A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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PDF Opening Statement of Steven Quay, MD, PhD 18 Jun 2024
Synopsis/Index – “Origins of COVID-19: An Examination of Available Evidence”
Opening Statement of Steven Quay, MD, PhD
18 Jun 2024
Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
First, the virus was spreading in Wuhan in the early fall of 2019, two to four months before the first case in the Hunan Seafood Market. This is supported by fourteen observations or evidence. This should be sufficient to dismiss the Hunan Market as the source of the outbreak.
Second, I look at the data from the market, including human infections, animal samples, and environmental specimens. This involves looking at eight observations or evidence. None of these data are consistent with an infected animal passing SARS2 to a human at the market.
Third, documented events at or related to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or WIV, beginning in March 2019, are consistent with the expected activities of a virology lab in which a laboratory-acquired infection has occurred. I will go through that timeline.
Fourth, the evidence that is found in a natural zoonosis with respect to the animal host, the virus, and the human population in the vicinity of the outbreak is missing for the COVID pandemic. Each of these three components of a zoonosis will be examined separately and each will be found wanting.
Fifth, the genome of SARS-CoV-2 has seven features that would be expected to be found in a virus constructed in a laboratory and which are not found in viruses from nature. The statistical probability of finding each feature in nature can be determined and the combined probability that SARS2 came from nature is less than one in 1.2 billion.
These same features were described in a grant application submitted to DARPA in 2018 by scientists from the WIV, together with US collaborators.
Sixth and final, the earliest genomes of SARS2 were unstable and could not have come from an animal host without the stabilizing mutation, the so-called D614G change, that appeared in human viruses beginning January 1st, 2020. The consequence of this is that I can conclude that the first human infection occurred soon after the insertion of the furin cleavage site in the laboratory and before extensive animal testing. Otherwise, the first human cases would have had this stabilizing mutation.
It also means that the unstable version of SARS2 could not have been circulating in animals, otherwise it would have acquired the stabilizing mutation. If any virologist can find an animal host that can transmit the unstable ancestral SARS2 five or more times without obtaining the stabilizing mutation, they have found a hypothetical candidate for a spillover host. All testing to date of potential hosts has failed this test.
A great essay! It ties together all the conspiracy theories and clearly points out how each was right and the official explanations just lies. I disagree with his recommendation though-
“While I find no actual benefit of gain-of-function research, I believe efforts to ban it, given the vested
interests of literally the entire virology community, and maybe others, is a hill too steep to climb. I do
have a number of proposals I would like to offer for your consideration:”
All the human-associated genetic research should be banned, and every person who was involved in getting that research in Wuhan through should be disposed of in little pieces, in the most public way possible, making a statement about anyone found doing illegal genetic work.
How complicated the world gets.. While the American Govt was lying to us so we would get vaxxed, the American military was telling the Filipinos not to!
“The operation in question began in 2020, after China announced it would distribute Sinovac shots in the Philippines free of charge. In an effort to counter this public relations boon for Beijing, the Pentagon ordered its psychological operations center in Florida to create at least 300 fake social media profiles to disparage the Chinese vaccine, a Reuters investigation revealed last month… Military officials involved in the campaign knew that their goal was not to protect Filipinos from an unsafe vaccine, but to “drag China through the mud… The propaganda campaign soon spread beyond the Philippines, according to the report. Muslim audiences across Central Asia and the Middle East were told that Sinovac contained pork gelatin, and was therefore “haram,” or forbidden under Islamic law. ”
Never let a fake emergency go to waste!
Re: Crooks position & Shots fired
From discussion yesterday Sunday #
Audio analyses – Chris Martenson and Mike Adams
[This is not to say I subscribe to any of this but just an example to address]
Trump & the crowd were shot at by at least two separate people
New evidence from Chris Martenson and Mike Adams
Forensic Audio Analysis of Trump shooting – FIRST 7 ROUNDS
– best current analysis by Mike Adams
Round 1: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance
Round 2: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance
Round 3: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance
(roughly 2.5 second pause)
Round 4: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance
Round 5: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance
Round 6: 0.366s snap/boom delay = 600ft – 700ft distance
Round 7: 0.714s snap/boom delay = 1100ft – 1500ft distance
Round 1: Crooks on roof
Round 2: Crooks on roof
Round 3: Crooks on roof
Round 4: Assassination sniper inside building [ESU ?]
Round 5: Assassination sniper inside building [ESU ?]
Round 6: Medium-range sniper at unknown location
Round 7: Long-range sniper at unknown location (water tower? need to check)
* Assumption for rounds 1 – 5 = 2500fps average velocity
* Assumption for rounds 6 – 7 = 3000fps average velocity, due to likely a larger caliber, longer-range cartridge, such as 300 Win Mag
# # #
Mike Adams is prone to spin (e.g. “Assassination sniper”). He runs the website Natural News (see next) and a testing lab (see next). I used to read Natural News for a while when it was naturopathic, then he was all over covid virus and covid testing, then I stopped reading.
Consumer Wellness Center Labs (CWC LABS) – next
Natural News -next
Consumer Wellness Center Labs (CWC LABS)
– Mike Adams
Accurate Screening and Quantitation
CWC Labs offers extremely accurate quantitation of heavy metals, minerals and elements, achieving sub-ppb quantitation limits for many elements. LC/MS-TOF instrumentation can also screen samples for tens of thousands of known industrial, agricultural and pharmaceutical chemicals. Quantitation of chemicals is also available for over 250 common agricultural pesticides.
CWC Labs is also able to scan almost any sample for unknown contaminants using Time-of-Flight instrumentation. This can help manufacturers and consumers identify hormone disruptors, industrial contaminants or agrochemicals they may not have known to look for. Such as:
Lead in municipal water
Fluoride in beverages
Pesticides in processed foods
CBD in hemp oil products
Mercury in fish or vaccines
Active phytochemicals
Chemical runoff in soils
Heavy metals in soils
Lead in calcium supplements
Arsenic in seaweed
# # #
I used to work in a materials testing lab for a while so I know the precision required in the above (nanograms). That was the limit of my experience – 9 decimal places of a gram, last 3 are nanograms.
Adams’ lab gets down to “sub-ppb quantitation limits for many elements”.
Natural News – Mike Adams + Reporters
About Natural News
The key mission of Natural News—the science-based natural health advocacy organization led by activist-turned-scientist Mike Adams—is to empower consumers with factual information about the synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, hormone disruptors and other chemicals found in foods, medicines, personal care products, children’s toys and other items.
Natural News employs a staff of over 20 writers and researchers who write up to 20 original news stories each day covering subjects including holistic health, nutritional therapies, consciousness and spirituality, permaculture , organics, animal rights, environmental health, food and superfoods, performance nutrition.
Natural News also warns its readers about science gone bad and frequently cites examples of science resulting in catastrophies that it calls “crimes” against humanity. Examples of such subjects cited by Natural News include:
Agent Orange
Nuclear weapons
GMOs and “genetic pollution”
Aspartame and chemical sweeteners
The presence of hidden cancer viruses in polio vaccines
The continued use of mercury in vaccines and dental amalgams
The long history of pharmaceutical experiments on human beings, including the Tuskegee syphilis experiments conducted on African Americans in the USA.
Natural News is affiliated with the 501(c)3 non-profit known as the Consumer Wellness Center where Mike Adams is the executive director (a non-paid position). The Consumer Wellness Center donates 100% of its contributions to programs that teach nutrition education and gardening education to women and children around the world.
# # #
Make of that what you will.
I’m not promoting Natural News and Mike Adams, just providing background to the Crooks shooting audio analysis by Mike Adams @ #2.
Why haven’t the FBI taken the rifle found with Crookes and fired eight rounds from the “sloping roof” to Trump’s location with microphones placed at various locations to record the sounds made?
Then repeated this process firing from inside the second story building?
That’s funny.
Good idea CO2.
Hope they do it before Jo’s server runs out of memory or her printer runs out of ink!
The amount of conjecture on this topic is like a DOS attack:
>Hope they do it before Jo’s server runs out of memory or her printer runs out of ink!
>The amount of conjecture on this topic is like a DOS attack
Suggest you don’t go to Climate Etc. Comment threads there have run to well over 1000 comments. Longest of late was an Open Thread on December 31, 2023, 926 Comments. This thread today at this time – Comments (144).
Some of us also recognize the need for Thread Headers to keep a complex topic together in one Thread instead of all over the entire Open Thread in haphazard fashion. And then so on with Sub-Threads.
You might note that this is how this topic has been started:
Re: Crooks position & Shots fired #2 (Header)
That Header has an Index of Topics.
Then Sub-Thread Headers for each Sub-Topic, for example:
Re: Crooks position(s) on roof #2.6 (Sub-Header).
Then #2.6.1 and so on.
And maybe look across at the Right JoNova Sidebar:
This Thread/Sub-Threads has nothing on the Climate Wars.
If you can’t get to grips with this thread you’ll be completely out of your depth in those threads.
Some of us are very used to engaging in multiple points up and down a 1000+ comment thread; cross-referencing between comments; cross-referencing between comment threads on different blogs; pulling out comments from threads years ago from memory – it’s not a big deal to us.
Jason Goodman and John Cullen explain the presence of the characters walking around the building in grey tops, white pants and dark shoes like the Thomas Crown Affair.
They also go into the concept of ‘the limited hang out’ probably worth signing up for the full video as they have excellent footage of Lady Godiva (Clothed) riding a horse with a Trump flag across between the Rally and AGR buildings.
That’s rhetorical, right? 😎
” Why haven’t the FBI taken the rifle found with Crookes..
That’s rhetorical, right? 😎”
No, that’s accurate! They have taken the rifle and it will never see the light of day again! Unless war breaks out between the Secret Service and the FBI in which case it will reappear to smear the other agency.
Maybe we can expect inter-agency wars to become more visible now we have widespread citizen journalists. Same with corporations, the background sabotage and murders of competition might be more noticeable in the future. Predicted in SF stories written 50years ago with societies ignoring the Police, who only catered to the politicians, and private security firms waging wars or protection for clients.
My mistake. Should have quoted the whole passage.
Should be “Why haven’t the FBI taken the rifle found with Crookes and fired eight rounds from the “sloping roof” to Trump’s location with microphones placed at various locations to record the sounds made?
Then repeated this process firing from inside the second story building?”
That’s rhetorical, right? 😎
“Why haven’t the FBI …”
The FBlies that sent OCNUS lures Mifsud and Halper against Trump campaign members is 2015?
The FBlies that allowed contractors to illegally access the NSA database to spy on Trump campaign members?
The FBlies that used the Clinton payed for Steele dossier in violation of Woods proceedures to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign?
The FBlies that spent 4 years and millions of dollars on the “Russian collusion” hoax?
The FBlies that removed the Weiner laptop from the NYPD and hid it?
The FBlies that tried (but failed) to hide the contents of Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell”?
The FBlies that raided Trump’s home and Melina’s lingerie draw with leathal force authorisation and failed to recover the 10th binder of the Russiagate documents?
The FBlies that got CNN cameras pre-positioned before their raid on Roger Stone’s home?
That FBlies?
Because they don’t want to know the answer.
Nahhh, they know the answer. Just don’t want us to have the proof.
Just so.
>New evidence from Chris Martenson and Mike Adams
Chris Martenson (PP) posts from latest to earliest:
Chris Martenson – Peak Prosperity
They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation
July 26, 2024
Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt!
July 25, 2024
Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions
July 24, 2024
Three Audio Files Aligned: The Strongest Explanation Is Two Shooters
July 21, 2024
Crooks’ Unbelievable Path To The Roof
July 19, 2024
Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People
July 18, 2024
The Evidence Points To Widespread Insider Pre-Knowledge
July 17, 2024
Beyond Incompetence; The Shooters & The Water Tower
July 16, 2024
>Chris Martenson – Peak Prosperity
The Requests:
[1] We need any and all additional footage with audio from anywhere, but especially to the side of the AGR complex.
[2] Help identifying Trump’s mic make/model and explaining the automatic gain reduction we hear.
[3] Professional audio help to determine how close the rounds were to Trump’s mic.
[4] Any help with professional audio analysis that can help resolve echoes to determine if we can determine how many of shots 1-8 came from different locations.
[5] And video or shots of the AGR buildings immediately before the shootings began so we can determine the open/closed status of the windows
[6] Fast Fourier Transform analysis of the shots and echoes to determine if shots 1-3 and 4-8 and 9 came from noticeably different locations.
The attempt failed.Trumps popularity soared.Plan B implemented Joe is struck down with COVID and has to isolate(like that’s even a thing nowadays)so it suddenly becomes apparent that he is also seriously and suddenly stricken by dementia he can’t possibly run for reelection.Dsys spent fighting with the Biden cartel and he is given the ultimatum step aside or we will leak like a sieve.The family release the news on social media, very sus….old Joe probably doesn’t know yet.Kamala laughing throws her keys into the bowl and this is democracy in action…All in about eight days.
>Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions
By analyzing and cross-comparing multiple audio files, including Trump’s mic feed, we can definitively say that shot #9 must have come from a PA LEO asset of some sort, probably an ESU agent – if the statement by the Butler County DA Richard Goldinger is correct.
Which raises many questions, some of them troubling.
Alternatively, we now know that the ESU was in that room on the second floor, overseeing Crook’s position both before the shooting began and then there again to take that kill shot 9.4 seconds after the very first shot was fired. So if the ESU was in there before and 9.4 seconds after the shooting began, were they in there observing Crooks but doing nothing during the shooting? If so, how can this be explained?
[1] Shots 1-3 are inconsistent with shots 4–8.
[2] Shot 9 is 100% distinct and is, all probability, the ESU sniper.
[3] Shot 10 is clear and unequivocally the Secret Service Sniper on roof #2.
[4] Therefore, we remain seriously concerned that the “investigation” is not being conducted properly.
Martenson >[1] Shots 1-3 are inconsistent with shots 4–8.
This doesn’t reconcile with the Adams analysis and I don’t know what Martenson is getting at:
Adams from #2:
Round 1: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance
Round 2: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance
Round 3: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance
(roughly 2.5 second pause)
Round 4: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance
Round 5: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft – 450ft distance
Round 6: 0.366s snap/boom delay = 600ft – 700ft distance
Round 7: 0.714s snap/boom delay = 1100ft – 1500ft distance
Except for “(roughly 2.5 second pause)” shots 1-5 are consistent in terms of both delay and distance.
He may have been referring to the 2.5 second pause but from Adams it is 1-3 consistent with 4-5 but 4-5 inconsistent with 6-7.
>Three Audio Files Aligned: The Strongest Explanation Is Two Shooters
Next, we now have three audio files from three locations recording the shots and all three sound exactly like this:
Also, there are 3 mysteries recorded on Trump’s mic that don’t align with any of the other mics/recordings we have. These may represent additional shooters.
That’s a VERY different story from what we’re being told. But, let’s all be the judge of that.
My main problem with the 2 or 3 shooter theory are:
1. No visible evidence of additional shooters
2. Poor quality audio from mobile phones apart from main recording from Trump’s mic.
3. First 3 shots had best chance of hitting Trump and they all sound the same and are compatible with Crooks firing position.
4. Hidden professional assassin should have killed Trump.
If this shot from a high power sniper rifle hit Crookes in the head then his head would not be intact and there would have been a fan of skull matter behind Crookes body.
Why has the autopsy report not been released?
Who fired shot #9 and from where are now critical questions requiring answers.
CO2 Guy >If this shot from a high power sniper rifle hit Crookes
I’m guessing it was a miss.
The bullet must have passed North of the AGR complex, over the road,and ended up North of that somewhere.
Adams has that shot AFTER the ESU shot(s). So Crooks was already down if it was the ESU shot(s) that got him..
It is frustrating but the harder people like Chris Martenson push the sooner it will come out.
Martenson >”Shot 10: Weapon D (almost certainly the final sniper shot)”
CO2 Guy >”If this shot from a high power sniper rifle hit Crookes in the head then his head would not be intact and there would have been a fan of skull matter behind Crookes body.”
Bell makes the same assumption in respect to his 9th shot (see below). Same criticism applies.
# downthread:
Technical audio analysis is only one phase of the overall attribution process.
Application of it, in consideration of ALL other knowns (including off-site head-shot demonstration), is another phase.
Neither Martenson or Bell have gone into the next phase – application of their assumptions.
Probably a better reference but Corporate Scenario Analysis provides some pointers – next.
The use and abuse of scenarios
Challenging conventional wisdom and assumptions:
Avoiding the common traps:
Don’t rely on an excessively narrow set of outcomes
Don’t discard scenarios too quickly
Don’t use a single variable
Always develop at least four scenarios
There should always be a base or central case
Not saying all that is the approach here but worth keeping in mind.
I don’t pretend to be an expert but I have shot a number of animals over the years, many at close range to euthanize them. Some such as dogs have thin skulls others like cows have thick skulls and yet I have never had their heads come apart. I use hollow points which come apart on impact and are largely retained within the skull. If the assassin was using a similar round the result could be the same i.e. no shattering of the skull as in the case with JFK. Just a thought.
I don’t think the round (shot) numbers being used here are in chronological order.
From the link in post 2:
Dave >I don’t think the round (shot) numbers being used here are in chronological order.
From your comment, Martenson quotes Jul 20, 1st – 3rd, matched to order in other comment quotes:
1st quote,
Adams in #2 Jul 19:
And Martenson #2.4.3 Jul 21:
Martenson is at odds with Adams here.
Dave >I don’t think the round (shot) numbers being used here are in chronological order.
From your comment, Martenson quotes Jul 20, 1st – 3rd, matched to order in other comment quotes:
2nd quote,
Adams at #2 Jul 19:
Martenson at #2.4.2 Jul 21:
Martenson is at odds with Adams here, unless he’s referring to “(roughly 2.5 second pause)” when he says “inconsistent”.
Dave >I don’t think the round (shot) numbers being used here are in chronological order.
From your comment, Martenson quotes Jul 20, 1st – 3rd, matched to order in other comment quotes:
I assume Adams at #2 Jul 19:
Appears to be the first and last instance of the term “sonic cracks” (I could be wrong). Martenson uses the term – Adams doesn’t.
Dave >I don’t think the round (shot) numbers being used here are in chronological order.
I’ve matched up as best I could above and the chronological order of both shots and statements/tabulations seems to check out Ok (check me on that).
But I note Martenson is at odds with Adams in “[2nd] • First three shots were further away than the weapon(s) that fired the next 5-7 shots.’
Adams does NOT demonstrate that. he has shots 1-5 “400ft – 450ft distance”.
So disagreement there.
This sound analysis video (I think featured here some days ago) is the one that passes the ring-true test for me. The authors reply’s to comments in the thread are also interesting. And he explains shot 6.
Gerasim >This sound analysis video … is the one that passes the ring-true test for me.
Audio Analysis – Mike Bell, Jul 25
Mike Bell vs Mike Adams – Comparison
Bell @ 0:31 – “the shooter was [dispatched] after 8 shots” [i.e. shot 9].
Adams only goes to 7 – doesn’t state the dispatch shot.
Bell @ 1:16 – 3 shots then 5 shots then 1 shot (9).
Adams – 3 shots then 4 shots (7).
Bell @ 1:34/36 – “5 in Rapid succession and then the final shot [shot 9]. Which you can clearly see has a different pattern to the rest”.
Adams – 6 & 7 have a different pattern to the rest.
Bell @ 1:57 – click/sonic boom delay 0.22 sec.
Adams – snap/boom delay 0.22s.
Bell @ 2:26 – 9th shot, no sonic boom, just report.
Adams – 7 shots, all sonic boom.
Bell @ 2:33 – Top 8 look like the same weapon, bottom 1 (9) different.
Adams – Top 3 same weapon, 4/5 ESU, 6 medium-range unknown, 7 long-range unknown.
Bell @ 2:38/58 – Disputes multiple shooters.
Adams – 1,2,3 Crooks, 4,5 ESU, 6,7 Unknown.
Comparison ends.
Bell @ 4:24 – “Finally the Secret Service shot and the shooting is over.”
Bell assumes the 9th shot in his analysis is the dispatch shot made by the USSS.
Doesn’t ring true in respect to Crooks head wound(s). If it was a SS shot there would be no head intact (or certainly not in the condition of Crooks final photo).
Bell @ 8:17 – 750 m/s (2461 ft/s), doesn’t state shot #.
* Assumption for rounds 1 – 5 = 2500fps average velocity
* Assumption for rounds 6 – 7 = 3000fps average velocity, due to likely a larger caliber, longer-range cartridge, such as 300 Win Mag
That’s a big disagreement – Bell vs Adams.
Bell @ 9:40 – Disses Water Tower alternative.
Round 7: Long-range sniper at unknown location (water tower? need to check)
Round 7: 0.714s snap/boom delay = 1100ft – 1500ft distance
Another big disagreement – Bell vs Adams.
Bell @ 11:00 – “Things can change”.
Video ends.
# # #
FWIW, I can’t see how the Water Tower could be sniper position – it fails SSS (Size, Shape, Silhouette).
In other words, anyone up there would easily stand out to the naked eye, smart phone stills/videos, TV cameras, whatever. It is a very exposed structure with minimal steel with nowhere to hide.
Re: Crooks position(s) on roof
Discussion and disagreement re Crooks route at roof, that is:
From Link Canopy roof => Roof at lowest/gutter => Roof-Bag [Pos.1] => ????
From the thread yesterday Sunday #
Lateral movement or not?
Roof gutter and gutter downpipes (Leo – “support structures”)
Specific downpipe in respect to: South end of building; Crooks bag/rifle; and, Crooks body.
Unresolved question: did Crooks move STRAIGHT up the roof to rifle position or LATERALLY to body position.
Continuing on with Roof-Bag [Pos.1] then following by topic – next.
>Roof-Bag [Pos.1]
The Roof-Bag position [Pos.1] must be an anchor point i.e. Crooks must have been at that point en-route to have paced the bag – that’s axiomatic for want of more appropriate word for this situation).
There is a direct route (STRAIGHT) UP the roof:
Link Canopy => Roof-Bag => Rifle
The roofing iron ‘Lanes” are an easy trace of that. A clear precise view is North-South from ESU body cam in the Grassley update video here:
SENSITIVE CONTENT: Full Bodycam Footage Obtained by Grassley from Beaver Co. Emergency Services Unit
@ 7.20 – 7:30 shows the Link Canopy, wall, and roof at East end, Crooks bag, Crooks rifle, all in same ‘Lane’.
At # yesterday Sunday, Leo made this comment on that
At Pos.1 there’s agreement i.e. that’s an anchor point.
A divergence of opinion occurs AFTER Pos.1:
Me – Crooks spent time at Pos.1 aligning himself and shifting body position but NOT laterally.
That’s using the video below as reference:
Video shows shooter Thomas Crooks wasn’t stopped for nearly two minutes before shooting Donald Trump
My take:
@ 0:15-0:016-0:17-0:18 he barely moves.
@ 0:33-0:34-0:35 he shifts his body but there’s no lateral movement.
@ 0:43-0:44-0:45-0:46 he shifts his body but again there’s no lateral movement.
O:46 – end of video
That position is at the bottom of the roof adjacent where he left his bag [Pos.1] i.e. directly above the Link Canopy where he (and everyone else) climbed up from Canopy to roof.
There’s no lateral movement from that position in that video (IMO). And it’s not the shooting position at the top of roof anyway.
Leo disagrees at # – next
Leo disagrees then agrees at #
I say STRAIGHT (no move six feet) but I’m NOT quibbling about this because Leo then agrees that Crooks moves from Roof at lowest/gutter end to Rifle [Pos.2].
So we agree on Pos.1 and Pos.2 just disagree on the route between – no biggee.
Then there’s divergence-but-agreement again:
I say Crooks body [Pos.3] is 4 ‘Lanes’ West of Rifle [Pos.2], so agreement on that too.
>Lateral movement or not?
Resolved in # above.
Some disagreement, I say no lateral movement, Leo says six feet, but it doesn’t matter in the end because we agree that Crooks moved from Roof at lowest/gutter end to Rifle [Pos.2] and that that was his firing position (or VERY close to it on slope).
How he got to Pos.2 really doesn’t matter.
>Roof gutter and gutter downpipes (Leo – “support structures”)
Resolved in # yesterday (as I understand).
Yes, critical.
Except that West-to-East perspective produces a photographic foreshortening effect so impossible to determine Crooks bag position in respect to, what appears to be, the vertical support columns.
But they are actually gutter downpipes – not support columns. Support columns will be internal.
A clear precise view is North-South from ESU body cam in the Grassley update video here:
SENSITIVE CONTENT: Full Bodycam Footage Obtained by Grassley from Beaver Co. Emergency Services Unit
@ 7.20 – 7:30 shows the wall and roof East end to past the Link Canopy, Crooks bag [Pos.1], and the gutter downpipe. You can also see the gutter connection from Link Canopy to downpipe.
The downpipe is 1st from end of building and 3 ‘Lanes’ West of Crooks bag [Pos.1]. Crooks bag and rifle [Pos.2] are in the same ‘Lane’.
Crooks body [Pos.3] is 1 ‘Lane’ West of the downpipe and 4 ‘Lanes’ West of Crooks bag [Pos.1] and rifle [Pos.2]
>Specific downpipe in respect to: South end of building; Crooks bag [Pos.2]/rifle [Pos.2]; and, Crooks body [Pos.3].
Resolved in #2.6.3 above.
>Unresolved question: did Crooks move STRAIGHT up the roof [From Pos.1] to rifle position [Pos.2] or LATERALLY [From Pos.1] to body position [Pos.3].
Resolved in # above.
Leo and myself agree that Crooks moved from Bag/Pos.1 to Rifle/Pos.2 to Body/Pos.3. Others may disagree of course.
How Crooks moved from Pos.1 to Pos.2 doesn’t matter i.e however he moved he still progressed UP the roof to Rifle/Pos.2 and that was his firing position (or VERY close to it on slope).
So many snipers and assassins and yet nobody get a solid hit on Trump or the people standing immediately around him (didn’t [pay enough for the A team I guess) We need some more theories on how they got distracted.
Here’s me thinking the big issue just yesterday was whether he was wearing shorts or not.
Why would Crooks abandon his rifle and move laterally into the sight of Counter-sniper 2?
He had just been challenged by a policeman and concluded that the police officer could fire on him if he moved directly back to the roof gutter close to the building’s eastern end.
If there were multiple shooters, why did the assassination attempt fail?
Crooks may not have been the primary shooter, but acted prematurely due to that policeman’s head.
What about all that acoustic analysis which implied there were multiple shooters at different locations?
Be cautious about accepting those conclusions. For instance, a supersonic projectile generates a sonic boom with what is described as an N-wave acoustic signal to fixed observers near its path. The N wave is heard as two transient pressure peaks around 0.2 second apart.
How many rounds in total were fired in President Trump’s direction?
Not certain, but certain that the Secret Service will be red-faced if there were fewer than 8.
I guess its a bit like how Boeing cant replicate an Apollo capsule (minus the moon loop) 50 years later. Snipers aren’t what they used to be in JFK’s days. I doubt the truth will out for any of these events.
Buyers remorse!
Brave to repossess electric vehicles. Who are they going to sell them to?
Would they not be smarter to drop the repayments and enslave the poor purchaser for life?
Indicating is cheap, virtue signalling is expensive
“Used electric vehicles”
While the number is not large, the percent is.
“Anyway”, who bought a ‘used’ EV?
This is a bit unclear. Any auto that is
on the street is “used” even if owned by
the original buyer.
>“Used electric vehicles”
At least they got some use.
Truck Carrying Lithium Batteries, Which Power Electric Vehicles, Catches Fire and Shuts Down Major California Highway for Days (VIDEO)
Las Vegas Locally 🌴 @LasVegasLocally
Trucks and cars backed up for miles.
Lithium Battery Fire Sparks Traffic Mayhem Across California Desert
Las Vegas Locally 🌴 @LasVegasLocally
>Las Vegas Locally video
The truck is a diesel rig.
E-Trucks not up to it?
“Let’s go, Brenda”
Synchronized slobbering
As Dems stage their synchronized slobbering for Kamala, Trump is positioned to let cooler heads prevail
The synchronized swimming competition at the Paris Olympics hasn’t started yet, but we already have a winner.
The gold medal goes to the American media for its flawless unity in drop kicking Joe Biden to the curb and synchronized slobbering over Kamala Harris.
Without missing a beat, the mob that demanded Democrats dump Biden is embracing Harris as his replacement atop the party ticket.
There are no questions or hesitations. The single mindedness of the move has been so swift and complete that it already seems like it’s always been this way.
Joe who?
The damning reports about how Harris was impossible to work for have been discarded.
Claims she couldn’t be bothered to prepare for public appearances, then blamed aides when things went off the rails, have been deep-sixed.
As for her being the border czar who presided over a disaster, that’s been declared a false right-wing talking point. As Time magazine insisted, “Harris was never put in charge of the border or immigration policy.”
Besides, whatever job she had, it was Biden’s fault for giving her “an especially thankless” task.
Blatant party foul
The seamless switcheroo came without any pangs over the discarding of the 14 million primary votes Biden got. Given the media’s tiresome denunciations of Donald Trump as a “threat to democracy,” even a few howls of protest about the back-room dealing might have been expected.
But the only sound was crickets because when the undemocratic Dems need to win an election, to hell with sappy mush about the will of the people.
Kamala – the political equivalent of a blue screen of death.
A bit sad for the Brendas among us!
Be grateful you’re not Karen.😉
We must vote for change so that we may give our children an unchanging future* unencumbered by the past.
Which precedes the future which must be saved from change*.
And save Our Democracy from people that vote against Our Democracy.
*(Except for those that want to change their gender.)
While the Lamestream media and Left (essentially the same viewpoint) thinks the Olympic opening ceremony was wonderful, I haven’t seen a single independent commentator or non-woke individual say so.
The Olympic charter prohibits offensive or political displays and yet it was nothing but LGBTIQA+++ propaganda and engineered to be offensive to as many non-woke people as possible including Christians (mockery of the last supper), Jews (the sin of worshipping of the Golden Calf) and just about everyone else. However, they were very careful not to insult Muslims directly.
And why do we need to be constantly bombarded with “drag queens”, transvestites and transgenders, yes, we know you exist, and stop parodying women!
There was also reverence shown for the Greco-Roman Dionysos/Bacchus “the god of wine-making, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, festivity, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre” (Wiki). (The nearly naked blue guy.)
What has any of that got to do with sporting excellence of the Olympics?
Why did a performer have a testicle hanging out (as reported)? I’m sure it was quite deliberate and not a “wardrobe malfunction”.
And to top it off, the Olympic flag waa hoisted upside down, normally considered a sign of distress.
And none of it could be considered family-friendly “entertainment”.
The whole thing was thoroughly disgraceful. In fact, it was so bad, apparently the video has been removed from the Olympics website.
On the positive side, so many decent people are disgusted that it might motivate them to fight back against woke.
David >What has any of that got to do with sporting excellence of the Olympics?
Exactly. I made a comment yesterday going back over the trend from about 1992 (maybe before) of the promotion of cults, pagan gods, and depravity having nothing whatsoever to do with sporting excellence and some very loose attachments to the hosting countries (even that through the pagan lens at times).
“Inclusion” apparently.
I also made the comment that the Olympics, by nature, is exclusive – if you didn’t qualify you’re either sitting in the stands or back home.
And plenty of excellence that missed out on qualifying are back home i.e. they got excluded.
But hey, make it about Wokery, Pride, and Paganism.
And take a stab at non-PC religions and other nation’s icons while you’re at it, Paris, France.
Perhaps, the DEI Olympics has just died.
Even the Media jiggery-wokery has “the smell of death” about it.
@ RC in NZ,
1972 Olympics was and still is the Turning Point.
The whole sense of Olympic Games since ancient times was peace. Munich was anything but…
Conflict of civilisations (Israeli-Arab, Cuban crisis, etc,…) ran for decades but in Munich the West gave cavemen clear signal – we take you as equal partners, make your bids and we will look at them without bias.
Vladimir >1972 Olympics was and still is the Turning Point.
Thanks for the thought – got me thinking.
Goes back before that. There was a political protest at the Mexico City Olympics in 1968:
‘How the Black Power Protest at the 1968 Olympics Killed Careers’
When Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists in protest at the 1968 Summer Games, Australian runner Peter Norman stood by them. It lost him his career.
I was an also-ran sprinter/jumper/hurdler back in the day. Old enough to remember that protest.
You right, Richard – for me too those events were not learnt out of history books but part of everyday’s life, talks to neighbours and workmates.
Somehow I trust the depth of our emotional response at the time more than “official” narrative, even support by avalanche of TV pictures.
His two hundred metre time while running second remains the Oceania record according to Wikipedia
20.06 A (+0.9 m/s)
And before that – 1956 Melbourne Olympics. Boycotts galore and the famous water polo match.
>And plenty of excellence that missed out on qualifying are back home i.e. they got excluded.
Best/Worst example of that, in this case probably political exclusion rather than performance based:
Caitlin Clark snub was ‘missed opportunity’ for women’s basketball, head of 2028 L.A. Games says
Arike Ogunbowale and Caitlin Clark lead WNBA All-Stars to 117-109 win over U.S. Olympic team
In your face, ‘Lympic Team.
One day after the appalling Olympics opening ceremony, Paris had a total blackout last night, except for one area that was completely unaffected. That is the Sacre Coeur Church, the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
If not a coincidence we can expect a follow up.
I won’t comment on the whole ceremony as l didn’t watch it all. But l was pleasantly surprised to see metal band Gojira performed. Saw them play at a festival couple of years ago. I expect their music doesn’t resonate with a lot of Jo’s readers but it got me humming
Copied from X.
The decision to invoke the 25th amendment apparently rests with the Vice President (Harris), and the members of the cabinet (according to Dr McCollough).
Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and Jeffries not in the group. None the less they seem to be pulling the strings!
It requires the VP and 10 of the 20 members of the cabinet.
It also requires incredible chutzpah/audacity/guts/nerve/boldness/cheek for the same people who are telling the world that Biden is ‘sharp as a tack’ are the ones behind closed doors using the threat of Amendment 25 to get the US President to withdraw from the race without admitting disability.
How is it that politicians retired for eight years in Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are still driving the Democratic party as if they own it? That’s a cartel, a conspiracy, a cabal not a democracy. The 14 million Democrat voters who supported Biden have no say and will be told the decision of the cartel. And a disabled and incompetent geriatric President will continue as before at his beach house while unelected people make the decisions. And the whole world knows it! How dangerous is this? Where do they get this right?
The president has the authority to nominate members of his Cabinet to the United States Senate for confirmation under the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution.
That’s clearer.
A majority of current or acting heads of 15 cabinet positions would need to agree with the vice president to invoke the 25th Amendment. These are presumably the 15 department heads in the 26 member cabinet. The other 10 are cabinet level officials like the US Ambassador to the UN and White House chief of staff.. So the VP and 8 department heads.
Huge crowds of supporters flock to Trump’s St. Cloud rally: ‘We have to save the country’
Alpha News spoke to President Trump just before he took the stage Saturday night at the Herb Brooks Arena.
Former President Donald Trump spoke to a fired-up crowd of 8,000 supporters at the Herb Brooks Arena in St. Cloud, Minn., Saturday night, where he hammered his new opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, as the “original Marxist district attorney” who would turn the United States into “communist San Francisco.”
Outside the arena stood thousands more Trump voters who chanted “USA!” as the former president began his speech, which highlighted Harris’ record as a “radical, left lunatic.”
“When you find out about her—all I have to say about her is ‘defund the police,’” he said. “Now we have a new candidate to defeat; the most incompetent, unpopular, and far-left vice president in American history.”
Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅@DanScavino
The overflow crowd here in St. Cloud, Minnesota this evening at the MASSIVE #TrumpRally!
The Post Millennial@TPostMillennial
President Trump takes the stage in Minnesota to resounding chants of “USA!”
Alpha News@AlphaNewsMN
Huge crowd of supporters greets Trump’s motorcade in St. Cloud
The Dems/Leftys dissing that rally on X is quite a spectacle.
Small crowd – apparently.
St. Cloud not MAGA country – apparently.
Out-of-towners – apparently.
The overflow in front of the Jumbotron is bigger than any of Biden’s rallies.
Then there’s all the people that turned around and went home after hearing the stadium was full.
I suppose their “Social Media Team” has make some appearance of effectiveness but I’m not seeing it on X.
“Democrat Civil War Watch: Endorsing Kamala Was Joe Biden’s Revenge on the Democrats”
Fascinating. Makes sense. Biden is angry and Harris is even more hopeless than he is, but the Obamas have openly treated her as utterly disposable and both Biden and Harris are angry with their bosses.
It is payback time by both Biden and Harris in the confirmation. And may show real tension in the old guard of Schumer, Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, Jeffries, two of whom have not been elected officials for 8 years.
However nominations are not final. The question is whether the cabal can force a mini Primary at the convention and dump Kamala, despite the support they have shown today. It will be a test of who actually controls the Democrat party.
No, not yet a coup d’atet, more of a coup d’essai, but definitely a seditious conspiracy enabled by corporatist control of the MSM.
The VP provides ample proof she is unfit for office.
The proper lawful process involves invoking the 25th Amendment.
The clearly unlawful process involves maintaining an incumbent president who is incapable of performing the duties of his office and using coercive blackmail to control executive decision-making.
More US election material – memes galore
“Sunday Smiles”
Some LOVELY ones in there!
“After Extensive Investigation, FBI Confirms JFK Was Struck By Bullet ”
“Activision Announces Release Of ‘Call Of Duty: Moderately Sloped Roof'”
“Media Warns Community Notes May Make It Harder For Them To Lie”
“Kamala Harris Secures Liberal White Women Vote By Always Being Drunk And Intolerable”
“Way Beyond Sketchy – Local Butler County SWAT Team Says Trump Secret Service Detail Did Not Communicate with Them Before Shooting
July 28, 2024 | Sundance | 109 Comments”
No mention of a “Command Centre”.
There were up to 6 different agencies involved in “protecting” a former President and candidate for the next President.
These agencies had different chains of command and communication systems.
There should have been a “Command Centre” or “Co-ordination Centre” with a represenative of all these agencies together in one room with maps of the wall to share information as it came in so everyone has an up-to-date “picture” of what is happening in real time.
There has been no mention of such a centre. The second floor of the two story building overlooking the site would have been an ideal location but was only occupied by two or three “snipers”
The Secret Service has a statutory duty to record all commuication including electronic – yet there are no recordings available for this event!
There seems to be a total lack of any proper planning for this particular event and it appears to be deliberate..
Members of the local SWAT team assigned to protect former President Donald Trump at his rally on July 13 have revealed that they had no contact with the Secret Service prior to an assassination attempt on the former president.
“They told us they had no communication with the Secret Service until after the gunfire started. This SWAT team saw the shooter. They recognized him as suspicious, even took pictures of him,” Katersky reported.
“None of the concerns, though, had a chance of reaching decision-makers before Trump took the stage because of what these men and women described as failures of planning and communication,” he added.
CO2 Guy >The second floor of the two story building overlooking the site would have been an ideal location [for Command Centre]
The Grassley update video showed a whiteboard in a room there that had a window. There was stuff on the whiteboard that MAY have been Beaver County ESU/SWAT but just as likely AGR Manufacturing Process stuff.
I’ll go back through the video and check it out (freeze-frame) when I get time.
>The Grassley update video showed a whiteboard in a room there that had a window. There was stuff on the whiteboard that MAY have been Beaver County ESU/SWAT but just as likely AGR Manufacturing Process stuff.
Eli Crane video – NOT Grassley update.
Looks like AGR Manufacturing Process stuff (PLC Register Status).
Would have been an ideal room. Looks like a meeting room with table and chairs, whiteboard – all they would need for a Communication Meeting/Command Room.
See 0:10 – 0:16 here:
Eli Crane video
There was a near-ideal potential counter-sniper position on the roof at the north-east end of the complex.
A high building with an extensive adjacent roof area at a somewhat lower level.
The co-ordinates 40°51’32″N 79°58’13″W.
An assassin would be about 90m more distant from President Trump’s podium but would be able to use a stable bench or tripod mount for his weapon and would not be observable from either of the “barn’ buildings or the 2nd floor building used by Beaver County ESU/SWAT.
“would not be observable from either of the “barn’ buildings or the 2nd floor building used by Beaver County ESU/SWAT.”
Well that’s no good then, how could you kill the assassin before the other Govt authorities got to him?
“When Green Dreams Go Up in Smoke: The Great Lithium Truck Fiasco of I-15”
“So, the next time you’re stuck in traffic, dreaming of a world powered by clean, renewable energy, just remember: it’s not easy being green. And maybe, just maybe, we should take a step back and reevaluate our priorities before we put all our eggs in one lithium-ion basket.”
Not even green being green. Just an affectation.
FWIW – read all about it!
“Janet Yellen Calls For $78,000,000,000,000 To Tackle Climate Change”
China and India are the leaders in the CO2 emissions stakes – so how much of this money will be going to them?
More economical to shackle the tackler.
Tell you what Janet. I will take just 1% and coordinate all the work downunder, inc GST.
Meta AI test.
It claims to know nothing about the Trump assassination attempt but knows all about the Harris campaign.
Also see comments about the X post below it.
The Leftist AI is fully programmed to skew the US election toward the socialists.
Wow – 25.2M Views, 26K Likes.
That’s got legs.
An7hony Sco77o @An7honySco77o
Assist gets right through to:
But suggests everyone else except Trump.
Down the Memory Hole: Google Hides Autocomplete Suggestions Related to Trump Assassination Attempt
Google has hidden autocomplete suggestions related to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. By removing autocomplete suggestions, the Masters of the World are trying to make it more difficult for users to access information about the attempt on Trump’s life. This is just the latest act of election interference by the internet giant.
Breitbart News tested Google’s search bar on Sunday, finding that typing in the words “assassination attempt” resulted in autocomplete suggestions of “truman,” “reagan,” “fidel castro,” “slovakia,” “bob marley,” “lenin,” “gerald ford,” “teddy roosevelt,” “saudi arabia,” “john paul ii,” and “franklin roosevelt.”
Taking it a step further by typing in “assassination attempt trum” — omitting only the last letter of President Trump’s surname — resulted in autocomplete suggestions of “truman,” “president truman,” and “harry truman.”
Moreover, when users type in the full spelling, “assassination attempt trump,” into Google’s search bar, no autocomplete suggestions appear.
# # #
Didn’t even reach memory, let alone gone down the memory hole.
Geez, that’s pretty skewed. Reaffirms my decision to stop using Google sometime ago unless I’m comparing findings between two different search engines. So many people, including employees of the ABC (which is not supposed to endorse private companies), use the word “Google” as a verb
Re the Crowdstrike problem
“The Model Is Broken
“Crowdstrike has released their preliminary “incident review” on the collapse of several million Windows machines, which their software caused.
As I surmised in my podcast a couple of days after it happened, as soon as the tracebacks were posted publicly and it was clear that the update itself wasn’t a signed driver update, the fault had been in the code for quite some time. We now know from their own disclosure that it dated to at least February 28th.”
Much more at
Backlash To Woke Olympic Opening Ceremony Gets Worse! (Trying To Shut Us Up) (video)
My favourite Olymic events so far have been skateboarding and rock climbing
Waiting for female beach volley ball – always a favourite!
Absolutely! 😉
So long as they’re not hairy men.
Where are all the”Trans” athletes in woman sports?
Or will these show up at the Paralympics?
Weren’t they banned?
According to General Relatively black holes can be created by sufficiently intense light.
It may have now shown not to be possible.
Events are speeding up on the “induced” crash which is otherwise known as “The great reset” . The coup in the USA , worldwide wars and now even the Olympics are getting seriously crazy . The events surrounding the attempt on Trump are probably being manipulated as so many versions of what happened have emerged and AI technology can manipulate the evidence to suit the narrative . Slowly , then all of a sudden…..
All the Evil Doers of the world are currently trying to implement their evil before Trump gets elected because they know he will not tolerate evil in the world.
“I was the first president in modern times to start no wars. You know, we were the toughest.” (Donald Trump)
Hmm. Murray Watt knew nothing about agriculture, despite being the Federal Minister. Does the new Minister know more or less than Murray?
I always thought the T was purposely deleted from the moniker Murray T Watt.
Being clueless is an essential prerequisite for a high position in the Australian Government.
But this one does also tick the gender diversity boxes.
Australia is really run by corrupt Public Serpents entrenched in their positions of power who just “play” elected politicians that come and go on a regular cycle.
ASIC even stated that they thought it a waste of their valuable time to appear before Parliamentary Committees!
When the Public Serpents do appear before Parliamentary Committees they lie knowing that there are no consequences for doing do.
Interesting – fast coming to the conclusion that Brave is the best of the 4 Web Browsers that I am using
Question – is pelvic ultrasound covered under medicare
Answered with AI first
Again AI first
No AI -if you want AI, you have to sign into Gemini which being Google/Alphabet, I cannot be bothered
In Safari using DuckDuckGo no AI Response, but have just found that they have more than one Chat AI modesl – so intend to play with all
What AI chat models are available?
DuckDuckGo AI Chat currently supports Anthropic’s Claude 3 Haiku, Mistral AI’s Mixtral 8x7B, OpenAI’s ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo, and Llama 3 70B (built with Meta Llama 3).
You can change your default chat model at any time by clicking on the current chat model name – in the left sidebar.
Does DuckDuckGo moderate chat responses in any way?
No, we do not filter or modify the responses received from the chat model in any way. As such, responses may contain inaccurate or offensive information.
Anthropic, Meta, Mistral, and OpenAI each have their own moderation policies, and you may see those applied when using their models, respectively.
I use Firefox 99% of the time with Startpage searching. Brave is my backup as the image search in Startpage is pretty poor, but I find Brave to be very American-site orientated and limited in its usefulness.
The EV Dream is Over and now Heads Should Roll says the Telegraph (video)
Toyota annual gross profit for 2024 was $64.641B, a 38.37% increase from 2023.
Toyota never believed in the “EV Dream” and has been rewarded accordingly while other car makers are reporting $ Billion losses.
Note: Toyota has enough money to replace all the faulty v6 engines made in the USA to maintain its reputation for quality cars
Get woke, go broke.
CO2 Lover,
The chairman of Toyota recently stated that he thought that EV’s would only get 30% of the market .That appears to be somewhat optimistic . As Toyota has been making hybrids for a while now they have that market cornered . More and more EV brands are building hybrids now .It also appears that Toyota are returning to the NiMH batteries ….
Toyota has made a lot of noise about hydrogen. I’ve always thought of that as green camouflage, enough to keep the zealots off their case but far less destructive than going with EVs.
Besides, they prolly had collaborators from unis et al sharing the project.
Entertaining and informative.
Someone talking about cars using his car as his office is a good look. He reminded me of the Delorean. It did become famous for its movie role and now a cult car because they are rare.
Doing some research on DDT and found this paper that seems to debunk the toxicity claims and dodgy way it was placed on the banned list .
Yes. It was a huge fraud and possibly millions have died from insect-borne diseases because of its inappropriate banning.
Silica dust, asbestos, fluoride, vaccines causing sickness and/or autism, glyphosate causes autism, processed foods, seed oils, sugar is behind obesity & cancer, etc etc.
Let ’em all loose and only the toughest survive, as nature intended.
Money, money, money, it’s a rich (and corrupt) man’s world.
>sugar – Money, money, money
The Barbaric History of Sugar in America
– The New York Times
The sugar that saturates the American diet has a barbaric history as the ‘white gold’ that fueled slavery.
Also ‘White Death’ IMO.
Raw sugar not so much in moderation. There’s a Panama tribe on an off-shore island (Guna) renowned for health and longevity. They boil up Cacao and Sugar Cane, drink around 5 cups a day.
Also diet of fish and fruit.
Much studied. Guna flag features a swastika:
Guna people
Those that move to the mainland suffer the same fate as everyone else, health-wise.
Does the CIA Protesteth too much!
And is that how we KNOW the claims are true?
Auto, askin’ for a friend …
4 Corners: pain factory
More than three million Australians are living with chronic pain, and it’s become a breeding ground for exploitation.
In a major investigation, Four Corners brings together a team of international experts to look inside the multi-billion-dollar pain industry and expose the ugly side of medicine.
With access to data from thousands of patients, ABC Investigations reporter Adele Ferguson reveals how some medical professionals are able to drain our health system.
I don’t normally watch ABC of course but happened across this the other day on uselesstube.
The pain business is massive, lucrative and fraud ridden. The doco says if the medical fraud continues, the Oz health system is likely to collapse.
Back pain, as I like so many others have experienced, is insidious and crippling, the treatments like vertebral fusions often doing nothing to fix it, or making it worse.
It’s a case of “we see damage or degradation, so that’s the cause of your pain” but more often than not, it’s not.
A lot of the time it’s muscular and I know of many “incurable” pain cases cured in minutes by the right people, not MD’s and surgeons.
I could do a whole lengthy post on the topic. Maybe another day.
I Am Preparing For Another Great Depression (video)
Also property prices in Oz have plateaued and may crash.
Well, people have been warned over and over NOT to follow the lemmings and buy overpriced real estate which is an obvious bubble.
Did they factor in variables like future cost of living increases, power, food etc?
Nope. Where are they now? Up sh#t creek.
Not just Oz, which is trailing the field, but everywhere.
I’ve been hearing of property collapse since 2001 when I first bought. Never happens though, but the talk never stops. Did briefly in 2007 GFC. One thing is sure, Australia will continue with mass immigration and it’s a supply and demand market. One can still go to Tamworth and buy a house for less than $400K. Of course the cities are insane.
But yes, I still do agree, at some stage something has to give. But when is the question.
‘But when is the question.’
When China stops buying our iron ore we might follow them into depression.
Why do they stop buying our coal/gas/iron? They tried that already.
If (a big if) China’s economy is in the dire straits claimed by some people, of course their manufacturing sector could go into significant decline. That would of course mean they buy less raw materials from us, along with less of everything else, precipitating a major recession here.
But the uni graduates here say it is the U.S. about to topple, not China.
Nathan Rothschild, a 19th-century British financier and member of the Rothschild banking family, is credited with saying that “the time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.”
Repeated by Warren Buffet, but leaving your savings in the bank waiting for the blood [in America] you risk the bank collapsing or losing to inflation here in Oz.
Besides, if you don’t have skin in the game how do you know you’ll be brave enough to pull the trigger.
And another thing: Pull up a chart of the DOW going back to the 1920s. On the way to the bottom there were three rallies [iirc] which could have sucked in a newbe only to fall further again.
The first rule of investing: There are no rules.
The second rule of investing: Never forget the first rule.
Hanrahan’s rule: Start as soon as you can, start small and LEARN your own way.
My rule for ‘investing’ in any risk asset is, “Only use money you can afford to lose.”
buy when things crash. Patience, wait, and go in. Worked for me a couple of times. The only thing that does work for me. Im far too nervous to be an investor.
Interesting take: Why Wokeness is a Group-Level Adaptation That Will Save the European Peoples
Wokeness is, ultimately, a group level adaptation; a vital adaptation which ensures that the group is returned to genetic mental and physical health, and, associated with this, high religiosity and ethnocentrism. The group is, therefore, able to survive the battle of group selection and, indeed, survive the next catastrophe that nature throws at us. It does this by creating an environment in which all but the extremely genetically healthy are induced to not pass on their genes. In that sense, this blue-haired Cultural Anthropology undergraduate is a nationalist hero: she is sacrificing her own genetic interests for the good of ethnic group and, ultimately, for the survival of humanity itself.
What does Wokeness actually achieve? In taking over the culture, Wokeness deliberately puts environmentally sensitive people on a maladaptive road map of life by encouraging them, overtly and covertly, not to have children: Humans are evil and are destroying the environment, men and women should change sex and sterilise themselves, life should be about material pleasure rather than having children and so abort your offspring, life has no eternal meaning so trade children for material wealth. Only those, among European peoples, who are, for genetic reasons alone, very strongly conservative will be resistant to this and will, therefore, pass on their genes.
It’s fair to say that the surgically destroyed, men in dresses, not having kids to save the planet loons, and cat identifiers won’t be doing much for birth rates.
This Is What “Always” Happens Before A Superpower Falls (video)
He suggests:
Buy government bonds
Precious metals
Canadian real estate
Well, that’s the Monday funny taken care of. 😎
A different bit of Olympic history:
More subsidized “indoor sports”?
The basic story started to leak (so to speak) out at the Sydney games.
COVID Shots Cause a Shocking New Form of EYE & FACE PARALYSIS
Covid mRNS shots are responsible for skyrocketing cases of a shocking new form of facial paralysis that causes people to lose control of their eyes, a bombshell study has warned.
A study published Sunday documented how the Covid vaccination induced oculomotor nerve palsy in a patient.
Oculomotor nerve palsy is a paralyzation the eyes caused by damage to the third cranial nerve and characterized by drooping eyelids, double vision, pupil dilation, and deficits in adduction and vertical gaze.
“…isolated oculomotor nerve palsy following vaccination have been reported,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.
“These few reported cases can be divided into two groups based on symptom onset: immediate and delayed.
“While most reported cases involving Pfizer and Moderna vaccines occurred within the first few days of vaccination, a few cases with delayed onset have also been described.”
And as we know, Steve Kirsch has lost the sight in one eye.
I started reading a report on the WHOs Technology Transfer conference, where they fund poor countries to make vaccines, and was astounded at the number of countries and companies rushing into RNA vaccines for every disease existing. With hundreds of billions of dollars to splash around the big Covid winners have been pouring money in as well, so your next vaccine, even if you know you’ve had one, could have been made for dirt cheap in Brazil or Argentina, or Egypt or Senegal, Indonesia or Vietnam, Pakistan or Tunisia…
The variations in quality might get really interesting next time around!
Of course they are all racing around trying to get self-replication vaccines up and running, so everyone catches the vaccine like they catch a cold. There must be over a thousand viral research labs world-wide, all trying to make something to kill off everyone they don’t like, accidentally or not, and I’m sure a few of them will inadvertently succeed. They all seem convinced that mRNA tech is harmless, inexpensive and can cure anything, so they are into it, boots ‘n all!
With tens of thousands of people getting paid for developing this technology, it will become impossible to stop the steam train until we have a far greater catastrophe than the last one. Having a paralysed eye will be the least of your worries!
Monday sarcasm
“The opening ceremony of the Olympics felt like the closing ceremony of humanity.”
– Kimdotcom
Time for an other Olymics in Moscow – the last one was 44 years ago
The 1980 Summer Olympics were disrupted by a large boycott led by the United States in protest of the 1979 Soviet–Afghan War.
Somehow its OK when the US invades another country – like Afganistan!
Russia did a sendup of the olympics which I have but it’s too naughty for here.😎
Already posted yesterday
This is my latest on climate cycles:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNiRSvZb1f5fjvACJg?e=4e5qzR
Note to el gordo – I have finally nailed solar activity.
Good, I’ll pick your brain at the first opportunity.
It is a document for the web so the paginating is not particularly good when printed to PDF.
I think there will be gradual recognition that Earth is currently in a modern climate optimum similar to the Roman Warm Period.
Any who would have thought the present warming could actually be driven by the sun rather than CO2.
It will take a pivot in academic funding to get useful climate research such that their income is based on producing results that actually give reliable short to medium term forecasts.
Tommy Robinson leading peaceful protest is arrested for “terrorism”
The UK Government is out to destroy or kill Tommy Robinson. They are especially upset of his exposure of the Rotherham grooming gangs which UK police refused to investigate because they thought it would be “racist” to do so.
Hulk Hogan endorses Donald Trump.
As an entertainer, he wanted to remain silent, as entertainers should, but he said the assassination attempt triggered him to endorse Trump.
July 28, 2024 – Ivermectin Has Surprising Potential Against Cancer
I first heard that ivermectin (IVM) has significant potential to treat cancer in an Epoch Times video interview featuring Dr. Kathleen Ruddy – The Surprising Potential of Ivermectin Against Cancer, who has partnered with the FLCCC (Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance) to research it. Recall that IVM is the same “horse dewormer” the FDA and others in the medical industrial complex went to great lengths to discourage as a Covid-19 treatment. In the video, Dr. Ruddy suggested why so little research is being done on it: “…the pharmaceutical industries were not going to invest in a $0.10 pill. If the pharmaceutical industries were not willing to do that, no one else was going to do it, because pharma funds everyone that is doing research.”
As a prostate cancer survivor, I was especially drawn to her first example of Paul Mann who was perfectly healthy with no family history of cancer and suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer.
More personal research found that the FLCCC was not the first to discover the potential of IVM for treating cancer. A September 2020 study in the NIH National Library of Medicine revealed similar encouraging evidence:
“Abstract: “Ivermectin has powerful antitumor effects, including the inhibition of proliferation, metastasis, and angiogenic activity, in a variety of cancer cells. This may be related to the regulation of multiple signaling pathways by ivermectin through PAK1 kinase. On the other hand, ivermectin promotes programmed cancer cell death, including apoptosis, autophagy and pyroptosis. Ivermectin induces apoptosis and autophagy is mutually regulated. Interestingly, ivermectin can also inhibit tumor stem cells and reverse multidrug resistance and exerts the optimal effect when used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs.”
Cancer types where IVM was tested and found to be effective:
2.1 Breast cancer
2.2 Digestive system cancer
2.3 Urinary system [including prostate] cancer
2.4 Hematological [leukemia] cancer
2.5 Reproductive system cancer
2.6 Brain glioma
2.7 Respiratory system cancer
2.8 Melanoma
Even earlier in June 2019, the Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research had also published similar positive news about IVM and cancer. “Thus, ivermectin, a FDA-approved antiparasitic drug, could potentially be used in combination with chemotherapeutic agents to treat cancers and in particular, the drug-resistant cancers.”
Ivermectin reverses the drug resistance in cancer cells through EGFR/ERK/Akt/NF-κB pathway
Graphical abstract
Ivermectin has powerful antitumor effects, including the inhibition of proliferation, metastasis, and angiogenic activity, in a variety of cancer cells. This may be related to the regulation of multiple signaling pathways by ivermectin through PAK1 kinase. On the other hand, ivermectin promotes programmed cancer cell death, including apoptosis, autophagy and pyroptosis. Ivermectin induces apoptosis and autophagy is mutually regulated. Interestingly, ivermectin can also inhibit tumor stem cells and reverse multidrug resistance and exerts the optimal effect when used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs. – 12 page PDF
The interesting thing about IVM and cancer is that the first findings and research were done in the 2010’s. So, it was well known via very excellent research to have a potential role in cancer treatment before the COVID plandemic. It was then easy for researchers to try this re-purposed drug against COVID, with equally successful results. It was a crime the world’s population was denied this very effective anti-viral back in 2020 and even since by the regular medical authorities.
There is no way an inexpensive safe drug like IVM would be approved by the TGA or FDA for cancer treatment when there are massively more expensive and less effective and less safe drugs which could be used instead.
But they had hard data from Japan and other nations which allowed IVM treatment, that it was safe and effective vs C19, and they still pooh pooh’d its use. Why?
Thanks OO,
Good news.
Suspect it won’t make front page of SMH though.
Dave B
I can see the day when we go to the Doc: I don’t feel too good, can I have a scrip for IVM?
There have been other studies as well re anti cancer effects of IVM. But the pharmaceutical companies have nothing to gain by its promotion. That I understand. But the disinterest of the medical profession is unforgivable.
The US Democrats. The leaders
Jaime Harrison DNC Chair
Governor Gretchen Whitmer DNC Vice Chair
Senator Tammy Duckworth DNC Vice Chair
Henry R. Munoz III DNC Vice Chair
Congressman Cedric Richmond DNC Senior Advisor
Chuck Schumer Senate Democratic Leader
Hakeem Jeffries House Democratic Leader
Ken Martin ASDC Chair, DNC Vice Chair
Jason Rae, DNC Secretary
Virginia MCGregor DNC Treasurer
Chris Korge DNC Finance Chair
But you do not see Hillary Clintron, Barack Obama who are calling the shots. As Hillary has has done for thirty years since 1993. Nor Nancy Pelosi, the ex Speaker.
And these are the people who threatened the sitting President and forced him to resign as a candidate if he wanted to keep his current job.
That’s Democrat democracy. More like a gang.
And if you are wondering about Henry R. Munoz III..
Munoz & Co is a multinational private and merchant bank with offices in London, England and on Wall Street in New York.
“A designer, activist, and philanthropist, served as the DNC’s Finance Chair from 2013 to 2019.
He was the DNC’s longest-serving Finance Chair and was the first Latino and openly gay person to hold the position.”
Rich, Latino, Gay. The DNC are likely looking for someone more trans to appeal to their base.
One of the two remaining snipers photographed Crooks multiple times and texted the pictures to the group chat.
‘Kid learning around building we are in,’ one wrote. ‘I did see him with a range finder looking towards stage. FYI. If you wanna notify SS snipers to look out. I lost sight of him.’
Interesting How WSJ is moving Left – From
Elon Musk, a master of the memes, is planting his flag in deepfake territory—and risking backlash at a fraught political moment.
Musk, Tesla’s billionaire chief executive, on Friday shared on X an edited version of a campaign video for Vice President Kamala Harris purporting to be a parody.
By doing so, he potentially breached his own social-media platform’s policy against sharing synthetic and manipulated media.
The edited ad mimics Harris’s voice to have her say she became the new Democratic candidate for the November presidential election after President Biden “exposed his senility.” In the video, Harris’s altered voice also says she is the “ultimate diversity hire,” and says her work addressing the root causes of the border crisis was “catastrophic.” . . .
By reposting what appeared to be an AI-generated deepfake, Musk might run afoul of an X policy instituted after he took over the platform. The policy, instituted in April 2023, forbids sharing synthetic, manipulated or out-of-context media that might deceive or confuse people and lead to harm.
Among the criteria listed by X to determine whether content should be labeled or removed are whether the media is significantly and deceptively altered; whether it is shared in a deceptive manner or with false context; and whether the content is likely to result in widespread confusion on public issues.
The policy allows memes or satires, provided they don’t cause significant confusion about the authenticity of the media.
Musk in resharing the video called it “amazing,” but didn’t say it was purporting to be a parody.
It was self-evidently a parody to anyone who isn’t brain-dead, which is to say to anyone who isn’t a “journalist” or a Democratic political operative. But I repeat myself.
Wall Street Journal Editor-in-Chief Emma Tucker is making changes at the venerable publication, pushing more “life-style stories with snappy headlines” in the news section and has reportedly downsized, if not gutted, the standards desk that handles corrections.
She’s eliminated an editing team “responsible for prepublication review of sensitive stories.”
The new direction, as described in a National Review story, resonates alarmingly for many readers of the newspaper who have long counted on its fact-focused, serious coverage but find something very different today. For many too the increasingly skewed, factually shoddy coverage of Israel is a striking indicator of the wider shift in tenor and content.
Reporter Omar Abdel-Baqui could be the poster child for this new Wall Street Journal. One “sensitive” story of his with far too little fact-checking and editorial oversight was a June 15th account focused on the disappointments of young Gen Z Palestinians. Much of the bias of the piece stems from relentless omission of critical information. The online title, “Gen Z Palestinians See Door Slamming Shut on Coexistence with Israel”, perfectly conveys the deceptions and distortions that follow.
While Palestinians themselves are the door-slammers – the violent rejectionists of peaceful coexistence with Israel – there’s no hint in the story that the Palestinian leadership has repeatedly refused an independent and peaceful state next to the Jewish state of Israel. There’s no suggestion the melancholy Gen Z Palestinian teens who are cast as buffeted by upheaval and uncertainty should blame their own autocratic leaders for ruining their lives. (The print version was similarly titled: “Gen Z Palestinians Have Little Hope for Peace.”)
‘A Slow-Rolling Nightmare’: Inside the Revolt at the Wall Street Journal
A dragged-out series of slashing job cuts at the Wall Street Journal paired with the new leader’s intense focus on growing online readership and charges of eroding editorial standards have led to mounting concerns among current and former newsroom staffers about the direction of one of the nation’s preeminent news organizations.
Eleven current and former newsroom veterans, who spoke to National Review on a condition of anonymity, said that Emma Tucker, the Journal’s new editor in chief, appears to lack a basic understanding of American government, politics, and culture. They say she seems to be prioritizing less serious lifestyle stories with …
SCOOPLET: Emma Tucker, the UK-born editor in chief of the Wall Street Journal, said at a WHCD party last year that she hadn’t realized that there were two houses of Congress (!), two people who directly heard the remark told me.
She denied the reporting, calling it “garbage.”
‘Wall Street Journal’ layoffs continue, despite lucrative AI deal and record profits
The Wall Street Journal has laid off even more journalists, despite a surge in paid subscribers, strong profits at its parent company, and a new nine-figure licensing deal with OpenAI.
The union representing the newsroom – the International Association of Publishers’ Employees – staged an hour-long walkout Thursday to object to the job cuts. Staffers stuck Post-it notes protesting the move on the glass walls of the office of Editor in Chief Emma Tucker, whose vision for the paper has come under fire.
In a note to staff, Tucker described the moves as part of a larger reorganization.
“Our Editor-in-chief is reshaping our newsroom with an eye towards digital growth, subscription growth and high-quality journalism,” a spokesperson said in a written statement. “While we recognize change can be difficult, it is necessary to ensure we have the right structure in place to support our objectives.”
In a presentation to investors, which was reviewed by NPR, Tucker said the paper’s reporting is to start, be part of, and guide “the conversation” – and make it “feel real.”
She organized what she called her “coverage principles” into four baskets: revelatory, timely, expert and relatable.
The Journal is owned by News Corp, the publishing powerhouse controlled by the Murdoch family, which also owns Fox News.
That’s not credible for a UK born smart editor, certainly in the British experience. Few countries are unicameral “Armenia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Hungary, Serbia, Ukraine, Turkey, and Sweden” and Monaco. None are British.
Queensland and New Zealand don’t have an upper house 🙂
That’s our TdeF
I knew about New Zealand but it wasn’t listed. Odd. But then again Wikipedia.
Otherwise an upper house is usually a sign of a Federation, like Australia, America. NZ is a small country which is the usual exception. Except for Turkey and Ukraine but they were created very late and not by consolidation or Federation.
As for Queensland, it’s not a country. It’s odd that any States have an upper house, but that’s usually a sign of a landed gentry, the ‘squattocracy’. The Chirnsides in Victoria even had their own army which they loaned to the State. Councils, the third tier do not have an upper house.
In a Federation you have the people’s house and the vested interests or States. The UK has a house of Lords who actually owned the place and the Clergy who controlled the place. Though it is being deliberately whiteanted by Labour at one stage making a fishmonger a Lord.
The Democrats complain every video of Joe Biden is a deep fake and that is a lie. I think using the technology to prove the point is essential. Of course they don’t like it. It’s defining characteristic of liars, crooks, frauds, they accuse you of doing exactly what they are doing. You are supposed to have principles which preclude you from copying them. Hypocrites accuse you of hypocrisy. Violent people accuse you of violence. Fascists call you fascist, as with AntiFA.
Elon has been warning about AI for years. Especially with Google/Larry Page. Elon didn’t create it. But he has every right to forward it as an example of what he has been predicting. And the Democrats don’t like it. Which is the entire point.
whoa!! e-bike battery ignites in elevator
** content warning**
I can see such big batteries being totally banned from residences and elevators. Asphyxiation is as likely as severe burns.
And the reason he was carrying it is likely related to the fire. I doubt he’ll be talking any time soon.
I know he will not be talking ever again. He died 28 days after the incident.
If that is what China can do to their own citizens, imagine what they can do to their enemies. You could imagine all Chinese made EVs having a remotely triggered self imolation device.
Awful! But he was dealing with it like it was ready to explode. People don’t do that with bike batteries. He was worried, not casual.
At a guess he may have been ‘working’ on the battery, scrounging, trying to fix it or reclaim it. And he would be on average 10 storeys up in a residential tower. It was sparking and he made it to the elevator. At a guess he was trying to get it out of the building quickly and didn’t make it.
There is more to this story than shown in this video.
Perhaps it was overheating.
We know how risky these batteries are, but so too are the chargers – or at least some of them. I recently re-purposed my old but perfectly functioning LG smartphone to play music in the house. I bought an unbranded wireless charging cradle for it. A week or so later I luckily decided to move it and found it was REALLy hot. Taking it off the cradle, the back of the phone was swollen, indicating the battery was about to burst. It wasn’t the phone but the sh1tty charger.
Steve, It was the battery overcharging and swelling. The charger was providing an electric field to induce current in the phone. The phone controls the charging! All batteries have a finite life- number of charge/discharge cycles. My 10 year old laptop is on its 3rd battery. Previously an old battery in it swelled- which disabled the touchpad tight click sensitivity. I currently have programmed it to charge to 80% and the current battery is behaving. Of course the sealed devices battery is a planned obsolescence.
Would be sort of ironic to be caught up in this in an EV
“The same writers who proclaimed Joe Biden “sharp as a tack” are now busy denying that Joe appointed Kamala Harris his “border czar.” While giving that failure the attention it deserves, recall the new span of the Bay Bridge from San Francisco to Oakland.”
More at
FWIW – Germany this time
“Unredacted RKI protocols lay bare the entire Covid farce yet again”
“It’s A Feature Not A Bug”
“National Post- Bonnie Henry’s pointless vaccine mandate crashed B.C.’s health-care system”
Well, THEY’RE lucky to see something unredacted… Here in Aussie censorship reigns supreme!
The Australian government “released” a long-awaited report on batch tests of Covid mRNA vaccines rolled out in the country during the pandemic, however every word on every page has been completely redacted.
“the drug regulator has deemed the results of the inquiry into batch results must not be made public under any circumstances. ”
The Australian government’s decision to fully redact the information follows the decision by the US Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to fully redact a 148-page study on myocarditis following mRNA injections.”
Its THEM against us!
Wow! A big high over the southern states has the AEMO market around $1.300/MWh.
After switching off their gas plant for a few days Tas has it, and hydro flat out. I assume there has been some rain down there to help them out.
FWIW – serried ranks of incompetence
“DESNZ Has Net Zero Competence”
“The election is over and we all know Labour has won with a massive majority. New ministers have been appointed to the Department of Energy and Net Zero (DESNZ) and the hard job of Government has begun.”
In comments there –
““Do Not Trust the Cargo-cult Science” by James E. Hanley
Intro: After World War II, Pacific Islanders supposedly made headphones and microphones out of coconut shells and sticks in a futile attempt to call back the U.S. Army’s planes with their unprecedented supply of food and goods. Physicist Richard Feynman used this example to coin the phrase “cargo cult science,” meaning actions that mimic scientific behavior while being at best pseudo-science and at worst religiously cult-like. “
Dept of Energy and Net Zero- a nice list of Ministers, Parliamentarians and bureaurats, parasites on the private sector who have arts degrees, not a hard scientist amongst them!
“Their idea of delivery is drawing boxes and triangles on PowerPoint presentations. ”
Net Zero Energy will be the result!
Fastest way to get Hungary to join Russia and the BRICS-
“The top court in the EU just ruled that Hungary shall be fined a whopping €200 million AND a daily €1 million penalty for refusing to open their borders and for having deported people. Hungary has been one of the few countries in Europe that has not followed the open borders agenda, and now they are being punished for it. Hungary has refused asylum seekers from staying in the country while their asylum applications are being processed.
“The ECJ’s decision to fine Hungary with 200M euros plus 1M euros daily for defending the borders of the European Union is outrageous and unacceptable” said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.”
The EU has decided to dump Hungary in preference to Ukraine. They will make an example of Orban. The EU has come a long way from being a Common Market or Schenghen zone. It is now a dictatorship under Ursula Von Der Leyen just reappointed and like Harris, promoted many times past her capabilities. As the failed and incompetent German Defence minister, she is pushing for war with Russia.