If you are in Perth this weekend, I’ll be speaking about vandals and witchcraft in the National Energy Market for the Council for the National Interest (CNI)
Sunday 21st July 2024, 2.30pm to 4.30pm (Socialising from 1.30pm to 6.00pm) at the APIWA Clubroom, Rear No.10 Mallard Way Cannington 6107.
Readers here are welcome tomorrow. There is no charge but please RSVP to apimail AT apiwa.com.au
9.9 out of 10 based on 54 ratings
Perth on Wednesday | Australia: The Road Ahead
“We are more divided as a nation than ever and are feeling increasingly disillusioned and disempowered.”
Hon. John Anderson | Brendan O’Neill (Spiked Magazine) | Tony Seabrook (PGA) | Janet Albrechtsen (The Australian) | Jennifer Grossman (CEO of the Atlas Society) | Scott Hargreaves (IPA) | Professor Stephen Wilson | Professor Simon Haines (Ramsay Centre for Western Civilization) | Dr. Bella D’abrera | Russell Delroy | Steve Whybrow Sc | Professor Gary Banks | Gemma Tognini | Dan Ryan | Brianna Mckee | Freya Leach | Ron Manners (Mannkal)
Sydney, April 23rd | An evening with Brendan O’Neill (CIS)
Sydney, April 30th | Australia’s Nuclear Future (CIS)
10 out of 10 based on 21 ratings
By Jo Nova
I’m looking forward to spending three days at the Triple Conference in Albury from March 15 -17th. Topics include looking at ways to get the Government out of our lives, get cheap energy, returning manufacturing, rule of law, management of the Murray Darling, I’ll be speaking and so will David Burton of the Inigo Jones long term weather forecasting and the failures of the BOM. Other speakers include three Senators: Malcolm Roberts, Ralph Babet, and Alex Antic, plus two sitting MPs, many former MP’s like Gary Johns, Warren Mundine, plus also Augusto Zimmerman — it’s big!
The Gala Dinner on Saturday is called Nyet Zero.
It’s being organised by Topher Field of AussieWire.
This is the first time the three conferences have been combined: Big Ideas for A Better Australia, the Friedman Conference for libertarians, and the Church and State conference.
The conference itself is under $300, the Conference plus Gala Dinner is about $550, and there is a VIP option too. Tickets here.
9.9 out of 10 based on 62 ratings
By Jo Nova
A rare opportunity: the wonderful Matt Ridley will be in Perth to speak on Tuesday. One of the few great science commentators across economics, biology, genes, climate and politics. Author of The Rational Optimist, Viral: The search for the origin of Covid-19 and for years a writer for The Times, WSJ, and also elected as a hereditary peer to membership in the House of Lords, UK.
Get tickets from the CIS.
Cures vs Consequences: How does Government navigate the science?
Matt Ridley
Join Matt Ridley in PERTH, Novotel Murray Street on Tuesday, November 21 or a thought-provoking discussion on the critical role of Government in shaping climate, health, and energy policies.
Scientists aren’t infallible authorities who universally override political disagreements, nor are they unscrupulous fraudsters with hidden political agendas. Somewhere between the two lies the truth: Science is a flawed and all too human affair, but it can generate timeless truths, and reliable practical guidance, in a way that other approaches cannot.
How can the average person make sense of the often-conflicting scientific opinions that have arisen during the COVID pandemic and in the discussions about climate and […]
By Jo Nova
William Happer
I was lucky enough to spend some time with the wonderful Professor William Happer the last few days thanks to the IPA. The man is a living legend of science having worked on the StarWars program in the Cold War and with the White House in the 1990s and in the Trump era. His talk had something for everyone, speaking about the need for bravery in dangerous times, and the psychology of crowds and yet with enough detail on emission spectrum calculations to appeal to the true science nerds as well. His work on adaptive optics with lasers in the atmosphere was considered so important to national security it was classified as a military secret. Despite that he was one of the first casualties of the political war on science – losing his position as Director of Energy Research in the US Dept of Energy in 1993 for speaking his mind on ozone.
Happer conveys an enthusiasm for physics, astronomy, the Earth that is infectious.
Book Now — and don’t forget the IPA offers a program for 15-25 year olds called Generation Liberty — with membership for just $10 a year and free […]
Dr Aseem Malhotra
“The Greatest Medical Deception We will Witness in our Lifetime”
A Blockbuster Speaker: Dr Asseem Malhotra, a Consultant Cardiologist in the UK was one of the first to speak up about vaccine heart risks.
Book for Melbourne (June 1 and 2) , Brisbane (June 5th scroll down!), and Perth (June 10th). It is already sold out or taken place in NSW, the Gold Coast, South Australia and the ACT. (Sorry!) Hopefully video will be posted.
Hosted By Topher Field
There are different extra speakers at every event. Check the links above. In Perth don’t miss Ed Dowd — the former BlackRock executive who wrote a whole book on excess deaths (remember him talking to Tucker Carlson?). Plus Naomi Wolf — the famous feminist who has been red-pilled and now campaigns against vaccine mandates (via satellite). And John Shipton — Julian Assange’s father.
The AMPS is a new medical organization for doctors and health workers in Australia formed during the pandemic because the AMA was doing such a bad job. Find out more about the AMPS and the tour on Facebook […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

Jo appreciates your support to help her keep doing what she does. This blog is funded by donations. Thanks!

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The nerds have the numbers on precious metals investments on the ASX
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