
Joanne delivers keynote addresses or dinner presentations at conferences, expos, and events.

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“Absolutely Rivetting. A brilliant session.”
“More More More, please.”
“Joanne was brilliant. Should be longer.”

CPA Feedback Forms

“Excellent presentation, I laughed and I learnt.”
Vanessa Keller N.S.W. President, Transplant Nurses.

“…filled with energy, humour… “
George Przywolnik, Penhros College, Perth

See more audience comments here

Different presentations:

Extending Lives: The Future of Health and Aging
Could you live to be 300? Will we conquer aging? Sounds impossible, but some experts predict it’s only thirty years away. The medical revolution will impact on life expectancy, employment, super, and housing. Have you got the latest information?
How to Get Laughs, Get Attention, and Get Your Message Across The science of speaking, performing, and telling jokes. How to command attention, explain complex messages and persuade people. Why simple is supreme, and sometimes it’s smart to speak ‘dumb’.
Fun, Uplifting and Funny
Joanne shares her wacky party tricks, startling experiments, and the science of telling jokes. Bring out the big kid within. Lighten a heavy program, brighten faces and relax.

To get more information or make a booking
contact your favorite speakers bureau,
email Joanne AT joannenova.com.au
(replace the ‘AT’ with ‘@’ to help foil spammer robots thanks).

Updated Sept 1, 2011

10 out of 10 based on 6 ratings

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