A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I must admit I was surprised and disappointed by Australias often brutal response to Covid and those who disagreed with the state.
Hopefully the chickens will come home to roost and those responsible will get their come uppance. I wouldn’t bet on it though as the elite have the Sir Humphrey ability to kick these issues into the long grass.
Keep posting about your disgust Tony B.
With elections round the corner, no doubt all the political parties with dosh are running Pegasus broadly over social media to find out what people care about.
All forgotten and forgiven? Andrews for PM? Nahh!
For the sake of those of us out of the loop, can you please explain what “running Pegasus broadly over social media means?
Asking for a friend.
the ‘BMJ had massive bias towards specific COVID-19-related advocacy favouring aggressive measures’.
They knew and covered it up:
You think it’s any better here or that the next bunch of no-disclosure pollie-wannabies like Palmer will reveal the truth?
Birds of a feather lie together.
Does that imply there was a 5 to 20 percent probability that Covid had originated in a Chinese lab and was then leaked deliberately?
Congratulations for your restraint.
Most of us, including me, do not know enough about mRNA injections for this or that ailment, to either favour or disfavour them. I suspect the lack of information is deliberate because there is much that could be argumentative and the folk at the top of the information chain are not inclined to open the gates, too much extra work.
My reaction – and I am not expert in these matters – on hearing what was proposed to be done to the world with these new “vaccines” was horror. There could be considerable genetic damage to the global population of humans if some scenarios arose. You do not inject the world with a new product that has had far from adequate testing and has the potential to change, for example, the pattern of immune response of everybody, or to induce a widespread genetic change like creating infertility.
My reaction has been to advocate deep inquiry by neutral, qualified and expert people. For this reason, I like reading the work of Robert Clancy, despite efforts to silence and demonise him.
I would like an immediate, forever until otherwise ruled, ban on use of the mRNA method. I would like to learn how much truth there is in assertions of revolving doors for top workers in big pharma and the government bodies like TGA, with further vague claims of corruption often linked to such systems. The time in jail for offenders and charges of murder and manslaughter when the customary standards of past lawlessness have been infringed.
For me, it is that serious.
But who am I, unqualified and unheard? Geoff S
I know this came to prominence yesterday but it seems scarcely believable that Brazil and the 50000 delegates flocking to the next COP can’t see how bad this all looks
That’s why they don’t care.
They’ll eat Beef and caviar in mansions, and the plebs will eat bugs while being watched by security cameras.
So much has been planned for so long…
I must admit I had not heard this story before, about Canada joining the EU. Mind you, if OZ can take part in the Eurovision song contest I suppose anything is possible
I am surprised there has been little effort to promote the Commonwealth as the basis for a powerful trade organisation often bound by a common language, family ties, similar laws etc. Bearing in mind you have a number of industrial heavyweights by way of the UK, India, Australia and Canada and many smaller countries who would get a leg up by selling to fellow members, its time has surely come as an alternative to other trading blocs.
Such an organisation would be larger than the EU and provided it didn’t follow the same bureaucratic and quasi statehood path as the EU would have good prospects.
I remember those quaint days when the EU was a ‘trading block’.
Now it’s a globalist zombie sucking the life brains out of the once hopeful promise that we imagined the Western democracies to be.
The only path the EU is following is the path to neo-Fuedal fascism.
Maybe you guys in the UK can hold another pointless Brexit vote.
Just to confirm your government no longer cares about votes.
If it ever did.
Some semblance of ‘democracy’ barely scraped through here in the US.
And the EU has set about a second time to undermine it.
With plenty of globalist zombie Blob allies inside the US.
Game over for European ‘green’ darling Northvolt
Apparently, it’s only when an arbitrary human decision about the existence of a pandemic is made that the “progress” of the identified agent can be “tracked.”
Thanks Megan,
Explains quite nicely how we were seeing people testing positive with a ‘Gold Standard’ PCR yet not feeling sick. Remember poor confused Richard Wilkins having shared bugs with ‘Davos’ Hanks and his ‘WEF’ Missus. Richard was stuck in isolation exercising and no doubt eating healthy yet still testing positive to the test for the cold virus.
From your link:
How you know my real name?
A boon for the medical products market though – a generation of kiddies who think it is normal to test yourself for all sorts of ailments, bugs and ‘viruses’ – even if they aren’t sick. Because their breath might be dangerous and kill old people.
the Petition presents just two grounds as the basis for seeking the FDA suspend or revoke the approvals given to the Covid-19 products of Pfizer and Moderna ..
Magic Valley
Ready to hit the markets soon.
Who plans to try it?
I must admit I wasn’t that tempted til they said there would be woolly mammoth.
I’ll be happy just to see clear labelling.
But have you had a good look at the size of the chicken breast fillets for sale? I wouldn’t want to run into one of those chickens on a dark night!
Whatever you do, don’t look too closely at the food industry before you eat.
“Magic Valley’s technology doesn’t require fetal bovine serum, and taps into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). It takes a small sample of skin cells from a living animal, which are expanded and turned into iPSCs, which in turn can be converted into muscle and fat…These can be made over and over again from the original cell sample, since the iPSCs can grow in an unlimited way. ”
So they grow skin cancers from sheep and call it meat… I don’t think so!
FWIW – curdling “ElBowen”‘s breakfast cornflakes
“US EPA deregulation
“Yesterday, in what the Times called a “barrage” — a concentrated artillary bombardment over a wide area — Zeldin carpet-bombed “dozens of the nation’s most significant environmental regulations, including limits on pollution from tailpipes and smokestacks, protections for wetlands, and the legal basis for EPA to regulate greenhouse gases that are heating the planet.” ”
“One standout example of a target for Zeldin’s de-regulatory chainsaw is a 2009 legal opinion known as the EPA’s “endangerment finding,” that allows the EPA to regulate “carbon and greenhouse gases” whenever the agency decides some extra carbon somewhere might add to global warming and endanger “humanity.” Like when you breathe out, or when Jerry Nadler emits his carbon from other orifices.”
And more
“The Great 2025 Egg Price Fracas wasn’t the only narrative cracking up yesterday. The Wall Street Journal ran an astonishingly honest story headlined, “Retractions, Walkouts Plague Science Journals Eager to Churn Out Research.” It’s funny what a little cancelled USAID money can uncover.”
FWIW – more “good green news”
NSW power prices to rise by up to 9%
I should have mentioned that Anton has updated his study of fluctuations in the wind supply and now with almost 12 GW of capacity the fluctuations may be the same in percentage terms but in absolute terms they are very much larger. I won’t say anything about the numbers until Anton posts a report.
Good work. It would be called fine investigative journalism some time back.
Good work. It would be called fine investigative journalism some time back.
Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva dies at 77 after battle with lung cancer
As I recall, this is one of the fine Congresspersons that magnanimously toiled in the political harassment of Judith Curry.
(Under the magnanimous direction of Barack Obama.)
May he rest in peace.
As expected, Vlad kicks the can down the road.
Vova please, Vlad is reserved for Vladislavs.
Today’s The Australian has an article from the new coal industry lobby group, Coal Australia: “Miners say anti-coal policies based on wrong numbers” (paywalled).
Coal Australia employed Arche Energy to look at the CSIRO’s GenCost figures. The Arche Energy analysis showed that CSIRO’s figures for coal power were 1.2 to 2.4 times higher than recent than global benchmarks, and that the cost for new coal plants was $50 to $70/MWH, much cheaper than GenCost’s estimate of $102 to $164/MWh. Australia’s wholesale electricity cost for 2024 was $120/MWh.
Other articles related to renewables included Graham Lloyd’s article: “Chris Bowen’s energy plan is the definition of insanity”
And “Chris Bowen says renewables the right path despite energy price spikes”
I put up a video yesterday about China’s interest in Siberia. This other guy has been mentioning this for a while. One big proviso is he is very anti Russian, but he makes an interesting point that since when has it been Chinese military philosophy to shout from the rooftops what you are going to do militarily? Taiwan breaks the island blockade to the Pacific, but the semi conductor factories will be rubble, and there will be huge political repercussions. It does allow them to build up militarily, but taking back Vladivostok and Manchuria from Russia, gives the same ocean access, and a heap of land, with little or no blowback from the west? from 14.30
US Congress messes with time – there’s nothing they can’t do.
“The Court, pursuant to its inherent authority, must grant Defendants’ requests for expenses they incurred at trial in responding to Dr. Mann and his counsel’s bad faith misconduct”
I wonder how long Mann can drag this out now. This is the Court Order:
It is not over yet but Steyn is now in a very strong position.
If Mann does pay, I wonder if he will get the money from the CSLDF or if it has run out of funds since DOGE started looking at government expenses.
It is interesting that Mann is now labelled “Climate Activist”. rather than “Renowned Climate Scientist”.
The judge said:
Of course, Mann’s level of honesty in court does not mean he hasn’t been honest in any other aspects of his life. But it’s at the very least ironic that in a court case over defamation for claims of manipulated data and a lack of honesty, that Mann would adopt such methods to try and negate or benefit from claims that he adopts such methods.
Major news, American “influencer” woman picks up baby wombat, all Australians outraged.
Now while this is definitely not a smart thing to do I can’t see this as being “news” item with both the prime minister and the immigration minister getting involved, threats to cancel her visa are being bandied around.
Surely these important people have other things to focus on. Maybe the prime minister could look at the cost of living crisis and the immigration minister might look at cancelling visas of, I dunno, criminals or illegal entrants.
Taking it from a distressed mother.
Cancel her visa, there’s enough clueless idiots here already, we don’t need more.
A follow-on video shows her also picking up and displaying other Australian wild animals.
You mean like Steve Irwin and several other Australian wildlife botherers?
Absolute madness. it seems just about every minor transgression must be prosecuted to the utmost, and an example made that shows just how powerful all officials are. Unless of course the perp belongs to a protected minority.
I guess people like this American woman are useful insofar as it gives our ‘authorities’ an opportunity to flex their muscles in public.
What happened to the good old ‘slap on the wrist’? That would be entirely appropriate in this case.
Didn’t hear the guy with the Aussie accent objecting to what she was doing.
I reckon he was at the ‘this girl is really annoying but I don’t know how to end it with her’ stage, then saw his way out – stopped the car and said – look there is a baby wombat there, you grab it and I will film you….
3 million Australians on the brink of homelessness
That’s the equivalent of all of WA.
We have the worst living standards in the western world now at minus 8%.
Incompetent corrupt politicians got us into this and more of the same won’t get us out.
Vote AI for a corruption free future!
Since KRudd was in government in 2007 the AUD has devalued agains gold almost to 1/5th. An ounce of gold cost AUD1000 back in 2007. Today you need to fork out AUD4,600 to buy an ounce of gold.
There was a slight improvement during the Abbott year or so but the other two LNP PMs did not improve Australia’s lot.
Unless Australia drops all the NetZero insanity, the decline will continue. USA, excluding the woke States, is a much better place to invest than anywhere in Australia.
“Unless Australia drops all the NetZero insanity, the decline will continue.”
I totally agree, but I would add that our nanny governments have, through the application of wildly excessive red and green tape, pretty much strangled business growth. It’s almost impossible to start a new business or expand an existing one in many sectors, plus of course it adds a very expensive regulatory burden.
On top of that, Australia’s embrace (on the left at least) of all that woke nonsense has severely and negatively impacted our productivity, especially in our bloated and inefficient public sector.
All of this amounts to an unsustainable ‘business model’ headed toward a very predictable outcome.
But voting for AI (Any Idiot) is what got us here??
These are the words of a terrorist rather than conciliator:
He has no grace. Just a criminal mind set. No wonder Trump treated him badly.
Hmmm … the irony burns.
He essentially said that Vlad is a coward for not speaking to Donnie first.
Can’t reconcile how protecting your nation makes you a terrorist.
Below are estimates of what the “special military operation” has cost Russia up to Day 1114:
~890,250 KIA or wounded
10,307 tanks
21,432 armoured fighting vehicles
24,409 artillery systems
1,314 rocket launchers
1,103 air defence systems
28,983 UAV’s
370 aircraft
331 helicopters
3,121 cruise missiles
28 warships and boats
1 submarine
40,355 vehicles and fuel tanks
3,777 special equipment (jammers, electronic warfare, etc)
43 strikes on 19 oil refineries
38 oil depots
Putin is inflicting terrible pain on his own people in continuing this operation. It has also highlighted that he can be held in check in a hybrid conventional war.
Whereas inflicting death on 14,000 russian -speaking civilians in Donbass is eminently justifiable , right?
I mean they spoke RUSSIAN , for goodness sake ; of course they deserved to die.
According to Google AI:
Looks to me like the Russian speakers were supplied arms by the Russian nation and encouraged to fight. Russia has done this throughout Africa and the Middle East. The separatists were the ones fomenting trouble. Also:
Could Ukraine have been defending its territory?
“According to Google AI:”
GIGO right?
Try researching the Maidan yourself, and the coup which deposed the president who was elected by the Ukrainian people. Find out who was behind it.
As for the nonsense about MH17 , and the theft of Ukraine’s gold simultaneously, I suggest you need to have another look ; nothing is the way that google “AI” is telling you.
So Ukrainians elected a president in 2014 who did not accede to Russia. Now, Russia wants to overthrow the current democratically elected Ukrainian Government by force. The Ukrainians say no, thanks.
That tell me more about the usefulness of AI , than it does about the Ukrain !
The first protests in southern Ukraine were to restrictions on the use of the Russian language in those areas with majority Russian speakers.
Kiev ordered a military crackdown, but ethnic Russian Ukrainian army units largely refused to carry out the orders and many deserted.
Kiev then used paramilitary forces to suppress the protests and the violence escalated.
Both sides committed serious human rights abuses, including summary executions.
If Russia is appeased with Ukraine, then the Baltic States would be next in the firing line.
It was common for retired Russian military personnel to settle in places like Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia and the Baltic States. They generally formed militia groups still in touch with Russia and kept their language, rarely assimilating. These groups at some time in the future, on urging from the Russian leadership, could then indulge in anti-government protests with full knowledge that it could lead to Russian-backed armed conflict and takeover of sovereign nations.
It’s all in the pro-Russian expansionist playbook.
” It has also highlighted that he can be held in check in a hybrid conventional war.”
… No, it has highlighted that NATO can be held in check in a hybrid conventional war.
Russia is winning and will continue to do so. If you continue to read the propaganda you do currently, you will be very sad in the next year.
“Putin is inflicting terrible pain on his own people in continuing this operation. ”
No, Russia has one of the fastest-growing economies in the West and is wealthier than when it started the SMO three years ago. America and Europe on the other hand…
Government health expert identifies as a turtle
A member of a state panel advising the director of Oregon’s Health Authority (OHA) made a wild first impression at a meeting by proclaiming, “I use they, them and turtle for my pronouns.”
JD Holt, who also goes by “JD Terrapin” on Facebook, made the declaration with a straight face while introducing themself at a virtual council meeting on Dec. 20.
Mucus Zoidberg identifies as a tyrant (?)
This story appears to be disappeared in NZ even though the Beeb is still carrying it as well as airing it on their world radio.
Ex-Comms Exec for fb from 2011-18, NZer Sarah Wynn-Williams, has been court-ordered to cease promoting her book, Careless People, after Meta lodged complaints about her memoir which outlines what most of us already know: I’ll leave it at that.
Rational energy policy returning to US, hope Dutton takes note.
There’s a grunty ‘low’ circling above the Pripet Marshes – Ukraine/Belorus region – drawing up warm air from the Med, while the Atlantic’s got a touch of cold coming down from the North:
Another low is to follow (over the battlefield) drawing down cold air from the Arctic – remember the Eastern Front? Napoleon? the Hordes? – as western Europe & the UK bathes in a warmish reprieve… that’s climate improving for you!
Below is the southern hemi midday today, Australia and New Zealand and the endless Southern Ocean, with some very cool cloud formations going on. Perth and Hobart are the coolest capitals on 25C – that’s climate comfortable for you – which is the warmest we got today, ie. pleasant.
Apart from that, it’s snowing its boots off across the northern hemi from Morocco to Vladivostok and most points in between, as well as Ch!na, Japan, North America, Greenland and Antarctica too – that’s climate for you in 2025. Enjoy the full moon!
“snowing its boots off”