Priority One: Open new lines of communication
We’re in an Information War but good citizens are waiting for the Tech Giants to let them get organized.
The first comment by John R Smith today, is so apt. He lived near the Virginia Protest but didn’t know it was happening. He and so many others. USA citizens need to get around the media-tech iron curtain.
John R Smith
Thanks for this. Feeling pretty low. I’m not that far away and have heard nothing. Makes me feel good. Getting that kind of turnout in No Va is impressive. I was taught the fight starts when there is no choice. Death, loss, pain, opinion, love, hate, become irrelevant.
We know if this was Greta Thunberg, CNN would tell the world it was a phenomenon.
How inspiring would it be for US Citizens to be part of that energy chanting U.S.A. U.S.A.. For them to know that nearly everyone around them felt the same way about corruption? This is the social dynamite the corrupt fear. This kind of passion is infectious and unstoppable.
Yesterday at the Army Navy Game:
The left control most of the institutions, but if President Trump […]
by Jo Nova
Whistleblowers reveal just how well coordinated Big Tech collusion is at the Senate Judiciary Committee
Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley (a new Republican Senator) were on fire today at the Senate Committee hearing titled “Breaking the News: Censorship, Suppression, and the 2020 Election,” Insiders had leaked information about two programs of the most insidious kinds.
Facebook has a program called Centra, which tracks the pages people visit, the links, and not just in Facebook, but across the entire internet. (Tucker Carlson wonders, if it’s even legal). Mark Zuckerberg says he’s not familiar with it. Hawley grilled Zuckerberg. When pressed to say whether there is some program that can do that, Zuckerberg evades answering. Apparently, Centra is run in order to spot “coordinated inauthentic behaviour” or astroturfing.
The second program is called Tasks, and Twitter, Google and Facebook use it which helps them coordinate their censorship. That way they can exile people together. Handy, eh?
Zuckerberg said they are just checking in with their peers. Josh Hawley got Zuckerberg to admit under oath that Facebook does have tools to track users, across platforms and accounts, all without their knowledge. Hawley pushed Zuckerberg to say how many times this […]
StopTheSteal announced a Massive Pro Trump Rally for this Saturday in Washington DC. Then mentions of it vanished across the Internet. Since Twitter, proud promoter of Democrat riots, is censoring the Massive Pro Trump Rally, I feel compelled to share this and so should you. It’s a free speech thing.
We’re in an Information War. What the collectivists want is for fans of Trump to watch their filtered news, feel demoralized, and surrender to the new order. What they are most afraid of, are 70 million Trump fans getting organised, and turning up in the streets with their red MAGA hats on.
RSVP at StopTheSteal.US
There are rallies in many other states as well. See StopTheSteal for details.
Tell your friends.
Imagine the effect if the major news outlets were letting people know this was coming?
The Right urgently needs to shore up new communication lines. Sign yourself up to newsletters and lists. Join Parler and Gab. Check Bitchute. Share emails with friends. And do wear the MAGA hat if it’s safe to do so. In some places it’s already too risky to wear the hat — but it wouldn’t be, if lots of people wore them. […]
After five days the New York Post is apparently still suspended from Twitter for not deleting tweets linking to their own bombshell stories about a man running for President. Two weeks til the US election and @NYpost account with 1.8million followers has no new tweets.
Meanwhile in a totally different incident, unrelated from Hunter-Biden’s old laptop, an old pal of his, Bevan Cooney, who is in jail has released 26,000 emails to the FBI, to Breitbart. Apparently he feels pretty cheesed with his old colleague, and wants the world to know how the Biden family “works”.
Allegedly when the Chinese communist elites want access to the Vice President of the US — that could be arranged.
Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails
by Matthew Boyle
In this particular story what we lay out is how Hunter Biden and his business partners set up a meeting for this group called the China Entrepreneurs Club. Don’t let that benign name fool you; this is regarded as joined at the hip with the Chinese communist government. This China Entrepreneurs Club wanted meeting at the highest levels of the White House and Hunter Biden arranged them. […]
Hard to say what’s bigger in the October Surprise. Joe Biden gets caught lying in an alleged pay-for-play scandal, Facebook and Twitter do naked political censorship to influence the US election in a “Digital Civil War” , or that the FBI was given all the information last year and didn’t say a thing.
Everything the Democrats accused Trump of doing they were apparently doing themselves.
US House Judiciary Committee publishes Hunter Biden secret Ukrainian email story in full
Michael Smith news:
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.
Joe Biden says he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”
Donald Trump in the NY Post: Vice President Biden, you owe the people of America an apology because it turns out you are a corrupt politician,”… “The Biden family treated the vice presidency as a for-profit corporation, flying around the globe, collecting millions of dollars from China and Ukraine and Russia and […]
Insidious is the word
Even if you don’t use Twitter or Facebook, you need to know this. If you disagree with big-government intrusion and rampant corruption, these dirty tricks are working against you, though you may never have sent one tweet or opened a facebook account. They’re stopping the thousands who agree with you from meeting, organising, helping each other, and generally clawing back power from the deep state. We’ve known about Google bias for years, but there are so many other ways to suppress a good idea.
Twitter employee admits they target conservatives, and shadowban them:
Daniel Greenfield:
How do you know you’ve been shadowbanned? You may be tweeting, but you’re no longer being heard. You wonder if maybe people just aren’t interested in what you have to say.
But they might be interested. Twitter just isn’t interested in letting them read your messages.
Shadowbanning is the censorship that social media companies do in the shadows. It’s cowardly and dishonest. And it’s how the big firms get away with covertly censoring conservatives.
“The idea of a shadow ban is that you ban someone but they don’t know they’ve been banned, because […]
UPDATE April 4th: Tom Nelson’s account was unsuspended today. Success!
What fantastic publicity. Twitter suspended Steven Goddard’s account last week, then reinstated it after getting inundated with complaints. Now Tom Nelson’s twitter account is gone, also “suspended”, because he used the word “crap” in response to Gavin Schmidt using the word “crap”.
Those two accounts that have made the all new celebrity Twitmo Hall of Fame:
@SteveSGoddard and @tan123.
The word is that trolls abuse the “report abuse” link to get skeptics silenced. We note Michael Mann recommends blocking and reporting. What else can you do when you don’t have an answer?
So let’s show them that silencing voices doesn’t work. Follow @SteveSGoddard to show that trying to silence people only makes them stronger. To get Tom Nelson reinstated, send your thoughts on this to @Support.
WattsUp calls it abusive censorship. ✔ @MarkSteynOnline wants to know why @twitter “suspended” another climate dissident, Tom Nelson @tan123. See also @iowahawkblog.
Useful hashtags to watch and join in on are #BigClimateEnforcers and #twitterthoughtpolice.
Follow me @JoanneNova
UPDATE: Do you hate twitter? Is it a land you never visit? Read my comment […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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