If you can help us pay our bills, we’ll help you say what needs to be said.
Science and the civil part of civilization is being exploited by big government and greedy corporates. Together we can do something about that.
For silly reasons, explained below, you can “Buy” me $1 units of chocolate support.* Or if you don’t like Paypal use the direct banking details.
Click on the currency button, and write in the quantity | ||
![]() |
(Click on the currency button, and write in the quantity).

Jo Nova on SteynOnline or ADH TV
*Why this daft arrangement? Would you believe — the Australian government say that I need permission to accept “donations”. (It’s your money, but you can only donate it to a Registered Charity.) So instead I’m “selling” units of $1 emergency chocolate kits which go to needy bloggers (me) – just choose the quantity. 10 units is a $10 donation. Thank you!
Your help makes a big difference
We can’t do it without you. Our household is funded largely through donations by people like you who are fed up at the failure of institutions, science associations and journalists.
Not surprisingly, there is no government job we could apply for which aims to make governments less of a burden, and there’s no big-oil funding, no UN agency, and only a few Institutes and Associations with real integrity left. Government science is being strangled. Only independent scientists are free to speak their minds, and free to follow that data, no matter where it leads.
Join us to get logic and reason into government policies, media stories and one day, maybe even universities.
Thanks for your help.
Joanne Nova: BSc (Hons, Molecular Biology) @ University of Western Australia, FJ Faulding Prize, Bond Microbiology Prize; Former Associate Lecturer in Science Communication @ the Australian National University.
David Evans: PhD, M.S. (E.E.), M.S. (Stats) @ Stanford University; B.Eng (University Medal, Hons), M.A., B.Sc. @ Sydney University
PHOTO: Clouds cool the ancient red sand of the Great Victoria Desert. Image by Jo. (Click for the full landscape.) Iron oxide makes the land red. Taken en route to Perth East of Kalgoorlie.
Just thinking about the above interpretation of ‘donations’. I was just thinking, if the Government says only charities can accept donations, then why do they bother to differentiate between tax deductible and non tax deductible donations in the Tax Act?
If only other NGOs, like “Greenpeace”, WWF, FoTE etc had to survive on ‘chocolate’, the world might be a better place.
I donated some because I like your writings.
REPLY: Thanks Harry! You are generous too
I do appreciate the support. It makes all the difference.
It is OK for Unions to donate to political parties. I was not aware thet they are charities.
Thank you Joanne for all your efforts to uphold the integrity of the scientific method and to rid us of the unscrupulous Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming deception.
As Anthony Watts is to America, you are to Australia.
I am deeply appreciative of your work and wish you every possible success.
Warmest regards.
Is the requirement to be a “registered charity” a government one (if so, do you have some reference)? Or is it a PayPal one where they are being overly cautious to avoid money laundering charges? I know a PayPal user who had their account locked because they used a donate button on their site. Of course, if it is a government requirement it is ludicrous that person “A” can’t legally and voluntarily give money to support the efforts of person “B”.
It would be a great idea if you accepted Bitcoin.
That way we can all pay quickly and anonymously with no middleman.
I don’t know much about you but the fact that you want to stand up for Justice is good enough for me. Here’s my small donation of $5
My only hope is that people stop supporting AGW.
That’s the only priority, in my opinion.
Even if supporting AGW is good for the collateral environmental benefit, a lie is still a lie and this fact must be made clear as day to have the little humanity we still have on Earth.
Merry Christmas Joanne- to you and yours.
All the best for 2013.
As I try to … purchase chocolate … the option to pay using a credit card keeps sending me to a page signing me up for a paypal account. I don’t want to create a paypal account. I don’t trust Paypal with my data. Paypal are being sneaky (one reason why I don’t trust them with my data).
There seems to be no way to buy you chocolate without signing up to paypal. But I know you really need the chocolate. I am torn. Can anything be done about this?
[There are ways other than paypal as stated on the donations page http://joannenova.com.au/about/donations/prefer-a-different-option/ mod oggi]
Hello Jo,
I value your work on your website enough that I have set up a small regular donation via bank transfer. Easy to do and fairly painless, and besides, I like chocolate too
Rod. Thanks! I will email you. The regular donation idea is appealing I must say. Cheers! – Jo
Dear Jo,
You have been blogging like a woman possesed recently. No one is doing more to expose scientific and political hypocrisy and the evils of concensus thinking and restriction of scientific free speech.
I can’t think of anyone more deserving of a Goverment job in Science (except my own daughter who can’t get one either). I would put you on the Board of the CSIRO, the BOM and the Science Grants Council.
Support there Peter.
Must visit unqerty a little more often.
Here, Here.
I donated $30 to you, Jo, just before your request, since I feel I should pay some sort of premium for having such a big mouth.
I’ve just popped another $30 in the tin for good measure, and while I would like it to be more I hope everyone who values your work as much as I can similarly find a few coins to send your way.
With deepest admiration,
Winston, of Room 101.
Would Coop, Woolworths or Coles & Myers Gift Cards be acceptable payment for chocolate ?
With low a credit card offering 0% on foreign transactions and about $5 for delivery they might be better value than Pay Pal for foreign supporters.
found the tip jar and contributed. Thanks!
Thank you Cliff! – Jo
Thanks for all the hard work Jo!
Hat tip and a jar tip to Jo.
Keep up the good fight for reason and logic. A casual observation of Australian culture/politics indicates you have a target rich enviroment to work with. Good hunting!!
I do have a question though: What will Australia do with “the carbon tax” once CAGW is completely discredited?
Thanks for the good work!
Just sent a chocolate request, but put the wrong postcode into the online form so I hope you get the money. If it doesn’t come through, just let me know and I’ll resend it.
Donation on its way …. 35 yrs senior positions in IT. If I can help let me know …
I hope the new Prime Minister, later this year, will put you in charge of dismantling the AGW machine ! Just donated, but it would be useful if there was a NZD button, which might reduce the cut which the banks take every time we use a credit card.
My $1 contribution was because I couldn’t figure out how to buy more chocolate. Not intended to be a snarky input. Finally figured it out. Keep up the good work.
I was over at WUWT this well yesterday morning and read of your problem,it almost broke my heart. The billions upon billions of taxpayer monies spent upon an agenda and…., yet people like you, Anthony and many others are going out of you alls way to fight the good fight for all of us on your own time-on your own dime gives me a sense of pride. Wish that I was able to do more with the donation,like my grand daddy said “dimes make dollars”. A big ol` howdy and a hug for all that you do from me and quite a few here in the U.S.
Almost forgot, as the old folks used to say “bless your heart” in the good way (chuckle).
Been following your blog for a while and love what you’re doing.
Just bought some fine Australian chocolate… hope this helps keep your work going.
Hi Jo. Have your mailing address. Will mail you a donation. Keep up the good work.
Hi Joanenova
May I say with passion that you and your supporters are on the true and correct path.
I’m a young 84 year old, who has researched this topic since 1981 and have been supported from a few quarters of Australia, but like most research topics, we need financial support, to place our new found science material in the correct public place.
I wish to add a ‘Press Release’ through your network, because we are singing from the same hymn book.
I’ve endeavored to find a site with your email address, so decided to do it here.
Please notify me on : ttswATbigpondDOTcom and I’ll send it to you for your review and comment.
Hi Jo,I would like to donate regularly and am likely to forget…. Is there some way of organising a monthly “chocolate tip”? If you could let me know that would be great.
Jules, I would really appreciate that. Thank you! Right now, financial support would be very useful.
There are a few regulars — my stalwarts — and you must have read my mind. I was just talking yesterday to David about setting up more monthly donations.
In Australia, NAB (and others I presume) will do regular direct deposits from account to account. I will set up regular donation buttons through paypal as well, which is by far the most efficient for people overseas.
:- )
The election was a great result for citizens who want rational and pragmatic government. That should be all of us, but sadly there are a surprising number of zealots, who had captured the media and hence the debate.
A lot has been achieved but I agree with you that there is still a long way to go. ABC is a prime example, also BOM climate (science) and the CSIRO.
I’ve been reading about chocolate being counted as a vegetable for dietary purposes, since it comes from a plant. It might be more accurate to consider it a fruit extract because it comes from a tree
I donated because I believe what you are doing is very important, keep up the good work. Best Ingimundur Kjarval
Thanks! It does help. – Jo
Jo, keep up the good work, We need you to help us understand these issues on so called ‘carbon pollution’ and tax.
It seems clear to me that we, the ordinary people of Australia are being duped by would be ‘academics’ and green ideologists who have nothing but vested intersets to protect.
The politicians have little or no understanding of the real issues and they too are caught up in their own ideologies and self intersts.
Geoffrey Williams
Thanks – Geoffrey :- ) Jo. PS: Yes, academics have a lot to answer for.
Hi Jo do you think our government is killing our country? I have become very disillusioned recently.
If it is any consolation, for most of human history government has been worse than it is now. But yes, that doesn’t mean we should accept the current situation. The slide is depressing…
Hi All
Since there seems to be vacuum, I enclose a format that you can distribute among your folk with my best wishes for an enlightening new year.
Thomas Watson of Geelong, author of: ‘Climate Change – Explained by Magnetism?’ (2009), ISBN9780646477220, has determined that, seasonal changes occurs regularly, and we experience these cycles every eleven Years.
Watson claims that the dramatic climate changes we observe today, are directly associated to the Earth’s oscillating orbital pattern within the Sun’s Heliosphere. Because our Earth is currently within a Negative Magnetic emission, there is a secondary natural reaction to the Earth’s atmosphere, which science accepts as variations of Barometric Pressure, which in turn, results in changes to our seasons.
He says, since 15th February 2001, the Earth’s Barometric Pressure systems advanced by 120 days, and it’s this change that is directly associated to the Eleven year cycle, known as the “Swarbe Cycle” and ended on the 22nd December 2012. An additional affects to this cycle also concluded our Solar Processional system, when the Sun entered into a new Negative Magnetic field zone from the Milky Way. Because our Earth is involved within this new environment, he claims that our Earth received this additional negative magnetic influence, which dramatically changed our summer and warmer, winter season, since then.
These last fourteen months has been strengthened by these reversal trends of the Barometric Pressure systems, dramatically changing the seasons, for it is this magnetic intrusion from the magnetic Milky Way’s magnetic influence that is changing our everyday cycle. With these influencing magnetic factors, is the initial reasons why our seasons, so dramatically, changed, he claims.
Watson shows in his book, that changes to the Barometric Pressure systems, already mentioned by him, has a direct reaction to cloud height. He claims that it is not generally known that the upper surface of Cumulus Clouds, and the like, has a Positive Magnetic influence, while the lower surface has a Negative Magnetic influence. Understanding these magnetic effects and localized influences, shows why our clouds passing over-head, today are indeed, high in elevation, is because of this fact, they are held to a very high elevation because of the Positive to Negative magnetic attraction reactions, is why they are delivering relatively light rain. The Barometric Pressure systems are near 980mb to 1028mb range, for there is indeed enough magnetic electrical energy there to generate dramatic changes to the Earth below with several lightning strikes.
When questioned what is happening to the Northern Hemisphere, he claims that they are currently experiencing severe wintry seasons, because this is associated to these magnetic Negative effects that are facing the natural Negative emissions, pulling clouds to a higher and colder elevation during their natural winter cycle. (The Cumulus clouds upper surface has a Positive Magnetic influence, thus the added attraction.)
Our Moon, he claims, has a secondary part to these changes, for it has a Positive Magnetic field being emitted from its frontal surface, and it is this magnetic intrusion to our Earths natural magnetic emissions that dramatically, changes the Ocean Tidal effects. Not Gravity. This again, he added, is a natural cycle that has occurred over millions of years.
Thomas T. S. Watson
32 Kinlock Street
Bell Post Hill
Australia 3215
(20th Jan. 2014)
I love you, Jo. Even though you are an Australian. I just sent you what I could afford and I wish it could be more.
Thank you Peter: -) Much appreciated. — Jo
Hi Joanne, $50 on its way, wish it could be more. Thanks to you, Donna Lamframboise and Judith Curry I manage to get to sleep at night knowing that there are some people in this world who are fighting for common sense and a reasonable, truly scientific, debate on all the issues that are important. I am 73 and I bet they by the time I die (at least 30 years from now) the global warming debate will be an historical absurdity. Can’t convince my daughter and son-in-law though. I am banned form even talking about climate change. There are none so blind…….
The absurdity part is coming soon. But here’s to 30 years. Cheers! – Jo
Hi Jo,
Thanks to you, David, Anthony Watts and so many others, sense and reason are once more within our grasp.
And for too long I’ve been a taker, scooping up the information, and results of so much research; it’s time I too stepped up to the plate…
A transfer has been arranged. It should be more.
Later, we should have a conversation re your ongoing ‘chocolate drive!’. For some thirty years, I’ve been devising and producing direct mail fundraising for many of Australia’s most prominent charities. It’s time I did something more to help the likes of you and others…
Regards, Lee
Hayden, I’m intruiged, tho I confess I’m on the hard stuff — 85% blocks. That said, it sounds like I could learn a lot from you. Good timing. – Jo
Hey Hey Joe!
I would like to make a donation in Sterling . How does that work ?
Your site is one of those great ones that help people understand climate politics around the world. Please continue your excellent work.
hi jo
your website is regular reading
sorry I could only donate 50 you are worth much more
keep up the good work
myles kehoe
I can’t find the Paypal page – it brings me to this page (where I am typing now).
Martin A says,
“I can’t find the Paypal page – it brings me to this page (where I am typing now).”
The yellow “Tip Jar” icons take you to PayPal.
March 13, 2014 at 6:58 pm · Reply
Martin A says,
“I can’t find the Paypal page – it brings me to this page (where I am typing now).”
The yellow “Tip Jar” icons take you to PayPal.
It may just be me but when I click on the “Tip “Jar” icon at the top right of this page, it returns me to this page.
Click on the icons after the first paragraph in the body of the page.
OK Bob – thanx
As you know, we Kiwis aren’t given to swearing much, but there was some around here when I realised what I’d not been aware of. So here’s fifty bucks. We need you campaigning for science.
Hi Jo
Just a follow up to my small contribution to your Chocolate Fund.
We independent thinkers need your support in this country.
Keep on exposing the charlatans who continue to waste our hard-earned tax money.
BTW check out Pierre Gosselin’s latest postings (http://notrickszone.com/) – seems like there may be a turning of the tide in Germany.
G’day Jo,card no worky,I must have BO.I’ll have to use snail mail,tell Jaymez if its late it still counts
Tranfer away, kind regards.
[…] The 97% Thunderdome is revving up! Brandon Shollenberger has issued a direct challenge to Cook and UQ, and has published the threatening letter about that “secret” data for Cook’s “97% consensus” study that was published under an “open” Creative Commons License. From that “openness” Jo Nova made the hilarious graphic at left for her essay on the fiasco. Send her chocolate. […]
Hi Jo & David,
We all know that Chocolate makes the world go round.
Thanks so very much for all of your dedication.
You and so many contributors are deserving of the highest honour.
Truth must prevail.
With much gratitude – Ian
[Thank you Ian, that is very useful. Most appreciated! – Jo]
It has been a long time coming, but science is rethinking on what I’ve written about and at last, a Swedish Journal invited me to write a paper to them, has been delivered and accepted,and they are in the process of thinking it through, now.
Thank you Jo. for your support over the years.
I love chocolate and am happy to buy some on your site from time to time. Thank goodness that people like you, David, Jennifer, Donna and Judith have got the fortitude to keep fighting the (UN)scientific establishment. Where would we be without you all.
Hi Jo. Just to let you know that my other half sent a payment for some chocolate this morning. Hope it arrives alright. We’d love to buy more as we are chocoholics but have to be a little careful atm as we are house building and want to make sure there are enough pennies for that.
It’s just a little recognition of what we all owe you in the fight for truth and also how much of interest we learn here at your site. Thankyou.
I made a small donation which I will repeat in future. I’m sure you’ll be buying high quality chocolate such as Lindt instead of the nasty crap that tends to be more popular for some reason.
You do seem to have a bee in your bonnet about selling the ABC. Strange. The only reason seem to be its adolescent, fawning view of the IPCC, much like the crowds at SA rallies in the 1930s. If that were not so, would you still want to sell it?
If I were a ‘consensus’ sycophant, I’d point out that you are not a scientist. Of course, I’d waive that qualification if you repented and trusted The Science. ‘Cos that’s how cheerleaders roll, n’est-ce pas?
REPLY: Thanks for your support. As it happens, I have published in the peer reviewed literature, I just don’t mention it. It’s not like it matters. And I used to like the ABC, I used to work there — But the lack of interest in the views of half the population is apparent in every topic now. Unfortunately public media is always going to end up being biased toward public funding. Shame. Chanceux, vous n’êtes pas un flagorneur, eh? Appreciate your ongoing help. cheers, – Jo
Instead of wasteing time preaching to the choir , I strongly urge that you present your evidence for peer review and gain instant fame .
[Reply: I think Jo must be making quite an impact, in educating the general population about the non-science of climate science, if you feel a) the need to come here and be supercilious about it, and b) find the need to hide your superciliousness on the donations page.
But since you obviously know where the donations page is … thank you so much. -Fly]
Dear Fly,
I’m just pointing out the obvious. If Jo has sound arguements she should submit them to the established scientific community where they can be peer reviewed , instead she’s here impressing a lay audience . I’ve made this point a number of times and the responses just address other issues.
If a medical researcher had a genuine challenge to the established view on ebola treatment, would they waste time writing a blog ?
Quite frankly frank, “I don’t giveadamn.”
Thanks for all you do JO you are an inspiration to me as are many of the regular contributors that come here.you have taught me so much so keep on shining a light into the darkest corners of the climate change, green blob ivory towers.They say chocolate is good brain food so share some with your husband to help him crank up that notch
“Buy” $1 units of chocolate support. (Click on the currency button, and write in the quantity).
Hi, Jo. Maybe I’m missing something, but I can’t access the PayPal donation button at the top of this page. Under the above text line is a faintly-highlighted field but with no active buttons or visible text. I think that’s where it should be. I’ve used it before, but twice now (over a weeks time)it has been as I described. It is likely to just be a compatibility problem with my computer or ISP (US location), but I thought I had best mention it, since it might be affecting donations.
Love the webpage, by the way. Keep giving them H Down Under!
I’ll try the donation thing again another day.
Thanks for letting me know! Sigh. Nothing that I know of has changed in the last few weeks. Can you tell me what OS you are using? We really appreciate your support.
[ Warren, try this link and it should bring you to the paypal site: https://www.paypal.com/au/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=tVoCush7GWyncT_D8ZAqjANo3j59VCE7_CfuOFJuWCm9OJI5z0bRW77jy2K&dispatch=50a222a57771920b6a3d7b606239e4d529b525e0b7e69bf0224adecfb0124e9b61f737ba21b08198d8562aa8a3da7ac30bbfba73b3e80dcc ] ED
Just donated. Seems troll traffic is up. What a tedious chore playing whack-a-mole. Thanks Jo and thanks to your regulars for a great site.
Thanks Jo.
Some Canadian $ sent.
Excellent idea, encouraging small business advertising.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks! It has come through. And yes, I think skeptics would support skeptic businesses, and advertising is a tax deductible expense too. Jo
Hi Jo, following you all the time. Keep up the good work donation sent.
A week ago I formally resigned from the Australian Medical Association, because of the climate antics of the Editor of the Medical Journal of Australia (Dr Steven Leeder) and also the President Dr Brian Owler.
I propose to donate half of my subscription (after tax) to JoNova and half to the IPA.
No bitcoin for donations?
GMan, Sorry, I’ve been trying for the last two months to get bitcoin (yes, pathetically late to that party) but their site didn’t work and Bitcoin Australia says “I’m still in the queue” at the helpdesk. It’s $25 per bitcoin transaction now. OK, you were right, I shouldv’e done it years ago.
Keep the good work coming and enjoy the chocolates.
Is there any way of contributing via VISA?
I think I may have had this trouble before. I can’t seem to find a credit card donation page.
Just go to the “Tip Jar”. Yes, it will take you to a PayPal page, but look there for the “Pay by credit or debit card” option. That will accept your VISA card without you needing to have a PayPal account yourself, but the funds will end up in Jo’s PayPal account.
Thanks Bob but still no luck.
I’ve been all over the Home page but can’t find any reference to ‘Tip Jar’.
The only other place I can find is ‘non-credit-card’.
I appreciate your efforts just the same.
And I certainly appreciate the efforts of our Joanne, God bless her, even if I can’t show it in a more concrete way.
Merry Christmas everyone!
I’m not sure what is going on, then. On http://joannenova.com.au/ I see, top right, under the main banner, “Tip Jar” with three small card icons under that.
Do you see that at all?
Under the main banner – top right of the Home page – all I get is:
“Jo appreciates your support to help her keep doing what she does. This blog is funded by donations. Thanks!”
Directly under that are three panels:-
1) Best Topical Blog 2015
2) Lifetime Achievement 2014
3) Winner Best Australian-NZ Blog
I don’t see any ‘Tip Jar’.
Is something weird going on?
Immediately above ““Jo appreciates your support…” should be the Tip Jar icon. What device/browser/operating system etc. are you using? Do you have advertisement/image blocking things installed?
And as you are already commenting on the donations page, do you not see two Tip Jar icons above the paragraph beginning, “Why this odd arrangement?”?
There’s no hint of a Tip Jar icon above “Jo appreciates your support ..”
Above “Why this odd arrangement?” is a blank space – again no hint of a tip jar.
I’m using a Sony laptop, Windows 8.1, and Kaspersky protection.
I don’t know whether I have advertisement/image blocking things installed. I certainly haven’t done anything deliberate in that way.
What do you advise?
“I’m using a Sony laptop, Windows 8.1, and Kaspersky protection.
I don’t know whether I have advertisement/image blocking things installed. I certainly haven’t done anything deliberate in that way.
What do you advise?”
Well, that is weird. In/near that blank space do you see the words, “Our paypal account is happy to accept UK pounds direct too!”?
What Web browser do you use? If the default then I presume Internet Explorer. Do you have installed Google Chrome or Firefox browsers? Even if not for this exercise, it’s handy to have another browser or two installed in case one has problems: Firefox; Chrome.
[Well, that is weird. In/near that blank space do you see the words, “Our paypal account is happy to accept UK pounds direct too!”?]
Yes, there is a panel with that sentence in it.
It’s not ‘clickable’ though.
And yes, you’re right about the browser being Internet Explorer. I’ve never had any browser other than that.
I might consider Chrome.
Thanks for trying to help.
And Merry Christmas to all!
Hi Jo – Lots of water passed under the ‘Climate Change bridge’ since those halcyon days when we got started thanks to you & your Blog Site back in (I think it was 2007?). How time flies when you’re having fun! We’re still going strong! Just added a further $50 to the Chocolate Jar.
Cheers’nBeers, Jim et All at;
The Climate Realists of Five Dock
“De Omnibus Dubitandum” – Question Everything!
Other like minded souls are welcome to Join us for dinner at Club Five Dock most Thursdays from 6:30pm
66 Great North Road, Five Dock NSW 2046 Australia
Email: jimrsimpson@bigpond.com
Thanks so much Jim. Yours has been the most remarkably successful group. I think we need a Jim Simpson in every city… :- )– Jo
Some Christmas Choccy should reach you anytime…my OH has just done a transfer so hope all well. Happy Christmas, Annie.
Sorry my contribution is not much Jo and David , but i’m hoping to raid the remnants of my kids and grandkids selection boxes this xmas and send you the soft centred chocolates that they don’t eat , hopefully before the new year
. PS to ANNIE ( above ) your kind , thoughtful ,compassionate responses to some of my posts during this year have not gone unnoticed , thanks and all the very best to you and your family this xmas , peace and love xxx .
Thank you Dave. May you and yours have a very Happy Christmas.
Direct debit done.
How many magazines did you used to subscribe to that gave nothing like the hours of enjoyment you get from this site ? As you can’t take out a subscription to JoNova as such had you considered taking a subscription to GoldNerds, even if the only Gold you are interested in is the knowledge & insight you gain from this site ?
A choice of subscription options are available and direct payment by Visa avoids the hidden PayPal charges especially from other countries.
Seems the camel carrying the Christmas mail from NSW to WA is lost or dead. However, if it does arrive some time in the future, discard the now worthless piece of paper inside the card. Direct deposit done last night.
Keep up the good work.
Dear Jo, finally have sent your Easter egg contribution. Sorry it took so long. We are particularly grateful for the hint about there still being time to register in the UK in time for the EU Referendum. We had time to appoint proxies though not to arrange a postal vote. Many thanks for everything you do. Annie and OH.
PS Don’t eat all your choccy at once!
PS I wish I had a fortune so that I could buy loadsa choc.
Me too! — Thanks – Jo
Hi Jo,
After years of bludging off your site content I have finally managed to send an order for emergency chocolate. It’s not much but as I work in commercial science at a salary level 30% below the national average it is as much as I can do for now, I should have been a plumber or electrician. Who knows, maybe one day I will get work in a government lab, CSIRO, BOM etc.. then the chocolate will flow.
Thanks for all you guys do to keep the legacy of the enlightenment alive and to keep me sane in the process, no small feat:)
Hello Jo,
After three and a half years of fortnightly donations I regret that I must discontinue them due to changing circumstances. I should be able to resume them next year. I do value the work that you and David do and I will continue to read your blog.
[Email coming belatedly Rod. Thanks! – Jo]
Donation to Jo for all her hard work to celebrate today’s big win!
That should read “… and to celebrate…”
Happy Christmas and thanks for all your work Jo…chocs sent this evening!
I donated but wasn’t able to leave a comment with the payment. So Merry Christmas! Keep up the good work. I expect that there are lots of invisible people like me out there who can appreciate what you do.
Tried to donate via the GBP button, but was told that required information was missing or incomplete. Gave up after several more failed attempts.
[Hi Lewis, Jo said she had fixed that earlier today, but I’ll let her know and hopefully you can try again. Your support is appreciated. – Mod]
I donated because I want Jo’s blog site to continue. As a recognised world acclaimed influential blog site it carries a lot of weight in the Climate Change Sceptics community so it should not wither.
Steve Leitl
Many thanks Jo for keeping up with such a fantastic job. I’ve chipped a bit in (wish it could be more but I was out of work for most of last year) and hopefully it will allow you to keep going. All the best.
Glad to help with your emergency chocolate fund, especially as climate change will have a devastating effect on the cost of chocolate (97% confidence). Perhaps your government will take a more tolerant view of your solicitations if you call them “climate change mitigation funding appeals”. If you don’t start stockpiling chocolate now, soon children may not know what chocolate is.
Good point. For the sake of the children. I’m stockpiling.
Thank you, and thanks to everyone who is helping out. To have enough support to keep going is really very gratifying. It’s a strange lifestyle, but I’m very grateful. Merci!
We, in India, experience colder days in 2017.
Dr. David Evans was perfectly correct in 2015 regarding the prediction.
I am glad that prolific scientists like Dr. David Evans exist.
What a joke, Global Warming!
I had to make a donation to help your efforts to stem the tide of media drivel and vested political interests.
I live in the UK and am subjected to relentless BBC propaganda eg most recently Adam Rutherford, of Radio 4 “Inside Science”,
demanding “We need you [sic] righteous indignation on this. Please write to your MPs. It is not OK to have science so misrepresented in a democracy.” He was referring to the reappointment to a parliamentary committee of Labour MP Graham Stringer, a “climate change sceptic” according to the BBC.
Funny that, the media, especially the BBC, misrepresent climate science all the time.
Have just tried to donate via GBP button but it took me to Paypal without an option to pay you. Maybe I hit a wrong button but tried several times. Then hit EUR button which enabled me to pay you via Paypal, so is something wrong with your GBP button?
I was prompted to donate because I just posted a comment praising various protagonist but not you. I thought of commenting again to say what a fantastic job you are dong, especially as some other prominent blog hosts have withdrawn from the fray, but then I thought that a donation might be more meaningful than merely a few encouraging words, but are they are as well.
Guy, sorry, you are so right. Apologies for not noticing before. You are not the only one, and I have hopefully fixed it. For some reason the GBP button is notoriously touchy, and I will leave it unaligned, out of place, because this version seems to work for me. Hope it does for people of the UK!
the Australian government say that I need permission to accept “donations”.
I believe this is rubbish. Get another opinion. It’s common for blog sites to request donations to help fund their sites. You can tout for donations just like any other blog. I note on my home page, Mozilla, is requesting donations to help support the development of Firefox.
Note: Maybe Crowdfunding a particular project might help.
PS: donation, gift, contribution etc. is on its way ….
Awesome interview on Outsiders today. Keep up the great work Joanne. So great to see someone helping address the misinformation out there about climate and pointing out the toll it is taking on energy costs for all Australian industry and consumers.
Dear Jo,
Some time ago – about 2 months – I posted that I had a copy of Scientific American Oct 1987 in which it claimed that solar PV would be cheaper than coal fired in 6 years. Unfortunately I cannot find it, nor after checking it seems it was NOT the Scientific American. I have had a search for what else it could be without success. I have been having a big clear out this year and must have thrown the reference out.
I have bought you a little chocolate to console you.
Speaking of clear out I have a copy of David Dale’s The Weather Watchers published as “the centenary history of the BoM”. As the BoM started in 1910 and this was published in 2007 it lives up to the BoM’s record of accuracy. It wasn’t a best seller, but would you like it? *
Also, I have about 50 books on climate etc. If I took them to the charity book shop I foresee that those from the 50’s**, 60’s and 70’s** would go into the dump bin, so again would you like them? ( If space is a problem you might be able to auction them off on the website.) If so I will freight them across to the address you nominate.
Graeme Inkster
* Has some useful pre-history e.g. Clement Wragge.
** Gordon Manley Climate and the British Scene 1952. **includes Ponting The Cooling.
P.S. Sent this way as couldn’t get an e-mail to go through.
Hi there,
I’d like to point out that when I first tried to make a donation with the GB button the currency shown is in AUD. I nearly didn’t notice and it would have reduced my donation. Also when David’s book comes out please let me know how I can get a signed copy.
In my opinion you are both stars in the climate universe…
kindest regards,
Government science is being strangled. Only independent scientists are free to speak their minds, and free to follow that data, no matter where it leads.
Would like to contribute, but PayPal seems to be the only option?
Thanks KK..
Done. It’s not much but it is my pleasure to donate as a way of saying thanks for the important work you are doing and pleas3 keep doing it!
Done. I recommend dark chocolate coated blueberries. I discovered them a few weeks ago. Imagine a dried blueberry coated in smooth, shiny dark chocolate. They can be found in the health food area of Coles and Woolies and probably other places that we don’t have here in the bush. It’s in the health food area, so it’s got to be good for you, right
Chocolate and blueberries combination sounds good. I must look for them the next time I venture forth from our peasants’ hideout!
Just be aware that it’s very dangerous stuff. Weapons grade. Impossible to stop eating.
I’ve been meaning to donate for years, and finally got around to it. Keep up the great fight. You are both national treasures!
Nice Chocolate