It’s a 100% flip: Reuters suddenly admits Net Zero policies have been a resounding failure

By Jo Nova

Wow. Just Wow. Trump gets elected and Reuters realizes renewable energy is unrealistic

In a rush, at least one opinion writer at Reuters is suddenly saying all the things skeptics have been saying for years: all the things Reuters has hidden from the world about renewable energy.

It is hard to believe, but it’s all there… the naked utter failure of solar and wind to reduce CO2, to reduce oil and gas, and to reduce prices. Edward Chancellor calls it a “resounding failure”. He has the devastating figures, and even the graph showing how countries with more renewables have more expensive electricity. He has another graph of the share market failure of renewables compared to the fossil fuel success, and he uses the words “tumbled” and “soared”. To grind it home, he explains how we just export our manufacturing to China which uses coal (is this news?). He calls Net Zero an “illusion” where we think we lower our emissions but we actually raise them overseas.

There is carnage among the sacred cows…

Climate policy requires a more realistic approach

By Edward Chancellor, Reuters

LONDON, Feb 27 (Reuters Breakingviews) – The pursuit […]

USAID bonfire keeps growing: US government helps terrorist states, and gave $270m to “independent” media every year

By Jo Nova

It’s an avalanche. Twenty stories today could have been a Front Page Headline

The newest addition to the grift, graft and fraud list are terrorist organisations. — USAID sent $310 million US dollars to Hamas to build a cement factory in Gaza which would have helped make the tunnels of terror. Senator John Kennedy said Mr Musk discovered the American taxpayer was also giving money to Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, and even $10 million to an al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group called the Nusra Front. So far, Musk and co, with his team of hot young tech-coders, have found that USAID spent $164 million to support radical organizations around the world.

In other inexplicable calls, the US government gave nearly $8 million to help teach Sri Lankan journalists how to avoid binary gendered language. A lot of Americans worked hard all year to pay their tax bill to cover that. Why?

But where are all the pleas from foreign leaders to save USAID?

Question of the week on the suspension of USAID comes from Mike Benz:

What’s the grift to charity ratio?

Forty or fifty billion dollars is a lot of money to spend to NOT create a photogenic […]

NGO’s emerge as The Shadow Government

By Jo Nova

It turns out the Non-Government Organizations were really The Government

The word for that is GONGO — a government organised non-government organization — at once, an impossible thing and also a tautology.

Hands up who is still reeling with the news that USAID had 50 thousand million dollars of political and media influence? The annual budget of $50 billion dollars in the hands of unaccountable activist NGOs buys a lot of “journalists”, editors and teenage protestors. Suddenly a lot of odd repeated patterns around the world make more sense. Why were all governments suddenly worried about disinformation, or the rights of transexuals?

Today we found out that news outlets like Politico, and the New York Times were being given millions of dollars from the US government.

Benny Johnson says:

This is the biggest scandal in news media history: No employee at Politico got paid yesterday. First time ever the company missed a pay period. This is a crisis. Now we learn Politico — a “news company” — which spent the last 10 years trying to destroy the MAGA Movement was being massively funded by USAID.

It seems some $27 million dollars went to Politico […]

It is as if years of corruption and a fake media are starting to unravel

By Jo Nova

Extraordinary. Four years ago a crowd armed with flags and a helmet with horns was taking part in the greatest fake insurrection that never was. But today, Kamala certified Donald Trump’s win. Justin Trudeau announced his resignation as Prime Minister of Canada and Elon Musk is publicly tearing strips off the Prime Minister of the UK.

Twitter — X — is alive in a pile-on that has been building for a few days and is now breaking out into the real world. Finally, the worst depravity, the moral plague that infects the UK bureaucracy at every level, is being exposed. And even Keir Starmer is in the cross-hairs. He was director of the Crown Prosecution Service from 2008 – 2013. He secured some of these “token” prosecutions, but many cases were dropped, even with DNA evidence.

It is as if years of corruption and a fake media are starting to unravel. In a testament to free speech, Musk has achieved more in a few tweets than twenty years of media investigation in the UK. Starmer has finally had to answer Musk in a press conference, and dismisses demands for a full inquiry as “jumping on the […]

Record numbers are not buying the narrative: Nearly 70% of Americans don’t trust The Media

By Jo Nova

The Blob are losing control of the message

Even Gallup admits the US is suffering from a crisis in confidence in their institutions, and the least trusted of all is “the media”.

For some reason, telling readers that they are selfish, small minded people who are screwing up the world isn’t resonating with the Rednecks. In 2020 40% of US Citizens thought the media was trustworthy, but now only 31% do, an all time record low. This is the same media that told us elections were secure, vaccines were safe and effective and Joe Biden was sharp as a tack right up until the day everyone discovered he had dementia.

The Pullitzer-prize-guys fell for every bureaucratic lie they could — Hunter Bidens laptop was Russian disinfo, ivermectin was horse-dewormer, and an unarmed mob with a horned hat and flags staged an insurrection against the largest military power in the world.

There’s a price to pay for lying and the media have barely began to pay it.

Obviously they need to censor blogs and social media

The big question is why do 31% still trust the media?

Axios: Media trust hits another historic low

Possibly their […]

Almost 68% of Australia’s tourism sites in “peril” if climate crisis continues, report says


Image by Jacqueline Wales from Pixabay

By Jo Nova

The modern media is like a form of hypnosis

Lord help us all. Climate change might wreck Ayers Rock, I mean Uluru. It’s been baking in the desert for 550 million years, but another half a degree C and it’s in “peril“. (You had to use the hair-dryer…)

It’s such bad luck. “Climate change” could hit anywhere but it’s going to hit airports, vineyards, national parks, and Bondi Beach? It’s ruining holidays and your favourite symbols. It’s so unfair.

I thought this was surely an AI joke, or a grade school project, but Graham Readfearn put his name on it and the Guardian editors didn’t run away. The whole story is a keyword salad of hot button words and random numbers. 620,000 tourism jobs will be at risk they say mindlessly, as if 26 million Australians will stop having holidays and 10 million international guests will stay home, scared off by a one degree Fahrenheit rise.

Almost 68% of Australia’s tourism sites at major risk if climate crisis continues, report says

Uluru, the Daintree and Bondi beach among iconic Australian locations that could be impacted if […]

Climate Science goes full-bore witchcraft: Your beefsteak makes bridges fall like Tinker-Toys

By Jo Nova

The Modern West is regressing to 8th Century occult science

Today the supposed “newspaper of record” for the most powerful nation on Earth is effectively telling people that the steak they eat, the car they drive and the heater they use could cause bridges to collapse “like Tinkertoys”. But you’ll have to join the dots yourself, because they never do. No one asks the experts: How many Tofu-burgers does it take to save Brooklyn Bridge? How many bus trips will we need to save the Golden Gate?

The worlds leading journalists never ask the obvious questions. They just leave a trail of breadcrumbs: Man makes CO2, CO2 causes Spooky weather and Spooky weather eats bridges. So good people drive EV’s!

Each breadcrumb looks like bread, like it might be real, but no one sees the whole loaf and before you know it, everyone is lost in the woods, installing solar panels to save their bridges.

Two days ago the breadcrumbs said “good people go without air conditioners”.


Things are so bad the New York Times tells us that on a 95 degree day in summer, one bridge in Manhattan got stuck open “for hours”. […]

Six years later, New York Times mentions that the Maldives is not sinking

By Jo Nova

A little tiny delated backdown from extreme climate hype begins

In 2018, a study of aerial photos of 700 Pacific Islands showed that 89% were the same size or growing. This rather destroyed the idea that sea levels were swallowing small nations. The New York Times said nothing. Indeed, the only Pacific things shrinking were deserted sand drifts. No islands bigger than 10 hectares were getting smaller. Measured in square kilometers that’s “0.1”. Despite the media headlines and delegations from Kiribati and Tuvulu begging for money to hold back the tide, no islands with people living on them were shrinking. None, not one island in the Pacific big enough to matter, was disappearing. The largest 630 islands in the Pacific had not being touched by climate change for decades.

In 2023 another study of 1,100 islands came to the same conclusion. To find that many islands they included things as small as one thousandth of a square kilometer — we’re talking about spits of sand 10 meters square. (There are whales larger than that.) The Kench team studied islands in the Indian Ocean too. In one case, they sliced, diced and drilled through one poor island […]

60% of the US say “the media are the Enemy”

By Jo Nova

Ponder how far we have come when more than half of the US sees the media, not just as self-serving, biased hacks, but as The Enemy itself.

“Fake News” is annoying, but active lies and suppression are a campaign to steal something from you — or everything: your money, your health, your vote and your children. There is no “town square” anymore, no common forum where ideas are batted back and forth until both sides agree. There is only entrenched polarization. A house divided, and no shared meals. Fomenting civil war.

Rasmussen Reports asked 1,114 likely US voters whether the media are “truly the enemy of the people”, and an amazing 60% agreed.

By Nicole Wells, NewsMax

According to the survey, of the 60% majority who agree with Trump’s 2019 assessment that the media are “the enemy of the people,” 30% strongly agree with the presumptive GOP presidential nominee; 36% disagree with the statement, including 21% who strongly disagree.

It’s much more widespread across the political spectrum than you might think:

On whether the media are “truly the enemy of the people,” 79% of Republicans, 60% of […]

Former US State official on censorship — “What I’m describing is military rule”

By Jo Nova

One of the most extraordinary interviews I’ve ever heard. Take everything you thought you knew …

Tucker Carlson talks to Mike Benz who worked in the cyber portfolio at the US State Department. He calmly lays out the dark power of the US intelligence network. This is the inside story of how and why the military industrial censorship complex grew in the last thirty years.

It’s obviously hard to confirm what he says, but we already know Twitter and Facebook were effectively acting as arms of the US government. We’ve got the emails showing they were colluding with US state agencies and the legacy media on a daily basis to cover up government failures and corruption, and to censor Americans. We know the CIA withheld a report on China because it might have helped Donald Trump, and we know the CIA has been feeding the media “misinformation” for 50 years because another insider told us so.

Mike Benz seems to be able to explain so many details on the forces that shaped history.

At first the agencies liked free speech

In 1991 the apparatus of the US State thought the internet and free speech was a […]

Climate Tales: BlackRock got Exxon to divest oil fields that PetroChina wanted (which BlackRock also owned shares in)

by Jo Nova

When will the Green climate activists realize they are the minions of the Banksters, and communist governments?

In 2021 BlackRock used its shareholder influence to force Exxon to drop some gas fields under the guise of “climate activism”. BlackRock were the second largest shareholder with 6.6% of Exxon at the time. They bragged about getting three new activist board members elected to help Exxon in the “energy transition”. But they also happened to be major investors in PetroChina too with 7% of the Chinese oil and gas company and BlackRock didn’t seem to care too much about their ESG policy. Conveniently, PetroChina was “poised” to buy many of the fields that the giant US oil company was getting its arm twisted to sell.

Naturally the Stupid-Media wrote this up as a win for koalas and whales or something:

It’s like sabotage of national assets

While BlackRock pretend to care about the environment, they were potentially undermining a US company, their US shareholders, and own pension fund clients, all to get a better deal, perhaps, with “favours” of who-knows-what for a foreign company, which is a subsidiary of the Chinese State CNPC. We can only speculate, […]

This is what mind control looks like…

By Jo Nova

Those who own and control the “public town square” control the conversation

You may have seen the spooky opening video compilation before (where all the newsreading clones read the same script) but this is a neat compilation of speeches and even snippets from “Network” a movie from 1976.

The clones warn that fake news on social media is a threat to democracy. The truth, of course, is that real news on social media threatens the mind control of the corporate media cartels.

h/t Raven.

Sharyl Attkisson talks about Astroturfing and the creation of the illusion of a grassroots movement that barely exists. Her Ted talk: Astroturf, Propaganda, and Media Manipulation.

Udo Ulfkotte wrote a book ‘Bought Journalists’ about the way journalists are being controlled by government agencies.

The big questions:

What if the media was just the lobbying agency for bigger profit making ventures? The media’s true goal is not subscription or advertising income, it’s the power to control governments and the narrative to make money for all their other parasitic operations, like unreliable energy generators, useless pharmaceuticals and carbon markets that won’t solve problems that don’t exist.

What looks, acts and smells like a […]

Media giant AP News sells out journalism for just $8m from billionaires

By Jo Nova

The media is totally bought and sold

A bunch of giant Foundations (run by billionaires that also invest in renewable energy) gave Associated Press (AP) $8 million dollars last year to push the climate propaganda even harder than it has been running for the last 20 years.

In return AP, which calls itself a not-for-profit news agency took the grant and then ran 64 climate crisis or ESG stories in the next year. They called this surge a “sweeping climate journalism initiative”.

Sixty four stories doesn’t sound like much but AP stories are repeated in 1,300 newspapers and broadcasters. So 64 stories could really mean 83,200 stories.

The money came from the Rockefeller Foundation, Quadrivium (James Murdoch, who is son of Rupert), the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation (Walmart), and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Looks like, smells like, advertising money for Renewable investors disguised as a grant?

At least some of these Billionaires may be paying for media stories that could improve the return on their green investments. According to InfluenceWatch, two years ago Quadrivium Foundation committed to invest $250 million US in BlackRock Inc for “green energy infrastructure”. […]

What looks, acts and smells like a Global News Cartel and just got hit by an Antitrust lawsuit…

By Jo Nova

What if the news media formed a global monopoly to control the news?

Imagine if the media and tech giants of the world banded together behind-the-scenes to rule certain stories were “misinformation” and all their agencies thus reported the same “news”?

That’s what the Trusted News Initiative aimed to do — decide what ideas were and were not allowed to be discussed.

It’s like “free speech” but without the free part.

Not only could the media bury things but they could get away with it if no upstart competitor could red-pill their audience.

It would be the death of the Free Press

In a world like that the people would be ruled mostly by whomever it was that decided what was “misinformation”. Those controllers would be the defacto Ministry of Truth.

We all saw it happen over the last three years, so it’s good to put a name on the beast, but even better, Robert F Kennedy is suing them for anti-trust violation.

Trusted News Initiative, TNI,

The Trusted News Initiative is everything journalists should hate. It’s basically there to “protect” voters from hearing about things like the Hunter-Biden Laptop, good climate news and […]

Trudeau invents license for “journalists” so readers know which ones are Government Approved Liars

Big Government is supposed to fear the free press who criticize it — When the press fear the government, it follows the press prints Fake News. It’s just an arm of Big Government.

Justin Trudeau has invented a Social Credit system for journalists. What could possibly go wrong — Apart from death. corruption and wasted money. It explains a lot — like why virtually none of the news media in Canada covered the Truckers Rally, the problems with vaccines, or discontent among the unacceptable working class people. Apart from Rebel News, the other media outlets were afraid of losing their QCJO, or their subsidies, their income tax breaks, and their right to get into government events.

It’s the oldest trick in the Dictators playbook — make the critics get a license. It’s as bad as it sounds. An anonymous panel sits in secret and assesses something called the Qualified Canadian Journalism Organisational Licence or a QCJO. Not surprisingly Rebel News did not get a license. The invisible bureaucrats claimed that only 1% of Rebel News is “news” and therefore it doesn’t qualify. Which means Rebel News are banned from government events, and punished and downranked on social media (even […]

FBI didn’t want the Hunter Biden Laptop, then sat on it, then whistleblowers life is destroyed

He did all the right things but his business, his life’s work has been ruined. Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop to a Mac repair store and left it behind. The whistleblower who owned that store acted legally in every way, but now faces bankruptcy and lives with constant threats. He financially would have been so much better off if he has dropped the laptop in the bin. John Nolte at Breitbart has a long interview with John Paul Mac Isaac about the remarkable efforts he went to to do the right thing. His father is a retired Air Force Colonel, and he also tried to do the right thing but was rebuffed.

The whole interview is worth reading. The scandal (above and beyond The Biden family) is the combined failure of the FBI and the media. Repeatedly, the FBI failed the nation, protected the corrupt by sitting on this laptop for months and intimidating the whistleblower. Then the media did the same, covering up for the compromised, blaming it on a Russian hack. All the media that is, except for The New York Post, Tucker Carlson and sites like Breitbart.

People need to know what’s going on.

Nolte: Hunter […]

Why suppress early safe treatments for Covid? Here’s $24 billion reasons

by Joanne Nova

Maybe it’s an accident that every answer is “Vaccines”? Or maybe not.

People are asking why early safe cheap treatments could have been suppressed, after all, people are dying. A better question is to ask how could any cheap alternative treatment ever be selected? The money-pot on offer is so stupendously, fantastically big, it can buy small nations. And the cheap drugs don’t just compete with it, they obliterate it.

In the current system, legally, the FDA can’t give EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) for any vaccine if there is a safe useful alternative. The EUA approval is simply extinguished by any treatment that works. Therefore billions of dollars in profits depends on making sure there are no cheap safe alternatives.

It’s not a question of whether Big Pharma are pulling levers to crush cheap drugs. With billions at stake, Pfizer and other companies would be crazy, nutso, bonkers, and doing their shareholders a disservice if they did not lobby, cajole, scare, smear and call in all their favours to make sure there would never be a cheap safe alternative.

The EUA is all or nothing

The FDA site

The Covid vaccine was […]

The Bill Gates Foundation is a $300 million dollar media Octopus

How much of the public narrative does Bill Gates buy for $300m?

Buying national policy through backroom deals and party donations is so passe. For the Uber Rich it’s so much better to purchase the policy they prefer with glorious golden philanthropy. Be a hero, change the world, make money too.

Bill Gates runs his own branch of the Charity Industrial Complex. Other moguls buy a newspaper, but Gates buys influence one topic at a time.

Despite the reputation of funding the poor and downtrodden, somehow three hundred million dollars or more was gifted to the media. As if perchance the starving reporters of The Guardian needed it more say, than the malnourished of Chad?

Bill Gates has given $319 million to the media

Allan McLeod, Mintpress News

SEATTLE — Up until his recent messy divorce, Bill Gates enjoyed something of a free pass in corporate media. Generally presented as a kindly nerd who wants to save the world, the Microsoft co-founder was even unironically christened “Saint Bill” by The Guardian.

After sorting through over 30,000 individual grants, MintPress can reveal that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) has made over $300 million […]

The battle worth fighting for: Let us and our doctors choose what medicine we take

Adriana Midori Takara,

Adriana Midori Takara was only 38 when she died of Covid in Australia last week. She instantly became a posterchild for the vaccine advertising campaign. But the true story may be something else entirely. Rebecca Weisser treads where few dare: Adriana’s family tried to get her ivermectin, which may have have saved her, but even though they found a doctor willing to try, he was not allowed to.

The Guardian and MSN both report relatives saying she wanted but had been unable to get any vaccine. But Rebecca Weisser reports that other journalists heard she was vaccinated, and asked whether she had a vaccine dose. The NSW authorities, who would surely be very interested in her vaccine status, won’t answer that question.

Meanwhile no one is turning the latest 44 and 48 year old victims of Astra-Zenica side-effects into posterchilds for anything. Where are their photos?

This is the battle worth fighting for.

The fastest way to stop lockdowns is by allowing every doctor and patient the choice to use cheap antivirals, not just limit their choices to drugs that earn their manufacturers $45billion dollars. Ivermectin can be used prophylactically to prevent as many as […]

And you thought elections were decided by The People?

Look who decides when a state is “won”?

What if they were wrong but the loser set up a government anyway, and the people accepted that?

The NY Times deleted their own tweet when they realize they’d said too much. But Twitter deleted half of Trumps tweets since Election Day.

Look at how effective this was in stopping Trump setting the agenda. The Total replies and retweets was in the order of 100 every 10 seconds but fell by three quarters almost instantly.

A group called Election Integrity Partnership (who voted for them?) decided that Trumps tweet “made unfounded claims about the legitimacy of mail-in ballots and the Election, while fomenting fear of violence.” So they tagged the message with a warning, but that wasn’t going to stop the tidal wave, so they deleted the content entirely, leaving their own loaded interpretation in it’s place. They were using the Trump account to tell Trumps followers that he was fomenting violence, and without leaving his words there so anyone could judge for themselves.

Trumps tweet apparently criticized the Supreme Court of PA’s decision. He questioned the legitimacy of mail in ballots, which of course is a blasphemy. All mail-in ballots, verified, […]