Dr Aseem Malhotra
“The Greatest Medical Deception We will Witness in our Lifetime”
A Blockbuster Speaker: Dr Asseem Malhotra, a Consultant Cardiologist in the UK was one of the first to speak up about vaccine heart risks.
Book for Melbourne (June 1 and 2) , Brisbane (June 5th scroll down!), and Perth (June 10th). It is already sold out or taken place in NSW, the Gold Coast, South Australia and the ACT. (Sorry!) Hopefully video will be posted.
Hosted By Topher Field
There are different extra speakers at every event. Check the links above. In Perth don’t miss Ed Dowd — the former BlackRock executive who wrote a whole book on excess deaths (remember him talking to Tucker Carlson?). Plus Naomi Wolf — the famous feminist who has been red-pilled and now campaigns against vaccine mandates (via satellite). And John Shipton — Julian Assange’s father.
The AMPS is a new medical organization for doctors and health workers in Australia formed during the pandemic because the AMA was doing such a bad job. Find out more about the AMPS and the tour on Facebook […]
STICKY POST: Thursday December 1: Meet Jen Marohasy and myself tonight at the screening of two short films, Bleached Colorful, and Finding Porites, showing the real state of the Great Barrier Reef. It’s on at 6.30pm at The Windsor Cinema, Nedlands. Tickets here.
9.9 out of 10 based on 71 ratings
I’ll be discussing the absurdity of Destroying Perfectly good Electricity Grids in Australia with the Friends of Science in Calgary, Canada with a presentation then Q&A. It will be live 7pm MDT Monday evening in Canada/USA and Tuesday 10th morning in Australia (11am EST, 9am WST). It will be available to watch afterwards as the wonderful Ian Plimer’s is now from last week.
“Australia – Crash Test Dummy of Renewable Energy” with Joanne Nova Click here for more information 9.8 out of 10 based on 50 ratings
I’m delighted to announce that Friends of Science in Calgary Canada have organized speeches and online panel sessions from Ian Plimer tomorrow today Monday evening in Canada/USA and Tuesday 3rd morning in Australia, and myself the following week Monday May 9th in Canada, and Tuesday May 10th in Australia. Click here for more information 9.8 out of 10 based on 45 ratings
FYI for Perth readers: There’s a protest at the WA Parliament on Saturday for those who think Western Australia needs coal power and free choice about medical procedures. Shouldn’t citizens be able to decide what gets injected?
10am – 11:30am, Saturday 6th March, Parliament House Perth, Western Australia. Click for more information.
9.4 out of 10 based on 55 ratings
Hope to see as many sharp minds and good souls as possible.
This week in Perth day by day:
Tuesday 5th March, David Archibald — Stop The Climate Stupidity, The Irish Club, 61 Townshend St Subiaco
Brazil’s New foreign minister has said that climate change is a Marxist plot and he is right. Hear the whole story of Global Warming Hysteria including its dark Nazi origins. Australia is destroying itself for no good reason. Increased CO2 is wholly good.
LibertyFest in the West: in Perth for the first time
NWFRIENDSP19 gives readers here 30% off!
Prices start at just $99 (before the discount)
Weds 6th, March, Ian Plimer, UWA Club Thurs 7th March, Student Pitchfest Competition, CIS and Mannkal, Natalie Elliot, The Hon Aaron Stonehouse, Tom Switzer, The Vic Hotel, Subiaco. Friday 8th March, Parliament House Tour, Steve Baxter, Shark Tank Celebrity, 6:30pm Live Q&A with Tony Abbott MP, Nick Cater, Tom Switzer. The Duxton Ballroom. Sat 9th March, The Big Day — Bettina Arndt, Chris Berg, Jo Nova, MLA’c, MLC’s, and stacks more, see the page. Millenial Socialists, Wicked Witches, Who Owns Your Body?, Free Market Environmentalism, Drug Law […]
Just a note to apologize in advance that I can’t read or reply to emails while I’m away from now to Dec 3 (at these events).
If you need to reach me urgently, please email the moderators at support AT joannenova.com.au. (And thank them for their help!).
9.4 out of 10 based on 34 ratings
I’m travelling this week, so can’t get to this event, but promised I’d give it a free advert. For people interested in the history of Western Civilization and the role of the Classics and Education in the future of The West. These events are always thought provoking. Stephen Hurworth’s knowledge of the to’s and fro’s and strategic cycles of history is par excellence…
A Classical Revival night in Perth
9.5 out of 10 based on 31 ratings […]
Last Chance to Book for Tony Abbott Lecture: Melbourne, 3 July 2018
The place to be on Tuesday night.
“Climate Change & Restraining Greenhouse Gas Emissions“ Last days to book your tickets for the Bob Carter Commemorative Lecture given by the Hon. Tony Abbott—the former PM and current MHR for Warringah in NSW—on 3 July 2018.
Tickets: Book them through Eventbrite. Tickets:$35 for AEF members and $42 for others.
Book Tickets here.
9.4 out of 10 based on 34 ratings […]
A huge conference is building in Sydney. Quick, join in, you can get a 10% discount with the code Nova18.
I’ll be there for the first time having great fun explaining how to burn billions and ruin reliable electricity — which was a big hit here in Perth.
How to destroy a perfectly good electricity grid in three easy steps
The World is watching Australia. Despite being handicapped with abundant resources, we’ve turned ourselves into an international spectacle with rampant blackouts, flying squads of diesel generators, and the highest electricity prices in the world. An achievement like this does not come easily.
The grand experiment unfolds around us, as the nation discovers why “free” energy isn’t free, why storage is deceptively expensive, yet baseload is deceptively cheap.
Discover the Joy of Blackouts!
There is an amazing line up of speakers this year on May 25-27 in Sydney. A building full of sane people!
See the feisty, fabulous Ian Plimer, and Nick Minchin (former Senator, skeptic, who starred in the ABC documentary and invited David and me onto it). Not to miss Sinclair Davidson from Catalaxy, Graeme Young from Online Opinion (remember his great […]
Liddell Coal Plant, NSW. Image: Webaware, Wikimedia
UPDATE: 6:30pm for a 6:45 start.
AGL has promised to close the Liddell Coal generators early. Why won’t they sell this generator? Perhaps they want to save the planet (Corporate Saints?!), or maybe is it better for business not to have another cheap coal plant competing with their profitable gas and subsidized-renewables generators in Australia? Perhaps they like to feast off million dollar power price spikes and forced subsidies from the Renewable Energy Target?
How screwed is our free market when the cheapest form of generation is so “worthless” corporates buy it to “throw it away”?
Archibald is a take-no-prisoners presenter. If you can get there, do!
Save Liddell and keep the Hunter Valley working (not to mention our national grid).
Thursday 22nd February, Singleton Diggers Club, cnr York and Church St Singleton, NSW.
The Science of Climate Power Prices The true story at Liddell The Lesson from the US What’s needed for the Hunter
Presented by David Archibald, Geologist, climate scientist and energy analyst.
Contact David.archibald AT westnet.com.au
Ph 0410 664 853
9.1 out of 10 based on 70 ratings […]
Three ways to destroy a perfectly good electricity grid
Council for the National Interest (CNI)
Royal Perth Yacht Club 2:30 til 4:30
Australia II Drive, Crawley Bay, Nedlands.
Free Entry
UPDATE: A great success and a lot of fun. These events are always so well run. If you live in WA check out CNI. A smart, polite and friendly crowd.
9 out of 10 based on 110 ratings
Click to enlarge
What a fantastic line-up of speakers at the One Nation, Cost of Living Summit on Friday 13th October, 9.30-4pm.
Go see Malcolm Roberts, Mark Latham, Ross Cameron, Graham Young, Tim Andrews, Dr Alan Moran, Prof Tony Makin, and Dr Dan Mitchell (USA) and others speak on Friday at the Queensland Parliament House, LC (red chamber): Just $20.
From the flyer:
Australians are facing severe cost-of-living pressures and decreasing living standards caused by Federal and State governments who no longer represent everyday Australians. Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party are bringing together experts in tax, regulation, money, banking, housing, farming and energy who will highlight the key issues driving our high cost-of-living in Australia.
Our Cost-of-Living Summit will demonstrate how excessive government interventions have created a mess in the energy market resulting in our unaffordable power prices, and how we can remove these drivers of high costs to create a fairer and more affordable future. One Nation wants to set our nation free, harness human ingenuity and resourcefulness to create a better Australia for all Australians.
9.5 out of 10 based on 60 ratings
How many solar panels does it take to stop floods and droughts in Australia? The science of managing the weather with power stations and other modern superstitions. September 20 @ 6:15 pm – 9:00 pm
The Generous Squire, 397 Murray St, Perth city, Western Australia.
Organized by LibertyWorks: $20 or Free-for-members. Includes a beer or wine. Early bird discount of $15 ends tomorrow at midnight. Food for sale.
How to destroy a perfectly good electricity grid in three easy steps
The World is watching Australia. Despite being handicapped with abundant resources, we’ve turned ourselves into an international spectacle with rampant blackouts, flying squads of diesel generators, and the highest electricity prices in the world.
An achievement like this does not come easily.
The grand experiment unfolds around us, as the nation discovers why “free” energy isn’t free, why storage is deceptively expensive, yet baseload is deceptively cheap.
9.7 out of 10 based on 111 ratings
The Climate Debate Continues!
Professor Cliff Ollier, UWA and David Archibald, Author of “Twilight of Abundance”
Jo says: two Perth councils are drafting policies to cope with sea level rise right this minute. Cliff Ollier can set them straight with Rising sea Level Forecast: Fact or Fiction? Archibald’s book is subtitled: “Why Life in the 21st Century Will Be Nasty, Brutish, and Short”. It’s excellent and fascinating. This man does not mince words. What else do you need to know?
Monday 26th May 7pm, Royal Perth Yacht Club, Australia II Drive, Crawley, Perth, more details below.
8.2 out of 10 based on 41 ratings […]
NSW Saturday 23rd February: (7:00 pm) Presentation Wagga Wagga Commercial Club, Nathan Room Saturday, 23rd February (12:00 noon) George and Paul interview, 954 2UE Monday, 25th February: (7:10am) Alan Jones interview, 873 2GB … Click more for booking details of the other dates this week in Sydney & Newcastle, next week in Perth, and the week after that in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. 8.7 out of 10 based on 43 ratings […]
UPDATED (Already) Money is grubby thing, but financial independence means freedom. Freedom to spend time writing what a heart believes instead of what an employer demands. (Freedom to follow the most inexplicable whim — like tossing the 9-5 day to debate details of dendroclimatology with people who detest you). I wouldn’t be able to indulge in the luxury of writing this blog if it weren’t for the gold shares that keep food on the table. Next Monday David is speaking at The Gold Symposium in Sydney. (I’ll be in the audience.) Who should go? — only people who don’t want to be poor. I want to see both these independent conferences succeed (The AEF too), I want to share the word about both money and science, and I want to help independent spirits meet up. That’s why I’m giving them both a shameless plug before the article. There is a big overlap between gold and skepticism: skeptical of government science often means skeptical of government money too (see We are all Austrians now). For the pure-science readers here, it may all seem thoroughly odd, but while some will paint gold as a fatuous symbol of pointless wealth – and sometimes […]
At the end of next week, the Australian Environment Foundation is hosting its annual conference. I had such a good time at the last one I attended (in 2009) that I’m going again, this time, not as a speaker, but just to be there. Bob Carter is attending too. This is one of the rare events this year to spend time with passionate rational people in Australia — people who are interested in the outcomes, not just the intentions. Find out the latest developments in protecting the environment with a pragmatic, science-based approach. And it’s not just about the speeches, the conference also includes a Tall Ships Cruise, a Gala Dinner, informal drinks, and an open forum.
The conference covers the science of fisheries, wind farms, water resources, temperature records, indigenous land-management and the economics (from a former reserve bank board member) of the carbon tax.
Costs between $85 – $250 (depending on membership and the events chosen). Details: Word, pdf or PayPal
Conference programme
Little Green Lies, by Jeff Bennett Professor of Environmental Management in the Crawford School of Economics and Government, ANU
Saturday October 20th
The annual conference will be addressed by the following speakers:
Watts Up Suspended
You know you’re going to speculate. The emails started coming in to me early this morning ten minutes after the unusual WUWT post was published. No — it’s not ClimateGate III, not FOIA. I have my theories. 🙂
Rereke calculates the release time for WUWT In New Zealand it will be 7.00 am.
Officially the release is listed for: “Sunday July 29th, around Noon PST in California”
Rereke notes: “Anthony Watt’s site does say PST, which would be 8.00am NZT. The question is, “Is that a typo?” I assumed that it was, because people just look at the clock. It is only people like me who are anal enough to worry.
By assuming that it should be PDT, I might be watching an hour early.”
So here are some other times (assuming it is PDT):
California: Sunday 12:00 noon New Zealand: Monday 7 am Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane Australia : Monday 5am Perth, Australia: Monday: 3am Delhi, India: Monday 12.30am Jerusalem Israel, Helsinki Finland: Sunday 10pm Paris , France; Berlin Germany; Rome, Italy: Sunday 9pm London, UK: Sunday 8pm New York, USA: Sunday 3pm Corresponding GMT Sunday 7pm
Times thanks to Timeanddate.com
So […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

Jo appreciates your support to help her keep doing what she does. This blog is funded by donations. Thanks!

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The nerds have the numbers on precious metals investments on the ASX
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