By Jo Nova
Such is the network of the Blob, even here in the last outpost of Western Civilization, in the city furthest on Earth from Washington DC, The ABC Blob TV news made sure we knew that Robert F Kennedy Jnr was a “headache” for Donald Trump, and a guy who believed wild conspiracy theories and hung out with quacks. Yesterday they prepared us for his confirmation hearings by interviewing his cousin. She called him a predator.
What they would not show Australians is a few minutes of Kennedy speaking for himself, discussing medical studies in intricate detail. Apparently Australians don’t need to know that not even one US childhood vaccine was pretested in a long term placebo controlled trial. They just need the family gossip about the man who might be a health minister soon in a foreign country.
This was our national prime time news.
Our ABC Blob TV, paid by us, replayed the Congressional critics, hid Kennedy’s replies, and also hid that Big Pharma money was greasing the palms of most of the critics. RFK Jnr is roughly the Antichrist to Big Pharma, so looking for Big Pharma influence among his critics is the obvious […]
By Jo Nova
It’s a war on The Blob
Trump has endorsed the man they call the anti-vax conspiracy theorist, the one who wrote the book accusing Anthony Fauci of abusing his power for thirty years. (Something Fauci has not sued him for). RFK Jr has relentlessly criticized the CDC, the FDA, and the NIH for more than twenty years, while they’ve mocked him and refused to give him the data, and now he’ll be in charge of them.
This move has been telegraphed for months, and happened exactly as promised, yet shares in vaccine makers GSK, Moderna, Pfizer, and Sanofi fell three to seven percent today anyhow.
It’s a moment of master trolling. The far right extremist Donald Trump has put a Democrat environmentalist in charge of health and told him to “Go wild”.
Despite the so-called “controversy” of this decision, everyone seems to have forgotten that only six weeks ago the former head of the CDC, Robert Redfield, admitted that Trump and Kennedy were both right. In a blockbuster Newsweek article, the man Kennedy had criticized said:
“All three of the principal health agencies suffer from agency capture”. “A large portion of the […]
Robert Redfield stands to the right of Donald Trump on Feb 29th 2020 for The Coronavirus Taskforce.
By Jo Nova The rift in the political heliosphere continues to tear
The phase change is upon us. The most unlikely people are suddenly fans of Donald Trump and talking about cleaning up corruption. From the core command center of the US Pandemic Bureaucracy, the Former CDC director, Robert Redfield, whom Robert F Kennedy Jnr mercilessly criticized, has come out endorsing President Trump, and admitting Kennedy was right all along.
Redfield was director of the CDC from 2018 – 2021, and now says that the three behemoth government health agencies — the FDA, the NIH and the CDC, have been captured by industry and the federal government must fix this problem. Furthermore, he says Trump “has chosen exactly the only person who can do this, Robert F Kennedy, Jnr.”
Redfield writes in Newsweek “Donald Trump Has a Plan to Make America’s Children Healthy Again. It’s a Good One.”
Across a century-plus of cozy courtship, the federal regulators have nearly married the regulated, especially in health care. Today, private industry uses its political influence to control decision-making at regulatory agencies, […]
By Jo Nova
Maybe the world should talk about bioweapon research?
The way Robert F Kennedy Jnr describes it to Tucker Carlson, it seems Anthony Fauci was not only a “director of health”, he was also a director of bioweapons. And he was the most well paid public servant in the country, thanks to a 68% raise to his salary — which came not from the health department but from the Pentagon. It’s an odd conflict of interest.
Kennedy points out that to deploy an infectious bioweapon you need a pre-prepared successful vaccine so the infectious agent doesn’t make your side sick too. He claims there are something like 36,000 scientists involved in bioweapons research or gain-of-function work in countless labs in the US and overseas. “We have no idea how many there are”.
Kennedy calls it the inverse of medicine, where life scientists are really “death scientists” who make diseases more deadly. In 2014 three bugs escaped from three different labs in high profile breaks, one was smallpox.
“RFK: “Anthony Fauci got all the responsibility for bio-weapons development….[After three bugs escaped] in 2014, 300 scientists wrote to President Obama and said ‘you’ve gotta shut down Anthony Fauci, […]
By Jo Nova
Thirteen remarkable minutes everyone needs to see.
Remarkably, despite the aura of modern space-age medicine — not one childhood vaccine of the 72 that are recommended in the US — has ever been subject to a long term pre-licensing placebo controlled safety trial. Kennedy knows, because he took legal action to get Anthony Fauci to supply one study. After a year of litigation, they admitted they could not provide a single study.
As Kennedy says, he’s not anti-vaccination, he just wants good safety studies — something everyone wants, except maybe certain shareholders.
“Calling people “anti-vaxxers” is a way of silencing them.”
So, for decades, our highly trained doctors have been injecting babies and children with medicines that we didn’t test properly.
The four big companies that make vaccines … Merck, Sanofi, Glaxo and Pfizer, have paid over $35 billion dollars in criminal penalties in the last decade, for lying to doctors, falsifying science, for defrauding regulators…
RF Kennedy Junior’s site is Children’s Health Defense. They have a list of safety studies and controlled trials that use active ingredients in the comparison arm instead of inert placebos like sugar pills. Putting active compounds in both […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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