By Jo Nova
We may have to fix the sleep deprivation to fix the cultural apathy
Listening to a sleep specialist I was struck that so much of our civilizational decline mirrors the effects sleep deprivation has on individuals. The sleep researcher even used the phrases “deviant” and “social loafing”. Tired people free-load on the team and are more likely to make false claims. It amplifies the worst of “The Welfare State”.
A sleep deprived nation is a fatter, less productive, less creative and less motivated country. Sex hormones are reduced, blood sugar is raised, immunity suffers, self control is reduced, and anxiety increases, as does every marker of suicidal ideation. Food choices become more hedonic. Self discipline suffers. Declines in sleep must surely also explain part of the testosterone drop that modern civilization seems to be suffering from. Blood tests show being tired is medically a form of premature aging — albeit, hopefully, temporary.
Professor Matthew Walker argues that sleep is more important than food or exercise and yet we are ignoring it. Every species on Earth needs to sleep. If it were not essential, evolution would have found a way to get rid of it, or reduce […]
By Jo Nova The TGA in Australia* have handed Clive Palmer a dynamite story to use against them and Big Pharma
Palmer is in fine form below — shining a light on the pathological success of health regulation. Early use of HCQ could have saved thousands of people, but as readers here know, if there was a cheap useful treatment for Covid available, other expensive, barely tested, risky new drugs would not be given an Emergency Use Authorization, thus threatening to kill a $200 billion dollar cash cow.
Getting rid of safe competing drugs is just a part of the business plan for Big Pharma and they would be letting down their shareholders if they didn’t lobby like hell to make it happen.
Clive Palmer paid for 37 million doses of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and donated it to the Australian public.
But it arrived in Australia, it was all destroyed by the Morrison regime.
Clive Palmer also donated $1 million to fund a trial into HCQ – but the TGA shut it down and… https://t.co/0wO6UnxwKY pic.twitter.com/d1g0fIk4n4
— Craig Kelly (@CKellyUAP) March 17, 2023
HCQ reduced death rates by 72% in 15 early treatment trials
The short video […]
By Jo Nova
Ed Dowd is the former BlackRock executive, who has been drawing attention to the excess death data. As a Wall Street trader he likes to find and arbitrage the realities that aren’t well known so he can bet against the realities that aren’t real. And so he found himself last year looking at death trends that were off the charts. At this point the trader turned into a human trying to warn hundreds of CEO’s of insurance companies (among others) but they did not want to know…
Of the 3.2 million newly disabled in the USA, it’s remarkable (though sad) that 1.7 million came from the employed sector. Normally working people are the healthiest group — but since February 2021 their disability rate is up 31%. That compares to a rise of just 9% across the “general population”. And in a complete turnaround — those who quit or got fired — normally the sickest ones — their disability rate rose only 4%.
So something changed. What could it be, we wonder, that took place in 2021 and caused more of those who stayed in their jobs to become disabled. Why was quitting work or being fired a […]
By Jo Nova
In the great Covid backpedalling of 2023, even the Australian ABC has finally admitted that natural immunity from Covid “lasts as long as vaccination” which is still false and misleading (because it lasts longer and is higher) but must have caused angst at the office. They go on to say their holy rosary incantation: “but experts have cautioned that vaccines are still the safer option”. Safer than what now, though? The new meta-review in the Lancet says nothing at all about side effects of vaccines or new variants, but people-who-believe-experts and people who think they are “good journalists” need to say their medical Hail-Marys, otherwise they have to admit to themselves that they were wrong and sometimes obnoxiously, insufferably, stupidly so.
The new Lancet metastudy looked at 65 studies from 19 countries. They found the reinfection rate of people who caught Covid was lower than people who were given Pfizer or Moderna. About a year after catching Covid, people with natural immunity still had about 37% protection against getting Omicron BA.1, about four times higher than people who had two Moderna doses. Yet the people with the better protection were locked out, punished, and sometimes even banned […]
By The Babylon Bee.
Experts Say They Don’t Know What Thing Is Causing Everyone To Suddenly Collapse, But It’s Definitely Not That One Thing.
“It’s too early to say what could be causing this, but it’s never too early to say what isn’t causing this,” said local expert, Dr. Scott Rufflinger. “This could be caused by anything. But the one thing we know for certain is that it’s definitely not what we’re all thinking that’s behind this — if you know what I mean. We can go ahead and rule that thing out right now because Science just called us on the phone and told us not to discuss it. We always follow Science.”
According to sources, experts have been working tirelessly around the clock to try and get to the bottom of why so many seemingly perfectly healthy, athletic people are falling over suddenly.
“I wish I could point to something in the past year or two that large groups of people were exposed to, or forced into, but nothing comes to mind,” added Dr. Rufflinger. “If only there was one thing all these patients had in common.”
If only it […]
By Jo Nova
Is the dam wall breaking?
The Telegraph
Last week the Wall Street Journal ran with a headline: Are vaccines fuelling new Covid variants? It would have been unthinkable last year. Back then, it was a pandemic of the evil un-vaccinated.
Tonight Consultant cardiologist Assem Malhotra has a double page spread in the UK Telegraph warning… “the jab can rapidly speed up the development of heart disease”. In his twitter feed he’s very excited: “Do they have proof? YES MORE THAN ENOUGH! “We’ve finally broken British mainstream news“. That tweet has now been seen by 2.1 million people. Obviously other people are excited too.
But steel yourself, the mainstream press is 3 years behind the news and the first journalists putting their heads over the parapet are making sure risky sentences are buried six feet deep in qualifiers. The risk of myocarditis is small they say, people recover fast (except for the ones that died), the vaccines are still useful, Covid causes myocarditis too, etc etc, ad nauseum.
Critics claim Covid jabs are causing heart problems – do they have any proof?
Sarah Knapton, Telegraph
While there have always been anti-vaxxers, […]
By Jo Nova
Here we are after half a billion people caught Covid (that we know of) and now someone studies zinc tablets and mortality in a proper randomized trial?
It turns out zinc treatment reduced the length of Covid suffering by about 3 days and the people who took it were 40% less likely to die.
The thing we learn from this study is that yet again, publicly funded science is killing people because it is not studying the obvious, cheap, low risk solutions that can’t be patented. Ministers of Health are apparently Ministers for Pharmaceutical profits.
This is the scandal:
To our knowledge, this study is the first well-powered, placebo-controlled clinical trial to report results of zinc for the treatment of patients with COVID-19.
To summarize the background: We already knew zinc was useful against quite a few viruses and have known this since 1974. We also knew from another study that 6 out of 10 Covid patients were deficient in zinc, and those patients were more likely to die. Odds were that zinc would be useful, low cost and low risk, so… we waited two years and let a few million people die before someone, […]
By Jo Nova
A turning point maybe?
One of the top doctors in Australia Dr Kerryn Phelps — a familiar face on the news here, has come out saying that she has suffered “devastating” side effects from the Covid vaccines herself. She also says that her doctors are seeing ” ‘a lot’ of patients in a similar situation, but they are afraid to talk about it for fear of being de-registered and losing their career.
Phelps is also a bit of a darling of the left, a successful woman, married to another woman, who ran for Parliament and briefly served with a pro-climate-change agenda in a wealthy seat. It’s possible her words will give a voice to those on the other half of the political spectrum who may have said nothing or not even realized the symptoms they suffer are an adverse reaction to the vaccine. Lights may be switching on. Will it spark a wave of discussion among the left leaning? There has always been a core group of people suspicious of vaccination on the left. What if the left and right ends of the spectrum met in the middle, and realized that the real battle […]
By Jo Nova
If anyone says “but this was only a few people” — the absolute scandal here is that every nation in the West should have been doing studies like this nearly two years ago and by the hundreds.
German pathologists studied heart muscle cells in 25 people who died at home within a month of getting vaccinated. Of these, five people had strange strange clusters of white blood cells infiltrating their heart muscle and all of those died within just a week of being vaccinated. In three of those cases, the results were quite clear, and there were no other potential causes of myocarditis, and no obvious heart problems, and the link to the vaccination was quite strong. “Further studies are needed”.
Constantin Schwab and others searched back through historic records and were struck that during the last 20 years of autopsy service at Heidelberg University Hospital they had not seen any “comparable myocardial inflammatory infiltration.” It really was unusual.
In this case the myocarditis was not necessarily severe, but the mild localized inflammation in clusters may have interfered with the pattern of contraction of heart muscle, causing fibrillation — where contracting cells become unsynchronized. In that trembling […]
By Jo Nova The Nanny State strikes again
Apparently, there just aren’t enough real emergencies anymore, so we need to fake them up.
A couple of weeks ago, our billion dollar ABC, in cohoots with the Bureau of Meteorology, decided to report in prime time news that heatwaves are now so deadly serious we need New Emergency Warnings — “like a Bushfire emergency”, even though we get heatwaves every year, they hardly kill anyone and even five year olds know how to press the air conditioner button.
Back in 1896, Australians had to catch emergency trains and head for the hills the heat was so deadly. But apparently adult mammals are now so stupid they don’t know when it’s hot, and need to sit next to ABC Emergency radio all day in case “things change quickly” and someone needs to tell them to rush to the fridge for a glass of water.
I mean, it’s almost like heatwaves sneak up on people around hills at 100 miles an hour?
Either that or two government agencies want to scare more money out of Australian taxpayers:
New heatwave warning system adopted across Australia, using bushfire-style emergency alerts
by Tyne Logan, […]
By Jo Nova
Whose baby is it anyway?
Bizzare: A a four month old baby called Will needs open heart surgery, but the parents don’t want the doctors to use the “pooled” vaccinated blood on offer. They’d prefer to use donor blood from unvaccinated people and already have 20 potential donors lined up. All Health New Zealand has to do is say “OK — but you pay any extra costs” and this problem would be solved. Instead the health police are taking the parents (and baby) to court to try to take control of the boy off them, so they can do the surgery their way.
Health New Zealand says the vaccinated blood is fine and dandy because it has extra antibodies in it (and being clairvoyant they already know the results of the ten year studies too.) What they don’t say is whether they can guarantee donor blood has no SARS-2 Spike proteins, or mRNA coding for remnants of lab experiments in it.
Why are Health New Zealand risking the baby’s health, delaying surgery, putting the parents through an ordeal, and wasting money when this could be solved so easily?
What, exactly, are the bureaucrats so […]
By Jo Nova,
The South Australian Health department must have known about the surge of young people with heart problems, but they did nothing. The only reason we have this data now is because Senator Antic filed an FOIA to get it and that’s a scandal in itself.
The pattern is very similar to the pattern of excess deaths in the UK, in Germany and in the US — yet the media (or worse, some doctors) can’t seem to figure it out. In the US in almost the same three month period of 2021 there was a a 200% increase in excess deaths in 35 to 45 year olds. In South Australia the number of cardiac presentations (not deaths) — rose from around 1200 a month to 2172 — a rise of 180%.
Cardiac presentations in South Australian hospitals . | Click to enlarge
These cardiac events in 2021 were not caused by Covid.
South Australia makes a tidy control case. Unlike most other nations there were virtually no cases of Covid at all until after New Years Eve 2022. So the entire first and highest peak in cardiac problems occurred months before the virus even started […]
There were only 16 people involved in the lawsuit in New York, but they won this round categorically and it may set a precedent that affects thousands. The 16 sanitation workers who were sacked because they chose not to be vaccinated must be reinstated, and the Judge wants lost wages to be paid too:
The Epoch Times: Judge Strikes Down NYC Vaccine Mandate
A New York Supreme Court judge on Monday struck down New York City’s vaccine mandate, finding the rule to be unconstitutional, arbitrary, and capricious.
Attorney Chad LaVeglia, who announced the verdict outside the Richmond County courthouse, said the mandate was now “null and void.”
This is not over yet. The decision, applies just to these 16 workers and will be appealed:
The ruling strikes down the mandate that saw over 2,000 city workers fired for not getting a COVID-19 vaccine. LaVeglia said the ruling extends to all public workers, including the New York fire department, the police department, and the Department of Corrections. However, the city disagreed and filed an appeal, saying it is keeping the mandate in place.
Justice Ralph Porzio’s decision is here. Apparently the legal case partly […]
By Jo Nova
Why-O-Why has this taken so long?
Finally we have a preprint paper assessing SARS2 as if it might have been an engineered product from a laboratory. We now know it was very likely a lab product and we can probably even name the tools that were used to tweak it.
The virus appears to be too clean, lacking in the noise that all its wild type cousins have. Random evolution in bats and pangolins just doesn’t work like this. SARS2 has the unmistakable fingerprint pattern of a virus that not-so-coincidentally is perfectly suited to being manipulated with two of the most common laboratory enzymes available available at a biolab near you for $150. (Shop here, here, or here).
The authors stress that even though their results strongly suggest this virus was a “synthetic” virus, that doesn’t tell us whether it was intended to harm, or was released deliberately. But their results do cast a very different light on the rush to declare the wet markets were to blame, and the too-fast calls, based on no evidence, that anyone who said otherwise was a conspiracy theorist. This kind of analysis could have been done in Feb-March 2020 and […]
By Jo Nova
None of it makes any sense — except for the money
If the CDC puts a particular vaccine on the childhood vaccine schedule Big Pharma automatically is thereafter liability free “forever” for that vaccine. And that may happen in the next 24 hours. So this is a Platinum Jackpot moment for Pharmaceutical shareholders, but makes no medical sense at all. It’s the logical but absurd endpoint of a civilization run on bubble-money. If we print enough money from nothing to capture the agencies, buy off the media, and keep the politicians on a leash, we will get served a Plateful of Stupid. And so it is coming to pass…
Watch Tucker’s face as the good Doctor Makary explains the situation. I mean really, in serious straight tones we’re saying that 50 million American children will be told to take a vaccine that has only been tested on eight mice, for a disease that poses little known threat to them, with a vaccine that isn’t likely to help for long, and which has serious known side-effects, and, by the way, there’s no clinical data to assess. Big Pharma says they’ve done a study, but the data is […]
Florida Surgeon General warns of 84% increase heart attack deaths 18-39 men
Dr Joseph Ladapo (he speaks very well).
In March, Florida Health advised against giving any child a Covid vaccine. Now the Florida Surgeon General says adult men under 40 should not get mRNA vaccines against Covid because it nearly doubles their risk of a fatal heart attack in the following month. Not many men in their 20s and 30s die of a heart attack, but it’s a very big deal when they do, and this means nearly half of the deaths in that 28 day period post vaccination are a tragedy that could have been prevented.
The risk in young women was a hefty 59% higher too. With such a strong signal, and in just a 28 day period post vaccination, we have to ask, why did it take so long to pick this up? Surely someone should have put the brakes on after the first few months? As the DailyMail reports there were 20 fatalities in men and ten in women in the first month alone. The study continued on for six months, but that first month ended mid January last year and here we […]
By Jo Nova
A dedicated group called ICAN has finally obtained the CDC data for v-safe, the smartphone App that allowed 10 million registered users to report side effects after getting a Covid vaccine.
There are several things to ponder about the belated forced release of the US v-safe data:
That if our Ministries of Health actually wanted to know if a vaccine was safe it would be easy. If the data showed how good the vaccines were it wouldn’t have taken two lawsuits and 463 days to get it from the CDC. Why did it take even one lawsuit? Hiding this data hurt people. Of the ten million people in the VSafe register, nearly 1 in 12 people needed to seek medical care after getting vaccinated. Wow, just wow. What a signal. Why didn’t the CDC halt the vaccines?
“Among numerous alarming results, out of the approximate 10 million individuals that registered and submitted data to v-safe, 782,913 individuals, or over 7.7% of v-safe users, had a health event requiring medical attention, emergency room intervention, and/or hospitalization. Over 25% had an event that required them to miss school or work and/or prevented normal activities.” — ICAN
You’d think it would be big news? Deaths in Australia are running a lot higher than expected. After ticking like a metronome for years, they’ve suddenly jumped 12% or even higher. This is above and beyond normal deaths and deaths listed as “Covid”. Something mysterious or new has killed around 10,000 Australians in the first half of this year last twelve months*. This is eight times worse than the national road toll, yet this phenomenon has barely rated a mention in our news reports.
When a car crash kills three people, we hear about it on the six o’clock news. But when 10,000 lose their lives… crickets.
Total media interest on this mystery killer amounts to three tangential mentions out of 100 media outlets. One, in the Australian Financial Review called it a “marked” change and “helpfully” said it wasn’t due to suicide. The Guardian, meanwhile wondered if Covid was really killing more people than we realize. The third, NewsGP for doctors was the only serious discussion, yet even it was all questions and no answers. The word vaccine was only mentioned so that we knew that unnamed analysts believe “the probable influence of vaccine-related deaths … is ‘negligible’. Not […]
By Jo Nova
Oracle Films has a new documentary out to help fill the gaping hole that is the legacy media. While every news outlet could afford to send a full camera crew to hospitals to show the pain of Covid patients, there’s a five mile exclusion zone around the home of anyone who claim to be victims of vaccine side effects. The media won’t talk to widows and family of loved ones; won’t tell the stories of people who died within days of their second shot. They won’t show montages of athletes collapsing on the field or children who lost a parent. Indeed the BBC’s big contribution was to dob in a Facebook group with 250,000 members who were reduced to talking about their injections with carrot emoji’s in a secret code. Facebook axed them, and the BBC bragged about it. Just another great moment in Public Broadcasting.
Dr Aseem Malhotra pointed out last week that in Norway, which has good official figures, about 1 in 1000 people are getting side effects that “put them in hospital” or are described as “life changing”. While 99.9% didn’t suffer like that, it still means tens of thousands of people across the […]
Apparently suddenly appointments for the second jab are being cancelled, and some parents are “distraught”.
I’ve just been made aware that children turning 5 from this month onwards are no longer eligible for the covid vaccine!
See snapshot from the NHS Green Book. I received a distraught email from a parent this morning whose child’s vax appt had been cancelled.
Wtaf?! pic.twitter.com/LyEdrP1lZp
— Prof. Christina Pagel 🇺🇦 (@chrischirp) September 5, 2022
What kind of medicine do you offer to all children aged 5 – 11 as a “one off program” with a near-secret end date?
Apparently the end was a preplanned thing, a mere footnote in February that no one noticed. Was this a premade PR “out-clause” that was there from the beginning and which could be turned off or on as it suited? If so, we have to admire the politico-marketing. If things went badly, it’s a clever way of being able to cancel the program without appearing to cancel it. “Nothing to see here Ladies and Gentlemen“. It’s just a footnote clause that doctors didn’t know about.
Presumably, if there were no issues of concern they would have quietly extended the program.
Covid vaccine: […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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