By Jo Nova,
The South Australian Health department must have known about the surge of young people with heart problems, but they did nothing. The only reason we have this data now is because Senator Antic filed an FOIA to get it and that’s a scandal in itself.
The pattern is very similar to the pattern of excess deaths in the UK, in Germany and in the US — yet the media (or worse, some doctors) can’t seem to figure it out. In the US in almost the same three month period of 2021 there was a a 200% increase in excess deaths in 35 to 45 year olds. In South Australia the number of cardiac presentations (not deaths) — rose from around 1200 a month to 2172 — a rise of 180%.
Cardiac presentations in South Australian hospitals . | Click to enlarge
These cardiac events in 2021 were not caused by Covid.
South Australia makes a tidy control case. Unlike most other nations there were virtually no cases of Covid at all until after New Years Eve 2022. So the entire first and highest peak in cardiac problems occurred months before the virus even started […]
This may explain why some unlucky people got such bad reactions.
Dr Ryan Cole points out that it normally takes years to perfect the mass production of a new class of drug products, but many people, he claims were lucky because they got a shot “of mush” — from harried car park pop-up clinics — if the vaccines weren’t kept cold enough they had probably already degraded.
Quality control was so poor, he claims, that batches weren’t mixed well, and some people got a dilute vial from the start of a batch. The fats in the vat float to the top, apparently, and the first vials are missing “the goods”. But by the end of the batch the last vials are high dose, and with debris from manufacturing, from gaskets, aluminum seals, and crushed glass.
“The more we look at it, the more we see bad manufacturing.”
If You Got the Covid Shot And Aren’t Injured, This May Be Why -Dr. Ryan Cole, MD @drcole12 #stoptheshot #StoptheShots LINK TO FULL TALK AVAILABLE HERE: https://t.co/dNPjH8MrMq https://t.co/B3cZhqbK3S
— BLNews (@B_L_News) October 27, 2022
It would be a relief to think it was just incompetent rushed quality control.
h/t […]
There were only 16 people involved in the lawsuit in New York, but they won this round categorically and it may set a precedent that affects thousands. The 16 sanitation workers who were sacked because they chose not to be vaccinated must be reinstated, and the Judge wants lost wages to be paid too:
The Epoch Times: Judge Strikes Down NYC Vaccine Mandate
A New York Supreme Court judge on Monday struck down New York City’s vaccine mandate, finding the rule to be unconstitutional, arbitrary, and capricious.
Attorney Chad LaVeglia, who announced the verdict outside the Richmond County courthouse, said the mandate was now “null and void.”
This is not over yet. The decision, applies just to these 16 workers and will be appealed:
The ruling strikes down the mandate that saw over 2,000 city workers fired for not getting a COVID-19 vaccine. LaVeglia said the ruling extends to all public workers, including the New York fire department, the police department, and the Department of Corrections. However, the city disagreed and filed an appeal, saying it is keeping the mandate in place.
Justice Ralph Porzio’s decision is here. Apparently the legal case partly […]
By Jo Nova
Give this man a medal. Prof Norman Fenton explains this so well. If this technique is widely used, then it is a scandal. It is so utterly dishonest, so obviously wrong. If groups really are using this to report “efficacy” where were all the Professors and medical agencies we pay to protect us? Perhaps there were other efficacy studies which didn’t do this? Shouldn’t our universities, the FDA, the CDC, the TGA, and the Chief Medical Officers be the ones to point out this problem, and in real time, not 18 months later…
As a piece of science communication this short video is excellent. The only thing lacking is the list of where exactly this technique is used.
In the first two weeks after vaccination researchers call people “unvaccinated” which leaves room for all kinds of naughty statistical games. By switching infected people from the vaccinated group to the unvaccinated group, or reclassifying them, they introduce a selective bias which will “show” that the vaccinated are less likely to catch Covid, even if they are exactly as likely to catch it.
UPDATE: How many studies misclassify the vaccinated in the first two weeks? […]
By Jo Nova
None of it makes any sense — except for the money
If the CDC puts a particular vaccine on the childhood vaccine schedule Big Pharma automatically is thereafter liability free “forever” for that vaccine. And that may happen in the next 24 hours. So this is a Platinum Jackpot moment for Pharmaceutical shareholders, but makes no medical sense at all. It’s the logical but absurd endpoint of a civilization run on bubble-money. If we print enough money from nothing to capture the agencies, buy off the media, and keep the politicians on a leash, we will get served a Plateful of Stupid. And so it is coming to pass…
Watch Tucker’s face as the good Doctor Makary explains the situation. I mean really, in serious straight tones we’re saying that 50 million American children will be told to take a vaccine that has only been tested on eight mice, for a disease that poses little known threat to them, with a vaccine that isn’t likely to help for long, and which has serious known side-effects, and, by the way, there’s no clinical data to assess. Big Pharma says they’ve done a study, but the data is […]
Florida Surgeon General warns of 84% increase heart attack deaths 18-39 men
Dr Joseph Ladapo (he speaks very well).
In March, Florida Health advised against giving any child a Covid vaccine. Now the Florida Surgeon General says adult men under 40 should not get mRNA vaccines against Covid because it nearly doubles their risk of a fatal heart attack in the following month. Not many men in their 20s and 30s die of a heart attack, but it’s a very big deal when they do, and this means nearly half of the deaths in that 28 day period post vaccination are a tragedy that could have been prevented.
The risk in young women was a hefty 59% higher too. With such a strong signal, and in just a 28 day period post vaccination, we have to ask, why did it take so long to pick this up? Surely someone should have put the brakes on after the first few months? As the DailyMail reports there were 20 fatalities in men and ten in women in the first month alone. The study continued on for six months, but that first month ended mid January last year and here we […]
By Jo Nova
A dedicated group called ICAN has finally obtained the CDC data for v-safe, the smartphone App that allowed 10 million registered users to report side effects after getting a Covid vaccine.
There are several things to ponder about the belated forced release of the US v-safe data:
That if our Ministries of Health actually wanted to know if a vaccine was safe it would be easy. If the data showed how good the vaccines were it wouldn’t have taken two lawsuits and 463 days to get it from the CDC. Why did it take even one lawsuit? Hiding this data hurt people. Of the ten million people in the VSafe register, nearly 1 in 12 people needed to seek medical care after getting vaccinated. Wow, just wow. What a signal. Why didn’t the CDC halt the vaccines?
“Among numerous alarming results, out of the approximate 10 million individuals that registered and submitted data to v-safe, 782,913 individuals, or over 7.7% of v-safe users, had a health event requiring medical attention, emergency room intervention, and/or hospitalization. Over 25% had an event that required them to miss school or work and/or prevented normal activities.” — ICAN
You’d think it would be big news? Deaths in Australia are running a lot higher than expected. After ticking like a metronome for years, they’ve suddenly jumped 12% or even higher. This is above and beyond normal deaths and deaths listed as “Covid”. Something mysterious or new has killed around 10,000 Australians in the first half of this year last twelve months*. This is eight times worse than the national road toll, yet this phenomenon has barely rated a mention in our news reports.
When a car crash kills three people, we hear about it on the six o’clock news. But when 10,000 lose their lives… crickets.
Total media interest on this mystery killer amounts to three tangential mentions out of 100 media outlets. One, in the Australian Financial Review called it a “marked” change and “helpfully” said it wasn’t due to suicide. The Guardian, meanwhile wondered if Covid was really killing more people than we realize. The third, NewsGP for doctors was the only serious discussion, yet even it was all questions and no answers. The word vaccine was only mentioned so that we knew that unnamed analysts believe “the probable influence of vaccine-related deaths … is ‘negligible’. Not […]
By Jo Nova
Oracle Films has a new documentary out to help fill the gaping hole that is the legacy media. While every news outlet could afford to send a full camera crew to hospitals to show the pain of Covid patients, there’s a five mile exclusion zone around the home of anyone who claim to be victims of vaccine side effects. The media won’t talk to widows and family of loved ones; won’t tell the stories of people who died within days of their second shot. They won’t show montages of athletes collapsing on the field or children who lost a parent. Indeed the BBC’s big contribution was to dob in a Facebook group with 250,000 members who were reduced to talking about their injections with carrot emoji’s in a secret code. Facebook axed them, and the BBC bragged about it. Just another great moment in Public Broadcasting.
Dr Aseem Malhotra pointed out last week that in Norway, which has good official figures, about 1 in 1000 people are getting side effects that “put them in hospital” or are described as “life changing”. While 99.9% didn’t suffer like that, it still means tens of thousands of people across the […]
by Jo Nova
Blockbuster Review papers like this are very useful to pass on to your doctor or officials. And until all patients get some synopsis of this or equivalent, there is no informed consent.
Dr Aseem Malhotra
As Dr Aseem Malhotra says: “It’s perhaps the most important work of my career so far…”
The great thing is that he is speaking at medical conferences in the UK, and senior doctors are astonished. There is hope that things may yet improve after the worst medical experiment in history.
The figures that hit the hardest are that for the young, thousands of people need to be vaccinated to save one life, yet in the UK 1 in 120 people suffer from something defined as more than mild effects, and in Norway 1 in 1,000 end up in hospital or with “life changing” effects.
Dr Malhotra was the cardiac specialist I wrote about in November last year, who put forward the first very convincing case I had seen that not only were cardiac inflammatory risk factors doubled after vaccination (Gundry et al) which might double the risk of heart attacks, but that reports and images of cardiac damage and an […]
by Jo Nova
Will Jones at the Daily Sceptic noticed that the BBC was very pleased with itself for dobbing in the vaccine victims who were using carrot emojis as a code for “vaccine” on Facebook. Feel the power! Some 250,000 people had come together to discuss their injuries or the deaths of loved ones on Facebook, but after the BBC reported them, Facebook shut them down. Bravo BBC. We wouldn’t want the riff raff to have an unpermitted conversation.
If ever there was a prime example of how publicly funded media would inevitably grow to be a communist pox on the nation, this would be it. A quarter of a million people were finding some comfort in discussing their suffering and losses on Facebook. The BBC of course, should be giving them a voice — telling their stories — and letting the world know these victims are so oppressed they have to use cartoon codes instead of words like “vaccine” to even have a conversation.
If the victims are British, they are probably paying the BBC licensing fee and not only are they getting nothing for their money, they’re paying the salary of BBC smug know-nothings to silence them. […]
The pattern is the same in the UK, in Germany and in the US, yet the media can’t seem to figure it out
New Scientist:Just 22,500 people who we didn’t expect to lose. It’s ten times worse than the UK national road toll.
It was particularly deadly last summer in the US especially for 35-45 year olds
The Society of Actuaries (SOA) Report released a few weeks ago shows that people in that age group were twice as likely to die as normal in the third quarter last year. The odds were bad across the whole 25 to 54 age range. Deaths were 80% higher than normal.
If there is any good news in a chart of unexpected young deaths — its that whatever it was, the effect is waning. The bad news is that people in the prime of their life were still 30% more likely to die in Quarter 1 this year.
It’s a very big deal. Mortality rates in adults have been constant for decades (see figure 1 in this report). A 200% increase is a red flag flapping there. Something was going very wrong for some young working age adults. The Delta wave was hitting the […]
Apparently suddenly appointments for the second jab are being cancelled, and some parents are “distraught”.
I’ve just been made aware that children turning 5 from this month onwards are no longer eligible for the covid vaccine!
See snapshot from the NHS Green Book. I received a distraught email from a parent this morning whose child’s vax appt had been cancelled.
Wtaf?! pic.twitter.com/LyEdrP1lZp
— Prof. Christina Pagel 🇺🇦 (@chrischirp) September 5, 2022
What kind of medicine do you offer to all children aged 5 – 11 as a “one off program” with a near-secret end date?
Apparently the end was a preplanned thing, a mere footnote in February that no one noticed. Was this a premade PR “out-clause” that was there from the beginning and which could be turned off or on as it suited? If so, we have to admire the politico-marketing. If things went badly, it’s a clever way of being able to cancel the program without appearing to cancel it. “Nothing to see here Ladies and Gentlemen“. It’s just a footnote clause that doctors didn’t know about.
Presumably, if there were no issues of concern they would have quietly extended the program.
Covid vaccine: […]
by Jo Nova
Decades ago we knew that vaccines carry risks that can’t be tested in a three month trial, or even a two year trial. Just ask Anthony Fauci… @MirandaDevine
Anthony Fauci on the AIDS vaccine in 1999:
“You take it and then a year goes by and everybody is fine. And then you say, okay that’s good, now let’s give it to 500 people, and then a year goes by and everything is fine. Well now let’s give it to thousands of people and then you find out that it takes twelve years for all hell to break loose and then what have you done?”
Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority
Doctors and our Medical agencies should have explained this risk
There may be a legal route for vaccine victims to fight back.
We always thought the Doctor-Patient relationship was sacred, and “informed consent” meant that doctors told the whole truth, and gave their honest opinions. In Australia that was blown out of the water when the TGA banned cheap safe drugs and AHPRA deregistered, suspended or just threatened doctors who spoke their minds. But perhaps there is a legal path open […]
A new paper shows in Germany excess deaths seem to mysteriously hit the working age crowd harder than the old and the young in 2021, which defied the textbooks, and also broke the pattern set in 2020. The Delta variant arrived in 2021 with a higher mortality rate but that still doesn’t explain the strange age pattern. In 2020 Germany had about 30,000 deaths officially due Covid, which rose to 80,000 deaths in 2021. But something else was going on because Covid doesn’t hit working age people harder than senior citizens.
Viruses usually kill the very young or the very old, not the people in the middle.
This sort of actuarial data is notoriously complicated to unpack. But there is a clear rise in unexpected deaths at the same time as the medical experiments that also peaked in April, June, and December of 2021. As Kuhbandner and Reitzner point out, excess deaths appear to rise with the timing of vaccination doses, especially the first and the third.
Furthermore, peak vaccinations for the under 30s was delayed til June, which is when their excess deaths peaked
For most of the first year and a half of […]
As the bad news piles up about vaccines, the people who pushed them relentlessly are preparing their exit route. If and when the moment comes to throw the saintly-vaccines under a bus, the side effects and high risk injections will be all Trump’s fault. He rushed them, and pressured them. Distorted the science.
The FDA needs excuses to cover their appalling misjudgment and corruption and Trump is the perfect “get-out-of-jail” card. (Apart from 300 million people who remember Biden saying the vaccines were safe.)
Good-vaccine was Biden’s work. Bad-vaccine is Trump’s failure.
Here it comes:
Trump White House exerted pressure on FDA for Covid-19 emergency use authorizations, House report finds
Somebody at Politico
The Trump administration pressured the Food and Drug Administration, including former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, to authorize unproven treatments for Covid-19 and the first Covid-19 vaccines on an accelerated timeline, according to a report released Wednesday by Democrats on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.
Senior Trump administration officials fought for the reauthorization of hydroxychloroquine…
“The Select Subcommittee’s findings that Trump White House officials deliberately and repeatedly sought to bend FDA’s […]
The Queensland government will allow unvaccinated teachers to return to work, but at a lower pay rate for 18 weeks. It has also sent them nasty letters to make sure they feel intimidated. There are only so many words for vindictive, spiteful tyrants.
Do the vaccinated realize that this will bite them soon too? Once bureaucrats can inflict penalties retrospectively, capriciously and with no possible reasoning (they don’t even try) — then anyone can be the next victim.
John Ruddick (@JohnRuddick2)
What’s happening to the unvaxxed Queensland teachers is the opening salvo in a Beijing-style ‘social credit’ system in Australia.
The govt is pointlessly persecuting a minority to enforce conformity. https://t.co/y03tR08oGI
Meanwhile, the CDC says you can’t have the new omicron vaccine unless you take the old out-of-date vaccine first
Not that anyone is hankering to try another round of medical experiments, but in what immunological world does that make sense… The old vaccines prime immune systems to respond to a virus that hasn’t been seen for 18 months. Using an out-of-date vaccine increases the risk of Original Antigenic Sin and Antibody Dependent Enhancement where our bodies make antibodies that […]
Natural immunity against Omicron from a previous Omicron infection is better than advertised (75%+) so far
Two new interesting studies out of Qatar in the last month show that natural immunity against Covid is better than recent headlines suggest, and also that (as expected) immunity created from a real infection lasts about three years whereas vaccine immunity may “last only one” (at best, and if that).*
Although people who caught early variants (up to Delta) are only 28% protected against catching the latest Omicron BA5, people who have caught some form of Omicron itself already may have 75 – 80% protection. And what really matters is that everyone who has caught any form of Covid has “robust” protection against severe disease.
Qatar is an interesting population to study — it has a youngish demographic and they can literally include everyone which removes a lot of selection biases. It’s a very diverse conglomerate: Nearly 90% of Qatar’s population are expatriates from over 150 countries, coming …because of employment.
The first study is one of the longest term research projects on Covid to date. Chemaitelly et al followed people who got Covid in Qatar from nearly the beginning of the […]
No one silences experts because they have a great product ‘People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.’ Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H. and Tracy Beth Høeg M.D., Ph.D.
Photo by Colin Maynard
Right now, internal critics of these agencies are focused on one issue above all: Why did the FDA and the CDC issue strong blanket recommendations for Covid vaccines in children?
The calls and text messages are relentless. On the other end are doctors and scientists at the top levels of the NIH, FDA and CDC. They are variously frustrated, exasperated and alarmed about the direction of the agencies to which they have devoted their careers.
“It’s like a horror movie I’m being forced to watch and I can’t close my eyes,” one senior FDA official lamented. “People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.”
That particular FDA doctor was referring to two recent developments inside the agency. First, how, with no solid clinical data, the agency authorized Covid vaccines for infants and toddlers, including those who already had Covid. And second, the fact that just months before, the FDA bypassed their external experts to […]
It’s just an investment: Big Pharma spends twice as much on advertising as it does on developing cancer drugs.
Think about that. Most drugs are only prescribed by doctors so why advertise on TV at all? It’s not like patients are wandering through Walmart looking for a Pfizer. Should I get the Glaxo instead?
It turns out that the advertising money is not buying customers it’s buying the media. And it’s not paying to show the world something, but to hide it instead.
As Mark Steyn says, for the first time in history every person on Earth needs the same medicine, and four doses of it, no questions asked. The silence is complete: There are $15,000 million reasons why MSNBC, CNN, and all the rest didn’t ask the FDA or the TGA to “show us the data”, or even to explain why the data had to be hidden for 55 years or even 75 years. When politicians signed secret deals on our behalf the media didn’t demand to see the contracts, they wanted to know why it wasn’t done sooner. It’s the same reason they mock cheap drugs that reduce Covid by 63% but get excited about every new […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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