The Guardian
By Jo Nova
The Blob are afraid they will lose even more followers to social media…
Academics and the old dying media have produced a study that “shows” people who believe social media posts are bad people. The message here for believers is that only horrible people get their news from sites like X or TikTok. Those selfish people score badly on civic values.
The trick in this “peer reviewed” propaganda is how they define civic values. You might think it means checking on elderly neighbors, donating to charity, or volunteering at the Scouts, but actually “Civic values were defined as an individual’s belief in democratic institutions “. So if you question parliament or universities you are not a good citizen. The institutions are sacred!
This transparent paper is just a get-out-of-jail free card for sloppy, self serving academics. Mike Benz warned us that the Blob redefined “democracy” as “democratic institutions” in 2016, which meant people could be tarred with the “anti-democratic” brush if they criticized the “essential institutions” of democracy, like elections, insurrections, vaccines, or senile Presidents.
The left destroy the meaning of words to deceive their flock. The right let them get away with […]
By Jo Nova
In the ecosystem of civilization, the OECD is just another batch of multinational barnacles slowing the ship down. These invertebrate filter feeders use taxpayer money to bore the taxpayers kids into submission to The Blob. They presumably hope the kids will grow up to vote for the Big Government Blob, thus boosting the river of money that flows past the barnacles.
In the end, improbably, a foreign committee is pretending it can save children in some of the wealthiest nations in the world from “misinformation”. As if the first world needs some remedial assistance teaching chemistry to their teenagers. The gargantuan arrogance of this is only surpassed by the intergalactic chutzpah. The OECD are, after all, just a bunch of economists, wiggling their finger at nations full of doctors and engineers, and telling them how to teach their kids science.
The gibberish, it grows: What is “action” in response to “climate anxiety”?
How to teach climate change so 15-year-olds can act
The Guardian (of course).
OECD’s Pisa program will measure the ability of students to take action in response to climate anxiety and ‘take their position and role in the […]
By Jo Nova
It’s like the bushfires and baking heat are already here (in your mind, if not in reality)
It’s as if we’re preparing for Pearl Harbour or something — and if you are not scared, you should be, and even if this summer isn’t that unprecedented, you will feel like it is, and if the hellfire doesn’t eventuate, there’ll be no headlines saying “Oops. We panicked for nothing!”
After 150 years of Pacific Oscillation, the Pacific has oscillated again. An El Nino has been declared, and like the last 27 El Ninos since Federation, it will probably be warmer and drier “than average” in Australia. But the Merchants of Panic are already calling it a summer of severe wildfires and droughts. There’s no flames yet, but Reuters is wheeling out the photos of burnt out wrecks. SBS found experts to badger us into making a “heat wave plan” — like seriously, as if Australians need three months to remember what summer is. No really — The Executive Director of Sweltering Cities (whatever that is), says you should buy up those extra ice cube trays now and learn the signs of heat exhaustion. Prepare your home — like […]
By Jo Nova
The perennial problem: Who watches the Watcher?
The Founder of Wikipedia reveals to Glenn Greenwald that he’s shocked at the bias and that CIA and FBI computers have been used to edit Wikipedia and that the intelligence agencies pay off “the most influential people to push their agendas” or they just develop their own talent within the [intelligence] community.
This is the problem: create something great, and powerful people can take it away, unless checks and balances stop them. But what stops the FBI and CIA — Who do the intelligence agents with guns fear?
Wikipedia Founder Larry Sanger to Glenn Greenwald: “CIA and FBI Use Wikipedia for Information Warfare”
Richard Abelson, Gateway Pundit
Speaking to Greenwald, Wikipedia founder Larry Sanger said that Wikipedia “used to be kind of anti-establishment” but “between 2005 and 2012 or so, there was this very definite shift to Wikipedia becoming an establishment mouthpiece. It was amazing. I never would’ve guessed that in 2001,” when he first founded the site, Sanger said.
Wikipedia became just another version of the left-wing media:
“By the time Trump became President it was almost as bad as it is now”, […]
By Jo Nova
Twenty six months after the so called “deadly insurrection” at the US Capitol, the video tapes that have been hidden are finally available. This was a day that “echoed through history” according to Kamala Harris, who compared it to Pearl Harbor but didn’t want you to see the footage. People are in jail because they dressed up and walked with a police escort through open doors.
It’s a Redpill moment. The few people who did break windows or incite the crowd to do acts of violence have not been arrested. Who were the Feds?
“Even 57% of Democrats think that it’s at least somewhat likely that Feds were not just there but were also encouraging people to riot or go into the Capitol.” — Thomas Massie Rep Congressman.
The Jan 6th Committee had all this footage. They knew…
Tucker Carlson Fox News
Jan. 6 footage shows Capitol cops escorting QAnon Shaman to Senate floor
Miranda Devine, New York Post
“The tapes show the Capitol Police never stopped Jacob Chansley. They helped him. They acted as his tour guides.”
And yet in the narrative formed that […]
Tucker Carlson wonders why the Democrats are recklessly overreacting to no known plots of white supremacists and Domestic Terrorists. He calls it fear or panic — the leaders are afraid of the people they are supposed to be leading. They are afraid of populism — of a mass uprising. They don’t have answers. They know they don’t, and they know you know.
AOC is trying to convince the nation that there are white supremacists at the heart of the GOP. Tucker asks where this projection of racial hate is going. It’s like using a flame thrower in a crowded theater. What is the effect of the lies like this?
Are the Democrats projecting a civil war until they trigger one? They may be baiting to get the extreme reactions they hope fringe groups resort to — so they can use them to demand more lists, more rules, and more purges. But they play with fire. They may not want a civil war. (Although the CCP presumably does. )
The Bitchute version may “hang” due to the surging popularity of it:
The Youtube version is there as a backup til it disappears: … The outrageous purge continues:
If you […]
It’s all one giant Psy-Op.
The Whitehouse Youtube Channel for the most popular President ever elected is being unliked en mass. Youtube kicked Donald Trump off the “platform”, so hordes of fans are tuning into Joe Biden’s channel instead, and they’re not happy. Joe Biden’s inauguration video tally currently stands at 4,300 “likes” and 48,000 “dislikes”. Realizing the PR flop that this is, Youtube quietly unlisted the video to hide it from searches, but it’s at this link.
Joe Biden, not so popular yet…
In newer Whitehouse videos‘ the downvotes continue. Clearly the Social Media controllers have a problem. One week later, and Youtube doesn’t just unlist the videos — the Swat team has started deleting the deporable votes instead.
Zoe Phin downloaded the data every 80 seconds and graphed it. Within six hours of posting a video, the dislikes were nearly ten times higher than the likes — but then the magic eraser of unpopularity gets to work.
It’s just like voting, right?
The Youtube url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN_4W-EDcPw
Hiding the dislikes
In true skeptical form, Zoe Phin posts all the sources, the code and links at phzoe. There are another 4 videos with the exact […]
With Trump soon to be out of Office, the Party of Peace needs a new enemy
Looks like Don Winslow has opened the ACME: Instant-Target-of-Hate box. It’s almost like he is baiting the right to do something violent for the inauguration.
Start your list now of all the people you would like to see denounce this racist video, then send them an email asking if they support this kind of bigoted incitement?
@Robby Starbuck
This is so dangerous it’s hard to sum up in a tweet. It puts a target on the head of every conservative, calls for war and propagandizes to form a vigilante group that would narc on neighbors. If Hitler or Stalin we’re alive today, they’d proudly use this video. Sick and evil.
Twitter and Youtube banned the race hate already… Wait!… noooooo. Some kinds of hate are high fashion on the Left.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to build, support, and share any social media platforms that aren’t Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Google. Dis-invest yourself, and ask your superfund/401K to boycott them too.
UPDATE!: The original Youtube link has “gone private” (whatever that means). Youtube still fail to […]
Not acting like a team that won Eighty Million votes
Democrats have fed division so well they now don’t trust the National Guard.
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event.
The massive undertaking reflects the extraordinary security concerns that have gripped Washington following the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump rioters. And it underscores fears that some of the very people assigned to protect the city over the next several days could present a threat to the incoming president and other VIPs in attendance.
According to @amuse, the Biden transition team have confiscated their ammo, and wanted to ask who the Guard voted for. The insulting request was refused initially, though eventually, sadly, the Army acquiesced.
”We’re continually going through the process, and taking second, third looks at every one of the individuals assigned to this operation,” McCarthy said in an interview after he and other […]
The FBI apparently didn’t save the nation from a semi-naked man with a spear who walked into the US Senate on one of the most important sitting days of Congress ever. But it warned a week ago of “Armed Protests” between Jan 17 and Jan 20th. There are still a few days left before inauguration day, but the big threat supposedly was 50 armed events at all state capitols on Jan 17th.
What threat?
(CNN)The FBI has received information indicating “armed protests” are being planned at all 50 state capitols and the US Capitol in Washington, DC in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, according to an internal bulletin obtained by CNN.
The news comes as security measures are being stepped up ahead of Inauguration Day, … But who called for an armed protest — a reckless and risky move in the current environment? Not President Trump. The main evidence, apparently, was a flyer that called for an Armed March for 12PM Jan 17th. Was there any other credible threat? Oddly, the flyer was issued without any author or organisation. Warnings went out on conservative sites saying “it’s a […]
Social media platform Gab has not only backed up Donald Trump’s entire Twitter account, they stored millions of the replies to him as well. Gab has been conducting a secret program called the Liberal Hate Machine — where they back up all the toxic replies in a searchable database.
While Twitter is perma-banning Trump for telling people to march peacefully, they are happy to publish vile abusive threats against him every day of the year.
Gab estimates that there are 100 million toxic replies. (like this?)
Feel the healing…
ue et
Pick your flavour: (and these are just todays hashtags)
#TrumpTerrorism #TrumpIsACriminal #TrumpImpeachment2 #TrumpInsurrection #TrumpIsACult #TrumpIsALoser #TrumpIsAFailure #TrumpForPrison2021 #TrumpForCovid2021 #ConvictTrump #TrumpImpeachedAgain #TrumpImpeachedTwice #TrumpTerroists #TrumpTerroristAttack #TrumpCult #TrumpIsALaughingStock #TrumpCoupAttempt #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TrumpIsANarcissist #ImpeachTrump
Gab goes after Twitter
by Human Events Staff
Social media platform Gab revealed Sunday that they have been collecting examples of hateful and potentially illegal threats, slurs and other comments made in response to President Donald Trump’s tweets.
“For months we have been backing up every reply to Donald Trump’s tweets,” the site wrote in a tweet that has since been deleted. “We […]
It was the perfect PsyOp photo. With hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters to pick from, somehow the photo on every media front page last week was of Jake Angeli standing in The Capitol. Listen to him talk about his beliefs to ward off evil spirits and witches.
Try to think of an image designed to horrify middle America more than a hairy chested horned man with tats and bare nipples in a furry hunting hood? Perhaps a hooded storm-trooper with an AK47 smattered in blood. But that might be confused with Antifa.
Nothing says barbaric quite as well as an escapee from the neolithic. So once Angeli was inside the heart of Democracy, it’s no accident or conspiracy that the hate-media picked up his photo.
The question is, why was the door open to Mr Horns, but a bullet headed for the Air Force Vet?
How is it, that the path to the Speakers Chair was blocked from so many but not to the most toxic photo-op possible? If Ashli Babbitt was sitting in the chair instead, the Shock and Awe campaign wouldn’t have had much ammo.
It’s almost like a PR committee sat down to ask: “What […]
Tucker Carlson lays out the radioactive hypocrisy of those who advocated insurrection and riots and now pretend to advocate for rule of law. The word “insurrection” had a whole different meaning in 2016 and for most of history.
Those who control the language…
Really worth watching. …
John Matze ran a company that was worth half a billion dollars on Friday, but Parler went from number one in the Apple Ap store to zero overnight. Matze now says he can’t go home for fear of his safety. It appears that Parler have done a deal with Epik to shift there (which also houses Gab). Judging by this Newsweek article Epik are already so hated and tarred, they have no fear.
Silencing, blacklists, and electronic exile smell just like a Social Credit system. Will Americans let that stand?
If Global Corporations Walk Away from Republicans the GOP Will Have to Listen to New Voters
Stacey Lennox
“A significant majority of Americans, 73%, have a negative view of China. Continued international integration will hurt working and middle-class Americans the most. If Republicans plan on winning elections, these are the voters they will have to both listen to […]
These twitter videos make it clear the crowd saw there were ANTIFA members, and, at least in this situation, it was imposters, not the Trump supporters who were trying to break the windows. The Trump supporters boo loudly, chant No Antifa, No Antifa, and some directly try to pull them off.
Trump — by the way — has been banned from Facebook until after the inauguration. Someone is very frightened of what he might say.
h/t Orson, Deplorable Lord Kek, James
Violence by Antifa on the south side where Trump supporters were told to March to. Supporters stopped the breakage but he started again later. MSM keeps saying it’s Trump https://t.co/0EIewoCwxb’s not. pic.twitter.com/eYLD3FlKiG
— Emma Right (@emmbeliever) January 7, 2021
A close up.
Stop listening to MSM lies. I was there in DC. Antifa started to break windows but stops by Trump supporters. pic.twitter.com/4KN2EueEJ9
— Emma Right (@emmbeliever) January 7, 2021
IF the videos don’t work, try them in a different browser. Or watch them at this link, or this one.
An eye witness reports overhearing a conversation from Antifa members.
A search on bitchute finds a lot of odd claims about […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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