by Jo Nova
Decades ago we knew that vaccines carry risks that can’t be tested in a three month trial, or even a two year trial. Just ask Anthony Fauci… @MirandaDevine
Anthony Fauci on the AIDS vaccine in 1999:
“You take it and then a year goes by and everybody is fine. And then you say, okay that’s good, now let’s give it to 500 people, and then a year goes by and everything is fine. Well now let’s give it to thousands of people and then you find out that it takes twelve years for all hell to break loose and then what have you done?”
Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority
Doctors and our Medical agencies should have explained this risk
There may be a legal route for vaccine victims to fight back.
We always thought the Doctor-Patient relationship was sacred, and “informed consent” meant that doctors told the whole truth, and gave their honest opinions. In Australia that was blown out of the water when the TGA banned cheap safe drugs and AHPRA deregistered, suspended or just threatened doctors who spoke their minds. But perhaps there is a legal path open […]
By Jo Nova
Itajai,SC. Brazil | Eduardo Marquetti
A new study of 8,300 people shows that taking ivermectin regularly before catching Covid halved the odds of catching it, and reduced mortality by a seismic 92%*. It reduced hospitalization by 98%, and in a dose dependent manner. If unvaccinated people were threatening our hospital system, it was only ever because they were denied ivermectin, something that appears to have increased their odds of dying by 12.5 fold. And as we all know now, the Emergency Use Authorization for the new, barely tested, radically different vaccines depended on there being no safe cheap alternative, which clearly there was. This study took place from July 2020 — Dec 2020. So here we are two years after it started. So many people died who didn’t need to.
Itajai is in Santa Catarina. Google Maps
This study follows up on the large trial in Itajai, Brazil to see if regular use of ivermectin would work better than the bizarrely low doses which still cut hospitalization in half, and reduced deaths by 70%. In that study, people were asked to take the 0.2mg/kg/day dose two days in a row but only […]
A new paper shows in Germany excess deaths seem to mysteriously hit the working age crowd harder than the old and the young in 2021, which defied the textbooks, and also broke the pattern set in 2020. The Delta variant arrived in 2021 with a higher mortality rate but that still doesn’t explain the strange age pattern. In 2020 Germany had about 30,000 deaths officially due Covid, which rose to 80,000 deaths in 2021. But something else was going on because Covid doesn’t hit working age people harder than senior citizens.
Viruses usually kill the very young or the very old, not the people in the middle.
This sort of actuarial data is notoriously complicated to unpack. But there is a clear rise in unexpected deaths at the same time as the medical experiments that also peaked in April, June, and December of 2021. As Kuhbandner and Reitzner point out, excess deaths appear to rise with the timing of vaccination doses, especially the first and the third.
Furthermore, peak vaccinations for the under 30s was delayed til June, which is when their excess deaths peaked
For most of the first year and a half of […]
UPDATE: Qld Doctors Against Mandates are trying to get funding for their case.
Great to see medico’s fighting back against the tyranny of APHRA.
Queenslanders may want to sign this petition (closes today!)
When government bureaucracies need to legally force “public confidence” in themselves over patient health, we know the health system is already so decrepit, dishonorable and corrupted no one should have any confidence in it at all.
So if a doctor raises any concerns about government health policy they will be undermining “confidence”?
Public confidence in health services TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland
Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House the threat of Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 (Reference No. 2) is that it seeks to make “public confidence in health services” as the paramount principle of all our healthcare. This is a radical departure from the previously well-established and respected principle of patient-centred care. The RACGP and AMA have expressed concerns over this refocusing of healthcare, and professional indemnity insurance companies like MIGA and the Insurance Council of Australia have agreed that the […]
The Queensland government will allow unvaccinated teachers to return to work, but at a lower pay rate for 18 weeks. It has also sent them nasty letters to make sure they feel intimidated. There are only so many words for vindictive, spiteful tyrants.
Do the vaccinated realize that this will bite them soon too? Once bureaucrats can inflict penalties retrospectively, capriciously and with no possible reasoning (they don’t even try) — then anyone can be the next victim.
John Ruddick (@JohnRuddick2)
What’s happening to the unvaxxed Queensland teachers is the opening salvo in a Beijing-style ‘social credit’ system in Australia.
The govt is pointlessly persecuting a minority to enforce conformity. https://t.co/y03tR08oGI
Meanwhile, the CDC says you can’t have the new omicron vaccine unless you take the old out-of-date vaccine first
Not that anyone is hankering to try another round of medical experiments, but in what immunological world does that make sense… The old vaccines prime immune systems to respond to a virus that hasn’t been seen for 18 months. Using an out-of-date vaccine increases the risk of Original Antigenic Sin and Antibody Dependent Enhancement where our bodies make antibodies that […]
For most things that kill us there is a clock like regularity with deaths in a province as big as Alberta. Year after year dementia kills about 2,000 people, for example. But then there was Covid-19 and a disease called Unknown Causes. Wow.
Alberta Causes of Deaths data*,
Unknown causes of death killed more people in Alberta than anything else did
Despite billions of dollars in spending, somehow modern medicine is seven times less likely to know what someone died of than it was two years ago. Does anything else capture just how far medicine has advanced during the pandemic (all the way back to 1910?).
That’s a pretty significant signal there in 2021. In the world we thought we lived in, governments would have arranged a SWAT team of medicos to investigate, the opposition would be baying from the side and the media would be all over it. And the rollout of new experimental medical interventions would be halted immediately.
Sometimes things are so crazy-strange that satire makes more sense. Here’s the excellent JP Sears:
““Good Evening. People are dropping like flies from a mysterious killer called ‘unknown case of death.’ So tonight we’re bringing […]
Governments pushing meat-free diets for weather control might want to follow the other science…
A 20 year study of 26,000 women showed that people who ate vegetarian diets were 33% more likely to break their hips. This is no small point because hip fractures are a surprisingly bad thing. Short term mortality risk increases by 2 to 8 fold. (Not just a 20% increase but a 200% increase or worse). Hip fracture victims are more likely to go back to hospital, and not for their hips but mostly for other things like infections and heart conditions. Sadly as much as 17% of their remaining post fracture life may be spent in a nursing facility. (see Lo et al 2022)
Vegetarian women are at a higher risk of hip fracture
Webster et al, University of Leeds
Among 26,318 women, 822 hip fracture cases were observed over roughly 20 years—that represented just over 3% of the sample population. After adjustment for factors such as smoking and age, vegetarians were the only diet group with an elevated risk of hip fracture.
Researchers can only guess why and suggest vaguely that it might be a lack of […]
Natural immunity against Omicron from a previous Omicron infection is better than advertised (75%+) so far
Two new interesting studies out of Qatar in the last month show that natural immunity against Covid is better than recent headlines suggest, and also that (as expected) immunity created from a real infection lasts about three years whereas vaccine immunity may “last only one” (at best, and if that).*
Although people who caught early variants (up to Delta) are only 28% protected against catching the latest Omicron BA5, people who have caught some form of Omicron itself already may have 75 – 80% protection. And what really matters is that everyone who has caught any form of Covid has “robust” protection against severe disease.
Qatar is an interesting population to study — it has a youngish demographic and they can literally include everyone which removes a lot of selection biases. It’s a very diverse conglomerate: Nearly 90% of Qatar’s population are expatriates from over 150 countries, coming …because of employment.
The first study is one of the longest term research projects on Covid to date. Chemaitelly et al followed people who got Covid in Qatar from nearly the beginning of the […]
Lesson one: How to make a university into a PR wing of a multinational corporation
Start with lots of money
Big Pharma buys off the media critics with $15 billion a year, and they buy off the Government watchdog agencies too. But they also surround their Octopus tentacles around the academic towers as well. And it’s (mostly) all legal — indeed the companies can brag about the money they give for research…
Dr Peter Rost explains that the Big Multinational Corporations buy influence from every angle. Firstly they pay out grants for research. They help develop the research with academics. They also pay individuals directly — they pay them a speakers fee, $1,000 – $2,000 a day.
You establish friends. You make them beholden to you…
You give them money for programs, educational programs, ones they make a profit from.
They are supposed to be third party and independent from the company, but everyone knows that the institutions that Big Pharma is more generous with are the same institutions that happen to say the things the company is happy about.
Even if you can officially claim — this is at arms length — […]
It’s just an investment: Big Pharma spends twice as much on advertising as it does on developing cancer drugs.
Think about that. Most drugs are only prescribed by doctors so why advertise on TV at all? It’s not like patients are wandering through Walmart looking for a Pfizer. Should I get the Glaxo instead?
It turns out that the advertising money is not buying customers it’s buying the media. And it’s not paying to show the world something, but to hide it instead.
As Mark Steyn says, for the first time in history every person on Earth needs the same medicine, and four doses of it, no questions asked. The silence is complete: There are $15,000 million reasons why MSNBC, CNN, and all the rest didn’t ask the FDA or the TGA to “show us the data”, or even to explain why the data had to be hidden for 55 years or even 75 years. When politicians signed secret deals on our behalf the media didn’t demand to see the contracts, they wanted to know why it wasn’t done sooner. It’s the same reason they mock cheap drugs that reduce Covid by 63% but get excited about every new […]
Vicki Schofield
More strange puzzling numbers coming out of life insurance
Deaths per capita are usually tightly predictable, but it appears something serious is going on in terms of unexplained excess deaths in people aged from 18 to 64. These are people in the prime-of-their lives. If Departments of Heath and Professors of Medicine were working for taxpayers, we surely wouldn’t be trying to guesstimate how many people have died from looking at insurance company payments. But here we are. Someone official has all the morbidity and mortality data. Someone knows.
In January we heard that the chief of OneAmerica Life Insurance was astonished that there was an “unheard” of rise in deaths in working adults of ages 18 – 64 in the last two quarters of 2021. Deaths in this working age group were up by an amazing 40% above the historical norms.
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference… “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
“Just to give you an idea […]
A new study shows natural protection still good at 50% after ten months, while vaccination protection waned after 4 months
The utter scandal here is that all those people who had natural protection were being forced to take vaccines to protect them from Omicron, when the vaccines were providing only a fairly limited benefit or no advantage at all.
A new study was based on the whole population of Qatar. It shows that people who caught the original older variants had about 50% immunity to catching Omicron — even ten months later. Those who were double vaccinated had so little protection six months later, it was effectively zero. Indeed, if they had Pfizer their effectiveness was minus 3.4% meaning they were ever so slightly more likely to catch Omicron that if they hadn’t had any vaccines. For moderna it was minus 10% at the six month mark, which sounds, well, not good.
Ten months later, those who had caught earlier variants of Covid still had 50% protection against Omicron:
Vaccination Increases Risk of COVID-19 Infection, But Infection Without Vaccination Gives Immunity: Study
Marina Zhang, Epoch Times
The authors of the study found that those who […]
Was the data Pfizer sent, really this bad?
If it wasn’t, it should be easy for the FDA and or Pfizer to reply. If it was this extraordinarily rigged to “find” some infinitesimally tiny benefit among the acres of null and even bad results, we have to ask, does anyone care about babies anymore? If the data Pfizer sent is this awful, no one is even trying to hide the corruption. Does the FDA care about its own reputation?
According to Dr Clare Craig (in the video below) — the evidence that Pfizer sent to the FDA is dubious in the extreme: As she tells it — the trial recruited 4,526 children aged from 6 months to 4 years, but as many as 3,000 did not finish the trial. On that basis alone, she says, “the trial should be deemed null and void.” This trial data is so they can get EUA – Emergency Use Authorisation, but they defined severe covid as a raised heartrate and an increased breathing rate — which hardly sounds like an emergency, or something severe. In the end there were only six children age 2 – 4 that had “severe covid” and who were vaccinated […]
In France the government is banning events “because of a heatwave” of 40 degrees C (104F) — as if adult mammals cannot figure out whether the temperature is too hot for their own health. Ancestors of mice and rats worked out their own temperature sensors and behaviour changes 200 million years ago. It’s a Big Government attempt to infantalize and gaslight the whole population. Will they obey?
It’s only the region around Bordeaux but will French teenagers accept being told to stay home in forty degree heat, something that millions of humans live with all over the world every summer?
The Counter Signal: Heatwave lockdowns: Region in France bans outdoor gatherings
“Everyone now faces a health risk,” official Fabienne Buccio told France Bleu radio, after announcing the regional restrictions around Bordeaux. Outdoor events – including, ironically, annual ‘Resistance’ celebrations – are banned until the officials declare the heatwave is over. They’re even restricting some indoor events that don’t have air conditioning.
BBC: Outdoor public events have been banned in an area of France as a record breaking heatwave sweeps across Europe.
Concerts and large public gatherings have been called off in the Gironde department around Bordeaux. […]
Click to enlarge | Paper
Just imagine that 17% of dementia cases could be prevented with a new drug that cost five cents, had a huge safety margin, and virtually no risk?
The study from the University of South Australia looked at data from 294,000 people in their 60s in the UK, and followed them for a median of 11 years or so. Researchers even controlled for time spent outdoors, types of physical activity, and the amount of oily fish they ate to try to cover for other benefits from these activities.
Seems to me, that if Ministers of Health were interested in actual health, they might be offering free Vitamin D tests, free supplement bottles, lessons in school and public awareness programs. They might even offer testing clinics in shopping centre car parks or free bottles at the RSL and Bowls clubs. Crazy idea right? In the world you thought you were living in, the treasurer might be chasing them down to forecast savings on public health spending ten years from now by keeping 1 in 6 out of nursing homes. Instead our Departments of Health are apparently keen to approve patented drugs with few clinical benefits […]
It’s a cult: Another Woke Dilemma
Should women in childbirth be warned that their anesthetic might heat the climate a hundred years from now? You know, toss it around, will I or won’t I? On the one hand, there’s hours of what some consider the worst pain they’ll ever feel, or there are other pain-killers which might not be as safe (but it’s only a baby right?). On the other hand, it’s possible that when their baby turns eighty the world might be 0.000 degrees cooler thanks to Mum? You Go Girl!
Frankly, if they wait to ask this in the labor ward – it’s far too late. Women need to hear this on the phone while booking their first appointment. That way they can run, don’t walk, run and find a real doctor — one that looks at data — not the ones scoring points in a science fashion contest.
Is nitrous oxide a climate risk?
Elios Visontay, The Guardian
A report in Australasian Anaesthesia notes that while nitrous oxide – known as laughing gas when used as an anaesthetic – is an effective method of pain relief during labour, the gas represents 7% […]
We can all use some good news
Tedros Adhanom
In the latest installment of Big Government Badness the WHO is meeting right now to consider some amendments suggested by the US and largely agreed by about 47 rich nations for no real benefit. The US suggested these changes in January and for months almost no politician anywhere said a thing. The changes give broader powers to the head honcho of the WHO — Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreysus. He’s the man who told the world to keep flying in Chinese Bioweapons through their front door in January 2020, while he also told everyone how transparent and wonderful President Xi was: “China is protecting the people in the whole world”! He actually said that. China was stopping all flights out of Wuhan to the rest of China, but not to Italy, Iran, or anywhere else, and they lied about human to human transmission, and said it was preventable and curable, while they harvested up masks and PPE from around the world to profiteer from them later. China lied about the bats in the lab, and WHO helped cover it up.
No one can explain why the rich nations of the world […]
The Swamp is not even hiding the corruption, just the exact dollar figure
Anthony Fauci is effectively King of the National Institute of Health. He gets paid $450,000 a year — the highest paid public servant in the United States. In just one year alone the NIH dished out $30 billion to more than 50,000 recipients. And there are royalty payments that flow back the other way, which amounted to $350 million dollars over the decade from 2010-2020. And here’s the weird thing, most of those royalty payments are secret.
Thirty billion dollars is an awfully big carrot, and even though $350 million seems small in comparison, it’s awfully big compared to the salaries of the few key decision-makers. It’s an obvious conflict of interest, and lives are at risk, but it’s not even being disclosed.
If Big Pharma were paying off people to get their drugs approved, it would look a lot like this. And if Big Pharma (or the asset managers that own big pharma) were also paying off the media to silence reporting of NIH corruption would the media ignore this story — exactly like it does?
In a normal world this type of corruption would be […]
JudicialWatch has obtained 466 pages of information through FOIA, which should have been available to everyone all along — what is “Informed Consent”?
Not only does the vaccine take much longer to be degraded and removed from our bodies but it spreads far from the injection site and concentrates in the liver, spleen, adrenal glands and ovaries. And Pfizer knew this, but hid it, and all the agencies that were supposed to protect us didn’t demand the data, or didn’t report it.
Don’t underestimate the effect it will have on parents who find out that the vaccines deliver the bioweapon spikes directly to their daughters ovaries with unknown consequences. This is a message we can share that will create waves.
We can’t take back an injection, but we can stop future ones. It’s a Redpill Moment. People need to understand that the institutions we once trusted — like the CDC, FDA, TGA, Medical unions, media groups, and University academics are failing dismally to protect us and deserve to razed.
They either didn’t know where the vaccine particles went in the human body, and failed to ask, or worse, they did know:
Judicial Watch: Pfizer/BioNTech Study Found Lipid Nanoparticles […]
Don’t mention the Australian vaccine: The TGA bans Aussie Professor from talking about his work
Australia has a mini Ministry of Truth already. It’s called the TGA.
Australians can probably still get a Pfizer vaccine in chemists and carparks across Australia, but they still need to fly to Iran to get an Australian-made vaccine. The good news is that at least this week it’s legal for Australians to finally fly to Tehran without taking Pfizer or Moderna shot first — as long as they don’t fly on an Australian airline. (Not mentioning any names, Qantas!)
The people mostly responsible for this situation are the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Association). They’re supposed to be looking after Australians health but somehow all their decisions happen to be exactly what a Pfizer CEO would want. Spooky eh? The TGA rushed the approval for the Pfizer vaccines, but still, millions of doses later, won’t release the procurement contracts, even under FOI. Signed on our behalf, and for our own good, yes? Did they even read the documents that Pfizer AND the FDA tried to hide for 75 years?
Now meet Professor Nikolai Petrovsky from Flinders University, Australia, who had already developed protein based vaccines against […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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