By Jo Nova
Next step: sustainable human steak?
They don’t mention the “sustainable” word, but you know they want to. Right from the start they’re selling it to us:
Ethically, cannibalism poses fewer issues than you might imagine. If a body can be bequeathed with consent to medical science, why can’t it be left to feed the hungry?
Why can’t we feed our bodies to the homeless indeed, apart from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, prions, parasites, heavy metals? And if cannibalism pops up on the menu often enough, who knows what other problem will pop up on the radar? Things at the top of the food chain (and we are at the top) tend to accumulate all kinds of unwanted chemicals, like lead, PCBs, and pollutants.
Not to mention the spiritual questions and the mental health issues. Who knows? Relatives might feel a bit miffed if Aunty Betty was carved up for canapes and offered up to the crowd at the local alcoholics shelter.
Welcome to dystopia. We can devalue human lives, but think of the cows we’ll save!
And the CultureWar continues
Tut. Tut. Tut. New Scientist gently chides us for being the sort of modern prejudiced people […]
By Jo Nova
It’s lucky the world has so many billionaires to save us from Democracy eh?
But instead of persuading us, or doing honest adverts to save the world (which they could obviously afford) they prefer the deceptive approach.
If you think Hollywood is boring these days, there’s a reason
Chris Morrison at the Daily Sceptic found the Go-To Guide for hiding climate propaganda in Hollywood Movies where children won’t even realize they are being spoon-fed political products:
Green Billionaires Press Hollywood to Promote Armageddon Climate Messages in Movies
Good Energy aims to weave climate alarm into all types of film-making, “especially” if it is not about climate. With the support of Bloomberg, it recently published ‘Good Energy – A Playbook for Screenwriting in the Age of Climate Change’. It claims the Playbook is “now the industry’s go-to guide to incorporating climate into any storyline or genre”. As with almost all green campaigning groups, Good Energy would not exist without the support of billionaire funding. These operations seek a supra-national collectivist Net Zero solution to a claimed climate emergency. Good Energy acknowledges it would not exist without this funding, adding, “as collaborators and champions, each has […]
Is there any better statement of the empty vacuum at the core of The West?
The greatest Civilization Earth has ever known has talked itself out of turning up for the future.
Why are so many young childless men getting the snip?
Artist, Marie Kroyer
By STEPHEN CORBY, The Australian
It takes a lot to rattle “The Ball Whisperer” [Dr Justin Low], as one of Australia’s most prolific vasectomists is known, yet he remembers being utterly taken aback the first time a young, childless man walked into his office and asked for the snip. “It was a shock. I do remember how I felt the first time a guy with no kids came to me, and it put me on the back foot,” Low recalls, still recoiling slightly. “I wasn’t prepared for it, I mean, not just as a doctor but as a lay person, there’s just this funny thing we’re brought up to think, doesn’t everyone want kids?”
Back when he started out at Marie Stopes Australia a decade ago, his job was very much about helping men who felt they’d had enough children, or possibly more than enough. […]
Lithuania, 1955
There are almost no brave people left in academia, or sport, or the land of celebrity. When one of their own faces the axe for some random transgression of an invisible rule book on political niceties, their colleagues abandon them.
In academia, they’re supposed to be the intellectual cream of the crop –the individual giants who fought their way to the top. But it’s like we’ve selected for wary herding people instead. And perhaps that’s the point. When universities were turned into schools and businesses, and quirky philanthropist funding became predictable Big-Government largess, the mavericks and rebels didn’t fit and one by one were expelled, sacked — or just pushed sideways til they fell out. What’s left in the wasteland of academia, apparently, are the mid-wit networking climbers. The middling Ordinaires rose into positions above their due and became afraid of losing the sweeter deal than they deserved. If they were the top dogs in their field, and if that mattered, they could speak their mind, get sacked, and still be offered a new position at a competing institution. But second rung players don’t have that option. They won’t put their head above the parapet and […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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