Voting is open, so presumably, is cheating, which will win?
Betting markets are predicting a Red Wave, but the richest nation in the world can’t afford to use paper ballots, check ID, and can’t count the votes on election night anymore.
2022 Midterms Forecast
Don’t forget, Trump looked like it had it in the bag on the night:
Darren Beattie, Revolver
Bookies gave Trump roughly 75% odds of a second term, and on PredictIt Trump’s odds of victory peaked at above eighty percent.
In a never-before-seen development in American politics, counting in key states went on for days on end. Over the course of those extra days, Trump’s leads in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania shrank and then vanished. Legal efforts to block what was unfolding and contest certain questionable ballots went nowhere, and on January 20, it was Joe Biden who took the oath of office.
A well funded cabal of shadowy forces “fortified” the 2020 election results, we know this, because they told us so. The election win was no accident, they bragged. As they said in Time Magazine, corporations worked with one side of government behind the scenes to influence […]
There were only 16 people involved in the lawsuit in New York, but they won this round categorically and it may set a precedent that affects thousands. The 16 sanitation workers who were sacked because they chose not to be vaccinated must be reinstated, and the Judge wants lost wages to be paid too:
The Epoch Times: Judge Strikes Down NYC Vaccine Mandate
A New York Supreme Court judge on Monday struck down New York City’s vaccine mandate, finding the rule to be unconstitutional, arbitrary, and capricious.
Attorney Chad LaVeglia, who announced the verdict outside the Richmond County courthouse, said the mandate was now “null and void.”
This is not over yet. The decision, applies just to these 16 workers and will be appealed:
The ruling strikes down the mandate that saw over 2,000 city workers fired for not getting a COVID-19 vaccine. LaVeglia said the ruling extends to all public workers, including the New York fire department, the police department, and the Department of Corrections. However, the city disagreed and filed an appeal, saying it is keeping the mandate in place.
Justice Ralph Porzio’s decision is here. Apparently the legal case partly […]
Winning: The new Supreme Court decision is much bigger than the climate wars
Over the last 50 years the Deep State Bureaucrats had become Rulers-defacto and finally the Supreme Court has put the hand-brake on. Instead of unelected agencies deciding national policy, the Supreme Court said, rather radically, that Congress should make decisions of great political significance. Sounds awfully like “Democracy”.
But as far as the Environmental Protection Agency sees it, if the voters are too stupid to elect the correct people, then Congress can’t make the right laws, so it’s up to the EPA to save the people anyway.
It’s what you do when you are Omniscient.
Or as another Ian says: they are only doing “what God would have done if he had truly understood the situation”.
The Supreme Court Restores a Constitutional Climate
The Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal
This has been an historic Supreme Court term, and the Justices kept it going to the end with a major 6-3 decision Thursday (West Virginia v. EPA) reining in the administrative state. The subject was climate regulation but the message should echo across the federal bureaucracy.
The question was whether the Environmental […]
A former judge from Wisconsin is “incensed” that the left have created such a culture of fear that lawyers in the largest law firms in the country will not even take The President’s case.
For a quarter of a century the Climate change debate in the “advanced world” has been controlled almost entirely by namecalling “denier” and cancel culture.
Can the left rule the whole United States of America the same way? Humans are an intensely gregarious species. It matters if people are exiled, cast aside, and even Supreme Court Judges are surely not immune from being cut off from friends and family. Of having their children bear punishment.
Tribal cultures witchdoctors would point the bone. The Democrats just have a modern version of the same vilification.
Former Wisconsin Judge: ‘Our Court System Has Been Deeply Intimidated by the Left’
Janita Kan, Epoch Times
During the Senate hearing, Troupis, one of the witnesses, explained why he decided to represent the campaign in their effort to challenge election results when many lawyers refused. He said that he believes many prominent law firms did not want to participate in the election lawsuits due to a fear of retaliation […]
Mark Landsbaum argues that Trump’s main game was always a Contingent election — held in the House but with one representative from each state. And the legal cases involved were always about the Court of Public Opinion, not about getting rushed judgments on legal cases that have almost no time to play out.
Cases usually need months or years to do full discovery and disclosure.
Trump’s End Game By Mark Landsbaum, American Thinker
The only hope now — and it is as good, if not better, than any hope since voting ended — lies in the alternate electors for Trump sent Monday by seven states. The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives is sure to ignore the Trump alternate electors, so Trump can’t win at this stage. But the Republican-controlled Senate also will consider electors, and if they choose Trump’s over Biden’s, it’s a standoff: the House for electing Biden, the Senate for electing Trump.
The rules for choosing between competing electors are vague. Congress may choose not to count states with two sets of electors, which automatically means neither candidate reaches the necessary 270 electoral votes. This is never-before-traveled terrain.
The resulting deadlock would […]
By a 7-2 decision The Supreme Court apparently decided that 18 States did not suffer if 4 States committed blatant election fraud by breaching their own and the national constitution. Only Justices Alito and Thomas voted to proceed with the case.
There is still a long way to go. Rudy Guiliani says “We are not finished, believe me”. The case was not rejected on merits. So it can be resubmitted by different parties who have “standing” to sue and who can claim injury, and it can be split into 4 or 5 different cases. Though, it is hard to justify why the rest of the USA is not injured by rampant corruption and States ignoring the Constitution. The fate of the USA hangs in the balance, yet no court has heard all the evidence of voter fraud.
The drums of civil war can be heard in the distance. The Texas GOP says “Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.”
Texas GOP replies
West later
States joining Texas Suit SCOTUS. Plus Alaska.
@Kyle Becker
JustTheTweets: Dec 10 One anonymous whistle blower was OK to […]
If this isn’t a Constitutional Crisis, what is?
Eighteen US States are now so convinced of election fraud they are filing against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia for their failure to hold free and fair elections as demanded by the Constitution.
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt led his colleagues from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia in filing the amicus brief to the US Supreme Court on Wednesday.
The amici “have a strong interest in ensuring that the votes of their own citizens are not diluted by the unconstitutional administration of elections in other States,” says the 30-page brief, adding that when other bodies in those states encroach on the authority of their legislatures – the only ones constitutionally entrusted with elections – “they threaten the liberty, not just of their own citizens, but of every citizen of the United States who casts a lawful ballot in that election.”
Even Arizona has joined in. (It has different legal issues than the four so named).
The seed of Civil War 2.0 was fertilized by overt, in-your-face obvious corruption. No one needs a […]
Texas trumps the other states and launches a suit that goes straight to the Supreme Court to get four naughty states to clean up
It makes so much sense (which is rare — like winning lotto in the world of politics and law and on the same day). The corruption in the swinging states is not just a problem for those states, it’s a problem for the whole nation. The US as is currently known, will cease to be the US if the Presidency can be blatantly stolen. Texans are fed up, and they want the Supreme Court to sort things out. Not surprisingly, there are rumors other states want to join Texas. Fraud hurts all the other states, but Texas got there first.
UPDATE: 8 states now in too. h/t Old Ozzie: Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, & South Dakota have all announced that they will be joining Texas in the suit https://t.co/5PKbv0KyFV.
Kris Kobach at Breitbart says that if Texas wins, the four states must figure out who their electors will be within strict constitutional rules. They could try to toss out the suspect ballots and see what’s left in the tally. They could pick […]
It appears the Trump team have finally got a case through to the Supreme Court (known also as SCOTUS). News of this is minimal, indeed practically skeletal. Biden supporters (sometimes called “the media”) may not want to mention anything that isn’t a Trump loss. And everyone else is not sure if the deadline matters. The Supreme Court has given people til Dec 9 to respond, but the electoral college has a “safe harbor” deadline of Dec 8. Sidney Powell says with fraud cases the deadline doesn’t matter. But this doesn’t look like a fraud case. Here’s the Supreme Court docket which has a link to the Amicus Brief Document.
Perhaps this will matter?
Philadelphia Inquirer:
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. issued a schedule for the case that appeared to foreclose any chance of the justices weighing in before the Electoral College vote had been finalized. Alito, who handles emergency matters arising out of Pennsylvania for the court, gave state officials until Dec. 9 to file their reply — one day after the federal deadline for locking the state’s slate of electors in place.
Pennsylvania Case Heads To Supreme Court: Were the votes unlawful?
One America News Network […]
The Deep State gets around congress and voters but we all know it isn’t supposed to be that way
The voters may not like the decisions, but they can’t vote out the bureaucrats. Think of the EPA, the FDA, and of course, the central bankers. Think of the Clean Air Act!
Some of these agencies effectively make the guidelines that we-the-people have to live by, then they enforce them, and adjudicate them too. They become defacto Kingmakers in their own fiefdoms. They are the fourth branch of government, also known as The Deep State.
But what feels wrong, may indeed be wrong, and it’s possible the Obama era Clean Power Plan could be repealed if it is deemed to breach the NonDelegation Doctrine, and there is renewed interest in this now that Brett Kavanaugh is in the Supreme Court. (No wonder some tried so hard to get him out).
The nondelegation doctrine is centuries old, and implicit in not just the US but all written constitutions that impose a separation of power. Here’s the wikipedia entry:
The origins of the nondelegation doctrine, as interpreted in U.S., can be traced back to, at least, 1690, when John […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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