All the vaccines are supposed to be Intra-muscular (IM), not Intravenous (IV). But a needle going into a muscle can sometimes end up in a vein. So fergoodnesssake, why aren’t we taking the 10 extra seconds to do an injection properly and reduce some of the worst side effects?
Anatomy varies. In an accidental IV injection the dose will be dropped straight into the blood supply, and within minutes will be spread throughout the body, potentially ending up in tissues like the heart, ovaries, or pancreas, where it is not designed to go. If heart cells, for example, make the virus spike and display it on their surface, it’s quite understandable if our immune systems think that look foreign, and generate a reaction. That’s myopericarditis.
Not all veins are identical
Don’t vaccinate veins. Image by Dr. Johannes Sobotta
Spread the message about “aspiration”. This used to be standard practice for most IM injections but has been dropped over the last couple of decades.
To aspirate, a nurse would put the needle in, then briefly pull back on the syringe. If the end of the needle is in a blood vessel that brief suction will pull blood into […]
Finally, a detailed explanation of how bureaucrats are effectively deciding doctor patient decisions in hospitals throughout the US. Something that explains why hospitals are bafflingly working so hard to stop doctors using alternate protocols. Money.
There is a system of payments to hospitals that effectively punish them for using ivermectin or any other treatment outside the one permitted protocol. The amount of money involved is not disclosed but “Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.”
Hospitals must pay back these “bonus” payments if they use drugs outside the one approved protocol. Does it apply to vitamins too?
If the payments really are of this size, hospital management would be very effectively controlled, and there would be little competition, no free market, and only the illusion of choice.
The AAPS or Association of American Physicians and Surgeons started in 1943, and after 75 years, astonishingly still seems to be sticking to the original intent — speaking for doctors who want to serve patients and the freedom to do what they believe is best.
Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19
By Elizabeth Lee […]
Far from being the wild fringe, this was middle Australia speaking.
JP Morgan and Ubermedia traced the phones of people at the enormous rally in Melbourne on November 20 and discovered that they came from everywhere and every class.
Half the people at the rally were the richest, most educated or the average homeowner and the other half were the strugglers, the truckies and cleaners, but also the the young professionals and libertarians, and fitness junkies.
All sides of the political spectrum were in the streets. Something that ought to shake any politician in an election year.
Melbourne Protestors Not Extremists, Fringe Elements: Survey
Daniel Y. Teng, The Epoch Times
Tens of thousands of protestors who took to the streets of Melbourne in some of the largest protests so far against government-mandated COVID-19 health regulations hailed from a broad cross-section of society—including the wealthiest segment of the state—and were not extremist or fringe elements portrayed by some media outlets.
The heat map shows the origin of the protestors
Some people drove from miles away:
People came from all over Victoria. (Roy Morgan and UberMedia, data was anonymised).
As many as 30% were from the […]
Just another cheap, safe and long-used-drug for our Health Ministers to ignore
A new study looked at 944,000 US Veterans who had a Covid test sometime. Of those, 2,200 were alcoholics who were also prescribed disulfiram. We might expect alcoholics to crash and burn against Covid, but amongst them, strangely, infections were lower than in the non-alcoholics — 34% lower. And there were no deaths from Covid in the 188 either. Sadly the death rate in infected vets who caught Covid, but weren’t using disulfiram, was 3%.
It’s only a very odd observational study, not a randomized one. The mechanism isn’t known for sure, but there are suggestions the drug interferes with an enzyme the virus needs and may reduce hyperinflammation. Haven’t we heard that before?
Ivermectin appears to be better, but for people without access to it, at least there is the option to become an alcoholic. Thinking about the corruption at the FDA or the TGA will help. And if you are already an alcoholic, best get treatment now before they ban it.
It obviously needs a proper study. Bear in mind there were only 188 alcoholic veterans who caught Covid. But still, none of them died, and […]
The media headlines have been everywhere, but the truth is we know very little.
Like everyone here, I was surprised at the *universal* instant Omicron media coverage which went from 0 – 100 in two seconds or less. I’m going to skip (for the moment) the obvious political questions like “is this the midterm election variant” and consider the virus.
We know Omicron has many mutations. We don’t know what the combined effect of them is. Presumably the particular mutations, and lab tests of antibody binding suggest it may evade vaccine or even natural immunity. However, many of these mutations are new and unknown, so the in vivo, real effect is only something the patients and doctors might know. And the doctors are giving mixed reports in South Africa. It may turn out to be a more infectious but nicer variant. We’ll know in a few weeks.
It’s certainly spreading fast. Case numbers have increased six-fold from 300 cases to 1,800 in just two weeks. Test numbers are up but test positivity has also risen from 1% to 3.7%.
Symptoms have changed. Doctors say that they noticed a change in the presentation of cases around 10 days […]
Dr Aseem Malhotra is a consultant cardiologist and he’s calling for an end to mandatory vaccination while we investigate new results suggesting inflammatory blood markers are raised by the mRNA vaccines.
“We know now that heart attacks are an inflammatory condition.”
These same markers are used to estimate what the risk of a heart attack is. And the new higher markers hint that in this group of 500 patients, the 5 year risk of a heart attack has doubled, from 11% to 25%. They only followed these patients for 2.5 months, so the increased risk may well be temporary (apart from all the boosters, eh?).
We’ll just have to wait for the five year results from Pfizer, sometime in 2082 or so.
Even if it’s temporary, Dr Malhotra points out that in the UK there have been 10,000 excess non-Covid deaths — many of which were due to heart attack and stroke. If the mRNA vaccines were increasing the risk of heart attacks, even temporarily, this would explain some of the excess deaths. Inflammation might be temporary, but death usually isn’t.
A few days after these ominous results came out, a whistleblower and researcher from […]
Here’s another unpatentable, natural, safe molecule that appears to work against Covid and will probably never be mentioned by any Chief Health Officer who wants a cushy job with the WHO or Pfizer.
The Melatonin Molecule by Jynto
An Iraqi group enrolled 158 Covid patients, and gave half of them 10mg of Melatonin a day. All patients got “standard care”, meaning they all got remdesivir, dexamethasone, and an anticoagulant, but some 82 lucky patients were randomly picked to get melatonin as well. The average age of participants was 56 and most of them were men (70%).
By Day 17 a quarter of the control group were suffering from blood clotting (or thrombosis), but only 11% of the melatonin group were, or half as many.
By Day 11, eight patients in the control group had developed sepsis. Only two patients taking melatonin did. Sepsis is a systemic condition where basic things like blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature are running awry, and things are getting out of control. By Day 17, a third of the control group had sepsis, but only 8% of controls the test group with melatonin did. It’s the kind of condition that kills people.
Indeed […]
He’s the highest paid public servant in the US, and has been in the job for decades, and he’s been able to direct nearly a trillion dollars worth of funding. Last year, he helped infect America when it could have been stopped, and this year he’s keeping life saving cheap safe drugs away from patients and their doctors.
Robert F Kennedy Jnr has just launched a sizzling new book called “The Real Anthony Fauci”. I haven’t got a copy yet, but the launch interviews are radioactive. Even worse than the Beagle experiments reported just two weeks ago, are the allegations of experiments on Dominican Orphans, and on sick Americans.
Will The Real Anthony Fauci be able to keep his job?
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
The notes below are from a transcript from an interview of Joseph Mercola and Robert Kennedy.
“Here’s what I would say to people. We have to stop this. This is the hill that we all have to die on. “
Kennedy claims the patterns repeat decade after decade. Cheap drugs are blocked, while expensive profitable drugs are promoted. […]
We’re sacking Vaccine Professors for not taking the right vaccine?
Who knew? The first traditional vaccine for Covid that’s based on protein anywhere in the world has been approved for use. It was designed in Australia, but can’t be used here. The Professor of the team that invented it received no help from the Australian Government, and is about to be sacked from Flinders Medical Centre** because he won’t take the mandatory Pfizer, Astra Zenica or Moderna injections. What would he know — he’s just a vaccine developer?
UPDATE: The SA Govt will now recognise the Covax-19 trial participants. This is a small step but good news. Prof Petrovsky won’t be forced to quit.
Instead of the committee-approved ones, has taken his own vaccine called Covax-19 or Spikogen. It has just been approved for use in Iran where Stage 2 and 3 trials were conducted. He said he would stand by his vaccine and even accept liability, unlike all the current vaccine makers who demand waivers.
Professor Nikolai Petrovsky is hopeful though, that after “the excellent Phase 3 trial results” he will be able to get approval in many countries, maybe even in Australia? But our government-funded […]
This will make some public health officers sweat
In Sweden, a new study followed 840,000 people who were double vaccinated for nine months which is longer than any previous study. The researchers matched them or “paired them” with another 840,000 people who were the same, age, sex and from the same area. Out of this 1.6 million pooled sample, 27,000 people went on to get infected, and most of them were unvaccinated (21,000). So that’s not surprising, but underlying this data was an extraordinary trend showing efficacy falling month after month. In the first two to four weeks, the double vaccinated were very well protected. But by nine months later, the efficacy was not just zero, but negative.
The study considered protection against severe disease too, which lasts for longer, but after 6 months, the older men and people most at risk of Covid (sadly) were more likely to catch Covid that the matched same-age unvaccinated controls they were paired with. Nine months after vaccination, the average person is still less likely to end up in hospital, but protection is trending downwards for everyone.
No wonder the word on the lips of most state health officers is “Booster”
If only […]
A new study shows vaccinated people are about 40% less likely to catch Covid, but if or when they do catch it they pose the same risk to the people close to them regardless of their vaccination status.
The study also confirmed that vaccinated immunity was falling within three months of vaccination. Presumably, if a vaccinated person is 40% less likely to catch Covid in the first place, then being vaccinated will reduce the odds of bringing the SARS virus home on any given day. But given that protection wanes so quickly and Covid has such a high exponential rate of spread, a temporary 40% reduction of the risk of catching the virus is not game-changing.
Relying on vaccination as the sole magic tool to suppress Covid is a fantasy that suits Big Pharma but not The People. And the Big Bad Risk of nastier variants coming from these super leaky vaccinees doesn’t even get a mention. Read the post on the dark vaccine-induced evolution of Marek’s disease in chickens. The arms race generated by 50 years of leaky-vaxxes turned a 1% killer into a 100% killer. We should not be mass vaccinating with a leaky vaccine unless we use […]
Welcome to your prison comrade
A new Taiwanese study investigated wind farm noise on people in homes made of sandstone, concrete, iron or bricks. And they measured the low frequency noise inside and out, and with windows open and closed. Given the health risks involved, they advised that governments ought to set limits on how close towers can be, and recommend airtight windows that nobody opens much.
Perhaps someone should have done more studies like this before the world installed 750GW of wind power?
The same people that panic about the effect of a hot weekend on your grandchildren a hundred years from now, don’t seem so worried about whether the wind towers destroy your sleep or put you at risk of heart attacks today.
Thanks to MasterResource.
From the introduction of a new paper in Taiwan on the effects of wind turbine noise on people:
LFN [Low Frequency Noise] exposure has been found to cause a variety of health conditions. Exposure to LFN from wind turbines results in headaches, difficulty concentrating, irritability, fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, aural pain sleep disturbances, and annoyance. Clinically, exposure to LFN from wind turbines may cause increased risk of epilepsy, […]
Ultimately the Australian Government is responsible for the deaths of Australians, and the deaths of their businesses and jobs, due to the banning of a safe, cheap early treatment for Covid.
Scott Morrison
The Prime Minister and the Minister of Health, could change this. But Scott Morrison and Greg Hunt hide behind The TGA as if an unelected, unaudited committee really rules Australia.
Ivermectin has not just saved lives, but virtually eliminated Covid-19 from Uttar Pradesh, and Indonesia. Some 3.8 billion doses of what’s been called a “wonder drug” have been used around the world. This is a drug is so safe we have fed it to school children in Canberra. In the last three months Indonesian doctors used ivermectin to cut Covid cases by 98% but at the same time Australia banned ivermectin and relied on vaccination and oppressive lockdowns yet grew cases 500%. If countries larger, poorer and more densely populated can use Ivermectin why can’t Australian doctors prescribe it? Do we give Australian doctors the best education in the world so that they are nothing but robots controlled by an unaccountable committee, or will we allow Doctors to provide the best treatment they believe their […]
Infrastructure Bill Includes Capitol Building Expansion To Hold All The Pfizer Lobbyists
Babylon Bee
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Senate leaders revealed today that Biden’s “Build Back Better” infrastructure plan will include $86 Billion for a brand-new Capitol Building construction project. The Capitol will be expanded to hold 100 Senators, 435 Representatives, and 1,423 Pfizer lobbyists.
h/t Tom Nelson
Not satire:
There’s plenty more lobbying where that came from:
Pfizer’s full FDA approval could lead to even greater profits By Melissa Holzberg and Tara Suter, Open Secrets
Pfizer reported $5.6 billion in net income during the second quarter of 2021 — that’s up more than $2 billion (from $3.5 billion) from its second quarter of 2020 report to the Securities and Exchange Commission. In the first half of 2021, Pfizer reported nearly $10.5 billion in net income. The company brought in $6.9 billion in the first six months of 2020.
In 2020, Pfizer spent $13.2 million on its lobbying efforts — that’s up from $11 million in 2019 and the most the company has spent on lobbying since 2009 during the debate over the Affordable Care Act.
Speaking of profiteering:
Merck’s 4,000% Markup […]
In a surprise, mammals with a body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius do better in warmer weather
Who knew that global warming has saved 166,000 lives a year every year since 2000? Burn coal, save the world! Some countries are just not doing enough to help. Does your nation have a Net-100 Plan for 2050 to double CO2 emissions? It’s never too late to start. Countries that leave coal deposits undeveloped are not part of the solution.
Click to enlarge
Climate Change Saves More Lives Than You’d Think
Bjorn Lomborg, Wall Street Journal
… climate change has saved more lives from temperature-related deaths than it has taken. Heat deaths make up about 1% of global fatalities a year—almost 600,000 deaths—but cold kills eight times as many people, totaling 4.5 million deaths annually. As temperatures have risen since 2000, heat deaths have increased 0.21%, while cold deaths have dropped 0.51%. Today about 116,000 more people die from heat each year, but 283,000 fewer die from cold. Global warming now prevents more than 166,000 temperature-related fatalities annually.
Headlines predictably said “Heat Deaths Up 50%” since the year 2000. But Lomborg points out that most all […]
When did the national leaders figure out it was probably a leak from a Chinese bioweapon laboratory?
by BernbaumJG
It makes all the difference. If we had known in January 2020, the virus could have been stopped so easily. The likely bioweapon could have been left in China — just by stopping the flights and instigating a two week rigid quarantine.
Think about the effect it would have had in January 2020 if people thought Covid was a man-made experiment. The public would have clamored to stop the planes. Borders would have gone up overnight. There would have been much less of the fatalistic acceptance that it was just another inevitable pandemic “like the flu” that people had to deal with. The suppression of the “lab leak” theory served the CCP and Anthony Fauci and co. It also served Tedros Adhanom, the head of the WHO who told the world to keep the border open on February 2. But so far that suppression has cost nearly five million lives, plus the mayhem, economic damage, long illnesses and debility.
Last night Sky News aired the documentary What Really Happened in Wuhan by Sharri Markson. We find out more about […]
ATLANTA, GA—The CDC has cautioned Americans against taking the red pill, as it can lead to severe side effects such as “realizing the truth about the way our society is manipulated by the elites” and “spending all your time on YouTube watching Jordan Peterson videos.”
“We’ve seen a lot of people recommend taking the red pill,” said CDC Director Rochelle Walensky. “And we just have to remind everyone that the pill is not approved by the FDA or any other governing body. It could spread ideas like that freedom is a good thing and that thinking for yourself is a healthy American value. People might start getting the wrong idea.”
Meanwhile, the FDA is rushing out an emergency approval process on a new, stronger blue pill to counteract the red pill crisis.
Jo says read the rest at The BabylonBee. See the BluePill in the proto-Beta version at the TGA site, where the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration warns that Doctors are no longer allowed to prescribe the Red Pill because people on social media are getting the doses wrong.
Informed consent means being told that if you don’t take the Blue Pill, […]
Click to Enlarge | Map by Planemad
Something amazing has happened in Uttar Pradesh.
At the end of April in Uttar Pradesh, every day 35,000 people were catching Covid and 350 people were dying. With a population of 240 million people living in high density conditions, and with only 5% vaccinated, all the odds were against it.
This week across the whole state there were only 199 active cases in toto and a trickle of new daily cases.
Ponder that Utter Pradesh has about two thirds of the population of the USA and they’re living in a high density environment with a GDP of about $1,000 per capita, which is one sixtieth as much as the average American. To add some perspective, it was only three years ago that the government finally connected everyone up to electricity.
The richest nations in the world are failing.
33 districts in Uttar Pradesh are now Covid-free
Hindustan Times Sept 10th, 2021
There are no active cases of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in 33 districts of Uttar Pradesh, the state government informed on Friday. About 67 districts have not reported a single new case of the viral […]
The unelected, unaudited and unaccountable Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia has decided that consenting adults and fully qualified doctors should not be allowed to use a drug off label that’s so cheap and safe the discoverers won a Nobel Prize. Something like 200 million people use ivermectin each year. After 33 years and 3.7 billion doses of use, it qualifies as one of the safest drugs around.
The TGA says it hasn’t found any evidence that ivermectin is useful against Covid, but then we have to ask, has the TGA looked?
Ivmmeta.com lists 60 studies involving 25,000 people that show its useful and 3 that don’t:
See Ivmmeta.com
So the TGA want to ban one drug to force the punters to pick the other drug?
Once upon a time the phrase would be “persuade me”. Now it’s just fines and jail if you disagree?
In the end the TGA appears to be banning it for psychological reasons, not medical ones — always a risky game to play when a group is trying to look like a medical agency, and not like a marketing team. It may have the opposite effect the TGA intends. If we want […]
Google and Youtube are to some extent the Police of our National Conversations. Somehow they are allowed to invest privately and simultaneously put people in jail according to rules they made up themselves. What could possibly go wrong?
Senator Malcolm Roberts asking some very good questions:
Consider the ownership of vaccine makers. Alphabet owns YouTube and Google. Alphabet owns 12 per cent of Vaccitech, which created the AstraZeneca vaccine. YouTube bans videos mentioning ivermectin as a COVID treatment. Aren’t these conflicts of interest? If ivermectin was approved for COVID, what would happen to big pharma’s hundreds of billions of dollars in profits? These profits are a transfer of wealth from taxpayers to big pharma.
New business model? What if one hot drug created a market for other drugs:
Consider the vaccine maker Pfizer’s profits. It’s second quarter 2021 revenue was $19 billion, up 89 per cent. In three months, it made $4 billion profit. The European Medicines Agency discovered a definite link between Pfizer’s vaccine causing myocarditis. In September 2020, our TGA approved Pfizer’s Vyndamax drug to treat myocarditis. Our health department confirmed the AstraZeneca vaccine’s links with blood clots. Pfizer’s Eliquis drug treats blood clotting. […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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