obviously justified in their wicked minds that they were preparing for biological warfare. It’s why the likes of Pfizer and Moderna will also not be held responsible for 1) Producing a defective product with minimal efficacy and 2) a product with serious adverse effects. It’s why Operation Warp Speed was run by the military using Pfizer etc as fronts. All for the ” greater good”, in their minds at least. It’s why we’ve got a brand spanking new “vaccine” production facility here in outer suburban Melbourne, Victoria. Probably all paid for by the US taxpayer.
Obama didn’t so much ban gain of function (GOF) he banned government funding of research into GOF after there were some “biosafety incidents” at federal research facilities. So the money source dried up. Now Fauci and his ilk – particularly Peter Daszak – may have already had influence with labs in other countries (and this is where Ukraine becomes involved with reports that they were operating US influenced/owned labs) but while the funding dried up the potential wealth from GOF discoveries meant that those driven by $$$ sent their money overseas particularly to China.
So the dangers of creating the GOF monster were clearly understood ie Obama funding ban but the greed of potential $$$ was too much which meant to carry on needed secrecy hence the double dealing of Fauci and others.
There is even a video of a scientific presentation where Daszak boasts about the progress “his people” are making in China but as soon as the SHTF he was so strong in dismissing the lab leak GOF conspiracy theory.
I’ll try and find a link to the conference unless someone else has it already.
The swamp is so deep and so far reaching and Trump such a threat they are getting more and more desperate and if their work on GOF doesn’t stop them sleeping at night then a nuclear holocaust is even less a worry.
Here is a link to 2021 item by India Today reporting on Peter Daszak boast of his Chinese colleagues successes with GOF which he delivered at a 2016 conference.
Yes he is wrapped up with the UN, yes he has a non-profit organisation and YES he studied zoology so understands so much about animal (bat, monkey) diseases.
Further proof it is way past time to ditch the UN and WHO and drain the swamp and get the firing squad ready.
And note that this information was available as early as 2021 – yet there is still a blanket around the real story behind SARS 2.
Well done, Earl. This background needs to be more disseminated in the wider community. The general media are barely getting past the question of whether there was a lab lead in Wuhan!
Cheers Vicki. 110% correct and that is why some MSM owners/editors/reporters need to be among the first up against the wall. The really really good thing about a flood of factual information is that it washes all before it. Not just, but predominantly the left, and other tyrants believe that if you control the flow of information you control the people in exactly the same way that if you control language you control/influence/drive the culture – hence the renaissance of Aboriginality and suddenly place names have to be changed back even country names (New Zealand – Aotearoa) have to be changed.
Individual words suddenly get new meanings/associations (especially evident with the lgbtwtf trans community YOU MUST USE MY PRONOUNS, and people do not have cervix they have front holes, they do not breast feed they are chest feeders etc etc).
If you can effectively dam the flood through fear and labelling – everything THEY dont agree with is a conspiracy theory – then you silence the people and keep them ignorant. Trouble is if the first dam breaks then all you have done is increase the volume rushing down to dam 2, 3 etc.
This might shed some light. Not pay walled
If it’s all so common and above board, why did Fauci deny using it?
It all makes sense when you understand that most Leftists and Elites think there are too many people in the world.
Conservatives and fellow rational thinkers would say that populations control themselves. As the standard of living rises due to free enterprise, people have fewer children. There is no need to artificially limit population.
A typical representative comment on the Australian Far Leftist blog / news site that represents Elite establishment viewpoints, “The Conversation” is:
Except it doesn’t make sense unless the leftists and elites are really stupid (which they might be).
How can they protect themselves from the spread of a deadly pandemic, unless they think that the antidote really works?
2 questions there. The inverse of Hanlons Razor could be applied to your first, they might not all be stupid, there might be a few who are just plain malicious while others might be both malicious and stupid. Your second question contains the assumption that there’s only 1 antidote.
No it doesn’t.
My question is how the elites think they can protect themselves unless they believe that the antidote works? I did say THE antidote but that does not preclude that there might be more than one.
I will rephrase it: an antidote that works
For instance it’s not inconceivable that there could be an antidote which works, but is private & kept quiet, unobtainable for the masses, and a heavily promoted, widely distributed ostensible antidote for us.
When will they develop an ‘anti dope’? There are way too many dopes around right now.
Peter asks the key question. Biowarfare has been possible for thousands of years, but has been limited by the fear of blowback where the disease infects their own.
So a scientist in a lab in 2015 tells themselves that it will never leak and imagines the glory they will get from publishing a hot paper.
But worse, when some overconfident military strategist fool thinks “we have a vaccine that works”, we lose the M.A.D. protection.
“But worse, when some overconfident military strategist fool thinks “we have a vaccine that works”, we lose the M.A.D. protection.”
Hence all the research! Some are looking for racial or cultural factors so lethality is limited to those they don’t like, while others are looking for surefire antidotes for themselves and their kin, while the rest of all of us die.
How many different variants of Pfizer were coded in those batches? The peasants marked to die will never be told..
Biowarfare. Catapulting plague-ridden cadavers over the walls of besieged towns was quite a common practice in days of yore. Unfortunately, the attacking forces had no ‘antidote’.
might be???
Amazing how those who are so concerned about “overpopulation” only expect others to do the dying, not themselves.
It still doesn’t make sense that the virus and anti-viral agent were developed as population controls.
Both are obviously bio-warfare products, not developed to protect against a naturally occurring pathogen.
They are weapons intended to be used against an enemy.
The US and Chinese militaries worked conjointly to develop the weapon.
Who is the common enemy of the US and Chinese militaries?
Why was it released in 2019- was there an agreement to test the product for a secondary purpose?
Why aren’t these questions being widely asked?
Video, under 7 mins.
Fauci says “I don’t recall” 174 times during a single deposition.
Absolutely shocking! What an utter charlatan.
’tis a sad state of affairs when the masses attention span is a mere 7 minutes, although such a suggestion for the majority here is almost insulting.
The bridge on the river Kwai shouldn’t be a problem.
Meh…Andrews says….HOLD MY BEER.
“Fauci says “I don’t recall” 174 times during a single deposition.”
Such a poor memory should make him unemployable by any State organisation
Of cause its only the American / Chinese “gains of function that we are hearing about. Sadly every country with any sort of military / social control must be doing exactly the same things. The original nuclear powers “banned” other countries from owning or possessing the technology and yet today we have many countries with this capability.
If North Korea can develop nuclear weapons with limited resources and money imagine how much cheaper it would be to set up biology labs.
I am certain that ALL of our friends and allies are pursuing this sort of development, our enemies must also be doing the same things. Remember enhanced Anthrax scares of a few decades ago? The world was “outraged” that Russia (I think from memory) was even “looking” at such a potentially deadly development. While these things go quiet they what they dont do is go away.
An even more deadly, selectively bred coronavirus was developed by the Chicomms. One hundred percent deadly in humanized mice. It is published in the following preprint.
Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2-related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)
Naturally the “fact checkers” (sic) try to claim it’s not true.
A great opportunity missed for a pictureof a cell with a monkey for a nucleus with Fauci’s face on it, like one of the characters in the Goonies.
And such a picture could be captioned “The new chimperic virus”.
And such a picture could be captioned “The new chimperic virus”.
And while we are on the subject of things called Eric that are half one thing and half something else…
Yes but none of this stuff has developed a true bio weapon yet, thank goodness. A true bio weapon would kill 30% to 40% of the World population. Covid19 was no where near that.
Mind you, I am sure that someone is working on it right now with Taxpayer/Borrowed moneeeeeeeeee.
I disagree.
A good bioweapon could also cause massive economic damage and give governments with innate totalitarian tendencies such as those in Australia all the excuses they needed to introduce the dictatorial laws they always wanted to. Hereto they couldn’t because they wouldn’t have been accepted outside a real, imagined or engineered “crisis” – “for our own good”, never to be rescinded.
For the Chicomms it has helped weaken their “enemies” in the West and their partners in the traitorous governments of the West have benefited either financially as corrupt individuals or as totalitarian ideologues who think they know better than non-Elites.
Andrews government secretly negotiating permanent pandemic laws to replace state of emergency
Michael Fowler
June 13, 2021
Johnny, A true bioweapon would not be so deadly that the West would stop it by simply shutting the flights off.
A far more effective bioweapon would be deceptively “like a flu” so the West would let it in, but it would cause chaos, lockdowns, economic damage, and leave long term biological damage — like long covid, fertility losses, aging the population, adding to cancers, weakening immune systems.
Why did China try so incredibly hard not to let Omicron spread? Were they just a stupid authoritarian government overreacting to a flu, gripped by some hideous pride, or did they know something about the long term cost of letting this virus become established in repeating waves? It’s not entirely clear.
..or are the protagonists ALL Govts versus the peasants? The Govts in USA and China seem quite happy to work together apart from some fake publicity shots, and which Govt really gives a sh1t about its population? We’re just the great unwashed that at best are seen as a threat to them.
Most of damage resulted from the regulated response to the virus.
So is the function of the virus to confect a crisis to justify coercion which in turn leads to permanent coercive control?
If so, it resembles CCP coercive diplomacy.
Many don’t want to hear this but quarantine and isolation is exactly what was going to happen. I said it would in Feb 2020 and I was right. It will happen again too with the next one. As long as all the Ro and incubation and attack rate is high enough, and ICU beds are going to be 100% overflowing, there can be no other outcome. It’s just maths.
Anyone who wants to prevent lockdowns needs to plan ahead — not wait for the next pandemic and yell “never again” when it’s too late to do anything else.
We need to get recognition for hard borders, antivirals and vitamins as the first line and fastest response. We have so many options, but so many vested interests to defeat.
Absolutely . If a bioweapon kills quickly it dies out quickly . From an evolutionary point of view it’s not a feature to kill your hosts as you run out of hosts . There are arguments/rumors that omicron was “created” to take it out by outcompeting the earlier more “dangerous” strains . What’s your take on that ?
Was Omicron a lab creation too? Can’t be ruled out, nor confirmed. It would be easily possible for a malicious entity to tweak a virus and drop it in to Africa.
To be honest, if they did, I would have thought they would make it more similar to the circulating strains at the time, not make it such a long leap.
Is there a long term productivity hit or fertility penalty with Omicron? And I ask again, why did China work so hard to stop the spread of Omicron?
The current Bird flu strain being mentioned in the media of late is said to be a man made synthesised version that enables quicker transmission to humans and has already been diagnosed in cows and cats using a dodgy PCR test.
Why would “”they” do this? To reduce the food supply by destroying millions of chickens and cattle stocks while rolling out their latest mRNA clot shot to reap in billions of tax payer dollars from willing idiotic governments who are also ready to hand over our sovereignty to the W.H.O. under the revised Pandemic treaty and World Health Regulations.
What’s scaring me is the two co-existing non-intersecting realities.
I’ve seen much of the recent Fauci testimony before the US Congress.
Republicans … “We are appalled by your behavior Dr. Fauci.”
Democrats … “You’ve saved millions, thank you for your selfless humanitarian efforts Dr. Science.”
I think I’ll go and check the current Wikipedia definitions of ‘kill’ and ‘save’.
Uh oh … flashback … “we had to burn this village in order to save it.”
Adam Savage, Mythbusters fame- “I’ll reject your reality and substitute my own”.
The punchline.
“one “good” thing about this story is knowing that the last pandemic could have been so much worse.”
Is that referring to Covid?
It was the most massive human tragedy I’ve seen.
I regret I have but one thumb to give to this comment.
And blessed are we who lived through the safest and most bountiful years of human existence.
Few alive know the trials of polio, scarlet fever, dysentery, spanish flu, typhoid, small pox, the black death…
During the long lockdowns of the covid 19 drama I was personally fortunate enough to be retired to some extent. My children and grandchildren had their lives torn and we all now suffer the effects of paying for the free money handed out by government to help people through the lockups.
Whole streets of formerly thriving businesses were shut down and the lives of the small business entrepreneurs smashed and ruined.
Many acquaintances in government employ were suddenly thrown out of their work following the vaxxine mandates and many of those who took the vaxxine suffered damaging side effects.
The local police were bye and large great, but there was the tackling of a 53 year old woman by an “officer” , probably from out of town.
Her hip was smashed.
Friends with young children have reported far too many after effects from the vaxxine to call it safe and effective.
And on and on, the human tragedy.
An ugly phase for us to perhaps learn from.
“Is there any reason the NIH should not be razed to the ground?” Adds this to America’s domestic embarrassments needing erasure or razing, the Departments of State, of Justice and the FIB. I’m sure I’m missing more. Crazy times.
We are all living in a bond movie , and bond hasn’t shown up yet . With the club of rome and WEF standing in for Spectre . Fauci may be one of the “front men” but the head of the snake is elsewhere and protecting them . Massive conspiracy happening and its only starting to get exposed. Millions dying and no one gets the blame.
“We are all living in a satan movie, and Jesus hasn’t shown up yet”.
Don’t worry THE BOOK has a better ending.
PS Oh the irony your comment number is 13. lol
If ever a real life villain looked like a villain from James Bond, it would be Herr Kommandant Klaus Schwab.
Obviously if you thought we’d hit “Peak Fauci” then think again!
This is why cartoons created the idea of “the mad scientist”. Because it’s a real factor and one’s instincts detect it. Since we killed God – which is kind on logical, kind of – we replaced God with the Scientist, the ones who know all who can NOT be questioned.
Why worry that Covid 2 will emerge? According to many in society, it didn’t exist in the first place.
Very few came to grips with understanding Covid. It was either a massive over reaction, or a massive denial of reality. The sensible center was rather small.
And wasn’t it funny watching The Late Debate last night on Sky? Joe Hilderbrand was rather sheepishly trying to explain his 2020 reaction – which I assume from what he was saying was pretty in line with the authorities – and Caleb Bond seems to have completely forgotten about his disdain for the authorities at baulking at rolling out the Astrazeneca vaccine asap. A skepticism they probably should have stuck to. Basically, all of sky news was on the band wagon, “get that vaccine injected and let’s get on with it”.
Rita Panahi I specifically remember her saying “I’ll be the first in line rolling my sleeve up, get that vaccine into me so I can get on with my life”. Rita quite likes cruises and overseas travel and eating out, I dont think she uses her kitchen (my wife follows her social media) and any disruption to that was an unbearable thought to her. But now, it’s all a bit of historical revisionism from all at Sky.
Never got the Jab/Boosters and never got the ‘Virus’.
If you were healthy with minimal underlying issues then the whole thing wasn’t a problem. Guv’ments around the World stuffed it all up with only some Countries being the exception – Like Sweden.
The ‘Virus’ was only really a problem for unhealthy people. They were the ones that should have been the focus on. Not everyone else.
And the so called ‘Vaccines’ are not vaccines. They are most probably killing more people than the ‘Virus’ ever could have and are still doing so with the ‘Excess Deaths’ now only gradually being looked into.
‘Safe and Effective’. Yeah, right.
“The ‘Virus’ was only really a problem for unhealthy people.”
No need for quotes on “virus” and the word “was” is badly misplaced, as COVID continues TO BE a very very effective bio weapon. The spike, in the shot of in the virus, affect the human immune system,and the nervous system, and the brain. (Hundreds of studies) And many many millions, a decent percentage of the population is vulnerable. (Yes, the vaccine is worse for numerous reasons) Because the harms (viral and vaccine) are so similar, and appropriate studies are simply not being done as they should, it is difficult to sort out, but COVID is responsible for millions on disability in the US alone, and the ten year harms are yet to be realized.
In fairness, Philip, there were many in 2020 who were very worried as news broke of the spread of the virus in China and particularly when it broke out in northern Italy. I was on a twitter feed of a nurse in an Italian hospital & it was pretty scary. At that time I wasn’t au fait with the mechanisms behind vaccine development, and particularly the time necessary for RCTs.
In my case, it was not until a lady that was known to our family died after an AZ vaccination (one of the few vaccine associated deaths acknowledged by the TGA) that I began to get “up to speed” on virology and vaccinology. By early 2021 my husband and I had decided to refuse vaccination. This decision was encouraged by our personal acquaintance with a leading (retired) medical research scientist. Over time, like many others (including those on this blog) we were vindicated by the many senior virologists overseas who dared to challenge orthodoxy.
So, I think it is unfair to vilify those who were initially spooked by Covid, before understanding the greater danger that the new gene therapy, under the guise of “vaccines”, posed to our immune systems.
Well i agree. When it first arrived I wore a genuine respirator to the supermarket and latex gloves and sprayed my shopping bags with Glen 20.
But that was early and things were unknown. Once information started coming through with time, things became clearer as you say, yet I distinctly remember watching these pundits on Sky at this later stage, and being outraged at their lack of thinking ability. I’m not that bright, and if I can think clearly, they should be able to. Now to basically deny what they said by some type of amnesia, is just pushing it a little too far.
Adam Creighton, he was another, on Bolt, guilting people who wouldn’t take the jab. And he took the JnJ brand, stating, “I’ve had it and I’m fine I don’t know what people are worried about”. The product was shortly after removed from the market. But what deplorably poor thinking on display, such shallow analysis, well after the Italian crisis and my Glen 20.
” But what deplorably poor thinking on display, such shallow analysis, ”
How could you ever expect otherwise from actors paid for their good looks?
And who’s area of expertise is pretending to be someone that they are not.
Vicki, you mentioned Northern Italy. That part of the world and the 2014 general release of the “new technology” vaccine Flucelvax formed an unlikely foundation upon which subsequent events started to build warning signs re flu and “new technology” vaccines for me from 2017 onwards:
Flucelvax a flu vaccine cultured/grown in dog kidney cells instead of the 40year practice of using eggs. This TIME article gives a good background.
Italy started using Novartis’ Fluad (dog kidney cultured flu shot) for their 2016/17 winter. Daily Beast article with usual safe and effective counter claims by govt agencies etc. Northern Italy experience uptick in respiratory issues -suffered bad flu type outbreak which authorities blamed on pollution or measles or mosquitos (Chikungunya virus).
Britain and US introduce dog kidney cultured flu shots for their 2019/20 winter season.
October 2019 World Military Games held in … Wuhan China. Reports of athletes coming down with a strange flu like illness both during and after the games.
Covid arrives and hard on the heels of new technology dog kidney flu shots we get new technology spike protein mRNA shots. Forget your bird flu, monkey pox and flirt (covid 2) the next big one is canine infectious tracheobronchitis aka kennel cough.
The original quote – “We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Often ascribed to Solzhenitsyn but never proven, hence “unknown”.
According to goolag its on page 191 on “A mountain of Crumbs” . I will have to get a copy and some anti – depressants.
Why is Victoria now using a new approach to reading at Schools? Phonics? I learned to read in England as a boy in the late 1950s with good Teachers. What’s changed? No more good Teachers?
Way past time for these purveyors of germ warfare to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The very thought of such madness and evil is shocking.
These are violations of basic humanity. War criminals. Genocidal cultists. All of them need to be brought to heel.
Common sense, goodness and gumption,
Should give us medicinal unction,
While one singular goal,
Of disease control,
Is research through gain of function.
John Prine’s go is in the song “Common Sense” on his album of the same name –
“It don’t make no sense that common sense don’t make no sense no more”
More rubbish on the ABC News at lunchtime about inflation.
Inflation will not come down until the Feral Guv’ment stops spending like a drunken sailor.
It’s not just the amount of spending. Wind and solar “renewable” energy has a massive multiplier effect.
I am beginning to understand that government bureaucrats really do want to kill us.
Like the Steam Punk image. Indeed, Fauci acted like a punk getting steamed on his own power over governments and the medical industry.
Steam punk has never been more relevant. It is exactly what Greenism is trying to do to the power system.
The current ad by some energy company has a cartoon of the future with a machine creation straight out of steampunk walking the streets making all the energy. Makes a mockery of what they are trying to sell. Its a bizarre own goal that I don’t think they pick up on.
Louis Michel was among 4000 anarchists exiled to New Caledonia after the Siege at the Paris Commune. Among her writings was that experimentation on animals should not be done as no product arising from this mistreatment of the weaker beings could not benefit humanity.
I mean, what would we lose from a total ban on animal experimentation? We all seen those pictures of the Beagles now – don’t really care who funds what, maybe just got to pause and decide whether it is time to hit the STOP button…?
Anyone else get the buried in sand / head cage / bugs nightmare – crossover between the Beagles and the 1984 rat cage…
correction could, not could not: no product arising from this mistreatment of the weaker beings could benefit humanity.
The Gold Code is the launch code for nuclear weapons provided to the President of the United States in their role as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. In conjunction with the nuclear football, the Gold Codes allow the president to authorize a nuclear attack. Gold Codes, as well as a separate nuclear football, are also assigned to the vice president in case the president is incapacitated or otherwise unable to discharge the duties of office pursuant to the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Gold Codes are arranged in a column and printed on a plastic card nicknamed “the biscuit”.
The card’s size is similar to that of a credit card, and the president is supposed to carry it on their person. Before it can be read, an opaque plastic covering must be snapped in two and removed.
Gold Codes are generated daily and provided by the National Security Agency (NSA) to the White House, The Pentagon, United States Strategic Command and TACAMO. For an extra level of security, the list of codes on the card includes codes that have no meaning, and therefore the president must memorize where on the list the correct code is located.
Bolded text – we’re totally safe then!

Russia uses a similar system – the president issues a code to launch control centres, those codes are verified, and a grunt pushes the button.
It’s that chain of comnand, as I posted ages ago, is why we’re all here today.
I suppose, ultimately, it’s a 20c relay at the end of the line.
“Before it can be read, an opaque plastic covering must be snapped in two and removed.”
Doubly safe! Anyone who thinks Biden can do that should step outside and sober up!
KP, true, yet nobody should think Biden is actually doing anything, All HIS polcies, belong to the globalists, and he, and his dementia, is nothing but a cover for their destructive ideology.
And in sad news, a lovely French Lady has now passed away – Francois Hardy –
Another one gone, my heart breaks.
Tedious https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-13/experts-advice-what-to-do-if-you-catch-covid-19-this-winter/103948406 “it’s definitely time to dust off masks”, whether to help reduce risk at home if someone gets COVID-19, or on public transport or inside busy stores. – my advice, if your masks are dusty, throw them out. Before you do, chop up one with scissors over a dark surface, and look at all the fibres/glue that comes out, Imagine breathing that in while the mask rubs against your face. Then go to the cupboard, get the masks that are not dusty and throw them out too.
Interesting background to the old Prof – started with bones, maybe a little bit of clinical with the kiddies with the football injuries … then study-study-study https://www.deakin.edu.au/research/researcher-stories/professor-catherine-bennett and now has a huge cult-covidian media career….
For more science, see: https://smilefree.org/harms/
Moorooka gonna start going on fire? https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-13/qld-moorooka-war-workers-estate-heritage-battle-brisbane-council/103969472 Seriously, enough with the Heritage yeah – remember, the workers who lived here were probably racist homophobes…
How about the Council doesn’t charge for ‘permits to alter’, and they are processed outside working hours, without pay. So anyone in Council who really believes in this stuff can volunteer to look after it.
Dunno about fire – looks like asbestos cement sheet cladding.
Even more so – heritage how?
“A beginner’s guide to Covid, Part 13: Does the vaccine work?”
Instapundit introduction –
correction could, not could not: no product arising from this mistreatment of the weaker beings could benefit humanity.
When you look at the actual numbers – a few hundred – from the clinical trial (even the full 40,000 participants is a pretty weak statistical claim but the ‘end point’ – because so few people actually got sick from COVID – included so few participants – really meaningless) that resulted in the effectiveness claim, then the problem is misuse of statistics. eg. any number less than a thousand doesn’t need conversion to percentages – we can grasp the relative nature of the amounts and assess the claim in absolute numbers. Percentages used to mis-represent to people what was actually spurious evidence. Pharma is more statistics than Science – the ethics of human experimentation get in the way of it being pure ‘science’
“The EV Tax Credit Is a Climate Lemon”
USA but what about the Oz situation?
After vast data manipulation and looking at every conceivable policy and outcome, the researchers reluctantly come to an incredible conclusion. They conclude that nothing that governments did had any effect. There was only cost, no benefit. Everywhere in the world. https://brownstone.org/articles/how-did-a-small-group-do-this/ Numb and Number
Not quite. In states that shut borders the government reduced the deaths, prevented most lockdowns, and reduced the need for infringements on civil liberties. (Apart from the border).
WA did nearly everything right, then screwed it up awfully by forcing vaccines on people. But we lived like Covid barely existed for nearly two years, and so did Taiwan, the NT, and for some of that SA, Tas and NZ.
So whoever those researchers were, they didn’t look at every conceivable outcome. Not everywhere in the world. They are ignoring millions of people.
A Tik Toker “Phidias” got a EU seat in Cypress, and now this https://uk.yahoo.com/news/police-aware-name-youtuber-niko-181500230.html is some electoral fun – the internet version of Monster Raving Looney – just in there for the dissonance
Political jokes get elected all the time . Trouble is no one is laughing anymore .
There is one born every minute. The trouble is, like Blackout Bonehead Bowen they live.
I found this one a bit funnier than most – seems to make the point that you lot who want to Digital ID us, you want us to vote for you to do this, but we don’t even really know who you are… But maybe I am reading too much into it