Entrapment on Capitol Hill: Did the FBI infiltrate and even lead the riot?
Capitol Hill, January 6
A very strange pattern
Many people are still being held in jail, without bail, five months later, but some of the people who appeared to be the most aggressive activists at Capitol Hill didn’t even get indicted. Were these people legally protected because they were undercover operatives or informants working with the FBI? If so, how much did these actors instigate events and thus entrap genuine protesters?
And if the FBI knew this event was going to happen, on “the most important day ever in Congress”, why didn’t they stop it and let Congress debate the question of whether the election was stolen? Seven US states had sent in dual electors, effectively choosing both Biden and Trump, and a growing number of Senators in five of those states had upped the ante by calling for an official decertification. All that Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani and 88 State Senators were asking for, was a ten day delay so those key states could consider the new evidence and vote again and choose one set of electors.
Look who benefited from the Capitol Storming?
When is an Armed Insurrection an Unarmed Protest?
Armed with arms and legs?
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Red-pill the West. No guns were found on any of the protesters who went into the US Capitol on January 6th. The most important part of this message is not about guns, or the lack of. It’s about The Media. People need to know they are being sold elite propaganda every night on TV — fake news that serves the Upper Class Swamp.
What are the odds that a group without a single gun would be able to overturn the US Government? And on one of the most important sitting days in the history of Capital Hill, with possibly the largest rally in history happening at the same time, all known weeks in advance. Clearly Capitol Hill would be well protected. Clearly we would expect they had tighter security than normal. Oh wait…?
What does this say about the people in charge of Capitol Hill security — which was Nancy Pelosi.
What does it say about the intent of the protesters. Were they there to overthrow the government, or were they just citizens who want free and […]
Let the bragging begin — Who manipulated the election to “Save Democracy”? A Corporate Cabal!
Now that the Left have the main levers of power, it’s safe for them to come out and tell the world how important they are. Indeed the race to the top of the vanity pile is on. This is not an accidental admission. When the real game is to get to the top of the pecking order, bragging is part of the plan.
And brag they do. Time actually published this:
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
by Molly Ball, Time Magazine
The Cabal decided the “proper outcome” of the election.
“Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan rule-of-law advocacy group. “But it’s massively important for the country to understand that it didn’t happen accidentally. The system didn’t work magically. Democracy is not self-executing.”
Photo by Darren Halstead, Unsplash
Which rather flies in the face of that quaint old idea that the government is meant to be by the people and for the people? If it isn’t […]
Tucker Carlson wonders why the Democrats are recklessly overreacting to no known plots of white supremacists and Domestic Terrorists. He calls it fear or panic — the leaders are afraid of the people they are supposed to be leading. They are afraid of populism — of a mass uprising. They don’t have answers. They know they don’t, and they know you know.
AOC is trying to convince the nation that there are white supremacists at the heart of the GOP. Tucker asks where this projection of racial hate is going. It’s like using a flame thrower in a crowded theater. What is the effect of the lies like this?
Are the Democrats projecting a civil war until they trigger one? They may be baiting to get the extreme reactions they hope fringe groups resort to — so they can use them to demand more lists, more rules, and more purges. But they play with fire. They may not want a civil war. (Although the CCP presumably does. )
The Bitchute version may “hang” due to the surging popularity of it:
The Youtube version is there as a backup til it disappears: … The outrageous purge continues:
If you […]
Capitol Police Officer, Brian Sicknick
Officer Brian Sicknick, 42. tragically died after the Capitol Hill mayhem. Allegedly he was “bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher”, and later got a blood clot and died the next day. His death is being used to score political points against Trump supporters yet there are some pertinent facts being left out, and questions that need answers.
Things the legacy media may have forgot to report:
Sicknik texted his family at night after the Capitol Hill event and said he was in good shape. The family did not expect him to go to hospital. The family didn’t want his death used for political purposes and say his death may be related to a medical condition. Brian Sicknik was a strong Trump supporter. The family only learnt of his death when reporters started phoning them.
It’s all a bit odd?
“This Political Climate Got My Brother Killed”: Officer Brian Sicknick Died Defending the Capitol. His Family Waits for Answers.
J. David McSwane, Propublica
“He texted me last night and said, ‘I got pepper-sprayed twice,’ and he was in good shape,” said Ken Sicknick, his brother, as the family drove […]
It didn’t matter what Trump said, days before he said it, people were already planning the attack, and the FBI, NYPD, and USCP knew that too.
Is this a one day drive-by impeachment, asks John Solomon. Before the evidence is even presented? Reporter, John Solomon wants to know if Pelosi et al were advised in advance, what did they know? If they didn’t know, it was a failure of the police. If they did know, it’s a scandal that they didn’t say something in advance or put in proper security.
The US Attorney is bringing a conspiracy case which can’t happen if there wasn’t advance planning.
As usual, a whole lot of innocent law-abiding people, just can’t supply the evidence that shows how innocent they are. The DC police are investigating the Capitol attack, but won’t supply the evidence to an FOIA because, wait for it, it might be “personally embarrassing”? The whole event is being used to in an attempt to accuse, impeach and humiliate The President, but we must protect some underling (who) instead? Or perhaps we need to “protect” the citizens from being able to make up their own minds?
Just the News: “How could Trump incite […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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