The Wong Fielding Meeting on Global Warming — Documents

These are the documents arising from the meeting between Senator Fielding and the Minister for the Climate Change and Water, Penny Wong, on 15 June 2009.

Senator Fielding was accompanied by four independent scientists: Bob Carter, David Evans, Stewart Franks, and William Kininmonth. Minister Wong was accompanied by the Chief Scientist Penny Sackett and by Professor Will Steffen.

Official Documents

1. Fielding’s Questions to Wong, June 15

2. Fielding’s Note to Wong on the NIPCC Report, June 15

3. Sackett-Steffen Briefing Paper (delivered for Wong at meeting), June 15

4. Wong-Steffen Response to Questions, June 18

5. Fielding Press Release, June 24

6. Fielding Press Release, July 3

7. Carter-Evans-Franks-Kininmonth Due Diligence Report on Wong, July 3, updated August 10

8. Carter-Evans-Franks-Kininmonth Press Release, August 10

Note that one relevant paper has not been released into the public domain. It is the Minister’s personal letter to Senator Fielding on June 18th, which accompanied her written departmental replies to his questions. A number of the points made in that letter are analysed in Section D of the Due Diligence Report.

Due Dilligence Report Appendix

Unofficial Documents

Account of the meeting by David Evans

Article in The Australian newspaper, by the four independent scientists

Senator Fielding’s web page on climate change, with his position, documents, blog articles, and news articles

Correspondence between William Kininmonth and Matthew England, plus commentary by Joanne

The change in alarmist direction that became evident at the meeting and in their new Synthesis Report

Call for a Royal Commission, by the four independent scientists

A politician doing what he should, by Joanne

Senator Fielding appeals to Senators

Article “What Science-War”, by Bob Carter

Overview of the four temperature datasets for Senator Fielding, by David Evans

Model Hindcasts are not evidence, but worthless, by David Evans

Article “Answering 3 Simple Questions”, by Willie Soon and David R. Legates

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