A very rare chance means the extraordinary Steven Mosher will be speaking in Perth tomorrow (Sunday) for the CNI. Tickets are free. (He is presenting on other topics in Sydney and Melbourne.)
Australia on the Frontline
Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order
2.30 – 4.30pm, Sunday 19th March
Royal Perth Yacht Club, Crawley, Perth, Western Australia.
Steven W. Mosher is the President of the Virginia based Population Research Institute (1995 to present) and the author of a number of books on China, including Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order, recently published in a new Australian edition by Wilkinson Press. His other books include Hegemon: China’s Plan to Dominate Asia and the World and China Misperceived: American Illusions and Chinese Reality.
9.4 out of 10 based on 38 ratings […]
STICKY POST: Thursday December 1: Meet Jen Marohasy and myself tonight at the screening of two short films, Bleached Colorful, and Finding Porites, showing the real state of the Great Barrier Reef. It’s on at 6.30pm at The Windsor Cinema, Nedlands. Tickets here.
9.9 out of 10 based on 71 ratings
Now for something very unusual: Tuesday night in Perth, Australia, there will be a climate debate. Bravo to the Philosophy and Reason group for organising it.
Click to enlarge to use the code.
The legendary David Archibald and I take on Professor Peter Newman from Curtin University – Advisor to IPCC, 2018 Premier’s (WA) Scientist of the Year, and Councillor Ian Johnson – Current City of Swan elected councillor responsible for CoS Climate Sustainability Policies.
Belmont RSL 6:30PM
To attend see Meetup Use the QR code in the image on the right. It’s a small group and a shoestring budget, but they look like pulling off something that almost never happens. Kudos to Prof Newman and Councillor Johnson for being willing to take part.
Link to promo video on Facebook
9.5 out of 10 based on 75 ratings
h/t to Eric Worrall
For people in Brisbane, don’t miss Peter Ridd & Jennifer Marohasy this Sunday at 2pm. They will attend a premiere viewing of their new film “A Coral Bleaching Tragedy”.
Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
Jen Marohasy and Peter Ridd
Dear All,
It is now nine months since the High Court decision (Ridd v JCU) was handed down and I thought donors to that legal action might be interested in what has happened in the meantime.
As you will recall, the HC ruled that JCU acted unlawfully in censuring me for my comments on the Quality Assurance of Great Barrier Reef (GBR) science, but was allowed to fire me for speaking about JCU’s unlawful behaviour. I have been working with Morgan Begg from the IPA on a new volume that will analyse the case in detail. Contributors include Chris Merritt, legal correspondent for The Australian, James Allan (Law Professor at the University of Queensland), and Aynsley Kellow (Emeritus Professor at U. Tasmania). The aim is to make sure as much as possible is learned and documented for future work to improve academic freedom of speech.
July 20th, 2022 | Tags: Marohasy (Jennifer), Ridd (Peter), Social Events for Skeptics | Category: Global Warming | Print This Post | |
As a director of The Australian Environment Foundation I am delighted we were able to bring Benny Peiser out from the UK.
Bookings need to be done in the next few days!
Australian Environment Foundation
Dr Benny Peiser who heads up the London based The Global Warming Policy Foundation, is visiting Australia and speaking at three major events in Sydney 26 April, Brisbane 27 April and Melbourne 28 April.
Benny Peiser
Dr Peiser has written extensively on domestic and international climate policy and has appeared on numerous media outlets to contest global warming alarmism and demonstrate the cost of policies being proposed to address it.
His visit is especially timely given the European – indeed global – energy crisis and the key issues of energy and the environment that are prominent in the Australian federal election campaign.
Sydney – 26 April 2022 Northern Sydney Conservative Forum – “The Energy Crisis’ – Moderator Rowan Dean – Tuesday 26 April
The Sydney Event includes Rowan Dean and Ian Plimer as well.
The event includes a two course meal and wine. Tickets are $110
Book by next […]
Friday 13th: Newcastle sceptics for lunch and Sunshine Coast sceptics are getting together for afternoon drinks.
Email me: joanne AT joannenova.com.au and I’ll forward your email to the skeptic in charge. Even if you can’t get there this time, we’ll let you know for the next. I hear the Sunshine Coast Sceptics are in for a real treat… (send me those photos please!) Jim, in Newcastle your email bounced when I replied. Please try again.
Last week’s events were a great success in Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide and Rockhampton. Avid friendly conversations. Likeable, interesting people. Seems we all need more meetings more often:
Ray writes: “Thank you! It was quite shocking really. I was quite unprepared for normal conversation… “
There’s a regular weekly (weekly!) event in Sydney on Thursday nights. For people in other areas — get cracking…!
Photo by Jonathan Rautenbach on Unsplash
8.5 out of 10 based on 21 ratings
UPDATE #2: There are Christmas drinks events in Perth, Rockhampton and Melbourne on this Friday. Adelaide on Saturday. Sydney Dec 12th. Plus Buddina (Sunshine coast) Dec 13. Sydney Dec 12th. There may be others too, apologies if I’m not keeping up with comments below. EMAIL: joanne AT joannenova.com.au. and I’ll forward on your email to the key people.
UPDATE: Other events being discussed in many locations. Do a “find” search in comments….
Australia: Melbourne, Adelaide, Sunshine Coast, Hunter Valley NSW, Rockhampton Qld, and Marysville, Geelong, Ballarat, Glenrowan, Vic. Gold Coast. There is already a fabulous group in Sydney running that started ten years ago on this blog by the great Jim Simpson. Ask and ye shall be connected. New Zealand: Nelson and Wellington. USA: How about central Washington State USA, and CT USA?
Perth, Australia: Party time, Christmas drinks and dinner is on from 6pm Friday 6th December.
We are lucky enough to have spectacular views, a central location, free parking, and just $20/head for steak and salad. Beer and wine for sale. Families welcome. No speeches. If you’d like to come, I’d love to see you there Friday week from 6pm — email me […]
A huge conference is building in Sydney. Quick, join in, you can get a 10% discount with the code Nova18.
I’ll be there for the first time having great fun explaining how to burn billions and ruin reliable electricity — which was a big hit here in Perth.
How to destroy a perfectly good electricity grid in three easy steps
The World is watching Australia. Despite being handicapped with abundant resources, we’ve turned ourselves into an international spectacle with rampant blackouts, flying squads of diesel generators, and the highest electricity prices in the world. An achievement like this does not come easily.
The grand experiment unfolds around us, as the nation discovers why “free” energy isn’t free, why storage is deceptively expensive, yet baseload is deceptively cheap.
Discover the Joy of Blackouts!
There is an amazing line up of speakers this year on May 25-27 in Sydney. A building full of sane people!
See the feisty, fabulous Ian Plimer, and Nick Minchin (former Senator, skeptic, who starred in the ABC documentary and invited David and me onto it). Not to miss Sinclair Davidson from Catalaxy, Graeme Young from Online Opinion (remember his great […]
Three ways to destroy a perfectly good electricity grid
Council for the National Interest (CNI)
Royal Perth Yacht Club 2:30 til 4:30
Australia II Drive, Crawley Bay, Nedlands.
Free Entry
UPDATE: A great success and a lot of fun. These events are always so well run. If you live in WA check out CNI. A smart, polite and friendly crowd.
9 out of 10 based on 110 ratings
Invitation to a public event sent to me:
Bill Muehlenberg: Understanding Cultural Marxism
Classic Nights An Adult Education initiative from St Augustine’s, Friday 27th October, Perth, Western Australia
From his renowned Culture Watch website:
‘We live in an age where we see evidence of cultural decline, the erosion of values, the decline of civility, the denial of truth and the elevation of unreason. Many people are asking, “Where is our culture heading?” This website is devoted to exploring the major cultural, social and political issues of the day. It offers reflection and commentary drawing upon the wealth of wisdom found in the Judeo-Christian tradition. It offers reflective and incisive commentary on a wide range of issues, helping to sort through the maze of competing opinions, worldviews, ideologies and value systems. It will discuss critically and soberly where our culture is heading. Happy reading!’
For adults interested in finding out more about the history of Western Civilisation and how a Biblical Worldview has impacted and continues to shape our world including Australia and the region.
This is your chance to ask questions and engage with the ideas […]
Click to enlarge
What a fantastic line-up of speakers at the One Nation, Cost of Living Summit on Friday 13th October, 9.30-4pm.
Go see Malcolm Roberts, Mark Latham, Ross Cameron, Graham Young, Tim Andrews, Dr Alan Moran, Prof Tony Makin, and Dr Dan Mitchell (USA) and others speak on Friday at the Queensland Parliament House, LC (red chamber): Just $20.
From the flyer:
Australians are facing severe cost-of-living pressures and decreasing living standards caused by Federal and State governments who no longer represent everyday Australians. Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party are bringing together experts in tax, regulation, money, banking, housing, farming and energy who will highlight the key issues driving our high cost-of-living in Australia.
Our Cost-of-Living Summit will demonstrate how excessive government interventions have created a mess in the energy market resulting in our unaffordable power prices, and how we can remove these drivers of high costs to create a fairer and more affordable future. One Nation wants to set our nation free, harness human ingenuity and resourcefulness to create a better Australia for all Australians.
9.5 out of 10 based on 60 ratings
How many solar panels does it take to stop floods and droughts in Australia? The science of managing the weather with power stations and other modern superstitions. September 20 @ 6:15 pm – 9:00 pm
The Generous Squire, 397 Murray St, Perth city, Western Australia.
Organized by LibertyWorks: $20 or Free-for-members. Includes a beer or wine. Early bird discount of $15 ends tomorrow at midnight. Food for sale.
How to destroy a perfectly good electricity grid in three easy steps
The World is watching Australia. Despite being handicapped with abundant resources, we’ve turned ourselves into an international spectacle with rampant blackouts, flying squads of diesel generators, and the highest electricity prices in the world.
An achievement like this does not come easily.
The grand experiment unfolds around us, as the nation discovers why “free” energy isn’t free, why storage is deceptively expensive, yet baseload is deceptively cheap.
9.7 out of 10 based on 111 ratings
Don’t miss this if you can get there :- ) (And don’t forget to sign that Petition to get Australia out of the Paris Agreement too).
U.S.-based CFACT, along with its Australian partners, is hosting a showing of its new groundbreaking documentary, Climate Hustle, and you’re invited! Following each event, join film director CFACT Executive Director, Craig Rucker and film host and publisher of ClimateDepot.com Marc Morano, for a question and answer session. Get the behind the scenes scoop on both the film and the US’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.
This could be the antidote to the Al Gore effect. As Tim Blair says “Get out of Melbourne while you still can — the notorious serial chiller is coming. Let’s see if Al can break Melbourne’s 2015 July chill record.”
We are pleased to be working with the following organizations: Australian Institute for Progress | Galileo Movement | Australian Environment Foundation | Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance
July 12- Melbourne, Australia Village Roadshow Theatrette- State Library of Victoria Doors open at 5:30 PM, film to start at 6:00 PM Reception and Q/A session to follow Get Melbourne TICKETS here
June 27th, 2017 | Tags: Social Events for Skeptics | Category: Global Warming | Print This Post | |
If I didn’t live 15,000km away I would be going to this for sure, for the debates on the solar cycles, planets, ozone and oceans — and because Nils-Axel Mörner, Roger (Tallbloke) and Christopher Monckton will be there. Piers Corbyn too, the man who beat the UK Met Office for weather predictions and the brother of Jeremy Corbyn (Labour leader in the UK). CLEXIT will be launched. Nils has published more than 590 papers on sea levels around the world and set up the Pattern Recognition Journal which was drastically closed by the publisher, because it “doubted” the IPCC conclusions.
Entrance is open to anyone, and there is no registration fee — just a donation. If this were a government funded gravy train, it would cost hundreds to see lame predictable presentations by researchers who aren’t brave enough to question the dogma. Come to London, and watch the scientists and contributors who are pushing the bounds of science.
See the full programme and the extended abstracts in this 35 Mb document for full details.
Climate Change: Science and Geoethics
An international multidisciplinary conference to be held in London, UK September 8-9, 2016
8.9 out of 10 […]
Perth readers may want to come tomorrow night as David Evans discusses the role of gold in western history.
Gold – Past, Present and Future?
Classic Nights — History of Western Civilisation An Adult Education initiative from St Augustine’s
Explores the history of gold as a medium of exchange, and its role in curbing financial shenanigans down the ages. The origins of banking, the global financial crisis, and the next decade — the world has more debt than ever before, the situation is not sustainable, and major changes of some sort are afoot. It’s a chance to discuss ideas that have shaped human history.
Current financial markers are a long way from the norm:
The welfare state enabled by the bubble in taxes, made possible by the bubble in money manufactured due to Greenspan’s policies.
To reduce the current bubble, central banks are trying to generate moderate but controlled inflation. The winners will be the borrowers (who don’t get wiped out with the volatility), the losers will be everyone else, especially the savers.
Event details below.
8.4 out of 10 based on 30 ratings […]
The PGA (Pastoralists and Graziers) convention is on Saturday morning in Perth. It’s a great event, has a few movers and shakers going, and I very much enjoyed the last one I went too. If you want to go, email the PGA or phone them today. The normal fee for non-members would be $250, but I put in a plea for readers who might be retired, or just coming “out of interest”, and Jenni Stawell kindly offered to reduce the price — mention you read about the offer here.
8.1 out of 10 based on 28 ratings […]
NSW Saturday 23rd February: (7:00 pm) Presentation Wagga Wagga Commercial Club, Nathan Room Saturday, 23rd February (12:00 noon) George and Paul interview, 954 2UE Monday, 25th February: (7:10am) Alan Jones interview, 873 2GB … Click more for booking details of the other dates this week in Sydney & Newcastle, next week in Perth, and the week after that in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. 8.7 out of 10 based on 43 ratings […]
UPDATED (Already) Money is grubby thing, but financial independence means freedom. Freedom to spend time writing what a heart believes instead of what an employer demands. (Freedom to follow the most inexplicable whim — like tossing the 9-5 day to debate details of dendroclimatology with people who detest you). I wouldn’t be able to indulge in the luxury of writing this blog if it weren’t for the gold shares that keep food on the table. Next Monday David is speaking at The Gold Symposium in Sydney. (I’ll be in the audience.) Who should go? — only people who don’t want to be poor. I want to see both these independent conferences succeed (The AEF too), I want to share the word about both money and science, and I want to help independent spirits meet up. That’s why I’m giving them both a shameless plug before the article. There is a big overlap between gold and skepticism: skeptical of government science often means skeptical of government money too (see We are all Austrians now). For the pure-science readers here, it may all seem thoroughly odd, but while some will paint gold as a fatuous symbol of pointless wealth – and sometimes […]
What more could a skeptic ask? We’d organized our first ever skeptics social event, to celebrate that last month Australia missed an emissionary bullet. Forty people met, honored to be able to talk to the only man in Australian parliament with a PhD in science–Dennis Jensen. There were toasts all round for his insight and courage in speaking out years ago, when hardly anyone else did.
Then in one of those few moments in life when the truly unlikely happens, Christopher Monckton appeared. Having just flown from the UK to Sydney, arriving only this morning on the other side of the country, he and his wife Juliet had flown to Perth for a meeting tomorrow (an extra 4000 km each way). There was no other night this could have happened. The crowd were delighted.
Both Monckton and Jensen were in fine form.
I highly recommend connecting skeptics together. One of the rewards of working hard to expose the way science has been exploited is that I meet great people: independent thinkers, conscientious people, passionate and dedicated souls.
That’s one thing I’ll miss when every man and his pet fish knows how exaggerated the claims are for AGW–it won’t work as […]
Meet other skeptics and celebrate!
With the ongoing battle for logic and reason, it’s easy to forget that saving Australia from an ETS, and slowing the train-wreck in Copenhagen were major successes. Even though the battle to save Peter Spencer is still very much on our minds, it’s time to celebrate.
It’s not often humanity collectively “misses a bullet…”
I’m happy to post contacts in different cities around the world to help connect people who live near each other. If you are willing to be a central point coordinator for your region and to post some contact details please use the thread below to organize events in your area. I’ll update this post with any events or contacts that are generated. Even if it’s just Friday afternoon drinks after work. There is strength in numbers.
See below for: Germany, France, and Australia
10 out of 10 based on 2 ratings […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

Jo appreciates your support to help her keep doing what she does. This blog is funded by donations. Thanks!

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The nerds have the numbers on precious metals investments on the ASX
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