Dominion Voting Machine
What would you do if you discovered three weeks before your national elections that the voting machines your nation was about to use were easily hackable by local or foreign state actors? The Dominion electronic machines were going to be used in 16 states, and it was a “matter of national security”.
Judge Amy Totenberg decided it was all far too hairy, and too late to do anything, so she sealed the entire 25,000 word report by Dr Alex Halderman. But strangely in September the following year the author was still unable to send these “national security” documents to DHS-CISA. They were still legally sealed, and he was unable to give that information to the government.
Dr Patrick Byrne, the Stanford graduate of Philosophy, and also Asian studies, polymath, and self made Overstock billionaire wrote a story last October that in a normal world would have printed its own front page headlines, along the lines of “Scandalous report on Risks of Dominion Voting Machine Suppressed before 2020 election”. Naturally, no one has heard about it. Note that the report and study was done before the elections and contains no evidence that the 2020 elections were […]
Biden won Arizona (theoretically anyway) by 10,457 votes. But mail-in ballots went forth and must have multiplied because 74,000 baby new ballots appeared in the final count that were never posted out. Strangely – after the election was over, 18,000 voters just disappeared off the rolls while 11,000 appeared from nowhere. The latter were people who weren’t on the rolls on November 7th, yet they voted, and then were on the rolls on by December 4th.
Despite Biden winning he’s had the most dreadful luck — the voting software was old and easily breached, and all the access logs showing the Democrat’s complete innocence were somehow completely wiped in March — just like that, poof? Then there were the ballots that were printed on different paper that bled, even though all votes were meant to be on bleedproof Votesecure paper?
And some people wonder why doubts about the Biden Government don’t go away…
Final results are coming soon:
Arizona Audit Finds Massive Irregularities, Including More Than 74,000 Mail-In Ballots Counted Than Mailed Out
By Debra Heine, American Greatness
More than 74,000 mail-in ballots were received in Maricopa County, Arizona than appear to have been mailed out, […]
Extraordinary evidence from Jovan Pulitzer
Georgia’s Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections held a hearing to study Georgia’s Election. Stanford Researcher and Inventor with thousands of U.S. Patents, Jovan Pulitzer, claims, real-time hacking of Dominion Voting Systems at Fulton County Polling Station.
Maybe this is why they won’t let us look at the physical ballots?
Ballots were misprinted in an area more likely to have Republican voters. There are tiny changes in the calibration marks of printed ballots that would cause the machines to misread some votes.
The ballots are not the same. In a predominantly Republican area the calibration marks are misaligned.
Does the misaligning of the calibration marks mean a shocking 93% of ballots in Fulton county required adjudication?
So 93% of votes in Fulton County were cast by the adjudicators, not the voters.
Where are those logs?
An incredible 93% of votes in Fulton County had to be adjudicated — manually entered by a person. The machines kept failing.
Watch Jovan Pulitzer discuss the need for paper ballots to be examined properly and just how much data they could get if they could see the actual ballots.
h/t PeterC, Serp, […]
It seems US state governors made it easy for China to spy on the election
Russell Ramsland speaks at the Georgia Election Hearing about election data being sent directly to China.
It’s looks like… there is a smart thermostat in one of the tabulation rooms in Savannah Georgia that is reporting the votes back to China. We’re going to check that out.
In 29 States your votes were going to Frankfurt Germany…
Patrick Byrne says:
I vouch for this. I have seen the photographs, the computer forensics, and the IP traces back to China. To a corporation whose name has long been linked to CP.
Georgia Tabulating Machine Sent Results to China
Perhaps people in China were getting results before people in the US were?
Simone Gao interviews Ramsland at The Thinking Conservative
Would you like a 17% swing with that tabulator?
Fully 17% of votes were decided by adjudicators in Antrim County.
Ramsland also found in the Antrim County Report (in Michigan), that an incredible 17% of all the votes went to adjudication. There was a “68% error rate”, but because there can be up to four […]
It’s awful bad luck for the Democrats. The forensics report for Antrim County is in and there’s no evidence the 6,000 flipped votes was a clerks error, as we were told, but there is evidence of “fatal flaws” “gross negligence”, “bad faith” and or “wilful non-compliance”. The adjudication logs are missing. The security logs are missing. Worse, the normal error rate of ballots is 1 in 250,000, but the 2020 rate was sixty five percent (percent!). I make that about 160,000 times higher than normal (can that be right?). It’s hard to make sense of that number.
Ballots that are classified as “adjudicated” can be altered by administrators, something that is normally recorded in the logs. Since the machines have past logs from other years, but not the 2020 logs, it looks like someone went in and deleted them.
Crucial Logs Missing From Antrim County Dominion Voting Machines: Forensics Report
Ivan Pentchukov, Epoch Times
“Significantly, the computer system shows vote adjudication logs for prior years; but all adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing. The adjudication process is the simplest way to manually manipulate votes. The lack of records prevents any form of […]
Is that mood shift I see?
Suddenly the Trump team is ramping up the claims and the confidence. Donald Trump has declared that 2.7 million votes were switched by Dominion electronic machines and Rudy Guliani has hinted that there are whistleblowers coming forward from Dominion. If so, that changes everything. But at this stage, they are just hints.
EverylegalVote now tallies Trump at 232, Biden at 214
North Carolina has been added to the Trump Tally.
Huge claims being made about massive electronic voter fraud.
@Donald Trump: “REPORT: Dominion deleted 2.7 million Trump Votes nationwide. Data analysis finds 221,000 Pennsylvania votes switched from President Trump to Biden. 941,000 Trump votes delted. States using Dominion voting systems switched 435,000 votes from Trump to Biden.””
@SidneyPowell: This is massive voter fraud. It is a feature built into the system by the companies that own the machines and software. This was a deliberate attack on our country and the most important of rights held by citizens in our Republic. @RudyGiuliani: The evidence of fraud is pouring in at an overwhelming pac’e. This was a massive effort by Crooked Democrats to wipe out the vote of those they believe […]
Imagine that the CIA had been using software for years that could undetectably alter vote counts in electronic transit between ballot centres and central vote collection sites. How inevitable is it that sooner or later this same program would be used within the USA. There is a karma to this. The US played dirty games in other people’s elections for years, so it any wonder that having created the weapon and trained operatives to use it, that it would eventually come back to bite the US?
Electronic voting is a wild invitation for fraud. It can not be any other way.
Hammer and Scorecard are the names of the two programs designed by the CIA to interfere in foreign elections and now allegedly being used in the USA itself.
The General [Lt. Gen. McInerney] described “Hammer” and “Scorecard,” a pair of programs initially designed for the CIA before being privatized by Deep State players from the Obama administration. We explained how they work in an article last week, but the gist is this: “Hammer” or “THE HAMMER” is a counter-intelligence surveillance program used to spy on activities on protected networks (like voting machines) without detection while “Scorecard” […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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